Duan Fei
Duan Fei
Duan Fei
August 23, 2017
Degree Bachelor
The thesis mainly discusses the cost level of offshore wind energy. As one of the most vital
renewable energy resource, offshore wind energy has developed gradually worldwide. Nev-
ertheless, relative high cost is considered as a major barrier for offshore wind industry de-
velopment. This thesis introduces the cost component for offshore wind energy, analyzed
the cost level and relative influence factor for different markets. Furthermore, in order to
better understanding levelized cost of wind energy, a LCOE financial modeling was devel-
oped. By using two reference offshore wind projects, computational principle of financial
modeling was interpreted, and LCOE calculation process was demonstrated as well.
This Bachelor’s thesis was mainly supported by Christian Leegaard Thomsen, Senior
Specialist Wind & Site Offshore, K2 Management. I would like to thank him and my col-
leagues Kwang-Woon Jung, Ulrik Møller Thomsen, and Francesco Durante Schiavone
for providing insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research. I extend my thanks
to Michael Andersen for assistance with the building and final review of LCOE financial
Special thanks to Lin Li, Jinghua Wang for sharing their pearls of wisdom with me during
the course of this thesis writing.
Finally, I would also like to show my gratitude to my family and friends for their support
and encouragement throughout my life.
Acknowledgments 3
Abbreviations 1
1 Introduction 3
5 Conclusion 41
6 References 42
Wind, free and non-exhaustive, has huge potential on power generation worldwide, es-
pecially offshore wind. Like any other renewable energy resources, such as solar, hydro,
especially in Europe, wind power plays an increasingly significant role in current and
future energy industry. For instance, in 2016, 37.6% of Denmark’s electricity consump-
tion was covered by wind energy; what is more, the future plan is to reach 50% of its
electricity consumption from wind by 2020 [1] .
Unlike onshore wind, offshore wind is relatively immature. Global new installed offshore
wind capacity in 2015 was 3,398MW, and cumulative capacity until the end of 2015 was
12,107MW which accounts for merely 2.8% of total cumulative wind capacity (Table 1,
Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Generally speaking, high cost and technical obstacles are the major barriers to offshore
wind in worldwide development. Figure 3 shows the levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
estimation of major power technologies in Europe 2015. It is shown that LCOE of off-
shore power ranges between €105/MWh and €155/MWh whose cost is highest compare
to the rest, and it is worth stressing that carbon emission cost and governmental subsi-
dies are not considered in this case. Nevertheless, LCOE of onshore wind ranges from
€52/MWh to €100/MWh, even cheaper than that of natural gas.
Europe has a leading position in offshore wind market and advanced offshore technolo-
gies. Until the end of 2015, over 10 GW offshore capacities had been installed in Europe
[3]. It is expected that LCOE of offshore will be decreased to €100/MWh by 2020 and
€85 to €79/MWh by 2025.
In the US, according to the report from U.S. Energy Information Administration published
on August 2016, for the offshore wind power plants to start operating in 2022, LCOE is
estimated to range from €122/MWh to €190/MWh($137.1/MWh – $213.9/MWh). See
Figure 4 for a comparison of the LCOEs of different new generation resources. Compare
to the European market, the offshore wind market in the US is still in the very beginning
stage, even though the potential of offshore wind development is quite promising. Until
the end of 2015, the cumulative offshore wind capacity in the US was merely 0.02MW
Technology and energy policy and regulations are two essential considerations for the
cost of offshore wind energy. Larger turbines can be adopted for an offshore wind farm
with larger capacity; however, the cost is increasing correspondingly, as are also risk
The capital investment of offshore wind is 27% higher, on average, as compared to that
of onshore wind (Figure 3), since the harsh sea environment requires higher standards
for the turbine and the foundation. Besides, cost for transportation and assembling also
lead to higher capital cost due to insufficient installation vessels and accessibility issues
of construction sites. Similarly, grid connection, operation and maintenance (O&M) are
other concerns for investors.
This thesis project investigated the cost of offshore wind energy from three different an-
- Cost component and cost structure
- LCOE of offshore wind energy and LCOE financial modeling in different regions
- Cost of offshore wind energy in different countries
Due to distinctive policies and regulations for each different country, the cost components
for offshore wind project are slightly different from region to region. However, this chapter
only discusses the cost breakdown in a general way.
The full lifetime cost of a wind power plant is divided into two main parts, capital expendi-
ture and operational expenditure (later referred to as CAPEX and OPEX). Unlike the
traditional power plant, which consumes fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas to
generate electricity, a wind power plant requires no fuel cost, which is one of the funda-
mental motivations for wind energy investment. Nevertheless, even without the fuel cost
during the operational phase, the cost of electricity produced from offshore wind farm is
still extremely high.
The cost of power plant is typically divided to CAPEX and OPEX, yet, the actual price
also depends on subsidies, taxes, fuel price. For example in Finland, the carbon price is
low, but taxes for fossil fuels are high and subsidies for renewable energy are also high.
According to the report, Energy for the future or relic of the past written by Richard An-
derson, the cost of energy produced by offshore wind in 2015 was around 185$/MWh,
which is over 4 times higher than that of energy produced by gas(closed cycle), less than
40$/MWh. On the other hand, the cost of an offshore wind farm is much higher than that
of an onshore farm; however, with the improved technology, the cost differential con-
stantly narrows down. Figure 5 illustrates the comparison of cost breakdown between
onshore wind and offshore wind. It is seen that the electrical infrastructure and founda-
tions for an offshore wind farm accounted for about 45 % of the costs, which is over three
times the corresponding costs for an onshore wind farm.
Based on the current situation of offshore wind energy, it is doubtless to say that offshore
wind is indeed a capital-intensive investment, which is critical challenge for wind industry.
Nevertheless, according to global costs analysis [8], 2016 is the first year when the in-
stallation cost of offshore wind farm starts to decline, which is discussed in detail in Chap-
ter 4.
Financial Maintenanc
Turbine BOP Operation
Cost e
In this structure, total lifetime costs are divided into six levels from top to down. The lower
the level is, the more specific the cost component is. SCBS defines CAPEX and OPEX
as Level 1. Turbine, BOP and financial cost are three component costs of CAPEX; op-
eration and maintenance are two component costs of OPEX; therefore, logically, they
are identified as Level 2. Similarly, each of the remaining four levels are identified (Figure
With the descending level cost structure, the number of cost components increases (e.g.
5 cost components for Level 2; 22 cost components for Level 3), which is shown hierar-
chical information in SCBS. In total, over 300 cost components are included.
Nevertheless, even though SCBS is able to represent the general wind project charac-
teristics, there are still some limitations for SCBS adoption. Entities may use a different
approach to collect and analyze cost data; therefore, it may be unable to compare the
expenditure from project to project due to different standards for subcomponents. Fur-
thermore, owing to various technical specifications, projects may have different cost
components (e.g. a direct-drive wind turbine does not have a gearbox). Therefore, it is
necessary to mention that SCBS cannot perfectly be utilized for every practical projects.
Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is an economic assessment of the average total cost
to build and operate a power-generating asset over its lifetime divided by the total energy
output of the asset over that lifetime [5]. It is an essential and fundamental consideration
for the cost of electricity generated from power plant during its whole lifetime. In this
chapter, LCOE of two OWFs is elaborated on by employing the developed financial mod-
eling. The chapter consists of introduction of developed financial modeling, explanation
of each key performance indicator, and LCOE calculation of reference projects by using
financial modeling.
Financial modeling is an important tool for project evaluation and decision. It illustrates
project payment and cash flow, delivering annual revenue, net present value (NPV), and
internal rate of return (IRR) for the investor. Normally, the economic feasibility of wind
power projects are highly determined by financial modeling.
3.1.1 Overview
In this thesis, a financial modeling for LCOE calculation of wind projects was developed.
The financial model is based on Excel spreadsheet calculations and aims to analyze and
compare different scenarios for certain wind projects so as to evaluate the effect of each
financial assumption and make the corresponding adjustments.
Theoretical basis for the LCOE model is formed by K2M1; however, it is important to note
that in this thesis, the developed mathematical tool is a simple version of financial mod-
eling, and it is only for LCOE calculation. Cash flow, relevant payment, NPV, IRR are not
considered and calculated in this mathematical tool.
The financial model consists of 5 worksheets, and the function of each sheet is shown in
Table 2 below. The main worksheets, Input, Modeling, and Output are defined in follow-
ing chapters.
Worksheet Function
INSTRUCTION Provides an overview of the financial modeling and ex-
plains functions of each worksheet
INPUT Populates general information and assumptions of
wind project
MODELING Calculates the associated key performance indicators
of multiple model runs.
Key performance indicators include annual AEP,
OUTPUT Delivers the results and chosen project scenario and
evaluates the LCOE of chosen wind farm project
REFERENCE DATA A supportive sheet for data validation of INPUT work-
The Input worksheet is considered as an interface to apply wind farm basic information
and financial assumptions. It builds the foundation of calculation and defines the param-
eters used for calculation in the Modeling worksheet. The worksheet consists of five
items: wind farm information, valuation assumption, power production assumption,
CAPEX assumption and OPEX assumption. Each item includes few indicators to be
specified. The construction of Input worksheet is illustrated in Figure 8.
CAPEX assumption
•Total CAPEX
•CAPEX share (first power year) -3
•CAPEX share (first power year) -2
•CPAEX share (first power year) -1
•CPAEX share (first power year)
OPEX assumption
•OPEX driver
•OPEX multiple (per unit production cost)
Figure 8 Financial Modeling Input Worksheet Structure2
It is important to note that the quality of LCOE calculation highly depends on the quality
of Input data, including technical parameters, for example, capacity factor and financial
assumption such as CAPEX/MW, OPEX Multiple, inflation multiple and discount factor3.
In this modeling, the input of CAPEX/MW, OPEX Multiple are defined as the Level 1 cost
of SCBS (described in 2.2.1); thus, the cost component of CAPEX and OPEX (Level 2,
Level 3…) cannot be described in the modeling. In addition, LCOE calculation is highly
sensitive to the underlying data and assumptions used for project key parameters; there-
fore, it is crucial to apply data within the range of reasonable estimation.
3.1.3 Modeling
2 CAPEX share(first power year) - 3 is to count backwards of 3 years from the first power year,
for instance, if the first power year is 2017, then CAPEX share(first power year) - 3 is 2014.
Discount factor is typically reflected by weighted average costs of capital (WACC).
4 Due to the complexity and various executed standards of decommissioning, the decommission-
ing of wind power plant is not considered in the modeling.
It is necessary to point out that, in practice, in order to provide investor with useful
IRR/NPV, the type of subsidy should be seriously considered in financial model. How-
ever, as the current version of modeling cannot deliver IRR and NPV, the type of subsidy
is not considered as one of the key parameters of the modeling.
The LCOE model outline is constructed based on the following formula and major calcu-
lation parameters are presented in the Table 3.
Notation Definition
PV Present value
n Full lifetime of wind power plant (yr)
DF Discount factor (%)
AEP Annual energy production (MWh)
WACC Weighted average costs of capital (%)
The Output worksheet provides a project summary statement based on the calculations.
The Output outline is presented in Table 4.
Output Interpretation
Full lifetime of wind farm Development and construction
phase: 3 years
Operational phase: 25 years
Capital expenditure Annual CAPEX (normally the first 4 years dur-
ing the lifetime of wind farm)
Operational expenditure Annual OPEX (normally starts from the 4th
AEP Annual production (normally starts from the
4th year)
WACC Financial assumption
Valuation date The precise date that the data and assump-
tion of wind power plant are applied
Discount factor Discount factor for each year during the life
time of wind farm plant
PV (CAPEX)/PV (OPEX)/PV (Produc- Key results indicators
As a key result indicator, LCOE of the chosen wind project is delivered, and it is a fun-
damental consideration for project feasibility study. Moreover, the calculated results are
also visible in header information.
Capital expenditure (CAPEX), is also known as fixed cost (a cost that does not change
with an increase of decrease in the amount of goods or services produced or sold) [6].
According to SCBS, the CAPEX of an offshore wind project consists of three parts,
namely, turbine, BOP, and financial cost, covering project development, deployment,
commissioning, which are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Capital Expenditures for the Offshore Reference Wind Plant Project [8]5
Operational expenditure covers all the costs paid after the windfarm take over point in-
cluding operation costs and maintenance costs, which are required to maintain plant
availability. OPEX is normally annualized cost with the unit €/MWh (kWh). As a percent-
age of LCOE, OPEX makes up a considerably higher portion for offshore project than
Operation cost covers all the non-equipment costs of operations for a windfarm,
● Environmental, health, and safety monitoring
● Annual leases, fees, and other costs of doing business
● Insurance
● Operation, management, and general administration
The market price adjustment is the difference between the modeled cost and the average mar-
ket price paid for the typical project in 2014.
Maintenance cost covers the following vessel, labor and equipment costs of operations
for the windfarm:
● Long-term service agreement
● Scheduled maintenance
● Unscheduled maintenance
In this thesis, AEP refers to the annual energy production of a wind power plant, normally
stated as kWh or MWh. Due to the inconstant wind speed, the actual wind power pro-
duction can never reach theoretical maximum production. AEP is one of the key factors
that affect the level of LCOE. The more electricity generated from the wind power plant,
the lower LCOE.
As stated above, AEP is calculated based on installed capacity of wind farm, capacity
factor, and capacity operational, and capacity factor plays the most important role among
The capacity factor is determined by several parameters, including, for example, rrepre-
sentative wind resource, rotor diameter, hub height, generator technology. Normally, the
capacity factor ranges from 15% - 50%, typically speaking, due to better wind resource
in the sea area, the capacity factor of offshore wind farm is higher than that of onshore
wind farm. According to the statistics of European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), in
Europe, the average capacity factors for onshore and offshore are respectively 24% and
41% [7].
With the improved generator technology and optimized design of wind turbine blade, the
capacity factor increases continuously, thus to raise energy yield accordingly.
In this thesis, the Vesterhav Nord and Syd wind farm and the Borssele 1 and 2 wind farm
are selected as reference projects. Both of them are considered as the latest represent-
atives of nearshore and offshore wind projects due to large installed capacity and great
site condition.
Offshore wind farm descriptions of Vesterhav Nord and Syd and Borssele 1 and 2 project
are summarized in Table 5 below:
Table 5 Summary Description of Reference Projects
Nearshore Offshore
LOCATION & Project Name Vesterhav Nord and Syd Borssele 1 and 2
NAME Location Denmark Netherlands
Installed Capacity 350MW 750MW
WTG & CAPAC- Turbine Model Siemens SWT-8.0-154 6 Siemens SWT-8.0-154
ITY Turbine Capacity 8MW 8MW
Number of Turbines 44 WTGs 94 WTGs
Foundation Type Monopile Monopile
Water Depth(average) 20 m 28 m
Distance From Shore 6 km 22 km
Offshore Substations 0 2
Nominal Export Voltage NA 220 kV
Array Voltage NA 66kV
Note: the turbine model for Vesterhav wind farm is assumed as Siemens SWT-8.0-154
so as to be comparable for two projects
Vesterhav Nord & Syd nearshore wind farms are located in the offshore area outside
Hvide Sande and Thyborøn on the west coast of Jutland in Denmark. The location of
Vesterhav Nord & Syd is shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
6 The turbine model chosen for Vesterhav Nord and Syd is an assumption for comparison.
Figure 10 Location of Vesterhav Nord and Syd Nearshore Wind Farm [12]
The total wind farm capacity is 350MW, dividing into 170MW for Vesterhav Nord and
180MW for Vesterhav Syd. The Vesterhav wind farm covers an area of 116km2 in total
(Vesterhav Nord: 59km2; Vesterhav Syd: 57km2), located around 6km from the west
coast of Jutland. The water depth of that area ranges from 15m to 25m, and the annual
average wind speed is 10.19m/s7 [5].
7 The wind speed is 10-year mean wind speed with the height 100 meters.
Siemens SWT154, 8.0 MW is assumed as the wind turbine model for Vesterhav wind
farm. The same turbine is chosen for the Borssele 1 and 2 wind farm in order to reach
With the advantage of great offshore wind potential, the Netherlands government has
developed the Borssele wind farm zone (BWFZ), which is located in the southern part of
the North Sea. With the total capacity of 1400MW, BWFZ will be the largest wind farm in
the EU. BWFZ covers approximately 344km2, and it includes four zones: Borssele 1,
Borssele 2, Borssele 3 and Borssele 4. In this thesis, only Borssele 1 and 2 are dis-
cussed. The location and layout of Borssele 1 and 2 are shown as Figure 12 and Figure
The total wind farm capacity is 700MW, dividing into 350MW (Zone1) and 350MW
(Zone2). The two zones cover an area of 112.6 km2 in total (Borssele 1: 49.1km2; Bors-
sele 2: 63.5km2), located around 22km from the coast of the Dutch province of Zeeland.
Water depth of that area ranges from 14m to 38m and annual average wind speed is
10.21m/s8 [5]. Siemens SWT154, 8.0 MW is selected as a wind turbine for Borssele 1
and 2.
A reference project overview for Vesterhav Nord and Syd and Borssele 1 and 2 wind
farms is descried in Chapter 3.3. Major input parameters and assumptions of the refer-
ence projects applied in the financial modeling are summarized in Table 6.
8 The wind speed is 10-year mean wind speed with the height 100 meters.
Table 6 Input Assumptions for Vesterhav Nord and Syd and Borssele 1 and 2
WACC 5% 5%
Operational lifetime 25 years 25 years
Capacity factor 39% 42%
Power price inflation 2% 2%
CAPEX/MW 2.5m€ 2.69m€
CAPEX share (first power 1% 1%
CAPEX share (first power 1% 1%
CAPEX share (first power 33% 33%
CAPEX share (first power 65% 65%
OPEX Multiple 19.06€/MWh 26.68€/MWh
It is necessary to emphasize that all the input assumptions in Table 6 are made by K2M;
they may differ from the real data. Input interface of financial modeling is shown in Figure
Figure 14 Input Interface of Financial Modeling by Applying Reference Projects
It is seen that both CAPEX and OPEX of Borssele 1 and 2 offshore wind farm are higher
than those of the Vesterhav Nord and Syd nearshore wind farm. Due to the farther dis-
tance from the shore, the capital cost and O&M cost for the offshore wind farm are higher
than those of the nearshore/onshore wind farm, for instance, the capital cost for Vester-
hav Nord and Syd and Borssele 1 and 2 are 2.5m€/MW and 2.69m€/MW, respectively,
and the O&M for these farms are 19.06€/MWh and 26.68€/MWh, respectively.
As the distance and water depth both increases, the cost for foundation, BOP and in-
stallation increases, as well as O&M cost during the operational phase. However, as a
result of better and stable wind resources, normally, the capacity factor of offshore wind
farm is higher (Vesterhav Nord and Syd: 39%; Borssele 1 and 2: 42%), thereby produc-
ing more electricity annually.
3.4.2 Calculation results
By changing the number of the applied scenario (Vesterhav Nord and Syd: 1, Borssele
1 and 2: 2), LCOE of the two reference projects are computed automatically using LCOE
financial modeling, as shown in Table 7.
Table 7 LCOE of Vesterhav Nord and Syd and Borssele 1 and 2 wind farm
Table 7 gives the calculated annual CAPEX, OPEX and AEP of Vesterhav Nord and Syd
during full lifetime. Figure 16 is the key output of the modeling process.
Figure 15 Annual CAPEX, OPEX and AEP of Vesterhav Nord and Syd Wind Farm
Figure 16 LCOE of Vesterhav Nord and Syd
LCOE Vesterhav Nord and Syd = 𝟏𝟔𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟎𝟑𝟐𝑴𝑾𝒉
= 77€/MWh
Figure 17 gives the calculated annual CAPEX, OPEX and AEP of Borssele 1 and 2 during full lifetime. Figure 18 is the key output of the
modeling process.
Figure 17 Annual CAPEX, OPEX and AEP of Borssele 1 and 2 wind farm
Figure 18 LCOE of Borssele 1 and 2
LCOE Borssele 1 and 2= 𝟑𝟕𝟓𝟎𝟖𝟑𝟒𝟏𝑴𝑾𝒉
= 84€/MWh
It is seen that, based on the results of two reference projects, the LCOE of an offshore wind
farm is higher than that of a nearshore wind farm; however, the conclusion is draw on the
premise of same financial assumptions (inflation rate, WACC). In practice, the financial as-
sumptions may vary case to case, in addition, other factors, such as subsidy scheme, policy
and regulations, also play a significant role on cost of wind energy. In the following Chapter 4,
the LCOE of offshore wind energy for different countries is elaborated comprehensively.
In this Chapter, the cost of offshore wind energy in four countries, United Kingdom, China,
South Korea, Japan, has been analysed from the point of view of technique and policy and
regulation, as well as the development trend of wind power. The purpose of this chapter is to
elaborate how the input parameters affect LCOE offshore wind power; besides the input pa-
rameters above, how the policies and regulations influence the cost level of wind power as
4.1.1 Overview
The UK holds the leading position of offshore wind industry across the world in terms of design,
development, financing, construction and operation. With the implementation of numerous off-
shore wind farms, the UK has emerged as the most prominent offshore wind energy market in
- Highest share of consented offshore wind capacity
- Largest installed capacity of offshore wind power (5,067MW in total by 2015, see Fig-
ure 19 and 10,000MW on track by 2020)
- Wind energy is the biggest single source of renewable energy (10% of the UK’s elec-
tricity supply is provided by wind energy).
- 11% of the UK’s total electricity supply was provided by wind power in 2015
Figure 19 Global Cumulative Offshore Wind Capacity in 2015 and Annual Cumulative
Capacity (2011-2015) [6]
By the end of 2015, there were 29 offshore wind farms in UK with operational capacity over
5,1GW and further 4,5GW are under construction. The location of the UK's offshore wind re-
source provides for geographical diversification across the UK territorial waters and the Conti-
nental Shelf. Figure 20 illustrates the distribution of the UK offshore wind farm. Most offshore
wind farms (over 80%) are located in English waters.
Figure 20 UK Offshore Wind Map 2015 [12]
By the end of 2016, the offshore cost data has shown that the average of LCOE of the UK
offshore wind farm is £97/MWh, achieving 32% reduction of £142/MWh on the end of 2011 [9].
Larger rated turbines and innovation of installation pose the largest impact on reduction of
LCOE. Figure 21 demonstrates the reduction of LCOE for projects reaching Final Investment
Decision (FID) from 2010 to 2016 [9]. In addition, the UK government has committed to reduce
the strike price so as to ensure further cost reduction.
The location of the UK makes it owns extremely rich wind resources, and most of it are con-
centrated in the north and west area, especially in Scotland which has higher w and lower
population density. [14] See Figure 23.
Figure 23 UK Annual Mean Wind Power Density at 100m Above Sea Level (W/m2)
4.1.3 Technology
The biggest driver of wind cost reduction in the UK is the larger rated turbine. Walney Extension
(659MW) and Burbo Bank Extension (254MW) offshore wind farms have adopted turbines with
8MW nameplate capacity. With improved turbine technology, larger wind turbine, such as
8MW, almost as twice size as the previous standard, is becoming the development tendency
in offshore wind industry. The generation cost is lower in the long run due to less foundation,
subsea cables and maintenance cost to produce same power as multiple small-sized turbines.
Furthermore, energy generation is largely depends on availability, reliability and longevity of
the wind turbines. Larger offshore turbines with optimized rotor diameter and control system
deployed in UK boost wind turbine productivity and reliability. Design and manufacturing im-
provements notably promoted turbine reliability thereby reducing the frequency and cost of
unscheduled maintenance.
With increased availability & reliability and prolonged life-span of turbines, the capacity factor
and the capacity operation of OWF keep increasing, further mitigating OPEX through better
energy capture and conversion. Figure 24 has shown a depiction of the OWF capacity factor
distribution and how the capacity factor in the UK changes over time. In this chart, data of 22
UK offshore wind farms which are currently in operation is collected and plotted, see Table 8
and Figure 24 [10]. The x-axis represents the operation years for each OWF and the y-axis
represents the corresponding capacity factor. It can be clearly seen that the primary trend of
the capacity factor of offshore wind power is growing over time; to be specific, the OWF which
started operating before 2010 have lower CP (below 40%); with improved offshore technology,
the capacity factor increases over 40% for OWF which started operating after 2010.
9All the data in Table 8 was collected by the end of January, 2017. Data in the original source is updated
every month.
Robin Rigg 6,3 35,10%
Thanet 6,3 32,80%
Gunfleet Sands 6,5 36,70%
Rhyl Flats 7,1 32,80%
Inner Dowsing 7,8 34,10%
Lynn 7,8 34,50%
Burbo Bank 9,2 35,80%
Barrow 10,3 35,90%
Kentish Flats 11,1 31,20%
Scroby Sands 12,1 30,60%
North Hoyle 12,5 31,80%
Improved balance of plant (BOP) components, such as electrical infrastructure and foundation,
are also critical to drive the offshore LCOE down. With the increased rated capacity of offshore
turbine, 33kV inter-array cables is replaced with the higher voltage IAC (66kV) step by step.
AC/DC transmission solution with integrated/limited offshore platforms reduce the grid losses
and improve the power transmission efficiency between the high-power large turbines, as well
as diminish the transmission cost. Additionally, for offshore wind farms in the UK, the lighter
transformer greatly cut down the cost of bespoke substation.
The latest foundation technology is applicable to wider range of site characteristics and higher
capacity turbines. Foundation with improved foundation design enables installation of larger
turbines in offshore area further always from coastline without increasing the cost of energy.
Supply chain
The offshore industry, cooperated with the UK government, has built a competitive and inno-
vative supply chain, and mainly covering 6 elements as:
● Project management and development
● Turbine supply
● Balance of plant supply
● Installation and commissioning
● Operation, maintenance and service (OMS)
The competitiveness of the UK offshore supply chain is embodied in the following aspects:
● Great number of the UK based manufactures, saving transportation cost due to logis-
tical advantages
● Strong track record and capability to deliver improved turbine, foundation, cable which
suitable for various site characteristics.
● Attract both domestic and foreign developers while intensive competition drives the
cost down at developer level.
Increased competition at developer level drives higher cost efficiency while the pressure is
deflected to supply chain where margin is reduced. The offshore cost in the UK is continuously
diminishing through technology innovation, delivering economic benefits.
Supply chain has been built through expansion. See Figure 26. The UK offshore expertise has
been exported across the world. The UK is a strong platform to boost manufacturing capability
and the government is also supportive to develop the capabilities and capacity of the UK based
companies, keeping the UK in a strong position to access the largest global market for offshore
wind. Figure 25 has demonstrates the share of export contracts by activity until 2020. [11]
Figure 25 Share of UK Export Contract of Wind Industry by Activity [11]
Figure 26 UK Wind and Marine Energy Industry Map
Offshore logistics
Offshore logistics and installation play an essential role for offshore wind project, representing
around 15% of project life cycle expenditures. The UK offers significant offshore logistic ad-
vantages and mature supply chain in the UK enables faster installation and less weather. Asset
accessibility is a pivotal factor during installation work considering deeper water, higher wave
and weather limitations.
Besides of various OEMs, competitive advantage of the UK offshore market also lies in the
advanced vessels covering survey, construction & installation, operation & maintenance. Mul-
tipurpose vessels with higher capability and availability is applicable for wind farms being far-
ther offshore and capable to minimize and combine offshore activities. Meanwhile, advanced
vessel design allows to accommodate more turbines or/and foundations per vessel which in-
creasing installation efficiency and optimizing O&M performance, hence lowering the LCOE of
offshore wind.
Generally speaking, compare to other countries, the UK cost-effective O&M strategy enables
fewer breakdowns and less response time, which are two fundamental factors to lower OPEX.
To be specific, except higher turbine availability and reliability which minimize breakdowns as
mentioned above, advanced remote monitoring and control system adopted, less transit time
and higher accessibility to the site promote OWF performance and enable to make unsched-
uled activities more predictable, thereby reducing OPEX and diminishing the offshore LCOE.
In order to reduce the costs of offshore wind continuously, the UK government has established
and introduced various policies and financial supports to advocate technology development,
and leveraging the power of partnership and collaboration to accelerate cost reductions, see
Table 9.
Table 9 The UK Renewable Energy Support Policies
10 RO is only applied for large scale, smaller scale wind power plants are mainly supported by FIT.
11 Renewable Obligations (RO) is replaced with Contract for Difference (CfD) from April, 2017.
credited renewable generating stations for the eligible renewable electricity they gen-
erate. Operators can trade ROCs with other parties. ROCs are ultimately used by
suppliers to demonstrate that they have met their obligation. (Source: GOV.UK)
According to the regulations, per unit wind power (MWh) equals to 0.9 Renewable Obligation
Certificates (ROCs) for onshore wind farm; and 1.8 ROC per MWh for offshore wind farm.
Each ROC is worth 40£ (46€) and ROC income is on top of wholesale power revenue, in the
range 30£ - 40£/MWh (35€-46€).
As a key part of Electricity Market Reform introduced by government, Contract for Difference
(CfD) is an incentive mechanism to promote renewable energy in the UK. Contract for Differ-
ence (CfD) is a 15-year fixed price contract and it provides greater certainty and stability of
revenues to electricity generators, offering relatively low risk profile. By attracting more wind
energy investments, the generation cost keeps bringing down, with competitive bids submitted.
According to Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy of UK:
Contract for Difference (CfD) is a private law contract between a low carbon electricity
generator and the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), a government-owned com-
pany. A generator party to a CFD is paid the difference between the strike price and the
reference price. Strike price may be an administered price set by the government or, in
circumstances of high demand for contracts, the clearing price from a competitive auction,
see Figure 28.
Figure 29 below has demonstrated principle mechanism of CfD. When the market price of
electricity is lower than strike price, then the payments are made by LCCC to the electricity
generator to make up the difference and vice versa.
12Strike price is a price for electricity reflecting the cost of investing in a particular low carbon technology.
Reference price is a measure of the average market price for electricity in the GB market. Source:
- A competitive allocation process for generators.
- Linked to a fixed Levy Control Framework which sets the amount of funding available.
- Attracts more investment to wind energy.
- Reduce capital cost as much as possible (lowest possible cost for consumer)
Besides of RO and CfD, revenues for renewable generators are also supported through, first,
the exemption from the UK’s Climate Change Levy – realized through the sale of Levy Exemp-
tion Certificates (LECs); secondly, EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the UK’s Carbon Price
Floor to achieve avoided costs of carbon emissions. [13]
4.2 China
4.2.1 Overview
Offshore wind power in China is still at the primary stage, and cost has been a major deterrent
for the offshore wind development. According to the statistics from Carbon Trust, deployment
cost of OWF with shore distance less than 15km in China is ranging from €1.5m/MW to
€1.6m/MW, showing a bit higher than the deployment cost in the UK. The current development
is facing both opportunities and challenges, and constrained by weaknesses, causing the rel-
ative high LCOE for offshore wind.
Most of China’s energy demand is concentrated along the east costal area; and by utilizing the
offshore wind resources efficiently could significantly relieve the pressure of eastern electricity
supply. Nevertheless, unlike onshore wind, which contributes the majority of wind power gen-
eration, offshore wind is developing slowly. The total installed wind capacity until 2015 is
145,362MW, for which offshore wind accounts merely 0.7% (cumulative capacity for offshore
is 1,014.68MW until 2015). However, 200GW of offshore wind power at water depth between
5 and 25 meters has been identified, with additional 300GW offshore wind at water depth be-
tween 25 and 50 meters, showing huge potential of offshore wind power development and cost
Challenges that contribute to the high development cost are summarized as technical barriers
and non-technical barriers, followed with detailed discussion. See Table 10 and Table 11.
Technical barriers mainly focus on turbines, foundations, installation and O&M of offshore wind
farms. Non-technical barriers are explained from the perspective of developers, policies and
Compare to European countries, China has relatively poorer wind resources. Figure 31 has
shown the distribution of annual average wind power density in 5-50m depth sea areas of
China [15].The wind speed increases from north to south along China’s east coast; wind re-
sources sufficient for offshore wind power deployment are mainly located in the southeast
coast areas. The most abundant wind resources are based in the area of Taiwan Strait. Aver-
age wind speed of coast area of Fujian is between 8-10 m/s, and the neighboring provinces,
such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, have slightly lower wind speed, around 6-7.5 m/s,
where are also rich in wind resources and largely influenced by typhoon and tropical monsoon.
Figure 31 Average Wind Power Densities in 5-50m Depth Sea Areas of China [15]
Table 10 has summarized the technical barriers of offshore wind development in China.
Table 10 Technical Barriers of Offshore Wind Development in China
Impact On
Category Current Situation Lifetime
Turbines with lower rated capac- High CPAEX and
Turbine size
ity, ranging from 3MW-5MW OPEX
Turbine Lower rate of availability, normally
Turbine High OPEX
availability below 95%
Turbine Extra cost on
Anti-corrosion solution
corrosion CAPEX
Shallow water and smooth sub-
Water depth Reduce CAPEX
marine topography
Increase installa-
Seabed Weak and unconsolidated
tion cost and
condition seabed
Extreme Increase installa-
Foundation weather Typhoon mostly in Taiwan Strait tion cost and
condition OPEX
corrosion Corrosion resistant coating;
and fatigue Lack of standard for quality verify- Increase CPAEX
problem ing
Lack of installation vessels
availability Increase
Installation Too soft to use traditional installa- installation cost
tion vessel but floating installation
More frequent repair and mainte-
Operation O&M
nance work due to lower turbine
& experience
availability Increase OPEX
Access Lack of access vessels and lim-
vessels ited capability
Monitoring Adopt monitoring tools developed
software by European countries
● Turbine size
Currently the majority of turbines installed for offshore wind farm are 3MW, even though
a number of Chinese manufacturers are developing larger turbines with capacity 5MW
or 6MW, they are not deployed in large scale so far. Compare with large turbine, the
current employed offshore turbines in China mostly are small ones in terms of name-
plate capacity, which may increase the cost including extra cable cost, installation cost
and further O&M cost.
● Turbine availability
Most of offshore turbines are supplied by Chinese OEM. From the cost perspective,
although the Chinese turbine is cheaper than turbines manufactured by European
OEMs, turbine availability, a key driver for achieving favorable project economic bene-
fit, is lower than that of European offshore wind turbines whose TA can achieve over
95%. High availability is the pivotal factor for the economics of any OWF due to the
high O&M cost. The lower rate of availability of Chinese offshore turbine, namely, low
system reliability and insufficient maintenance capability, directly causes lower produc-
tion and more repair and maintenance work that further increase the OPEX.
● Turbine corrosion
Given the fact that China has quite unique coastal characteristics, turbines installed in
such areas are subjected to corrosion issue which may reduce turbine availability.
Therefore, in order to expand the lifetime of OWF in China, anti-corrosion solutions are
necessary to meet the geographical and climate conditions in China, causing extra cost
of turbines.
● Water depth
As an advantage, China has shallow water and relative smooth submarine topography
off the coast which is suitable for various adoption of foundation types. In comparison,
unlike South Korea or Japan where the more expensive floating foundation is favored,
diverse cheaper foundations can be adopted for offshore wind farm in China, namely,
lower CAPEX can be implemented. Additionally, during the operation phase, shallow
water depth and short distance from shore decrease the OPEX owing to the ease of
● Sea bed condition
The sea bed condition in China is another site characteristic different from European
countries. Unlike the firmer sea bed condition in Europe, the upper layer of sea bed in
China contains muddy and silty clay from 0-25m, showing unconsolidated characteris-
tic. A very thick layer of soft soil is laying beneath the upper layer (See Figure 32).
Additionally, due to the weak and soft sea bed condition, accurate preparation of sea-
bed and cable protection are crucial for OWFP development, thereby causing addi-
tional expenditure. Considering both the seabed characteristics and the ability to with-
stand turbulent movement of ocean, currently, types of WTG foundation are limited and
the most popular foundation for offshore wind farm in China are high-rise pile caps and
monopiles. More offshore foundation types are still under demonstration stage.
● Extreme weather condition
For the coastal area where are largely influenced by typhoon and tropical monsoon as
mentioned above, offshore foundation should be designed specifically to resistant ex-
treme weather condition, thereby reducing economic risks.
● Foundation corrosion and fatigue
As similar as offshore turbines, foundations are confronted with corrosion and fatigue
problems. Special coatings for foundation can be effectively corrosion resistant, which
is not a critical issue. However, fatigue issue increases economic risk greatly as cur-
rently there is no standards or third party surveillance in place to verify the quality of
offshore foundations in terms of strength and reliability.
● Installation is the major cost for offshore wind farms in China due to the lack of off-
shore wind supply chain. The shortage of expertise and bespoke installation vessels
greatly increase project cost. Currently, there are only 6 vessels for turbine and foun-
dation installation and 2 vessels for cable installation.
● Additionally, due to the soft sea bed condition, types of installation & maintenance
vessel are limited and traditional jack-up vessel which dominate in Europe market is
not a favored option in China. By using floating installation vessel may resolve the dif-
ficulty, yet, it results in higher cost of installation.
Table 11 has summarized the non-technical barriers of offshore wind development in China.
Table 11 Non-Technical Barriers of Offshore Wind Development in China
Impact On Lifetime
Category Current Situation
Different from European offshore market, offshore wind farms in China are mostly developed
by state-owned power utilities, therefore, most of offshore projects are invested to meet the
government targets instead of getting profit. Lack of foreign developers involved in market
reduces wind industry competitiveness of China. Central planned wind economy and lower
project profitability contributed to less motivation for wind developers to reduce offshore CoE.
98% of wind capacity has been installed by 8 Chinese SOEs, most of them have rich experi-
ence from onshore and oil & gas industry.
Consenting process involves several government departments, together with insufficient coor-
dination, causing project delay and extra cost. Lack of government coordination during con-
senting process is one of policy challenge in China. For instance, the consenting process of
first concession round projects last 3 years. Although the regional governments have been
issued for certain authorities to process application, they often lack experiences to evaluate
project proposal and thereby transferring consenting process back to central government.
The fundamental obstacle is various conflicts among multi government agencies, especially
between National Energy Administration (NEA) and State Oceanic Administration (SOA). From
cost and technical challenge perspective, NEA prefers OWF to be installed closer to the shore;
on the contrary, in order to preserve wildlife conservation zone, fishing zone, and military zone,
SOA prefer OWF to be installed as far as possible. To resolve the conflict, according to regu-
lations released jointly by NEA and SOA for the development, construction and management
of offshore wind project, offshore wind farms should be located no less than 10 km from the
shore and 10 meters water depth if the tidal flat is more than 10 km wide. The layout of offshore
wind farms shall not be planned in all kinds of marine nature reserves, special marine protected
areas, important fishery waters, typical marine ecosystems, estuaries, gulfs and natural histor-
ical relics protection areas.
Feed-in tariff
The overly low feed-in tariff price is one of the major bottleneck for large scale offshore wind
development. For non-bidding offshore projects that operated before 2017(not including 2017),
the feed-in tariff price of intertidal zone and nearshore zone, announced by NDRC in June of
2014, are €0.1/kWh(¥0.75) and €0.12/kWh(¥0.85)(tax included) respectively [16]. For offshore
projects operated after 2017, the feed-in tariff price will be decided later based on technology
improvement and concession bidding condition.
Compare to the countries with well-developed offshore wind market, the current FIT price is
fairly low in China, see Table 12. Even though the investment cost of offshore wind per MW is
estimated to be 2 times of onshore wind, offshore FIT is just around 30% higher than onshore
FIT (€0.08/kWh), resulting in weak project economy.
Table 12 Comparison of FIT Price between China and European Countries
Country Feed-in Tariff Price for offshore wind
China 0.10€ - 0.12€/kWh
Germany 0.17€ - 0.22€/kWh
United Kingdom 0.21€/kWh
Denmark 0.15€/kWh
Italy 0.20€/kWh
For Fujian coastal area where wind speed is higher (8.5m/s) and more stable, the current FIT
is able to achieve certain economic benefit, however, for the area where wind speed is slightly
lower (7.5m/s), the current FIT price can’t cover the cost of OWF completely and it is difficult
for project developers to make commercial returns against such low FIT price. Nevertheless,
it is worth stressing that due to the immaturity of offshore industry in China and limited numbers
of commercial OWF in operation, the level of FIT is still in an exploratory stage. For the OWF
operating from 2017, the FIT price will be adjusted more objective and reasonable based on
the current OWF operation situation.
4.3.1 Overview
As a peninsula country, South Korea possess enormous wind energy potential provided by
2,413km coastline and mountainous terrain. Wind industry can benefit greatly from the im-
mense wind resource due to its high wind speed [17](see Figure 33). From Figure 33, it is
seen that, for offshore wind area, the sea area around Jeju Island offers the strongest air cur-
rents and has the highest average wind speed (around 8 – 9 m/s), therefore, vast majority of
offshore wind farms, both in operation and under development, are located in this area (See
Figure 34).
The major obstacle of offshore wind development is the lower electricity price, due to several
reasons, including geographical environment, policies and regulations and relatively higher
CAPEX. Key drivers effecting the cost of offshore wind energy in South Korea are discussed
in following paragraph, including geographical environment, policies and regulation, turbine
and logistic.
The main effect caused by environmental factor is that available sea area for offshore wind
development is strictly limited by considering both geographic and ecological factors. The lim-
ited size of wind farm eventually results in relative high LCOE than other countries inasmuch
as annual electricity production deceases. Due to the lower power price, industry competition
and economies of scale are extremely limited.
Water depth
Surrounded by Yellow Sea and East Sea, South Korea owns tremendous wind resources (see
Figure 33), yet, the available sea area suitable for installation of offshore wind farm is strictly
limited. For offshore wind farm installation, preferred water depth ranges from 10m to 25m,
nevertheless, it is only located within limited distance from South Korea coast. The water depth
suddenly rise up instantly in further offshore area, and the cost (mainly for foundation cost)
largely increases with the increasing water depth, diminishing the project feasibility.
Sea bed
The optimal sea bed condition for wind farm construction is identified as strong sand without
silt and clay. In the project area, silt layer whose thickness ranges from 30m to 70m is located
at the bottom of sea. The fact of seabed characteristics greatly increase the cost of foundation
owing to special construction condition, construction process and difficult degree for construc-
Furthermore, in the sea area around Jeju Island, sea bed is characterized as volcanic rock
type. Due to the physical properties of volcanic rock, cable installation in terms of methodology
and burial depths is more challenging than normal soil and sand sea bed. Traditional subsea
cable installation vessel and equipment are not applicable under this circumstances, resulting
in higher installation costs and cable maintenance cost during operational phase ultimately.
Coastal animal
During the whole lifetime of offshore wind farm, each different phase including construction,
operation and decommissioning, poses negative effect on coastal mammals and fish. For in-
stance, noise and vibration would cause individual and population disturbance for acoustic
species; construction work results in turbidity problem.
Due to the consideration of nearshore ecology environment protection, South Korea govern-
ment has set rules for offshore wind industry in which offshore wind energy cannot be con-
structed within the sea area 1km away from coast line.
In order to promote the development of renewable energy, South Korea government has set
up a series of supporting measures, including regulatory policies, fiscal incentives and public
financing support. Table 13 has demonstrated the specific support policy from each different
category. [17]
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
RPS Ratio in
Power Gener- 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
ation (%)
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is the sum of System Marginal Price (SMP) and Renew-
able Energy Certificate (REC).
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) = System Marginal Price (SMP) + Renewable En
ergy Certificate (REC)
= 0.069EUR/kWh + 0.089EUR/kWh
= 0.158EUR/kWh
The current market price of SMP is approximate 0.069EUR/kWh and REC is approximate
0.089EUR/kWh, while the previous FIT was a fixed price at around 0.08EUR /kWh (Source:
K2M). Figure 35 has shown the wind power price from February 2012 to March 2016.
Table 16 Summary of South Korea OWFP Cost Key Drivers and Corresponding Impact
Key Drivers Impact on cost
4.4.1 Overview
Instead of having sufficient fossil fuels as China, Japan, given the abundant wind resources in
the geography of conditions and marine, which is also the island country, owns tremendous
offshore wind resources and the world’s 6th largest sea space.
According to the report published by Japan Wind Power Association on 2012, an estimation of
offshore wind potential would be 600 GW, and it is worth stressing that, unlike South Korea
most of its wind resources is located far away from shore and in deep water (water depth larger
than 50m) [18]. As reported by JWPA, 85% of it could apply floating foundation technology.
Until the end of 2015, the total cumulative installed capacity for offshore wind in Japan is
52.6MW, see Figure 36. Even though Japan is the second largest offshore wind country in
Asia, Japanese developers still lack experience on both construction and management of off-
shore wind projects.
2016 2030
Offshore Power Generation Cost (€/kWh) 0.21 0.15
Assumption Capacity Factor (%) 30 35
Discount Rate (%) 3 3
Cost CAPEX (€/kWh) 4900 3920 (20% reduction)
OPEX (€/kWh) 195 156 (20% reduction)
Figure 38 has shown the comparison of power generation cost from different resources by
2030 [20]. According to the estimation from JWPA, power generation costs for onshore and
offshore wind are 0.07-0.10€/kWh (8-12¥/kWh), 0.15€/kWh (16¥/kWh) respectively.
Nevertheless, currently, power generation cost for offshore is too high for developers to invest
on a large scale. The key drivers effecting the cost of offshore wind energy in Japan are dis-
cussed in following paragraph, including environmental factor, policy and regulation, and OWF
components & supply chain.
4.4.2 Environmental factor
Water depth
For offshore project in Japan, water depth is also an obstacle. Fixed bottom foundation can
only be applied in flat shallow water area where water depth is fairly low. Few nearshore wind
projects have been installed or under development by adopting monopiles and jacket founda-
tions. However, wind speed in such area is relatively low, which decrease energy production
and increase generation cost correspondingly. As mentioned above, most of wind resources
are located at sea area with water depth larger than 50 meters. Wind speed gets higher with
the increased water depth and therefore leads to the only option which is semi-floating or float-
ing foundation for OWFP, bringing about much higher CAPEX and later O&M cost during op-
eration phase. For instance, the electricity generated from Fukushima wind farm which em-
ploys floating advanced spar floating foundation is so far nearly twice as much as expected
Negative factor
In Japan, solar power is more favored energy resource compare to wind energy. Currently
there is no specific policies and regulations for offshore wind power development in Japan for
undesignated areas.
For offshore wind farm project, consenting Process and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) are considered as the current two barriers OWFP in development phase [19].
● Consenting Process
The consenting process of offshore wind project involves various government depart-
ments instead of one central governmental institution. Consenting delays caused by
lengthy process may pose extra cost and risk on project.
Furthermore, negotiation with local powerful fisheries association also contributes to
the lengthy consenting process. Additionally, for the purpose of satisfaction of fisher-
men’s interest, agreed compensation is inevitable, further increasing OWFP develop-
ment cost.
As part of the consenting process, EIA is the most time-consuming step which normally
costs almost 100 million euros. For wind farm developer, to build large-scale wind
farms, environmental impact assessments takes about three to four years, probably
resulting in the delay and extra expenditure on the wind project.
Positive factor
Nevertheless, given the fact of long coast line and high cost of onshore wind, it is logically for
government to shift the focus to offshore wind by considering the tremendous offshore poten-
tial. By the end of 2015, government has published future plan of wind industry development,
mainly focusing on the reduction of offshore wind generation cost and increase of AEP by
technology improvement. Table 19 has shown the government support plan of offshore wind
in order to increase the total installed capacity and eventually reduce wind power generation
cost [20].
In 2012, government introduced the offshore FIT scheme to incentivize private investment and
the purchase price and period for offshore wind, published by METI [22], is 0.29EUR/kWh
(36JPY/kWh) and 20 years, see Table 20. Compare with offshore FIT of South Korea and
China, the higher purchase price in Japan improves investment confidence greatly, however,
the IRR still cannot be guaranteed for investors, and it is estimated that ¥40 /kWh will be nec-
essary to kick-start the industry in Japan, due to higher base costs and a lack of suitable infra-
structure and offshore experience in Japan.
As obligators, power companies are required to purchase electricity generated
from renewable energy sources on a fixed-period contract at a fixed price (pur-
chase price is shown on Table 20 below). Cost for purchasing is paid by electricity
users in the form of a nationwide equal surcharge. And electric power companies
pay a part of the cost (the equal amount to the generation cost that they could
avoid to pay by purchasing renewable electricity from the producers). Purchase
price is re-examined and published in each year. [22]
Table 20 Purchase Price under FIT System for Wind Energy [22]
Purchase price (JPY/kWh)(tax excluded) Purchase
FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 period
Wind Onshore <20 55 55 55 55 55 20 Years
≥20 22 22 22 22 22
Offshore 36 36 36
Compare with the more developed European offshore wind industry, offshore technology in
Japan lags behind. Due to the lack of offshore experience, both local WTGs technology and
supply chain are still under development. Immature design, combine with challenging climatic
and geological factors, contribute to lower offshore power generation, further leading to higher
generation cost.
JWPA identified the effect on power generation cost for 2030 through improving the major
WTG components technology, see Table 21 [20].The basic assumptions applied for the esti-
mation are shown as Table 22.
Contrary to onshore wind, Japanese turbine manufacturers are dominated in offshore wind
industry, accounts for nearly 86% share of offshore turbine market [19]. See Figure 40.
Compared with 8MW offshore turbine from Vestas, so far, the largest turbine in commercial
scale by domestic manufacturer is merely 2MW. With a relatively small rated capacity, domes-
tic turbine generates less electricity at higher relative cost. In addition, reliability of domestic
turbine is fairly low, resulting in lower project economics. As OWFPs move further from shore,
the number of turbine installed is necessary to reduce through raising the rated capacity of
turbine, decreasing both CAPEX and OPEX per unit.
On the other hand, unlike other countries, given the extreme weather condition in Japan, ty-
phoon and lightning storm pose greatest threat to offshore turbine, particularly lightning storm,
identified the most common cause of failures, accounts for 31% [19]. See Figure 41. Such
failures results in the raise on both financial cost and maintenance cost.
Figure 41 Source of Turbine Failures in Japanese Wind Farms [28]
Even though Japan is a leading country in floating technology and having over 20 years’ ex-
perience of R&D in it, out of 27 turbines installed by the end of 2015, only few turbines adopted
floating foundation. Given more mature and lower cost of fixed-bottom technology, fixed-bot-
tom foundation is still estimated to dominate OWFP from 2020-2025. Yet, the capital cost of
fixed-bottom costs in Japan are still slightly higher than in Europe markets [28].
● Fixed-bottom foundation
In terms of capital cost, fixed-bottom foundation is extremely lower than floating foun-
dation. However, it is only applied for Japanese nearshore projects where the wind
speed is not high, causing lower AEP, namely, higher LCOE of offshore wind.
● Floating foundation
Compare with fixed-bottom type, both capital and maintenance cost of floating founda-
tion are significantly more expensive and it hasn’t been applied in commercial scale in
Japan. Particularly, moorings of floating structures are subject to great pressure from
typhoons, and maintenance of mooring is excessively expensive, also leads to costly
Nevertheless, floating foundation is more suitable for Japanese offshore wind develop-
ment due to its specific bathymetry of Japan’s coastline. Wind speed is higher and more
stable far away from shore resulting in the increase of power generation per year. Float-
ing foundation has long-term cost competitiveness which can further greatly reduce
Cables and Installation
Due to the lack of cable manufacturer and low availability and capability of installation vessel
for offshore turbine and foundation installation, cable and installation costs in Japan is ex-
tremely higher than Europe market.
Besides the higher purchase price of cables, maintenance of submarine cables accounts for
the higher O&M cost of Japanese OWF in as much as the cable damage poses great potential
risk. Dynamic cables can resolve the damage issue, however, it is not cost-competitive yet.
Given the lack of supply chain, installation works for OWF are executed by limited number of
vessels from other industries, which becomes a major bottleneck. Insufficient installation ex-
perience results in project delay and extra-enormous cost before wind farm starts operating.
5 Conclusion
As mentioned where above, offshore wind is still in a fledging period; as capital intensive pro-
ject, offshore wind farm would not yield profit as soon as the wind power plant starts generating
electricity. Therefore, due to the higher risk of offshore wind, costs for each stage of project
should be well analyzed and reduced, in order to lower the financial risk.
With improved technologies of turbine, foundation and updated grid connection system, to-
gether with supportive policies and regulations made by government, the total CoE can be
reduced and offshore wind power will inevitably become one of the most competitive energy
sources in the near future.
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