Content Standard Addressed: S4E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and
contrast the physical attributes of stars and planets.
Technology Standard Addressed:
Selected Technology Tool: Discovery Education
URL( to support the lesson (if applicable):
9B10E87DB316 - mode=edit&queryAssetsLoaded=true
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):
This activity will take the full class period. The students have had prior experience creating boards
and exploring on Discovery Education. Once the students are done with the project, they will post a
link to their board through Padlet and from there the board will be graded for accuracy,
presentation and participation. This project integrates differentiation, because it is allowing students
a choice to build something using their personal learning preferences. They are being provided with
visual, hands on, auditory and standard resources for learning. Once the students have submitted
their boards the students will be assigned a classmate’s board and they will be asked to peer review
the board and provide feedback during next class meeting. The students will be given a Ticket out
the Door and instructed to write down one thing they learned that they had never heard or seen
Reflective Practice:
This activity is a fun way to have students create notes without it feeling like a traditional pen and
paper method. The students will be able to organize their information in a creative way that is their
own. The objective is to ensure the student is learning about space, planets and stars. They are given
freedom as to what they can tell me or identify through their findings. After this activity, the class
could take their peer review and share with the person they reviewed. Then the students can
partner up and create a graphic organizer showing the difference between stars and planets. Then
the whole class could combine their differences and create a communal graphic organizer to
reference that could be added to. The students could use the website to create the graphic
Spring 2018_SJB