English Vocabulary Period 2 V5

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ry Period

The world around you and

general vocabulary
The theme for this period is the world. You are going to
learn about what is going on in the world and in
different countries and you should know the words
connected to the theme. In addition, you have a Cito
Audio test and this Part you have a PTA Reading Test
so you should work diligently on the vocabulary that
you need. (look up the word if you don’t know it yet…)
Actually, you should always work on expanding your
general vocabulary in order to excel at reading,
writing, speaking and listening.
For this reader I have used the following books:
 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced
 English Idiom in Use Advanced
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Unit 28

1 Match the two parts of the collocations from the unit.

1. coniferous __ a. plantation
2. developed __ b. industry
3. paddy __ c. forest
4. chemical __ d. field
5. sugar __ e. nation

2 Here are some other words which collocate with the words in the right-
hand column in the exercise above. There are three for each of the five
words (15 words). Can you match them?

Coffee deciduous magnetic independent developing manufacturing

Rain dense rubber oil pharmaceutical tea wheat textile

1. __________________________________________________ plantation
2. __________________________________________________ industry
3. __________________________________________________ forest
4. __________________________________________________ field
5. __________________________________________________ nation

3 Complete the sentences using a word from the box. There may be more
than one possible answer.

Descendants ancestors migrants emigrants immigrants

1. I believe my _________________ came to Britain from France in the 17 th century.

2. Many __________________ left Russia for France after the Revolution in 1917.
3. The USA has traditionally welcomed _________________ from all over the world
(but not anymore…).
4. Our largest cities are full of _________________ looking for work and a better life.
5. Some Scots are said to be the ___________________ of 16th century Spanish sailors
shipwrecked off the Scottish coast.
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Unit 29

1 Respond to these statements about the weather. Agree using slightly

more formal language (see unit).

1. It’s a bit nippy outside, isn’t it? _____________________________________

2. What a sweltering day! _____________________________________
3. Isn’t it muggy here? _____________________________________
4. It’s blowy, isn’t it? _____________________________________
5. Close today, isn’t it? _____________________________________
6. It’s chucking it down! _____________________________________
7. It’s clammy today, isn’t it? _____________________________________

2 What are the metaphorical meanings of these words from the unit?

1. sunny pleasant and positive

2. frosty ________________________________
3. to cloud ________________________________
4. snowed under ________________________________
5. whirlwind ________________________________
6. hail ________________________________
7. climate ________________________________
8. hazy ________________________________
9. to thunder ________________________________

3 Read the text and find words in it which mean the following.

1. average 6. rays from the sun

2. dry 7. make less extreme
3. height above sea level 8. situated very far from the sea
4. distance from the equator 9. differing weather conditions at
5. rain and snow different times of the year

Schemes for dividing the Earth into climatic regions are based on a combination of
indices of mean annual temperature, mean monthly temperature, annual precipitation
totals and seasonality. The climate of a place is affected by several factors. Latitude
affects the amount of solar radiation received, with the greatest in equatorial regions
and the leas in polar regions. Elevation affects both temperature and precipitation;
mountainous areas are generally cooler and wetter. Location close to the sea or to
large bodies of water moderates temperature; continental areas are generally more
arid and more affected by extremes of temperature.
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Unit 32

1 Rewrite the underlined phrases in these sentences using words from

the unit.

1. There are a lot of different types of squirrels, rats, mice and things like that
living in the woods.
2. A whale isn’t a fish, as it doesn’t lay eggs. It’s actually an animal that gives birth
3. There are some interesting turtles and crocodiles and that sort of thing near the
4. The mother bird protects her eggs from animals that attack them.
5. Many different species have died out because their habitat has been destroyed.

2 Fill in the gaps in these sentences using adjectives from B in the unit
to describe gentle or aggressive behaviour, or the relationship
between animals and humans.

1. Sheep are generally rather ___________ animals, but the other day a ram
attacked our dog.
2. Lions can look very _______________ with their huge teeth and large heads.
3. Horses were probably first _________________ many thousands of years ago.
4. Some dolphins are very _________________ and will swim along with human

3 Here are the beginnings of some words related to animals and birds.
Can you fill in the missing letters?

1. h__________________ (natural home)

2. s__________________ (protected place)
3. r__________________ (protected area, often for big game)
4. s__________________ (creature that eats flesh of, e.g., birds killed by other
5. m_________________ (animal that carries its young in a pouch until the young are
fully developed)
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Unit 33
1 Make these sentences formal by using words and phrases from A in the
unit instead of the underlined words, making other necessary changes.

1. All that carbon-what’s-it-called gas put out by cars and factories is a major
problem. ____________________________________________________
2. These flowers here are a type there’s not many left of, so it’s illegal to pick
them. ______________________________________________________
3. A lot of wild animals have to survive in smaller and smaller areas where they
can live. ____________________________________________________
4. A lot of Patagonia is a completely spotless area that’s never been touched.
5. We have to look after the things we use on this planet because they won’t last
for ever. ____________________________________________________
6. If the cutting down of trees continues, there will be no forest left ten years from
now. ______________________________________________________

2 Complete the following table, using a dictionary if necessary. Do not fill

the shaded boxes.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


3 Match words on the left with words on the right to make collocations
about the environment.

1. renewable __ a. scenario
2. demographic __ b. sceptic
3. precious __ c. effect
4. polar __ d. energy
5. waste __ e. projections
6. greenhouse __ f. disposal
7. worst-case __ g. commodity
8. climate change __ h. ice
English Idioms in Use Advanced Unit 14

1 Complete each idiom.

1. I’d like all hands on ______________ for the next few hours, please.
2. The bad reviews of his first album took the _________________ out of the singer’s
3. He wrote an interesting article about European politics _____________ the wake of
the war.
4. I was quite _____________ aback to hear that Maura had handed in her notice.
5. Alex went home early, leaving me ___________________ and dry at the party with
no one else to talk to.
6. Unfortunately, our plans to go on holiday this summer have had to go by the
_______________, as we’re moving house.
7. I didn’t want to sleep on my aunt’s sofa for two weeks, but any port in a
____________, as they say.
8. Despite the financial problems, I am confident that the company will succeed in
____________ the storm.

2 Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using the word in


1. I try to avoid the city centre on Saturdays if I possibly can. (berth)

2. Jaime’s mother was very surprised by his decision to leave school. (aback)
3. Amy’s plans to buy a new car were abandoned when she lost her job. (board)
4. Their relationship has been in serious difficulty for some months. (rocks)
5. Asim controls the business in a firm and efficient way. (ship)
6. The cost of home insurance has risen as a result of last summer’s floods. (wake)
7. We were in a difficult situation when the babysitter didn’t turn up. (high)
English Idioms in Use Advanced Unit 19

1 Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using an idiom from the

1. I felt I was taking a huge risk riding at high speed on the back of his motorcycle.
2. I didn’t tell anyone about my plans and didn’t mention that I was going to resign
3. He’s so rich. He spends money as if it were toy money.
4. The barrister used an advantage none of us knew about and revealed the final
piece of evidence.
5. I wanted a job in politics, but felt I was unlikely to succeed as I had no personal
contacts in the political world.
6. Masa is so much more qualified and experienced than I am. He has all the
advantages if we both apply for the same job.

2 Read these statements and answer the questions.

a. Joseph just sat there with a blank expression on his face.

b. I think Ivana was unfair when she mentioned to her boss that Kim had once
been in prison.
c. Jung said he was too busy to come with us this time, so we went without him.
d. The news obviously surprised and upset Gina a lot.

1. Who said something that was below the belt? ________________

2. Who took a rain check? ________________
3. Who was knocked for six by something? ________________
4. Who was poker-faced? ________________

Create your own wordlist

Find words you don’t know yet in this reader, the period reader, or any other English
material that you come across.
Word / phrase Dutch translation English example sentence









































Answer Key

Vocabulary Advanced Unit 28

Exercise 1
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a
Exercise 2
Plantation: tea, coffee, rubber Forest: deciduous, rain, dense
Industry: manufacturing, Field: oil, wheat, magnetic
pharmaceutical, textile Nation: developing, independent, sovereign

Exercise 3
1. ancestors 4. migrants / immigrants
2. emigrants 5. descendants
3. immigrants / migrants

Vocabulary Advanced Unit 29

Exercise 1
1. Yes, extremely chilly / cold. 5. Yes, it’s very oppressive / sultry.
2. Mm. Isn’t it hot! 6. Yes, what a deluge / downpour!
3. Yes, terribly humid. 7. Yes, it’s very humid.
4. Very windy!

Exercise 2
2. unfriendly, unwelcoming 6. lots of hard, unpleasant things that
3. to confuse one can’t stop or escape from
4. having too much of something 7. general atmosphere or situation
5. rapid, moving quickly 8. unclear
9. to move, making a loud, deep noise

Exercise 3
1. mean 4. latitude 7. moderates
2. arid 5. precipitation 8. continental
3. elevation 6. solar radiation 9. seasonality

Vocabulary Advanced Unit 32

Exercise 1
1. rodent
2. a mammal
3. reptiles
4. predators
5. have become extinct

Exercise 2
1. docile 2. fierce/savage 3. domesticated 4. tame

Exercise 3
1. habitat 4. scavenger
2. sanctuary 5. marsupial
3. reserve

Vocabulary Advanced Unit 33

Exercise 1
1. Carbon (dioxide) emissions from… are 4. pristine environment
2. an endangered species 5. the finite resources of the planet
3. shrinking habits 6. deforestation

Exercise 2
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Climate climatic
Demography demographic demographically
projection Project projected
sustainability Sustain sustainable sustainably
contamination Contaminate contaminated
toxin Toxic toxically
depletion Deplete Depleted, depleting

Exercise 3
1. d 2. e 3. g 4. h 5. f 6. c 7. a 8. b

Idiom Advanced Unit 14

Exercise 1
1. deck 3. in 5. high 7. storm
2. wind 4. taken 6. board 8. weathering

Exercise 2
1. give the city centre a wide berth 5. runs a tight ship
2. taken aback 6. in the wake of
3. went by the board 7. left high and dry
4. on the rocks

Idiom Advanced Unit 19

Exercise 1
1. dicing with death
2. played / kept my cards close to my chest
3. Monopoly money
4. played his ace / played his trump card
5. the dice were loaded against me
6. holds all the cards

Exercise 2
1. b Ivana 2. c Jung 3. d Gina 4. a Joseph

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