The Early Phase of The Freedom Struggle

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Early Phase of the freedom Struggle

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THE PARTITION OF BENGAL (1905) formation of the new province was issued in
September. The province of Bengal and Assm
Lord Curzon, the New Viceroy came into being on 16 October 1905.
On 30 December 1989, Lord Curzon took Reasons for the Partition of Bengal
over as the new viceroy of India. Lord Curzon
ordered the partition of Bengal in 1905. He The partition of Bengal sought to destroy
wanted to improve the administrative efficiency in the political influence of the educated middle class
that huge and populous region, where the Bengali among whom the Bengali intelligentsia were the
Hindu intelligentsia exerted considerable most prominent. It also set up a communal gulf
influence on local and national politics. The between the Hindus and the Muslims. The Indian
partition of Bengal came into effect on 16 October National Congress Unanimously condemned the
1905, through a royal proclamation. The partition partition of Bengal. Actually, the main most
created a new province of East Bengal, which advanced region of the country at that time.
later became East Pakistan, the present day
Reaction of the People
Bangladesh. The government explained that the
partition was for stimulating the growth of the An ill-conceived and hastily implemented
under developed eastern region of Bengal. action, the partition outraged the Bengalis. Not
only had the government failed to consult the
Partition of Bengal
Indian public of their opinion, but the action
Finding the Bengal presidency too large appeared to reflect the British resolve to ‘divide
for one governor to administer, in 1905, the and rule’. Widespread agitation ensued on the
British decided to redraw its boundaries and streets and in the press, and the Congress
divide it into two parts. The provinces of Bengal advocated boycotting British products under the
and Assam were reconstituted to form two banner of swadeshi. The Congress-led boycott
provinces of manageable size-West Bengal, with a of the British goods was so successful that it
population of 54 million (42 million Hindus and unleashed anti-British forces to an extent
18 million Muslims). The territory to be unknown since the sepoy Rebellion. A cycle of
transferred from Bengal to the new province the violence, terrorism and repression ensued in
consisted of the districts of Chittagong and Dhaka some parts of the country. Indians launched a
Divisions, Rajshahi Division excluding Darjeeling mass movement , declaring 16 October as the day
and the District of Malda. Lord Curzon sent the of mourning in Kolkata raising Vande-Mataram as
proporsal to London in February, 1905. The the national cry protecting the Indian nationality.
secretary of state for India, Sir John Brodrich, This organised anarchist movement took a
sanctioned it in June, and the proclamation of the Page 1
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terrorist turn, resulting in political sabotage and and so on. This propaganda infected the entire
riots. movement, and weakened it considerably as
communal riots broke out in Mymensingh in
Reversal of the Partition
1907-19.8. But many Muslims still joined the
Keeping in view the fluid political movement. Among the noted swadeshi agitators
situation in India, the British tried to mitigate the were men like Ghaznavi, Rasul Din Mohammed,
situation by announcing a series of constitutional Dedar Bux, Moniruzzaman, Ismail Hussain siraji,
reforms in 1909, and by appointing a few Abul Hussain, Abul Gafer, and Liakat Husain.
moderates to the imperial and provincial councils. The 10,000-strong joint Hindu-Muslim student
In what the British saw as an additional goodwill procession in Kolkata on 23 September 1905, also
gesture, in 1911, King Emperor George V (1910- testified the potential for communal solidarity on
1936) visited India for a durbar, during which he the swadeshi issue. The fact that it could be
announced the reversal of the partition of Bengal triumph has to be ascribed to British divide-and-
and the transfer of the capital from Kolkata to a rule policies and to Zamindars’ objectively
newly planned city to be built immediately south furthering the designs of the British by
of Delhi, which became New Delhi. heightening communal propaganda. The appeal of
the swadeshi movement was its straightforward
SWADESHI MOVEMENT (1905) mass approach and its rejection of ’prayer
petition’ politics. Along with this movement came
enunciated and widely propagated theories for not
The swadeshi Movement had its genesis in simply a limited reform of British rule, but its
the anti-partition movement started to oppose the complete overthrow.
British decision to divide Bengal. With the start of
Banaras session of the Congress
the SwadeshiMovement at the turn of the century,
the Indian national movement took a major leap The Indian National Congress took up the
forward. The richness of the movement was not swadeshi call in its Banaras session, 1905,
confined to politics alone. Women, students and a presided over by G.K. Gokhale. Militant
large section of the urban and a rural population of nationalism spearheaded by Bal Gangadar Tilak,
Bengal and other parts of India became actively Bipin Chandra pal, Lala Lajpat Rai and
involved in the national movement. Aurobindo Ghosh was, however, in the favour of
extending the movement to the rest of India and
Components of the swadeshi Movement
carrying it beyond the programme of just
Various sections participated in the swadeshi swadeshi and boycott of goods to full-fledged
agitation for different reasons, and these political mass struggle. On 7 August 1905, a
differences got reflected in the movement. For resolution to boycott the British goods was
instance, Hindu Zamindars of East Bengal, who adopted at a meeting of the Indian National
were opposed to the partition , so as not to became Congress held in Kolkata. It began as a purely
a religious minority in a situation of increasing economic measure for the development of the
peasant unrest, e,mployed openly communal Indian industry. Bonfires of foreign goods were
propaganda throughout their agitation-promoting conducted on a large scale in all major cities. It
Shivaji utsavs, image-worship, Hindu ceremonies had many positive consequences: (a) it Page 2
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encouraged Indian industries especially the small 1906, Congress was by no means a radical affair.
and medium-scale, (b) many swadeshi banks and The ……… managed to lone down each
insurance companies were launched and (c) resolution considerat….. made them ambiguous.
development of journalism and national poetry Thus, ‘Swaraj’ became ‘the system of government
which inculcated the feeling of nationalism in the obtaining in the self-governing British colonies’.
Indian masses. …. effort of the ‘extremists’, to have the
resolution in support …. Bengal boycott
Spread of the Swadeshi Movement
movement extended to cover other …… was
The message of swadeshi and boycott soon defeated. And the Congress leaders were …. to
spread to the rest of the country: Lokmanya Tilak review even such limited defeats at the next
took the movement to different parts of India, session….. ‘moderates’ made sure that the
especially Poona and Mumbai. Ajit Singh and mistake of locating the Congress at Kolkata was
Lala Lajpat Rai spread the swadeshi message in not repeated.
Punjab and other parts of northern India; Syed
Haidar Raza set up the agenda in Delhi,
Rawalpindi, Kangra, Jammu, Multan and Hardwar ORIGIN OF THE MUSLIM LEAGUE (1906)
witnessed active participation in the swadeshi
Movement; Chidambram Pillai took the Fear of Minority Status
movement to Chennai president, which was also By 1900, although the Congress had
galvanised by Bipin Chandra Pal’s extensive emerged as an all-India political orgainsation, its
lecture tour. achievement was undermined by its singular
The 1906 Congress Session failure to attract Muslim. Who had by then begun
to be aware of their inadequate education and
By the 1906 session of the Congress, the under representation in government service.
‘extremists’….. Muslim leaders saw that their community had
fallen behind the Hindus. Attacks by Hindus
Congress, by their sheet numbers and popularity,
reformers against religious conversion, cow
slaghter and the preservation of Urdu in the
Poised to take over the Congress. One factor was Arabic Script deepened their fears of minority
the …… status and the denial of their rights if the Congress
alone were to represent the people of India.
To hold the session at Kolkata. ‘Extremists’ from
different……..had forged some links in the Loyalty to the British
interim, and there were attempts ……. to elect one
For many Muslims, loyalty to the British
of them as the president of the Congress.
crown seemed preferable to cooperation with the
The……. was scotched by the ‘moderates’. They
Congress leaders. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-
elected the aged….. respected Naaraji instead. The
1898) launched a movement for Muslim
1906 Congess ……… was forced to accept four
regeneration that culminated in the foundation in
resolutions which they were ….. with-on the
1875 of the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College
partition of Bengal, on the boycott movement on
at Aligarh, UP (renamed Aligarh Muslim
swadeshi, and on self-government. However, the Page 3
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University in 1921). Its objective was to educate acceptance of the deputation’s demands proved to
the wealthy students by emphasising the be a turning point in the history of India. For the
compatibility of Islam with modern Western first time, the Hindu-Muslim conflict was raised
knowledge. The diversity among India’s Muslims, to the constitutional plane. The Muslim made it
however, made it impossible to bring about clear that they had no confidence in the Hindu
uniform cultural and intellectual regeneration. majority and that they were not prepared to put
their future in the hands of an assembly selected
Simla Conference on the assumed basis of a homogeneous Indian
When lord Minto was appointed as the nation. It is in this sense that the beginning of
Viceroy of India in 1905, new reforms were separate electorate may be seen as the beginning
indicated in which the electoral principle would be of the realisation of the two-nation theory. its final
extended. The anti-partition agitation had and inevitable consequence being the partition of
convinced the Muslims of the futility of expecting British Indid in 1947. The Simla
any fair play from the Hindu majority. Therefore, deputation was successful because the Muslims
to safeguard their interests, the Muslim leaders strongly urged to protect their separate identity,
drew up a plan for separate electorates for their and also because the British responded to their
community, and presented it to Lord Minto at demands, as Lord Minto was anxious to apply the
Simla, on 1 October 1906. age-old ‘divide and rule’ policy of the British.
Separate electorates were given statutory
Syed Ali Bligrami wrote the text of the recognition in the Indian Councils Act of 1909.
plan. The Simla deputation consisted of 70 Muslims were accorded not only the right to elect
representatives, representing all opinionsof the their representatives in general constituencies. In
Muslim community, and headed by Sir Aga Khan addition, they were also given weightage in
who read the address. The long address said, representation.
among the other things, that the position of the
Muslimcommunity should not be estimated by its Foundation of the Muslim League
numerical strength alone, but in terms of its The major inspiring factor for the creation of the
political importance and services rendered to the Muslim League was that the Muslim intellectual
Empire. He also pointed out that the class sought representation the masses looked for
representative institutions of the West were a right kind of platform that could unite them. It
inappropriate for India and that their application was the knowledge of western thought of John
was raising difficult problems. He stressed the Locke, Milton and Thomas Paine at the MAO
need for utmost care while introducing or college that began the rise of Muslim nationalism.
extending the electoral system in whatever sphere, On 30 December 1906, the yearly convention of
be it municipal or provincial. He started that the the Muhammadan Educational Conference was
Muslim should be represented as a community. conducted at Ducca (now, Dhaka). The chairman
The Viceroy, in his reply to the Simla deputation of the convention was Nawab Viquar-ul-Mulk.
address, reassured the Muslim that their political Nearly three thousand members attended the
rights and interests as a community would be session. It was the largest-ever representative
safeguarded by any administrative reorganisation assembly of the Muslim in India. For the first
under him. The time, the conference removed its ban on Page 4
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discussions over political issues. In the Minto who inspired the establishment of a Muslim
conference, Nawab Sallimullah Khan proposed organisation to divide the Congress and to
the interests of the Muslims. In 1906, the All minimise the strength of the Indian freedom
India Muslim League was formed. Aga Khan, movement.
Nawab Samlimullah of Ducca and Nawab
Mohsin-ul-Mulk were its important founding The Freedom Movement
leaders. Lucknow was chosen as the headquarters The British recognised the Muslim League
of the All India Muslim League. Aga Khan was by increasing the number of elective offices
elected as its first president, Other six vice- reserved for the Muslim in the India Councils Act
presidents, a secretary and two joint secretaries of 1909. The Muslim League insisted on its
were also elected for a term of 3 years. The separateness from the Hindu-dominated Congress,
number of menbers was 400. They belonged as the voice a ‘nation within a nation’. The
proportionality to all provinces. Maulana League supported the partition of Bengal, opposed
Muhammad Ali Jouhar drafted the constitution swadeshi movement and demanded special
of the League, known as the Green Book, Syed safeguards for its community, and separate
Ameer Ali set up a branch of the league in electorates for the Muslims. This led to communal
London in 1908. The following were differences between the Hindus and the Muslims.
the objectives of the Muslim league:
1. To inculcate a feeling of loyalty among
Muslims towards the government and to The Extremist leaders were Lala Lajpat
remove the misunderstandings and Rai. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Thilak and Bipin
misconceptions about its actions and Chandra Pal. These three were also known as Lal-
intentions. Bal-Pal. The movement that these leaders started
2. To safeguard and put forward the political alarmed the British. Tilak coined the famous
rights and interests of the Indian Muslims slogan, ‘Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have
and to represent their needs and aspirations it’. In all the other movements before, the
to the government. participants were the well educated in the middle
3. To check the ill will between the Muslims class. However, in this movement, started by Lal-
and the other communities its own Bal-Pal, the whole of India moved as one. In this
purposes. movement, they stressed on swadeshi and boycott.

A Muslim deputation met with the Viceroy. The moderate Viewpoint

Gilbert John Elliot (1905-1910), seeking
In December 1906, at the Koilkata
concessions from the impending constitutional
Congress Session, the Congress under the
reforms, including special considerations in
leadership of Dadabhai Naoroji adopted swaraj as
government service and electorates.
the goal of the Indian people. In his presidential
Recognition by the British address. Naoroji declared that the goal of the
Indian National congress was ‘Self-government or
Many Hindu histories and several British writers swaraj like that of the United Kingdom’. The
have alleged that the Muslim League was founded session passed the resolution on boycott.
at official instigation. They argue that it was Lord Page 5
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Swadeshi and national education. The differences with the objection made by the extremists to the
between the moderates and the extremists became duly elected president for the year, Ras Behari
apparent. Especially regarding the pace of the Bose. As both sides came to the session prepared
movement and the techniques to be adopted for for the confrontation, the split was inevitable.
the struggle, and the reluctance of the moderates
to launch any agitation for the attainment of Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915)
Swaraj. The differences came to a head in 1907, at A Brahmin from Maharastra, he was educated in
the surat session of the congress, where the party India and became involved in the nationalist
split with serious consequences for the swadeshi movement when he was quitter young. A
movement. moderate, he stressed negotiation and conciliation
rather than non-cooperation or violence. He was
Change of Venue of the 1907 Congress Session
elected to the Mumbai Legislative Council in
The site of the 1907 Congress session was 1902. The conflict of Gokhale’s moderate views
originally Nagpur-a Tilak stronghold, where the with the more militant ideas of Bal Gangadhar
local delegales would have swung the issue in Tilak led to a breach in the Indian National
favour of the ‘extremists’. However, the Mehla- Congress that nearly immobilised it from 1907 to
Wacha-Gokhale combine, with its greater control 1916. Gokhale was instrumental in forming the
over the actual machinery of the Congress, got the Servants of India Society, a nationalist
location transferred to surat-a stronghold of the orgainsation whose members, sworn to poverty
‘moderates’. and obedience, were enlisted to serve as
volunteers for the social, political and economic
SURAT SESSION: SPLIT IN CONGRESS welfare of India. In the course of the Indian
freedom, he rejected the little of ‘knighthood’ and
Confrontation at the Session refused to accept a position in the council of the
Secretary of State for India.
The Indian National Congress split into
two groups-the extremists and the moderates-at
the Surat session in 1907, held on the banks of the
Tapti River. The extremists were led by lokmanya Suppression of the Extremists
Tilak, Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal and the
The suddenness of the Surat flasco took
moderates were led by Gopal Krishna Gokhale. At the extremists leaders by surprise and they offered
the Surat session, the moderate and the extremists’
their cooperation to the working committee of the
delegates of the Congress met in an atmosphere
Congress by accepting the presidentship of Ras
surcharged with excitement and anger.
Behari Bose. However, the moderates would not
relent as they found themselves on firm ground.
The moderates were deeply hurt by the ridicule The government used this opportunity to launch a
and venorn poured on them by the extremists in massive attack on the extremists by suppressing
the mass meetings held at Surat a few days before their newspaper and arresting their main leader,
the session and the extremists were excited by the Tilak, and sending him to Mandalay jail for 6
rumour that the moderates wanted to scuttle their years. It passed the Seditious Meeting Act (1907),
Kolkata resolutions. The Congress session started to control demonstrations and public meetings, Page 6
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and also enacted the Newspaper Incitement to stronger group, would not allow them. The
Officences Act (1908) to curb the critical press. moderates still firmly belived in the policy of
Later, it passed the Criminal Law Amendment Act social reforms, gradual political development and
(1908) to bring to trial the agitating politicians the remaking of India largely in the image of the
under the charges of terrorist’s offences. The west. Soon ater the Surat split, the moderates
extremists were not able to organise an effective called a conventiuon in 1908, and framed a party
alternate party, or to sustain the movement. constitution to debar the extremist’s leaders from
Aurobindo Ghosh gave up politics and left for the Indian National Congress. It was only in 1916,
Puducherry. Bipin Chandra Pal also left politics that the moderates and the extremists again joined
temporarily and Lala Lajpat Rai left for Britain. hands for the national cause.
After 1908, the national movement as a whole
The achievements of the extremists were:
Bal Gangadar Tilak(1856-1920)
1. They instilled courage and self-confidence
Tilak was a journalist in poona, and in his among the masses;
newspapers, kesari [lion] in Marathi and Mahratta 2. They made the concept of the Indian
in English, he set fourth his nationalist ideals. He nation more precise and force-ful;
sought a Hindu revival based on Maratha 3. They made patriotism a major factor in
traditions and independence [Swaraj] from the Indian politics;
Britain. After the Indian National Congress was 4. Their sacrifices helped the cause of
founded (1885), Tilak became the acknowledged freedom and democracy in the country;
leader of the extreme wing. He fought the 5. They championed the boycott of foreign
moderate measures of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and goods, which helped in the development of
advocated resistance to the British rule. He was Indian industries.
arrested (1897) by the British and imprisoned for
18 months. In 1907, a split took place in the
Congress, and Tilak led his extremist’s wing out Initiatives of Lord Morley and Lord Minto
of the party. The next year he was again
imprisoned this time for 6 years. Unlike Gandhi, Lord Morley, who was the secretary of
he welcomed the Mantague-Chelmstord Repot state for Indian Affairs declared in the British
(1918), which conceded a substantial measure of parliament in the year 1906 that his government
self-rule. wished to bring new reforms for India. The
reforms would enable the locals to exercise more
powers in the legislative affairs. This initiated a
series of correspondence between him and Lord
Influence of the Extremists on the National
Minto, who was the then Governor General of
Movement Before 1916
India. A committee was constituted to give
Despite an able leadership, the extremists suggestion about the scheme of reforms. The
could not influence the course of the national committee tabled its report. When the report had
movement in the direction of active political been approved by Lord Minto and Lord Morley,
agitation, as the moderates, who were still a the act of 1909 was passed by the British Page 7
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parliament. The Morlay-Minto reforms suggested 6. The members of the Legislative Councils
a separate electorate for Muslims, apart from were permitted to discuss the budgets,
some other constitutional measures. The suggest amendments and even to vote on
government wished to develop a gulf within the them except on those items that were
Congress on one hand by garnering the support of included as non-voter items. They were
the moderates, and on the other, to win over the also entitled to ask supplementary
Muslims and put them against the Hindus. The questions during the legislative
reforms introduced the system of separate proceedings.
electorates under which the Muslims could only 7. The Secretary of State for India was
vote for Muslim candidates. This was done with empowered to increase the number of the
an objective of creating a notion that the political, Executive Councils of Chennai and
economic and cultural interests of the Hindus and Mumbai from two to four.
Muslims were different. The Indian political 8. Two Indians were nominated to the
leaders were against these reforms. The council of the Secretary of State for Indian
following were the main features of the Act of Affairs.
1909: 9. The Governor-General was accorded the
power to nominate one Indian member to
1. The number of members of the Legislative his Executive Council.
Council at the centre was increased from
16 to 60. Indians Councils Act (1909)
2. The number of members of the provincial
Legislatures was also increased. It was The Indian Councils Act introduced the principle
fixed as 50 in the provinces of Bengal, of ‘elections’, which actually meant a minority
Chennai and Mumbai, and at 30 for the of indirectly elected members in the Central
rest of the provinces. Legislative Council and a majority of indirectly
3. There were four categories of the members elected members in the provincial councils. The
of the Legislative councils, bothat the Councils themselves allowed only some powers
centre and in the provinces-ex-officio of discussion, pulling of questions and
members (Governor-General and the sponsoring of resolutions. These Councils had
members of the Executive Councils), no control over the administration or finance, let
nominated non-official members alone defence or foreign policy. The reforms
(nominated by the Governor-Genenral but were made with the sole intent f isolating the
who were not government officials) and growing nationality movement. Repression had
elected members (elected by different already started with the police’s forcible entry
categories of Indian people). into the 1906 Barisal conference of Dulf’s
4. Right of separate electorates for the Bandhab Samiti, where they beat up a large
Muslims. number of the participants. The Bande Mataram
5. Official members were to form the Slogan was banned. Even more systematic
majority at the centre, but in the provinces repression followed with the agitations in Punjab
non-official members would be in and the rise of the revolutionary terrorists in
majority. Bengal. The major measures included the
banning of ‘seditious’ meetings specific areas Page 8
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(May and November 1907), Press acts enabling

the seizure of pressure (June 1908, February
1910), the criminal Law Amendment Act
(December 1908), which permitted bans on the
principal samitis in Bengal and deportations.
Lala Lajpat Rai and ajit Singh were deported in
May 1907; nine Bengal leaders including Aswini
Kumar Dutt were deported in December 1908;
Chidambaram Pillai and others from Chennai
were arrested; and Tilak was sentenced to 6
years in prison on 22 July 1908.

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