Performance Appraisal System of HDFC Bank.: Chapter No. 05
Performance Appraisal System of HDFC Bank.: Chapter No. 05
Performance Appraisal System of HDFC Bank.: Chapter No. 05
Competency Mapping.
Training and Development.
Training Strategies Used in HDFC Banks.
Innovative Recruitment and Selection Practices of
HDFC Bank.
Innovative Training and Development Practices of
HDFC Bank.
Innovative Performance Management Practices of
HDFC Bank.
Innovative Compensation Management Practices of
HDFC Bank.
Innovative Career Development Practices.
Innovative Employee Motivation Practices.
Innovative Employee Security Practices.
Recruitment Process at HDFC Bank Ltd.
Employee benefits.
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A Study of Performance Appraisal Practices as a Tool to Improve Employee
Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
Indian banking has entered the new era of technology
enabled and customer centric banking. The HRD managers as well
as the employees, especially in the higher cadre, need to update
their knowledge and skills constantly, and consciously. Technology
is changing the world at a frightening speed. Therefore, the on-
going process of training and learning should not only be based on
sound and proven theories and concepts, but also laced with
practical aspects and implementation. Overall, the HRD enables
the employees to make a long-term commitment to all the
managerial values narrated above and to build a good employer-
employee relationship. To become world-class banks, it is therefore
clear that HDFC have to embrace and enthusiastically implement
world-class HRD practices. With India emerging as a dominant
knowledge power, it is only in the fitness of things that Indian
Banks too should accord high value to human capital and take
momentous steps forward to reach world class HR capital
Competency Mapping:
Competencies are components of a job which are reflected in
behaviour that is observable in a workplace. The common elements
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
The banks not only have to make plans and policies and
devise strategies, the actual functionaries have to show willingness,
competence and effectiveness in executing the said policies and
strategies. Both training and development are necessary for any
organization. So it is evident that training and development forms
an integral part of human resources development process and
should be in unison. In banks, HRD departments have the
advantages of not being excessively burdened with day–to–day
problems of running the banks or ensuring profitability of
individual transactions. They are in positions to take strategic and
long term view of the competitive advantage of the human
resources as well as identify areas of professional weaknesses to
rectify well before any damage takes place in the organization.
Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skill of an
employee for doing a particular job. Training is the organized
procedure by which people learn knowledge and or skills for a
definite purpose.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
Attrition is the rate of shrinkage in size or a gradual, natural
reduction in membership or personnel as through retirement,
resignation or death. Working environment is the most important
cause of attrition. Today’s Gen-Next employees expect a
professional approach and an international style working
environment. They expect a friendly and learning environment.8
Employees look for freedom, good treatment from the superiors,
good encouragement, friendly approach from one and all, and good
motivation. No doubt the jobs today bring lots of pressure and
stress is high. The employees often switch jobs if there is too much
pressure on performance or any work related pressure. It is quite
common that employees are moved from one process to another.
They take time to get adjusted with the new processes while few
employees find it difficult to adjust and consequently leave.
Monotony sets in very quickly and this is one of the main reasons
for attrition. Job hopping is very common among youngsters who
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
that they are also the owners of the banks. This feeling makes
the employees more loyal to their organisation.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
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A Study of Performance Appraisal Practices as a Tool to Improve Employee
Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
Internal Sources:
Whenever any vacancy arises, the possibility of fulfilling the
requirement internally via reassignment and relocation, re-
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A Study of Performance Appraisal Practices as a Tool to Improve Employee
Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
Application Processing:
HDFC will process all applications promptly and inform the
applicant or source regarding the status of the application. HDFC
will respond to all solicited applications within 5 working days of
receiving the application.
Interview Process:
All candidates are required to undergo a face to face interview
with the interview panel before selection.
Interviews may be conducted at a place at mutually convenient
locations and time in an effort to maintain confidentiality of
the hiring effort.
One on one meeting shall be preferred as the interview format,
however depending on the constraints panel interviews /
telephone / video conference screening could be used.
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A Study of Performance Appraisal Practices as a Tool to Improve Employee
Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
Employee benefits:
1. Gratuity: The HDFC bank provides for gratuity to all
employees. The benefit is in the form of lump sum payments
to vested employees on resignation, retirement, or death while
in employment or on termination of employment of an
amount equivalent to 15 days’ basic salary payable for each
completed year of service. Vesting occurs upon completion of
five years of service. The Company makes annual
contributions to fund administered by trustees and managed
by insurance company for amounts notified by the said
insurance company. The defined benefit plan are valued by an
independent external actuary as at the balance sheet date
using the projected unit credit method to determine the
present value of defined benefit obligation and the related
service costs. Under this method, the determination is based
on actuarial calculations, which include assumptions about
demographics, early retirement, salary increases and interest
rates. Actuarial gain or loss is recognized in the statement of
profit and loss.
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Efficiencies in Private Sector Banks – A Case Study Of HDFC Banks.
1. Munrer T. J., Raju N.S. and Collins W.C. (1998) - Peer and
Subordinates Performance Appraisal Measurement
Equivalence - Journal of Applied Psychology.
2. Ashwathappa K. (1997) - Human Resource and Personnel
Management - Tata McGraw hills, New Delhi.
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