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Diamond Core Drilling For Site Investigation: Standard Method of Test For

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Standard Method of Test for

Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation


1. SCOPE inside diameter of sufficient size to NOTE-When the subsurface investigation

accommodate the largest size core barrel requires a sample for testing and identification
to be employed. The inside of the casing for material that has a pene-resistance between
1.1 This method covers a procedure for or pipe shall be free of burrs and N = 100 specified in T 206 and 50 blows per
diamond core drilling designing for inch, coring may be required. Materials such
obstructions. as very stiff clay or weathered shale bedrock
securing intact samples of rock and some
soils which are too hard to sample by soil 2.6 Auxiliary Casing-When it is can be sampled using core barrels such as the
necessary to case through formations Denison type Double Tube Core Barrel. The
sampling methods. This method is
already penetrated by the drill or when no sampling can be enhanced by the use of air for
primarily for obtaining data for the drilling medium and the use of bits with
foundation and slope design and similar drive casing has been employed, casing
steel teeth hardfaced.
civil engineering purposes rather than for shall be provided with an outside
mineral development and mining. diameter that will fit inside the hole and 3.2 Firmly seat the casing on bedrock or
an inside diameter that will permit the hard material to prevent loose materials
use of the next smaller bit and core from entering the hole, and to prevent the
2. EQUIPMENT barrels. Standard sizes of casing are loss of drilling fluid. Level the surface of
given in Table 2. the rock or hard material when necessary
2.1 A Rotary Drilling Machine, capable 2.7 Drill Rods-The drill rods shall have by the use of a fishtail or other bits. If an
of providing a rotary motion and an inside diameter that will permit the open drill hole can be maintained without
hydraulically, or mechanically, actuated flow of drilling fluid through the rods in a casing, the casing may be omitted.
feed or thrust. quantity sufficient to provide an upward Bentonite mud is often effective in
velocity of the fluid between the rod and maintaining an open hole without the use
2.2 A Water or Drilling Mud Pump, or air
the hole wall that will remove the of casing.
compressor capable of delivering
cuttings effectively. 3.3 Begin the core drilling using the
sufficient drilling fluid volume and
pressure for the size of the hole to be 2.8 Auxiliary Equipment-Auxiliary NWX or NWM double tube swivel-core
drilled. equipment shall be furnished as required barrel. The first core run will usually be 5
by the work including roller bits, fishtail ft (1.52 m) because of nonuniform
2.3 Core Barrels as required.
bits, wrenches, equipment for mixing the conditions at the soil rock contact (Note
2.3.1 Single or Double Tube, X- drilling mud, hand tools, safety 2). The NWM barrel should be inspected
Design, consisting of a hollow tube, with equipment, etc. prior to lowering into the hole to insure
a head at the upper end threaded for drill that the swivel is in good working order
2.9 Core Boxes-Core boxes of wood or
rod. When a swivel inner barrel is and rotating freely. The clearance be
other durable material shall be provided
contained in the core barrel it shall be tween the inner barrel, when incorporated
for protection and storage of the cores.
suspended on a bearing hanger and the in the barrel, and the -bit should be
The boxes shall be provided with hinged
drilling fluid is routed between the inner checked and adjusted if necessary to
covers and with longitudinal spacers that
and outer barrels. The lower end of the insure that the space between the bit and
will separate the core into compartments.
outer barrel is fitted with a blank or set the inner barrel is sufficient so as not to
Small blocks which fit between the
reaming shell, a core lifter, and a core bit. restrict the flow of drilling fluid. Either
spacers shall be provided to mark the
2.3.2 Double Tube, Swivel-Type, beginning and end of each run or pull of type barrel should be inspected for dents
MDesign, or equivalent, similar to the core. The upper left corner of the core or bends which impair rock recovery. The
double tube X-Design with the important box shall be as indicated in Figure 1. The barrel should also be checked for material
difference that the inner tube extends into upper left will be next to the hinged side left in the barrel from previous drilling, to
the core bit and the core 'after is mounted of the box when the box is opened, insure the barrel is clean and
inside the inner tube to protect cores of similar to page one of a book. unobstructed. The core retainer should be
soft or friable formation. inspected and if worn excessively or
2.4 Core Bits-The core bits shall be set damaged it should be replaced. The
3. PROCEDURE choice of bit setting shall be consistent
with diamonds, tungsten carbide, or
similar hard materials appropriate to the with the type material to be drilled. (Use
hardness of the materials being drilled 3.1 When formations are encountered extreme caution not to drop foreign
and shall be furnished in X- or M-Design which are too hard to be sampled by soil material into the hole. Should an object
or equivalent as required. The sizes of the sampling methods, the core drilling be dropped into the hole and not be
core barrels and bits shall be as given in procedure shall be used. A penetration of recoverable, abandon the hole and start a
Table 1. 0.08 ft (25 nun) or less for 50 blows new one.) Inspect all drill rods to be used
(Note 1) according to T 206, the Method for straightness. If any rods display bends
2.5 Drive Pipe or Casing-Standard
for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel when rolled over a flat surface they
weight or extra heavy pipe, as required
Sampling of Soils shall be considered as should not be used.
by the nature of overburden or the
drilling method, shall be furnished where indicating that soil sampling methods are 3.4 Lower the barrel into the hole using
necessary for driving through soils to not applicable. care to set the barrel on the formation to
bedrock. The casing or pipe shall have an be drilled gently to prevent damage to the
bit or buckling of the barrel.

Subsequent core runs from the same

project and hole shall continue this
procedure with the top of the next run
beginning at the bottom of the last
proceeding run. Measure the length of the
run from the end of the last run from
upper to lower in the compartment
utilizing the next compartment to the
right when the compartment will not
accommodate the entire run, and mark
the bottom of the run with a temporary
marker. Place the first segment of rock
removed from the core barrel (bottom of
core run) at the newly established
temporary mark. Place the core in the box
Measurement of barrel and rods to be barrel. Place the core in the core box in
as described previously.
used is essential; measurement shall be to such a manner that the top of the rock
the nearest 0.1 ft (30.5 mm). Log the stratum will be located at the upper left 3.6 When soft materials are encountered
depth when the barrel makes contact with hand end of the left compartment as from a core run which produce less than
the bottom of the hole. If the depth is shown in Figure 1. When the run is 50-percent recovery changes in the type
more than 0.1 ft (30.5 mm) less than the greater than the length of the first of barrel, drilling procedure or a change
depth logged from the previous run there compartment, the next compartment to to soil sampling should be considered. If
is probably loose material or core in the the right is measured and temporarily soil samples are desired, secure such
hole. Connect the drill chuck to the string marked at a point which will be samples in accordance with the
of tools and connect the drilling fluid equivalent to the difference between the procedures described in T 206 or by T
supply line. Prior to rotating, lift the length of the compartment and the length 207 for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of
string of tools slightly and start the of the run measured from upper left to Soils. Resume diamond core drilling
circulation of the drilling fluid. Allow the lower left. The first segment of rock when refusal materials are again
fluid to circulate until a full flow removed from the core barrel (bottom of encountered.
condition is reached. Lower the tools core run) shall be placed in the box so 3.7 Since rock structure and the
slowly to the bottom and seat the bit by that the bottom of the core is either at the occurrence of seams, fissures, cavities,
slowly starting the rotation and slowly lower left end of the left compartment or and broken areas are among the most
increasing the vertical pressure, at the temporary mark in the next important items to be detected and
maintaining full flow of the drilling fluid. compartment to the right. Each additional described, take special care to observe
When the bit is seated, adjust the vertical piece removed from the barrel shall be and record these features. If broken rock
pressure and the rotation to achieve placed in the box one after another or cavities prevent the advance of the
proper penetration in accordance with the orienting each piece of core with the boring, (1) cement the hole or (2) ream
formation being drilled (Note 3). Log the direction of the box so that the upper and case, or (3) case and advance with
depth where the coring began to the stratum is to the upper and/or left of the the next smaller size core barrel, as the
nearest 0.1 ft (30.5 mm). If the flow of box in respect to lower stratum. Proceed conditions warrant. Follow the same
the drilling fluid is blocked during to place the core in the box from the procedure where fissures are encountered
drilling, raise the bit slightly to allow the lower end to the upper end as the core is which cause the loss of drilling fluid
fluid flow to return. If the flow does not removed from the barrel in such a return (Notes 4 and 5).
return, remove the drilling tools and manner that the top of the stratum falls in
correct the problem as necessary to the upper left end of the left compartment NOTE 1-The limit of 50 blows per in. (25.4
maintain adequate flow of the drilling as described in Section 2.9. When all the mm) may be increased if the core recovenes
fluid. A judgement may be required when core has apparently been removed from prove to be small and samples can be secured
by the soil sampling method.
different types of material are the barrel, check the barrel by inserting a
encountered in a given run and recovery rule into the core barrel and check the NOTE 2-In soft materials a larger starting size
may be specified; where local experience
is less than 100 percent of the actual length to insure that all of the material
indicates satisfactory core recovery or where
thickness of a given formation. To aid in has been removed. After all the material hard, sound materials are anticipated, a smaller
making this judgement the rate of has been removed from the barrel, adjust size or the single-tube type may be specified in
penetration and the drilling fluid color the core in the box so that the pieces are place of the NWX or NWM tube, and longer
and texture shall be monitored as drilling consolidated together to represent as runs may be drilled.
proceeds. The depth where changes are nearly as practical their in situ length, NOTE 3-The life expectancy of the bit and the
noted in the penetration rate and/or the taking care to fit the broken pieces rate of penetration are dependent upon proper
color and/or texture of the cuttings in the together in such a manner that will not force on the bit and the peripheral velocity of
return fluid are to be recorded for cause a false measure of the recovered the bit. The peripheral velocity should be as
reference when this judgement is core. Measure the recovered core to the high as possible without causing undue strain
required. It may be desirable to retain nearest 0.1 ft (30.5 mm) and record the on the drill rig or excessive vibration of the
drilling tools. The force on the bit should be
samples of the cuttings contained in the recovery. After performing the adjusted to match the information and the
return fluid at changes of color or texture measurement for core recovery mark the design of the bit. (For a given bit design a
or on-set intervals. depths of the top and bottom of the core softer formation would require less force than
3.5 After drilling a depth equivalent to and each noticeable gap in the formation harder formation.) It may be necessary to
the length of the barrel (not to exceed 10 by a spacer block clearly labeled. Wrap anchor the drill rig to obtain sufficient force on
delicate cores or those which change the bit.
feet (or 3.05 m) and minus any loose
material noted during the seating of the materially upon drying in plastic film or NOTE 4-Whenever the drilling water loss
barrel) remove the core barrel from the seal in wax or both, when such treatment indicates conditions of Engineering or
is considered necessary by the Engineer. Geologic importance the procedure for
hole, and remove the core from the

advancing the boring will be as determined by 4.1.1 Project identification, boring 4.1.7 Description of the rock in each
the Engineer. number, location, and driller, run,
NOTE 5-Other optional procedures are as 4.1.2 Elevation of the ground surface, 4.1.8 Structure including stratification,
follows: (1) In soft, seamy, or otherwise
4.1.3 Elevation of ground water, angle of dip, cavities, fissures, and any
unsound rock, where core recovery may be
difficult, the M-design core barrels may be including dates and times measured, other observations which could give
specified; (2) In hard sound rock where a high information on these features,
4.1.4 Elevations (or depths) at which
percentage of core recovery is anticipated, the 4.1.9 Depth, thickness and apparent
drilling water return was lost,
single tube core barrel may be employed. nature of the filling in each cavity or soft
4.1.5 Size and design of core barrel seam in the rock,
used. Size and length of all casing and
4. REPORT any movements of the casing, 4.1.10 Depth of sample cuttings retained
from the drilling fluid,
4.1.6 Length of each core run and the
4.1 The report shall include the length, or percentage, or both, of the core 4.1.11 Any changes in the character of
following: recovered, the drilling fluid, and
4.1.12 Date of beginning and end of

TABLE 1 Sizes of Core Barrels'

Hole Diameter Core Diameter
Size in. mm in. mm
EWX, EWM 1.5 38.1 0.812 20.6
AWX, AWM 1.957 49.2 1.375 30.2
BWX, BWM 2.375 60.3 1.625 41.3
NWX, NWM 3 76.2 2.125 54.0
2 ¾ X 3 7/8 (69.9 X 98.4 mm) 3.875 98.4 2.687 68.3
4 X 5 ½ (102 X 140 mm) 5.5 140 3.937 100
6 X 7 ¾ (152 X 197 mm) 7.75 197 5.937 151
a As standardized by the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Ass., Bulletin No. 2. Other sizes may be specified, but should be so noted.

TABLE 2 Standard Sizes of Casting

Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Will Fit Hole Drilled by:
Size in. mm in. mm
EX 1.8125 46 1.5 38.1 AWX, AWM
AX 2.25 57.2 1.906 48.4 BWX, BWM
BX 2.875 73.0 2.187 60.3 NWX, NWM
3.5 88.9 3.0 76.2 2 ¾ x 3 7/8
NX (69.9 X 98.4 mm)


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