BTU and Precombustion Chamber Adjustments
BTU and Precombustion Chamber Adjustments
BTU and Precombustion Chamber Adjustments
Adjustments to the BTU setting will affect the air/fuel The BTU setting should not be adjusted while
ratio during the engine tuning process. In order to the control strategy is running in the “feedback”
obtain a leaner air/fuel ratio, the BTU setting should mode. The control strategy for the G3600 engine
be increased when the G3600 engine is tuned again. will automatically compensate for any variation in
This will increase the volume of air to the combustion the heating value of the fuel. Adjusting the BTU
process. The control strategy will interpret the higher setting, while the control strategy is operating in
BTU setting as a hotter fuel when in fact the actual the “feedback” mode, will not change the operating
heating value of the fuel has not changed. In order to condition of the engine. If the BTU setting is adjusted,
obtain a richer air/fuel ratio, the BTU setting should the adjustment could lead to operational problems.
be decreased when the G3600 engine is tuned again.
This will decrease the volume of air to the combustion Engine Tuning
process. The control strategy will interpret the lower
BTU setting as a cooler fuel when in fact the actual
The BTU setting establishes a reference point that
heating value of the fuel has not changed. the air/fuel ratio is set on the engine. The engine
will operate with very little change in performance
The control strategy also uses the BTU value to
characteristics as long as the heating value of the
calculate the percentage of load that is displayed gas remains the same. The heating value will change
by the engine. This calculated load is used by the
over a given time. The G3600 engine’s control
control strategy to determine the timing, the air/fuel
strategy monitors the quality of the fuel by measuring
ratio, and the operating limits. Adjusting the BTU the time that is required for the combustion process
value will directly affect the operation of the engine.
to occur in the cylinders. The control strategy adjusts
the air flow in order to maintain the proper air/fuel
NOTICE ratio.
The BTU setting will directly affect the air/fuel ratio dur-
ing tuning which in turn will alter the emission level of Basic G3600 Air/Fuel Ratio Control
the engine. Improper settings of the BTU potentiome-
ter during tuning will lead to engine performance prob- The air/fuel ratio control strategy has two modes of
lems and have a negative impact on the site emission operation. The modes are referred to as “feedback”
permits. and “precombustion chamber adjustment”.
• True Misfire
Testing and Adjusting Section
3. Make reference to the value of the fuel correction b. Closing the needle valve will decrease fuel flow
factor with the engine’s control strategy operating to the precombustion chamber and closing the
in the “feedback” mode. valve will increase the combustion burn time.
a. If the fuel correction factor is 100 percent then c. Adusting the needle valves too far will result
no special consideration is required. in either rich or lean precombustion chamber
misfire. This will be reflected in long unstable
b. If the fuel correction factor is less than 99 burn times.
percent or greater than 101 percent then the
lower heating value of the fuel may have shifted 6. Make reference to the engine performance data
since the engine was last tuned. A gas analysis on the CMS, the DDT, the Exhaust Pyrometers,
would be required to determine the new and the ECM. Compare the data to the engine
heating value of the fuel. The change in the commissioning and/or operational history data.
lower heating value must be compensated for Pay particular attention to the fuel correction factor
before the engine is tuned. While the engine’s and the inlet manifold air pressure. Also measure
control strategy is operating in the “feedback” the exhaust emission levels and compare the
mode, determine the lower heating value of levels to the engine commissioning and/or
the fuel. Note the fuel correction factor value. operational history data.
Adjust the BTU setting to the new value.
a. Make reference to any variations and determine
4. Use the DDT for switching the engine’s control the root cause.
strategy to the “precombustion chamber
calibration” mode. Press the “Select Mode” 7. Change the engine’s control strategy to the
button until the screen number “50” (PC CAL) is “feedback” mode.
displayed. Press the “Select Function” key.
a. Press the Select Function key on the DDT
a. Screen number “50” on the DDT will display the in order to exit the “precombustion chamber
actual and the desired combustion burn time calibration” mode. Automatic control of the
for the No. 1 cylinder. air/fuel ratio will begin immediately. Assuming
the engine has been operating above 50
b. Press the “Enter” key on the DDT in order to percent load for more than three minutes.
change the displayed actual and the desired
combustion time to the next consecutive b. CMS gauge “three” on the ESS panel will
cylinder. display the red limit bars.
c. Do not exit the “precombustion chamber 8. Observe that the inlet manifold air pressure
calibration” mode while tuning the engine. remains the same. Observe that the fuel correction
This could result in the engine adjusting to factor stays at 100 percent.
an improper air/fuel ratio and lead to poor
engine performance. When the engine’s control a. If these values shift then the engine is not
strategy is in the “precombustion chamber properly set, and this process should be
calibration” mode the Fuel Correction Factor is repeated.
automatically set to 100 percent. CMS gauge
three located on the ESS will not display the 9. If the BTU setting was adjusted in step 3, reset
red limit bars. the setting to the original value. The setting will
affect the indicated load.
5. A logical tuning process is to record all the
cylinder burn times that are observed on the DDT a. The only reason that the BTU setting should be
with the engine’s control strategy operating in left at the new value is when the median lower
the “precombustion chamber calibration” mode. heating value (LHV) of the fuel has changed.
Adjust the precombustion chamber needle valve
on the cylinder that has the combustion time that 10. Record exhaust emissions. Compare the exhaust
is the farthest from the desired combustion time. emissions to the engine commissioning data. The
Repeat this process with the other cylinders until NOx and CO levels should stay within ± 10 ppm of
all the actual combustion times are within ± 0.20 the engine commissioning information.
milliseconds of the desired combustion time.
11. Record all the engine operating parameters
a. Opening the needle valve will increase the from the DDT, ECM, SCM, CMS, and exhaust
fuel flow to the precombustion chamber and pyrometer. Save this data for future reference.
opening the valve will decrease the combustion
burn time for the cylinder.
Testing and Adjusting Section