Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis Control For The Five-Level ANPC Inverter Connected To The Grid
Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis Control For The Five-Level ANPC Inverter Connected To The Grid
Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis Control For The Five-Level ANPC Inverter Connected To The Grid
Abstract—Interest in multilevel power converters has been their application by the industry. Recently, a new converter
increased in the last decades due to numerous advan- topology has been introduced [3] to overcome some of the
tages.Therefore, new control concepts have to be developed or above mentioned limitations. The five-level active neutral-
existing control techniques must be extended to take advantage
of these benefits.However, although multilevel inverters present point clamped (ANPC) converter combines characteristics of
numerous advantages, some drawbacks are evident. They re- the NPC and FC inverters.
quire a higher number of semiconductors and either multiple However, as new multilevel topologies are proposed, either
isolated dc sources or a bank of series connected capacitors. new control techniques must be developed or existing control
Consequently, the control complexity increases considerably, methods have to be adapted. Among the existing methods the
since more switching devices normally result in a higher number
of possible combinations and the balance of the capacitors has Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis Control (VF-DHC) has
to be guaranteed. In order to fulfill these requirements, this shown a good performance for the two [4] and the three-level
paper extends the Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis Control [5] topologies. It combines the simplicity and fast dynamic
(VF-DHC) scheme previously presented for the classical two- response of the classical hysteresis controller to a near con-
level and the industry standard three-level NPC inverters to stant switching frequency operation achieved by employing
operate with the recently introduced five-level Active Neutral-
Point Clamped Inverter (ANPC). a decouple network and modulated hysteresis boundaries.
The decouple network is applied to avoid the interference
I. I NTRODUCTION between phases that is inherent in isolated neutral three-
For low power systems, the classical two-level inverter phases systems.
is typically employed as the interface between dc-supply The VF-DHC to operate with the five-level ANPC inverter
and load. However, modern applications, which range from proposed in this paper is a natural extensions of the two
hundreds of kilowatts up to a few megawatts, demand special and three-level approaches. However, the hysteresis strategies
converter structures. One alternative is to connect switching used in both concepts must be modified in order to further
devices in series to cope with the high voltage stress. extend the ability of the controller to select different voltage
However, this technique requires a precise method to ensure levels. In addition, the five-level ANPC inverter requires
the voltage share between the devices in dynamic and static additional control of the mid-point potential and the voltage
situations. Another method that has been well accepted by across the floating capacitors.
the industry, and is emerging as the standard solution for
high power medium voltage applications, is the Multilevel
Converter. These structures have the ability to synthesize the The active neutral-point clamped (ANPC) inverter pre-
output waveform from several levels of voltages, improving sented by one-phase leg in Fig. 1 produces five distinct output
the spectrum quality when compared with the classical two- voltage levels by combining the three-level characteristic of
level topology. Furthermore, it permits the use of power the input stage (Cell 1) with the two-level of the output parts
devices with lower voltage rates and reduces electromagnetic
compatibility concerns, due to a smaller dv/dt. The basis of Cell 1
this new branch of topologies is the Neutral-Point Clamped
(NPC) three-level inverter proposed in 1980’s [1]. It utilizes S5 Cell 2 Cell 3
a series connection of dc-sources (generally realized by udc
capacitors) and clamping diodes to generated three output S6 S3 udc S1 R
voltage levels. Using the same principle, but with different M 4 C1
Lg ,i
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Phase Switching 3
S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 Voltage State
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 − u2dc u1 i g ,i 1 DHC
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 − u4dc u2 sL
i0 u NM uinv ,iM
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 − u4dc u3
+ 1
3 ∑
+ i 3
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 u4 ig' ,i
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 u5 pref ig ,i ,ref ∆ig' ,i
± hi (uci , u dc )
Current -
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 4
u6 References
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 4
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2
ψg ,α β + ψc ,α β Inverter udc
- Voltage
G (s)
+ M
ψ g ,α β udc
The decoupling hysteresis controller (DHC) [6], as shown +
ψ inv ,α β Inverter 2
by shaded DHC area in Fig. 2, has the same basic outer - Voltage
structure as the standard current hysteresis controller where
ig ,α β VF
the phase current is subtracted from a current reference and αβ
two extra hysteresis boundaries. Moreover, the expression -2
which determines the shape of the modulated hysteresis has
to be adjusted. -4
Due to a three-level characteristic of the input cell of 0.8
h (t )
the five-level ANPC topology, the method presented for 0.6
the three-level NPC inverter, which balances the mid-point
potential M by injecting an offset I0 into the phase currents
can also be employed. However, since the ANPC inverter 0.2
demands additional control of the floating capacitors, an
extra control block called modulator is included. It balances 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [ms]
individually the floating capacitors according to the output
currents direction. Fig. 4. Modulated hysteresis.
A. Hysteresis Strategy
Since the shape of the modulated hysteresis band neces- may change. The threshold for changing to another hysteresis
sary to achieve near constant switching frequency is highly shape is the intermediary voltage level u4dc .
influenced by the number of voltage levels, the method The difference between the inverter fundamental voltage
applied for the calculation of the two and three-level sys- and the threshold limit (3) indicates the beginning and end
tem hysteresis boundaries must be reviewed. The five-level of the application of the different shapes
inverter requests a slightly different approach, since during
the positive cycle the inverter output voltage can switch either t12 (t) = uinv,i (t) −
between u4dc and 0 or u2dc and u4dc according to the operating 4
point. Hence, the analysis shall be performed separately. Fig. 4 illustrates the time behavior of both hysteresis limits
Within the first interval, the inverter switches to u4dc h1 and h2 , considering a sinusoidal fundamental inverter
allowing the current to increase from the lower hysteresis voltage. The transition between the two boundaries to build
limit to the upper limit. When the current reaches the upper the complete hysteresis h is controlled by the function t12 .
hysteresis limit, the controller changes the switching state During the interval where the inverter fundamental voltage
of the switching devices appropriately to generate an output is lower then u4dc (t12 < 0), the controller utilizes h1 , while
voltage equal to 0. As consequence the load current decreases h2 is selected for t12 > 0.
from the upper to the lower hysteresis limit. Combining both Although the modulated hysteresis allows for a near con-
switching times, the hysteresis ensuring a nearly constant stant switching frequency, a dedicated multilevel hysteresis
switching frequency in the interval where the fundamental strategy has to be employed to switch between multiples
inverter output voltage is lower then u4dc can be expressed output voltage levels as shown in Fig. 5. The current error
as is maintained inside of the inner bands, allowing the inverter
to switch only between two consecutive levels. If the state
uinv,i u4dc − uinv,i
selected is not able to correct the current error, the controller
hi,1 = . (1)
2 · Lg · fs · u4dc switches to the next upper (or lower) level when the error
crosses the second hysteresis boundary. This finally forces
From the point where the inverter loses the capability to the current error to operate within the inner bands. Even
regulate the output current by switching only between the two though a double hysteresis band is sufficient to achieve good
lower voltage levels (uinv,i > u4dc ), the controller changes
immediately to the next higher level, selecting appropriately
either u2dc or u4dc .
During this second period, to increase the current from
h, ∆iinv
uinv,i − u4dc
2 − uinv,i 1
hi,2 = . (2)
2 · Lg · fs · u4dc 0
0 4 8 12 16 20
Therefore, this analysis shows that depending on the Time [ms]
amplitude of the fundamental inverter voltage, the hysteresis
shape necessary to achieve a constant switching frequency Fig. 5. Hysteresis strategy.
steady-state performance, a four level hysteresis is applied φ = 0ο
S ∆ig,β S ∆ig,β
hS+ hT−
udc S5 udc S5
hT− + 2 2
− + − R iinv,i
hR hR R hR S6 S3 udc S1 S6 S3 udc S1
∆ig,α ∆ig,α M M
4 4
hT+ hS− +
hT udc S7 udc
2 iinv,i S4 S2
S7 S4 S2
T T S8 S8
D C si
XOR XOR Mid-Point
suFC ,uC
iinv ,i ii iinv ,i ii Floating
u2 u3
(a) Mid-Point (b) Floating Capacitors
Fig. 9. Balancing strategy to control the mid-point potential (a) and floating Fig. 10. Switching between floating capacitors and mid-point control.
capacitors (b) for the voltage level − u4dc
of the lower dc-link capacitor ∆uCl and the direction of
current ii , is applied as illustrated in Fig. 9(a). Considering The experimental verification is performed using the 6kW
that the lower dc-link capacitor must be charged, ∆uCl = 1, five-level ANPC prototype presented in Fig. 11. A 10mH
and the inverter is generating a positive phase current, if output filter connects a controlled 400V 3-phase AC power
state u3 is applied, the resulting positive iM would continue source to the inverter, which is operating with a switching
to discharge the lower capacitor. Therefore, a reasonable frequency of 2.5kHz. The 800V dc power is provided by
alternative is to select state u2 that although not correcting two 10kW - 600V dc power supplies connected in series.
the deviation, at least does not contribute negatively as state The controller is implemented fully digitally using an Analog
u3 . This logic is repeated for all different combinations of Devices ADSP21991 16-bit 160M Hz DSP platform.
∆uCl ,i and ii , and is extended to the voltage level u4dc with
the switching states u6 and u7 . IGBT’s Capacitors
Amplitude [% of fund.]
Amplitude [% of fund.]
4.5 4.5 4.5
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
uC u uFC,R
uC l
u g, R
ig, R
ig, R
Fig. 13. Experimental results of the voltages uC,u and uC,l across the Fig. 14. Experimental results of the voltage across the floating capacitors.
dc-link capacitors.