Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance and Associated Diseases
Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance and Associated Diseases
Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance and Associated Diseases
Received 26 May 2006; received in revised form 7 July 2006; accepted 10 July 2006
Available online 14 July 2006
Insulin resistance is a state in which higher than normal concentrations of insulin are required for normal response. The most common
underlying cause is central obesity, although primary insulin resistance in normal-weight individuals is also possible. Excess abdominal adipose
tissue has been shown to release increased amounts of free fatty acids which directly affect insulin signalling, diminish glucose uptake in muscle,
drive exaggerated triglyceride synthesis and induce gluconeogenesis in the liver. Other factors presumed to play the role in insulin resistance are
tumour necrosis factor α, adiponectin, leptin, IL-6 and some other adipokines. Hyperinsulinaemia which accompanies insulin resistance may be
implicated in the development of many pathological states, such as hypertension and hyperandrogenaemia. Insulin resistance underlies metabolic
syndrome and is further associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and lipodystrophies. When β-cells fail to secrete the excess insulin needed,
diabetes mellitus type 2 emerges, which is, besides coronary heart disease, the main complication of insulin resistance and associated diseases.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 2; Insulin resistance; Lipodystrophy; Metabolic syndrome; Obesity; Polycystic ovary syndrome
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2. Mechanisms of insulin resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1. Dysregulation of FFA and adipokine secretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.1. FFA and tumour necrosis factor α . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.2. Adiponectin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.3. Leptin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.4. Resistin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.5. Other adipokines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2. Glucocorticoids and FFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3. Molecular mechanisms of impaired insulin signalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Abbreviations: α-MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone; AGPAT2, 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-O-acyl-transferase; AgRP, agouti-related protein; ATPIII, The
National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III; BMI, body mass index; CAP, Cbl associated protein; CART, cocaine and amphetamine related
transcript; Cbl, casitas B-lineage lymphoma; DM2, diabetes mellitus type 2; ESHRE/ASRM, European Society of Human Reproduction/American Society for
Reproductive Medicine; FFA, free fatty acids; GLUT4, glucose transporter 4; GSK-3, glycogen synthase kinase 3; HDL, high density lipoprotein; HOMA,
homeostasis model assessment; IDF, International Diabetes Federation; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1; IR, insulin resistance; IRS-1/4, insulin receptor substrate-
1/4; LC-CoA, long-chain-CoA(s); LH, luteinizing hormone; MAP-kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase; Mc4R, melanocortin 4 receptor; MCH, melanin-
concentrating hormone; MCP-1, macrophage and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; MODY, maturity-onset diabetes of the young; mTOR, mammalian target of
rapamycin; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-
kinase; PIP3, phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate; PKB, protein kinase B; PKC, protein kinase C; POMC, pro-opiomelanocortin; PPAR-γ, peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor γ; PYY, peptide YY3–36; SOCS-1, -3, suppressors of cytokine signalling-1, -3; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α; TZD,
thiazolidinediones; VLDL, very low density lipoprotein.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +386 1 4769 500; fax: +386 1 4258 031.
E-mail address: (J. Marc).
0009-8981/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 21
Fig. 1. Models for IR assessment: HOMA [7], QUICKI [8] and McAuley [9] index.
22 B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35
2. Mechanisms of insulin resistance clearance of FFA from circulation impossible [24]. Overall,
lipids released from adipocytes as FFA are transported as tri-
2.1. Dysregulation of FFA and adipokine secretion glycerides by VLDL and shifted to non-adipose tissues [25].
In β-cells, long exposure to high FFA concentrations impairs
It is well established that increased availability and utilization insulin secretion, as described below at DM2.
of FFA play a critical role in the development of IR [12]. TNF-α has been shown to downregulate the genes for
Numerous studies have also found associations between IR and adiponectin, glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), insulin receptor
increased tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), substrate-1 (IRS-1), CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α (C/EBP-
macrophages and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), α), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ), and
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), adipsin, and decreased perilipin in adipocytes [16,19]. TNF-α upregulates many genes
adiponectin [13]. expressed in adipose tissue that are responsible for inflammation,
immune response and energy balance (vascular cell adhesion
2.1.1. FFA and tumour necrosis factor α molecule-1 (VCAM-1), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1),
IR is the accompanying feature in the majority of obese IL-6, IL-1β, angiotensinogen, resistin, leptin) [19].
patients. Adipose tissue releases large amounts of TNF-α, which
is at least partly responsible for development of IR in obesity [14]. 2.1.2. Adiponectin
On the other hand, weight loss is well known to increase insulin Adiponectin is strongly inversely correlated to IR in lipo-
sensitivity, which is thought to be mediated in part by decreased dystrophy and obesity, and to inflammatory states [26,27]. It is
adipose TNF-α release [15]. TNF-α is the main autocrine/ secreted exclusively by adipocytes [26]. Adiponectin improves
paracrine factor that triggers secretion of free fatty acids (FFA) insulin sensitivity by various mechanisms. In liver, it induces
from adipose tissue into the circulation [14]. However, it remains fatty acid oxidation, decreases lipid synthesis, decreases uptake
unclear which factors actually trigger adipokine release from of FFA and represses gluconeogenesis by enzyme downregula-
adipose tissue. tion [13,28,29]. In muscle, adiponectin favours glucose and FFA
TNF-α mediates repression of many genes responsible for oxidation. These effects are partly due to the activation of AMP-
glucose and FFA uptake and storage. For 3T3-L1 adipocytes it kinase [26]. Thereby, adiponectin decreases plasma FFA and
has been shown that TNF-α dependent gene up- and down- glucose levels [13,28]. FFA catabolism is stimulated either
regulation occurs by obligatory activation of nuclear transcrip- directly or through stimulation of PPAR-γ nuclear receptors [30].
tion factor κB [16]. As a result of TNF-α action, enhanced Adiponectin levels increase with weight loss [31] and treatment
lipolysis occurs with release of FFA and cytokines. with thiazolidinediones (TZD) [32], which are PPAR-γ agonists.
TNF-α and FFA impair insulin signalling in insulin responsive Synthesis of adiponectin is impaired in states of calorie excess,
tissues, especially in muscle. The released FFA, according to the which might be associated with leptin resistance or deficiency.
lipid supply hypothesis (Randle hypothesis), act as the predominant Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) stimulate adipo-
substrate in intermediary metabolism. Increased NADH/NAD+ nectin synthesis [28].
and acetyl-CoA/CoA ratios could be the reason for decreased Adiponectin exerts effects on gene transcription also through
glucose uptake, which means IR [17,18]. Visceral adipose tissue inhibition of nuclear transcription factor κB, the latter being
secretes FFA directly to the portal blood flow, thereby exerting activated on the other hand by TNF-α [33]. Adiponectin de-
potent effects on the liver rather than subcutaneous adipose tissue creases the expression of adhesion molecules on blood vessel
releasing its products to the peripheral circulation [1]. wall, inhibits chemotaxis of macrophages and their conversion to
In liver, high levels of FFA provide abundant substrate for foam cells, proliferation of smooth muscle cells and inflamma-
triglyceride and VLDL-synthesis, and for gluconeogenesis. TNF- tory events in atherogenesis, which are promoted by IL-6, PAI-1,
α represses genes for glucose uptake and beta-oxidation [19]. De etc. [13]. Additionally, adiponectin suppresses secretion of TNF-
novo cholesterol synthesis occurs, followed by TNF-α upregula- α [34].
tion of corresponding genes [13]. FFA also trigger fibrinogen and
PAI-1 synthesis in the liver [20]. FFA draining from visceral 2.1.3. Leptin
adipose tissue to portal circulation and further to the liver decrease Leptin has been shown to be implicated in providing normal
hepatic insulin clearance, thereby contributing to hyperinsulinae- insulin sensitivity [35,36]. It is a hormone secreted predomi-
mia [18]. Excess triglycerides accumulate in the liver [1]. nantly by adipose tissue and is a signal of sufficiency of energy.
In muscle, high FFA concentrations favour beta-oxidation, It decreases food intake and increases energy expenditure,
which diminishes glucose uptake and oxidation [21]. But beta- thereby indirectly promoting insulin sensitivity [37]. Leptin
oxidation is inadequate to clear FFA effectively from the circu- effects are mediated by its action on the hypothalamus and
lation, and even more so in the absence of physical activity [22]. directly on target tissues (muscle, gonads, β-cells, liver) [38].
Glycogen synthesis in muscle is inhibited. Muscle is the main In normal conditions of weight maintenance, leptin con-
glucose disposer (80–90%) and diminished uptake contributes centrations are positively correlated with total body fat mass. In
greatly to hyperglycaemia [14,23]. Excess FFA are stored as short term food deprivation, serum leptin levels decrease and
triglyceride droplets in muscles [1,11,22]. the opposite is true for short term overfeeding [28].
In adipose tissue, FFA inhibit lipoprotein lipase activity, Clinical states with diminished adipose mass (lipodystro-
which is otherwise stimulated by insulin, and thereby render phies) are characterized by reduced plasma leptin concentrations
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 23
and IR. Leptin administration significantly improves insulin adipogenesis and secretion of adiponectin [13]. It also induces
sensitivity in these conditions [35]. Moreover, a mouse model IR in the liver and adipocytes [52].
with suppressed adipose tissue development resulted in IL-6 has opposite effects in the central nervous system,
hyperphagic mice with severe insulin resistant diabetes [39]. suggesting that it favours energy expenditure. Administration of
The suggested mechanism causing IR was leptin and adipo- IL-6 to IL-6 gene knockout rodents reversed obesity [53].
nectin deficiency due to the absence of adipose tissue. Thus, the Similarly to adiponectin, IL-10 is a factor promoting insulin
administration of these hormones together reversed IR [36]. sensitivity: in obesity without the metabolic syndrome IL-10
These two hormones therefore appear to be critical for normal plasma levels were increased, but in the metabolic syndrome its
insulin sensitivity. levels were decreased [54].
Leptin is an essential fertility factor, since decreased leptin
concentrations following food-deprivation have been shown to be 2.2. Glucocorticoids and FFA
responsible for suppressing the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal
axis [40]. An important leptin effect is sympathetic stimulation, Glucocorticoids are well known insulin antagonists and thereby
achieved by eliciting leptin-responsive neurons in the hypothal- could induce IR. Glucocorticoids enhance liver gluconeogenesis
amus [13]. This could in part explain the development of and glucose release. Furthermore, they impair peripheral glucose
hypertension in visceral obesity and non-obese states. In ac- uptake by various mechanisms. One of them is increased
cordance with this, sympathetic activity in non-obese, normoten- availability of FFA which diminishes glucose oxidation and
sive men correlates well with protein-bound leptin concentrations hence its uptake to peripheral tissues. There are at least three
[41]. possible ways in which glucocorticoids could promote lipolysis:
Fig. 2. Insulin signal transduction [61,62]. After autophosphorylation of insulin receptor Tyr, Tyr phosphorylation in insulin receptor substrates 1 to 4 (IRS-1 to 4) takes
place and subsequently three different pathways transduce the signal: the PI3K-dependent pathway mediating metabolic responses, including glucose/lipid/protein
metabolism and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, the CAP/Cbl pathway which is additionally required for glucose transporter-4 (GLUT4) translocation, and the
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) pathway that results in cell proliferation and differentiation. Solid line: stimulation, dashed line: inhibition. IRS —
insulin receptor substrate; PI3K — phosphoinositide-3-kinase; PDK-1 — phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1; PKB — protein kinase B; aPKC — atypical protein
kinases C; mTOR — mammalian target of rapamycin; p70S6K — p70 ribosomal S6 kinase; PEPCK — phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; GSK3 — glycogen
synthase kinase 3.
phosphorylates protein kinase B (PKB) and atypical protein reinforced GLUT4 translocation [61]. The third pathway after
kinases C (aPKC) [63]. PKB phosphorylates, and thereby IRS-activation includes GRB2, SHP2 and several other proteins
inactivates, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) which, at the which lead to MAP-kinase activation, cellular proliferation, and
final stage, results in glycogen synthesis. PKB also mediates differentiation via gene transcription regulation [62,65].
upregulation of the fatty acid synthase gene, downregulation of
the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene and 2.3.2. Defects in insulin signalling resulting in IR
affects the expression of several other genes, together with Impairment of insulin action involves inactivation of insulin
translocation of the main glucose transporter GLUT4 to the during its circulation in blood, and defects at the receptor and
plasma membrane [61,62]. PKB leads additionally to activation postreceptor levels. These defects are caused by genetic or
of protein synthesis which is mediated by mammalian target of environmental factors. A minority of insulin resistant cases is
rapamycin (mTOR) [64]. characterized by a single genetic or acquired trait. Anti-insulin
For glucose uptake to be fully manifested, the adapter protein autoantibodies have been found in diabetes mellitus type 1 [66].
CAP in the second pathway recruits proto-oncogene Cbl to the On the other hand, more than 60 mutations have been identified
phosphorylated insulin receptor which finally results in in the insulin receptor gene. Among them, type A IR is
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 25
associated with a heterozygous mutation state which is activity, thus possibly contributing to IR. Similarly, glucosamine
responsible for decreased Tyr phosphorylation of the β-subunit (UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine), produced from glucose and being
after insulin binding [67]. In Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome and the main substrate for cellular glycosylation, enhances glycosyla-
leprechaunism (Donohue syndrome), insulin receptor gene tion of IRS-1, thereby decreasing its activity, and glycosylation of
mutations are presumed to impair insulin binding to the receptor glycogen-synthase, which reduces its insulin responsiveness [61].
[67]. IR may be due to abnormal production of anti-insulin On the other hand, development of transgenic animal models
receptor antibodies (type B IR) [68]. PPAR-γ mutations which and reports on naturally occurring mutations in humans
are not associated with lipodystrophy are also reported to cause demonstrate that genetically predisposed dysfunction of certain
IR [69]. signalling proteins also results in IR in vivo. This was shown for
Increased degradation of insulin receptor has been reported proteins IRS-1, -2, aPKC, PKBβ, glycogen synthase, and Foxo1
[70]. It has also been suggested that serine/threonine phosphor- protein. Foxo-proteins are transcription factors that upregulate
ylation by various PKCs could be an additional factor in regulating the genes for gluconeogenesis enzymes in liver and are inhibited
insulin receptor activity [71]. The decreased Tyr phosphorylation by PKB phosphorylation in normal insulin signalling [75].
state of IRS-1 that was found in hyperinsulinaemic ob/ob mice
could be a consequence of decreased insulin receptor activity [72]. 3. Obesity as the main factor in IR
Fig. 3. Energetic homeostasis. Neuropeptide Y (NPY)/agouti related protein (AgRP) neurones and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)/cocaine and amphetamine related
transcript (CART) neurones in the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus receive signals from the periphery. They relay orexigenic and anorexigenic signals to the
downstream neurons which provide the balance between food intake and energy expenditure [10,76,77]. Solid line: stimulation; dashed line: inhibition. PYY —
peptide YY3–36; Y1R and Y2R — subtypes of neuropeptide Y receptor; α-MSH — α-melanocyte stimulating hormone derived by cleavage of POMC; Mc4R —
melanocortin 4 receptor; GHSR — growth hormone secretagogue receptor (receptor for ghrelin); InsR — insulin receptor; MCH — melanin concentrating hormone;
TRH — thyrotropin-releasing hormone; CRH — corticotropin-releasing hormone.
db, Ay and mg) [10]. In contrast, knockouts in genes for weight reduction. Calorie-restricted diets result in compensa-
orexigenic pathways in mice fail to produce lean phenotypes, tory increase in ghrelin levels, thereby stimulating eating [77].
which demonstrates the extremely powerful mutual effects of Reduction of body weight results in decreased leptin levels,
anabolism and weight gain system components [77]. which again stimulates weight gain [77]. Surgical removal of
Today's high incidence of obesity can be explained by a adipose tissue results in restoration of fat in new locations, and
»thrifty genotype« hypothesis: over a period of time, alleles were stimulation of thermogenesis by adrenergic β3-agonists elicits
selected that favoured weight gain and fat storage in order to a compensatory central nerve system response [10]. Only
provide enough nutrients for times of food deprivation. In extreme intervention in mice by gross overexpression of
today's constant food availability and decreased need of phys- uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3), which is a signal protein in
ical activity, such genotypes cause pandemia of obesity [81]. thermogenesis, was successful in overriding central adaptive
The potential of the body to maintain body weight precisely mechanisms, and mice remained lean [82]. In humans, gastric
is reflected by the failure of interventions aimed at body bypass surgery is successful, as it results in decreased ghrelin
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 27
plasma concentration and increased PYY, which suppresses Subcutaneous obesity can be measured by hip circumference,
hunger and maintains reduced body weight [77]. whereas visceral obesity is described by waist circumference.
Besides monogenic forms of obesity there are at least 20 rare Plasma leptin concentrations are increased in obese indivi-
syndromes with obvious genetic bases which appear to be more duals and exogenous administration of leptin has no effect on
complex as they predispose to more dysfunctions (mental body weight [13]. The phenomenon has been explained as leptin
retardation, multiple signs of hypothalamic disorder and other resistance or desensitization [28]. In addition, soluble leptin
congenital abnormalities) [76]. receptor concentrations, and hence the fraction of bound leptin,
The common human obesity is thought to be an oligogenic are low in obesity. This feature is associated, independently, with
state and its expression is modulated by multiple modifier genes abdominal obesity and with IR. Soluble leptin receptors are
and by environmental factors — food intake, physical activity, thought to be important for transport to or over the blood–brain
and smoking [10]. The genetic basis of obesity is estimated to be barrier, and it is the saturation of this transport or impairment of
40–80% [76]. At least 204 putative gene loci associated with leptin receptor signal transduction that may be the cause of leptin
obesity have been identified, and those that have been confirmed resistance. Leptin concentrations in CSF of obese patients are
by multiple studies are presented in Table 1 [83]. only modestly increased [28].
A certain amount of adipose tissue is necessary for normal
3.2. Categories of obesity insulin sensitivity. This was demonstrated by animal models in
which suppression of adipose tissue development resulted in
The state of nutrition is best described by the body mass severe IR. Thus, adipose tissue provides two hormones essential
index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms for normal insulin sensitivity: adiponectin and leptin [36,39].
by the square of height in metres. BMI, with some exceptions,
correlates well with the amount of total body fat. According to 4. IR associated diseases
the BMI, the following categories of excessive body mass or
nutrition have been proposed [84]: IR is an integrative feature of metabolic syndrome, the co-
existence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and DM2. A
BMI 25–30 kg/m2 overweight group of lipodystrophies constitute a special syndromic form of
BMI 30–40 kg/m2 obesity
BMI 40–50 kg/m2 morbid obesity
IR, characterized by disrupted distribution of adipose tissue.
BMI N 50 kg/m2 extreme obesity Further diseases arising from IR include DM2 and polycystic
ovary syndrome.
In the United States, 26% of adults are reported to be obese
and approximately 60% of adults are overweight [85]. 4.1. Metabolic syndrome
3.3. Insulin and leptin resistance in obesity 4.1.1. Definition of metabolic syndrome
The clustering of hypertension, hyperglycaemia and gout was
Visceral obesity is thought to be the main factor causing IR. first recognized in the 1920s [1]. In 1988, Reaven identified
Visceral obesity predisposes to the development of hypertension, Syndrome X originating from IR. In 2004, The National Cho-
DM2, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer [76]. lesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII)
Increased risk exists already in the overweight group. Besides
total body fat mass, distribution of fat predisposes to eventual
metabolic complications. Visceral and subcutaneous adipose Table 1
tissue differ in their endocrine activities. Specific receptors, such A list of genes associated with obesity confirmed by 5 or more studies [83]
as angiotensin II receptors type-1 (AT1), β1-, β2-, β3-adrenergic Gene name (accord. to HUGO Protein name
receptors, glucocorticoid, and androgen receptors, are present to nomenclature committee)
a larger degree in visceral adipocytes where they promote ADIPOQ adiponectin
lipolysis [13,86,87]. On the other hand, antilipolytic insulin ADRA2A adrenergic receptor α-2A
receptors, α-2A adrenergic receptors, and estrogen receptors are ADRA2B adrenergic receptor α-2B
predominantly expressed in subcutaneous adipocytes [86,87]. ADRB1 adrenergic receptor β-1
ADRB2 adrenergic receptor β-2
Additionally, visceral adipose tissue secretes its products into the
ADRB3 adrenergic receptor β-3
portal circulation which brings released FFA directly to the liver DRD2 dopamine receptor D2
where they promote gluconeogenesis, VLDL synthesis, decrease LEP leptin
glucose uptake and cause overall IR. LEPR leptin receptor
Visceral adipose tissue is characterized by a relatively higher NR3C1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3,
group C, member 1
secretion of IL-1 and PAI-1, while leptin and adiponectin
secretion is greater from subcutaneous adipose tissue [13]. This UCP1 uncoupling protein 1
accounts for the relationship between visceral obesity and UCP2 uncoupling protein 2
inflammatory/thrombotic events and explains the effectiveness UCP3 uncoupling protein 3
of TZD in improving insulin sensitivity by redistribution of TNF TNF-α
LIPE hormone sensitive lipase
lipids to subcutaneous adipose tissue [88].
28 B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35
Table 2
Diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome according to ATPIII [11] and IDF [89]
Clinical feature Defining level Clinical feature Defining level
Central obesity–waist Men N102 cm central obesity–waist Europid men ≥94 cm (or specific values for other ethnic groups)
circumference Women N88 cm circumference Europid women ≥80 cm
plus any 2 of the following:
Triglycerides ≥1.7 mmol/L triglycerides ≥1,7 mmol/L or specific treatment
HDL-cholesterol Men ≤1.03 mmol/L HDL-cholesterol Men ≤1.03 mmol/L or specific treatment
Women ≤1.29 mmol/L Women ≤1.29 mmol/L
Blood pressure ≥130/≥ 85 mm Hg Blood pressure ≥130/≥85 mm Hg or treatment of
previously diagnosed hypertension
Fasting plasma glucose ≥6.1 mmol/L Fasting plasma glucose ≥5.6 mmol/L or previously diagnosed DM2
defined the metabolic syndrome by the criteria listed in Table 2, 4.1.2. Clinical manifestations of metabolic syndrome
which were further modified by the International Diabetes
Federation (IDF) in spring 2005 (Table 2). According to ATPIII, Plasma glucose and FFA levels. In early stages of
patients having at least 3 of the 5 characteristics – abdominal metabolic syndrome normal glucose tolerance and only moder-
obesity, elevated triglycerides, decreased HDL-cholesterol, in- ately elevated plasma FFA are the consequences of insulin hyper-
creased blood pressure or increased fasting plasma glucose – can secretion [11]. At suboptimal insulin concentrations, impaired
be diagnosed as having the metabolic syndrome [11]. IDF de- fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
clares similar criteria fairly consistent with ATPIII [89]. Slight emerge. The latter is demonstrated by oral glucose tolerance
differences include central obesity as the major feature and test (OGTT) glucose values above normal, but not sufficiently
fulfillment of two of the other four manifestations. The borderline elevated to define DM2 [90]. When plasma insulin concentrations
glucose concentration is lower in IDF criteria, with a strong decline as a result of β-cell degeneration, FFA levels increase
recommendation for OGTT when exceeded. The waist circum- considerably with accompanying hyperglycaemia, and the
ference criteria are more strict by IDF and different for different condition of IR advances to DM2 [90].
ethnic groups.
The main features of the metabolic syndrome are abdominal Atherogenic dyslipidaemia. Hypertriglyceridaemia
obesity, IR, atherogenic dyslipidaemia, hypertension, pro- occurs as a consequence of increased liver VLDL synthesis.
inflammatory and prothrombotic states [11]. These features Plasma HDL is decreased, with a greater proportion of small
are strong risk factors for DM2 and cardiovascular disease, with dense HDL as a consequence of cholesteryl ester depletion and
additional possible complications including cholesterol gall- triglyceride increase. Similarly, the composition of LDL is shifted
stones, sleep apnoea, polycystic ovary syndrome in women, towards the predominance of small dense LDL. The latter is more
hypogonadism in men, fatty liver and some types of cancer [11]. atherogenic than ordinary LDL [1].
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is age, sex and ethnicity
dependent, as seen in Table 3 [1]. Hypertension. In healthy subjects, insulin acts on
Three possible aetiologies for the metabolic syndrome were blood vessels, causing vasodilation via endothelium-derived NO
postulated. The first is visceral obesity, which was found to be [91]. Insulin also stimulates sodium reabsorption in the kidney. In
responsible for the excessive release of free fatty acids, cytokines the insulin resistant state the vasodilation can be lost but the renal
and other pro-inflammatory products, which are implicated in the effect is maintained and even increased [1]. Both contribute to
development of IR, hypertension and dyslipidemia [11]. hypertension, which is further exacerbated by the vasoconstric-
IR as the second putative cause of metabolic syndrome raises tion favoured by increased FFA plasma levels. Moreover, insulin
the question as to whether it is possible to separate obesity from stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which might also be
IR. Indeed, IR exists to various degrees in all categories of BMI, preserved in the state of IR [92].
suggesting the contribution of an independent, inheritable factor Nevertheless, it appears that events linked directly to insulin
to at least some extent. In some populations (South Asians), IR play only a moderate role in the development of hypertension
exists in mildly overweight people and this is said to be primary [1]. Additionally, leptin might have some contribution to
IR. In this case IR can be classified as a specific aetiological factor
for metabolic syndrome. Hyperinsulinaemia, as a consequence of
IR, increases VLDL synthesis and secretion from the liver and Table 3
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome [1]
causes hypertension. IR of muscle can cause hyperglycaemia,
exaggerated by gluconeogenesis in insulin-resistant liver [11]. Population Prevalence (age interval)
The third aetiology is thought to include independent factors: USA 7% (20–29) 44% (60–69) 42% (≥ 70)
immunological, vascular, hepatic, etc., which are influenced by France b5.6% (30–39) 17.5% (60–64) –
the specific genetic background of an individual, and by Iran b10%(20–29) 38% (60–69) men; –
67% (60–69) women
environmental factors [11].
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 29
hypertension, as plasma concentrations of protein bound leptin of disorders includes both inherited and acquired syndromes.
in normotensive men correlate with sympathetic nerve activity All forms of inherited lipodystrophies are rare, with congenital
[41]. On the other hand, it has been proposed that obesity might generalized lipodystrophy being the most prevalent and
be associated with mild chronic inflammatory state which leads occurring in 1 in 10 million people [94].
to IR and endothelial dysfunction. The latter could cause Congenital generalized (Berardinelli-Seip) lipodystrophy is
hypertension independently of IR [91]. associated with two possible gene defects, in the AGPAT2 (1-
acylglycerol-3-phosphate-O-acyl-transferase 2) gene–type 1 Other clinical features. The pro-inflammatory state is [85] and in the seipin gene–type 2 [95]. While AGPAT2 is
characterized by a rise in plasma C-reactive protein, and the involved in triglyceride synthesis in adipocytes, the role of
prothrombotic state by elevation of PAI-1 and fibrinogen [11]. seipin is not known, but its expression in the central nervous
Additional manifestations of the metabolic syndrome are fatty system indicates a possible central nervous system defect in this
liver and steatohepatitis, resulting from increased liver VLDL type of lipodystrophy. Patients of both types present with
production in the state of IR, hyperuricaemia, increased generalized lack of adipose tissue from birth and other clinical
homocysteine and vascular abnormalities with microalbuminuria features listed in Table 4. Patients with type 2 congenital
[1]. Hyperuricaemia is particularly interesting as it is most likely a generalized lipodystrophy exhibit mental retardation [4,94].
consequence of hyperinsulinaemia. The kidney, which maintains Familial partial lipodystrophy exists as Koebberling or type
normal sensitivity to insulin, adapts to high insulin concentrations 1 and Dunningan or type 2, which are characterized by loss of
with decreased uric acid secretion, thereby elevating the plasma fat from arms and legs but normal or excess of facial, neck and
level of the latter [90]. intra-abdominal fat [4,94]. Type 2 is associated with a defect in
Another important clinical marker of IR is acanthosis nigricans LMNA gene coding for lamin A and C by alternative splicing.
[3], which can be seen as hyperpigmented skin changes based on These proteins play a role in nuclear envelope integrity and
epidermal hyperplasia. The feature is thought to be related to the interact with chromatin and various nuclear proteins [96].
hyperinsulinaemic state, as insulin was shown to accelerate Another variety of familial partial lipodystrophy is PPARG
epidermal cell growth in culture [93]. gene associated lipodystrophy. PPAR-γ receptor activity is
required for adipocyte differentiation [94].
4.2. Inherited and acquired lipodystrophies The most common form of lipodystrophy by far is acquired
lipodystrophy in HIV-infected patients which develops in
As already mentioned, an excess or deficiency of adipose approximately 40% of patients receiving therapy with protease
tissue is associated with IR [10]. In addition, IR accompanies a inhibitors for more than 1 year [97]. These drugs were shown to
group of disorders, characterized by selective loss of adipose disturb development of subcutaneous adipose tissue and are
tissue, named lipodystrophies. They present with dyslipidae- associated with decreased levels of mRNA for two transcription
mia, hepatic steatosis and acanthosis nigricans [94]. The group factors: sterol-response elements binding protein 1c (SREBP1c)
Table 4
Types of lipodystrophy with underlying mechanisms and clinical features
Type of lipodystrophy Gene defect/underlying mechanism Clinical features
Congenital generalized type 1 AGPAT2 • generalized lack of subcutaneous, intra-abdominal,
lipodystrophy (Berardinelli-Seip) intrathoracic adipose tissue
• accelerated appetite in childhood
• skeletal and cardial muscle hypertrophy
• hypertriglyceridemia eventually leading to acute pancreatitis
• acanthosis nigricans
type 2 seipin • the same as type 1
• mental retardation
Familial partial lipodystrophy type 1 ? • identified in women
(face-sparing) (Koebberling) • absence of limb fat and excess of facial, neck and
intra-abdominal fat from childhood
type 2 LMNA • normal fat distribution in childhood; loss of limb fat
(Dunningan) and accumulation of facial, neck and intra-abdominal fat in
puberty or later
Familial partial lipodystrophy PPAR-γ PPARG • loss of limb and face fat
Acquired lipodystrophy in protease inhibitors • loss of subcutaneous fat from face, arms and legs, and
HIV-infected patients excess fat in the neck, upper back and in the trunk
Acquired partial lipodystrophy autoimmune adipocyte lysis • fat loss from face, neck, arms and excess fat on hips and legs
(Barraquer-Simons syndrome)
Acquired general lipodystrophy immune mechanism (panniculitis)/ • generalized loss of fat in childhoood and puberty
autoimmune mechanism/idiopathic • acanthosis nigricans, hepatic steatosis
AGPAT2 — gene for 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-O-acyl-transferase 2; LMNA — gene for lamin A and C; PPARG — gene for peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor γ.
30 B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35
and PPAR-γ [98]. Lipodystrophy develops more frequently in The exact targets of LC-CoA and complex lipids action are not
older HIV-infected patients and in longer duration of anti- fully known, but the list of potential molecules being bound or
retroviral therapy. This type of lipodystrophy presents with acylated by LC-CoA includes PKC, Ca-ATPase, carnitine-
isolated peripheral adipose atrophy or isolated fat accumulation palmitoyl transferase 1, hormone-sensitive lipase, voltage
or as a mixed syndrome [99]. dependent Ca-channels and others. Thus, LC-CoA appears to
Acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons syn- be implicated distally in stimulus-secretion coupling in β-cells
drome) is associated with presence of polyclonal IgG named [101].
C3 nephritic factor, which favours complement activation and Short term exposure to high FFA plasma concentrations has
lysis of adipocytes expressing factor D [100]. been proved to augment glucose-stimulated insulin secretion,
Acquired general lipodystrophy is in 50% of cases preceded while long-term oversupply with FFA increases basal insulin
by subcutaneous inflammatory lesions (panniculitis) or auto- secretion and exacerbates glucose-dependent secretion. Both
immune diseases and is associated with fat loss from large areas were shown in vitro [104] and in vivo [105,106]. A few mecha-
of the body [94]. nisms have been proposed for the dual response of β-cells, one
being that there could be enzymes with various sensitivities to
4.3. Diabetes mellitus type 2 exposure time and concentration of LC-CoA, as some enzymes
were shown to be stimulated and others inhibited by high
DM2 is a complication of IR. Diabetes mellitus is estimated concentrations of FFA [101]. In addition, hyperglycaemia results
to affect 6% of the population and DM2 accounts for 90–95% in early enhanced sensitivity to glucose and subsequently
of diabetes cases [101]. DM2 represents a strong risk factor for diminished insulin secretion [107]. Both phenomena are named
cardiovascular disease. There is much evidence for a powerful with the common name glucolipotoxicity. In conclusion, chron-
genetic component in the aetiology of DM2. For example, a ically elevated FFA inhibit insulin biosynthesis and secretion,
person with a first degree relative with DM2 is at 3.5 times decrease the expression of homeodomain transcription factor
greater risk to develop DM2 [102]. The common insulin resis- (PDX-1), glucose transporter GLUT2 and acetyl-CoA carboxyl-
tance (e.g. in the metabolic syndrome) is usually accompanied ase, and increase the expression of carnitin-palmitoyltransferase-1
by hyperinsulinaemia as a result of relative hyperglycaemia to [101]. Additionally, mitogenesis of β-cells is reported to be
override diminished insulin action. When β-cells fail to secrete inhibited by FFA via activation of various PKC isoforms [108].
excessive amounts of insulin, DM2 develops [22]. Increased
susceptibility to β-cell failure has been postulated as the 4.3.2. Susceptibility genes for DM2
predominant risk factor for DM2 and intensive investigation of Affected genes in monogenic forms of diabetes, insulin
susceptibility genes (eventually affecting β-cell secretion) is resistance and lipodystrophy provide an excellent base for the
under way [103]. On the other hand, mechanisms involving search for susceptibility genes for polygenic multifactorial
lipid oversupply of β-cells have arisen from aetiology studies, DM2, although the latter can be distinguished from monogenic
pointing, at least in part to environmental factors. Combining Mendelian diseases. On certain genetic backgrounds, with par-
both suggestions, the excess of FFA could affect individuals ticular gene interaction – epistasis – and with a particular
with genetically predisposed increased sensitivity of β-cell environment, the gene defects otherwise associated with
signal molecules, e.g. protein kinases [101]. monogenic disorders could contribute to DM2 [22].
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a mono-
4.3.1. Detrimental effect of FFA on β-cells genic form of diabetes and exists in 6 forms arising from 6
FFA act as incretins, that is, augment glucose stimulated affected MODY genes. Three of them, HNF4A, TCF1 (or
insulin secretion, which is important under physiological con- HNF1A) and GCK genes encode for two transcriptional factors
ditions. However, FFA alone are not secretagogues. A two-arm and glucokinase in the β-cells, respectively, and were proved to
signalling pathway is proposed to trigger secretion of insulin. The be involved in DM2 [109–111].
first arm is associated with acetyl-CoA mediated ATP/ADP ratio From the genes responsible for the monogenic form of
increase, which closes ATP-sensitive K+ channels, thereby depo- insulin resistance, the gene for insulin with class III variable
larizing the cell. The consequence is the prolonged open-time of number tandem repeat alleles [112] has been associated with
voltage-dependent Ca-channels. Finally the elevated intracellular multifactorial DM2 as well. Additionally, the AGPAT2 gene
Ca2+ concentration modulates kinases and other signalling pro- underlying Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy and
teins managing insulin secretion. The activity of the second arm the Mt-tRNA Leu(UUR) mitochondrial gene, otherwise
is associated with pyruvate synthesis from glucose, followed by associated with maternally inherited diabetes and deafness
oxaloacetate and citrate production which is responsible for the (MIDD) syndrome, have been shown to be implicated in
subsequent malonyl-CoA synthesis. The latter is a switch DM2 [103].
repressing β-oxidation and stimulating synthesis of long-chain- Search for susceptibility genes among the genes dealing with
CoA (LC-CoA) and complex lipids — diacylglycerols and insulin secretion and action gave positive results for the already
phosphatidate. FFA are implicated by being a direct substrate for mentioned PPARG gene with another polymorphism Pro12Ala
LC-CoA synthesis. Complex lipids and LC-CoA are presumed to (different from that implicated in monogenic IR [113]) and the
activate PKC or modify the acylation state of proteins acting on KCNJ11 gene, encoding for protein contained in KATP channels
ion-channels and the exocytosis of granules containing insulin. [114]. Suggestive, but not yet definite, evidence for implication
B. Mlinar et al. / Clinica Chimica Acta 375 (2007) 20–35 31
in DM2 concerns IRS-1, GLUT2 and PGC1A (co-activator of to stimulate steroidogenesis in theca cells from PCOS patients via
PPAR-γ) genes [103]. its own receptors [130]. This was confirmed in normal theca cells
The only proved DM2 susceptibility gene found through and, further, a PI3K inhibitor was shown to prevent this induction
genome wide-scan methods is CAPN10 which encodes for [128]. Thus, it was postulated that, distally to PI3K, a divergence
calpain-10 from the family of calcium-activated neutral pro- into 2 pathways may take place, one regulating glucose transport
teases expressed in β-cells [115]. This gene was identified after and another regulating androgen biosynthesis [128]. Some
strong linkage disequilibrium found with DM2, which was mechanisms should exist in insulin resistant PCOS patients to
followed by positional cloning [116]. confer greater activity to the pathway regulating steroidogenesis
When studying the importance of particular susceptibility while the pathway for glucose transport is defective.
genes it must be borne in mind that their individual effects are There is no evidence that insulin can regulate androgen synthesis
modest. The listed susceptibility genes do contribute to the basis through the MAP-kinase pathway. Nevertheless, this pathway
for future diagnosis, prognosis and therapy, but for now, the (MEK/Erk) was shown, in PCOS theca cells, to be suppressed with
mutual influences of various gene loci and interactions of genes concomitantly increased P450c17 (17α-hydroxylase/C17–20 lyase)
with dietary and other lifestyle factors remain to be precisely activity. The latter is the key enzyme in ovarian androgen bio-
determined and quantitated [22,103]. synthesis. Indeed, the MAP-kinase suppression and steroidogenesis
augmentation were independent of insulin concentration [131].
4.4. Polycystic ovary syndrome and IR Another proposed mechanism of increased androgen biosyn-
thesis is abnormally increased Ser phosphorylation of P450c17,
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous group which increases the enzyme activity [132]. Thus, the same
of disorders with metabolic and endocrine defects, which affects mechanism could be responsible for diminished glucose uptake
5–10% of women of reproductive age [117,118]. In PCOS and hyperandrogenism.
patients, 50–70% present with IR [117,119]. Diagnostic criteria Insulin receptors have been identified in human pituitary [133],
for PCOS according to the Rotterdam European Society of leading to the suggestion that insulin could stimulate LH secretion
Human Reproduction/American Society for Reproductive Med- and thereby augment LH action on ovarian steroidogenesis.
icine (ESHRE/ASRM) sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Additionally, hyperinsulinaemia suppresses sex-hormone
Group include at least two of three clinical features — oligo- or binding globulin synthesis in the liver and accounts for the
an-ovulation, clinical or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism increased bioavailability of androgens [134].
and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound examination in the absence However, a considerable number of women with IR do not
of other possible aetiologies [119]. Excess androgens primarily develop PCOS [135] and there are reports of lean PCOS patients
originate from the ovary [93]. Additional frequent manifestations without IR [81,136]. A study on sisters of PCOS patients demon-
in PCOS, beside IR, include clustering of metabolic syndrome strated that, on the same genetic basis, hyperandrogenaemia and/
features: obesity, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, impaired glucose or anovulation developed mostly in those sisters who were obese
tolerance, and elevated luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating [121]. Thus, an intrinsic ovarian defect(s) of possibly genetic
hormone (LH/FSH) ratio [117,119]. Increased risk for DM2 origin might be present but IR is needed to reveal or exaggerate
[120,121], cardiovascular disease [122,123] and endometrial the PCOS [135]. In support of this hypothesis, theca cells from
cancer [124] have been observed in PCOS patients. PCOS patients uniformly show increased activities of certain
IR and its attendant hyperinsulinaemia have been suggested to steroidogenic enzymes and increased contents of dehydro-
play a key role in the aetiology of PCOS, as weight loss and epiandrosterone, progesterone, 17 α-hydroxyprogesterone, and
insulin sensitizing drugs improve hyperandrogenaemia and androstenedione [137]. Intrinsic ovarian defect(s) or extra-ovarian
restore ovulation [117], and fasting insulin levels correlate well stimuli without IR and/or hyperinsulinaemia could by themselves
with androgen levels [125]. Ovarian steroidogenesis is essentially be sufficient to drive aetiopathogenesis in some PCOS patients.
LH-dependent. Nevertheless, some studies have shown a potent Familial clustering encouraged the search for susceptibility
synergistic effect of insulin on ovarian steroidogenesis, in spite of genes for PCOS and many were found. This accords with the
peripheral IR [117]. heterogeneity of phenotypes and both suggest that PCOS is a
Defects in insulin signalling in insulin resistant PCOS patients polygenic trait influenced by environmental factors [138]. The
were shown to be tissue specific, there being reports of a 30% candidate gene list consists of approximately 40 genes being
decrease in insulin receptor autophosphorylation in adipocytes, involved in androgen biosynthesis and action (e.g. CYP17,
but none in fibroblasts [126], increased Ser phosphorylation in SHBG, CYP11A), in insulin resistance (gene for insulin receptor,
fibroblasts of 50% PCOS patients [127], lower IRS-1-associated IRS-1), genes encoding inflammatory cytokines (TNFRSF1B)
PI3K activity in muscle cells [128], but normal activity in fibro- and others [138].
blasts of PCOS women [129].
Despite IR, evident in the glucose uptake pathway in insulin 5. Conclusion
resistant patients, pathways mediating proliferation were shown
to be intact, at least in PCOS fibroblasts [129]. It was initially IR is a common feature in obesity and possibly can lead to
proposed that insulin could stimulate ovarian androgen biosyn- further disorders — metabolic syndrome, DM2 and PCOS.
thesis via IGF-1 receptors or hybrid insulin/IGF-1 receptors. Lipodystrophies on the other hand are associated with decreased
With the use of antibodies to insulin receptor, insulin was proved adipose mass but are, again, characterized by insulin resistance.
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