Curriculum Extra Unit 2: Focus On Geography: Climate Zones

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Curriculum extra Unit 2

Focus on Geography: Climate zones 4 Choose the correct option.

1 When we talk about the climate / season of a
1 Match 1–8 to A–H and write the words. place, we think about the temperature, sunshine,
1 rain E A ator rainfall wind and equator / rainfall.
2 cli ___ B shine _________________ 2 The north and south temperatures / poles are
3 equ ___ C son _________________ always very cold, and there is very little rainfall /
4 po ___ D erature _________________ wet.
5 temp ___ E fall _________________ 3 Countries in the temperate climate zone have
6 wea ___ F les _________________ four different times / seasons.
7 sea ___ G ther _________________ 4 It is usually wet / dry for many months in
8 sun ___ H mate _________________ countries with a tropical weather / climate.
5 The Mediterranean climate / season zone is
2 Complete the table with the words. close to the poles / equator.
autumn cold cool dry hot rainfall spring 6 The equator / temperature is often quite high in
summer sunshine temperature warm tropical poles / zones.
wet wind winter
5 Look at the graph showing London's climate.
Seasons Weather Weather nouns
Complete the sentences.
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________

3 Match climate zones 1–4 to areas A–D on the

1 Mediterranean ___
2 Polar ___
3 temperate ___
4 tropical ___

A 1 ________ is a warm month. The average

daytime temperature is 23°C.
B C 2 In the summer months of June, July and August,
the difference between the day time and night
D time ________ is around 10°C.
3 It's only 2°C at night in ________ and February.
4 November is a very ________ month – the
average rainfall is 65 mm!
5 The average rainfall is 37 mm in March and
________ .

6 Find out about the climate in your region. Draw

a graph using the one in exercise 5 as a model.
Write about your region's climate.
I live in Andalucía. In January, the average
temperature is … .

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