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In todays scenario, Human Resource Departments job is not restricted to hiring and firing, it has undergone an immense growth. In today's competitive world it is the job of the HR department to recruit the right and appropriate individual for a particular position and then develop him further in order to utilize his skills/capabilities in an efficient manner. Competencies are underlying characteristics of people and indicate ways of behaving or thinking, generalizing across situations and enduring for a reasonably long period of time. Through this the required traits ar e identified for each position. Organizations of the future will have to rely more on their competent employees than any other resource. It is a major factor that determines the success of an organization. Competencies are the inner tools for motivating employees, directing systems and processes and guiding the business towards common goals that allow the organizations to increase its value. Competencies provide a common language and meth od that can integrate all the major HR functions and services like Recruitment, Training, Performance management, Remuneration, Performance appraisal, Career and succession planning and integrated Human resource management system. Over the past 10 years, human resource and organizational development professionals have generated a lot of interest in the notion of competencies as a key element and measure of human performance. Competencies are becoming a frequently used and written-about vehicle for organizational applications such as:

Defining the factors for success in jobs (i.e., work) and work roles within the organization

Assessing the current performance and future development needs of persons holding jobs and roles Mapping succession possibilities for employees within the organization Assigning compensation grades and levels to particular jobs and roles Selecting applicants for open positions, using competency -based interviewing Techniques.

Competencies include the collection of success factors necessary for achieving important results in a specific job or work role in a particular organization. Success factors are combinations of knowledge, skills, and attributes (more historically called KSAs) that are described in terms of specific behaviours, and are demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. Attributes include: personal characteristics, traits, motives, values or ways of thinking that impact an individuals behaviour. In order to achieve the objectives of Human Resource department in RBI the project of Competency Mapping is undertaken. I have identified managerial competency at A to C level for various departments, which are needed for the incumbent to hold the position. The project was to identify each position; the kind of job individual performs at that position and the kind of traits required by the incumbent to perform that job. My project covers the meaning, benefits, importance of competency mapping and the detail proces s of how it was carried out in RBI Lucknow. The study of this project may be used to improve the employees performance, which will result in more and better productivity. It can also be used for succession planning in an organization. In short one can sa y its the RIGHT MATCH of the job and the people.

In order to be more competent the organization needs to take bold steps, which are easily possible with the study of this stature.

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