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Which line suits your plant?
We have specialized in designing and manufacturing innovative handling lines to take care
of the grain through all steps, from the smallest farm to the agri industry. We offer three
different handling lines to make it easier to find a complete solution for every project. All
lines are uniquely designed to meet different needs.

The products in the I-line are designed for applications with a need for regularly use throughout the
year. The line suits the requirements within large farms and commercial grain stores.


20 t/h 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h 150 t/h 200 t/h 250 t/h 300 t/h


< 3000 t < 30 000 t > 30 000 t


heavy during the regurarly during daily and continuous

harvesting period all seasons

These recommendations are to be used as a guide and not exact figures. Variation may occur in individual
cases as these suggestions are based on wheat. Do not hesitate to contact us if your application has other
requirements. We have a wide experience of custom made solutions.
A complete system of handling equipment

Top conveyor
Belt & Bucket Elevator
Inclined top conveyor


Bottom conveyor

Trench intake conveyor


Every line is a complete system of bottom conveyors, elevators and top conveyors - all de-
signed for specific positions in the plant. Since the products within every line work together
as a system, they are matched to attain maximal flow and avoid stops in operation. All lines
are manufactured in galvanized steel to be proof against outdoor conditions.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Belt & Bucket Elevator SEI
Belt & Bucket Elevator SEI 35/14 2

Belt & Bucket Elevator SEI 50/18 6

Belt & Bucket Elevator SEI 50/23 10

Chain & Flight Conveyors

Top conveyor KTIF 14

Flow/return conveyor KTIF/FR 18

Bottom conveyor KTIFb 22

Trench intake conveyor KTIFg 26

Inclined top conveyor KTIA 30

Curved top conveyor KTIB 34

Curved bottom conveyor KTIBU 38

Curved trench intake conveyor KTIG 42

Dust and Chaff 47

Ducting system 50

Motors 54

Technical specification 55

ATEX information 56

ATEX-motors 57

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Belt and bucket elevator SEI 35/14
40 & 60 t/h 20 t/h

2 2
3 3 2
1 1 1





8 9


18 17


7 19

Description Price includes

SEI 35/14 is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance Elevator head (1) with removable hood (2). Transformer sq 180-140
with the EU Machinery Directives. included for 20 t/h. Extra wear plates in elevator hood and outlet.
Back stop (3) mounted on the drive shaft. Slatted self cleaning belt
It is available in three models: 20, 40 and 60. pulleys in both elevator head and elevator boot.

The different models give the following capacities based on grain Nord direct mounted gear box (4) with motor IP55. 230/400 volt
with 15% moisture content, bulk density 750kg/m3, at below (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (from 4.0 kW) 50 Hz.
specified nominal shaft rpm. Remember that every 1% increase in
moisture content above 15%, decreases capacity by 3-4% . Elevator boot (5) with belt tension device and two flanged inlets.
Cleaning out hatch (7) in side. Cover plate for one inlet. (Inlet
The capacity is affected with the same percentage as the gear box regulator with rod as an extra accessory.)
revolution (SK1282-171) changes.
Legs in different lengths. One leg is supplied with a removable
service door. Standard leg casing 1.25 mm. (2 mm leg casing at
Type 20 40 60 extra cost.)
Capacity t/h 23 47 70
Antistatic elevator belt EP 530/3 (10) as standard. (Oil-, grease-
Capacity m3/h 31 63 93
and temperature- resistant belt at extra cost.)
Belt speed m/s 3.2 3.2 3.2
Buckets/m 2.8 5.6 8.4 Belt tensioner (11) mounted in belt joint. Steel elevator buckets
Nom. shaft rpm 172 172 172 type Starco 140 (12). Shaft speed monitor (13).

Further dimensions available on CAD-files.

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specifications.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price SEI 35/14
Total- 20 t/h 40 t/h 60 t/h Part prices
Model SEI 35/14 SEI 35/14 SEI 35/14
Code 012020- 012040- 012060- No Code Description EUR
Height gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price 1 110070 Elevator head SK1282, Ø30, Sq180 1 105
type rpm type rpm type rpm
1 110075 Elevator head SK2282, Ø35, Sq180 1 258
04.00 1.1 943 4 554 1.5 953 4 611 2.2 1 051 4 812 1 110080 Elevator head SK3282, Ø40, Sq180 1 263
05.00 SK1282 171 4 784 SK1282 172 4 867 SK1282 174 5 091 1b 520135 Transformer sq 180-140 for 20 t/h 48,10
2 110015 Elevator hood 196
06.00 4 902 5 012 5 258
07.00 5 137 5 268 5 541 3 KULAS30 Back stop 30 275
08.00 5 251 5 408 5 708 5 110406 Elevator boot 1 140
09.00 5 486 2.2 1 051 5 762 3.0 1 076 6 015
10.00 5 600 SK1282 174 5 903 SK1282 171 6 179 Elevator belt 160 mm
10 171357 EP 500/3 2.8 buckets/m 20 t/h 20,60
11.00 5 856 6 185 6 483 10 171178 EP 500/3 5.6 buckets/m 40 t/h 21,40
12.00 5 975 6 325 4.0 1 420 7 147 10 171119 EP 500/3 8.4 buckets/m 60 t/h 22,60
13.00 1.5 953 6 237 3.0 1 076 6 628 SK2282 173 7 452 12 166145 Steel buckets Starco 3,10
14.00 SK1282 172 6 356 SK1282 171 6 769 7 619 167720 Belt screw M7x20, nut and washer 0,47
15.00 6 608 7 047 5.5 1 908 8 413
SK3282 174 13 111001 Speed monitor 219
16.00 6 727 7 191 8 580
17.00 2.2 1 051 7 081 4.0 1 420 7 966 8 884 11 ES0016 Belt tensioner B=160 mm for belt joint 126
18.00 SK1282 174 7 196 SK2282 173 8 107 9 052
19.00 7 452 8 385 9 356 Elevator legs t=1,25 mm
20.00 7 587 8 547 9 542 9 114025 Elevator leg 0.25 m 65,50
9 114050 Elevator leg 0.50 m 67,40
21.00 7 843 8 829 7.5 2 009 9 948 9 114075 Elevator leg 0.75 m 74,20
22.00 7 962 8 969 SK3282 174 10 115 9 114100 Elevator leg 1.00 m 84,40
23.00 8 214 5.5 1 908 9 740 10 419
24.00 8 333 SK3282 174 9 881 10 586 9 114200 Elevator leg 2.00 m 111
25.00 3.0 1 076 8 610 10 159 10 887 8 114201 Elevator leg 2.00 m incl. insp.door t=1,25 170
SK1282 171
26.00 8 729 10 303 11 054 114301 Hardware for one pair of legs 22,00
27.00 8 985 10 581 11 359 156352 Base assembly pack 222
28.00 9 099 10 722 9.2 2 050 11 567
29.00 9 356 11 000 SK3282 174 11 872
30.00 9 481 11 151 12 046

31.00 9 737 12 351

32.00 9 855 12 518
33.00 12 822
Max height 32 m 30 m 33 m
Extra cost to above prices for extension of:
00.25 22,00 26,00 35,00
00.50 50,00 63,00 76,00
00.75 89,00 106 124

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

Safety equipment for ATEX - more information on p 56. Seed boot options
16 09110022 Exp.panel c/w ind. mount. in asp. hood - extra cost 683 19 0110407 Seed boot c/w belt tensioning - extra cost 151
17 09113202 Exp.panel c/w indic. mount. in leg - extra cost 882
First pair of panels placed directly above the boot 113XXX Elevator legs t=2,0 mm 67,00
in each leg, a new pair every sixth meter and one Extra cost/m elevator
panel at the hood.
Oil resistant belt 160 mm
15 110415 Belt alignment, inductive in elevator leg 0,25 m. 801
181357 EP 500/3 2.8 buckets/m 20 t/h 12,40
Mount on down going leg side.
181178 EP 500/3 5.6 buckets/m 40 t/h 13,20
18 0ES0300 Belt tensioner alt. design 213 181119 EP 500/3 8.4 buckets/m 60 t/h 13,20
156353 Base assembly pack for alt. tensioner 312 Add/m elevator.
113201 Elevator leg 2.0 m c/w dbl service door 374

199300 Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 114

520035 Transformer sq 180 - flange 200 60,80

110020 Top hood c/w RK160 aspiration port

Extra cost 22,00

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Feeding SEI 35/14
1 1


2 2

3 3

7 5





385 770 385




960 960

To obtain best capacity and avoid run-stop when feeding grain with When installing SEI 35/14 in a gravity feed elevator pit, use
moisture contents of 20-25%, it is important the elevator is fed connection duct 198200 (23). Always connect the reception pit
correctly. to the upgoing legside. The feed hole in the partition between the
reception part and the pit tower must be W250xH500. Always use
Note: Inlet hoppers can be fitted in different heights (A and B) at control side.
the elevator boot.
Inlet slides (3, 6 & 7) must be used on both upgoing and down
Note: Inlet hopper 80U should be in position (B) to get adequate going leg side unless the feed is from a Skandia C&F Conveyor,
flow of grain into the elevator boot. When feeding an elevator from KTIG, KTIFb or KTIBU.
a KTBU Conveyor on the down going legside, use inlet 40R fitted in
position (A).

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price accessories SEI 35/14




10 13


No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

1 191014 Service platform incl. 1.3 m ladder 1 406 Feeding through inlet hopper, upgoing leg side
1b 191016 Double platform, extension 809 8 198180 Inlet hopper 80U std 291
2 191105 Rest Platform 262 9 198181 Inlet hopper 80U left hand 277
3 191114 Ladder & safety hoops 2 m 276 10 198182 Inlet hopper 80U right hand 277

4 156400 Inlet reg. with 2.5 m rod 104 Feeding through inlet hopper, down going leg side
5 156401 Rod extension 1.0 m 27,70 11 198140 Inlet hopper 40R std 209
12 198141 Inlet hopper 40R left hand 195
6 156450 Rack & pinion controlled slide 321 13 198142 Inlet hopper 40R right hand 195
156452 Rod extension 1.0 m for R&P control slide 55,20
199145 Blank cover plate 35,20
7 156455 Motor controlled slide 1 451 199142 3 inlets RK160 incl. 2 plast. plugs 125
199143 3 inlets FK200 incl. 2 plast. plugs 104
14 198111 Outlet/connection KTIBU & KTIG 20/40 125
15 198120 Connection hopper 257 17 198200 Connection duct 200/48° 128
15 0198120 Connection hopper c/w overload sensor SEI 432
16 198126 45° inlet RK200 for connecting hopper 50,60

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Belt and bucket elevator SEI 50/18

80 & 100 t/h 60 t/h

2 2 18
3 3
1 1





9 8
8 9


10 10



7 7

Description Price includes

SEI 50/18 is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance (1) Elevator head with removable (2) hood. Transformer sq 250-180
with the EU machinery directives. SEI 50/18 is Category II 3D/OD included for 60 t/h. Extra wear plates in elevator hood and outlet.
elevator and comply with the European ATEX directive 94/9EC. It (3) Back stop mounted on the drive shaft.Slatted self cleaning belt
is suitable for most material to be handled in a drying and storage pulleys in both elevator head and elevator boot.
(4) Nord direct mounted gear box with motor IP55. 230/400 volt
It is available in three models: 60, 80 & 100. The different models (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (from 4.0 kW) 50 Hz.
give the following capacities based on grain with 15% moisture
content, bulk density 750kg/m3, fed on upgoing side and at below (5) Elevator boot c/w belt tensioning and with two flanged inlets.
specified nominal shaft rpm. Remember that every 1% increase in Cover plate for one inlet. (7) Cleaning out hatch in side. (14) Shaft
moisture content above 15%, decreases capacity by 3-4% . speed monitor. (Inlet regulator with rod as an extra accessory.)

The capacity is affected with the same percentage as the gear box Legs in different lengths. (8) One leg is supplied with a removable
revolution (SK1282-120) changes. service door. Standard leg casing 1.50mm. (2 mm leg casing at
extra cost.)

Type 60 80 100 (11) Antistatic elevator belt EP 630/4 as standard. (Oil-, grease-
Capacity t/h 67 90 112 and temperature- resistant belt at extra cost.) (12) Belt tensioner
Capacity m3/h 89 119 149 mounted in belt joint.
Belt speed m/s 3.2 3.2 3.2
(20) Belt tensioner is included for motors 15 kW and above. (13)
Buckets/m 5.4 7.2 9.0
Steel elevator buckets type Starco 180.
Nom. shaft rpm 123 123 123

Further dimensions available on CAD-files.

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specifications.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price SEI 50/18
60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h Part prices
Model SEI 50/18 SEI 50/18 SEI 50/18
Code 012760- 012780- 012799- No Code Description EUR
Height gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price 1 120180 Elevator head SK1282 D30mm 1 893
type rpm type rpm type rpm
1 120190 Elevator head SK2282 D35mm 1 898
04.50 2.2 1 051 6 309 3.0 1 252 6 542 3.0 1 252 6 619 1 120200 Elevator head SK3282 D40mm 1 834
05.00 SK1282 122 6 407 SK2282 119 6 650 SK2282 119 6 736 1 120210 Elevator head SK4282 D50mm 2 502
1 120230 Elevator head SK5282 D60mm 2 531
06.00 6 759 7 022 7 127 1b 525135 Transformer sq 250-180 for 60 t/h 57,00
07.00 6 939 7 222 4.0 1 420 7 515 2 120015 Elevator hood 289
08.00 7 299 7 594 SK2282 122 7 906
09.00 3.0 1 252 7 685 4.0 1 420 7 962 8 125 3 KULAS40 Backstop Ø40 mm 330
10.00 SK2282 119 8 045 SK2282 122 8 343 5.5 1 908 8 940
SK3282 127 5 120410 Elevator boot 1 440
11.00 8 225 8 543 9 159 14 111006 Speed monitor 219
12.00 4.0 1 420 8 775 5.5 1 908 9 370 9 581
13.00 SK2282 122 8 964 SK3282 127 9 570 7.5 2 009 9 901 Elevator belt 200 mm
14.00 9 346 9 973 SK3282 127 10 322 11 172185 EP 630/4 5.4 buckets/m 60 t/h 30,20
15.00 5.5 1 908 9 958 10 182 10 541 11 172139 EP 630/4 7.2 buckets/m 80 t/h 31,70
SK3282 127 11 172111 EP 630/4 9.0 buckets/m 100 t/h 32,50
16.00 10 341 7.5 2 009 10 685 10 963 13 166185 Steel buckets Starco 180 mm 3,40
17.00 10 520 SK3282 127 10 885 9,2 2 458 12 299 167725 Belt screw M7x25, nut and washer 0,47
18.00 10 911 11 288 SK4282 122 12 721
19.00 11 091 11 488 12 940 12 ES0020 Belt tensioner b=200 mm for belt joint 94,70
20.00 11 512 11 931 13 394 20 0ES1300 Belt tensioner ≥15 kW 216

21.00 7.5 2 009 11 793 9,2 2 458 13 248 11,0 2 944 14 099 Elevator legs t=1.5mm
22.00 SK3282 127 12 175 SK4282 122 13 651 SK4282 123 14 520 9 124025 Elevator leg 0.25 m 91,10
23.00 12 364 13 851 14 739 9 124050 Elevator leg 0.50 m 97,60
24.00 12 746 14 253 15 161 9 124075 Elevator leg 0.75 m 112
25.00 12 934 14 462 15,0 3 226 15 921 9 124100 Elevator leg 1.00 m 124
SK4282 123
26.00 13 317 11,0 2 944 15 351 16 343 9 124200 Elevator leg 2.00 m 162
27.00 13 496 SK4282 123 15 551 16 562 8 124201 Elevator leg 2.00 m c/w serv. door 258
28.00 9,2 2 458 15 004 15 954 16 983 8 123201 Elevator leg 2.00 m c/w dbl serv. door 438
29.00 SK4282 122 15 184 16 154 17 202
30.00 15 590 16 581 17 640 124301 Hardware for one pair of legs 30,40
156202 Base assembly pack 262
31.00 15 770 17 859 156203 Base assembly pack SEH 50/18 341
32.00 16 152 18 281
33.00 16 341

Max height 33 m 30 m 32 m
Extra cost to above prices for extension of:
00.25 57,00 57,00 57,00
00.50 293 303 303
00.75 330 349 350

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

Safety equipment for ATEX - more information on p 56. 123XXX Elevator legs t=2.0 mm 35,00
18 09120022 Exp.panel c/w indic. mount. in asp. hood - extra cost 666 Extra cost/m elevator
19 09123202 Exp.panel c/w indic. mount. in leg - extra cost 883
First pair of panels placed directly above the boot in Oil resistant belt 200 mm
each leg, a new pair every sixth meter and one panel 182185 EP 630/4  5.4 buckets/m 60 t/h 18,40
at the hood. 182139 EP 630/5  7.2 buckets/m 80 t/h 18,60
182111 EP 630/4  9.0 buckets/m 100 t/h 19,40
10 110421 Belt alignment, inductive in elevator leg 0,25 m. 775
Extra cost/m elevator
Mount on down going leg side.
199300 Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 114
199302 Motor weather cover SK4282-5282 159

120020 Aspiration conn. in elevator hood - extra cost 25,00

Elevator seed boot with bottom cleaning out

hatch & raised feet
22 0120415 Seed boot c/w belt tensioning - extra cost 289
REM085 Rubber spacer washer 0,26

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Feeding SEI 50/18
1 1b

1 1


2 2

3 3

6 7


385 980 385








960 960

To obtain best capacity and avoid run-stop when feeding grain with When feeding an elevator from a KTIBU Conveyor on the downgoing
moisture contents of 20-25%, it is important the elevator is fed leg side, use inlet 40R fitted in position (A).
correctly. Note: The inlet hoppers can be fitted in different heights
(A, B och C) at the elevator boot inlet. When installing SEI 50/18-60/80 in a gravity feed elevator pit, use
connection duct 200/48° (18). For SEI 50/18-100 use connection
The feed can be either through connection hopper 198120 (46) or duct 250/48° (19). Always connect the reception pit to the up-
inlet hopper 80U. Note: Inlet hopper 80U should be in position (B) going leg side.
to get adequate flow of grain into the elevator boot.
The feed hole in the partition between the reception pit and
connection duct should be W250xH500 for SEI 50/18-60/80 and
W250xH750 for SEI 59/18M-100. Always use control slide.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price accessories SEI 50/18


16 17
15 15A



No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR
1 191020 Service platform incl. 1.3 m ladder 1 454 Feeding through inlet hopper, upgoing leg side
1b 191022 Double platform, extension 824 8198180 Inlet hopper 80U std 291
2 191105 Rest Platform 262 198181 Inlet hopper 80U left hand 277
3 191120 Ladder & safety hoops 2 m 278 10 198182 Inlet hopper 80U right hand 277

4 156402 Inlet reg. with 2.5 m rod 119 Feeding through inlet hopper, down going leg side
5 156403 Rod extension 1.0 m 32,40 11 198140 Inlet hopper 40R std 209
198141 Inlet hopper 40R left hand 195
6 156465 Rack & pinion controlled slide 323 198142 Inlet hopper 40R right hand 195
156467 Rod extension 1 m R&P slide 87,50
199145 Blank cover plate 35,20
7 156470 Motor controlled slide 1 501 199143 3 inlets FK200 incl. 2 plast. plugs 104
14 198112 Outlet/connection 20/40-40-60 181 199148 2 inlets FK250 incl. 1 plast. plugs 101
14 198113 Outlet/connection 30/40-80 181
18 198200 Connection duct 200/48° 128
14 198114 Outlet/connection 40/40-100-120 181
19 198300 Connection duct 250A/48° 262
15A 198121 Connection hopper SEI 50/18 257
15B 0198121 Connection hopper c/w overload sensor SEI 432
16 198126 45° inlet RK200 for connecting hopper 50,60
17 198128 45° inlet RK250 for connecting hopper 72,70

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Belt and bucket elevator SEI 50/23

120 & 150 t/h 100 t/h

2 2 13
3 3
1 1


8 9

14 14

10 11


Description Price includes

SEI 50/23 is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance Elevator head (1) with removable hood (2). Transformer sq 300-250
with the EU machinery directives. It is available in three models: included for 100 t/h. Extra wear plates in elevator hood and outlet.
100, 120 and 150. The different models give the following Back stop (3) mounted on the drive shaft. Slatted self cleaning belt
capacities based on grain with 15% moisture content, bulk density pulleys in both elevator head and elevator boot.
750 kg/m3, fed on upgoing side and at below specified nominal
shaft rpm. Remember that every 1% increase in moisture content Nord direct mounted gear box (4) with motor IP55. 230/400 volt
above 15%, decreases capacity by 3-4% . (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (from 4.0 kW) 50 Hz.

SEI 50/23 is as standard a Category II 3D/OD Elevator and Elevator boot (5) c/w belt tensioning and two flanged inlets. Cover
complies with the European ATEX directive 94/9EC. It is suitable for plate for one inlet. Cleaning out hatch in side (6). Shaft speed
most material to be handled in a drying and storage plant. monitor (7). (Inlet regulator with rod as an extra accessory).

The capacity is affected with the same percentage as the gear box Legs in different lengths. (8) One leg is supplied with a removable
revolution (SK2282-119) changes. service door. (10) (2 mm leg casing at extra cost).

Antistatic elevator belt EP 630/4 as standard. (Oil-, grease- and

Type 100 120 150 temperature- resistant belt at extra cost.) (15) Belt tensioner for
Capacity t/h 112 134 168 mounting in belt joint.
Capacity m3/h 149 178 223
Steel elevator buckets type Starco 230.
Belt speed m/s 3.2 3.2 3.2
Buckets/m 5.2 6.2 7.8
Nom. shaft rpm 123 123 123

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specifications.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price SEI 50/23
100 t/h 120 t/h 150 t/h Part prices
Model SEI 50/23 SEI 50/23 SEI 50/23
Code 013100- 013120- 013150- No Code Description EUR
Height gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price 1 130180 Elevator head SK1282  Ø30mm 2 010
type rpm type rpm type rpm
1 130190 Elevator head SK2282  Ø35mm 2 058
04.75 3.0 1 252 7 494 4.0 1 420 7 672 5.5 1 908 8 230 1 130200 Elevator head SK3282  Ø40mm 1 991
05.00 SK2282 119 7 560 SK2282 122 7 747 SK3282 127 8 305 1 130210 Elevator head SK4282  Ø50mm 2 595
1 130230 Elevator head SK5282  Ø60mm 2 527
06.00 7 995 8 199 8 784 1 130240 Elevator head SK6282  Ø70mm 3 182
07.00 4.0 1 420 8 375 8 429 9 046 1b 530135 Transformer sq300-250 for 100 t/h 70,20
08.00 SK2282 122 8 810 5.5 1 908 9 302 9 517 2 130015 Elevator hood 331
09.00 9 022 SK3282 127 9 531 7.5 2 009 9 880
10.00 5.5 1 908 9 870 9 977 SK3282 127 10 351 3 KULAS40 Backstop Ø40 mm 330
SK3282 127 3 KULAS60B Backstop Ø60 mm 408
11.00 10 089 7.5 2 009 10 314 10 614
12.00 10 547 SK3282 127 10 790 9,2 2 458 12 176 5 130400 Elevator boot 1 615
13.00 7.5 2 009 10 867 11 026 SK4282 122 12 431 7 111006 Speed monitor 219
14.00 SK3282 127 11 325 9,2 2 458 12 555 11,0 2 944 13 425
15.00 11 537 SK4282 122 12 784 SK4282 123 13 680 Elevator belt 250 mm
11 174192 EP 630/4  5.2 buckets/m 100 t/h 35,80
16.00 12 002 13 267 15,0 3 226 14 189 11 174161 EP 630/4  6.2 buckets/m 120 t/h 37,20
17.00 9,2 2 458 13 267 13 496 SK4282 123 14 734 11 174128 EP 630/4  7.8 buckets/m 150 t/h 39,00
18.00 SK4282 122 13 732 11,0 2 944 14 465 15 235 12 166235 Steel buckets Starco 230 mm 5,90
19.00 13 944 SK4282 123 14 695 15 497 167930 Belt screw M10x30, nut and washer 0,75
20.00 14 438 15 207 16 038
Elevator legs t=1,5 mm
21.00 11,0 2 944 15 143 15,0 3 226 15 726 16 300 9 134025 Elevator leg 0.25 m 99,20
22.00 SK4282 123 15 601 SK4282 123 16 202 16 809 9 134050 Elevator leg 0.50 m 116
23.00 15 820 16 438 18,5 4 436 18 206 9 134075 Elevator leg 0.75 m 125
24.00 16 278 16 914 SK5282 127 18 715 9 134100 Elevator leg 1.00 m 141
25.00 15,0 3 226 16 771 17 143 18 970
SK4282 123 9 134200 Elevator leg 2.00 m 174
26.00 17 237 17 626 19 479 8 133201 Elevator leg 2.00 m c/w serv. door 479
27.00 17 448 17 855 19 741
28.00 17 914 18,5 4 436 19 480 22,0 4 600 20 406 124301 Hardware for one pair of legs 30,40
29.00 18 125 SK5282 127 19 709 SK5282 119 20 669 156362 Base assembly pack SEI 50/23 369
30.00 18 601 20 204 21 190

31.00 18 820 20 440 21 452

32.00 19 278 20 916 21 961
33.00 21 152
Max height 32 m 33 m 32 m
Extra cost to above prices for extensions of:
00.25 58,00 66,00 67,00
00.50 130 139 149
00.75 391 409 426

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

Safety equipment for ATEX - more information on p 56. Elevatot boot with bottom cleaning out hatch &
13 09130022 Exp.panel c/w indic. mount. in asp. hood - extra cost 704 raised feet
14 09133202 Exp.panel c/w indic. mount. in leg - extra cost 939 16 0130415 Seed boot c/w belt tensioning - extra cost 324
First pair of panels placed directly above the boot
in each leg, a new pair every sixth meter and one 133XXX Elevator leg 2.00 m t=2.0 mm 59,00
panel at the hood. Extra cost/m elevator
10 110433 Belt alignment, inductive in elevator leg 0,25 m, 776
Oil resistant belt 250 mm
Mount on down going leg side.
184192 EP 630/4 5.2 buckets/m 100 t/h 21,20
199300 Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 114 184161 EP 630/4 6.2 buckets/m 120 t/h 22,40
199302 Motor weather cover SK4282-5282 159 184128 EP 630/4 7.8 buckets/m 150 t/h 23,20
199304 Motor weather cover SK6282 302 Extra cost/m elevator
130020 Aspiration conn. in elevator hood - extra cost 28,00

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Feeding SEI 50/23



1 1


2 2
3 3


500 1020 500


13 1 9





960 960

The inlet hopper 50/23U should be used on the upgoing leg side To obtain best capacity and avoid run-stop when feeding grain
and inlet hopper 50/23R on down going leg side. with moisture contents of 20-25%, it is important the elevator
is fed correctly. We recommend feeding on upgoing leg side in
Inlet slides (3, 6 & 7) must be used on both upgoing and down combination with inlet hoppers and connection ducts. The opening
going leg side unless the feed is from a Skandia C&F Conveyor in the partition between the reception part and the pit tower must
KTIG, KTIFb or KTIBU. be W300xH760. See next page.

Powder and light material with density weight below 400 kg/m3
always has to be fed on down going leg side.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price accessories SEI 50/23


12 12
11 11




No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

1 191023 Service platform incl. 1.3 m ladder 1 462 15 198310 Connection duct 250A t=2mm 551
1b 191025 Double platform, extension 829
2 191105 Rest Platform 262 Feeding through inlet hopper, up going leg side
3 191123 Ladder & safety hoops 2 m 279 8 198190 Inlet hopper 50/23U std 461
198191 Inlet hopper 50/23U left hand 484
4 156405 Inlet reg. with 2.5 m rod 135 9 198192 Inlet hopper 50/23U right hand 484
5 156406 Inlet rod extension 1.0 m 34,60
Feeding through inlet hopper, down going leg side
6 156480 Rack & pinion controlled slide 367 13 198195 Inlet hopper 50/23R std 354
156482 Rod extension 1.0 m R&P slide 90,20 198196 Inlet hopper 50/23R left hand 345
14 198197 Inlet hopper 50/23R right hand 345
7 156485 Motor controlled slide 1 553
199245 Blank cover plate for 50/23U & 50/23R 31,80
10 198118 Outlet/conn. KTIBU & KTIG 40/40 206 199243 2 inlets FK250 incl. 1plast. plugs 90,30
11 198122 Connection hopper SEI 50/23 359 199247 2 inlets FK300 incl. 1 plast. plugs 130
15 0198122 Connection hopper c/w overload sensor SEI 50/23 534
12 198128 45° inlet RK250 for connecting hopper 72,70

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Top conveyor KTIF

5 6 6

20/33 = 490
30/33 = 590 4

40/33 = 690

20/33 = 220
9 30/33 = 190 3
40/33 = 160 8

5 12B

11A 12A/B



12B 9

12A/B 280

Description Price includes

KTIF is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with pop up overload flap c/w micro switch (3)
the EU machinery directives. KTIF is classified as a Category II 2D/ in top cover. Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized
materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 1.0 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIF horizontal top conveyor is designed to be fed from an SEI Bucket
Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% moisture (6) Intermediate sections for the required conveyor lenght.
and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will be affected with
the same percentage as the gear box revolution changes. Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.
Type 40 60 80 100 120
Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Capacity t/h 52 69 93 114 142 flights on steel flights. Cleaning flight every fourth metre chain.
Capacity m3/h 69 92 124 152 189
Chain speed m/s 0,45 0,59 0,53 0,65 0,60 Conveyor return chain runs on plastic rolls (8) mounted 1000 mm
Nom. drive shaft rpm 34 45 40 49 45 centres.

(9) Inlet hopper for tail section and outlet hopper for drive unit.

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIF
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIF 20/33 KTIF 20/33 KTIF 30/33 KTIF 30/33 KTIF 40/33
Code 036110- 036112- 036117- 036122- 036127-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 1.5 1 130 3 866 1.5 1 130 3 866 2.2 1 446 4 878 2.2 1 446 4 878 3.0 1 472 5 301
05.00 SK2282 32 4 194 SK2282 45 4 194 SK3282 38 5 229 SK3282 50 5 229 SK3282 44 5 702
06.00 4 406 4 406 5 459 5 459 5 994
07.00 4 734 4 734 5 810 5 810 6 396
08.00 4 947 4 947 6 039 6 039 6 688

09.00 5 275 5 275 6 390 6 390 7 090

10.00 5 487 5 487 6 619 3.0 1 472 6 645 7 381
11.00 5 815 2.2 1 226 5 911 6 970 SK3282 49 6 996 7 783
12.00 6 028 SK2282 46 6 124 3.0 1 872 7 715 7 226 4.0 1 641 8 244
13.00 6 356 6 452 SK4282 39 8 066 4.0 1 641 7 746 SK3282 45 8 646
SK3282 50
14.00 6 568 6 664 8 295 7 975 8 938
15.00 6 896 6 992 8 646 8 326 5.5 2 306 10 023
16.00 2.2 1 446 7 360 3.0 1 472 7 386 4.0 2 041 9 045 5.5 2 969 9 874 SK4282 45 10 315
18.00 SK3282 34 7 900 SK3282 44 7 926 SK4282 40 9 625 SK5282 48 10 454 11 009
20.00 8 441 8 467 10 205 11 034 7.5 2 408 11 804
SK4282 45
22.00 3.0 1 472 9 007 4.0 1 641 9 176 5.5 2 306 11 051 11 615 12 498
24.00 SK3282 34 9 548 SK3282 45 9 717 SK4282 38 11 631 7.5 3 072 12 298 13 192
26.00 10 088 10 257 12 212 SK5282 47 12 879 9.2 3 113 14 464
28.00 10 629 5.5 2 306 11 927 7.5 2 408 12 894 13 459 SK5282 43 15 158
30.00 4.0 2 041 12 202 SK4282 45 12 467 SK4282 38 13 474 14 039 15 851
SK4282 33 9.2 3 113
32.00 12 743 13 008 14 055 SK5282 48 14 661 11.0 3 609 17 041
34.00 13 283 13 548 14 635 15 241 SK5282 44 17 735
36.00 13 824 7.5 3 072 14 801 15 216 15 822 18 428
38.00 14 364 SK5282 43 15 341 15 796 11.0 3 609 16 898 19 122
40.00 5.5 2 306 15 170 15 882 9.2 3 113 16 982 SK5282 48 17 478 15.0 5 525 22 465
SK4282 33 SK5282 41 SK6382 47
42.00 15 710 16 422 17 563 18 059 23 159
44.00 16 251 16 963 18 143 18 639 23 853
46.00 16 791 17 503 18 724 15.0 3 890 19 501 24 546
48.00 17 332 18 044 11.0 5 245 22 062 SK5282 48 20 081 25 240
50.00 17 872 9.2 3 113 18 625 SK6382 40 22 642 20 661 25 933
SK5282 43
Max length 89 m 73 m 77 m 62 m 53 m
Extra cost above prices for extension with sections c/w chain:

03611000- 03611200- 03611700- 03612200- 03612700-

00.60 -06 277 -06 277 -06 301 -06 301 -06 360
01.00 -10 329 -10 329 -10 351 -10 351 -10 402
01.40 -14 429 -14 429 -14 460 -14 460 -14 549
02.00 -20 541 -20 541 -20 581 -20 581 -20 694

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm M80 330031 1 135 330031 1 135
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm M80 330032 1 070 330032 1 070 350032 1 597 350032 1 597 360032 1 706
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm M80 330033 1 534 330033 1 534 350033 1 686 350033 1 686 360033 1 725
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm M80 330034 1 480 330034 1 480 350034 1 587 350034 1 587 360034 1 599
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm M80 350035 2 213 350035 2 213 360035 2 333
5 Tail unit 1m Ø40 mm 330500 692 330500 692
5 Tail unit 1 m Ø60 mm 350510 872 350510 872 360510 965

Chain 1 m KTIF M80A-100 333701 58,80 333701 58,80 353701 61,90 353701 61,90 363701 77,20
Chain 2 m KTIF M80A-100 333702 118 333702 118 353702 124 353702 124 363702 155
Chain 4 m KTIF M80A-100 333704 236 333704 236 353704 247 353704 247 363704 310

6 Interm. section 0.6 m 0331300 159 0331300 159 0351300 177 0351300 177 0361300 205
6 Interm. section 1.0 m 0331302 211 0331302 211 0351302 227 0351302 227 0361302 247
6 Interm. section 1.4 m 0331304 252 0331304 252 0351304 274 0351304 274 0361304 316
6 Interm. section 2.0 m 0331306 305 0331306 305 0351306 334 0351306 334 0361306 384

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIF

5 6 6

20/33 = 490
30/33 = 590 4

40/33 = 690

20/33 = 220
9 30/33 = 190 3
40/33 = 160 8

5 12C

11A 12A


11A 6

12C 9

12A/B 280

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171

9 In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 354012 67,70 364010 76,80

Transverse outlet slide

11A Remote controlled 334040 485 334040 485 354040 509 354040 509 364040 559
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 334039 636 334039 636 354039 660 354039 660 364039 710
11C Weather cover outlet 334055 179 334055 179 354055 194 354055 194 364055 220
Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator * 093313 1 323 093313 1 323 093513 1 365 093513 1 365 093613 1 436
Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator * 093314 1 851 093314 1 851 093514 2 219 093514 2 219 093614 2 326
11B Brush gear for interm. outlet 334050 151 334050 151 354050 170 354050 170 364050 212
Inline outlet slide intermediate section
12A Remote controlled 334070 694 334070 694 354070 700 354070 700 364070 747
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 334069 780 334069 780 354069 787 354069 787 364069 834
Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator * 334072 1 275 334072 1 275 354072 1 281 354072 1 281 364072 1 328
Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator * 334074 1 820 334074 1 820 354074 2 151 354074 2 151 364074 2 231
12C Weight controlled brush 334082 119 334082 119 354082 136 354082 136 364082 158
Inline outlet slide drive end
12B Remote controlled 0334070 788 0334070 788 0354070 795 0354070 795 0364070 847
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 0334069 874 0334069 874 0354069 882 0354069 882 0364069 934
Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator * 0334072 1 369 0334072 1 369 0354072 1 376 0354072 1 376 0364072 1 428
Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator * 0334074 1 914 0334074 1 914 0354074 2 246 0354074 2 246 0364074 2 331
* Outlet slide incl. guard & weather cover

Chain c/w cleaning buckets

- extra cost/m conveyor: 333709 15,44 333709 15,44 353709 15,42 353709 15,42 363709 16,36
8 Return roll c/w shaft for M80A chain TT5304 18,50 TT5304 18,50 TT7304 20,50 TT7304 20,50 TT8304 22,20
Plastic flight PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF40 3,50
Chain speed monitor 333400 421 333400 421 353400 421 353400 421 363400 445
Pop up overload flap in tail end 333410 159 333410 159 353410 169 353410 169 363410 190
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR


20/33 = 220
30/33 = 160
190 40/33 = 160

15 16



Max 12 m

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

13 Wire support 12 m 333200 1 177 333200 1 177 353200 1 274 353200 1 274 363200 1 330
Adaptor, height 84 mm 334007 50,60 334007 50,60 354007 51,90 354007 51,90 364007 53,20
15 Adaptor, adjustable 0-7° 334150 170 334150 170 354150 170 354150 170 364150 170
16 Intersecting connection 334025 101 334025 101 354025 90,80 354025 90,80 364025 88,30

Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9601522032 1.5 35 SK2282 32 1 130 9605542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 306

9601522045 1.5 35 SK2282 45 1 130 9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969
9602232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 446 9605542040 5.5 40 SK4282 40 2 306
9602222046 2.2 35 SK2282 46 1 226 9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072
9602232038 2.2 40 SK3282 38 1 446 9607542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 408
9602232050 2.2 40 SK3282 50 1 446 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072
9603032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 472 9607552041 7.5 60 SK5282 41 3 072
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113
9603032037 3.0 40 SK3282 37 1 472 9609252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 113
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9604042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 041 9611062037 11.0 70 SK6282 37 5 178
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9604042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 041 9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890
9605542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 306 9615063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 5 525
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Flow/return conveyor KTIF FR

5 6 9

10 20/33 = 490
30/33 = 590 4
40/33 = 690

8 3

5 1
10 10 2
20/33 = 220
30/33 = 190 9
9 9
40/33 = 160

12 9

Description Price includes

KTIF FR is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with (3) pop up overload flap c/w micro switch
with the EU Machinery Directives. KTIF FR is classified as a top cover. Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
Category II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated
and pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
where the external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (from 4.0 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 1.0 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIF FR flow/return conveyor is designed to be fed from an SEI
Bucket Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% (6) Variable intermediate sections with intermediate floor for flow/
moisture content and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will return conveying.
be affected with the same percentage as the gear box revolution
changes. Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.

Type 40 60 80 100 120 Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Capacity t/h 52 69 93 114 142 flights on steel flights. Cleaning flight every fourth metre chain.
Capacity m3/h 69 92 124 152 189
Chain speed m/s
Conveyor return chain runs on plastic guides.
0,45 0,59 0,53 0,65 0,60
Nom. drive shaft rpm 34 45 40 49 45 (9) 2 in-/outlet hoppers

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIF FR 20/33 KTIF FR 20/33 KTIF FR 30/33 KTIF FR 30/33 KTIF FR 40/33
Code 036150- 036152- 036157- 036162- 036167-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 2.2 1 446 4 394 2.2 1 226 4 239 3.0 1 872 5 684 3.0 1 472 5 195 4.0 1 641 5 798
05.00 SK3282 34 4 922 SK2282 46 4 767 SK4282 39 6 241 SK3282 49 5 752 SK3282 45 6 475
06.00 5 154 4 999 6 494 6 005 6 741
07.00 5 682 5 527 7 051 6 562 7 418
08.00 5 914 5 759 7 304 4.0 1 641 6 984 5.5 2 306 8 368
SK3282 50 SK4282 45
09.00 6 442 3.0 1 472 6 468 4.0 2 041 8 030 7 541 9 045
10.00 6 674 SK3282 44 6 700 SK4282 40 8 283 5.5 2 969 9 112 9 311
11.00 7 202 7 228 8 840 SK5282 48 9 669 7.5 2 408 10 090
12.00 7 434 4.0 1 641 7 629 5.5 2 306 9 358 9 922 SK4282 45 10 356
13.00 3.0 1 472 7 988 SK3282 45 8 157 SK4282 38 9 915 7.5 3 072 10 582 11 033
SK3282 34 SK5282 47
14.00 8 220 8 389 10 168 10 835 11 299
15.00 8 748 5.5 2 306 10 046 10 725 11 392 9.2 3 113 12 555
16.00 8 980 SK4282 45 10 278 7.5 2 408 11 080 9.2 3 113 11 686 SK5282 43 12 821
17.00 4.0 2 041 10 541 10 806 SK4282 38 11 637 SK5282 48 12 243 13 498
18.00 SK4282 33 10 773 11 038 11 890 11.0 3 609 12 496 11.0 3 609 14 260
SK5282 48 SK5282 44
20.00 11 533 7.5 3 072 12 510 9.2 3 113 13 306 13 802 15.0 5 525 17 853
22.00 5.5 2 306 12 558 SK5282 43 13 270 SK5282 41 14 116 14 612 SK6382 47 18 796
24.00 SK4282 33 13 318 14 030 14 926 15.0 3 890 15 703 19 739
26.00 14 078 14 790 11.0 5 245 18 494 SK5282 48 16 513 20 682
28.00 14 838 9.2 3 113 15 591 SK6382 40 19 304 17 323
SK5282 43
30.00 7.5 3 072 16 310 16 351 15.0 5 525 20 394 18 133
32.00 SK5282 34 17 070 17 111 SK6382 40 21 204 18 943
34.00 17 830 11.0 3 609 18 367 22 014
36.00 18 590 SK5282 44 19 127 22 824
38.00 19 350 19 887 23 634

40.00 9.2 3 113 20 151 24 444

42.00 SK5282 35 20 911
44.00 21 671
46.00 22 431
Max length 48 m 39 m 41 m 33 m 27 m

Extra cost to above prices for extension with sections c/w chain:

03615000- 03615200- 03615700- 03616200- 03616700-

00.60 -06 553 -06 553 -06 589 -06 589 -06 589
01.00 -10 528 -10 528 -10 557 -10 557 -10 557
01.40 -14 866 -14 866 -14 924 -14 924 -14 924
02.00 -20 760 -20 760 -20 810 -20 810 -20 810

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm M80 330031 1 135 330031 1 135
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm M80 330032 1 070 330032 1 070 350032 1 597 350032 1 597 360032 1 706
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm M80 330033 1 534 330033 1 534 350033 1 686 350033 1 686 360033 1 725
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm M80 330034 1 480 330034 1 480 350034 1 587 350034 1 587 360034 1 599
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm M80 350035 2 213 350035 2 213 360035 2 333
5 Tail unit 1m Ø40 mm 330500 692 330500 692
5 Tail unit 1 m Ø60 mm 350510 872 350510 872 360510 965

Chain 1 m KTIF M80A-100 333701 58,80 333701 58,80 353701 61,90 353701 61,90 363701 77,20
Chain 2 m KTIF M80A-100 333702 118 333702 118 353702 124 353702 124 363702 155
Chain 4 m KTIF M80A-100 333704 236 333704 236 353704 247 353704 247 363704 310

6 Interm. section KTIF FR 0.6 m 331320 435 331320 435 351320 465 351320 465 361320 506
6 Interm. section KTIF FR 1.0 m 331322 410 331322 410 351322 433 351322 433 361322 522
6 Interm. section KTIF FR 1.4 m 331324 689 331324 689 351324 738 351324 738 361324 836
6 Interm. section KTIF FR 2.0 m 331326 524 331326 524 351326 563 351326 563 361326 633
7 Assembly pack KTIF FR 331330 57,60 331330 57,60 351330 61,60 351330 61,60 361330 78,70

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIF FR

5 6 9

10 20/33 = 490
30/33 = 590 4
40/33 = 690

8 3

5 1
10 10 2
20/33 = 220
30/33 = 190 9
9 9
40/33 = 160

12 9

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR SEK
Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171

Transverse outlet slide

10 Remote controlled 334040 485 334040 485 354040 509 354040 509 364040 559
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 334039 636 334039 636 354039 660 354039 660 364039 710
12 Weather cover outlet 334055 179 334055 179 354055 194 354055 194 364055 220
Brush can not be used

Outlet slide incl. guard & weather cover

10 Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator 093313 1 323 093313 1 323 093513 1 365 093513 1 365 093613 1 436
10 Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator 093314 1 851 093314 1 851 093514 2 219 093514 2 219 093614 2 326
9 In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 354012 67,70 364010 76,80

Plastic flight PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF40 3,50
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104
Adaptor, height 84 mm 334007 50,60 334007 50,60 354007 51,90 354007 51,90 364007 53,20
Adaptor, adjustable 0-7° 334150 170 334150 170 354150 170 354150 170 364150 170
Chain speed monitor 333400 421 333400 421 353400 421 353400 421 363400 445

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR



Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9602232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 446 9607552034 7.5 60 SK5282 34 3 072

9602222046 2.2 35 SK2282 46 1 226 9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072
9603032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 472 9607542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 408
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072
9603032037 3.0 40 SK3282 37 1 472 9607552041 7.5 60 SK5282 41 3 072
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9609252035 9.2 60 SK5282 35 3 113
9604042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 041 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9609252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 113
9604042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 041 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609
9605542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 306 9611062037 11.0 70 SK6282 37 5 178
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9605542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 306 9615063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 5 525
9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969 9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890
9605542040 5.5 40 SK4282 40 2 306

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Bottom conveyor KTIFb

9 3

5 6 1
7 9


12 12
5 11 6 11

Description Price includes

KTIFb is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with pop up overload flap c/w micro switch (3)
with the EU Machinery Directives. KTIFb is classified as a Category in top cover. Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and
pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
the external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 1.0 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIFb horizontal discharge conveyor is designed to feed a Skandia
SEI Bucket Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% (6) Intermediate sections for the required conveyor lenght.
moisture content and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will
be affected with the same percentage as the gear box revolution Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
changes. from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.

Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic

Type 40 60 80 100 120 flights on steel flights. Cleaning flight every fourth metre chain.
Capacity t/h 43 58 79 97 117
Capacity m3/h 58 78 105 129 156 Conveyor return chain runs on plastic rolls (8) mounted 1000 mm
Chain speed m/s 0,45 0,59 0,53 0,65 0,60 centres. In metering inlet sections on plastic guide.
Nom. drive shaft rpm 34 45 40 49 45
(9) Outlet hopper

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIFb
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIFb 20/33 KTIFb 20/33 KTIFb 30/33 KTIFb 30/33 KTIFb 40/33
Code 036130- 036132- 036137- 036142- 036147-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 1.5 1 130 3 834 1.5 1 130 3 834 2.2 1 446 4 850 2.2 1 446 4 850 3.0 1 472 5 269
05.00 SK2282 32 4 174 SK2282 45 4 174 SK3282 38 5 214 SK3282 50 5 214 SK3282 44 5 686
06.00 4 398 4 398 5 456 5 456 5 993
07.00 4 738 4 738 5 821 5 821 6 410
08.00 4 961 4 961 6 063 6 063 6 717

09.00 5 301 5 301 6 427 6 427 7 134

10.00 5 525 5 525 6 670 3.0 1 472 6 696 7 441
11.00 5 865 2.2 1 226 5 961 7 034 SK3282 49 7 060 7 857
12.00 6 088 SK2282 46 6 184 3.0 1 872 7 791 7 302 4.0 1 641 8 333
13.00 6 428 6 524 SK4282 39 8 155 4.0 1 641 7 835 SK3282 45 8 750
SK3282 50
14.00 6 652 6 748 8 398 8 078 9 057
15.00 6 992 7 088 8 762 8 442 5.5 2 306 10 158
16.00 2.2 1 446 7 466 3.0 1 472 7 492 4.0 2 041 9 173 5.5 2 969 10 002 SK4282 45 10 465
18.00 SK3282 34 8 030 SK3282 44 8 056 SK4282 40 9 780 SK5282 48 10 609 11 189
20.00 8 593 8 619 10 387 11 216 7.5 2 408 12 015
SK4282 45
22.00 3.0 1 472 9 183 4.0 1 641 9 352 5.5 2 306 11 258 11 822 12 738
24.00 SK3282 34 9 746 SK3282 45 9 915 SK4282 38 11 865 7.5 3 072 12 532 13 462
26.00 10 310 10 479 12 471 SK5282 47 13 138 9.2 3 113 14 765
28.00 10 873 5.5 2 306 12 171 7.5 2 408 13 180 13 745 SK5282 43 15 489
30.00 4.0 2 041 12 470 SK4282 45 12 735 SK4282 38 13 787 14 352 16 213
SK4282 33
32.00 13 033 13 298 14 393 9.2 3 113 14 999 11.0 3 609 17 432
34.00 13 597 13 862 15 000 SK5282 48 15 606 SK5282 44 18 156
36.00 14 160 7.5 3 072 15 137 15 606 16 212 18 880
38.00 14 724 SK5282 43 15 701 17 426 11.0 3 609 17 315 19 604
40.00 5.5 2 306 15 552 16 264 9.2 3 113 17 426 SK5282 48 17 922 15.0 5 525 22 978
SK4282 33 SK5282 41 SK6382 47
42.00 16 116 16 828 18 032 18 528 23 701
44.00 16 679 17 391 18 639 19 135 24 425
46.00 17 243 17 955 19 245 15.0 3 890 20 022 25 149
48.00 17 806 18 518 11.0 5 245 22 610 SK5282 48 20 629 25 873
50.00 18 370 9.2 3 113 19 123 SK6382 40 23 217 21 236 26 597
52.00 18 933 SK5282 43 19 686 23 823 21 842 27 320
54.00 20 209 20 250 24 430 22 449
Max length 89 m 73 m 77 m 62 m 53 m
Extra cost to above prices for extensions with sections c/w chain:
03613000- 03613000- 03613700- 03614200- 03614700-
00.60 -06 289 -06 289 -06 314 -06 314 -06 376
01.00 -10 340 -10 340 -10 365 -10 365 -10 417
01.40 -14 440 -14 440 -14 474 -14 474 -14 563
02.00 -20 564 -20 564 -20 607 -20 607 -20 724

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm M80 330031 1 135 330031 1 135
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm M80 330032 1 070 330032 1 070 350032 1 597 350032 1 597 360032 1 706
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm M80 330033 1 534 330033 1 534 350033 1 686 350033 1 686 360033 1 725
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm M80 330034 1 480 330034 1 480 350034 1 587 350034 1 587 360034 1 599
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm M80 350035 2 213 350035 2 213 360035 2 333

5 Tail unit 1m Ø40 mm 330500 692 330500 692

5 Tail unit 1 m Ø60 mm 350510 872 350510 872 360510 965
Chain 1 m KTIF M80A-100 333701 58,80 333701 58,80 353701 61,90 353701 61,90 363701 77,20
Chain 2 m KTIF M80A-100 333702 118 333702 118 353702 124 353702 124 363702 155
Chain 4 m KTIF M80A-100 333704 236 333704 236 353704 247 353704 247 363704 310

6 Interm. section 0.6 m 0331300 159 0331300 159 0351300 177 0351300 177 0361300 205
6 Interm. section 1.0 m 0331302 211 0331302 211 0351302 227 0351302 227 0361302 247
6 Interm. section 1.4 m 0331304 252 0331304 252 0351304 274 0351304 274 0361304 316
6 Interm. section 2.0 m 0331306 305 0331306 305 0351306 334 0351306 334 0361306 384

7 Support foot 70 mm (1pcs/m) TT532506 11,50 TT532506 11,50 TT732506 13,10 TT732506 13,10 TT832506 15,10

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIFb

9 8 3

5 6 1

7 9 2

11 2

12 12
5 11 6 11

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR SEK
Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 340200 151
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 340205 190

A -Machine/Slide controlled feeding

9 In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 354012 67,70 364010 76,80

B - Self regulated feeding

11 Metering inlet section 1.0 m - extra cost 331342 323 331342 323 351342 363 351342 363 361342 464
11 Metering inlet section 2.0 m - extra cost 331343 230 331343 230 351343 238 351343 238 361343 360

12 Self regulating inlet 334030 82,30 334030 82,30 354032 86,50 354032 86,50 364032 137
Capacity damper for capacity control 336204 95,20 336204 95,20 356204 106 356204 106 366204 141

Pop up overload flap in tail end 333410 159 333410 159 353410 169 353410 169 363410 190
Chain c/w cleaning buckets
- extra cost/m conveyor: 333709 15,44 333709 15,44 353709 15,42 353709 15,42 363709 16,36
8 Return roll c/w shaft for M80A chain TT5304 18,50 TT5304 18,50 TT7304 20,50 TT7304 20,50 TT8304 22,20
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104
Adaptor, adjustable 0-7° 334150 170 334150 170 354150 170 354150 170 364150 170
Intersecting connection 334025 101 334025 101 354025 90,80 354025 90,80 364025 88,30
Chain speed monitor 333400 421 333400 421 353400 421 353400 421 363400 445

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR



Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9601522032 1.5 35 SK2282 32 1 130 9605542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 306

9601522045 1.5 35 SK2282 45 1 130 9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969
9602232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 446 9605542040 5.5 40 SK4282 40 2 306
9602222046 2.2 35 SK2282 46 1 226 9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072
9602232038 2.2 40 SK3282 38 1 446 9607542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 408
9602232050 2.2 40 SK3282 50 1 446 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072
9603032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 472 9607552041 7.5 60 SK5282 41 3 072
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113
9603032037 3.0 40 SK3282 37 1 472 9609252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 113
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9604042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 041 9611062037 11.0 70 SK6282 37 5 178
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9604042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 041 9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890
9605542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 306 9615063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 5 525
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Trench intake conveyor KTIFg

6 1

20/33 = 490 4
30/33 = 590
40/33 = 690 2

8 3
11 11 2

268 318
6 218

20/33 = 220 9 7
30/33 = 190
40/33 = 160 11

Description Price includes

KTIFg is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with pop up overload flap c/w micro switch (3)
with the EU Machinery Directives. KTIFg is classified as a Category in top cover. Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and
pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
the external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 1.0 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIFg horizontal trench intake conveyor is designed to feed a
Skandia SEI Bucket Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain (6) Trench intake sections with support feet, 2.0 m shorter than the
with 15% moisture content and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The overall conveyor length.
capacity will be affected with the same percentage as the gear box
revolution changes. Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.

Type 40 60 80 100 120 Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Capacity t/h 43 58 79 97 117 flights on steel flights. Cleaning flight every fourth metre chain.
Capacity m3/h 58 78 105 129 156 Conveyor return chain runs on plastic rolls (8) mounted 1000 mm
Chain speed m/s 0,45 0,59 0,53 0,65 0,60
Nom. drive shaft rpm 34 45 40 49 45
(9) Inlet hopper for tail section and outlet hopper for drive unit.

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIFg
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIFg 20/33 KTIFg 20/33 KTIFg 30/33 KTIFg 30/33 KTIFg 40/33
Code 036270- 036272- 036277- 036282- 036287-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm
total trench type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 02.00 1.5 1 130 4 094 1.5 1 130 4 094 2.2 1 446 5 159 2.2 1 446 5 159 3.0 1 472 5 612
05.00 03.00 SK2282 32 4 552 SK2282 45 4 552 SK3282 38 5 667 SK3282 50 5 667 SK3282 44 6 210

06.00 04.00 4 784 4 784 5 938 5 938 6 503

07.00 05.00 5 242 2.2 1 226 5 338 6 446 3.0 1 472 6 472 7 101
08.00 06.00 5 474 SK2282 46 5 570 3.0 1 872 7 232 SK3282 49 6 743 4.0 1 641 7 563
09.00 07.00 5 932 6 028 SK4282 39 7 740 4.0 1 641 7 420 SK3282 45 8 161
10.00 08.00 2.2 1 446 6 415 3.0 1 472 6 441 8 011 SK3282 50 7 691 5.5 2 306 9 138
SK3282 34 SK3282 44 SK4282 45
11.00 09.00 6 873 6 899 4.0 2 041 8 688 5.5 2 969 9 517 9 736
12.00 10.00 7 105 7 131 SK4282 40 8 959 SK5282 48 9 788 10 029
13.00 11.00 7 563 4.0 1 641 7 758 9 467 10 296 7.5 2 408 10 729
14.00 12.00 3.0 1 472 7 821 SK3282 45 7 990 5.5 2 306 10 003 10 567 SK4282 45 11 022
15.00 13.00 SK3282 34 8 279 8 448 SK4282 38 10 511 7.5 3 072 11 178 11 620
SK5282 47
16.00 14.00 8 511 8 680 10 782 11 449 11 913
17.00 15.00 8 969 9 138 11 290 11 957 12 511
18.00 16.00 9 201 5.5 2 306 10 499 11 561 12 228 9.2 3 113 13 383
19.00 17.00 4.0 2 041 10 692 SK4282 45 10 957 7.5 2 408 12 171 12 736 SK5282 43 13 981
20.00 18.00 SK4282 33 10 924 11 189 SK4282 38 12 442 9.2 3 113 13 048 14 274
SK5282 48
21.00 19.00 11 382 11 647 12 950 13 556 11.0 3 609 15 368
22.00 20.00 11 614 11 879 13 221 13 827 SK5282 44 15 661
23.00 21.00 12 072 12 337 13 729 14 335 16 259
24.00 22.00 12 304 7.5 3 072 13 281 14 000 14 606 16 552
25.00 23.00 5.5 2 306 13 027 SK5282 43 13 739 15 114 11.0 3 609 15 610 15.0 5 525 19 800
SK4282 33 SK5282 48 SK6382 47
26.00 24.00 13 259 13 971 15 385 15 881 20 093
27.00 25.00 13 717 14 429 9.2 3 113 15 893 16 389 20 691
28.00 26.00 13 949 14 661 SK5282 41 16 164 16 660 20 984
29.00 27.00 14 407 15 119 16 672 15.0 3 890 17 449 21 582
30.00 28.00 14 639 15 351 16 943 SK5282 48 17 720 21 875
31.00 29.00 7.5 3 072 15 809 15 809 11.0 5 245 20 209 18 228 22 473
32.00 30.00 SK5282 34 16 041 9.2 3 113 16 082 SK6382 40 20 480 18 499 22 766
33.00 31.00 16 499 SK5282 43 16 540 20 988 19 007 23 364
Max length 51 m 45 m 49 m 39 m 33 m

Extra cost to above prices for extension of conveoyr with KTIFb sections c/w chain:

03627000- 03627200- 03627700- 03628200- 03628700-

00.60 -06 272 -06 272 -06 289 -06 289 -06 321
01.00 -10 317 -10 317 -10 334 -10 334 -10 380
01.40 -14 411 -14 411 -14 436 -14 436 -14 512
02.00 -20 535 -20 535 -20 571 -20 571 -20 672

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm M80 330031 1 135 330031 1 135
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm M80 330032 1 070 330032 1 070 350032 1 597 350032 1 597 360032 1 706
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm M80 330033 1 534 330033 1 534 350033 1 686 350033 1 686 360033 1 725
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm M80 330034 1 480 330034 1 480 350034 1 587 350034 1 587 360034 1 599
1 Drive unit KTIF 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm M80 350035 2 213 350035 2 213 360035 2 333
5 Tail unit 1m Ø40 mm 330500 692 330500 692
5 Tail unit 1 m Ø60 mm 350510 872 350510 872 360510 965

Chain 1 m KTIF M80A-100 333701 58,80 333701 58,80 353701 61,90 353701 61,90 363701 77,20
Chain 2 m KTIF M80A-100 333702 118 333702 118 353702 124 353702 124 363702 155
Chain 4 m KTIF M80A-100 333704 236 333704 236 353704 247 353704 247 363704 310

6 Trench intake section KTIFg 0.5 m 337230 259 337230 259 357230 291 357230 291 367230 368
6 Trench intake section KTIFg 1.0 m 337235 340 337235 340 357235 384 357235 384 367235 443
6 Trench intake section KTIFg 2.0 m 337240 454 337240 454 357240 532 357240 532 367240 581
Assembly pack trench intake sect. 337070 133 337070 133 357070 137 357070 137 367070 176
11 Support foot 70 mm (1pcs/m) TT532506 11,50 TT532506 11,50 TT732506 13,10 TT732506 13,10 TT832506 15,10

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIFg

6 1

20/33 = 490 4
30/33 = 590
40/33 = 690 2

8 3
11 11 2

268 318
6 218

20/33 = 220 9 7
30/33 = 190
40/33 = 160

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR
Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133 330200 133
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171 330205 171

7 Interm. section 0.6 m 0331300 159 0331300 159 0351300 177 0351300 177 0361300 205
7 Interm. section 1.0 m 0331302 211 0331302 211 0351302 227 0351302 227 0361302 247
7 Interm. section 1.4 m 0331304 252 0331304 252 0351304 274 0351304 274 0361304 316
7 Interm. section 2.0 m 0331306 305 0331306 305 0351306 334 0351306 334 0361306 384

11 Support foot 70 mm (1pcs/m) TT532506 11,50 TT532506 11,50 TT732506 13,10 TT732506 13,10 TT832506 15,10

Capacity damper (for drive unit) 336206 113 336206 113 356206 128 356206 128 366206 185
9 In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 354012 67,70 364010 76,80
8 Return roll c/w shaft for M80A chain TT5304 18,50 TT5304 18,50 TT7304 20,50 TT7304 20,50 TT8304 22,20
Plastic flight PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF20 2,10 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF30 2,50 PMKTIF40 3,50
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104
Chain speed monitor 333400 421 333400 421 353400 421 353400 421 363400 445
Frequency Inverter for built in electrical
SK500 2,2Kw 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043
SK500 3,0Kw 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170
SK500 4,0Kw 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279
SK500 5,5Kw 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512
SK500 7,5Kw 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904
SK515 11,0Kw 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR



Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9601522032 1.5 35 SK2282 32 1 130 9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969

9601522045 1.5 35 SK2282 45 1 130 9605542040 5.5 40 SK4282 40 2 306
9602232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 446 9607552034 7.5 60 SK5282 34 3 072
9602222046 2.2 35 SK2282 46 1 226 9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072
9602232038 2.2 40 SK3282 38 1 446 9607542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 408
9602232050 2.2 40 SK3282 50 1 446 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072
9603032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 472 9607552041 7.5 60 SK5282 41 3 072
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113
9603032037 3.0 40 SK3282 37 1 472 9609252035 9.2 60 SK5282 35 3 113
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9604042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 041 9609252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 113
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9611062037 11.0 70 SK6282 37 5 178
9604042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 041 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609
9605542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 306 9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 9615063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 5 525
9605542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 306

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Inclined top conveyor KTIA

5 10 6 1

20/40 = 490
30/40 = 590 4
40/40 = 690 8



10a 10b
10a 8 10a


Description Price includes

KTIA is manufactured from gavalnised material in accordance with (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with (3) inspection flap c/w microswitch.
the EU Machinery Directives. KTIA is classified as Category II 2D/ Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized
material as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the external (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz. Power
requirements are valid for 45˚ inclined conveyor.
KTIA inclined top conveyor is designed to be fed from an SEI Bucket (5) Tail section 1.0 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% moisture
and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will be affected with (6) Intermediate sections for the required conveyor lenght.
the same percentage as the gear box revolution changes.
Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.
Type 40 60 80 100 120
Capacity t/h 50 66 90 113 131 Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Capacity m3/h 67 88 120 151 175 flights on steel flights. Conveyor return chain runs on plastic rolls
Chain speed m/s 0,66 0,87 0,79 0,75 0,87 (8) mounted 1000 mm centres.
Nom. drive shaft rpm 49 65 60 56 65
(10a) Inlet hopper for tail section and (10b) outlet hopper with
overload sensor for drive unit. Required angle of inclination is to
be stated at time of order.

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIA
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIA 20/40 KTIA 20/40 KTIA 30/40 KTIA 40/40 KTIA 40/40
Code 035180- 035182- 035184- 035186- 035188-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 2.2 1 226 4 818 3.0 1 252 4 844 4.0 1 641 6 215 4.0 1 641 6 658 5.5 1 908 6 907
05.00 SK2282 48 5 066 SK2282 64 5 092 SK3282 61 6 471 SK3282 56 6 970 SK3282 65 7 219

06.00 5 492 5 518 6 995 5.5 2 306 8 317 7 844

07.00 3.0 1 472 5 903 5 766 7 251 SK4282 55 8 629 7.5 2 408 8 713
08.00 SK3282 49 6 329 4.0 1 641 6 498 5.5 1 908 8 042 9 254 SK4282 65 9 338
09.00 6 577 SK3282 64 6 746 SK3282 61 8 298 7.5 2 408 9 668 9 650
10.00 4.0 1 641 7 172 7 172 8 822 SK4282 55 10 293 9.2 2 458 10 325
SK3282 50 SK4282 65
11.00 7 420 5.5 1 908 7 687 7.5 3 072 10 232 9.2 2 458 10 655 10 637
12.00 7 846 SK3282 65 8 113 SK5282 58 10 756 SK4282 55 11 280 11.0 2 944 11 748
13.00 8 094 8 361 11 012 11 592 SK4282 65 12 060
14.00 5.5 2 969 10 260 7.5 2 408 9 786 9.2 3 113 11 577 11.0 3 609 13 233 12 685
15.00 SK5282 48 10 508 SK4282 65 10 034 SK5282 58 11 833 SK5282 58 13 545 15.0 5 459 16 132
SK6282 64
16.00 10 934 10 460 12 357 15.0 3 890 14 451 16 757
17.00 11 182 10 708 11.0 3 609 13 109 SK5282 58 14 763 17 069
18.00 7.5 3 072 11 711 11 134 SK5282 58 13 633 15 388 17 694
19.00 SK5282 47 11 959 9.2 2 458 11 432 13 889 15 700 18 006
20.00 12 385 SK4282 65 11 858 14 413 16 325 18.5 6 005 19 177
SK6282 64
21.00 12 633 12 106 15.0 3 890 14 950 16 637 19 489
22.00 13 059 12 532 SK5282 58 15 474 18.5 4 436 17 808 20 114
23.00 13 307 11.0 2 944 13 266 15 730 SK5282 58 18 120 20 426
24.00 13 733 SK4282 65 13 692 16 254 18 745
25.00 9.2 3 113 14 022 13 940 16 510 19 057
SK5282 48
26.00 14 448 14 366 17 034 19 682
27.00 14 696 15.0 5 459 17 800 17 290
28.00 15 122 SK6282 64 18 226 18.5 4 436 18 360
29.00 15 370 18 474 SK5282 58 18 616
30.00 11.0 3 609 16 292 18 900 19 140
SK5282 48
31.00 16 540 19 148 19 396

Max length 38 m 35 m 34 m 26 m 23 m

Extra cost to above prices for extension of conveyor with sections c/w chain:
03518000- 03518200- 03518400- 03518600- 03518800-
00.60 -06 361 -06 361 -06 442 -06 529 -06 529
01.00 -10 427 -10 427 -10 525 -10 625 -10 625
01.40 -14 553 -14 553 -14 666 -14 796 -14 796
02.00 -20 674 -20 674 -20 780 -20 937 -20 937

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm 330161 1 256 330161 1 256

1 Drive unit 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm 330163 1 173 330163 1 173 350163 1 766 360163 1 816 360163 1 816
1 Drive unit 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm 330170 1 672 330170 1 672 350170 1 855 360170 1 873 360170 1 873
1 Drive unit 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm 330175 1 585 330175 1 585 350175 1 756 360175 1 738 360175 1 738
1 Drive unit 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm 350167 2 411 360167 2 493 360167 2 493

5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø40 mm 330480 742 330480 742

5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø60 mm 350482 917 360482 978 360482 978

Chain 1 m M80A-100 333601 71,60 333601 71,60 353601 82,30 363601 104 363601 104
Chain 2 m M80A-100 333602 144 333602 144 353602 165 363602 207 363602 207
Chain 4 m M80A-100 333604 287 333604 287 353604 329 363604 414 363604 414

6 Interm. section 0.6 m inclined 331370 217 331370 217 351370 277 361370 322 361370 322
6 Interm. section 1.0 m inclined 331372 283 331372 283 351372 360 361372 418 361372 418
6 Interm. section 1.4 m inclined 331374 337 331374 337 351374 418 361374 485 361374 485
6 Interm. section 2.0 m inclined 331376 387 331376 387 351376 451 361376 523 361376 523

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Inclined top conveyor KTIA

5 10 6 1

20/40 = 490
30/40 = 590 4
40/40 = 690 8



10a 10b
10a 8 10a


Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR SEK
Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190

Transverse outlet slide

8 Remote controlled 334040 485 334040 485 354040 509 364040 559 364040 559
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 334039 636 334039 636 354039 660 364039 710 364039 710
Weather cover outlet 334065 206 334065 206 354065 226 364065 249 364065 249
8 Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator 093315 1 350 093315 1 350 093515 1 397 093615 1 465 093615 1 465
8 Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator 093316 1 878 093316 1 878 093516 2 251 093616 2 355 093616 2 355
Brush can not be used

10a Inlet/outlet hopper 15° 334130 87,20 334130 87,20 354130 109 364131 127 364130 118
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 30° 334132 104 334132 104 354132 119 364133 137 364132 128
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 45° 334134 113 334134 113 354134 140 364135 159 364134 150
10b Outlet hopper 15° c/w overload sensor 0334330 263 0334330 263 0354330 284 0364331 303 0364330 293
10b Outlet hopper 30° c/w overload sensor 0334332 278 0334332 278 0354332 294 0364333 312 0364332 303
10b Outlet hopper 45° c/w overload sensor 0334334 287 0334334 287 0354334 315 0364335 333 0364334 324
Plastic flight PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA3010 9,80 PMKTIA4010 11,90 PMKTIA4010 11,90
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104
13 Wire support 12 m 333205 1 243 333205 1 243 353205 1 297 363205 1 308 363205 1 308
Adaptor, height 84 mm 334007 50,60 334007 50,60 354007 51,90 354007 51,90 364007 53,20

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Inclined top conveyor
20/33 = 220
30/33 = 160
190 40/33 = 160



Max 12 m

Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9602222048 2.2 35 SK2282 48 1 226 9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408

9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9603022064 3.0 35 SK2282 64 1 252 9609242065 9.2 50 SK4282 65 2 458
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9609252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 113
9604032064 4.0 40 SK3282 64 1 641 9609242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 458
9604032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 641 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9604032056 4.0 40 SK3282 56 1 641 9611042065 11.0 50 SK4282 65 2 944
9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609
9605532065 5.5 40 SK3282 65 1 908 9615062064 15.0 70 SK6282 64 5 459
9605532061 5.5 40 SK3282 61 1 908 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890
9605542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 306 9618552058 18.5 60 SK5282 58 4 436
9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072 9618562064 18.5 70 SK6282 64 6 005
9607542065 7.5 50 SK4282 65 2 408
9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Curved top conveyor KTIB

5 9 11 6 1

20/40 = 490
30/40 = 590 4
40/40 = 690 8
9 2

10a 10b
40/60 = 220
80/100 = 190 6 1
120 = 160 11

Description Price includes

KTIB is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with (3) inspection flap c/w microswitch. (2)
the EU machinery directives. KTIB is classified as a Category II 2D/ Support frame is included for all gear box sizes.
OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized
materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 0.6 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIB horizontal top conveyor is designed to be fed from an SEI Bucket
Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% moisture (6) Intermediate sections for the required conveyor lenght.
and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will be affected with
the same percentage as the gear box revolution change. (10b) Outlet hopper with overload sensor for drive unit.

Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured

Type 40 60 80 100 120 from galvanized material and have intermediate floor for return
Capacity t/h 50 66 90 113 131
Capacity m3/h 67 88 120 151 175
Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Chain speed m/s 0,66 0,87 0,79 0,75 0,87 flights on steel flights.
Nom. drive shaft rpm 49 65 60 56 65
(9) Inlet hopper is included in (11) bend sections. Note: the table
prices do not include (11) bend section.

Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIB
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIB 20/40 KTIB 20/40 KTIB 30/40 KTIB 40/40 KTIB 40/40
Code 035170- 035172- 035174- 035176- 035178-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 2.2 1 226 4 632 2.2 1 226 4 632 3.0 1 472 5 810 4.0 1 641 6 376 4.0 1 641 6 366
05.00 SK2282 48 4 863 SK2282 66 4 863 SK3282 59 6 057 SK3282 56 6 670 SK3282 64 6 660
06.00 5 262 5 262 6 557 7 243 7 233
07.00 5 493 5 493 6 804 7 537 7 527
08.00 5 892 3.0 1 252 5 918 4.0 1 641 7 473 8 110 5.5 1 908 8 367
SK2282 64 SK3282 61 SK3282 65
09.00 6 123 6 149 7 720 8 404 8 661
10.00 6 522 6 548 8 220 5.5 2 306 9 699 9 234
11.00 6 753 6 779 8 467 SK4282 55 9 993 9 528
12.00 3.0 1 472 7 315 7 178 5.5 1 908 9 234 10 566 7.5 2 408 10 658
13.00 SK3282 49 7 546 4.0 1 641 7 715 SK3282 61 9 481 10 860 SK4282 65 10 952
SK3282 64
14.00 7 945 8 114 9 981 7.5 2 408 11 535 11 525
15.00 8 176 8 345 10 228 SK4282 55 11 829 11 819
16.00 8 575 8 744 10 728 12 402 12 392
18.00 4.0 1 641 9 374 5.5 1 908 9 641 7.5 3 072 12 629 13 269 9.2 2 458 13 309
20.00 SK3282 50 10 004 SK3282 65 10 271 SK5282 58 13 376 9.2 2 458 14 186 SK4282 65 14 176
SK4282 55
22.00 10 634 10 901 14 123 15 053 11.0 2 944 15 043
24.00 11 264 11 531 14 870 15 920 SK4282 65 16 396
26.00 5.5 2 969 13 634 7.5 2 408 13 160 15 617 11.0 3 609 17 803 17 263
28.00 SK5282 48 14 264 SK4282 65 13 790 9.2 3 113 16 405 SK5282 58 18 670 18 130
30.00 14 894 14 420 SK5282 58 17 152 19 537 15.0 5 459 22 132
SK6282 64
32.00 15 524 15 050 17 899 20 404 22 999
34.00 7.5 3 072 16 154 15 680 11.0 3 609 19 142 15.0 3 890 21 552 23 866
36.00 SK5282 48 16 887 9.2 2 458 16 360 SK5282 58 19 889 SK5282 58 22 419 24 733
38.00 17 517 SK4282 65 16 990 20 636 23 286 25 600
Max length 80 m 75 m 73 m 61 m 50 m
Extra cost for horizontal conveyor section c/w conveyor chain:
03517000- 03517200- 03517400- 03517600- 03517800-
00.60 -06 337 -06 337 -06 424 -06 490 -06 490
01.00 -10 400 -10 400 -10 501 -10 573 -10 573
01.40 -14 515 -14 515 -14 638 -14 735 -14 735
02.00 -20 630 -20 630 -20 747 -20 867 -20 867
Extra cost for inclined conveyor section c/w conveyor chain:
03517001- 03517201- 03517401- 03517601- 03517801-
00.60 -06 361 -06 361 -06 442 -06 529 -06 529
01.00 -10 427 -10 427 -10 525 -10 625 -10 625
01.40 -14 553 -14 553 -14 666 -14 796 -14 796
02.00 -20 674 -20 674 -20 780 -20 937 -20 937
Extra cost for bend section c/w conveyor chain and inlet hopper:
0359170- 0359170- 0359174- 0359176- 0359178-
30˚ -30 1 378 -30 1 378 -30 1 402 -30 1 735 -30 1 726

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm 330161 1 256 330161 1 256

1 Drive unit 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm 330163 1 173 330163 1 173 350163 1 766 360163 1 816 360163 1 816
1 Drive unit 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm 330170 1 672 330170 1 672 350170 1 855 360170 1 873 360170 1 873
1 Drive unit 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm 330175 1 585 330175 1 585 350175 1 756 360175 1 738 360175 1 738
1 Drive unit 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm 350167 2 411 360167 2 493 360167 2 493
5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø40 mm 330480 742 330480 742
5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø60 mm 350482 917 360482 978 360482 978

Chain 1 m M80A-100 333601 71,60 333601 71,60 353601 82,30 363601 104 363601 104
Chain 2 m M80A-100 333602 144 333602 144 353602 165 363602 207 363602 207
Chain 4 m M80A-100 333604 287 333604 287 353604 329 363604 414 363604 414

6 Interm. section KTIB, 0.6 m horizontal 331350 193 331350 193 351350 259 361350 283 361350 283
6 Interm. section KTIB, 1.0 m horizontal 331352 256 331352 256 351352 336 361352 366 361352 366
6 Interm. section KTIB, 1.4 m horizontal 331354 299 331354 299 351354 390 361354 424 361354 424
6 Interm. section KTIB, 2.0 m horizontal 331356 343 331356 343 351356 418 361356 453 361356 453

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIB

5 9 11 6 1

20/40 = 490
30/40 = 590 4
40/40 = 690 8
9 2

10a 10b
40/60 = 220
80/100 = 190 6 1
120 = 160 11

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR SEK
Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190
7 Interm. section 0.6 m inclined 331370 217 331370 217 351370 277 361370 322 361370 322
7 Interm. section 1.0 m inclined 331372 283 331372 283 351372 360 361372 418 361372 418
7 Interm. section 1.4 m inclined 331374 337 331374 337 351374 418 361374 485 361374 485
7 Interm. section 2.0 m inclined 331376 387 331376 387 351376 451 361376 523 361376 523

Outlet slide incl. guard & weather cover

8 Remote controlled 334040 485 334040 485 354040 509 364040 559 364040 559
Remote controlled c/w pos. indicator 334039 636 334039 636 354039 660 364039 710 364039 710
Weather cover outlet 334065 206 334065 206 354065 226 364065 249 364065 249
8 Motor controlled, c/w pos. indicator 093315 1 350 093315 1 350 093515 1 397 093615 1 465 093615 1 465
8 Electro-pneumatic c/w pos. indicator 093316 1 878 093316 1 878 093516 2 251 093616 2 355 093616 2 355
Brush can not be used

9 Inlet/outlet hopper 30° 334132 104 334132 104 354132 119 364133 137 364132 128
10a In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 364012 86,00 364010 76,80
10b Outlet hopper c/w overload sensor 0334310 241 0354312 241 0354312 243 0364312 262 0364310 252
Plastic flight PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA3010 9,80 PMKTIA4010 11,90 PMKTIA4010 11,90
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR



Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9602222048 2.2 35 SK2282 48 1 226 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072

9602222066 2.2 35 SK2282 66 1 226 9607542065 7.5 50 SK4282 65 2 408
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072
9603022064 3.0 35 SK2282 64 1 252 9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9609242065 9.2 50 SK4282 65 2 458
9604032064 4.0 40 SK3282 64 1 641 9609252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 113
9604032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 641 9609242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 458
9604032056 4.0 40 SK3282 56 1 641 9611042065 11.0 50 SK4282 65 2 944
9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609
9605532065 5.5 40 SK3282 65 1 908 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890
9605532061 5.5 40 SK3282 61 1 908 9615062064 15.0 70 SK6282 64 5 459
9605542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 306

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Curved bottom conveyor KTIBU

5 9 1

Min 1000 4
20/33 = 220
30/33 = 190
40/33 = 160
9 12

700 14 10a
15 17 16
70 158
1 Min 500 Min 500 13

9 13
500 600
20/33 18 30/33 40/33
2 10a


200 300 400
619 799 899 º 10b
1 20/33 13 30/33 40/33 9

200 300 400

Description Price includes

KTIBU is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance (1) Drive unit 1.1 m with chain tensioner. Support frame (2) is
with the EU machinery directives. KTIBU is classified as a Category included for all gear box sizes.
II 2D/OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and
pulverized materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55,
the external atmosphere is unclassified. 230/400 volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail end 0.7 m.

KTIBU curved discharge conveyor is designed to be fed from an
SEI Bucket Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% (9) Horizontal conveyor sections, with support foot, in required
moisture content and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will length.
be affected with the same percentage as the gear box revolution
changes. Drive unit, tail end and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have intermediate floor for return
IMPORTANT! The machine can be equipped with only one type of chain.
self-regulating inlet, top inlet (B1) or side inlet (B2), a combination
of the two is not possible. Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
flights on steel flights.

(10b) Outlet hopper/(19b/20b/21b) Connection hopper with

overload sensor is included in (11) bend section. Note: Table prices
Type 40 60 80 100 120 do not include bend section (11).
Capacity t/h 41 56 81 94 116
Capacity m3/h Power requirements are valid for tail end, bend section + straight
55 74 108 125 154
conveyor. If the inclined conveyor part is extended, the power
Chain speed m/s 0,59 0,79 0,75 0,65 0,79
requirement has to be increased according to KTIA.
Nom. drive shaft rpm 44 60 56 49 60
Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIBU 20/33 KTIBU 20/33 KTIBU 30/33 KTIBU 40/33 KTIBU 40/33
Code 035390- 035392- 035394- 035396- 035398-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm

04.00 2.2 1 446 4 947 2.2 1 226 4 799 3.0 1 472 5 694 4.0 1 641 6 230 4.0 1 641 6 230
05.00 SK3282 45 5 181 SK2282 60 5 033 SK3282 54 5 959 SK3282 50 6 576 SK3282 61 6 576
06.00 5 564 5 416 6 397 7 075 7 075
07.00 5 798 5 650 6 662 7 422 7 422
08.00 6 181 3.0 1 472 6 207 4.0 1 641 7 270 7 921 5.5 1 908 8 188
SK3282 59 SK3282 56 SK3282 61
09.00 6 415 6 441 7 535 8 268 8 535
10.00 6 798 6 824 7 974 5.5 2 969 10 324 9 034
11.00 7 032 7 058 8 238 SK5282 48 10 670 9 380
12.00 3.0 1 472 7 441 7 441 5.5 2 306 9 423 11 170 7.5 3 072 11 273
13.00 SK3282 44 7 675 4.0 1 641 7 844 SK4282 55 9 688 11 516 SK5282 58 11 619
SK3282 61
14.00 8 058 8 227 10 127 7.5 3 072 12 119 12 119
15.00 8 292 8 461 10 392 SK5282 47 12 465 12 465
16.00 8 675 8 844 10 830 12 964 12 964
18.00 4.0 1 641 9 461 5.5 1 908 9 320 7.5 2 408 11 636 13 810 9.2 3 113 13 851
20.00 SK3282 45 10 078 SK3282 61 10 345 SK4282 55 12 340 9.2 3 113 14 273 SK5282 58 14 697
SK5282 48
22.00 10 695 10 962 13 043 15 543 11.0 3 609 15 543
24.00 11 312 11 579 13 747 16 389 SK5282 58 16 885
26.00 5.5 2 306 12 990 7.5 3 072 13 988 14 450 11.0 3 609 17 730 17 730
28.00 SK4282 45 13 607 SK5282 58 14 605 9.2 2 458 15 204 SK5282 48 18 576 18 576
30.00 14 224 15 222 SK4282 55 15 908 19 422 15.0 3 890 19 703
SK5282 58
32.00 14 841 15 839 16 611 20 268 20 549
34.00 17 073 16 456 11.0 3 609 18 675 15.0 3 890 21 395 21 395
36.00 7.5 3 072 17 073 9.2 3 113 17 114 SK5282 58 19 378 SK5282 48 22 240 22 240
38.00 SK5282 43 17 690 SK5282 58 17 731 20 082 23 086 23 086
40.00 18 307 18 348 20 786 23 932 23 932
42.00 18 924 18 965 21 489 24 778 18.5 4 436 25 324
SK5282 58

Max length 80 m 75 m 73 m 61 m 50 m

Extra cost for horizontal/inclined conveyor section c/w support foot and conveyor chain:

00.60 255 255 288 336 336

01.00 384 384 440 500 500
01.40 496 496 578 664 664
02.00 617 617 704 846 846

Extra cost for bend sections c/w conveyor chain, support foot and outlet hopper with overload sensor:

15˚ 0359390151 1 039 0359390151 1 039 0359394151 1 148 0359396151 1 247 0359398151 1 237
30˚ 0359390301 1 409 0359390301 1 409 0359394301 1 551 0359396301 1 670 0359398301 1 661
45˚ 0359390451 1 575 0359390451 1 575 0359394451 1 777 0359396451 1 942 0359398451 1 933

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR
1 Drive unit 1,1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm 330181 1 662 330181 1 662
1 Drive unit 1,1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm 330183 1 590 330183 1 590 350183 2 087 360183 2 154 360183 2 154
1 Drive unit 1,1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm 330185 1 986 330185 1 986 350185 2 168 360185 2 206 360185 2 206
1 Drive unit 1,1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm 330187 2 218 330187 2 218 350187 2 377 360187 2 383 360187 2 383
1 Drive unit 1,1m SK6382 Ø70 mm 350189 2 870 360189 2 965 360189 2 965

5 Tail section 0.7 m Ø40 mm 330485 731 330485 731

5 Tail section 0,7m Ø60 mm 350487 790 360487 851 360487 851

Chain 1 m M80A-100 333601 71,60 333601 71,60 353601 82,30 363601 104 363601 104
Chain 2 m M80A-100 333602 144 333602 144 353602 165 363602 207 363602 207
Chain 4 m M80A-100 333604 287 333604 287 353604 329 363604 414 363604 414

9 Interm. sect. 0,6 m horizontal/inclined 331450 172 331450 172 351450 193 361450 217 361450 217
9 Interm. sect. 1,0 m horizontal/inclined 331452 229 331452 229 351452 262 361452 278 361452 278
9 Interm. sect. 1,4 m horizontal/inclined 331454 269 331454 269 351454 318 361454 338 361454 338
9 Interm. sect. 2,0 m horizontal/inclined 331456 308 331456 308 351456 349 361456 403 361456 403
Support foot 45 mm (1pcs/m) TT5675 11,00 TT5675 11,00 TT7675 12,80 TT8675 14,40 TT8675 14,40

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIBU

5 9 12 1 3

Min 1000 4
20/33 = 220
10a 30/33 = 190
40/33 = 160
9 1

700 15 14 10a
17 16
70 158
1 Min 500 Min 500 13

9 12 13

500 600
20/33 18 30/33 40/33
2 10a


200 300 400
619 799 899 º 10b
1 20/33 13 30/33 40/33 9


Connections, mm
45 No 20/33 30/33 40/33

200 300 400 15 200x300 300x300 400x300

16 100x300 130x300 180x300

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 330210 182 330210 182 330210 182 330210 182 330210 182
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 330215 205 330215 205 330215 205 330215 205 330215 205
A - Machine/Slide controlled feeding
12 Interm. sect. 1.0 m horiz. c/w open int floor 335015 258 335015 258 355015 280 365015 299 365015 299
10a In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 364012 86,00 364010 76,80
B1 - Self regulated feeding
12 Interm. sect. 1.0 m horiz. c/w open int floor 335015 258 335015 258 355015 280 365015 299 365015 299
13 Top inlet 335010 122 335010 122 355010 135 365010 154 365010 154
14 Inlet slide control arm 335670 277 335670 277 355670 310 365670 325 365670 325
15 Center Inlet Slide 335675 154 335675 154 355675 171 365675 180 365675 180
16 Intermediate Inlet Slide 335680 148 335680 148 355680 166 365680 174 365680 174
17 Rod with extension kit 3 m 335600 65,30 335600 65,30 335600 65,30 335600 65,30 335600 65,30
B2 - Self regulated feeding
18 Double side inlet 1 m - extra cost 335005 451 335005 451 355005 517 365005 500 365005 500

11 Bend sect. 15° 335550 587 335550 587 355550 654 365550 692 365550 692
11 Bend sect. 30° 335552 849 335552 849 355552 944 365552 981 365552 981
11 Bend sect. 45° 335554 925 335554 925 355554 1 057 365554 1 119 365554 1 119
Support Leg Bend Sect. 15° 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20
Support Leg Bend Sect. 30° 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40
Support Leg Bend Sect. 45° 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00

Plastic flight PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA2010 7,70 PMKTIA3010 9,80 PMKTIA4010 11,90 PMKTIA4010 11,90
2, Interm. section 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104 334230 104

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR


SEI 35/14


SEI 50/18


SEI 50/23




Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

10a Inlet/outlet hopper 15° 334130 87,20 334130 87,20 354130 109 364131 127 364130 118
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 30° 334132 104 334132 104 354132 119 364133 137 364132 128
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 45° 334134 113 334134 113 354134 140 364135 159 364134 150
10a In/outlet hopper 334010 65,80 334010 65,80 354012 67,70 364012 86,00 364010 76,80
10b Outlet hopper 15° c/w overload sensor 0334330 263 0334330 263 0354330 284 0364331 303 0364330 293
10b Outlet hopper 30° c/w overload sensor 0334332 278 0334332 278 0354332 294 0364333 312 0364332 303
10b Outlet hopper 45° c/w overload sensor 0334334 287 0334334 287 0354334 315 0364335 333 0364334 324
10b Outlet hopper c/w overload sensor 0334310 241 0354312 241 0354312 243 0364312 262 0364310 252

19a Connection hopper SEI 35/14 198120 257 198120 257

20a Connection hopper SEI 50/18 198121 257 198121 257 198121 257
21a Connection hopper SEI 50/23 198122 359 198122 359
19b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 35/14 0198120 432 0198120 432
20b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 50/18 0198121 432 0198121 432 0198121 432
21b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 50/23 0198122 534 0198122 534
19c Outlet/connection SEI 35/14 198111 125 198111 125
20c Outlet/connection SEI 50/18 198112 181 198113 181 198114 181
21c Outlet/conn. SEI 50/23 198118 206 198118 206

Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9602232045 2.2 40 SK3282 45 1 446 9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072

9602222060 2.2 35 SK2282 60 1 226 9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408
9603032059 3.0 40 SK3282 59 1 472 9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072
9603032054 3.0 40 SK3282 54 1 472 9609242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 458
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9604032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 641 9609252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 113
9604032056 4.0 40 SK3282 56 1 641 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890
9605532061 5.5 40 SK3282 61 1 908
9605542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 306
9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Curved trench intake conveyor KTIG

5 6 1 1

4 4

5 3
6 1


10a/b 8


7 9

7 6

Description Price includes

KTIG is manufactured from galvanized material in accordance with (1) Drive unit 1.0 m with (3) inspection flap c/w microswitch.
the EU machinery directives. KTIG is classified as a Category II 2D/ Support frame (2) is included for all gear box sizes.
OD Conveyor and is suitable to handle granulated and pulverized
materials as comply with Zone 21 or Zone 22 and where the (4) Nord direct mounted gear box with electric motor IP55, 230/400
external atmosphere is unclassified. volt (1.5-3.0 kW) resp. 400/690 volt (4.0-15 kW) 50 Hz.

Capacities (5) Tail section 0.6 m with chain tensioner and cleaning out hatch.
KTIG horizontal top conveyor is designed to be fed from an SEI
Bucket Elevator. Rated capacities are based on grain with 15% (6) Trench intake sections with support feet, 1.60 m shorter than
moisture content and bulk density of 750kg/m³. The capacity will the overall conveyor.
be affected with the same percentage as the gear box revolution
changes. Drive unit, tail section and intermediate sections are manufactured
from galvanized material and have steel bottom t=2.5 mm.

Type 40 60 80 100 120 Conveyor chain M80A-100 (breaking strain 80 kN) with plastic
Capacity t/h 41 56 81 94 116 flights on steel flights.
Capacity m3/h 55 74 108 125 154
Conveyor return chain runs on plastic rolls (8) mounted 1000 mm
Chain speed m/s 0,59 0,79 0,75 0,65 0,79
Nom. drive shaft rpm 44 60 56 49 60
(10b) Outlet hopper/(11b/12b/13b) Connection hopper with
overload sensor is included in (9) bend section. Note: Table prices
do not include bend section.
Further dimensions available on CAD-files

We reserve the right to change dimensions and specification.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Price KTIG
40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Model KTIG 20/40 KTIG 20/40 KTIG 30/40 KTIG 40/40 KTIG 40/40
Code 035290- 035292- 035294- 035296- 035298-
Length gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR gear box EUR
m kW price kW price kW price kW price kW price
type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm type rpm
total trench
03.60 02.00 3.0 1 472 4 602 4.0 1 641 4 771 5.5 2 306 6 529 7.5 3 072 7 416 7.5 3 072 7 416
04.60 03.00 SK3282 44 5 208 SK3282 61 5 377 SK4282 55 7 206 SK5282 47 8 100 SK5282 58 8 100
05.60 04.00 5 475 5 644 7 595 8 593 8 593
06.60 05.00 4.0 1 641 6 250 5.5 1 908 6 517 8 272 9 277 9.2 3 113 9 318
07.60 06.00 SK3282 45 6 517 SK3282 61 6 784 7.5 2 408 8 763 9 770 SK5282 58 9 811
SK4282 55
08.60 07.00 7 123 7 390 9 440 9.2 3 113 10 495 11.0 3 609 10 991
09.60 08.00 7 390 7 657 9 829 SK5282 48 10 988 SK5282 58 11 484
10.60 09.00 5.5 2 306 9 160 7.5 3 072 9 839 10 506 11 672 12 449
11.60 10.00 SK4282 45 9 427 SK5282 58 10 106 9.2 2 458 10 945 11.0 3 609 12 661 15.0 3 890 12 942
12.60 11.00 10 033 10 712 SK4282 55 11 622 SK5282 48 13 345 SK5282 58 13 626

13.60 12.00 10 300 10 979 12 011 15.0 3 890 14 119 14 119

14.60 13.00 10 906 9.2 3 113 11 626 11.0 3 609 13 740 SK5282 48 14 803 14 803
15.60 14.00 7.5 3 072 11 852 SK5282 58 11 893 SK5282 58 14 129 15 296 18.5 4 436 15 842
16.60 15.00 SK5282 43 12 458 12 499 14 806 15 980 SK5282 58 16 526
17.60 16.00 12 725 11.0 3 609 13 262 15.0 3 890 15 476 18.5 6 005 19 343 17 019
SK5282 58 SK5282 58 SK6282 49
18.60 17.00 9.2 3 113 13 372 13 868 16 153 20 027 17 703
20.60 19.00 SK5282 43 14 245 14 741 17 219 21 204 18 880
22.60 21.00 15 118 15.0 3 890 15 895 18 285 22 381
24.60 23.00 15 991 SK5282 58 16 768 18.5 4 436 19 897 23 558
SK5282 58
26.60 25.00 16 864 17 641 20 963 24 735
28.60 27.00 17 737 18 514 22 029
30.60 29.00 11.0 3 609 19 106 19 387 23 095
32.60 31.00 SK5282 44 19 979 20 260 24 161
Max length 37 m 34 m 34 m 27 m 22 m
Extra cost for horizontal section c/w conveyor chain:
03529000- 03529200- 03529400- 03529600- 03529800-
00.60 -06 349 -06 349 -06 438 -06 506 -06 506
01.00 -10 412 -10 412 -10 515 -10 589 -10 589
01.40 -14 527 -14 527 -14 652 -14 751 -14 751
02.00 -20 653 -20 653 -20 774 -20 898 -20 898
Extra cost for inclined section c/w conveyor chain:
03592900- 03592920- 03592940- 03592960- 03592980-
00.60 -106 361 -106 361 -106 442 -106 529 -106 529
01.00 -110 427 -110 427 -110 525 -110 625 -110 625
01.40 -114 553 -114 553 -114 666 -114 796 -114 796
02.00 -120 674 -120 674 -120 780 -120 937 -120 937
Extra cost for bend sections c/w conveyor chain, support foot and outlet hopper with overload sensor:
0359290- 035290- 0351294- 0351296- 0351298-
15˚ -151 1 218 -151 1 218 -151 1 332 -151 1 431 -151 1 421
30˚ -301 1 548 -301 1 548 -301 1 733 -301 1 904 -301 1 895
45˚ -451 1 770 -451 1 770 -451 1 969 -451 2 173 -451 2 164

Part prices 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

1 Drive unit 1 m SK2282 Ø35 mm 330161 1 256 330161 1 256

1 Drive unit 1 m SK3282 Ø40 mm 330163 1 173 330163 1 173 350163 1 766 360163 1 816 360163 1 816
1 Drive unit 1 m SK4282 Ø50 mm 330170 1 672 330170 1 672 350170 1 855 360170 1 873 360170 1 873
1 Drive unit 1 m SK5282 Ø60 mm 330175 1 585 330175 1 585 350175 1 756 360175 1 738 360175 1 738
1 Drive unit 1 m SK6382 Ø70 mm 350167 2 411 360167 2 493 360167 2 493
5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø40 mm 330480 742 330480 742
5 Tail section 0.6 m Ø60 mm 350482 917 360482 978 360482 978

Chain 1 m M80A-100 333601 71,60 333601 71,60 353601 82,30 363601 104 363601 104
Chain 2 m M80A-100 333602 144 333602 144 353602 165 363602 207 363602 207
Chain 4 m M80A-100 333604 287 333604 287 353604 329 363604 414 363604 414

6 Trench intake sect. 0.5 m c/w support foot 337305 352 337305 352 357305 394 367305 391 367305 391
6 Trench intake sect. 1.0 m c/w support foot 337310 463 337310 463 357310 513 367310 477 367310 477
6 Trench intake sect. 2.0 m c/w support foot 337320 586 337320 586 357320 737 367320 763 367320 763
Assembly pack KTIG 337308 126 337308 126 357308 137 367308 140 367308 140
Support foot 70 mm (1pcs/m) TT532506 11,50 TT532506 11,50 TT732506 13,10 TT832506 15,10 TT832506 15,10

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Accessories KTIG

5 6 1 1

4 4

5 3
6 1


10a/b 8


7 9

7 6

Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

Motor weather cover SK1282-3282 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151 340200 151
Motor weather cover SK4282-6382 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190 340205 190

7 Interm.sect 0.6 m horizontal c/w foot 0331362 205 0331362 205 0351362 273 0361362 299 0361362 299
7 Interm.sect 1.0 m horizontal c/w foot 0331364 268 0331364 268 0351364 350 0361364 382 0361364 382
7 Interm.sect 1.4 m horizontal c/w foot 0331366 311 0331366 311 0351366 404 0361366 440 0361366 440
7 Interm.sect 2.0m horizontal c/w foot 0331368 366 0331368 366 0351368 445 0361368 484 0361368 484

8 Interm. section 0.6 m inclined 331370 217 331370 217 351370 277 361370 322 361370 322
8 Interm. section 1.0 m inclined 331372 283 331372 283 351372 360 361372 418 361372 418
8 Interm. section 1.4 m inclined 331374 337 331374 337 351374 418 361374 485 361374 485
8 Interm. section 2.0 m inclined 331376 387 331376 387 351376 451 361376 523 361376 523

9 Bend sect. 15°, horiz.- inclined 335520 761 335520 761 355520 833 365520 871 365520 871
9 Bend sect. 30°, horiz.- inclined 335522 966 335522 966 355522 1 103 365522 1 192 365522 1 192
9 Bend sect. 45°, horiz.- inclined 335524 1 117 335524 1 117 355524 1 246 365524 1 347 365524 1 347

Support Leg Bend Sect. 15° 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20 335400 49,20
Support Leg Bend Sect. 30° 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40 335402 88,40
Support Leg Bend Sect. 45° 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00 335404 79,00

10a Inlet/outlet hopper 15° 334130 87,20 334130 87,20 354130 109 364131 127 364130 118
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 30° 334132 104 334132 104 354132 119 364133 137 364132 128
10a Inlet/outlet hopper 45° 334134 113 334134 113 354134 140 364135 159 364134 150
10b Outlet hopper 15° c/w overload sensor 0334330 263 0334330 263 0354330 284 0364331 303 0364330 293
10b Outlet hopper 30° c/w overload sensor 0334332 278 0334332 278 0354332 294 0364333 312 0364332 303
10b Outlet hopper 45° c/w overload sensor 0334334 287 0334334 287 0354334 315 0364335 333 0364334 324

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR


SEI 35/14


SEI 50/18


SEI 50/23




Accessories 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h

No Description Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR Code EUR

11a Connection hopper SEI 35/14 198120 257 198120 257

12a Connection hopper SEI 50/18 198121 257 198121 257 198121 257
13a Connection hopper SEI 50/23 198122 359 198122 359
11b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 35/14 0198120 432 0198120 432
12b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 50/18 0198121 432 0198121 432 0198121 432
13b Con. hop. c/w overload sensor SEI 50/23 0198122 534 0198122 534
11c Outlet/connection SEI 35/14 198111 125 198111 125
12c Outlet/connection SEI 50/18 198112 181 198113 181 198114 181
13c Outlet/conn. SEI 50/23 198118 206 198118 206
Frequency Inverter for built in electrical panel
SK500 2,2Kw 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043 9699500022 1 043
SK500 3,0Kw 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170 9699500030 1 170
SK500 4,0Kw 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279 9699500040 1 279
SK500 5,5Kw 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512 9699500055 1 512
SK500 7,5Kw 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904 9699500075 1 904
SK515 11,0Kw 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782 9699515110 2 782

Gear Motors SK - ABGH

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR

9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113

9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9609252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 113
9604032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 641 9609242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 458
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9605532061 5.5 40 SK3282 61 1 908 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609
9605542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 306 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072 9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890
9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890
9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408 9618552058 18.5 60 SK5282 58 4 436
9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072 9618562049 18.5 70 SK6282 49 6 005
9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Dimensions for bend sections

a b X1 Y1 L X2 Y2
15° 952 912 120 600 580 155
1000 966 259
1400 1352 362
2000 1932 518
Maximal inclination 13600 13136 3520

30° 1600 1502 402 600 520 300

1000 866 500
1400 1212 700
2000 1732 1000
Maximal inclination 7000 6062 3500

45° 2234 1998 828 600 424 424

1000 707 707
1400 990 990
2000 1414 1414
Maximal inclination 5000 3535 3535

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Dust and Chaff extractor DoB 40/60


400 180

535 651 615


SEI 50/18

SEI 35/14


5 5


4 3 4 3




The Dust and Chaff extractor is a fully galvanized precleaner for The inlet and outlet is 180mm square for connection to Skandia
grain and other granular products. It has a compact design to give RK250 ducting system.
minimum loss of height and will remove chaff & dust from the
crop. Cleaning out is more efficient at the lower capacity level and The fan unit, powered with a 2.2kW 2900 rpm motor, can be turned
the best result is obtained only in conjunction with our especially 360° allowing the chaff to be blown in any direction. By means of
adapted Skandia cyclon. ducting from the fan unit, the cleaning waste can be discharged
into the cyclone for collection at a convenient point near the grain
The incoming grain is spread over a screen with transverse slits, store.
alllowing seed grain to be cleaned without the risk of the crop
falling through and being lost. Air is sucked through the screen and
the grain flow which is effectively vacuum cleaned, and removes
chaff and dust. An air damper on the top of the cleaning unit allows
the air flow to be controlled for various crops.

Total price Part prices

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

040560 Dust & Chaff 40/60 t/h 1 513 3 400705 Cleaning unit 40/60 736

1 631970 Cyclone 40/60 864 4 400510 Fan unit 40/60 t/h 2.2 kW motor 3Ph 777
2 625955 Cover for cyclone 45,90 5 912220 Motor 2,2 kW - 2900 rpm 223

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Dust and Chaff extractor DoB 80/100

SEI 50/23
SEI 50/18 2

5 5 3
4 3 4

The Dust and Chaff extractor is a fully galvanized precleaner for The inlet and outlet is 250mm square for connection to Skandia
grain and other granular products. It has a compact design to give RK250 ducting system.
minimum loss of height and will remove chaff & dust from the
crop. Cleaning out is more efficient at the lower capacity level and The fan unit, powered with a 4.0kW 2900 rpm motor, can be turned
the best result is obtained only in conjunction with our especially 360° allowing the chaff to be blown in any direction. By means of
adapted Skandia cyclon. ducting from the fan unit, the cleaning waste can be discharged
into the cyclone for collection at a convenient point near the grain
The incoming grain is spread over a screen with transverse slits, store.
alllowing seed grain to be cleaned without the risk of the crop
falling through and being lost. Air is sucked through the screen and
the grain flow which is effectively vacuum cleaned, and removes
chaff and dust. An air damper on the top of the cleaning unit allows
the air flow to be controlled for various crops.

Total price Part prices

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

040580 Dust & Chaff 80/100 t/h 2 375 3 400805 Cleaning unit 80/100 853

1 625980 Cyclone 80/100 1 221 4 400810 Fan unit 80/100 t/h 4.0kW motor 1 522
2 625985 Cover for cyclone 50,90 5 912400 Motor 4.0 kW - 2900 rpm 465

EUR 2013-09-01 I ENG

Dust and Chaff extractor DoB 120/150



480 300
776 871 895

SEI 50/23

5 500





The Dust and Chaff extractor is a fully galvanized precleaner for The inlet and outlet is 300mm square for connection to Spiro 315
grain and other granular products. It has a compact design to give ducting system.
minimum loss of height and will remove chaff & dust from the
crop. Cleaning out is more efficient at the lower capacity level and The fan unit, powered with a 5.5kW 2900 rpm motor, can be turned
the best result is obtained only in conjunction with our especially 360° allowing the chaff to be blown in any direction. By means of
adapted Skandia cyclon. ducting from the fan unit, the cleaning waste can be discharged
into the cyclone for collection at a convenient point near the grain
The incoming grain is spread over a screen with transverse slits, store.
alllowing seed grain to be cleaned without the risk of the crop
falling through and being lost. Air is sucked through the screen and
the grain flow which is effectively vacuum cleaned, and removes
chaff and dust. An air damper on the top of the cleaning unit allows
the air flow to be controlled for various crops.

Total price Part prices

No Code Description EUR No Code Description EUR

040590 Dust & Chaff 120/150 t/h 4 285 3 400905 Cleaning unit 120/150 1 091

1 631980 Cyclone120/150 2 002 4 400910 Fan unit 120/150 t/h 5,5 kW motor 3 194
2 631985 Cover for cyclone 79,30

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Ducting system

2 3 4

FK (Flat Flange) ducting system is available in three diffrent models: FK When material passes the system, the weight increases. It is very
200, FK 250 and FK 300. The numbers refer to the diameter in mm. It important to support every ducting line to ensure valves operate
is galvanized or electroplated. smoothly and prevent system malfunction or accidents.

Transformer (1) Bolted clamp (2) Outlet flange (5)

Code Description EUR Code Description EUR Code Description EUR

For SEI 35/14  20 t/h  520006 FK200 for L-flange 18,90 NR0930 180 9,70
520135 180-140 48,10 525006 FK250 for L-flange 24,10 NR2500 250 11,10
530006 FK300 for L-flange 30,20 NR3000 300 25,60
For SEI 50/18  60 t/h 
All parts in the FK system have an L-flange 180 Outlet flange for SEI 35/14 and
525135 250-180 57,00
in the end joints to be connected with a conveyors 40/60 t/h. Use FK 200 ducting
bolted clamp. A rubber seal is supplied system for capacities 20-60 t/h (30-80 m³/
For SEI 50/23  100 t/h 
with every clamp. h).
530135 300-250 70,20
250 Outlet flange for SEI 50/18 and
conveyors 80/100 t/h. Use FK 250 ducting
system for capacities 80-100 t/h (100-135
Wall bracket (3) Hanging bracket (4)
300 Outlet for SEI 50/23 and conveyors for
Code Description EUR Code Description EUR 120/150 t/h. Use FK 300 ducting system
for capacities 120-150 t/h (160-200 m³/
620800 Ø200 29,10 620805 Ø200 16,00 h).
625800 Ø250 36,90 625805 Ø250 17,40
630800 Ø300 41,70 630805 Ø300 18,20

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

1 3 4

2 6 FK 200 r=300 mm

FK 250 r=375 mm

FK 300 r=450 mm

Ducts (1) Connectors (3-5) Bends (6)

Code Description EUR Code Description EUR Code Description EUR
520630 FK 200 2.0 m 106 Y-connector 520340 FK 200 5° 21,80
520632 FK 200 1.0 m 58,50 520309 FK200 209 520342 FK 200 15° 23,20
520634 FK 200 0.5 m 39,20 525309 FK250 264 520344 FK 200 30° 28,80
530309 FK300 263 520346 FK 200 45° 36,80
525630 FK 250 2.0 m 130
525632 FK 250 1.0 m 71,60 Branch duct 525340 FK 250 5° 28,80
525634 FK 250 0.5 m 47,00 520313 FK200 205 525342 FK 250 15° 30,00
525313 FK250 242 525344 FK 250 30° 36,20
530630 FK 300 2.0 m 162 530313 FK300 209 525346 FK 250 45° 44,70
530632 FK 300 1.0 m 85,00
530634 FK 300 0.5 m 53,60 Overspill connector 530340 FK 300 5° 34,00
520302 FK200 155 530342 FK 300 15° 38,00
t=2.0 mm 48,70
525302 FK250 254 530344 FK 300 30°
530302 FK300 261 530346 FK 300 45° 59,30
Telescopic duct (2) t=2.0 mm t=2.0 mm

Code Description EUR

0520451 FK 200 85,00
0525451 FK 250 93,00
0530451 FK 300 103
t=2.0 mm. Length 400 mm.

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Ducting system

Transformer (1-2) 2-ways valves 45˚+ 45˚ (3) 2R-Branch valve 0+ 45˚ (4)
Code Description EUR Code Description EUR Code Description EUR
Straight Hand operated Hand operated
520035 sq 180-FK200 60,80 520095 FK200 294 520100 FK200 328
525035 sq 250-FK250 75,90 525095 FK250 367 525100 FK250 415
530035 sq 300-FK300 78,20 530095 FK300 482 530100 FK300 590

45° Manual - incl. Pos.ind. Manual - incl. Pos.ind.

520041 sq 180-FK200 92,90 520098 FK200 494 520103 FK200 529
525041 sq 250-FK250 118 525098 FK250 565 525103 FK250 613
530041 sq 300-FK300 133 530098 FK300 792 530103 FK300 792

t=2.5 mm Motorised - incl. Pos. Ind. 220V Motorised - incl. Pos. Ind. 220V
520096 FK200 1 073 520101 FK200 1 116
525096 FK250 1 144 525101 FK250 1 187
530096 FK300 1 192 530101 FK300 1 317

Pneumatic - incl. Pos.ind. 24V Pneumatic - incl. Pos.ind. 24V

520097 FK200 974 520102 FK200 1 008
525097 FK250 1 035 525102 FK250 1 049
530097 FK300 1 331 530102 FK300 1 450

t=2.5 mm t=2.5 mm

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

SEI 50/18 -
SEI 50/18 - 60 t/h 80/100 t/h
1 2 3


130 415

375 400



RK 200

FK 250

SEI 50/18 -
80/100 t/h



FK 250

Control Gear spec. valves

Motorised Pneumatic
Linear gear type Mingardi D8FCE. 220 volt/ Push/pull cylinder type C95 SDB-32. Push/
50Hz. Effect 175 W. Power: 0,7 A. Push-/ pull power 302/402N. Incl.position indicator.
Pull power: 500 N. Switch speed: 5-10 sec. Spring magnet valve, 24 volt, with damper.
Position indicator. Assembled. Switch speed: 1 sec. Assembled.

3-way valves (1) 8-way valves RK 200 (2) 6-way valves FK 250 (3)
Code Description EUR Code Description EUR Code Description EUR
Manual 525135 Transformer 57,00 Sq offset between SEI 50/18 alt. SEI 50/23
520030 FK200 504 250-180 and valve when DoB is not used.
525030 FK250 638 Sq offset between SEI 35/14 alt. SEI 50/18 625090 sq250 154
530030 FK300 784 and valve when DoB is not used. 620071 Ass. dose 6/8-way SEI 260
620092 sq 180 157 50/18
Manual - incl. Pos.ind. 616071 Ass. dose 6/8-way SEI 260 616075 Contr. Tube 3.0 m 57,50
520031 FK200 835 35/14 Max 5 x 3.0 m
525031 FK250 978 620071 Ass. dose 6/8-way SEI 260 Manual
530031 FK300 1 073 50/18 525060 FK250 930
616075 Contr. Tube 3.0 m 57,50
525065 FK250 1 520
Max 5 x 3.0 m
Motorised - incl. Pos.ind. 220V c/w 220V pos. indikator
520032 FK200 1 937
620080 RK200 902
525032 FK250 2 057 Motorized
620085 RK200 1 493
530032 FK300 2 134 525068 FK250 2 908
c/w 220V position indikator
c/w pos. indikator
Pneumatic - incl. Pos.ind. 24V t=2.5 mm
620088 RK200 2 881
520034 FK200 1 720
c/w 220V position indikator
525034 FK250 1 841
Bolted clamp c/w O-ring
530034 FK300 2 388
0620005 RK200 - FK200 28,00
t=2.5 mm
t=2.5 mm
Use for connection against the L-flange FK
system. 8-way valves have outlets with roll
flange RK.

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01


Belt and bucket elevator SEI 35/14 Belt and bucket elevator SEI 50/18 and 50/23

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR
9601112171 1.1 30 SK1282 171 943 9602212122 2.2 30 SK1282 122 1 051
9601512172 1.5 30 SK1282 172 953 9603022119 3.0 35 SK2282 119 1 252
9602212174 2.2 30 SK1282 174 1 051 9604022122 4.0 35 SK2282 122 1 420
9603012171 3.0 30 SK1282 171 1 076 9605532127 5.5 40 SK3282 127 1 908
9604022173 4.0 35 SK2282 173 1 420 9607532127 7.5 40 SK3282 127 2 009
9605532174 5.5 40 SK3282 174 1 908 9609242122 9,2 50 SK4282 122 2 458
9607532174 7.5 40 SK3282 174 2 009 9611042123 11,0 50 SK4282 123 2 944
9609232174 9.2 40 SK3282 174 2 050 9615042123 15,0 50 SK4282 123 3 226
9618552127 18,5 60 SK5282 127 4 436
9622052119 22,0 60 SK5282 119 4 600

Chain and flight conveyors Chain and flight conveyors

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR Model Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR Model
9601522032 1.5 35 SK2282 32 1 130 9602232045 2.2 40 SK3282 45 1 446
9602232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 446 9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472
9603032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 472 KTIF/b/g 9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 KTIBU
9604042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 041 KTIF FR 9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 KTIG
9605542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 306 40 9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072 40
9607552034 7.5 60 SK5282 34 3 072 9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113
9609252035 9.2 60 SK5282 35 3 113 9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609

9601522045 1.5 35 SK2282 45 1 130 9602222060 2.2 35 SK2282 60 1 226

9602222046 2.2 35 SK2282 46 1 226 9603032059 3.0 40 SK3282 59 1 472 KTIBU
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 KTIF/b/g 9604032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 641 KTIG
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 KTIF FR 9605532061 5.5 40 SK3282 61 1 908 60, 120
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 60 9607552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 072
9607552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 072 9609252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 113 KTIA
9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609 KTIB
9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890 80
9618552058 18.5 60 SK5282 58 4 436
9602232038 2.2 40 SK3282 38 1 446
9603042039 3.0 50 SK4282 39 1 872 9603032054 3.0 40 SK3282 54 1 472
9604042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 041 KTIF/b/g 9604032056 4.0 40 SK3282 56 1 641 KTIBU
9605542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 306 KTIF FR 9605542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 306 KTIG
9607542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 408 80 9607542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 408 80
9609252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 113 9609242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 458
9611063040 11.0 70 SK6382 40 5 245 9611052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 3 609 KTIA
9615063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 5 525 9615052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 3 890 KTIB
9618552058 18.5 60 SK5282 58 4 436 100
9602232050 2.2 40 SK3282 50 1 446
9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472 9602222048 2.2 35 SK2282 48 1 226
9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 KTIF/b/g 9603032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 472
9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969 KTIF FR 9604032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 641 KTIA
9607552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 072 KTIBU 9605552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 2 969 KTIB
9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113 KTIG 9607552048 7.5 60 SK5282 48 3 072 40
9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609 100 9609252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 113
9615052048 15.0 60 SK5282 48 3 890 9611052048 11.0 60 SK5282 48 3 609
9618562049 18.5 70 SK6282 49 6 005
9602222066 2.2 35 SK2282 66 1 226
9603032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 472 9603022064 3.0 35 SK2282 64 1 252
9604032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 641 9604032064 4.0 40 SK3282 64 1 641 KTIA
9605542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 306 KTIF/b/g 9605532065 5.5 40 SK3282 65 1 908 KTIB
9607542045 7.5 50 SK4282 45 2 408 KTIF FR 9607542065 7.5 50 SK4282 65 2 408 60, 120
9609252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 113 120 9609242065 9.2 50 SK4282 65 2 458
9611052044 11.0 60 SK5282 44 3 609 9611042065 11.0 50 SK4282 65 2 944
9615063047 15.0 70 SK6382 47 5 525 9615062064 15.0 70 SK6282 64 5 459
9618562064 18.5 70 SK6282 64 6 005

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Technical specification

35/14 50/18 50/23

Belt and bucket elevator
Vertical 20 t/h 40 t/h 60 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h 150 t/h
Capacity 750 kg/m³ t/h 23-24 47 70-71 65-69 87-92 108-116 108-115 129-138 162-173
Capacity m³/h 31-32 63 93-95 87-92 116-123 144-155 144-155 172-184 216-231
Drive shaft rpm/belt speed m/s 171-174 rpm/3.1-3.3 m/s 119-127 rpm/3.1-3.3 m/s 119-127 rpm/3.1-3.3 m/s
Belt pulley diameter mm 360 500 500
Bucket model/width Starco 140 Starco 180 Starco 230
Bucket volume, net/gross litre 0.65/0.85 1.0/1.3 2.0/2.3
Buckets/m elevator belt pcs 2.8 5.6 8.4 5.4 7.2 9.0 5.2 6.2 7.8
Max. buckets/m elevator belt pcs 11 11 9
Bucket thickness mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Belt width/quality 160 mm/EP 500/3 200 mm/EP 630/4 250 mm/EP 630/4
Elevator leg, width x depth mm 200 x 160 250 x 200 300 x 220
Outlet, connection mm □180 □250 □300
Elevator head/boot mm 2.00 3.00 3.00
Elevator leg casing mm 1.25 1.50 1.50
Elevator leg, extra thickness mm 2.00 2.00  2.00
Inlet hopper casing mm 3.00 3.00 3.00

20/33 20/33 30/33 30/33 40/33

Commercial C & F Conveyors
KTIF, KTIF FR, KTIFb and KTIFg 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Capacity at 750 kg/m³, KTIF, KTIF FR m³/h 49-54 66-71 89-96 110-117 135-148
Capacity at 750 kg/m³, KTIFb, KTIFg m³/h 41-45 56-60 76-82 94-100 111-122
Capacity, KTIF, KTIF FR t/h 65-72 88-95 119-128 147-156 180-197
Capacity, KTIFb, KTIFg t/h 55-60 75-80 101-109 125-133 148-163
Nominal drive shaft rpm 32-35 43-46 38-41 47-50 43-47
Chain speed m/s 0,43-0,47 0,57-0,61 0,51-0,55 0,63-0,67 0,57-0,63
Conveyor chain, type M80 M80 M80 M80 M80
Chain pitch mm/chain breaking strength kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80
Drive sprocket, no of teeth 8 8 8 8 8
Flight material Steel/plastic Steel/plastic Steel/plastic Steel/plastic Steel/plastic
Intermediate section, width/height mm 200x335 200x335 300x335 300x335 400x335
Drive unit casing, side and bottom mm 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50
Tail section and intermediate section casing mm 2.50 x 2.50 2.50 x 2.50 2.50 x 2.50 2.50 x 2.50 2.50 x 2.50
In- and outlet hoppers mm 3.00/□180 3.00/□180 3.00/□250 3.00/□250 3.00/□300

20/40(*33) 20/40(*33) 30/40(*33) 30/40(*33) 40/40(*33)

Inclined/Curved C & F Conveyors
KTIA, KTIB, KTIBU and KTIG 40 t/h 60 t/h 80 t/h 100 t/h 120 t/h
Capacity at 750 kg/m³, KTIA, KTIB m³/h 49-51 65-67 88-92 109-117 129-133
Capacity at 750 kg/m³, KTIBU, KTIG m³/h 40-42 54-57 77-83 91-97 113-118
Capacity, KTIA, KTIB t/h 65-68 87-89 117-123 145-156 172-177
Capacity, KTIBU, KTIG t/h 53-56 72-76 103-111 121-129 151-157
Nominal drive shaft, KTIA, KTIB rpm 48-50 64-66 58-61 54-58 64-66
Nominal drive shaft, KTIBU, KTIG rpm 43-45 58-61 54-58 47-50 58-61
Chain speed, KTIA, KTIB m/s 0,64-0,67 0,85-0,88 0,77-0,81 0,72-0,77 0,85-0,88
Chain speed, KTIBU, KTIG m/s 0,57-0,60 0,77-0,81 0,72-0,77 0,63-0,67 0,77-0,81
Conveyor chain, type M80 M80 M80 M80 M80
Chain pitch mm/chain breaking strength kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN 100mm/80kN
Drive sprocket, no of teeth 8 8 8 8 8
Flight material Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic
Intermediate section, width/height mm 200x400(*335) 200x400(*335) 300x400(*335) 400x400(*335) 400x400(*335)
Drive unit casing, side and bottom mm 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50 5.00 x 2.50
Tail section and intermediate section casing mm 2.00 x 2.50 2.00 x 2.50 2.00 x 2.50 2.00 x 2.50 2.00 x 2.50
In- and outlet hoppers mm 3.00/□180 3.00/□180 3.00/□250 3.00/□250 3.00/□300

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

ATEX Directive

Skandia Elevator product design to meet the ATEX directive

The user directive states The design on all Skandia elevator models complies with Machine category
If you handle potentially explosive produtcs in your plant you have to comply II 3D/OD. Please see table.
with the European ATEX Directive 99/92/EC.
For an elevator to be able to internally handle material in an environment
To get an explosive environment a number of conditions must be fulfilled: classified as Zone 21, a belt alignment switch must be installed.

- It must be dust with a particle size as is small enough to become For an elevator to be able to operate in an external atmosphere classified
explosive. as Zone 22, its electrical motors and switches must be ATEX approved.

- The dust concentration must be high enough. The elevators cannot be used for handling dust and chaff or material
classified as Zone 20.
- It must be an ignition source with enout ignition energy. Explosion panels
The most important activities are to try to reduce the dust concentration to On some markets, it has been a tradition to fit explosion panels on
avoid creating an explosive environment occurs. It can be different zones elevators. If explosion panels are going to be used, it should on a > 6 m
in different places in a machine. high elevator be fitted two panels at the top and two panels close to the
elevator boot. For higher elevators it should be added a pair of panels every
Zone 22 = an explosive environment occurs very seldom. 6 m. Explosion panels are not needed for Skandia elevators to comply with
Category II 2D/OD.
Zone 21 = an explosive environment occurs now and then.
Having located the risk factors in the risk assessment, the ATEX Directive
Zone 20 = an explosive environment is permanent. states that there are three matter of principle to eliminate the risk factors
- and to be done in the following order.
It is not an easy task for an end user to decide if a material to be handled in
a plant is explosive or not. In the end it is only the end users responsibility. 1. Reduce the explosive atmosphere. (Dust extraction and routines for
The manufacturer of equipment can not take any responsibility for what cleaning)
material is being used in the machines.
2. Eliminate the ignition sources to become activated. (If the relevant
ignation sources are eliminated, the explosion risk is also eliminated)
The manufacturer directive states
If you are producing equipment that is used in areas or processes where 3. In case of an explosion - reduce the effect of the explosion.
there is a risk of fire or explosion, then you have to comply with the
European ATEX Direktive 94/9/EC. In the Skandia SEI Elevators we have, according to the directive, eliminated
the relevant ignition sources to become activated.
A manufacturer of handling equipment has the responsibiltiy to inform the
customers how the products are intended to be used.
Skandia Chain & Flight Conveyors
The recommendation is based on both the internal and external Skandia Chain & Flight Conveyors operates with low chain speed and
classification of zons. A machine that fulfills the demands for each zon is do not produce any ignition sources with strong enough ignition energy
classified into Categories. to cause fire or explosion when handling Zone 21 material. All Skandia
commercial and industrial conveyors are classified as Category II 2D/OD
Internal External Machine Conveyors.
zone zone Risk assessment
20 Unclassified II 1D/0D
Skandia Elevator has chosen to make the risk assessment for each product
20 22 II 1D/3D together with a professional ATEX consultant. The risk assessments are
21 Unclassified II 2D/0D sent to a notified body for use in case of an accident caused by a Skandia
21 22 II 2D/3D product.
22 Unclassified II 3D/0D
22 22 II 3D/3D

Skandia Belt & Bucket Elevators

The practical tests we have done with grain (14% moisture content) in a
drying and storage plant shows a dust concentration inside the elevator as
complies with Zone 22 and the external atmosphere is unclassified.

If a Skandia Dust & Chaff Extractor is fitted on the elevator outlet, the full
elevator is set under vacuum and effectively vacuum cleaned and the
dust concentration becomes lower. Especially for indoor installations, the
atmosphere around the elevator becomes less dusty when using a Dust &
Chaff Extractor.

2013-09-01 I ENG EUR

Motors ATEX 22

Belt and bucket elevator SEI 35/14 Belt and bucket elevator SEI 50/18 and 50/23

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR Code kW Shaft Ø Gear box - rpm EUR
9701112171 1.1 30 SK1282 171 1 093 9702212122 2.2 30 SK1282 122 1 224
9701512172 1.5 30 SK1282 172 1 101 9703022119 3.0 35 SK2282 119 1 445
9702212174 2.2 30 SK1282 174 1 224 9704022122 4.0 35 SK2282 122 1 635
9703012172 3.0 30 SK1282 172 1 248 9705532127 5.5 40 SK3282 127 2 169
9704022173 4.0 35 SK2282 173 1 635 9707532127 7.5 40 SK3282 127 2 270
9705532174 5.5 40 SK3282 174 2 169 9709242122 9,2 50 SK4282 122 2 806
9707532174 7.5 40 SK3282 174 2 270 9711042123 11,0 50 SK4282 123 3 327
9709232174 9.2 40 SK3282 174 2 310 9715042123 15,0 50 SK4282 123 3 646
9718552127 18,5 60 SK5282 127 5 013
9722052119 22,0 60 SK5282 119 5 198

Chain and flight conveyors Chain and flight conveyors

Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR Model Code kW Shaft Ø Gear size - rpm EUR Model
9701522032 1,5 35 SK2282 32 1 304 9702232045 2.2 35 SK3282 45 1 671
9702232034 2.2 40 SK3282 34 1 671 9703032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 700
9703032034 3.0 40 SK3282 34 1 700 KTIF/b/g 9704032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 894 KTIBU
9704042033 4.0 50 SK4282 33 2 355 KTIF FR 9705542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 664 KTIG
9705542033 5.5 50 SK4282 33 2 664 40 9707552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 471 40
9707552034 7.5 60 SK5282 34 3 471 9709252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 517
9709252035 9.2 60 SK5282 35 3 517 9711063047 11.0 60 SK6382 47 5 927

9701522045 1,5 35 SK2282 45 1 304 9702222060 2.2 35 SK2282 60

9702232045 2.2 35 SK3282 45 1 671 9703032059 3.0 40 SK3282 59 1 700 KTIBU
9703032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 700 KTIF/b/g 9704032061 4.0 40 SK3282 61 1 894 KTIG
9704032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 894 KTIF FR 9705542065 5.5 40 SK4282 65 2 664 60, 120
9705542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 664 60 9707552058 7.5 60 SK5282 58 3 471
9707552043 7.5 60 SK5282 43 3 471 9709252058 9.2 60 SK5282 58 3 517 KTIA
9709252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 517 9711052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 4 078 KTIB
9711063047 11.0 60 SK6382 47 5 927 9715052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 4 396 80
9718562056 18.5 60 SK6282 56 6 788
9702232038 2.2 40 SK3282 38 1 671
9703042039 3.0 50 SK4282 39 2 162 9703032054 3.0 40 SK3282 54 1 700
9704042040 4.0 50 SK4282 40 2 355 KTIF/b/g 9704032056 4.0 40 SK3282 56 1 894 KTIBU
9705542038 5.5 50 SK4282 38 2 664 KTIF FR 9705542055 5.5 50 SK4282 55 2 664 KTIG
9707542038 7.5 50 SK4282 38 2 721 80 9707542055 7.5 50 SK4282 55 2 721 80
9709252041 9.2 60 SK5282 41 3 517 9709242055 9.2 50 SK4282 55 2 806
9711063040 11.0 70 SK6382 40 5 927 9711052058 11.0 60 SK5282 58 4 078 KTIA
9715063040 15.0 70 SK6382 40 6 243 9715052058 15.0 60 SK5282 58 4 396 KTIB
9718562056 18.5 60 SK6282 56 6 788 100
9702232050 2.2 40 SK3282 50 1 671
9703032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 700 9702222048 2.2 35 SK2282 48 1 416
9704032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 894 KTIF/b/g 9703032049 3.0 40 SK3282 49 1 700
9705552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 3 431 KTIF FR 9704032050 4.0 40 SK3282 50 1 894 KTIA
9707552047 7.5 60 SK5282 47 3 471 KTIBU 9705552048 5.5 60 SK5282 48 3 431 KTIB
9709252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 517 KTIG 9707552048 7.5 60 SK5282 48 3 471 40
9711062049 11.0 60 SK6282 49 5 852 100 9709252048 9.2 60 SK5282 48 3 517
9715062049 15.0 60 SK6282 49 6 168 9711062049 11.0 60 SK6282 49 5 852
9718562049 18.5 70 SK6282 49 6 788
9702222066 2.2 35 SK2282 66 1 416
9703032044 3.0 40 SK3282 44 1 700 9703022064 3.0 35 SK2282 64 1 442
9704032045 4.0 40 SK3282 45 1 894 9704032064 4.0 40 SK3282 64 1 894 KTIA
9705542045 5.5 50 SK4282 45 2 664 KTIF/b/g 9705542065 5.5 40 SK4282 65 2 664 KTIB
9707542045 7.5 50 SK4282 45 2 721 KTIF FR 9707542065 7.5 50 SK4282 65 2 721 60, 120
9709252043 9.2 60 SK5282 43 3 517 120 9709242065 9.2 50 SK4282 65 2 806
9711063047 11.0 60 SK6382 47 5 927 9711042065 11.0 50 SK4282 65 3 327
9715063047 15.0 70 SK6382 47 6 243 9715062064 15.0 70 SK6282 64 6 168
9718562064 18.5 70 SK6282 64 6 788

I ENG EUR 2013-09-01

Conditions of sale

Price Dimensions
Recommended retail prices and product specifications are We reserve the right to change dimensions without prior
subject to alteration without notice, and prices are those notice.
ruling at the date of despatch.
Delivery Times
We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice.
Delivery times specified are valid ex work. Deliveries not
collected within one week from former delivery date, will be
Packing costs connected with extra costs.
Packing costs are included in prices.
Return of goods
Company’s conditions Before return of goods Skandia Elevator must be contacted.
Company’s conditions of sale available on request. Skandia Return of goods form must be enclosed the return
All retail prices exclude V.A.T. A return charge will be debited all return deliveries, as long as
the return delivery not has been caused by Skandia Elevator.
Two years warranty against material and construction faults.
Other conditions of sale are governed in ORGALIME S2000


ATEX directive ISO 9001:2008 Quality System

Elevators in this price list are as standard Category III 3D/OD Skandia Elevator AB is certified for the ISO 9001:2008 which
machines and conveyors are as standard Category II 2D/OD is a guarantee that the company is organised to produce
machines and this complies with the European ATEX directive quality products.
Electrical Equipment
Further information about ATEX see page 56.
Any electrical equipment purchased from Skandia Elevator
AB must be connected by a qualified electrician. For safety, a
EU Machinery Directive starter including approved motor overload protection should
All elevators and conveyors in this price list are designed be connected to all motors.
and manufacturered in accordance with the EU Machinery
Directives. Skandia Elevator AB accepts no responsibility for connection
of electrical equipment by outside contractors.

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