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This agriculture robot project aims at designing a live Robot which is capable
of seed sowing and performing operations like ploughing, drilling seed
dispensing and pesticide spraying.

In present days we have many machines which are capable of seed sowing
but they are hand operated machines, so we are designing a robot which
will drill the soil and sow the seeds this robot has two modes of operations
like auto mode and manual mode, in auto mode it moves in a particular grid
by help of sensors.

This robot is capable of receiving few sets of command instructions in the

form of Bluetooth tones with help of android app and performs the
necessary actions. Bluetooth module receives the commands we have an
android app which will give signals to Bluetooth at robot for controlling the
motion of the robot.

The idea of applying robotics technology in agriculture is very new. In

agriculture, the opportunities for robot-enhanced productivity are immense
– and the robots are appearing on farms in various guises and in increasing
number. We can expect the robots performing agriculture operations
autonomously such as spraying and mechanical weed control, watching the
day & night for an effective report, allowing farmers to reduce the
environmental impact, increase precision and efficiency, and manage
individual plants in novel ways.

The applications of instrumental robotics are spreading every day to cover

further domains, as the opportunity of replacing human operators provides
effective solutions with return on investment. This is specially important
when the duties, that need be performed, are potentially harmful for the
safety or the health of the workers or when more conservative issue are
granted by robotics. Heavy chemicals or drug dispensers, manure or
fertilizers spreaders etc. are activities more and more concerned by the
deployment of unmanned options.
 Chassis

 Microcontroller

 Power supply/battery

 D.c motors

 Air tank & liquid fill tank

 Air compressor

 Wheels

 Bluetoot Module

 Drill Bit

 Sensor


This agriculture robot has two modes one is auto mode another is
a manual mode in manual this set with help of switch button in
manual it works with Bluetooth (HC -05) signals, in auto mode it
works with Help of IR sensor in front of the robot for making a grid
pattern seed sowing,

In this agriculture robot project we are using Arduino UNO as

motherboard which will control the robot driving motors and seed
dispenser servo .entire project runs on 12V lead-acid battery

 The robo does not goes sick or tired and does not need time off.

 It can operate with closer tolerances (so every round is at full field
capacity) ,
Fewer error and higher speeds.

 Because machines can be made lighter and cheaper if the drivers

seat, control and can be eliminated.

 It can be used in various fields like agriculture, medicine, mining, and

space research.

 It can be sent to another planet to study their environmental conditions.

 The machines could easily work around trees, rocks, pond and other

 Small suburban fields could be worked almost as efficiently as large

tracts of land.


 One of the key disadvantage of driverless machines for agriculture is


 Access to the technology.

 Not currently scale neutral.

 Better sensors would help. improved scouting programs would be

essent .Nevertheless, aperiodic human presence in the field is likely
to be necessary for the near future
 Robots could change the culture/emotional appeal of agriculture.

 Energy issues, costly.


 Drilling

 Seeding

 Watering

 Grass Cutting


In agriculture, the opportunities for robot-enhanced productivity are immerse

– and the robots are appearing on farms in various guises and in increasing
numbers. The other problems associated with autonomous farm equipment
can probably be overcome with technology. This equipment may be in our
future, but there are important reasons for thinking that it may not be just
replacing the human driver with a compute. It may mean a rethinking of how
crop production is done. Crop production may be done better and cheaper
with a swarm of small machines than with a few large ones.

One of the advantage of the

smaller machine is that they may be more acceptable to the non-farm
community. The jobs in agriculture are a drag, dangerous, require
intelligence and quick, though highly repetitive decisions hence robots can
be rightly substituted with human operator. The higher quality products can
be sensed by machine (color, firmness, weight, density, ripeness, size,
shape) accurately. Robots ca improve the quality of our lives but there are

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