3rd Grading Test SPJ

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Division of Cotabato

Pres. Roxas Central District

President Roxas Central Elementary School
3 Grading
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: _________________________ Grade and Section: __________Date: __________Score:____

TEST I. A. Write the letter of the correct answer.
___ 1. The following describe what is an editorial EXCEPT.
a. An editorial presents the stand of the staff of the publication.
b. Editorial is not an opinionated news story.
c. A good introduction of an editorial contains both the news and stand of the writer.
d. Aside from opinions, facts are also important element of an editorial.
___ 2. The structure of an editorial is called _________?
a. Pyramid b. Inverted pyramid c. Circular d. Symmetrical
___ 3. Which of the following describes what a feature is?
a. It is a news story written in inverted-pyramid form.
b. It is a fiction story.
c. While it may explain, it provides opinion like an editorial.
d. Feature story is a non-fiction story which appeals to the emotion.
___ 4. The structure of a feature is called _________?
a. Pyramid b. Inverted pyramid c. Circular d. Symmetrical
___ 5. Which of the following describes what sports news is?
a. It reports on sporting topics and competitions.
b. It gives opinion on the happening about sports.
c. It narrates a story which affects the emotion of the reader about sports icon.
d. It interprets and analyzes the statistical data of a certain individual or agency.
___ 6. The structure of sports news is called _________?
a. Pyramid b. Inverted pyramid c. Circular d. Symmetrical
B. Read the example of an editorial then identify its parts. The choices are given inside the box.
a. Title b. Introduction c. Body d. Conclusion

____7. Erroneous textbooks: A bitter pill to our ailing education

___ 8. The expose made by Dr. Antonio Calipjo- Go, academic supervisor in a private Marian School
in Quezon City, that some of the textbooks used by students are erroneous, created a gigantic tremor
that rocks our academe.
___9. In “Asya: Noon at Ngayon at sa hinaharap,” a 316-page textbook used by the second year high
school students in Araling Panlipunan , Dr. Calipjo has discovered that it contains 431 errors.s
___10. The authors, as well as the concerned authorities, who are tasked to evaluate these books
are guilty of thwarting facts and injecting the wrong medication into the minds of the students. They
should be given the dose of their own medicine.
C. Identify the kinds of editorial. The choices are given inside the box.

a. Editorial of information b. Editorial of interpretation c. Editorial of argumentation

d. Editorial of criticism e. Editorial of persuasion f. Editorial of commendation
g. Editorial of celebrating special occasion

___ 11. It presents only the information about a particular issue.

___ 12. Its primary aim is to interpret or analyze the event, situation or issue to present the facts in a
more meaningful and enlightening perspective to the reader.
___ 13. It takes a stand on a controversial issue and gives its reasons in a logical way to convince the
reader to side with the newspaper principles.
___ 14. It is similar to editorial of argumentation, but it ties to present both sides of the issue or the pros
and cons of the situation though the newspaper has its own side of the issue.
___ 15. It aims to persuade the readers to support a program or a plan of action by enumerating the
advantages that could be gained.
___ 16. It usually commends, praises or pays tribute for the success and achievements of public figures
like heroes, leaders and other celebrities.
___ 17. It highlights the significance of celebrating special occasions like “Christmas”.
D. MATCHING TYPE. Direction: Find the kinds of Feature in column A as being described in
column B write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
___ 18. News Feature a. It contains features anything relating to science and technology
___ 19. Science Feature b. It takes material from a recent event.
___ 20. Sports Feature c. It deals with any feature article related to sports.
___ 21.”How-to” feature d. It aims to explain a process or how a certain product or service is
made or rendered.
___ 22. Travelogue e. It describes a place and the kind of people the writer has met
during his travel.
___ 23. Historical Feature f. It narrates the evolution of something like the name of a particular
place, origin of a celebration and others.
___ 24. Personality Feature g. It offers a semi-biographical account of a newsworthy person.
___ 25. Seasonal Feature h. It presents new angles of an old theme with some fresh insights.
___ 26. Unusual Feature i. It is in the form of question and answer with a paragraph/s.
___ 27. Analytical Feature j. It dissects problem, such as school vandalism or student cheating
and describe how some people would try to solve the difficulty.
___ 28. Interview Feature k. It deals with paranormal beings like witch, ghost and the like.
l. A story that somehow involves people and their troubles, failures
and successes.
E. Direction: Identify which kind of sports news is being described.
___ 29. It gives advance information of the coming event.
a. Advance news b. Coverage story c. Follow-up sports story d. News based on records
___ 30. An on the spot news of an actual game or event.
a. Advance news b. Coverage story c. Follow-up sports story d. News based on records
___ 31. It summarizes the activities of the team. It also analyzes the recently concluded game.
a. Advance news b. Coverage story c. Follow-up sports story d. News based on records
___ 32. It is based on the data gathered from authorities or official of the game.
a. Advance news b. Coverage story c. Follow-up sports story d. News based on records
F. Direction: Read the example of sports news and then identify its parts. The choices are given
inside the box.
a. Headline b. Lead c. Body d. Conclusion

___ 33. Smart crushes Naga City, 2-0

___ 34. Naga City, Camarines Sur (February 18, 2009) – Launching their devastating powered
kicks fueled with great determination, Smart crushed the outstanding Naga City, 2-0 (21-6, 21-15), in
their sepak takraw championship game at Camarines Sur National High School Libooton Annex covered
___ 35. The marginal play came in the second set when the two teams exchanged headings and
tricky ball settings which deadlocked the scores two times, 10-10 and 12-12.
The fancy kicking Smart manifested their super key plays in the first set leaving and choking Naga
City, 8-1.
___ 36. “We strengthen first our defense in order for us to win this game,” uttered Estanislao Rile,
Smart spiker, after their breath-taking maneuver.
TEST II (4pts.)
37-40. From the given information, write a sports news (headline and lead).
Who: Butuan City defeated Caraga, 2-1 (19-21, 21-18, 21-19)
What: Mixed-doubles badminton game during the National School Press Conference (NSPC)
When: April 13, 2011
Where: Urios University Gym, Butuan City
How: Launching their powerful smashes and tricky moves, equipped with great teamwork

********************GOD BLESS!!!!!*******************

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