978 3 540 74031 5
978 3 540 74031 5
978 3 540 74031 5
Series Advisory Board
F. Allgöwer, P. Fleming, P. Kokotovic,
A.B. Kurzhanski, H. Kwakernaak,
A. Rantzer, J.N. Tsitsiklis
Frederick Chee
School of Electrical
Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Email: hf.chee@ieee.org
Tyrone Fernando
School of Electrical
Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Email: tyrone@ee.uwa.edu.au
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To Jehovah God, my parents and siblings
Diabetes is a disease that is now regarded an epidemic in the world and a signif-
icant effort is directed towards finding better ways to manage diabetes. Keeping
blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible, leads to a substantial decrease
in long term complications of diabetes and can bring significant cost reductions
associated with the disease. Traditionally, managing diabetes has been through
intermittent monitoring of blood glucose and then administering an appropriate
dose of insulin into the blood stream. This method of intermittent monitoring
and administration of insulin cannot ensure blood glucose remains at near nor-
mal levels at all times and therefore, there is considerable interest in managing
diabetes on a continuous basis.
The development of artificial organs/apparatus that regulate human’s blood
glucose level has been in progress since 1960. The aim was to measure blood
glucose level ex vivo and then injecting an appropriate amount of insulin to the
hyperglycaemic patient, thereby correcting the high glucose level. This aim of
closing the “loop” is still being challenged by technological barriers even today,
and progress are being made constantly both in overcoming the challenges and
understanding more about the workings of glucose-regulatory system.
The purpose of this book is to introduce the field of closed-loop blood glu-
cose control, in a simple manner, to the reader. This includes the hardware
and software components that make up the control system (see Chapter 2).
The hardware components involved the different types of glucose sensor (in-
vasive, minimally-invasive and non-invasive) and the different types of insulin.
The software component represents the approaches that translate a given blood
glucose reading to an appropriate insulin rate (see Chapter 4). Some of these
approaches applied mathematical sciences to model the underlying system and
formulate mathematical solutions. Examples of how mathematical models are
formulated as well as the control algorithms that stem from mathematical exer-
cises are given, where possible.
This book also attempts to describe, from functional level, the basic physi-
ology of blood glucose regulation during fasting and meal (see Chapter 3). The
physiological changes in diabetic and critically ill patients are also described.
VIII Preface
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Causes of Hyperglycaemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.1 Physiological Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.2 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.3 Diabetic Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.4 Surgical Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Importance of Tighter BG Level Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Achieving Tighter Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Non-linear and Comprehensive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Minimal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Cobelli’s Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Candas and Radziuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Hovorka’s Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Sorensen’s Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Sub-models That Complements the Comprehensive
Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.5 Mathematics of the Model-Based Control Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.1 Pole Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.2 Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.5.3 Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.4 Model Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.5.5 H∞ Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.5.6 Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
1.1 Introduction
Blood glucose level is usually regulated by two hormones – insulin and glucagon –
secreted by the endocrine pancreas. Insulin is anabolic, and causes rapid uptake
and use of glucose by most tissues in the body. It also causes the storage of excess
glucose as glycogen, mainly in the liver and skeletal muscles. Excess glucose, that
cannot be stored as glycogen, is converted to fatty acids and stored in adipose
tissues. Insulin also promotes protein synthesis and storage.
Conversely, glucagon is catabolic, mobilizing glucose, fatty acids and amino
acids from stores to the circulation, primarily through a breakdown of liver
glycogen (glycogenolysis) and the generation of glucose from amino acids (glu-
The two hormones (insulin and glucagon) are reciprocal in their overall action
and are secreted appropriately in most circumstances to keep the blood glucose
concentration within the normal range [3]. When the glucose concentration rises
too high, insulin is secreted, which then lowers the blood glucose concentration
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 1–4 , 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
2 1 Introduction
Before insulin was discovered, patients with diabetes suffered from polyuria and
a catabolic state, which depleted them of strength, weight and fluid. As described
by Arestaeus of Cappadocia in the 2nd century,
“Diabetes is a dreadful affliction, not very frequent among men, being a
melting down of the flesh and limbs into urine. The patients never stop
making water and the flow is incessant, like the opening of aqueducts.
Life is short, unpleasant and painful, thirst unquenchable, drinking ex-
cessive, and disproportionate to the large quantity of urine, for yet more
urine is passed. One cannot stop them either from drinking or making
water. If for a while they abstain from drinking, their mouth becomes
parched and their body dry; the viscera seem scorched up, the patients
are affected by nausea, restlessness and a burning thirst and within a
short time, they expire.” (Adapted from [5]).
For centuries, the only available treatment for patient with diabetes was starva-
tion. If the diabetes worsened, then more starvation was prescribed.
The discovery of insulin at the University of Toronto in 1921–1922 was one
of the most important milestones in the history of medicine [6]. The team that
discovered insulin was quickly awarded a Nobel Prize in 1923.
In patients with diabetes mellitus, the correlation between insulin delivery and
blood glucose concentration is impaired. Both Type I and Type II diabetics have
a dysfunctional endocrine pancreas, which produces little (as in Type II) or no
insulin (as in Type I). Apart from this, the insulin receptor on the tissue cells
in Type II diabetics also respond abnormally to the circulating insulin (“insulin
resistance”). Type I diabetes is also known as Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mel-
litus (IDDM), while Type II is also known as Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus (NIDDM).
1.5 Conclusion
It is important to tightly control blood glucose level, both in ambulatory and
hospitalised patients, due to the demonstrated benefits. However, achieving tight
control requires frequent sampling of BG value, which to-date has been painful,
difficult (and expensive). There are efforts in-progress to reduce or alleviate the
pain of BG sampling, and also to improve the regulation of BG. These progress
will be discussed in the chapters to follow.
Glucose Control: Input and Output
2.1 Introduction
Automatic regulation of a patient’s blood glucose (BG) level requires a minimum
of three components, namely, a continuous BG sensor, a controller that matches
BG level with an appropriate insulin delivery rate, and an infusion pump to
deliver the insulin to the subject.
Shown here is a simple model of the control loop:
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 5–4 8, 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
6 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
each type of insulin has different kinetics, and different infusion routes exhibit
different characteristics.
This chapter reviews:
• the various BG measurement techniques in existence to-date, which may gen-
erally be categorised into:
1. Invasive,
2. minimally invasive, and
3. non-invasive techniques.
• the properties of the different types of insulin and their routes of infusion.
• The advantage of this method is the accuracy of the measurement, as whole
blood is analysed for its glucose content, i.e. the measurement is made in the
actual fluid of interest.
• Since invasive BG measurements continuously withdraw blood for analysis,
any studies conducted using the technique are limited in duration as described
2.3 BG Measurement – Minimally-Invasive Techniques 7
below. The withdrawn blood is usually discarded (as it is mixed with heparin,
and is not safe to be returned to the patient).
• The practicability of long-term invasive measurement for closed-loop glucose
control is mainly hindered by concerns for patient safety, because this tech-
nique carries the risk of infection and thrombosis. Furthermore, the fact that
the technique cannot be performed by patients themselves without proper
supervision [19, 23] limits the technique to be used only in hospitals.
2.3.1 Implantation
Glucose-Oxidase Reaction
Fig. 2.1. Basic circuit illustrating the operation of amperometric sensors (Adapted
from [33])
Fluorescence Detection
Fig. 2.2. [Left] Con A is immobilised on the inside of a hollow dialysis fibre. A low
molecular weight cutoff of the dialysis fibre retains the dextran within the fiber lumen
while allowing glucose to pass freely through the dialysis membrane [36]. Excitation
light passes through the fibre optics and into the solution, fluorescing the unbound
FITC-dextran. The resulting small fluorescence intensities are measured through the
same fibre optics by a measuring system [37]. [Right] FRET mechanism allowing an
acceptor-labelled dextran to quench the fluorescence when a donor is nearby (see text).
1. Schultz et al [36] used a protein called Concanavalin A (or Con A)1 as the
common receptor, with a fluorescein-isothiocynate labelled dextran2 as the
competing ligand. An increased presence of glucose will displace with the
dextran from Con A, leading to an increase in fluorescence intensity (Fig
2. In more recent work (e.g. McCartney et al [39]), the phenomenon of Flu-
orescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) was used (Fig 2.2). In this
method, Con A is labelled with a fluorophore donor, and the dextran is
labelled with an acceptor. When the dextran binds to Con A, the donor is
closer to the acceptor. As the donor is excited at its specific fluorescence
excitation wavelength, this excited state is nonradiatively transfered to the
acceptor (FRET phenomenon), resulting in a diminished fluorescence. Con-
versely, the displacement of dextran by glucose reduces FRET and increases
fluorescence intensity and lifetime [41].
Con A is a plant lecitin [39], extracted from jack bean [40].
Dextran is a carbohydrate derivative [40], and is made of many glucose molecules
joined into chains of varying length.
2.3 BG Measurement – Minimally-Invasive Techniques 11
• Implantable sensors are small in size, portable and do not require extraction
of fluids for operation.
• The most common problem inhibiting the longevity and reliability of im-
plantable sensors is membrane biofouling. Biofouling is the adhesion of pro-
teins and other biological matter on the sensor surface, and in some cases,
impregnation of the material [48], resulting in drifting and/or diminishing
of the sensor signal. Biofouling starts immediately upon contact of the sen-
sor with the body. Biofouling remains a problem in both amperometric and
fibre-optic based glucose sensor [49].
• Biological matter including the immune cells can attack the glucose sensor
assembly (especially the membrane) [50, 51], causing inflammation.
12 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
• In the case of amperometric sensor, the body’s warm and saline environment
can corrode the implanted metal electrodes and inactivate the enzymes.
• A person’s movement can create artifacts and noise in the measurement.
• Substances such as vitamin C and acetaminophen may react at the electrode,
depleting the hydrogen peroxide before it can react at the electrodes [51].
Other problems include the oxidation of other reactants at the same po-
tential as glucose oxidase, creating noise and inaccuracy in the measure-
• Although Con A and glucose react very rapidly with time constants in the
order of milliseconds [42], the response time of the affinity sensor was reported
to be 7 ± 2.5 min [52]. The response time are limited by the diffusion rate
of glucose into or out of the sensor, the diffusion of FITC-dextran within the
hollow fibre lumen, and the temperature.
Fig. 2.3. The inner cannula of the dialysis probe is perfused with an isotonic fluid
(perfusate), which is transported to the tip of the dialysis probe. The probe is placed
under the skin, and substances (e.g. glucose) having a concentration gradient compared
with the perfusate, diffuse through the dialysis membrane down the concentration
gradient (Adapted from Meyerhoff et al [26]).
2.3 BG Measurement – Minimally-Invasive Techniques 13
Reverse Iontophoresis
• Because of the use of a low current to extract glucose, it takes 10–20 min
from the beginning of each fluid extraction cycle until a blood glucose level
can be reported [56]. Since extracted glucose comes from the subcutaneous
14 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
space, there is a chance that any existing delay in glucose diffusion between
the subcutaneous space and the plasma will be added to the fluid extraction
cycle delay. There is potential for a long lag phase in the detection of blood
glucose changes.
• Excessive sweating can prevent accurate measurement, as the device depends on
minute glucose concentrations in ISF, which may be contaminated by sweat [56].
• A contact medium (e.g. oil, water oil emulsions, ointments) between the ultra-
sonic probe and skin is required. Otherwise, the ultrasound will be completely
reflected by air [60].
• A lag time exists between capillary blood glucose concentration and the ex-
tracted glucose concentration (due to diffusional delay) [60].
• Although no adverse effects of ultrasound was reported, further research fo-
cusing on safety issues is required [58].
Microporation involves puncturing the skin layer using a micro laser beam. The
laser creates a micro-hole on the surface of the skin, and glucose is extracted by
2.4 BG Measurement – Non-invasive Techniques 15
means of suction (vaccum) or a patch [61]. The extracted glucose is then mea-
sured by a conventional method (such as amperometry). Products incorporating
this method have been described by companies, such as SpectRx Inc (Norcross,
GA) (http://www.spectrx.com) in [62], and PowderChek Diagnostics (Fremont,
One of the most studied methods for glucose determination by its optical prop-
erties is the infrared absorptiometry. Infrared absorptiometry measures the ab-
sorption of light intensity by a solute (e.g. glucose) as light passes through a
solution. By determining the light attenuation caused by absorption at a single
wavelength [63], the glucose concentration in a solution can be quantified. How-
ever, to obtain an accurate reading, the glucose solution has to be clear because
light scattering would result in additional attenuation of light.
In a complex mixture of substances (such as tissue), it is still possible to
quantify glucose by using various wavelengths and complex mathematical pro-
cedure like multivariate calibration. The more the spectra of the substances are
different from each other, the better the reliability of the quantification [63].
The ex vivo measurement of glucose in plasma, serum or whole blood (i.e. com-
plex structures) is feasible using high performance equipment and sophisticated
mathematical calibration procedures [63, 64].
16 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
in vitro glucose absorption
1 −0.003
0.5 −0.005
0 −0.007
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35
Wavelength (μm) Wavelength (μm)
• strong light scattering by skin [63], as well as other substances and compounds
in tissues (such as blood cells) [41];
• overlaps in light absorption by molecules introduces interference into the ab-
sorbance measurement;
Since biological molecules have complicated structure, they exhibit a large
number of similar IR absorption peaks that are often overlapping [66] (e.g.
glucose has more than 20 absorption peaks in the wavelength region of 2.5–
10 μm). Not all of these peaks are specific for glucose [63]. The prominent
absorption peak of glucose is around 9.7 μm. In addition, haemoglobin is the
most dominant component in blood, with a concentration level of more than
100 times of glucose. Its absorbance becomes increasingly strong toward short
Near-IR and visible wavelengths. Although haemoglobin absorption peaks do
not interfere with those of other components, its influence is by no means
negligible due to its high concentration [69].
• pronounced temperature dependence of light absorption [63, 69].
Because of the strong absorbance of water, Near-IR transmittance measurement
should use regions between the water bands where sufficient amount of light can
be transmitted [70]:
• Near-IR region between 0.7–1.3 μm — This range contains higher orders of
glucose overtone regions [70]. Nevertheless, this region also shows very little
glucose absorption (i.e. less than 0.1% of the fundamental region of glucose
at 9–9.6 μm) despite having lower light absorption by water [69].
• Near-IR region between 1.5–2.5 μm — This range was reported to be a suitable
for noninvasive glucose monitoring [69], with highest glucose absorption at
1.575–1.7 μm (which corresponds to the overtone band of C-H stretching
mode [71]). Most of the analytes of interest display distinguishing absorption
features that do not suffer from excessive attenuation by water [72].
18 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
• Near-IR region between 2.0–2.5 μm –This range is also popular for aqueous
glucose measurements because it contains a relative minimum in the water
absorption spectrum and readily identifiable glucose peak information.
With all the confounding issues, extra signal processing (in conjunction with
Near-IR measurement) became necessary, e.g. digital filtering to correct for tem-
perature sensitivity of the Near-IR spectrum, and multivariate calibration tech-
niques. Sensing site for Near-IR measurement included fingertip [41], earlobe,
tongue, lip [73], forearm, oral mucosa surface and aqueous humour [38].
Mid-IR spectrum ranges from 2.5–50 μm [67], and this region is often called
“fingerprint” region. This is because the absorption bands in this region are
due to the fundamental stretching and bending modes of the molecule. Mid-IR
spectrum is very useful for spectral identification of compounds [38].
The Mid-IR range of 5–13 μm contains absorbance fingerprints generated by
biologically important molecules such as glucose, proteins and water [74]. The
prominent absorption peak of glucose is reported to be around 9.7 μm [75, 76].
However, water absorbs Mid-IR radiation very effectively [63,76]. Background
absorption bands of other solution constituents are also strong, and thus limits
the depth and path length of Mid-IR transmission spectroscopy to a few hundred
microns. [38,63,77]. Alternative measurement techniques using Mid-IR radiation
have been proposed (see Section 2.4.2).
frequency range 870–1300 nm. PLS (Partial least square) and PCR (principal
component regression) calibration were applied to define an empirical model
relating changes in the calibration spectra to the differing reference glucose
concentrations of blood samples obtained during the calibration. Burmeister
et al [70] and Small et al [80] also used FTIR spectrometer with a tungsten-
halogen lamp to collect the Near-IR spectra.
• Hiese et al [81] used attenuated total reflection (ATR)6 and FTIR spec-
troscopy to estimate the blood glucose concentration in whole blood sample
(taken out of subjects) over the wavelength range 1500–750 cm−1 (or ∼660–
1300 nm). Multivariable calibration with the PLS algorithm was performed
on the spectral data.
• Tenhunen et al [82] used a fibre bundle as a transflectance probe to direct the
light from a halogan lamp to achieve an appropriate penetration depth into the
tissue. Temperature stabilised IR sensitive detector was used for measuring
the interferogram of the FTIR-spectrometer.
• Yoon et al [71] did not use a spectrometer, but used custom made detectors
to measure the absorbance of the Near-IR light. A minimum of three dif-
ferent wavelengths were selected for determination of glucose (λ1 =1625 nm,
λ2 =1365 nm, λ3 =1200 nm), based on satisfying a simple but efficient algo-
rithm that will estimate the glucose concentration. Instruments were setup
up carefully to minimise reflected light from skin surface and effects of tissue
Fig. 2.5. Attenuated Total Reflection: When an infrared beam is directed onto an
optically dense crystal with a high refractive index at a certain angle, the internal
reflectance creates an evanescent wave that extends a few micrometer (0.5–5 μm) be-
yond the crystal surface into the sample held in contact with the crystal. As the sample
absorbs the relevant infrared spectrum, the evanescent wave will be attenuated. The
attenuated energy from each evanescent wave then passes back to the IR beam, which
then exits the opposite end of the crystal and is passed to the detector in the IR
spectrometer (Adapted from PerkinElmer Inc [83]).
ATR is a sampling technique that allows samples to be examined by a spectrometer
directly in solid or liquid state without extra preparation. It measures the changes
that occur in a totally internally-reflected infrared beam when the beam comes into
contact with a sample. Kaiser [73] was among the earliest teams to combine ATR
prism with laser absorption spectrometry for measurement of glucose on the lips.
20 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Light scattering is the next major optical interaction with tissue after light
absorption [89]. Light scattering occurs when light interacts with variations in
22 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
the refractive index7 or small particles acting as scattering centres in the medium,
resulting in light dispersing from a straight trajectory. When scattering centers
are grouped together, the light may get scattered many times (i.e. multiple
In tissue, most of the light scattering can be attributed to Mie scattering,
which is related to:
• the the size of the scattering particles;
Mie scattering takes place when the size of the scattering particles and the
wavelength of light are in the same order of magnitude [63].
• the magnitude of the refractive index mismatch between the particles and
their medium [90].
The amount of the scattering depends on the ratio between the refractive
index of the scattering particles (e.g. cell membranes) and the surrounding
medium (e.g. extracellular fluids). If the difference between the refractive in-
dices is pronounced, light scattering is larger. With identical refractive indices,
the media is transparent [63, 91].
Due to the free exchange of glucose between blood plasma and interstitial
fluid, changes in glucose concentrations of these two fluids are closely correlated.
An increase in glucose concentration leads to a rise of the refractive indices
of blood plasma and ISF (as glucose can displace the water from the fluids
[92]), whereas the refractive index of the scattering particles (red blood cell,
cell membranes, collagen fibres etc) is assumed to remain relatively unchanged
[63, 91, 93]. Since the refractive index of ISF is lower than that of the scattering
particles, an increase in glucose concentration causes a reduction of the refractive
The refractive index (or index of refraction) of a medium is a measure for how much
the speed of light is reduced relative to vaccum when the light travels inside the
medium. For example, typical glass has a refractive index of 1.5, which means that
light travels at 1 / 1.5 = 0.67 times the speed in air or vacuum [65].
2.4 BG Measurement – Non-invasive Techniques 23
index mismatch between ISF and scattering particles. The increase in blood
glucose concentration effectively decreases the scattering coefficient of skin [63].
The scattering coefficient is a factor that expresses the attenuation caused by
μs = f ρ, a, g,
where ρ = number of density of scattering cells in the observation volume, a
= diameter of the cells, g = anisotropy factor (the average cosine of the angle
at which a photon is scattered), ncell = the refractive index of the cells, and
nmedium = the refractive index of ISF [94].
It should be noted that the scattering coefficient of the skin is not directly
influenced by glucose, but indirectly via the refractive indices [63]. The glucose
effect on scattering coefficient is not specific to glucose molecule only. The glucose
concentration measured from scatter change detection is derived from changes
in refractive index “induced by glucose”. Other blood analytes and physiological
factors may influence the scattering coefficient, for example:
• mitochondria, which is the main scatterers in the skin [95];
• temperature [63, 92];
• changes in the intracellular refractive index;
• changes in cell size due to by osmolarity changes [91].
Fig. 2.7. Diffused reflectance for measuring scatter change (Adapted from Heinemann
et al [63])
Optical Coherence Tomography has also been used to measure glucose based
on the fact that OCT is very sensitive to the detection of changes in refractive
indices of the sample, and thus the scattering properties of the sample. A reduc-
tion in the sample scattering property lowers the intensity of the backscattered
photon. Larin et al [98] used OCT techniques to scan the skin up to a depth of
1 mm for measurement of tissue scattering properties at a specific layer in the
skin. However, since OCT measures only relative changes in the scattering prop-
erties, other osmolytes of the ISF that can change the refractive index mismatch
have the potential to interfere with glucose measurement [95].
OCT detects the backscattered photons. By changing the length of the refer-
ence arm (i.e. scanning the mirror), light backscattered or reflected back from
the sample combines with light reflected from the mirror to result in either a
constructive or destructive interference [99]. If the length of the sample arm
is also changed, then photons from different depths of the sample can also be
Photon detection with OCT requires that the path-length difference of the pho-
tons coming from the sample arm and from the reference arm be smaller than
the coherence length of the light source. The achievable depth resolution is gov-
erned by the coherence length of the light source, and the length is inversely
proportional to the light’s bandwidth. Over small distances the OCT signal
is formed by single backscattered photons, but in deeper scattering samples
the multiple-scattering effect (i.e. “echo” [100]) has to be considered. (Adapted
from [95]).
observation that a cessation of blood flow triggers a change of the optical charac-
teristics of blood [103]. It was discover that when blood flow is suddenly stopped,
the average size of scattering particles in blood changes, allowing more light to
transmit through the tissue.
Before a stop of blood flow is imposed, red blood cell (RBC) aggregates less
due to the force of the ongoing blood flow. When a temporary over-systolic
pressure is introduced, there is a stop of blood flow, and the RBC starts to
aggregate. The increase in the size of the blood scattering particles cause a
change in the scattering coefficient, which is related to the mismatch between
the RBC and the plasma/ISF refraction index [102–104] (see Section 2.4.3).
Blood parameters such as hemoglobin, glucose, oxygen saturation, etc. in-
fluence the light transmission following over-systolic occlusion. For example, an
increased glucose concentration reduces the refractive index mismatch, while a
decreasing glucose concentration increases the refractive index mismatch, caus-
ing light transmission to decrease.
Hence, one way to measure the glucose value (using the above observation) is
by looking at the difference in light absorption of the tissue measured during the
systole and the diastole period. The systole and diastole are generally caused
by the pumping action of the heart (or heartbeat), but can be simulated by
tissue manipulation (i.e. applying artificial pressure to the tissue to cause a
volumetric change in the blood, e.g. by pressing on the finger). It was reported
that the glucose in arterialized whole blood correlated with glucose prediction
by O-RNIRS [103].
Yamakoshi et al [105] used the concept of AC measurement in “Pulse glucom-
etry” technique, where Near-IR transmittance spectra was taken during normal
blood volume pulsations throughout the cardiac cycle. PLS calibration is used
to predict the BG values. Their approach differs to “occlusion spectrometry” in
that no pressure was applied to the tissue during measurement.
When the photon transfers energy to (or from) the molecule during an inelastic
collision, the energy difference between the incident light (Ei ) and the Raman
scattered light (Es ) is equal to the energy involved in getting the molecule to
vibrate. This energy difference is called the Raman shift [108]:
Ev = Ei − Es
The loss (Strokes shift) or gain (anti-Stokes shift) of photon energy owing to
the transitions of rotational and vibrational energy states within the scatter-
ing molecule causes the frequency of the scattered photon to shift up or down
in comparison with original monochromatic frequency. The vibrational spectra
produced as a result provide specific information about the chemical structure
of the sample [65, 109], and reveals the interactions between the molecule and
its local chemical environment [110].
Note that the observed Raman shifts are independent of the excitation fre-
quency [67], and thus an excitation frequency may be chosen which is appro-
priate for a particular sample. However, the intensity of Raman scattered peaks
generally falls off with decreasing frequency [109].
Most incident photons undergo elastic Rayleigh scattering, and about 0.001%
of the incident light produces Raman signal [65]. Since this signal is very
weak [108], special measures should be taken to distinguish it from the dom-
inant Rayleigh scattering [106]. Using Raman spectroscopy for in vivo transcu-
taneous glucose measurement is difficult because whole blood and most tissue
are highly absorptive and containing many fluorescent and Raman-active con-
founders [110].9
Fig 2.8 shows an example of the Raman spectroscopy setup used in [111]. Typi-
cally, the instrument consists of:
1. Excitation source (laser)
2. Wavelength selector (bandpass filter, holographic gating)
3. Sample illumination assembly and light collection optics
4. Detector (photodiode array, CCD or photon-multiplier tube).
A sample is normally illuminated with a laser beam in the ultraviolet, visible or
near infrared range. Scattered light is collected with a lens and is sent through
the detector to obtain Raman spectrum of a sample.
To improve the Raman signal intensity, there are many other variations of
Raman spectroscopy that have been developed, e.g. Surface Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy, Resonance Raman spectroscopy, to name a few (See [67]).
Other site could be chosen, for example, the aqueous humor, which is relatively non-
absorptive and contains few Raman-active molecules. Raman excitation wavelength
in the Near-IR region can be used to minimise biological fluorescence and tissue
damage [110].
28 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Fig. 2.8. Raman spectroscopy used in Berger et al’s experiment (Adapted from [111])
2.4.6 Polarimetry
Optical Activity
where θR = − 2πL c
λ vR
, θL = 2πL
λ vL
,λ = wavelength of the light (in vaccum),
c = speed of light, L = length of material, vR and vL = velocity of the
right and left circularly polarised components in the medium. The angle of
rotation is
1 πL c c
Δθ = (θL + θR ) = −
2 λ vL vR
In an optically active material, the two circular polarisations will experi-
ence different travelling velocities. This difference (also called optical activ-
ity strength) is characteristic of the material. Since the refractive index is
defined as η = c/v, the angle of rotation of the light that passes through
the material can be expressed as
Δθ = (ηL − ηR )
A circularly polarised light traces out a circle as the electric wave propagates
[113]. The final polarisation is rotated to angle θ + Δθ. From this equation,
the degree of rotation depends on the colour (frequency) of the light, the
path length L and the properties of the material.
In a large aggregate of randomly oriented molecules, the net rotation by the
material averages to zero. However, in the case where the molecule is chiral,
the rotation is additive [109].
φ = [α]λ
where L = optical path length [dm] and C = concentration [g/100 ml] for a sam-
ple at wavelength λ [nm] and temperature T [degree Celsius]. If the wavelength
of the light used is Yellow Sodium D line at 589 nm, and the temperature is
30 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Generally, [α]λ for glucose decreases with increasing wavelength across the
visible light spectrum and has a rise in magnitude near the optical absorption
bands of a particular molecule [38, 114]. The variation in the optical rotation of
a substance with a change in the wavelength of light is called Optical rotatory
dispersion (ORD) [65], and the observed rotation is
φ= (ηL − ηR )
where λ = wavelength, ηL = refractive index of left-circularly polarised light, and
ηR = refractive index of right-circularly polarised light.
The general setup for polarimetric measurement is illustrated in Fig 2.10 and
In the simplest form, the light travels from the source is linearly polarised by
polariser 1. After passing through the sample, the polarisation plane will rotate
due to the optical activity of the sample. The second polariser (also known as
the analyser) is placed perpendicular to the first polariser. If there is no sample,
then theoretically no light will be transmitter to the detector from the second
polariser [117]. If an optically active sample is introduced, then the intensity
of the light incident on the detector will be proportional to the square of the
amplitude of the Electric-field passing through the second polariser. The E-field
is proportional to the sine of the rotation angle ϕ by the sample [109].
An optical modulator (such as a Faraday rotator) can also be placed in be-
tween the sample and second polariser. The modulator causes the angle of the
2.4 BG Measurement – Non-invasive Techniques 31
Human skin exhibit significant light scattering [124] and can depolarise the light
passing through it. Hence it is not a feasible site for polarimetric measure-
ment. The aqueous humour in the anterior chamber of the eye has relatively
32 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Fig. 2.11. Polarimetry glucose measurement by phase difference (Adapted from McNi-
chols et al [38]). Instead of measuring the polarisation angle directly as light intensity,
the angle is measured as a difference in the phase of incident and transmitted light.
low scattering properties, and has shown close resemblance of glucose levels in
the blood [117], with a time lag of minutes [109, 114]. Nevertheless, glucose is
not the only optically active component in the aqueous humour, and there are
other potential problems with polarimetric glucose sensing in the eye including
optical rotation due to the cornea (in addition to aqueous humor), birefringence
of the corneas, and motion artifacts [38].
2.4.7 Photoacoustic
Measurement of glucose based on light diffraction has been reported in the lit-
erature. The technique used material that can swell or shrink when interacting
with glucose [134, 135]. Light diffraction is governed by Bragg’s law [134, 136]:
mλ = 2nD · sin θ
where m = order of diffraction, λ = wavelength of the light in vaccum, n =
average refractive index of the system (hydrogel, colloid), d = spacing between
the diffracting planes/fringes, and θ = glancing angle between the incident light
direction and the diffracting planes.
Glucose sensor constructed using this technique used:
• Crystalline colloidal array in hydrogel [134]
Glucose oxidase and an enzyme were incorporated into a colloidal crystalline
array (CCA). When glucose oxidase reacts with glucose, the enzyme became
negatively charged, causing the hydrogel to expand. Because the brightly
coloured CCA diffracts visible light according to the Bragg condition, any
2.4 BG Measurement – Non-invasive Techniques 35
change in the size of the hydrogel can cause a change in the wavelength or
colour of the diffracted light.
• Holographic sensor in hydrogel [135–137]
This sensor is based on planar small-volume polymer hydrogels containing
silver halide, which acts as a holographic recording material. The hydrogel
contains the reflection hologram that reflects a narrow band of wavelengths
when illuminated with white light. By incorporating ligands that interact with
glucose (via competitive-binding), the hydrogel can change its swelling state
upon analyte binding, which in turn causes a change in the wavelength of
light diffracted by the holographic grating within the hydrogel. The wave-
length is determined by the spacing between the fringes of the hologram
(where an increase in the fringes increases would cause longer wavelengths
to be diffracted). A holographic contact lens glucose sensor has been clini-
cally trialled (see [137]).
It was known that small changes in glucose concentration in blood can induce
significant reactions in tissues involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate (such
as liver, pancreas and red blood cell) [138]. One of the response of these tis-
sues to increasing glucose concentration is a decrease of sodium and increase of
potassium due to water movement from the tissue and red blood cell into the
vascular system [138]. The variation of the electrolyte balance in the blood leads
to a change in membrane potentials on the cellular level. Changes in membrane
potentials can be recorded with dielectric spectroscopy.
In dielectric spectroscopy (or impedance spectroscopy), a small AC current
is applied and the impedance of the tissue to the current flow is recorded as a
function of frequency [139]. For non-invasive glucose monitoring, changes in skin
impedance is measured. Skin impedance is sensitive to changes in membrane
potential, which is influenced by the interaction of glucose with red blood cell.
Caduff et al [140] reported a non-invasive measurement of glucose using
impedance spectroscopy. Fig 2.13 shows the equivalent circuit of the sensor
mounted on the skin, attached to the impedance measuring network. The
impedance of the sensor at a given resonance frequency depends on impedance
changes within the human skin and underlying tissue, and also the skin temper-
ature [140]. A frequency sweep across 1–200 MHz and temperature measurement
were performed every minute to calculate the impedance minima |Z|min . The
sensor system was also incorporated into a wristwatch device.
Although the measured signal have a closer correlation to glucose changes in
blood than to those in ISF, a few factors remain to be addressed, e.g. sweat
and relocation of the sensor system (in order to obtain reliable glucose related
signals), temperature variations, and spikes in registered signals due to move-
ment [140].
36 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Fig. 2.13. Sensor for measurement of skin impedance (Adapted from Caduff et al
[140]). R is the averaged resistance of the skin and underlying tissue. The voltage VREF
from a Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator is fed to a resistive-divider network consisting of
a series resistor RS and the sensor impedance Z. The measured sensor voltage is VSENS
and the impedance can be approximated by ZSENS ≈ Rs VREF VSEN S
every day, while the monitor is in use. Isig values are deemed to be valid if they
are within the range 10–100 nA. This calibration method can be viewed as a
multi-point in-vivo calibration, with the exception that MiniMed has presented
it for use in an “offline” manner, rather than for real-time estimation.
Fig. 2.14. A simplified view of the GlucoWatch mechanism (Adapted from [145] and
GlucoWatch Patent US6233471 B1 [146])
3. The current at the cathode is integrated for 7 min during which the concen-
tration of H2 O2 in the gel is depleted.
4. The polarity of the iontophoresis current is then reversed, and the whole
process is repeated.
The integrated currents from the two biosensors are summed and input to a
signal processing algorithm, where the GlucoWatch Biographer filters the current
signals and then estimates BG from the signal. As described in [146], the signal
processing consists of:
• Baseline background signal processing
“Baseline background” is the current (nA) generated by the sensor indepen-
dent of the presence or absence of the analyte of interest. This baseline back-
ground can vary with time, temperature and other variable factors. To remove
or correct background information present in the sensor raw signal, a subtrac-
tion method can be used:
• Sensor calibration
The calibration can be carried out by giving a reference BG measurement
(BGcal , in [mg/dl]) to work out the conversion factor bgain in [mg/dl per nC]:
BGcal + ρ
bgain =
Ecal + δ
where Ecal = blank-subtracted smoothed sensor signal (nC) at calibration, ρ
= calibration offset [mg/dl], δ = offset calibration factor constant [nC] which
11 1
K1 can be found out by plotting the natural log of ibckgd versus . The slope of the
function is −K1 .
40 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
where wi are weighting factors and BGi are individual experts. Each expert
is described as a linear summation of appropriate input parameters Pj , plus
a constant (see [147]):
BGi = aij Pj + zi
Both CGMS and GlucoWatch use the same principle of current generation from
the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is created by the
enzymatic action of glucose oxidase on glucose. However, the signal processing
in GlucoWatch requires a more comprehensive mathematical formulation (as
seen above) than the simpler Finite Impulse Response filter used in CGMS (as
reported in [148]). This is due to the differences in physiological pathways, and
the concentration of the glucose being measured by the two devices. Nevertheless,
both products require users to enter a glucometer reference value to perform a
single or multi-point calibration.
SMBG determined BG (mmol/l)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Reference BG (mmol/l)
As insulin is normally cleared rapidly from the plasma, circulating insulin levels
and its ultimate delivery to the target tissues depends mainly on the entry of
insulin to the circulation.
In a healthy individual, insulin enters the circulation mainly from pancreatic
release. But if there is an impairment of endogenous production (i.e. diabetes),
exogenous insulin must be administered. Exogenous insulin can be administered
by different routes:
• Intraperitoneal (i.p.).
• Subcutaneous (s.c.).
44 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Humulin® 50/50
Fig. 2.16. Human insulin action activity chart. (Source: Eli Lilly & Co., Indiana,
2.7 Insulin Infusion 45
• Intravenous (i.v.).
• Intramuscular (i.m.).
• Alternative non-invasive routes, such as oral, nasal, pulmonary or transder-
The intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and intravenous routes are the three most
common routes for continuous administration of insulin.
Intra-peritoneal Delivery
Subcutaneous Delivery
S.c. injection is the most preferred route by patients to receive their daily insulin
doses, either by direct injection at the site, or via insulin pump therapy.
When insulin is injected subcutaneously, it forms a depot at the injection site.
The compound then transforms to an absorbable state through dissociation and
dissolution [156], and diffuses from the depot into the circulation. The diffusion
process is slow, taking 50–90 min in general [28]. Similar to endogenous insulin,
the injected insulin is distributed within the plasma as “free” (unbound) insulin,
diffusing further into the extravascular compartment to reach the target cells.
46 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
Intravenous Delivery
Apart from the type and infusion route of insulin, insulin action is also influenced
by factors such as:
1. insulin resistance
2. insulin sensitivity — the sensitivity of the insulin receptors
3. the action of the counter-regulatory hormones,
4. physical exercise and diet
There has also been a report that oscillatory delivery of exogenous insulin with
a period of 120 minute into the systemic circulation leads to a greater reduction
in the plasma glucose concentration as compared to constant delivery [157].
This phenomenon was discovered in normal weight, non-diabetic subjects. Its
implication in diabetic subjects is yet to be determined.
2.8 Conclusion
Various BG measurement methods exist, each with their advantages and disad-
vantages. Although the choice of a method depends on the target population
and the clinical setting, it is undoubtedly that non-invasive method is the most
48 2 Glucose Control: Input and Output
preferable choice, and the way forward for the future. But until non-invasive
glucose sensing techniques have reached maturity, minimally-invasive methods
would remain the choice for longer-term continuous glucose monitoring. Invasive
glucose monitoring remains in use only in clinical research settings (and not for
day-to-day use by the general public).
Similarly, for the insulin infusion, the choice of insulin type and administration
routes depends on the target population. The subcutaneous route is the preferred
route for administration in ambulatory patients, despite possible discomfort,
while invasive route is used mainly in clinical routine (due to its faster action).
There are progress being made in non-invasive insulin delivery, and commercial
products have started to appear. With the emergence of non-invasive insulin
delivery techniques, the future of pain-free delivery appears hopeful.
2.9 Summary
3.1 Introduction
The role of the control algorithm in a closed-loop insulin delivery system is to reg-
ulate the patient’s BG level, replacing the intrinsic glucose regulatory function,
which is abnormal in diabetics. To develop an effective algorithm, a knowledge
of how glucose is intrinsically regulated in a healthy person is essential.
The human pancreas has between 1 and 2 million islets of Langerhans. These
islets contain three major cell types: alpha, beta and delta. The beta cells con-
stitute about 60% of the cells, and secrete insulin. The alpha cells, about 25%
of the total, secrete glucagon. The delta cells, about 10% of the total, secrete
somatostatin. The remaining 5% of cells are made up of other cell types which
secrete hormones of uncertain function [4]. Insulin and glucagon play the most
important roles in the glucose-regulatory system.
The glucose-regulatory mechanism is not an isolated system, but has connec-
tions with many other metabolic pathways in the body.
This chapter reviews the various mechanisms involved in the glucose-regulation
in normal individuals, diabetic patients and critically ill patients.
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 4 9–57, 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
50 3 Glucose Control: Patient Dynamics
the brain. Gluconeogenesis still supplies glucose for obligatory glycolytic tissues,
notably the brain.
This mechanism effects a stable fasting blood glucose concentration so that
the brain, which has no energy stores, has a sufficient supply of nutrients for nor-
mal activity. Glucose is an essential nutrient for the brain, retina, and germinal
epithelium of the gonads. Insulin is always present, and a low level of circulating
insulin regulates the rate of lipolysis, glucose transport and gluconeogenesis at
all times [158].
When a person prepares to eat a meal, two phases of insulin secretion occur:
an anticipatory phase (first phase) and a glucose-sensitive phase (second phase).
In the anticipatory phase, the sight of food and the first bite of a meal cause
the brain to send signals to the pancreas. These signals cause the pancreas to
release insulin into the hepatic circulation (Fig 3.1). Once the insulin is in the
hepatic circulation, the liver stops breaking down glycogen into glucose.
Portal vein
Insulin released
Stomach directly into
Intestine portal vein.
As the food enters the stomach, the release of insulin is further facilitated by
gastrointestinal hormones. These hormones increase the sensitivity of the islet
cells to glucose [159]. As nutrients are absorbed into the circulation, the glucose-
sensitive phase begins, and there is continuous secretion of insulin. These two
phases are sometimes termed the biphasic response of insulin secretion.
After absorption of all the carbohydrates, the feedback system for control of
blood glucose returns the glucose concentration rapidly back to the control level,
usually within 2 hours.
Although glucose is an important physiological stimulant of insulin secre-
tion, nutrients other than glucose, particularly amino acids, are also capable of
3.3 Diabetic Patients 51
The biphasic response (Fig 3.2) is also observed in the plasma compartment
during glucose clamp studies, where a square wave of hyperglycaemia is intro-
duced intravenously under normal conditions in a normal individual. The first
phase of the insulin response consists of a rapid rise in the insulin level during
the first 10 min, with a peak response at 4 min; the plasma insulin level then
falls and reaches a nadir at 10 min [160]. After 10 min, the plasma insulin level
is then observed to increase gradually according to the degree of hyperglycaemia
and persists for the duration of the stimulus [161].
Type II patients who suffer from either a reduced (but present) insulin secre-
tion, or abnormal insulin response (increased peripheral insulin resistance) or
both. Hence, Type I diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes melli-
tus (IDDM), where as Type II is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes
The first phase insulin release is somewhat harder to achieve by a closed-loop
insulin delivery system in an automatic manner. This is because the anticipatory
phase in a normal individual is initiated by neuro- and gastro-intestinal signals,
which are not measurable by a glucose sensor. The word “automatic” is used,
because in open-loop delivery systems, this signal can be given by the patient
by injecting insulin boluses manually before meal.
A solution to “artificially” achieve the first phase insulin release using a closed-
loop system would be to use sensors that have a very fast response time (e.g.
1 min at least), and to immediately deliver insulin when BG level starts rising
(with the assumption that the rise of BG level signifies the start of a meal (as
inferred from [163])). In fact this method has been used in the early external
artificial endocrine pancreas clinical experiments, such as those reported in [17]
and [16].
As for the second phase insulin release, the matching of the insulin dose to
the blood sugar intake depends on:
• A knowledge of how much glucose is ingested. In a healthy pancreas, beta
cells also function as “fuel-sensors” and are capable of adapting the rate of
insulin secretion to variations in plasma glucose level.
• The responsiveness of the insulin receptors on target cells to enable glucose
to enter and be utilised by the cells.
5. pre-prandial blood glucose concentrations between 3.9 mmol/l and 6.7 mmol/l,
and postprandial concentration of less than 10 mmol/l was found to delay
the onset of diabetic microvascular complications [11]. These microvascular
complications included retinopathy (visual impairment), vision-threatening
lesions, nephropathy (kidney disease) and neuropathy (nerve damage).
Complications not only occurred in diabetic patients, but also has an impact on
critically ill patient population:
1. A recent finding (see [9]) has shown that the use of intensive insulin therapy
to maintain BG at a level that did not exceed 110 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l)
substantially reduced mortality and morbidity in critically-ill patients in
the ICU (8.0% with conventional treatment to 4.6% with intensive insulin
2. The finding also reported that a pronounced hyperglycaemia in critically-
ill patients, even those who have not previously had diabetes, may lead to
complications in such patients [9].
3. Patients with mean glucose concentrations >11.1 mmol/l within 36 h follow-
ing surgery were more likely to develop infectious complications than their
counterparts who were under better glycaemic control [14].
All these findings demonstrated that apart from the administration of exogenous
insulin being essential to control the blood glucose concentration and to maintain
homeostasis in patients, the tightness of such a control is crucial in avoiding
long-term complications (in diabetic patients) and infectious complications (in
critically ill patients).
Patients with Type II diabetes (also know as NIDDM) are usually insulin resis-
tant. Surgical stress potentiates this insulin resistance, mainly due to the release
of the counter-regulatory hormones. Enhanced gluconeogenesis during stress is
also resistant to inhibition by insulin and glucose. Although skeletal muscle has
traditionally been implicated as the major site of peripheral insulin resistance,
stress may also induce insulin resistance in adipose tissue, liver, and heart [7].
Patient in Intensive Care are usually sedated. During this period, nutrition is
delivered either enterally or parentally.
• Enteral nutrition delivery is always the preferred route whenever the GI tract
is functional. Nutrition is delivered proximal or distal to the pylorus through
a naso-enteric tube. Since gastric emptying is often impaired in critically ill
patients, feeding distal to the pylorus maybe preferable [165].
• Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is given in situations where the patient has
contra-indications to enteral feeding (such as bowel obstruction, overwhelm-
ing intra-abdominal sepsis, or nectronizing pancreatitis), or when the patient
is unable to absorb nutrients via the GI tract. TPN in the ICU setting is
delivered through a central venous catheter, since most critically ill patients
already have central venous monitoring in place.
The plasma glucose concentration represents a balance between the influx of
glucose into the circulation and the rate at which it is cleared from the circulation
(either by the action of insulin, peripheral uptake or due to renal excretion).
Taken together with the varying rates of intravenous dextrose-containing fluids
ordered by the medical team, the ultimate glucose level in the patient depends
on how well this balance is being maintained.
The liver functions as an important blood glucose buffer system. During the
blood glucose rise after a meal, the liver stores as much as two thirds of the
glucose absorbed from the gut in the form of glycogen [4]. The stored glycogen
is later released back into the circulation as glucose when required.
This action of the liver decreases the fluctuations in blood glucose level. How-
ever, in patients with severe liver disease, it becomes difficult to maintain a
narrow range of blood glucose level [4].
3.6.1 BG Measurement
Insulin infusions are administered in saline or colloid solution, and mixed such
that 1ml/hr of delivery equates to 1U/hr of insulin. A rate of 0.5 to 1 unit
of insulin per hour is the recommended starting dose. This dose is usually for
patients who are not severely stressed. Higher rates may be needed for adequate
BG control.
Adjustments to insulin rate are made hourly, two-hourly or four hourly based
on arterial blood (from arterial cannula) or fingerstick glucose determinations.
The adjustment frequency depends on the stability (or severity) of the BG eleva-
tion. Patients may vary greatly in their sensitivity to insulin and some, especially
long-term type 1 diabetic patients are quite sensitive to small changes in insulin
Various rules for selecting the appropriate insulin infusion rate exist, such as
the sliding scale table, titration, and variable-rate intravenous insulin infusions
(see Section 4.2 in Chapter 4). These methods were designed and mainly used for
critically ill patients, whose physiological situation is different from ambulatory
patients. These method also used intermittent BG determination, rather than
continuous measurements.
3.7 Conclusion
Biological systems involve complex and interdependent processes. High blood
glucose levels in patients are often a result of metabolic derangement at various
levels. Glucose control in critically ill patients differs from diabetic ambulatory
patients in that they face additional metabolic stress from critical illness or
surgery. This renders their blood glucose level difficult to predict and sometimes
3.8 Summary
In this chapter, the glucose-regulatory mechanisms in a normal and diabetic
individuals were compared and contrasted. The challenges of controlling the BG
levels in the critically ill population were also discussed, followed by an overview
of the clinical practices currently used in managing BG in the Intensive Care
Mathematics of Glucose Control
4.1 Introduction
We have looked at blood glucose measurement, insulin infusion (Chapter 2), and
the characteristics of the patient in terms of the blood glucose control (Chap-
ter 3). In this chapter, we look at the control algorithms (or the “smarts”) that,
when worked together with the glucose sensor and insulin infusion pump, would
ideally re-balance a patient’s blood glucose level.
Recall that the beta cells (which being the fuel sensor as well as the insulin
production source) were destroyed in a diabetic patient, causing an impairment
of the ability to self-regulate glucose level. Glucose level regulation must then be
restored by means of carefully calculated external insulin infusion. The goal of
a closed-loop control system is thus to mimic the functionality of the pancreas
in providing automatic regulation of blood glucose level in patients.
To be precise, the closed-loop control systems (with its algorithm) should
really answer the question: “How much insulin should be given such that the
person blood glucose is restored, as closely as possible, to that of a healthy
Numerous researches were conducted to address this question, and many so-
lutions were proposed. This chapter aims to give a brief introduction to:
1. the control algorithms proposed in the literature, categorised based on the
two different approaches to the design of closed-loop control algorithm,
• model-less approach,
• model-based approach, where the model is linear and/or non-linear.
2. the relationships between the control algorithms and the formulation of
glucose-insulin model for the purpose of blood glucose level control in di-
abetic patients.
This chapter only touches upon some basics of glucose-insulin modelling. Readers
interested in detailed mathematical modelling techniques are invited to consult
other dedicated textbooks (e.g. [168] and [169]).
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 59–10 8, 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
60 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
The glucose-insulin response curve came from the discovery that insulin
secretion did not respond as a linear function of glucose concentration. The
relationship between the extracellular glucose concentration and the rate
of insulin secretion in vitro is sigmoidal, with a threshold corresponding to
the glucose level normally seen under fasting conditions, and with the steep
portion of the dose-response curve corresponding to the range of glucose
levels normally achieved postprandially.
Dose-response curve
2.5 11
0 2
10 100 1000
Plasma Insulin (uU/ml)
Albisser’s algorithm formed the basis for the algorithm used in the Biostator
bedside glucose control system (Table 4.3) used in further clinical investigations
of glucose-insulin interaction in humans (e.g. see [17], [16], [173] and [174]).
In this method, the relationship between the inputs and outputs is obtained by
mapping the inputs and outputs in the form of a lookup table. In the day-to-day
care of patients in the hospital settings, blood glucose control is commonly achieved
using model-less approach in an open-loop manner. BG samples are taken intermit-
tently (at defined internals), and insulin delivery rate is adjusted manually using:
• lookup table control, such as a sliding scale table. The table has a continuous
BG “partitioned” into ranges, with an insulin rate assigned to each range.
62 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
Insulin is given in accordance with the range in which the BG sample resides
(Table 4.4). The insulin delivery can either be intravenous or subcutaneous,
and different tables are prescribed for different routes of delivery. Tables that
used 1-hourly [175], and 3-hourly BG sampling [18] for subsequent adjust-
ment of intravenous insulin delivery rate have been reported to achieve good
normalisation of high BG.
• linearised lookup table, where the “step-wise” insulin increase is replaced by
a “slope”. Furler et al [176] used such an algorithm, where insulin rates are
0.5 U/hr for BG<4 mmol/l and 2.5 U hr for BG > 8 mmol/l, with a linear
transition between these rates over the range of BG of 4–8 mmol/l. Oller-
ton [177] subsequently improved on Furler et al’s algorithm by using grid
search algorithm. These slope-based algorithms were mainly used in clinical
investigation (e.g. [176]).
Nowadays, experienced nursing staff would generally be able to control an in-
patient’s elevated glucose level more efficiently than a prescribed sliding table.
This is because a prescribed sliding table can lose it effectiveness when the
patients glucose tolerance changes with their state of well-being.
Model-less approach to blood glucose control could also use expert rules (rules
that are based on experience) as the control rules. They can be seen in clinical
techniques, which include:
• titration control, where the intravenous (IV) insulin infusion rate is started
at an empirical level, and progressively tuned to an appropriate rate which
lowered and maintained the BG in the target range;
• variable-rate IV insulin infusion algorithm, where insulin rates are
increased/decreased by 0.5 U/hr (or remain unchanged) every 2 hours, based
4.2 Model-Less (Empirical) Control Algorithms 63
Biostator algorithm
where Δt = time between data samples (which must be smaller than the
process response time).
2. “Velocity” Form
In Velocity form, only the change in the controller output is calculated. The
actual controller output is then calculated from the previous value, i.e.:
Implementations in Literature
where I(t) = insulin infusion rate; K0 ,K1 ,K2 = Gain factors; W0 ,W1 ,W2 =
weighting functions, and G(t) = blood glucose levels.
• Marchetti et al [183] simulated a PID controller in the velocity form on Hov-
orka’s model. The PID controller has the form
1 t de(t)
c(t) = c0 + Kc e(t) + e(t)dt + τD
τI 0 dt
where Kc and τD are tuned to minimise the objective function
J= |e(k)| Δt + wi + c1 + c2
• The predictive power of the model is limited by the extent to which the model
is valid or accurate.
• Some parameters in the model may not be always observable, and if they
cannot be measured in anyway (or are too difficult to be measured), then this
will limit the usefulness and applicability of the model.
The mathematical model used in BG regulation can be divided into two groups:
4.3.1 Theoretical
Linear models are adequate when the intrinsic dynamics of the metabolic system
are essentially linear1 . In linear modelling of glucose-insulin kinetics, the models
are described by linear time-invariant equations:
where the state variable x(t) and its derivative appear in linear combination
only, and u(t) represents the input (or disturbances) into the system. Models
of glucose-insulin kinetics can be derived using technique like “compartmental
Quoted from [213]: A system is called “linear” if the Principle of Superposition
applies. The Principle of Superposition states that the response produced by a si-
multaneous application of two different forcing functions is the sum of the two in-
dividual responses. Hence, for the linear system, the response to several inputs can
be calculated by treating one input at a time and adding the results.
Conversely, a system is “nonlinear” if the Principle of Superposition does not
apply. Thus, for a nonlinear system the response to two inputs cannot be calculated
by treating one input at a time and adding the results.
70 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
There are many linear models proposed in the literature to-date. Among them,
Ackerman’s model has been by far the most commonly cited linear model. Ack-
erman’s model consists of a system of equations in which the parameters have
been lumped into two dependent variables, G and H, and four rate constants:
= −m1 g − m2 h + J
=−m3 h + m4 g + K (4.3)
where G= glucose concentration; G0 = fasting glucose concentration; g ≡ G−G0 ;
H= blood hormone concentration (including insulin). This is the effective hor-
mone concentration which included consideration of the role of epinephrine and
other hormone; H0 = fasting blood hormone concentration (including insulin);
h ≡ H − H0
The rate constants are:
• m1 = rate constant for the removal of glucose above the initial fasting level due
to its own excess above the initial level. Also known as glucose effectiveness,
this term normally has a value of 0.01–0.02/min but it is likely that its true
value is reduced at chronic hyperglycemia due to glucose toxicity;
• m2 = rate constant for the removal of glucose above the initial level due to
blood hormone concentration above the initial level
• m3 = rate constant for the removal of hormone above the initial fasting level
due to its own excess above the initial level (duration of insulin action)
• m4 = rate constant for the removal of hormone above the initial level due to
blood glucose concentration above the initial level.
Note the similarities between equation 4.3 and the compartmental model (equa-
tion 4.2) ). The same sets of equation 4.3 can also be derived using compart-
mental analysis.
The model parameters for the model were obtained from fitting the glucose
and insulin concentration profile to the model, following glucose tolerance tests
in patients. Some typical values can be found in Appendix B.
72 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
Bolie’s Model
dH 1 F1 (H) F2 (G)
= U̇ − +
dt V V V
dG 1 F3 (G, H) F4 (G, H)
= Ṗ − −
dt V V V
where t = time [hours]; G = extracellular glucose concentration; H = ex-
tracellular insulin concentration; V = extracellular fluid volume [L]; U̇ =
rate of insulin injection [U/hr]; Ṗ = rate of glucose injection [g/hr]; F1 (H)
= rate of insulin destruction; F2 (G) = rate of insulin production; F3 (G, H)
= rate of liver accumulation of glucose; F4 (G, H) = rate of tissue utilization
of glucose.
Assume that the fluctuations in the insulin and glucose concentrations are
limited to small physiological variations, then the non-linear model can be
linearised using Taylor series:
y = f (x)
df 1 d2 f
= f (x̄) + (x − x̄) + (x − x̄)2 + . . . (4.4)
dx 2! dx2
to produce
dh 1 ∂F1 1 ∂F2
=u− ·h+ ·g
dt V ∂H H0
V ∂G G0
where h = H − H0 , g = G − G0 , u = V1 U̇ , and p = V1 Ṗ .
The equation above can be identified with Ackerman’s model in terms of
the parameters m1 , m2 , m3 and m4 .
and therefore could contain both unacceptable levels of modelling error and
significant process-model mismatch [200].
Non-linear model ranges from less complex ones (e.g. [196, 197], [176] and
[214]) to comprehensive ones (e.g. [202–204], [215, 216] and [217]). Comprehen-
sive model attempts to coalesce the knowledge of metabolic regulations into a
generally large, non-linear model of high order, with a large number of model
parameters. This included the modelling of the distribution and metabolism of
glucose and insulin, hepatic glucose balance (i.e. glucose production and dis-
posal), renal excretion, glucose utilization, and insulin release and degradation,
to describe the system thoroughly ( [202–204]). Some investigators even took the
molecular approach, modelling individual isolated beta-cells, followed by popu-
lations of beta-cells (see e.g. [212]). Comprehensive models, in general, cannot
be easily identified.
In this section, only a few of the nonlinear models commonly referred in the
literature are described.
Also known as Bergman’s model, the minimal model was proposed by Bergman
et al [196, 197] in the early 1980’s for the interpretation of glucose and in-
sulin plasma concentrations following the intravenous glucose tolerance test
(IVGTT). This model has been popular among past physiological researches
on the metabolism of glucose.
It is composed of two parts:
1. Minimal model for glucose disappearance: Two differential equations
which describe the glucose plasma concentration time-course, accounting for
the dynamics of glucose uptake dependent on, and independent of circulating
insulin. It treated insulin plasma concentration as a known forcing function
= − (p1 + X(t)) G(t) + p1 GB (4.5)
= −p2 X(t) + p3 [I(t) − IB ] (4.6)
where the term p1 GB accounts for the body’s natural tendency to move
towards basal glucose levels [177].
2. Minimal model for insulin kinetic: Single equation which describes the
time-course of plasma insulin concentration, accounting for the dynamics of
pancreatic insulin release in response to the glucose stimulus. The glucose
plasma concentration is to be regarded as a known forcing function.
dI(t) γ[G(t) − h]t − n[I(t) − IB ] f or G(t) − h > 0
= (4.7)
dt −n[I(t) − IB ] f or G(t) − h ≤ 0
74 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
= −p2 X(t) + p3 [I(t) − IB ]
= −n[I(t) − IB ] + u(t)
where endogenous insulin secretion (i.e. the term γ[G(t) − h]t) in equation 4.7
was removed, and a term of exogenous infusion of glucose p(t) and insulin u(t)
was added.
There were variations to the Minimal Model, for example, Furler et al [176]
adapted the original Minimal model to represent the diabetic state and included
insulin antibodies in the description of insulin dynamics; Van Herpe et al [220]
modified Minimal model for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) population (called
“ICU-MM” model by the authors).
Glucose Subsystem
ẋ1 (t) = NHGB(x1 , u12 , u2 ) − F3 (x1 ) − F4 (x1 , u13 ) − F5 + Ix (t), x1 (0) = x10
u̇1p (t) = −k21 u1p + k12 u2p + W (x1 ), u1p (0) = u1p0
u̇2p (t) = k21 u1p − (k12 + k02 (x1 )) u2p , u2p (0) = u2p0
where NHGB = F1 (x1 , u12 , u2 ) − F2 (x1 , u12 ) is the net hepatic glucose balance;
F1 = the liver glucose production; F2 = the liver glucose uptake; F3 = the re-
nal excretion; F4 = the peripheral insulin-dependent glucose utilization; F5 =
the peripheral insulin-independent glucose utilization; Ix (t) is the rate of exoge-
nous glucose given intravenously; W (x1 ) = insulin synthesis controlled by BG
concentration; x1 = quantity of glucose in plasma and extracellular fluids [mg];
u1p = quantity of pancreatic stored insulin [μU]; u2p = quantity of pancreatic,
promptly releasable insulin [μU]. The constants are k12 =0.01, k21 =4.34×10−3
(values for a normal state).
• Liver glucose production
F1 (x1 , u12 , u2 ) = a11 G1 (u2 )H1 (u12 )M1 (x1 )
76 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
Fig. 4.3. Cobelli et al’s compartmental model. Solid line represents material flow;
Dashed line represents control signal (Adapted from Cobelli et al [202]).
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a11 = 1.51; b11 = 2.14; b12 =
0.0728; b13 =0.0275; c11 =−0.85; c12 =7; c13 =20.
• Liver glucose uptake
F2 (x1 , u12 ) = H2 (u12 )M2 (x1 )
H2 (u12 ) = 0.5 {1 − tanh [b21 (e12 + c12 )]}
M2 (x1 ) = a221 + a222 0.5 {1 + tanh [b22 (ex + c22 )]}
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a221 = 0.00195; a222 = 0.00521;
b21 = 0.0111; b22 =0.0145; c12 =51.3; c22 =−108.5.
• Renal excretion of glucose
F3 (x1 ) = M31 (x1 )M32 (x1 )
4.4 Mathematical Models of Gluco-regulatory System 77
M31 (x1 ) = 0.5 {1 + tanh [b31 (y1 + c31 )]}
M32 (x1 ) = a321 y1 + a322
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a321 = 1.43×10−5; a322 = −1.31×
10−5 ; b31 = 20; c31 =−180.
• Insulin-dependent peripheral glucose utilization
F4 (x1 , u13 ) = a41 H4 (u13 )M4 (x1 )
H4 (u13 ) = 0.5 {1 + tanh [b41 (e13 + c41 )]}
M4 (x1 ) = 0.5 {1 + tanh [b42 (ex + c42 )]}
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a41 =0.0287; b41 =0.031;
b42 =0.0144; c41 =−50.9; c42 =−20.2.
• Insulin-independent glucose uptake
F5 (x1 ) = M51 (x1 )M52 (x1 )
M51 (x1 ) = a51 tanh [b51 (ex + c51 )]
M52 (x1 ) = a52 ex + b52
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a51 =1.01×10−3; a52 =4.6×10−6;
b51 =0.0278; b52 =4.13×10−4.
Insulin Subsystem
The insulin subsystem is described by a five-compartment model, involving pan-
creatic insulin storage, liver and portal plasma insulin, plasma insulin and insulin
in the interstitial fluid.
u̇11 (t) = − (m01 + m21 + m31 ) u11 + m12 u12 + m13 u13 + Iu (t), u11 (0) = u110
u̇12 (t) = − (m02 + m12 ) u12 + m21 u11 + k02 (x1 )u2p , u12 (0) = u120
u̇13 (t) = −m13 u13 + m31 u11 , u13 (0) = u130
where u11 = the quantity of insulin in plasma [μU]; u12 = the quantity of
insulin in the liver [μU]; u13 = the quantity of insulin in the interstitial fluid
[μU]; Iu (t) = the insulin test input. The constants are m01 =0.125, m02 =0.185,
m12 =0.209, m13 =0.02, m21 =0.268, m31 =0.042 (values for a normal state). The
term k02 (x1 )u2p = F6 (u2p , x1 ) represents the insulin secretion rate.
• Insulin synthesis
W (x1 ) = 0.5aw {1 + tanh [bw (ex + cw )]}
• Insulin secretion
F6 (u2p , x1 ) = 0.5a6 {1 + tanh [b6 (ex + c6 )]} u2p
Glucagon Subsystem
where u2 = the quantity of glucagon in the plasma and interstitial fluid [ng]; F7
= the endogenous release of glucagon, dependent on BG and interstitial fluid
insulin; h02 =0.086.
• Glucagon secretion
F7 (x1 , u13 ) = a71 H7 (u13 )M7 (x1 )
H7 (u13 ) = 0.5 {1 − tanh [b71 (e13 + c71 )]}
M7 (x1 ) = 0.5 {1 − tanh [b72 (ex + c72 )]}
Baseline parameter values for a normal state: a71 =2.35; b71 =6.86×10−3;
b72 =0.03; c71 =99.2; c72 =40.
W and F1 – F7 are nonlinear functions, mij , hij , and kij are constant rate param-
eters [min−1 ] with the exception of k02 which is a function of x1 . See [202–204] for
details on the identification of individual parameters, and their nominal values.
The nominal values are shown in Appendix B. See also [215, 216] for extensions
based on Cobelli et al’s model.
Candas & Radziuk [199] used this non-linear model to aid in the design of an
adaptive controller for the maintenance of basal glycaemia during euglycaemic
hyperinsulinemic clamps:
= − [ko + k(t)] G(t) + RG(t)
= −a1 · k(t) + a2 · i(t)
= −a3 · i(t) + a4 · k(t) + a6 · i3 (t) + RI(t)
4.4 Mathematical Models of Gluco-regulatory System 79
di3 (t)
= −a6 · i3 (t) + a5 · i(t)
where G(t) = plasma glucose concentration [mg/dl]; ko = insulin-independent
fractional removal rate of glucose [min−1 ]; k(t) = insulin-dependent fractional
removal rate of glucose [min−1 ]; i(t) [μU] = insulin mass in the central com-
partment; i3 (t)= insulin mass in a peripheral compartment non-active in glu-
cose removal [μU] ; a1 –a6 = fractional transfer rates of the three-compartment
model of insulin kinetics (a1 , a3 , a5 , a6 have units in min−1 , and a2 has unit of
min2 /μU, and a4 is in μU/(min2 )). The values for {ai } are 0.394, 0.142, 0.251,
0.394, 3.15 × 10−8 , and 2.8 × 103 , while ksc was assumed to be 0.03 min−1.
RG(t) accounts for the rate of appearance of glucose in the systemic circulation
from both the endogenous and exogenous sources (in [mg/ml · min]), and RI(t)
represents the entry of both the endogenous and exogenous insulin into the
systemic circulation (in [μU/min]).
Glucose Subsystem
F01 is the total insulin-independent glucose flux, corrected for the ambient
glucose concentration [mmol/min]:
c F01 if G ≥ 4.5 mmol/l
F01 =
F01 G/4.5 otherwise
Insulin Subsystem
S2 (t)
U1 =
dI(t) UI (t)
= − ke I(t)
dt VI
f kb1
82 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
f kb2
• Insulin sensitivity of EGP
f kb3
The model quantities were divided into model constants and model parameters,
mainly to reduce the number of parameters to be calculated, and at the same
time, to be able to represent a wider range of glucose excursion observed in
diabetic patients [211]. Some values for these model quantities can be found in
Appendix B.
The model presented here is mainly adapted from [209], with some parameters
from [207] and [208], which are originally based on Sorensen’s work [217, 222].
Using the compartmental modelling technique, the patient model is represented
in Fig 4.5. Individual compartment models were obtained by performing mass
balances around tissues important to glucose or insulin dynamics. There are
six compartments, i.e. brain, heart/lungs, gut (combined effects of stomach and
intestine), liver, kidney, and periphery (combined effects of muscle and adipose
tissue). Blood transported glucose or insulin to the various compartments. It
was assumed that the glucose or insulin concentration in a compartment was in
equilibrium with the blood leaving the given compartment.
The nomenclature and parameter values can be found in [209] and are re-
peated in Appendix B.
• Brain:
= GB (GH − GBV ) − G (GBV − GBI )
= (GBV − GBI ) −
• Heart and lungs:
dGH 1
= G · QG G G G G
dt VH
• Gut:
dGG QG 1
= G · (GH − GG ) + G · (Γmeal − ΓGGU )
4.4 Mathematical Models of Gluco-regulatory System 83
• Liver:
dGL 1
= G · QG G G
dt VL
• Kidney:
= K · (GH − GK ) −
84 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
• Periphery:
= GP · (GH − GP V ) − G G · (GP V − GP I )
dt VP V TP V P V
= G · (GP V − GP I ) −
dt TP V P I VP I
P I 7.03 + 6.52 tanh 0.388 IP I − 5.82
d I 1
(MHGP )= 1.21 − 1.14 tanh 1.66 ILN − 0.89 I
dt τI
df2 1 2.7 tanh(0.39χN ) − 1
= − f2
dt τχ 2
d I 1
(MHGP )= 2.0 tanh 0.55ILN − MHGU
dt τI
• Kidney glucose excretion:
• Brain:
= BI (IH − IB )
dt VB
• Gut:
= G · (IH − IG )
dt VGI
4.4 Mathematical Models of Gluco-regulatory System 85
• Liver:
dIL 1
dt VL
• Kidney:
= K · (IH − IK ) −
• Periphery:
= IP · (IH − IP V ) − I I · (IP V − IP I )
dt VP V TP V P V
= I I · (IP V − IP I ) −
dt TP V P I VP I
where FP IC = 0.15
Glucagon Model
dχN 1
= ΓMχ C · ΓPNχ R − ΓMχ C · χN
dt Vχ
• Pancreatic glucagon release:
where M (t) = insulin mass in the s.c. depot [μU ]; RIsc (t) = insulin rate of
appearance in the s.c. depot [μU/min]; ksc (t) = fractional transfer rate from
s.c. depot toward the systemic circulation [min−1 ].
where Ggut = the amount (mg) of glucose in the gut following ingestion of a
meal and is defined by the following differential equation:
= RGempty − Kgabs Ggut
where RGempty = the rate of gastric emptying which is described by a trape-
zoidal function, saturating at a certain maximal rate. This model was evalu-
ated by Yates et al [224].
Quote from [168], “It is clear that metabolic processes exhibit complex dynamics
and involve many levels of control action ranging from autoregulatory effects
occurring within the cell to hormonal control of metabolic systems at the global
level. The approach that should be adopted in modelling metabolic system is
conditioned, along with purpose and theory, the nature of the data available for
system identification and model validation.”
• Plant:
This represents the real “patient”. The states of a plant are never fully
measureable. One would not know the “parameters” or even the “order”
of the plant, since it is generally a time-varying, non-linear, distributed-
parameter system. The values of the signals leaving the controller are
known, and the plant outputs can be measured, but nothing else in the
plant is accessible. The plant model is not part of the control system. Its
is only used to represent the plant in simulations and analytical work.
• Internal model:
The internal model provides a prediction of future plant outputs as a
function of contemplated adjustments in the manipulated variables and
estimated disturbances, The controller chooses the values of control-
inputs to send to the plant such that the predicted plant outputs are
optimal according to a specified criterion. The internal model is part of
the control system, and its states are all known exactly. Furthermore,
the structure and parameters of the internal model are known.
Implementation in Literature
• Swan [228], and Fisher & Teo [227]: Both consider Ackerman’s linear model
as internal model,
where x1 = G and x2 = H.
However, Fisher & Teo lumped the two equations into one single equation
with initial condition g1 (0) = x10 and ġ1 (0) = B − m1 x10 and B = meal size
[mg/dl per min]. The control problem is then solved as per usual method.
One observation from the solution to the glucose-control problem is that it is
possible for u(t) to become negative (i.e. the infusion of “negative” insulin). If
we seek to infuse insulin only (and not be supplemented by glucose infusion to
counter the previously given insulin), then the solution to the linear quadratic
optimal control problem would not be suitable. Fisher & Teo suggested a “sub-
optimal” control regime, where an extra constraint u(t) ≥ 0, ∀t ≥ 0 to address
this issue. Alternatively, the performance criterion can be re-formulated
J(u) = x21 (t) dt
A∗ P + PA − B∗ K∗ P − PBK + [Q + K∗ T∗ TK] = 0
1 ∗ 1 ∗
A∗ P + PA + TK − B P TK − B P − PBR−1 B∗ P + Q = 0
T∗ T∗
1 1 ∗
K= B P
T T∗
= B∗ P
Thus, the optimal control law is u(t) = −Kx(t) = −R−1 B∗ Px(t).
The optimal control problem can also be solved using a Hamiltonian (See
Gopal [229]).
4.5 Mathematics of the Model-Based Control Algorithms 91
0 < β(n, k) ≤ 1, k = 1, 2, . . . , n
In least-square estimation, the goal is to find the optimal filter coefficients that
minimises the error ξ(n). This is done by setting the derivative of ξ(n) with
respect to wm (n) to zero:
∂ξ(n) n ∗
= k=0 β(n, k)e(n, k) ∂e∂w(n,k)
∗ =0
It is common to use β(n, k) that has the form
It can be shown (see Appendix A) that the optimal filter coefficients can be
found using a recursion technique, which begins by
1. setting wT (n − 1) = 0 and P(0) = δ −1 I where δ is a small positive constant
2. computing
Implementation in Literature
• Kikuchi et al [232] used recursive least square estimation to estimate the pa-
rameters in the Ackerman’s model (i.e. m1 to m4 ). The recursive estimation
followed that of system 4.10 but with modification to include an extra term
“−(1 − m1 T)X1 (n − 2)” in the term d(n) − xT (n)w(n − 1) of system 4.10
above. X1 was defined to be the equivalent of glucose concentration x1 in
the Ackerman’s equations. The filter coefficients were derived from a differ-
ence equation relating to Ackerman’s model. A state observer was then used
to estimate the insulin state variable before calculating the insulin infusion
rate using optimal control strategy. The state observer is used because only
the glucose (first state variable) and not the insulin (the second variable)
in Ackerman’s model is directly measured in real-time. Due to the delay in
BG measurement from the glucose analyser, a state-predictor was included to
deduce the present time BG (based on the BG taken some minutes ago).
• Sarti et al [233] devised a self-tuning adaptive controller based on a discrete-
time linear glucose-insulin model P described by:
The MPC control law can be understood by referring to Fig 4.8. For any assumed
set of present and future control moves Δu(k), Δu(k +1), . . . , Δu(k +m−1) the
future behaviour of the process outputs y(k + 1|k), y(k + 2|k), . . ., y(k + p|k) can
Implementation in Literature
• Parker et al [207] used linear Model Predictive Control with state estimation
and Kalman filtering. The internal model is
Tuning of the Kalman filter is accomplished using the matrices R1 , R2 and P(0).
The internal model is obtained from the continuous nonlinear diabetic pa-
tient model by first linearising the nonlinear model analytically to produce a
linear continuous-time model. The linear model is then converted to a discrete-
time minimum-phase model for use in simulation, yielding Φ, Γ and C.
• Lynch et al [223] used a similar concept except that Bergman’s model is
discretized (instead of linearising the comprehensive model), and that subcu-
taneous glucose measurement is used (rather than the arterial glucose mea-
surement in Parker’s case).
• Trajanoski et al [225] devised a “Neural Predictive Controller”, which is based
on off-line identification of the glucoregulatory system using neural network,
amalgamated with a nonlinear model predictive controller (nMPC) design using
multiple step-ahead predictions of the previously identified model. The nMPC
uses moving horizon approach with a whole set of predictions (instead of the
classical approach where one prediction is used). The performance index was:
where ej = deviation of the predicted output ŷ(t+j) from the setpoints r(t+j);
Δu = u(t)−u(t−1) is the difference in the control moves; m = control horizon;
p = prediction horizon; N1 = minimum costing horizon; Γe , Γu = prediction
and control weighting respectively. Bellazi et al [236] explained this approach
from a different perspective.
• Hovorka et al [211] have developed a non-linear model predictive controller
with on-line parameter estimation using Bayesian approach. The model pa-
f f f
rameters SIT , SID , SIE , F01 and EGP0 (see Section 4.4.7) are tuned using
the objective function
Nw 6
arg min wt−i [ŷ (t − i|p1 · · · p6 ) − y (t − i)]2 + p2k
−2.5≤p1 ...p6 ≤2.5
i=1 k=1
with the coefficients aij and bi derived from Random Variable Transformation
technique. The insulin infusion rates are calculated by minimising an objective
function over a prediction horizon N :
arg min [ŷ (t + i|t) − y (t + i)]
0≤u(t+1)···u(t+N )≤4
+ [u (t + i) − u (t + i − 1)]
kagr i=1
hour (see Fig 4 in [211]). A sequence of insulin rates u(t + 1), . . . , u(t + N )
are generated, but only the first one, u(t + 1), is delivered to the patient.
The insulin rate was limited to 4 U/hr due to the limitation of the infusion
pump used (see [211]). Note that in clinical trials involving human subjects,
blood glucose is measured intravenously (i.e. accurate BG values were ob-
tained and fed into the controller) while insulin are given via a subcutaneous
4.5.5 H∞ Control
H∞ refers to the space of all bounded functions that are analytic and stable
(i.e. poles are in the Right-hand-plane), and have proper transfer functions (i.e.
degree of the denominator ≥ the degree of the numerator) (see [237]). Consider
a stable single-input-single-output (SISO) linear system with transfer function
G(s), the H∞ norm is defined as
G(s) =
Note that the packed-matrix form is the frequency domain transfer function
expressed like a time-domain matrix, i.e.
G(s) =
= C(sI − A)−1 + D
= s − domain transfer function
• Two outputs:
1. z = error signals (which is what we wanted to minimise);
2. y = measured variables (which is used in the controller K to calculate the
manipulated variable u, so as to control the system).
P and K are matrices while the input & output signals are generally vectors.
The system can be described by:
⎡ ⎤
reference signal
tracking error
= P ⎣ disturbances ⎦
control output
control input
Let the SISO model P has a state-space system of the form
= Ax(t) + B1 w(t) + B2 u(t)
z(t) = C1 x(t) + D11 w(t) + D12 u(t)
y(t) = C2 x(t) + D21 w(t) + D22 u(t)
z = F (P, K) · w
F (P, K) = P11 + P21 K P21
(I − P22 K)
The expression for the closed-loop transfer function F (P, K) is called Linear
Fractional Transformation. The objective of H∞ control design is to find a con-
troller K that minimises the cost
J∞ (K) < γ
Put simply, w (player 1) will try to make the cost L(u, w) as large as possible,
while u (player 2) attempts to find the smallest L(u, w) < 0.
4.5 Mathematics of the Model-Based Control Algorithms 101
Implementation in Literature
where p(t) = the absorption of glucose from blood; u(t) = infused insulin;
x= GI C is the state vector that has an extra component C ; G, I and C
represent the glucose concentration, insulin concentration and the aggregate
of glucagon, cortisol and catecholamine in the blood, respectively. The system
above may also be written as
y(s) = Cg (sI − A)−1 g B2g u(s) + Cg (sI − A)
B1g p(s)
= G1 (s)u(s) + G2 (s)p(s)
= P22 (s)u(s) + P21 (s)w(s) by analogy to equation 4.11
We can see that u(s) and p(s) is analogous to u and w, just as G1 and G2
being analogous to P21 and P22 in equation 4.11. G1 can be seen as the patient
model with the insulin infusion, and G2 being the meal disturbance model.
Parameter uncertainties in Ag were then modelled by additive uncertainties
A robust control system is one that can withstand variations in real envi-
ronment and operate properly in realistic situations [240]. Control systems
are usually designed using simplified models of the system and environment,
and thus may not work on the real plant in real environment. A robust con-
troller must perform satisfactorily not just for one plant, but for a family
of plants.
Model uncertainty is generally divided into structured uncertainty and un-
structured uncertainty. Structured uncertainty assumes that the uncertainty
is modelled and there are bounds for uncertain parameters in the system.
Unstructured uncertainties assume less knowledge of the system, and as-
sumed only that the frequency response of the system lies between two
bounds. Two most common unstructured uncertainties are:
• Additive, where
• multiplicative, where
G(s) − G(s)
Δm (s) =
The multiplicative model is used more often because it represents the rel-
ative error in the model, rather than the absolute error as represented by
the additive model.
The design was refined by adding a first-order low pass filter and weights to
the exogenous input p, and weights to the uncertainty input and output. The
solution algorithm was based directly on those in [238].
and could be split into a process model (G), and a disturbance model (Gm )
representing the effects of the meal disturbance (md ), in similar fashion to
those in Kienitz et al (above).
Quoted from [207], ”Uncertainty due to differences between an actual patient
and the diabetic patient model was thought to be related to variations in
model parameters.” Sets of three parameters from a possible of eight physi-
ological parameters – five parameters from liver, and three parameters from
the peripheral (muscle/fat and tissues) – were chosen for uncertainty charac-
terization, yielding 56 combinations. With each parameter set varied in five
permutations (+max, +1/2 max, no change, -1/2 max, -max) about the nom-
inal value, there are a total of 125 variations possible in each three-parameter
set (35 ), or 7000 possible perturbed models (56 × 35 ). The nonlinear model
was linearised around each of the 125 parameter variations for each set. The
104 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
where x(t) = state vector; ξ(t) = external glucose disturbance input; u(t) =
{0, U0 , U1 , . . . } = a sequence of (pre-defined) insulin infusion rate; zc (t) = con-
tinuous controlled output; zd (iT ) = discrete controlled output; y(iT ) = dis-
crete BG measurement; vi = noise. The control strategy is a rule for switching
106 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
4.5.6 Note
It should be noted that most control algorithms described above use BG level
measured at i.v. catheter or subcutaneous regions. Insulin are delivered either
intravenously or subcutaneously, and not directly at the portal circulation. This
is partly because it is safer to access blood vessels at the peripheral and subcu-
taneous site, than at the portal site, despite the fact that insulin delivered at
peripheral site usually causes hyperinsulinemia, and adverse effects have been
reported (e.g. an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease [154, 155]).
4.6 Conclusion
The design of effective control algorithms require a knowledge of the characteris-
tics of the individual components that constitute the loop (i.e. the sensor, insulin
dynamics etc). Furthermore, practical implementation also needs to address the
issue of noise in measurement and uncertainties in the model. The use of full
and comprehensive glucose-insulin description requires a knowledge of all the
interdependent physiological processes involved, and also on the accessibility of
the parameters involved. Some parameters are not easily obtainable with simple
tests, and may not be measurable due to technical barriers, ethical issues, or
4.7 Summary 107
Dynamics of different
Dynamics of different
patch ?
Infusion Routes
(e.g. slow−acting
infusion route
insulin, etc)
insulin type
Clouds of uncertainty
Patient’s response
BG measurement
BG measurement
site dynamics
cost-benefit issues. Having said, there has been effort in developing algorithms
that uses “average” model parameter values as a start, and then “personalized”
as data are gathered (e.g. Hovorka et al).
The application of mathematical modelling and control theory certainly
helped in the understanding of the glucose-insulin kinetic and the subsequent
control problem, bringing us one-step closer to achieving better glucose regula-
tion. What remains missing is a reliable, accurate and minimally/non-invasive
glucose sensor.
4.7 Summary
This chapter examines the two approaches to glucose controller design. Model-
less approach relies heavily on rules or empirical method to devise the control
108 4 Mathematics of Glucose Control
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 109–126, 2007.
springerlink.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
110 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
CGMS cable
Sensor assembly
Once the hardware is in place, the major functions of the closed-loop system are
managed by software. The software performs four logical functions:
• Sensor data collection
• Pump driving
• Control algorithm computing
• Alert reporting (alarming)
CGMS is approved for investigational use by the FDA (Food and Drug Admin-
istration, USA), but is not designed to give real-time glucose information (at the
5.1 CGMS Integration 111
time of writing). Each sensor is meant to be worn for up to three days, with the
patient performing SMBG (i.e. Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose) at least four
times a day and entering the SMBG result into the monitor. When initiated,
MiniMed Com-Station Software V1.6 downloads the “raw data” (i.e. current,
voltage from the sensor assembly) that are stored onboard CGMS, translating it
and then storing it as plain text data file on the PC. MiniMed’s Solution Software
V1.1A then formats this text data file, and applies Regression Calibration to
estimate BG readings obtained during the three days retrospectively.
Insulin infused
to patient Patient’s BSL
Pump Driving
The control algorithm translates BG levels readings into matching insulin de-
livery rates to be given to the patients. As a basic control apparatus, a sliding
table control algorithm is used to serve as an example. The basic sliding table
has the form shown in Table 5.1, and features a commonly used starting scale
for treating hyperglycaemia in critically ill patients at Sir Charles Gairdner Hos-
pital, Perth (where a real-life clinical study was performed using the apparatus).
Insulin delivery is adjusted at the turn of each hour, and maintained at the new
Table 5.1. Basic sliding table, with a region assigned to each BG ranges
delivery rate during the hour. In conjunction with the basic sliding table control
algorithm, the following extra steps were included:
1. Ability to start at an insulin rate higher or lower than those set-out in Table
5.1, by adding a constant Uoffset that adds to the basic set of infusion rates.
This is to address the issues that not all patients have the same insulin re-
quirement as exemplified in Table 5.1. With any selected “starting” infusion
rate, the initial Uoffset would be automatically calculated by
Uoffset = (first prescribed rate − BG region)
where the operation (·)+ would return a “-1” if the enclosed term is negative-
valued. Any subsequent insulin will be given according to
Ugiven = BG region + Uoffset
5.1 CGMS Integration 113
Alert Reporting
The software also needs to report any errors or alarms to the user. This includes
any errors in sensor reading, pump driving or other conditions.
To show that such a control apparatus actually works, we included a few clinical
results obtained during a clinical study on critically-ill patients (see [167]). Note
that the study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, and the Therapeutics Goods Ad-
ministration (TGA), Canberra, Australia. Informed consent were obtained from
the patients or their legal surrogates prior to conducting the study.
Fig 5.3 shows the best performing glucose sensor from the clinical study. The
sensor BG reading tracked the MediSense 2 glucometer reading with 2.9±9.6%
error (mean±2SD). With such excellent BG readings, the action of the sliding
table control algorithm can be examined. One can see the sliding table slowly
increased the insulin rate to bring BG to near 10 mmol/l at the end of the 24-
hour period. This result showed the classical control performed by sliding table
114 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
Fig. 5.3. Profile for Patient L00. Shown are the glucometer reading (◦), sensor reading
(•), insulin infusion rate (×), Total Parenteral Nutrition (+, in ml/hr), naso-gastric
feed (“−”, Jevity in ml/hr), and sensor calibration (). Jevity is a nasogastric feed
from Abbott Laboratories Inc, USA, and contains 36.5 g of carbohydrate per 237 ml
(8FL Oz).
method. The average BG attained during the trial period was 12.0±3.2 mmol/l
(mean±2SD). The control algorithm was configured to bring BG to the range
6–10 mmol/l, taking a conservative control approach. Fig 5.4 shows the complete
closed-loop infusion system used in the clinical study.
It was observed that the glucose sensor did not always perform as expected.
Some observed sensor performances that are undesirable for use in closed-loop
control included below:
1. Sensor signals (Isig in nA) decreases with time (Fig 5.5):
2. Sensor signals (Isig in nA) delayed by 1 hour with respect to the glucometer
readings (Fig 5.6):
5.1 CGMS Integration 115
Fig. 5.4. Photographs of the complete system used during clinical studies (top). CGMS
glucose sensor on patient’s upperarm area (bottom).
116 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
Fig. 5.5. Sensor Isig decreases with time, when compared to the glucometer read-
ings (◦)
Fig. 5.6. Sensor Isig delayed by 1 hour, with respect to the glucometer readings (◦)
3. Sensor signals (Isig in nA) fluctuating around the glucometer readings, while
decreasing in strength with time (Fig 5.7):
Fig. 5.7. Undulating sensor Isig when compared to the glucometer readings (◦), while
decreasing in strength with time
5.2 Miniaturisation – Glucose Sensing Circuit 117
Considering the many factors that can influence the sensor-glucose dynamics in
the subcutaneous space, it may not be surprising that the sensor signal fluctuated
in all the results obtained. In addition, the clinical study was conducted on the
critically-ill patient population, which has a different physiological condition
compared to healthy individuals. The estimation of BG from the sensor current
signal is dependent on three factors:
1. the linearity between sensor signal and ISF glucose concentration (interac-
tion factor).
2. the linearity between the ISF glucose concentration and blood glucose con-
3. the calibration factors that translate the current signals into BG estimation.
Among the five clinical studies, Patient L00 (Fig 5.3) exhibited the least changes
in sensor linearity, with the highest change at 0.17 mg/dl per nA, which
amounted to 1.7–17 mg/dl (or 0.09–0.9 mmol/l) for a current range of 10–100 nA.
The example of the bedside system shown in this section showed that a bed-
side closed-loop system can be constructed fairly easily, due to the commercial-
availability of the components – especially the glucose sensor.
5.2.1 Background
CGMS uses amperometry as its main measuring technique (see Section 2.1). The
commonly used sensor configurations are:
1. two-electrode system — a platinum (Pt) working-indicating electrode with a
Ag/AgCl reference-counter electrode, such as those described in [16,248,249].
2. three-electrode system — a platinum (Pt) working electrode, an Ag/AgCl
reference electrode, and a platinum (Pt) counter electrode such as those
described in [33, 248, 250, 251].
CGMS uses a three-electrode system. A circuit that can be used with CGMS is
presented here, and it consists of three components:
118 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
Rbody1 Rbody2
− −
IN4148 1 2
+ +
Fig. 5.8. Glucose sensing circuit for integration with MiniMed CGMS glucose sensor
assembly. Figure shows a constant potential application circuit (right), a nano-ampere
measuring circuit (upper left) and a supply potential splitting circuit (bottom left).
The resistances, Rbody1 and Rbody2 represent the flow of the current generated from
the hydrolysis of H2 O2 , across the constant potential applied to the electrodes.
would flow to the counter electrode, CNT, and then sink to VEE via the output
terminal of op-amp 3. This configuration allows the voltage at REF to remain
Fig. 5.9. Connection to the CGMS sensor assembly (Source: MiniMed’s patent
WO00/74753A1, US6,360,888B1)
CGMS sensor
Slotted wheel
Circuit board + − + −
The generated current, due to its small magnitude (in nano-ampere range), is
measured by a nano-ampere measuring circuit, which is formed around op-amp
1. The circuit employs a transimpedance topology, and converts the out-flowing
current (with respect to the op-amp’s “-” input) into a positive output voltage.
The output voltage is proportional to the current, and is thus proportional to
the amount of glucose present at the sensor insertion site. The two diodes that
are connected to the op-amps inputs function to limit excessive current from
damaging the op-amp. The capacitor in series&with the 5MΩ resistor forms a
low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 1/ 2π · (5M Ω × C1) to eliminate
noise in the measurement.
To permit the use of a single 5V battery, and yet simultaneously allowing the ex-
istence of a negative potential (for the reference electrode), and a positive voltage
output (at the nano-ampere measuring circuit), a supply potential splitting cir-
cuit is used. Formed by op-amp 4, the supply splitting circuit selects a potential
within the source potential range (by means of a LM385 adjustable micropower
voltage reference diode feeding into op-amp 4), and maps it for use as “ground”
reference by the other circuits. This effectively splits the source potential into
120 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
two separate potential sources, giving a positive and negative voltage reference.
This eliminated the need for a separate generation of a negative power supply.
The use of op-amps with very low power consumption minimised the effect of
limited current sourcing/sinking ability of the op-amps configuration employed
in the supply splitting circuit.
Used in conjunction with the CGMS sensor assembly and cable, this glucose
sensing circuit allows minute-by-minute measurement of subcutaneous glucose
concentration, to be used by a control algorithm in the insulin delivery device.
R3 R1
R5 R2
PA2 TR3 R4
TR2 Motor
Buttons’ array M connects to
the shaft of
the slotted
PA3 wheel.
Vout from
glucose sensing ATD
Fig. 5.11. Syringe pump circuit schematic, showing the interface between the motor
driving circuit, the motor rotation detector circuit, with the microprocessor
The motor driving circuit consists of a voltage source with current limiter. The
motor is turned on by a logic high placed on the I/O pins of the microprocessor
that connects to transistor TR1 (i.e. PA3 in Fig 5.11). When the motor drew
5.4 Signal Processing and Control Algorithm Programming 121
more than a pre-defined current determined by the value of resistor R2 (e.g. when
there is a flow resistance in the delivery catheter), TR2 would turn on, limiting
the current to the motor, and protecting the motor windings from overcurrent.
The motor rotation detector circuit consists of a light emitting diode, and a
phototransistor, which can also be replaced by a slotted optical switch assembly.
A slotted wheel, which is mounted on the motor shaft, is located between the
slot of the optical switch assembly. Feedback on the degree of motor rotation
was provided by the motion of the wheel interrupting the light beam between
the slot (see Fig 5.10 and Fig 5.11).
As the optical switch is mainly used to detect the degree of rotation made by
the motor, the microprocessor can be programmed to save power by switching
on the optical switch only when the motor is turned on. The motor and the
optical switch can then be switched off when the motor has rotated a pre-selected
amount, or when a time-out has occurred. The values of resistor R1 to R4 vary
with different types of motor and optical switch desired.
The LCD and hardware button are provided for sensor value readout and infusion
rate programming or viewing. The designer can also choose to provide dials in
place of the LCD and hardware buttons.
5.3.4 Microprocessor
Y (z −1 )
G(z −1 ) =
X(z −1 )
1 + z −1 + · · · + z −M +1
where X(.) and Y (.) represent the input and output of the filter respectively,
and M is the length of the averaging window.
x[n] + · · · + x[n − M + 1]
y[n] = (5.1)
x[n] x[n − M ]
y[n] = y[n − 1] + − (5.2)
/R (in nA)
1 2 3
Input current (in nA)
Fig. 5.12. The output measured by the nano-ampere measuring circuit is linear with
respect to the applied test current, over the tested range of 10 nA to 400 nA
ATD measurement (in V)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Vout (in V)
Fig. 5.13. Vout is linear with respect to the ATD’s measured output (10-bit ATD)
moving average algorithm. Fig 5.13 showed that Vout is linear with respect to
the ATD’s output measurement.
Fig 5.14 shows a working example of the system built around an existing
commercially-available syringe pump (SIMS Graseby MS-26 Syringe Driver,
Graseby Medical Ltd, Watford, Hertfordshire, UK), as an alternative to a
custom-made pump.
5.6 Basic Safety Issues 125
Fig. 5.15. The internal of the example portable closed-loop insulin delivery apparatus
126 5 Closed-Loop Control Apparatus Example
5.7 Conclusion
5.8 Summary
This chapter presented the design of a bedside closed-loop insulin delivery sys-
tem, constructed using off-the-shelf components. Such an apparatus was shown
to function in a clinical settings under constant supervision. As a natural step
towards miniaturisation, this chapter detailed the design of a portable and wear-
able closed-loop delivery system that uses CGMS as its glucose sensor. Cir-
cuit diagrams explaining the design of the glucose sensor interface, and the
microprocessor-driven syringe pump were presented. The chapter then described
a noise filtering algorithm that worked well with the glucose sensing circuit in-
troduced in the chapter. A working example of the design was presented in the
later part of the chapter, together with discussions on the basic safety issues
related to the pump.
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 127–128, 2007.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
128 6 Conclusions
n ∂ d(k) − {w∗ }T x∗
n−k T
⇒ 0= λ d(k) − w (n)x(k)
λn−k d(k) − wT (n)x(k) {x∗ }
n n
⇒ λn−k x∗ (k)xT (k) w(n) = λn−k d(k)x∗
k=0 k=0
Φ(n) = λn−k x∗ (k)xT (k)
= λn−k x∗ (k)xT (k) + λn−n x∗ (n)xT (n)
= λ(n−1)−k x∗ (k)xT (k) + x∗ (n)xT (n)
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 129–131, 2007.
springerlink.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
130 A Mathematical Derivation
θ(n) = λn−k d(k)x∗
A = B −1 + CD−1 C T
A−1 = B + BC(D + C T BC)−1 C T B
Let A = Φ(n), B −1 = λΦ(n − 1), C = x(n), D = 1, we can write
It is now possible to develop the recursive expression for the filter coefficients
w(n) = Φ−1 (n)θ(n)
= Φ−1 (n) (λθ(n − 1) + d(n)x∗ (n))
= λ λ−1 Φ−1 (n − 1) − λ−1 k(n)xT (n)Φ−1 (n − 1) θ(n − 1) + d(n)Φ−1 (n)x∗ (n)
Equation A.2 is a form of Riccati equation, and we can relate k(n) = P(n)x∗ (n)
with some algebraic manipulation (Adapted from [230]).
y = f (x1 , x2 ) (A.3)
where the partial derivatives are evaluated at x1 = x̄1 , x2 = x̄2 . The higher
order terms may be neglected. The linear model of this nonlinear system around
the normal operating point can be given by
∂f ∂
= [− (p1 + X) G + p1 Gb ] = − (p1 + X)|X=X̄ = − p1 + X̄
∂G G=Ḡ,X=X̄
∂f ∂
= [−p1 G − XG + p1 Gb ] = −G|G=Ḡ = −Ḡ
∂X G=Ḡ,X=X̄ ∂X
f − f¯ = − p1 + X̄ G − Ḡ + −Ḡ X − X̄
⇒ f = − p1 + X̄ G − Ḡ + −Ḡ X − X̄ + − p1 + X̄ Ḡ + p1 Gb
= − p1 + X̄ G − Ḡ X − X̄ + p1 Gb
The linearised model is = − p1 + X̄ G − Ḡ X − X̄ + p1 Gb
Model Parameters
Subject EG EH m1 m2 m3 m4
N6 0.09 2.5 0.0351 0.0262 0.0540 0.0262
N4 0.22 6.5 0.0273 0.0271 0.0540 0.0136
N3 0.23 1.3 0.0617 0.0438 0.0590 0.0277
N1 0.41 6.5 0.0251 0.0703 0.0980 0
N2 0.65 11.3 0.0536 0.0858 0.0108 0.0423
N5 0.70 2.6 0.0574 0.1575 0.0729 0
D4a 0.15 8.8 0.0020 0.0014 0.0220 0
D4b 0.08 3.9 0.0009 0.0031 0.0415 0
D2 0.11 4.4 0.0016 0.0143 0.0293 0
D8 0.32 13.5 0.0035 0.0006 0.0418 0
D7a 0.33 364 0.0027 0.0012 0.0260 0
D6 0.33 939 0.0081 0.0857 0.0011 0.0006
D11 0.36 6.9 0.0088 0.0001 0.0338 0
D1 1.10 121 0.0063 0.0011 0.0072 0
D7b 1.60 442 0.0056 0.0011 0.0097 0
F. Chee & T. Fernando: Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose, LNCIS 368, pp. 133–137, 2007.
springerlink.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
134 B Model Parameters
• IBW = Ideal Body Weight; G0 = basal glucose value; I0 = basal insulin value;
VG = glucose distribution space;
• G(0) = BG concentration at the start of clinical experiment;
• “Furler (all)” = values for all three “hypothetical subjects”, as presented in
Furler et al [176].
1. “Furler1” = normal patient;
2. “Furler2” = insulin-resistant patient;
3. “Furler3” = glucose-resistant patient.
Table B.4. Parameter values for pathological states and other conditions
Table B.6. Hovorka’s model parameters for the purpose of Bayesian parameter esti-
ΓBGU = 70 mg/min
ΓRBGU = 10 mg/min
ΓGGU = 20 mg/min
ΓPBGU = 35 mg/min
ΓHGP = 155 mg/min
ΓHGU = 20 mg/min
GNPI = basal value
(e.g. basal value = 86.81)
IP I = basal value (e.g. basal value = 5.304)
GNL = basal value (e.g. basal value = 101)
IL = basal value (e.g. basal value = 21.43)
Table B.8. Sorensen’s model parameter values for the diabetic patient
VBV = 3.5 dL QG
B = 5.9 dL/min VBI = 0.26 L QIB = 0.45 L/min τI = 25 min
VH = 13.8 dL QG
H = 43.7 dL/min VHI = 0.99 dL QIH = 3.12 L/min τχ = 65 min
VGG = 11.2 dL QG
G = 10.1 dL/min VGI = 0.94 L QIG = 0.72 L/min TB = 2.1 min
VLG = 25.1 dL QG
L = 12.6 dL/min VLI = 1.14 L QIL = 0.9 L/min TPG = 5.0 min
VKG = 6.6 dL QG
K = 10.1 dL/min VKI = 0.51 L QIK = 0.72 L/min TPI = 20 min
VPGV = 10.4 dL QG
P = 15.1 dL/min VPI V = 0.74 L QIP = 1.05 L/min VBI = 4.5 dL
A = 2.5 dL/min QIA = 0.18 L/min VP I = 63 dL
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