Practicum Journal Week 1

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1.0 Problem
Practicum adaptation in the second phase of practicum due to the students ability of

2.0 Analysis
During my first phase of practicum, i was given the opportunity to teach low achievement
students and i would need to suit my teaching and exercise to their level but this is
contrary to second phase practicum which i was sent to SK Desa Bakti in Mentakab and
given the situation the students is in Year 3 ranging from intermediate to advanced. The
students are able to understand the teacher instruction well and actively respond to the
teacher questions. The problem arises when the students easily answering the
worksheets given and finishing their group work and this worries me for long term
learning taken place as high order thinking is not present in the learning

3.0 Suggestions for improvements

The teacher should to adapt the activity according to the level of students. As the
students are mostly advanced to intermediate the teacher need to quickly address the
problems and create exercise, activities and create an environment where the students
can apply high order thinking skills that suited for year 3 students and also not too
difficult for the students.

4.0 Duration
This problem will be reported time to time during the reflection of every lesson

5.0 Measure of success

Physical and Mental – Able to make time for planning teaching and learning in class and
also commitment to the class.
The students interest to the learning also can be use as a measuring tool of success to the
I will ask my teacher supervisor and lecturer to evaluate my progress to the problems.

6.0 Follow up action

I need to plan my activities that suit the need of the students. I will always seek guidance
from my supervising lecturer, teacher and my colleagues.

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