State: Chhattisgarh Agriculture Contingency Plan For District: Bijapur

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Agriculture Contingency Plan for District: Bijapur

1.0 District Agriculture profile

1.1 Agro-Climatic/Ecological Zone

Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Eastern (Chhotanagpur) Plateau & Eastern Ghats hot sub-humid eco-region (12.1)

Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Eastern plateau and hills region (VII)

Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) Bastar Plateau Zone

List all the districts falling under the Bastar, Dantawada, Bijapur, Narayanpur
NARP Zone*
(*>50% area falling in the zone)
Geographic coordinates of district Latitude Longitude Altitude
18.8 80.8 315

Name and address of the concerned Zonal Agricultural Research Station –Now- SG College of Agriculture & Research Station
Jagdalpur(Bastar) Chhattisgarh

Mention the KVK located in the KVK Jagdalpur & Dantawada

district with address

Name and address of the nearest Zonal Agricultural Research Station –Now- SG College of Agriculture & Research Station
Agromet Field Unit (AMFU, IMD) for
agro-advisories in the Zone Jagdalpur(Bastar) Chhattisgarh
1.2 Rainfall Normal RF(mm) Normal Rainy days Normal Onset Normal Cessation
(number) ( specify week and (specify week and
month) month)
SW monsoon (June-Sep): 1338.8 56 10-June 15-Sept

NE Monsoon(Oct-Dec): 95.4 8 - -
Winter (Jan- March) 10.1 4 - -

Summer (Apr-May) 14.8 8 - -

Annual 1459.0 76 - -

1.3 Land use Geographical Cultivable Forest Land under Permanent Cultivable Land Barren and Current Other
pattern of the area area area non- pastures wasteland under uncultivable fallows fallows
district (latest agricultural use Misc. land
statistics) tree
Area (‘000 ha) 656.248 40.722 495.643 24.790 8.298 - - - 8.512 11.263

Source: Agricultural Statistics 2009, Commissioner land records, Raipur, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1. 4 Major Soils (common names like red sandy loam deep soils Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total
Entisols 30.255 36.92
Associated Vertic & Vertisols (Black soils) 14.750 18.00
Entisols/ Inceptisols 13.435 16.39
Mollisols (Bharri) 13.213 16.12
Alfisols (Red soils) 10.299 12.57

Total 81.952 100.00

Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Chhhattisgarh

1.5 Agricultural land use Area (‘000 ha) Cropping intensity %

Net sown area 67.020

Area sown more than once 0.437 100.6

Gross cropped area 67.457

Source: Agricultural Statistics, 2009, Commissioner land record, Raipur, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1.6 Irrigation Area (‘000 ha)

Net irrigated area 3.577
Gross irrigated area 3.577
Rainfed area
Sources of Irrigation Number Area (‘000 ha) Percentage of total irrigated area
Canals 9 0.044 0.02
Tanks 446 3.302 1.41
Open wells 246
Bore wells -
Lift irrigation schemes -
Micro-irrigation -
Other sources (please specify) -
Total Irrigated Area -
Pump sets - - -
No. of Tractors 303 - -
Groundwater availability and use* No. of blocks/ (%) area Quality of water (specify the
(Data source: State/Central Ground Tehsils problem such as high levels of
water Department /Board) arsenic, fluoride, saline etc)
Over exploited - - -
Critical - - -

Semi- critical - - -
Safe - - -
Wastewater availability and use - - -
Ground water quality -
*over-exploited: groundwater utilization > 100%; critical: 90-100%; semi-critical: 70-90%; safe: <70%
Source: Agriculture Statistics 2009, Commissioner land record, Raipur, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1.7 Area under major field crops & horticulture (as per latest figures) (2009-10)

1.7 Major field crops Area (‘000 ha)

cultivated Kharif Rabi
Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Summer
Paddy - - 52.948 - - 0.00 - 52.95
Sorghum - - 0.116 - - 0.019 - 0.14
Maize - - 2.409 - - 0.608 - 3.02
Kodo-Kutki - - 0.272 - - - - 0.27
Chickpea - - - - - 0.026 - 0.03
Pea - - - - - 0.031 - 0.03
Lentil - - - - - 0.035 - 0.04
Pigeonpea - - 0.257 - - - - 0.26
Blackgram - - 0.435 - - 0.213 - 0.65
Greengram - - 0.371 - - 0.514 - 0.89
Horsegram - - 0.381 - - 0.105 - 0.49
Soybean - - 0.000 - - - - 0.00
Sesamum - - 0.215 - - .048 - 0.26
Niger - - 0.086 - - 0.098 - 0.18
Sunflower - - 0.000 - - 0.003 - 0.00
Groundnut - - 0.025 - - 0.130 - 0.16
Toria/ Mustard - - - - - 0.155 - 0.16
Linseed - - - - - 0.017 - 0.02
Safflower - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00
Sugarcane - - - - - 0.008 - 0.01
Vegetable - - 1.130 - - 0.140 - 1.27
Source: Agriculture Statistics 2009, Commissioner land record, Raipur, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

Horticulture crops Area (‘000ha)
- Fruits Total Irrigated Rainfed
Mango 1.665 - -
Guava 0.178 - -
Cashew 0.023 - -
Citrus 0.093 - -
Custard Apple 0.127 - -
- -
Others (specify) 3.159
Horticulture crops Total Irrigated Rainfed
- Vegetables
Brassica spp. 0.057 - -
Brinjal 0.100 - -
Tomato 0.106 - -
Okra 0.500 - -
Potato 0 - -
Others (specify) 0.405 - -
Medicinal and Total Irrigated Rainfed
Aromatic crops
Lemon Grass 0.011 - -
Plantation crops Total Irrigated Rainfed
Cashew 0.023 - -
Coconut 0.010 - -
Fodder crops Total Irrigated Rainfed
Total fodder crop
Grazing land
Sericulture etc
Others (specify)
Source: Directorate of Horticulture, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1.8 Livestock Male (‘000) Female (‘000) Total (‘000)

Non descriptive Cattle (local low yielding) - - 160.029
Improved cattle - - -
Crossbred cattle - - -

1.9 Non descriptive Buffaloes (local low yielding) - - -
1.10 Descript Buffaloes 5.296 6.095 18.544
Goat - - 72.953
Sheep - - 0.281
Others (Camel, Pig, Yak etc.) - - 23.402
Commercial dairy farms (Number) - - -
Poultry No. of farms Total No. of birds (‘000)
Commercial - 127.914
Backyard -
Fisheries (Data source: Chief Planning Officer)

A. Capture

i) Marine (Data Source: No. of fishermen Boats Nets Storage

Fisheries Department) facilities (Ice
Mechanized Non- Mechanized Non-mechanized plants etc.)
mechanized (Trawl nets, (Shore Seines, Stake
Gill nets) & trap nets)

ii) Inland (Data Source: No. Farmer owned ponds No. of Reservoirs No. of village tanks
Fisheries Department)
124 20 479

B. Culture

Water Spread Area (ha) Yield Production (‘000 tons)

i) Brackish water (Data Source: MPEDA/ Fisheries Department) Nil Nil Nil

ii) Fresh water (Data Source: Fisheries Department) 850.20 2.079 1.650

Source: Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Directorate of Vetenairy services 2006-07, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1.11 Production and Productivity of major crops (Average of last 5 years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009)

1.11 Name of Kharif Rabi Summer Total Crop

crop Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity residue
('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t) (kg/ha) as
Major Field crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage)

Rapeseed- 1.6 427.0 1.6 427.0

Horse gram 0.7 228.0 0.7 228.0

Sesamum 0.5 389.0 0.5 389.0

Greengram 0.2 290.0 0.2 290.0

Blackgram 0.2 265.0 0.2 265.0

Major Horticultural crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage)
Mango 1.51 6330.5
Banana 1.00 25100.0
Papaya 0.56 17598.4
Ber 0.59 18530.0
Jackfruit 0.49 16931.0
Source: Agriculture Statistics 2009, Commissioner land record, Raipur, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

1.12 Sowing window for 5

major field crops
Paddy Jowar Maize Kodo-Kutki
(start and end of normal
sowing period)
Kharif- Rainfed 3rd week of June to 4th week of 3rd week of June to 3rd week of June 3rd week of June to
July 4th week of June to 4th week of 4th week of June
Kharif-Irrigated 1st week of June to 4th week of - - -

Major Rabi crops Rapeseed- Mustard Horsegram Sesamum Greengram Blackgram
Rabi- Rainfed - 1st week of - 3rd week of October 3rd week of
September to 2nd to 4th week of October to 4th
week of September October week of October
Rabi-Irrigated 2nd week of November to 3rd - 2nd week of st
1 week of March to 1st week of
week of November November to 4th 3rd week of March March to 3rd
week of week of March

1.13 What is the major contingency the district is prone to? (Tick mark) Regular Occasional None
Drought 
Flood 
Cyclone 
Hail storm 
Heat wave 
Cold wave 
Frost   
Sea water intrusion   
Pests and disease outbreak (specify)
Others (specify)

1.14 Include Digital maps Location map of district within State as Annexure I Enclosed: Yes
of the district for
Mean annual rainfall as Annexure 2 Enclosed: Yes
Soil map as Annexure 3 Enclosed: No


2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies

2.1 Drought

2.1.1 Rainfed situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early season Major Farming Normal Crop / Change in crop / cropping Agronomic measuresd Remarks on
drought situationa Cropping systemb c
system including variety Implementatione
Slopy Upland Rice fallow – (Local Early duration varieties  Herbicide like Fenoxaprep  Percolation
Delay by 2 (Marhan) variety , Broad P. Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml a.i./ tank should be
weeks (Specify Aditya (90days), Vanprabha ha. Chlorimura+Metsulfuran excavated on the
month)* Upland Bunded (90 days), Poornima (105 20% @ 4 g ai/ ha. Almix @ upper corner for
(Tikra) days), Danteshwari (105
4th week of 8g and whip super 250 ml recharge/ life
days). dissolved in 10 l of water for saving irrigation.
1 acre./Butachlor 1.5 kg
ai/ha PE. Weeding by  Trenches should
upland weeder. be dug out on the
upper side and
 60:40:30 N:P:K full dose of lower side of field
P & K and ½ dose of N for in situ
should be applied basal moisture
remaining N should be top conservation
dressed at tillering and PI

Mid land (mal) Rice fallow – Poornima (105 days), Annada  Herbicide like Fenoxaprep Percolation tank
(Local variety , (105 days), Danteshwari P. Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml a.i. should be
Transplanting without (105days), Samleshwari /ha.Chlorimura+Metsulfuran excavated on the
planting geometry ) (110days), MTU 1001 (120 20%@ 4 gms. ai/ ha. Almix upper corner for
days), MTU 1010 (110 days), @ 8g and whipsuper 250 ml recharge/ life
Karma Mahsuri (125 days), dissolved in 10 l of water for

Madhuri (125 days) 1 acre/Butachlor 1.5 kg ai/ha saving irrigation.
Trenches should be
 60:40:30 N:P:K full dose of dug out on the
P & K and ½ dose of N upper side and
should be applied basal lower side of field
remaining N should be top for in situ
dressed at tillering and PI moisture
stage. conservation

Lowland Rice Bamleshwari (140 days)  Herbicide like Fenoxaprep Farm pond for
(Gabhar) Swarna (145 days), Jaldoobi P. Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. AI/ water storage/
(140 days), Indira Sugandhit ha. Chlorimura+Metsulfuran irrigation.
Dhan-1 (130 days),
20%@ 4 gms. ai/ ha. Almix
Pusa Basmati (130 days)
@8gm and whipsuper 250 Trenches should be
ml dissolved in 10 ltrs of dug out on the
water for 1 acre. /Butachlor lower side of field
1.5 kg ai/ha PE. Weeding by for in situ
lowland weeder. moisture
 80:60:40 N: P: K full dose of
P & K and ½ dose of N
should be applied basal
remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI

Pigeonpea ( Local) Pigeon pea Improved variety  25:50:25 N:P:K kg/ha & 20  Ploughing by
like :Asha (180 – 200 days) kg ZnSO4 at sowing. tractor drawn
C- 11 (180 – 200 days)  One hand weeding at 25-30 cultivator 3 times
Rajeev lochan (180- 190 DAS before sowing.
 2 intercultural operations at  Spreading of
20 & 40 DAS FYM 3 weeks
before sowing as
available with
farmers at least
7.5 tons/ha.

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early season Major Farming Normal Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measuresd Remarks on
drought situationa Crop/cropping system c
(delayed systemb
Midland Rice Rice fallow  Herbicide like Fenoxaprep P. Percolation tank
Delay by 4 Lehi system Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. AI/ ha. should be
weeks Line sowing method Chlorimura+Metsulfuran excavated on the
2nd week of
20%@ 4 gms. ai/ ha. Almix upper corner for
July Early duration varieties @8gm and whipsuper 250 ml recharge/ life
dissolved in 10 ltrs of water saving irrigation.
for 1 acre./Butachlor 1.5 kg
Vanprabha(90 days), Trenches should be
ai/ha PE. Weeding by upland
Poornima (105 days), dug out on the
Danteshwari (105 days). upper side and
Samleshwari (110days).  60:40:30 N: P: K full dose of lower side of field
P & K and ½ dose of N for in situ moisture
should be applied basal conservation
remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI Farm pond for
stage. water storage/


Lowland Rice Rice - Lehi system  Herbicide like Fenoxaprep P. Percolation tank
Line sowing method Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha. should be
Chlorimura+Metsulfuran excavated on the
Poornima(105 days),
20%@ 4 gms. ai/ ha. Almix upper corner for
Vanprabha(90 days),
Danteshwari(105days). @8gm and whipsuper 250 ml recharge/ life
Madhuri(125 days) dissolved in 10 l of water for saving irrigation.
Pusa Basmati (130 days) 1 acre. /Butachlor 1.5 kg
ai/ha PE. Weeding by Trenches should be
lowland weeder. dug out on the
upper side and
 80:60:40 N: P: K full dose of lower side of field
P & K and ½ dose of N for in situ moisture
should be applied basal conservation
remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI

Kodo millet Kodo millet early variety 40:20 :10 N:P:K Kg/ha
 Spraying of Isoproturon @
JK-41 (90-100 days) 0.5 kg ai /ha Pre emergence
JK-48 (90-105 days)  Hand weeding 30 DAS
GPUK-3 (90-105 days)  Thinning at 15 days after
 Two intercultural operations
at 15-20 DAS
 Ploughing by tractor drawn
cultivator 2 times before
 Spreading of FYM @ 5 t/ha
3 weeks before sowing

Finger millet Finger millet improved  50:40:25 N:P:K kg/ha
variety like :VR-708 (80-84
days) PES-400(90-92days)  50% of N and 100% of P
GPU-66 and K at the time of sowing
 Remaining 50% N at 21
ML-365  12.5 kg /ha ZnSO4 and 10
kg /ha soil application once
in 3 years based on soil test
 Sowing across the slope
 Opening of furrow at 10-15
m interval
 Intercultural operations at
12 DAS and 21 DAS for
thinning and removal of
 Ploughing by tractor drawn
cultivator 3 times before

Little millet Little millet improved  40:20:10 N: P: K Kg/ha.

variety like :
 Spraying of Isoproturon @
OLM-37 (80-82 days) 0.5kgai /ha Pre emergence
OLM-203 (110-150 days)  Hand weeding 30 DAS
JK-8 (60-70 days)  Thinning at 15 days after
Birsa gundhali-1m(70-75 germination
 Two inter-cultural
operations at 15-20 DAS
TNAU-63 (90-95 days)
 Ploughing by tractor drawn
RPMB-1 (95-100 days) cultivator 2 times before

Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
drought situationa systemb system c
measures d
(delayed onset)
Midland Rice Kodo millet improved 40:20 :10 N:P:K
Delay by 6 variety like : Kg/ha
4th week of July JK-41 (90-100 days)  Spraying of
JK-48 (90-105 days) Isoproturon @
GPUK-3 (90-105 days) 0.5kg ai /ha pre
 Hand weeding 30
 Thinning at 15 days
after germination
 Two intercultural
operations at 15-20
 Ploughing by
tractor drawn
cultivator 2 times
before sowing
 Spreading of FYM
@ 5 t/ha 3 weeks
before sowing

Finger millet Finger millet improved  50:40:25 N:P:K

variety like : kg/ha

VR-708 (80-84 days)  50% of N and 100%

PES-400(90-92days) of P and K at the
GPU-66 time of sowing
HR-911 Remaining 50% N
ML-365 at 21 DAS

 12.5 kg /ha ZnSO4
and 10 kg /ha soil
application once in
3 years based on
soil test result
 Sowing across the
 Opening of furrow
at 10-15 m interval
 Intercultural
operations at 12
DAS and 21 DAS
for thinning and
removal of weeds
 Ploughing by tractor
drawn cultivator 3
times before sowing
Little millet Little millet improved  40:20:10 N: P: K
varieties like : Kg/ha.

OLM-37 (80-82 days)  Spraying of

OLM-203 (110-150 days) Isoproturon @
JK-8 (60-70 days) 0.5kgai /ha
Birsa gundhali-1m(70-75 Pre emergence
days)  Hand weeding at 30
TNAU-63 (90-95 days)
 Thinning at 15 days
RPMB-1 (95-100 days)
after germination

 Two inter-cultural
operations at 15-20
 Ploughing by
tractor drawn
cultivator 2 times
before sowing

Lowland Rice Blackgram:  Hand weeding at 30
Pant U -30 DAS
Barkha  40:20:10 N: P: K
K.U. 96 -3 Kg/ha.
T. P. U. 4  Ploughing by tractor
drawn cultivator 2
times before sowing
 Two intercultural
operations at 15-20

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measuresd Remarks on
drought situationa systemb systemc Implementatione
(delayed onset)
Lowland Niger Niger improved varieties  20:20:10 N:P:K kg/ha
Delay by 8 like :
weeks  One hand weeding
2nd week of IGP-76(105-110 days) @15-20 DAS
August JNS-1 (90-100 days) JNS-
6 (90-100 days)  Pendimethalin/
Alachlor @1.5 kg ai/
ha mix with 500 lit.

 Intercultural
operations at 12 DAS
and 21 DAS for

 Summer ploughing

Horsegram Horsegram improved  20:40:30 NPK Kg /ha
Local varieties used varieties like :
V L G -1  One hand weeding
V L G -8 15-20@ DAS
Birsa Kulthi – 1
 1-2 hand weeding
Bastar Kali Intercultural operations
B B H -1 at 12 DAS and 21 DAS
for thinning
Summer ploughing
Sowing across the slope
Two inter culture
operations at 20 and 40

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop managementc Soil nutrient & Remarks on
drought (Normal situationa systemb moisture conservation Implementatione
onset) measues
Normal onset Upland Rice  Foliar Spray of Urea 2-3  In the standing crops
followed by 15- % solution in place of the hand weeding
20 days dry spell top dressing during should be done so that
after sowing moisture stress moisture remaining
leading to poor condition. within soil may be
germination/crop  Life saving irrigation conserved to the
stand etc. should be given so that maximum extent
crops can be saved.] possible.
 Gundhi Bug Control
(Malathion+ DDVP@
45ml + 5 ml)

 Green leaf hopper (At

PI stage BPMC @ 1
ml/litre of water)

Midland Rice Under Broadcasting  Trenches should be

situation biasi should be dug out on the upper
done at 30-35 DAS side and lower side
followed by saghan of field for in situ
chalai moisture

 Percolation tank
should be excavated
on the upper corner
for recharge/ life

Lowland Rice  Life saving irrigation  Weedicide like

should be given so that Fenoxaprep P. Ethyl 9
crops can be saved. EC should be used @
 If farmers want to do 60 ml. active
biasi operation, narrow ingredient/ ha.
sized plough should be Chlorimuran+Metsulfu
used for biasi operation. ran 20 percent should
Ploughing should be be used @ 4 gms.
done at wider spacing. Active ingredient/ ha.
Chalai operation should and application should
be done immediately be done in 500-600
after biasi operation and litres of water.)
plants should be
uniformly distributed
and fertilizers should be

Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Mid season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop managementc Soil nutrient & Remarks on
drought (long situationa systemb moisture conservation Implementatione
dry spell, measuesd
consecutive 2
weeks rainless
(>2.5 mm)
Upland Rice  Foliar Spray of Urea 2-3  In the standing crops
At vegetative % solution in place of the hand weeding
stage top dressing during should be done so that
moisture stress moisture remaining
condition. within soil may be
 Life saving irrigation conserved to the
should be given so that maximum extent
crops can be saved. possible.
 Gundhi Bug Control  Trenches should be
(Malathion+ DDVP@ dug out on the upper
45ml + 5 ml) side and lower side of
field for in situ
 Green leaf hopper (At PI moisture
stage BPMC @ 1 ml/litre conservation.
of water)
 Percolation tank
 Under Broadcasting should be excavated
situation biasi should be on the upper corner
done at 30-35 DAS for recharge/ life
followed by saghan saving.

Midland Rice  Kodo Millet Contour bunding on

 Improved variety with full length of field for

recommended dose of interception of runoff
 Two intercultural Hand weeding should
operations at 15-20 be done.
 Spraying of Isoproturon
@ 0.5kg ai /ha Pre

 Little Millet Trenches should be

 Improved variety with dug out on the upper
recommended dose of side and lower side of
fertilizer field for in situ
 Life saving irrigation
moisture conservation.
should be given so that
crops can be saved.
Hand weeding should
 Thinning at 15 days
after germination be done.

Lowland Rice  Finger Millet  Remaining 50% N in

 Improved variety with two splits at
recommended dose of branching & PI stage
fertilizer  Sowing across the
 Intercultural operations slope
at 12 DAS and 21 DAS  One hand weeding at
for thinning and 25-30 DAS
removal of weeds
 Application of
isoproturon @ 0.5 kg
a.i./ha pre-emergence

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Mid season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop managementc Soil nutrient & Remarks on
drought (long situationa systemb moisture conservation Implementatione
dry spell) measuesd

At flowering/ Upland Rice  Finger millet  Sowing across the
fruiting stage  Improved variety with slope
recommended fertilizer  One additional
 Intercultural operations intercultural
at 12 DAS and 21 DAS operation to conserve
for thinning and the moisture
removal of weeds
 Remaining 50% N in
two splits at branching
& PI stage

 One hand weeding at

25-30 DAS

 Application of
isoproturon @ 0.5 kg
a.i./ha pre-emergence

Mango  Intercultural operations  Near root zones of the

Sapota at 45 DAP and 60 DAP trees, one feet long
Guava for thinning and and 2.5” diameter
removal of weeds PVC pipe should be
laid and as per water
requirement of the
plants, moisture/
water should be
transferred to
 Time to time,
mulching around the
plants should also be

Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Terminal Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop managementc Rabi Crop planningd Remarks on
drought situationa systemb Implementatione
withdrawal of
Midland Rice  Summer ploughing  Sowing across the
 Niger slope
 Improved variety with
recommended fertilizer  Pendimethalin/
 Intercultural operations Alachlor @1.5 kg
at 12 DAS and 21 DAS for ai/ha mix with 500
thinning lit. water
 One hand weeding at 15-
20 DAS

 Horsegram  Sowing across the

 Improved variety with
recommended fertilizer

 1-2 hand weeding.

Two inter culture

operations at 20 and 40

 Life saving irrigation

should be given so that
crops can be saved.

 20:40:20 NPK kg/ha full

dose at the time of
sowing 15-20 DAS

 0.5 ml Calyxin (0.05 %)

sprays to control powdery

Lowland Rice  Horsegram  20:40:30 NPK Kg

 Improved variety with /ha
recommended fertilizer
 Two intercultural  One hand weeding
operations at 12 DAS and at 15-20 DAS
21 DAS for thinning
 1-2 hand weeding  Sowing across the
 Life saving irrigation
should be given so that Summer ploughing
crops can be saved.

2.1.2 Drought - Irrigated situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
situationf systemg systemh measuresi Implementationj
Delayed release Not applicable (NA)
of water in
canals due to low

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
situationf systemg system h
measures i
Limited release 1) Farming NA
of water in situation:
canals due to low
rainfall 2) Farming NA

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
situationf systemg systemh measuresi Implementationj
Non release of 1) Farming NA
water in canals situation
under delayed 2) Farming NA
onset of situation
monsoon in

Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
situationf systemg system h
measures i
Lack of inflows 1) Farming NA
into tanks due to situation
insufficient 2) Farming NA
/delayed onset of situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic Remarks on
situationf systemg systemh measuresi Implementationj
Insufficient 1) Farming NA
groundwater situation
recharge due to
2) Farming NA
low rainfall

2.2 Unusual rains (untimely, unseasonal etc) (for both rainfed and irrigated situations)

Condition Suggested contingency measure

Continuous high Vegetative stagek Flowering stagel Crop maturity stagem Post harvestn
rainfall in a
short span leading to
Rice  Drainage of excess water,  Drainage of excess Drainage of excess water, Cover the harvested
management of blast water, management of produce in farm
(tricyclozol 6 g/10 l of water) blast (tricyclozol 6 yard.
g/10 l of water) and
Do not apply urea as top dressing
stem borer
(Chlorpyriphos @ 1.5
ml/l of water)
Maize  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Protection against pest &  Shifting of produce
 Pest & disease diseases to gowdon or safer
management place protecting
from stored grain
pest & disease
Tomato  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage

 Disease & pest management water  Disease & pest management  Shifting produce to
 Gap filling  Disease & pest  harvesting safer places
management  Grading & packing
 Staking of plants
Brinjal  Excess water drainage  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Disease & pest management  Shifting produce to
 Disease & pest  harvesting safer places
management  Grading & packing
 Staking of plants
Mango  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Protection against pest &  Shifting produce to
 Pest & disease diseases safer places
management  Grading & packing
Heavy rainfall with high speed winds in a short span2
Rice  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Management of blast (0.2% water  Protection against pest like  Shifting of produce
Edifelphos), leaf blight(0.01%  Management of blast GLH & BPH (Imidachloprit to gowdon or safer
streptocyclin) and stem borer (0.2% Edifelphos), leaf 0.025%) and disease like place protecting
(0.2% trizaphos) blight(0.01% Blast preventing crop from from stored grain
streptocyclin) and stem logging, harvesting in pest & disease
borer (0.2% trizaphos) physiological maturity stage.
Maize  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Protection against pest &  Shifting of produce
 Earthing up to prevent logging  Pest & disease diseases to gowdon or safer
management  Preventing crop logging & place protecting
harvesting from stored grain
pest & disease
Tomato  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Disease & pest management  Shifting produce to
 Gap filling  Disease & pest  harvesting safer places

management  Grading & packing
 Staking of plants
Brinjal  Excess water drainage  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Disease & pest management  Shifting produce to
 Disease & pest  Preventing crop lodging safer places
management  Harvesting of fruit  Grading, packing
 Staking of plants & marketing
Mango  Drainage of excess water  Drainage of excess  Drainage of excess water  Drainage
 Disease & pest management water  Protection against pest &  Shifting produce to
  Pest & disease diseases safer places
management  Spraying of regulatory  Grading packing &
 Spraying of regulatory hormones like NAA to avoid marketing
hormones like NAA to fruit drop
avoid flower drop
Outbreak of pests and diseases due to unseasonal rains
Rice  Management of blast (0.2%  Management of blast  Protection against pest like  Quick drying to
Edifelphos), leaf blight(0.01% (0.2% Edifelphos), leaf GLH & BPH (Imidachloprit prevent grain
streptocyclin) and stem borer blight(0.01% 0.025%) and disease like discolouration
(0.2% trizaphos) streptocyclin) and stem Blast preventing crop from  Shifting of produce
borer (0.2% trizaphos) logging, harvesting in to gowdon or safer
physiological maturity stage. place protecting
 Protect against grain from stored grain
discolouration pest & disease
Maize  Spray imidachloprit 0.3 ml/l or  Foliar application of  Trichoderma mixed with -
Dimethoate 1.0 ml/l to control leaf Mancozeb @0.25 - FYM @ 10 g/kg at 10 days
hopper 0.4% at 8-10 days prior to its use in the field can
interval to control be applied to control stalk rot
Turcicum leaf blight incidence which is likely
during post flowering
Black Gram -  Foliar application of - -
Carbendazim @ 0.5 g/l
& sulphur @ 3 g/l
against leaf spot &

powdery mildew
Mango  Spray imidachloprit 0.3 ml or  Spray imidachloprit  Spray dithane M 45 2 g/l or  Maintain aeration
dimethoate 1 ml/l to control leaf 0.3 ml or dimethoate 1 Carbendazim 1 g/l against in storage to
hopper ml/l to control leaf anthracnose prevent fungal
 Drench the seedlings with COC hopper  Spray sulphur 0.5% to control infection &
0.3 % against root rot powdery mildew blackening of fruits

2.3 Floods

Condition Suggested contingency measure o

Transient water logging/ Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest
partial inundation1
Rice Drain out the excess water Drain out excess water at Drain out the excess Drain out water.
at the earliest the earliest water at the earliest Spread sheaves loosely in
Apply booster dose of 50 Take up gap filling either Take up need based field or field bunds where
kg N/ha with available nursery or by plant protection there is no water
Micronutrient deficiency splitting the tillers from the measures stagnation.
correction for Zn & Fe surviving hills Spray common salt @ 5%
foliar application of 0.2% Apply booster dose of 50 kg on panicles to prevent
ZnSO4, FeSO4 2-3 times at N/ha germination and spoilage
4-5 days interval Spray ZnSO4 0.2% if it is of straw from moulds.
Maintain weed free less than 45 DAT Thresh after drying the
condition sheaves properly.
Ensure proper grain
moisture before storage
Mango Drain the excess water Drain the excess water from Drain the excess water Drain excess water as
from orchard orchard from orchard soon as possible
Spray urea 2% solution for Spray urea 2% solution for Spray urea 2% Harvest the mature fruits

2-3 times at 7-10 days 2-3 times at 7-10 days solution for 2-3 times as soon as possible
interval interval at 7-10 days interval Store the fruit in well
ventilated place
temproraly before it can
be marketed
Market the fruit as soon
as possible
Spray dithane M 45 3%
or bavistin 1% against
Continuous submergence
for more than 2 days2
Sea water intrusion3

2.4 Extreme events: Heat wave / Cold wave/Frost/ Hailstorm /Cyclone

Extreme event type Suggested contingency measurer

Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest
Heat Wave
o Irrigating frequently o Increase irrigation o Provide deficit irrigation o Shifting the produce
frequency o Quick harvesting to at shade and safe
Rice o Intercultural operation prevent moisture loss place
o Frequent irrigation and o Intercultural operation o o Shifting the produce
mulching followed by frequent at shade and safe
Maize irrigation and mulching place
o Frequent irrigation o Increase irrigation o Provide deficit irrigation o Shifting the produce
frequency o Quick harvesting to at shade and safe
Greengram o Intercultural operation prevent moisture loss place

Mango o Wind break o Shading to the small o Wind break o Storing in cool dry
o Growing in poly house plants at field o Protective irrigation place
watering twice daily o Pitcher irrigation, o Quick harvesting o Grading packing
Continuous irrigation o Quick disposal for
with drip method marketing
Cold waveq NA
Tomato  Raising of seedling in Poly  Disease and pest control,  Quick harvesting  Grading, quick
house, resowing if damaged care for chilling injury or disposal for
replanting marketing
Potato  Raising of seedling in Poly  Disease and pest control  Harvesting, disease  Store in cold storage
house, resowing if damaged management or quick disposal for
Chilli  Raising of seedling in Poly  Disease and pest control,  Harvesting, disease  Store in cold
house, resowing if damaged care for chilling injury or management storage or
replanting quick disposal
for marketing

Frost NA
Hailstorm NA
Cyclone NA

2.5 Contingent strategies for Livestock, Poultry & Fisheries

2.5.1 Livestock

Suggested contingency measures

Before the events During the event After the event

Feed and fodder Preservation of surplus fodder, Arrangement of feeds and fodder Promotion of fodder seed production,
availability encourage fodder cultivation and tree from cultivation and storage establishment
plantation and also encourage Supply adjoining areas, exploitation of non of fodder block making machines in
of molasses to cattle feed plants. conventional feed resources, use of fodder surplus areas.
treated straw and feed blocks.
Drinking water Repairs of tube wells, clear of the Harvesting water through the existing To strengthen reservoirs by
sludge in the canals and local water reservoirs and exploitation of promoting recharging of water and
catchments and clean the water tanks, groundwater. rain water harvesting during rainy
large ponds and lakes season.
Health and disease Mass vaccination and deworming Provide shades to animals and water Treatment of diseased animals and
management as much as possible. Treatment of provide vitamin and mineral
diseased animals and proper disposal supplement to regain strength and
of carcasses. vigour.

Feed and fodder Conservation of the fodder in the Feeding of feed blocks and silages Provide treated feed and fodder to
availability form of hay and silage. animals against moulds and fungi.
Drinking water Regular inspection of ponds and Provide drinking water in small Disinfection of contaminated water
canals for any obstruction. through and plastic bucket. especially for drinking purpose.
Health and disease Storage of medicines Treatment of injured animals Disposal of dead animals.
Cyclone NA
Feed and fodder Stocking of feed and fodder in prone Feeding of stored feeds or blocks Provide treated feed and fodder to
availability areas. animals
Drinking water Storage of water in tanks Use of stored water Disinfection of contaminated water
especially for drinking purpose.
Health and disease Storage of medicines Treatment of injured animals Disposal of dead animals
Heat wave and cold NA
Shelter/environment Construction of wind breaks, shed Construct wind breaks keep animals
management should have sufficient over hangs, under shade during hot hours of the
fixing of sprinklers, provide thatch on day, provide cooling fans in shades
the roof. and also sprinkle water at regular
Construction of wind breaks, keep intervals.

curtains ready, arrange for heating Construction wind breaks, put gunny
devices. bags on all openings of shed.
Health and disease Grazing should be allowed during
management night and early hours of the day,
vaccination and veterinary checkup
time to time.
based on forewarning wherever available

2.5.2 Poultry

Suggested contingency measures Convergence/linka

ges with ongoing
programs, if any
Before the eventa During the event After the event

Shortage of feed ingredients Storage of feed Provide non conventional feed,
supplement anti oxidant and anti
Drinking water Storage of water in tanks Add vit-C and other anti stress
ingredient with water
Health and disease management Regular vaccination Vaccination and treatment of Disposal of dead
diseased one birds

Shortage of feed ingredients Storage of feed in safe Use pellet feeding
storage bins to avoid
mould and fungi
Drinking water Safe storage of water in Provide treated water
Health and disease management Regular vaccination Vaccination and treatment of Disposal of dead
diseased one, proper litter birds
management and addition of lime

as per need
Cyclone NA
Shortage of feed ingredients Storage of feed Use stored feed carefully avoiding
Drinking water Safe storage of water in Provide treated water
Health and disease management Vaccination and treatment of Disposal of dead
diseased one, proper litter birds

Heat wave and cold wave NA

Shelter/environment management Construction of wind Provide cooling fans in shades and
breaks, poultry shed also sprinkle water on the roof at
should have sufficient regular intervals.
over hangs fixing of Use of wind breaks, put gunny
sprinklers on the roofs, bags on all openings of shed, use
provide thatch on the heating devices.
roof, decrease stocking
density, decrease litter
Construction of wind
breaks, keep curtains
ready, arrange for heating
devices, increase
stocking density,
decrease litter depth.
Health and disease management Routine health care Reduce energy content and
increase protein content in feed,
add anti stress factors, provide
cool drinking water.
Increase energy content in food
based on forewarning wherever available

2.5.3 Fisheries/ Aquaculture

Suggested contingency measures

Before the eventa During the event After the event

1) Drought

A. Capture


(i) Shallow water depth due to 1. Harvest all the large fish except 1. Harvest all the fish. 1. Stocking and management of
insufficient rains/inflow the brood stock. 2. Stock water bodies with grow out water bodies to improve
2. Move other fish into pens or desirable species for culture. growth of stock
small confined waters. 3. Shallow derelict waters can
3. Provision for Rainwater stocked with stunted fish seed
harvesting for culture.
4. Deepening/Desilting of existing 4. Pens of 0.2 to 0.5 ha may
water bodies. facilitate easy operation of
(ii) Changes in water quality 1.Monitor water quality 1. Monitor water quality as 1. Advent of monsoon will
2. Avoid polluting materials entry small water bodies have less mitigate the water shortage and
into water body. tolerance to environmental normal stocking and culture
changes leading to algal blooms practice may be adopted.
and fish mortality.
(iii) Any other

B. Aquaculture

(i) Shallow water in ponds due to 1. Harvest all the large fish except 1. Harvest all the fish. 1. Start breeding operation with
the brood stock. 2. Stock ponds with desirable full preparations.
insufficient rains/inflow
2. Move other fish into pens or species for culture. 2. Undertake nursery and rearing
small confined waters with at least 3. Transfer the brood stock to operations.
one meter depth. deep water ponds if the existing 3. Stocking and management of

3. Go for low stocking density. ponds cannot be filled with bore grow out ponds to improve growth
4. Provision for Rainwater well water. of stock.
harvesting 4. Postpone breeding operations
5. Deepening/Desilting of existing till the first heavy rains or
water bodies. 5. Start breeding if sufficient
6. Removal of debris and bore well water is available.
compaction of pond bunds. 6. Start pond preparations, like
deweeding, desilting & repair of
(ii) Impact of salt load build up in 1. Add bore well water and if 1. Add bore well/ canal water if 1. Exchange pond water with fresh
available, canal-water available or else harvest the surface runoff water.
ponds / change in water quality
2. Implement standard water
conservation management
2) Floods

A. Capture


(i) No. of boats / nets/damaged

(ii) No. of houses damaged

(iii) Loss of stock

1. Drainage of excess water 1. Repair the embankments.

need to be done. 2. Restock with fish
2. Erect pens to protect the
(iv) Changes in water quality stock
3. Harvest big fish
(v) Health and diseases 1.Treat symptomatically

B. Aquaculture

(i) Inundation with flood water 1. Dyke level shall be 0.5 m 1. Round the clock watch in is 1. Check the brood stock
higher than highest flood level. necessary. condition.
Dyke walls should be checked for 2. Hapas should be installed in 2. Segregate male & female and
its strength specially compactness. ponds to take care of spawn in various fish sizes.
2. Inlets & outlets with proper case sudden or natural breeding 3. Application of bleaching
sieves need to be maintained occurs. powder or liming must be done to
properly. avoid decaying of various
3. Pens may be erected to check organisms.
fish stock loss in the periphery of
small ponds.
(ii) Water contamination and - 1. Turbidity need to be 1. Application of lime/ bleaching
controlled powder be done to avoid rotting
changes in water quality and decaying of organisms.
- 1. Apply lime/ bleaching 1. Apply bleaching powder.
powder as a prophylactic 2. Remove severely diseased &
measure. injured fishes.
(iii) Health and diseases 3. Treat the remaining fishes as
per symptoms.
(iv) Loss of stock and inputs (feed,
chemicals etc)

(v) Infrastructure damage (pumps,

aerators, huts etc)

(vi) Any other

3. Cyclone / Tsunami NA

A. Capture


(i) Average compensation paid
due to loss of fishermen lives
(ii) Avg. no. of boats /

(iii) Avg. no. of houses damaged


B. Aquaculture NA

(i) Overflow / flooding of ponds - - -

(ii) Changes in water quality - - -

(fresh water / brackish water ratio)

(iii) Health and diseases - - -

(iv) Loss of stock and inputs (feed,

chemicals etc)

(v) Infrastructure damage (pumps,

aerators, shelters/huts etc)

(vi) Any other

4. Heat wave and cold wave

A. Capture


Inland - 1. Harvest the stock. 1. Stock with fingerlings with the
advent of rains.
B. Aquaculture

(i) Changes in pond environment - 1. Add bore well water and if 1. Exchange pond water with fresh
available, canal-water. surface runoff water.
(water quality)

(ii) Health and Disease - 1. Provide shelter (weeds) in a 1. Remove weeds.

small area of the pond to 2. Liming or bleaching powder
management prevent sun burn. need to be added.

(iii) Any other

based on forewarning wherever available


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