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The document discusses guidelines for evaluating finite element models and results. It also lists members of the Ship Structure Committee and subcommittees.

The Ship Structure Committee is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hull structures of ships and other marine structures by extending knowledge related to design, materials, and methods of construction.

Members of the Ship Structure Committee include representatives from the US Coast Guard, Maritime Administration, American Bureau of Shipping, Naval Sea Systems Command, Transport Canada, military organizations, research institutions, and academia.

NTIS #PB96-1 53077




This document has been approved

for public release and salq its
distribution is unlimited



The SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hull structures of ships and other
marine structures by an extension of knowledge pertaining to design, materials, and methods of construction.

RADM J. C. Card, USCG (Chairman)

Chief, O~ce of Marine Safety, Security
and Environmental Protection
U.S. Coast Guard

Mr. Thomas H. Peirce Mr. Edwin B. Schimler Dr. Donald Liu

Marine Research and Development Associate Administrator for Ship- Senior Vice President
Coordinator building and Technology Development American Bureau of Shipping
Transportation Development Center Maritime Administration
Transport Canada

Mr. Robert McCarthy Mr. Thomas Connors Dr. Ross Grahm

Director, Survivability and Structural Acting Director of Engineering (N7) Head, Hydronautics Section
Integrity Group (SEA 03P) Military Sealift Command Defence Research Establishment-Atlantic
Naval Sea Systems Command


CDR Stephen E. Sharpe, USCG Mr. William J. Siekierka

U, S, Coast Guard Naval Sea Systems Command


The SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMllTEE acts for the Ship Structure Committee on technical matters by providing technical
coordination for determinating the goals and objectives of the program and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of
structural design, construction, and operation.


Mr. Robert E. Van Jones (Chairman) Mr. Frederick Seibold CAPT George Wright
Mr. Rickard A. Anderson Mr. Richard P. Voelker Mr. Walter Lincoln
Mr. Michael W. Touma Mr. Chao H. Lin Mr. Rubin Sheinberg
Mr. Jeffrey E, Beach Dr. Walter M. Maclean


Mr. Glenn Ashe Mr. W. Thomas Packard Mr. John Grinstead

Mr. John F, ConIon Mr. Charles L Null Mr. Ian Bayly
Mr. Phillip G, Rynn Mr. Edward Kadala Mr. David L. Stocks
Mr. William Hanzelek Mr. Allen H. Engle Mr. Peter llmonin


Dr. Neil Pegg

LCDR Stephen Gibson
Dr. Roger Hollingshead
Mr. John Porter



Dr, William Sandberg Dr. Robert Sielski


F CE -
Dr, William R. Tyson Dr. John Landes


Dr. Ramswar Bhattacharyya Dr. Martin Prager


Dr. C, B. Kim Mr. Alexander D. Wilson


LCDR Bruce R. Mustain Dr. Yapa D. S. ;ajapaske


CAPT Charles Piersall CAPT Alan J. Brown

Mr. Jason Miller
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Ship Structure Committee Publications - A Special Biblioclraphv This

bibliography of SSC reports may be downloaded from the internet at:
http: //www.starsoftware. com/uscgnmc/nmc/sscl /index.htm

SSC-386 Ship’s Maintenance Project R. Bea, E. Cramer, R. Schulte-Strauthaus, R.

Mayoss, K. Gallion, K. Ma, R. Holzman, L. Demsetz 1995

SSC-385 Hydrodynamic Impact on Displacement Ship Hulls -An Assessment of

the State of the Art J. Daidola, V. Mishkevich 1995

SSC-384 Post-Yield Stren@h of Icebreakirm Ship Structural Members C.

DesRochers, J. Crocker, R. Kumar, D. Brennan, B. Dick, S. Lantos 1995

SSC-383 @timum Weld-Metal Strength for Hi~h Strength Steel Structures R.

Dexter and M. Ferrell 1995

SSC-382 Reexamination of Desiqn Criteria for Stiffened Plate PaneIs by D. Ghose

and N. Nappi 1995

SSC-381 Residual Strenqth of Damaaed Marine Structures by C. Wiernicki, D.

Ghose, N. Nappi 1995

SSC-380 Ship Structural lnteq~y Information Svstem by R. Schulte-Strathaus,

B. Bea 1995

SSC-379 Improved Ship Hull Structural Details Relative to Fatique

by K. Stambaugh, F. Lawrence and S. Dimitriakis 1994

SSC-378 The Role of Human Error in Desire, Construction and Reliability of

Marine Structures by R. Bea 1994

SSC-377 Hull Structural Concepts For Improved Producibility by J. Daidola,

J. Parente, and W. Robinson 1994

SSC-376 Ice Load Impact Study on the NSF R/V Nathanial B. Palmer by J. St.
John and P. Minnick 1995

SSC-375 Uncertainty in Strenqth Models for Marine Structures by O. Hughes,

E. Nikolaidis, B. Ayyub, G. White, P. Hess 1994

SSC-374 Effect of Hiqh Strenqth Steels on Strenqth Considerations of Desicm and

Construction Details of Shi~ by R. Heyburn and D. Riker 1994

SSC-373 Loads and Load Combinations by A. Mansour and A. Thayamballi 1994

SSC-372 Maintenance of Marine Structures: A State of the Art Summary by

S. Hutchinson and R. Bea 1993

SSC-371 Establishment of a Uniform Format for Data Reporting of Structural

Material Properties for Reliability Analysis by N. Pussegoda, L. Malik,
and A. Dinovitzer 1993 ,

SSC-370 Underwater Repair Procedures for Ship Hulls (Fatique and Ductility of
Underwater Wet Welds) by K. Grubbs and C. Zanis 1993

Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems

National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council

The COMMllTEE ON MARINE STRUCTURES has technical cognizance over the

interagency Ship Structure Committee’s research program.

John Landes, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Howard M. Bunch, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml
Bruce G. Collipp, Marine Engineering Consultant, Houston, TX
Dale G. Karr, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml
Andrew Kendrick, NKF Services, Montreal, Quebec
John Niedzwecki, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
Barbara A. Shaw, Chairman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Robert Sielski, National Research Council, Washington, DC
Stephen E. Sharpe, Ship Structure Committee, Washington, DC


John Niedzwecki, Chairman, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Bilal Ayyub, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Ovide J. Davis, Pascagoula, MS
Maria Celia Ximenes, Chevron Shipping Co., San Francisco, CA


Barbara A. Shaw, Chairman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
David P. Edmonds, Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, OH
John F. McIntyre, Advanced Polymer Sciences, Avon, OH
Harold S. Reemsnyder, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, PA
Bruce R. Somers, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA


Member Agencies:

Arneri&n Bureau of Shipping

~ c Address Cerreswndence

Executive Director

Defence Research EWblishmentAtiarIttc Ship StructureCommitke

Maritime Administration
Milita Sealifi Command
Ship U.S. Coast Guard (G-MMS/SSC)
2100 Second Street, S,W.
Navti Sea !Jystems Command
Structure Washin ton, D.C, 20593-0001
Ph:(2027 267-0003
United States Coast Guard Committee Fex4202) 267-4616

An Interagency Advisory Committee SSC-387

7 March 1996


The use of finite element analysis (FEA ) techniques has grown

drastically in the last decade. Several structural failures have
demonstrated that, if not used properly, the FEA may mislead the
designer with erroneous results. The programs have become so
user friendly, that engineers with little previous design
experience may use them and commit fundamental mistakes, which
can result in inadequate strength in the structure.

This project intends to reduce the possibility of this human

error occurring in design and analysis of ship structures. It
provides, in checklists and discussions, a means to review FEA
output to ensure the analysis is prepared appropriately for the
intended situation. This is no substitute for solid education,
enhanced by the experience of the impact of modeling choices on
results. The document is to be construed as a guideline to
assist the analyst and reviewer in determining deficiencies in an
FEA ; it is not a substitute for technical qualifications. This
report supports the Coast Guard’s new program for “Prevention
Through People” which addresses the human error causes of marine

Rear Admi al, U.S. Coast
Ship Structure C{
$/- /’y f“; 5


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Technical Report Documentation Page

ReportNo. 2. GovernmentAccessionNo. 3. Recipient’sCatalogNo.

SSC-387 PB96-153077
Title and Subtitle 5. ReportDate


FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 6. PerFormingOrganizationCode

Author(s) 8. PerFormingOrganizationReportNo.

R.1. Basu, K.J. Kirkhope, J. Srinivasan SR-1364

PerFormingOrganizationNameand Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

MIL Systems Engineering

200-1150 Morrison Drive 11. Contmctor Grant No.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H 8S9

2. SponsoringAgencyNameand Address 13. Type of Reportand PeriodCovered

Ship Structure Committee Final

US Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, SW 14. SponsoringAgencyCode
Washington, DC, USA 20593

5. SupplementaryNotes

Sponsored by the Ship Structure Committee and its member agencies.

6. Abstract

Finite element analysis (FEA) is the most common structural analysis tool in use today. In marine industries,
the use of this technique is becoming more widespread in the design, reliability analysis and performance
evaluation of ship structures. Users of FEA have considerable freedom in designing the finite element model,
exercising it and interpreting the results. Key components of this process include the selection of the computer
program, the determination of the loads and boundaty conditions, development of the engineering model,
choice of elements and the design of the mesh. A consequence of this freedom is that significant variability
in FEA results can be obtained depending on the assumptions and modelling practices adopted by the analyst.

A special dificulty is faced by those who have the responsibility for assessing and approving FEAs.
Unsatisfactory analysis is not always obvious and the consequences usually will not manifest themselves until
the vessel is in service. The individual concerned may not be an expert in FEA, or familiar with the software
package used, and will face a dilemma when coming to judge the acceptability, or othetwise, of the results of
the FEA.

In response to the difficulty faced by those who evaluate FEAs, a systematic and practical methodology has
been developed to assess the validity of the FEA results based on the choice of analysis procedure, type of
elemenffs, model size, boundary conditions, load application, etc. In support of this methodology, a selection
of finite element models that illustrate variations in FEA modelling practices are also presented. Benchmark
tests have also been developed which can be used to evaluate the capabilities of FEA software packages to
analyze several typical ship structure problems.

7. KeyWords 18. DistributionStatementD~s t~ibution unlimited

Available from:
Finite Element Method, Ship Structure, Structural
National Technical Information Service
Analysis (Engineering), Quality Assessment Sprirmfield, VA 22161
19. SecurityClassIf.(of this report) 20. SecurityClassification(of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 262 $17.50Microfi he

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproductionof completedpageauthorized ,,

Conversionsto Meaic Measures
Approximate Cofiversionsfmm Meiric
Swnboi When YouKnow MUMDIV
bv ToFind Symbol &~ Symbol When YouKnow Multiply by To Find Symbol
inches 2.5 centimeter cm~ mm milhneters 0.04 inches in
: feet 30 centimeters cm ~ cm centimeters 0.4 inches in
yd jug 0.9 meters d— m meters 3.3 feet ft
mi 1.6 kilometers L= m meters yards yd
AREA km kilometem A:; miles mi
in2 S~U~ inches 6.5 square centimeters
cmz — AREA
ft2 square fee& 0.09 square metem mz = in2
cmz squme centimeters 0.16 square inches
ydz Square yards 0.8 square meters m2 ~
mz square meters 1.2 square yalds ydz
mi 2 square mfies 2.6 squm kilometers kmz N = mi2
Ianz square kilometers 0.4 square miles
a&es 0.4 hictares ha — ha hectares 2,5 acres
MASS (weight) (10,000 m2)
Oz ounces 28 MASS (weipht)
lb rounds 0.45 E&aIns RQ = g 0.035 ounces Oz
hort tons 0.9 meficion [- kg f&l&ns 2.2 pounds lb
(2000 lb) t metric ton 1s short tons
VOLUME (1,000 kg)
tSQ teaspoons 5 milWers ML VOLUME
~;p tabl&poons 15 milliliters ML ML milliliters 0.03 fluid ounces fl Oz
cubic inches 16 milliliters mL mL milliliters 0.06 CUb~Cinches in3
floz fluidounces 30 millditers ML L liters 2.1 pints pt
c cups 0.24 liters L L liters I.06 quarts qt
pt pints 0.47 liters L L Mm 0.26 gallons gal
qt quarts 0.95 liters L m3 cubic meters 35 Cubic feet fi3
gal gallons liters L m3 cub~cmeters 1.3 cubic vards V(j3
ft3 cubicfeet ;:3 cubic
mekm m3
~dj m3
cubicyards 0.76 cubic metem
“c degrees muldoli ~] 9/5, degtees ‘F
TEMPERATURE (exact) m~ Celsius Fahrenheit
,--- @~eS
“F subtract 32, depes “C - ~
Fahrenheit multiply by 513 Cels[us
-40 -20 0 20 37 60 80 100
“c I I I I I
40 0 32 80 98.6 160 212

temperature water boils


PROJECT OVERVIEW.,....,,, ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1,0 INTRODUCTION c,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,, ,,, , .,, . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8..... .,,. 1-2
1.3 Overview of Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.4 About the Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.5 Using the Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.6 The Guidelines As Quality Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.7 Where to Get Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,,,... 1-4


1,0 PRELIMINARY CHECKS.,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,s, ,, s,,,,,,,,, . .,.,,.,,. 2-4
1.1 Documentation Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
1.2 Job Specification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
1.3 Finite Element Analysis Sof-tware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
1.4 Contractor/PersonnelQualification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

2.0 ENGINEERING MODELCHECKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8

. . . . .
2,1 Analysis Type and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
. . . . .
2,2 Geometry Assumptions .iiii ,,, ,,, .,.,,,,.,,..,,.. . . . . 2-9
. . . . .
2.3 Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1o
. . . . .
2.4 Stiffness and Mass Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
. . . . .
2.5 Dynamic DegreesofFreedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
. . . . .
2.6 Loads and Boundary Conditions . .,,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,. . . . . . . . . 2-14

3,0 FINITE ELEMENT MODELCHECKS ,,, ,,, ,, ., . .,, , .,,...... . . . . . . . . . 2-15

3,1 Element Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
3,2 Mesh Design,,,,,.,...,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
3,3 Substructures and SubmodeIling ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, , .,.,,,,.. . . . . . . . 2-18
3.4 FE Model Loads and Boundary Conditions , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
3,5 Solution Options and Procedures ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20

4.0 FINITE ELEMENT RESULTSCHECKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21

4,1 General Solution Checks,,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
4,2 Postprocessing Methods.,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
4,3 Displacement Results .,,.iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
4.4 Stress Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
4.5 Other Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25

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5.0 CONCLUSIONS CHECKS..,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
5.1 FEAResults and Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
5.2 Load Assessment, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
5.3 Strength/ResistanceAssessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,,,.. 2-28
5.4 Accuracy Assessment, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
5.5 Overall Assessment, ,,,,... . .,,,,,,,........,,,,,. . . . . . . . 2-30


1.0 PRELIMINARY CHECKS.,,,,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .,,.....3-1

1.1 Documentation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
1,2 Job Specifica~ion Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
1.3 Finite Element Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . , . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
1,4 Reasons for Using A Particular FEASottware Package . . . . , . , , , i , . . . . 3-4
1.5 Personnel Competence.,,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
1.5.1 Academic and Professional Qualifications . . . . . . . , , , , , . . . . . . . 3-5
1,5.2 Training and Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

2.0 ENGINEERING MODELCHECKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

281 Analysis Type and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, .,,... 3-7
2.2 Geometry Assumptions..,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3-8
2.3 Material Properties,,,,,,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
2,3,1 Composite Materials, ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
2,4 Stiffness and Mass Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
2.4,1 Mass and Dynamic Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
2,4.2 Thelnfluence of Surrounding Fluid . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . 3-13
2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
2.6 Loads and Boundary Conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16

3.0 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL CHECKS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

3.1 Element Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3-13
3.1.1 Structural Action to be Modelled .,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
3.2 Mesh Design, ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,. . 3-20
3.2.1 Mesh Density, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
3.2.2 Element Shape Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3.2.3 Mesh Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3-22
3.2.4 Stiffness Ratio of Adjacent Structure , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . 3-24
3,2,5 Miscellaneous Problems,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-25
3.3 Substructures and Submodelling, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.3,1 Substructuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.3.2 Static Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3.3.3 Two-Stage Analysis, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
3.4 Loads and Boundary Conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.4.1 Minimum Support Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.4.2 Boundary Conditions for Simulating Symmetry , , , , ., . . . . . . . . 3-32
3,4.3 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.4.4 Loads - General, ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35

3.4.5 Loads - Nodal Force and Prescribed Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.4.6 Loads - Nodal Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
3.4.7 Loads - Face Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
3.4.8 Loads - Edge Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
3,4.9 Loads -Thermal . . . . .. t.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
3,4i10Gravity and Acceleration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
3.5 Solution Options and Procedures. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
3.5.1 Static Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
3.5.2 Dynamic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
3i5.3Buckling Analysis . . .. i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41

4.0 FINITE ELEMENT RESULTS CHECKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42

4.1 General Solution Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
4,1.1 Errors & Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
4.1.2 Mass and Centre of Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
4.1.3 Self-Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
4.1.4 Static Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
4,1.5 Defaults, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
4.1.6 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
4,2 Postprocessing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
4.3 Displacement Results, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
4.4 Stress Results, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
484.1 Stress Components . .. iii.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
4,4.2 Average and Peak Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
4.5 Other Results, .,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48
4.5.1 Natural Frequencies and Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48

5.0 CONCLUSIONS CHECKS . . . . . . . . . . . i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50

5,1 FEAResults and Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
5.2 Load Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
5.3 Strength/Resistance Assessment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
5,4 Accuracy Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
5.5 Overall Assessment, i i........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52


1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4-1

2.0 THE BENCHMARK PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4-4

2.1 BM-l Reinforced Deck Opening,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4-4
2.2 BM-2 Stiffened Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-5
2.3 BM-3Vibration isolation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
2.4 BM-4 Mast Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4-7
2.5 BM-5Bracket Connection Detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4-8

3.0 THE BENCHMARK TEST FEA PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9



,,/,—” -.
,,’.. j
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

REFERENCES .,, ,,, ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Appendix A Evaluation Forms for Assessment of Finite Element Models and Results . . . A-1

Appendix B Example Application of Assessment Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

Appendix C Examples of Variations in FEAModelling Practices and Results . . . . . . . . . C-1

Appendix D Ship Structure Benchmark Problems for Assessing FEA Software . . . . . . . D-1


...3. J<

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Mr. Aaron Dinovitzer of Fleet
Technologies Limited for his work on the ALGOR benchmarks presented in Appendix D. The
authors also wish to thank Canarctic Shipping Limited, and in particular Mr. John McCallum,
for permission to use the Arctic tanker example presented in Appendix B.



1.1 Background

Finite element analysis (FEA) isthemost common structural analysis tool in use today.
Great strides have been made in theoretical and computational aspects of FEA. This
has been accompanied by phenomenal advances in computer technology, both in
hardware and software, together with a rapid reduction in the cost of this technology.
A consequence of this is a dramatic increase in the affordability of, and accessibility to,
finite element technology, In marine industries the use of this technique is becoming
more widespread in the design, reliability analysis, and performance evaluation of ship

Finite element analysis is a powerful and flexible engineering analysis tool which allows
the analyst considerable freedom in designing the finite element model, exercising it and
interpreting the results. Key components of this process include the selection of the
computer program, the determination of the loads and boundary conditions,
development of the mathematical model, choice of elements, and the design of the
mesh. Numerous decisions are made by the analyst during this process. Results from
FEAs for the same structure performed by different individuals or organizations may
differ significantly as a result of differences in the assumptions and modelling
procedures employed.

Unsatisfactory analysis is not always obvious and the consequences may not manifest
themselves until the vessel is in service, Design changes and any structural
modifications required at this stage are generally much more expensive to implement
than would be the case if the deficiency was discovered earlier.

A special difficulty is faced by those who have the responsibility for assessing and
approving FEAs. The individual concerned may not be an expert in FEA, or familiar with
the software package used, and will face a dilemma when coming to judge the
acceptability, or otherwise, of the results of the FEA. This may require the evaluator to
incur further cost and time in the attempt to assure satisfactory FEA results.

In response to the difficulty faced by those who evaluate FEAs a systematic and
practical methodology is required to rapidly assess the validity of the FEA results based
on the choice of analysis procedure, type of element/s, model sizer boundary
conditions, load application etc. In support of this methodology a selection of finite
element models that illustrate good modelling practice are also required. In addition
benchmark tests are required to allow the validation of new FEA software packages, or
packages that have undergone significant modification.


1.2 Scope

The scope of the guidelines is confined to linear elastic static and dynamic analysis of
surface ship structures using FEA. The treatment of dynamic analysis is limited to
natural frequency and mode calculation. The emphasis is on the structural assembly
level rather than on local details, or on the total ship, Only FEA of structures composed
of isotropic materials is addressed, therefore excluding fibre reinforced plastics and
wood, Despite these limitations the guidelines are applicable to the vast majority of
ship structure FEAs.

1.3 Overview of Report

The report is structured in six parts and four appendices as follows:

Part 1: Project Overview

This part introduces the document, and provides the background for the methodologies
developed for assessing FEAs and FEA software which are described in subsequent

Part 2: Assessment Methodology for Finite Element Analysis

This part presents a systematic methodology for assessing FEAs. Appendix A contains
forms that can be used for the evaluation process. Appendix B presents an example of
a FEA and its evaluation.

Part 3: Guidelines for Assessing Finite Element Models and Results

This part provides guidance in support of the methodology presented in Part 2, It is a
comprehensive description of good FEA practice. As an aid to the assessment of FEA
models and results some FEAs, typical of ship structures, are presented in Appendix C.
These examples are designed to illustrate the influence on the results of varying certain
model parameters,

Part 4: Benchmark Problems for Assessing FEA Software

The assessment methodology described in Part 2 includes a requirement that suitable
FEA software is used. In support of the assessment new, or significantly modified, FEA
should be evaluated in regard to its suitability for ship structure FEA, The benchmark
problems and results presented in Part 4 are for this purpose. The benchmark problems
are presented in Appendix D.

Part 5: Conclusions and Recommendations

This part summarizes observations and insights gained, in the course of this project,
into the process of evaluating finite element models and results, and FEA software.
Also presented is a summary of where effort should be directed to further improve the
methodologies in response to likely future trends in finite element technology,

Part 6: References

Appendix A Evaluation Forms for Assessment of Finite Element Models and Results

Appendix B Example Application of Assessment Methodology

Appendix C Examples of Variations in Fea Modelling Practices and Results

Appendix D Ship Structure Benchmarks for Assessing Fea Software

1.4 About the Guidelines

The purpose of the guidelines presented in this document is to provide a method for
evaluating finite element models and results, and also FEA software,

There are many attributes to any FEA and it is difficult to assess quality unless the FEA
has been comprehensively documented and a systematic assessment methodology is
applied, This volume presents such a methodology,

The methodology is presented in three levels:

1. Level 1 comprises a checklist of attributes of the FEA that need to be evaluated

as part of the assessment process.

2. Level 2 comprises a more detailed breakdown of the checklist provided under

Level 1. Level 1 can be regarded as a summary of the Level 2 assessment.

38 Level 3 contains guidelines on acceptable finite element modelling practice. The

guidelines are cross referenced with the Level 2 checklists. During the
assessment process the evaluator may, if required, refer to Level 3 guidelines for

For simple FEAs, an experienced evaluator can probably perform the assessment
without referring to Level 2 checklists, The methodology is structured to allow the
evaluator to apply the methodology at the appropriate level of detail. The reader is
referred to Figure 2-1 i 1 in Part 2 for a graphical overview of the methodology.

In addition to presenting an assessment methodology and suppofiing material, this

report presents benchmark problems for assessing the quality of the FEA software and
its suitability for ship structural analysis.

1.5 Using the Guidelines

The primary audience for these guidelines is evaluators of FEAs, The guidelines assume
that the evaluator is trained in ship structural analysis and design, but is not necessarily
expert in FEA,

Ideally the guidelines would be provided as part of the job specifications (or statement
of work, statement of requirements, etc.) to the analysts. The Level 1 and 2 guidelines
could then be viewed as acceptance criteria for the work. The documentation
requirements listed in the guidelines could then be used to stipulate the documentation

The methodology can be used for conducting reviews which could then be used to
provide intermediate and final approvals. For this purpose each of the five areas of a
FEA shown in Figure 2-1.1 would be treated as a phase in the project. Reviews could
be held at the end of each phase, or less frequently for smaller projects. Depending on
the outcome of the review, approval to proceed to the next stage could be given, or, in
the case of serious deficiencies rework would be required,

Most FEAs will be iterative in character. This applies particularly to analyses performed
in support of design tasks. The iterative nature also applies to certain aspects of the
analysis itself, Some modelling decisions can only be validated during evaluation of the
results. To facilitate this, the methodology is presented as a step-by-step process, and
therefore, can accommodate iterations where necessary,

1.6 The Guidelines As Quality Procedures

The guidelines presented in this document incorporate several elements of a quality

system as it pertains to FEA and, as such, could be incorporated in an organization’s
quality system for FEA,

The requirements for such a system have been developed under the direction of the
National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (NAFEMS) Quality
Assurance Working Group. These requirements are intended as a supplement to ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) 9001.

1.7 Where to Get Further Information

While the information provided in the guidelines is self-contained, there may be

circumstances when more detailed information is required.

There are many texts that describe FEA and theory. The reader is referred to a
comprehensive bibliography of books and monographs on finite element technology.
Besides these texts there are several publications more suited for engineering office
use, These include The following guidelines and application-oriented texts that the
reader may wish to consult:

13PIAIJER, J. FL, What Every Engineering Should Kno w About Finite Element
Analysis, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1988,

MEYER, C. (Ed.), Finite Element Idealization for Linear Elastic Static and D ynamic
Analysis of Structures in Engineering Practice, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, 1987.

. NAFEMS, Guidelines to Finite Element Practice, National Agency for Finite

‘ Quality System Supplement to ISO 9001 Relating to Finite Element Analysis in the Design and
Validation of Engineering Products, Ref: ROOI 3, NAFEMS, East Kilbride, Glasgow, UK, 1990.

2 A, K. Noor, Bibliography of books and monographs on finite element technology, Applied mechanics
Review, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 1991.


Element Methods and Standards, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride,
Glasgowr UK, August 1984.

. STEELE, J. E., Applied Finite Element Modelling, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York,


The methodology developed for evaluating finite element analyses of ship structures is
presented in Figure 2-1,1. The evaluation is carried out at two levels conducted in parallel.
The highest level (Level 1 ) addresses general aspects of the finite element analysis (FEA)
broken down into five main areas:

1, Preliminary Checks,
2, Engineering Model Checks,
3. Finite Element Model Checks,
4. Finite Element Results Checks, and
5. Conclusions Checks.

These are identified in each of the five main boxes shown in Figure 2-1.1. Evaluation of
each of these general aspects in ‘&urn requires that certain related detailed (Level 2) aspects
be checked, The Level 2 aspects to be checked are listed within the main boxes and are
presented in detail in separate tables that form the core of the evaluation process. The
Level 2 tables contain many detailed questions regarding specific aspects of the FEA.

The way the methodology is intended to be used is described as follows. The evaluator
will begin by assembling the analysis documentation and perhaps computer files of the
finite element (FE) model and results. The evaluation then begins with the Preliminary
Checks contained in Box 1 of Figure 2-1.1, The first of the preliminary checks involve
assessment of the contents of the analysis documentation (1,1 Documentation). To
perform this assessment, the evaluator refers to the table entitled “l. 1 Documentation
Requirements”. This table asks the evaluator to check that the documentation contains
information that is essential for the FEA evaluation. The table also refers the evaluator to
Part 3 Section 1.1 of the guideline should further explanation or guidance be necessary. If
an item is contained in the documentation, the evaluator should place a check mark (d) in
the corresponding box under the “Resu/t” column. If an item is not included with the
documentation, the evaluator may enter a cross (X) in the result box, or “NA” (for Not
Applicable), or “?” (for further information required). After checking off each item in the
table, the evaluator is asked to answer Question 1.1 at the bottom of the page. The
answer will be based on the evaluators assessment of each item listed in the table in
Section 2-1 i 1, The evaluator should place the answer in the “result” box to the right of the
question, and then transfer it to the corresponding “result” box in Figure 2-1.1. It is
suggested that the same format of answers be used (eg. #, X, A!A, or ?). The table in
Section 2-1,1 also includes spaces for the evaluator to enter comments regarding specific
and overall aspects of the documentation contents. At the end of the evaluation process,
these comments will provide the evaluator with reminders of specific aspects of the FEA
that were good, bad, or not explained well. The evaluator may refer to these comments to
seek further explanation or clarification from the contractor / analyst (perhaps at a review
meeting, or during a telephone conversation) before deciding on the final acceptability of
the FEA.

Having completed the first of the preliminary checks, the evaluator then proceeds to the
second set of checks entitled “1.2 Job Specification Requirements”, In a manner similar

to the previous checks, the evaluator will refer to the table in Section 2-1.2 and perform
checks 1 .2.1 to 1 .2.7 which are aimed at verifying that the analysis covers the main
requirements and objectives of the job specification (or contract, or statement of work,
etc.). Based on the results of these checks, the evaluator should answer Question 1,2 and
enter the result in Figure 2-1.1. This procedure is repeated for the other Preliminary Checks
(i.e. 1,3 FEA Software, and 1,4 Contractor/ Analyst Qualifications).

Having answered all of the Level 2 questions for Part 1 Preliminary Checks and entered the
results into the appropriate box in Figure 2-1.1, the evaluator is then asked the question
“Preliminary checks are acceptable?”. The evaluator should check the “Yes” or “No” box
below this question based on an assessment of the results of the Level 2 preliminary
checks. If the answer is “NO”, then the FEA is very likely not acceptable since it does not
meet certain basic requirements. The evaluator may therefore choose to terminate the
evaluation at this point. Otherwise, the answer is “ Yes” and the FEA has passed the
preliminary checks and the evaluator is instructed to proceed to the next major aspect of
the evaluation, entitled “2 - Engineering Model Checks”.

The evaluation process continues as described above for each of the five main areas
identified in Figure 2-1.1. At the end of this process, the evaluator will check either the
oval box entitled “FE analysis is Acceptable”, or the one entitled “FE analysis is Not
Acceptable” depending on the outcome of the assessment checks,

Ideally, at the start of the job, the contractor would be given the assessment methodology
as part of the job specification, This will encourage self-checking and ensure that the data
provided by the contractor to the customer is complete.

A set of blank forms is provided in Appendix A. The forms are in a format that can be used
in an engineering office environment. The forms are based on the forms in Part 2 with
additional space provided for project information,

1- PrellmlnafyCheaks Result

1.1 Documentation
Performthese checksto mssurethatthe Preliminarychecks
analyaisdocumentation,job 1.2 Job Specification are acceptable?
speclfmstion,FEA sotlware,and
wntmator I analystqualfi=tion 1.3 Flnlte Element Analysis Software Yes No
requirementshave been addressed.
1.4 Contractor /Analyst Qualifications

I No~

2- Engineering Model Checks Result
2.1 Analyaia Type&Assumptions
2.2 Geometry
Performfhse checksto enaurathat Engineeringmodel
the assumptionsused to developthe 2.3 Material Pmpmtiaa is accspfable7
engineeringmodel of me problemare 2.4 Stiffness & Maaa Properties
Yes No
reasonable. 2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom
2.6 Loads & Boundary Conditions


3- Finite Element Model Checks
.. n

Performthese checksto ensurethat
the finiteelement model Is an adequate
interpretationof me engineeringmodel,
3.2 Mesh Design
3.3 Sub-tructuras and Submodels
3.4 FE Loads& Boundary Condltfons
I 1-
Yes No

3.5 FE Solutlon Options & Procedures


4. FhshsElement Analysis Resulk Cheoke Reautt
4.1 General Solution Checks

Perfonmthese checks to ensurethat
4.2 Peat Processing Methods resultsare
the finiteelement resultsare
calculated,pmcassed and presentedin 4.3 Displacement Results acceptable ?
a mannerconsistentwrn me analysis Yes No
4.4 Stres- Raaults
4.6 Dther Results

5. cnrlcl iion$ Checks Result
5.1 FE Rosulk & Acceptance Criteria \
Performthese checks to ensure that Conduaionaof
adequate considerationofthe Ioada, 5.2 Loads Assessment me analysiaare
absngth,awaptanca titetia, FE acceptable ?
5.3 Strength I Reslstence Aeeessmsmt
model,and resultsaccurecyare
Yes No
includedin arrivingat me wndusions 5.4 Accurecy Assessment
fromme finiteelement analysis,
S.5 Overall Assessment

FIGURE 2-1.1
a FE analysis is

Overall Evaluation Methodology Chart

FE analysis is
Not Acceptable


1.1 Documentation Requirements

In order to perform comprehensive assessment of a FEA, cenain essential information must

be provided in the documentation submitted,

Refer to
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
1.1,1 Has the following information been 3-1.1
provided in the FEA documentation?

a) Objectives and scope of the analysis.

1 1

b) Analysis requirements and acceptance criteria.

c) FEA software used. II
d) Description of physical problem.

e) Description of engineering model,

f) Type of analysis,

g) System of units,

h) Coordinate axis systems,

i) Description of FEA model,

j) Plots of full FEA model and local details.

k) Element types and degrees of freedom per node.

1) Material properties,

m) Element properties (stiffness & mass properties).

n) FE loads and boundary conditions.

o) Description and presentation of the FEA results,

p) Assessment of accuracy of the FEA results,

q) Conclusions of the analysis.

r) List of references.

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0.
1 Result
1.1 Is the level of documentation sufficient to perform an assessment of the FEA? I


1.2 Job Specification Requirements

Perform these checks to ensure that the analysis addresses the objectives, scope, requirements
and intent of the job specification (eg. contract document, work specification, statement of
work, etc.).

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
1.2.1 Is the job specification identified and 3-1.2
referenced in the analysis documentation?

1.2.2 Are the objectives and scope of the analysis 3-1.2

clearly stated and are they consistent with
those of the job specification?
1.2.3 Are the analysis requirements clearly stated 3-1,2
and are they consistent with those of the
job specification?
1.2.4 If certain requirements of the job 3-1.2
specification have not been addressed (such
as certain load cases), has adequate
justification been given?
1.2.5 Are the design / acceptance criteria clearly 3-1.2
stated and are they consistent with those of
the job specification?
1.2.6 Is there reasonable justification for using 3-1,2
FEA for this problem?

1.2.7 Has advantage been taken of any previous 3-1.2

experimental, analytical, or numerical works
that are relevant to this problem?

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.2 and enter result in F[qure 1.0. I Result

I 1.2 Does the analysis address the job specification requirements? I



;) ,’.,
,, , J
1.3 Finite Element Analysis Software Requirements

The FEA software should meet certain minimum standards to be considered acceptable for ship
structural analysis applications.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.3.1 Is the FEA software on the list of approved 3-1,3

programs for ship structural analysis

If the answer to Check 1.3.1 is “Y”, you may skip Checks 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.

1.3.2 Are the capabilities and limitations of the FEA 3-1.4

software used to perform the required analysis
stated in the analysis documentation?

1.3.3 Is evidence of this capability documented and 3-1,3

available for review (egi verification manual,
results of ship structure FEA benchmark tests,
previous approved FEA of similar problems)?

1.3.4 Does the vendor of the FEA software have a

quality system to ensure that appropriate
standards are maintained in software
development and maintenance.

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.3 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. m

1.3 Is the FEA software qualified to perform the required analysis?


NOTE: Part 4 of this report presents benchmark problems for the purpose of assessing the quality and
suitability of FEA software for performing ship structural analysis. On its own, successful performance
of the candidate FEA software in exercising the benchmark problems is not sufficient evidence of the
quality and suitability of the software. The assessor should, in addition, be able to answer the other
questions in the table above affirmatively.

1,4 Contractor / Personnel Qualification Requirements

The contractor and contractor personnel should possess certain minimum qualifications for
performing ship structure FEA, In addition, the contractor should have a Quality Assurance
(QA) system in place to ensure that proper management, administrative and checking
procedures have been applied in the analysis.

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.4,1 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

academic training and experience qualifications
to perform finite element analysis?

1.4.2 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

engineering experience qualifications for
performing ship structural design or analysis?

1.4.3 Do the contractor and contractor personnel 3-1.5

have adequate professional certification

1.4.4 Does the contractor have a working system of 3-1.5

Quality Assurance (QA) procedures and checks
that are satisfactory for the requirement?

1.4.5 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

experience with the FEA software used for the

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.4 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. m

I 1.4 Is the contractor adequately qualified for performing ship structure FEA? II



2.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions

Perform these checks to ensure that the assumptions used in developing the engineering model
or idealization of the physical problem are adequate.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.1.1 Does the engineering model employ enough 3-2,1

dimensions and freedoms to describe the
structural behaviour (eg, 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D)?

2.1.2 Does the engineering model address the 3-2.1

appropriate scale of response for the problem
(eg. global, intermediate, or local response)?
2,1.3 Is the type of analysis appropriate for the type 3-2.1
of response and loading of interest (eg. linear,
static, dynamic, buckling analysis)?

2.1.4 Does the engineering model address all the 3-2.1

required results parameters (eg: stress,
displacement, frequency, buckling load)?

2.1.5 Are all assumptions affecting the choice of 3-2.1

engineering model and analysis type justified
(watch for non-standard assumptions)?
2.1.6 Is the level of detail, accuracy or conservatism 3-2,1
of the engineering model appropriate for the
criticality of the analysis and type of problem?
2.1.7 Does the analysis employ a consistent set of 3-2.1

2.1.8 Does the analysis employ a consistent global 3-2.1

coordinate axis system?

b i
Based on the above checks answer Question 2.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

Are the assumptions of the type of analysis and engineering model acceptable?



$ .;
2.2 Geometry Assumptions

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct procedures have been followed for
defining the geometric properties of the structure.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.2.1 Does the extent of the model geometry 3-2.2

cepture the main structural actions, load
paths, and response parameters of interest?

2.2.2 Are correct assumptions used to reduce the 3-2,2

extent of model geometry (eg. symmetry,
boundary conditions at changes in stiffness)?

2.2.3 Will the unmodelled structure (ie. outside the 3-2.2

boundaries of the engineering model) have an
acceptably small influence on the results?

2.2.4 Are the effects of geometric simplifications 3-2,2

(such as omitting local details, cut-outs, etc. )
on the accuracy of the analysis acceptable ?

2.2.5 For local detail models, have the aims of St. 3-2.2
Venantts principle been satisfied?

2.2.6 Do the dimensions defining the engineering 3-2.2

model geometry adequately correspond to the
dimensions of the structure?

2.2.7 For buckling analysis, does the geometry 3-2,2

adequately account for discontinuities and
imperfections affecting buckling capacity?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.2 and enter result in Figure 7.0. Result

2.2 Are the geometry assumptions in the engineering model acceptable?



2.3 Material Properties

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct procedures have been followed for defining
the material properties of the structure.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline

2.3.1 Are all materials of structural importance to 3-2.3

the problem accounted for in the engineering

2.3.2 Are the assumed behaviors valid for each 3-2.3

material (egi linear elastic, isotropic,
anisot,ropic, orthotropic) ?

2.3.3 Are the required material parameters defined 3-2.3

for the type of analysis (eg. E, v, etc.)?

2.3.4 Are orthotropic and / or layered properties 3-2.3

defined correctly for non-isotropic materials
such as wood and composites?

2.3.5 Are orthotropic properties defined correctly 3-2.3

where material orthotropy is used to simulate
structural orthotropy (eg. stiffened panels)?

2.3.6 If strain rate effects are expected to be 3-2.3

significant for this problem, are they
accounted for in the material properties data?

2.3.7 Are the values of the materials properties data 3-2.3

traceable to an acceptable source or reference
(eg. handbook, mill certificate, coupon tests)?

2.3.8 Are the units for the materials properties data 3-2.3
consistent with the system of units adopted
for other Darts of the analvsis?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. 1 Result

2.3 Are the assumptions and data defining the material properties acceptable?


-, ,“,,
2.4 Stiffness and Mass Properties

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct procedures have been followed for
defining the stiffness and mass properties of the structure.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.4.1 Are all components that have significant 3-2,4

effect on the stiffness of the structure
accounted for in the engineering model ?

2.4.2 Are the assumed stiffness behaviors valid for 3-2.4

each structural component (eg. linear,
membrane, bending, shear, torsion, etc.)?

2.4.3 Are the required stiffness parameters defined 3-2,4

for each component, eg. :
Truss members - A
Beams, bars - A, IW, IZZ,other
Plates, shells - t (uniform or varying)
Springs - K (axial or rotational)

2.4.4 Do the section properties of stiffeners (where 3-2.4

modelled with beams) include correct
allowances for the effective plate widths?

2.4.5 If torsion flexibility is expected to be 3-2,4

important, are torsion flexibility parameters
correctly defined for beam sections?

2.4.6 If shear flexibility is expected to be important, 3-2.4

are shear flexibility parameters correctly
defined for beam and/or plate elements?
If mass or inetiial effects are not applicableto this problem.
proceed to Check 2.4.13 on the following page.

2.4.8 Are all components that have significant 3-2,4

effect on the mass of the structure accounted
for in the engineering model?

2,4.9 Have material properties data for density been 3-2.4

defined (see also Check 2.3.3)?

2.4.10 Has the added mass of entrained water been 3-2.4

adequately accounted for with structure
partially or totally submerged under water?

2.4.11 Are lumped mass representations of structural 3-2,4

mass and / or equipment correctly
consolidated and located?
2.4.12 If rotational inertia is expected to be 3-2.4
important, are mass moments of inertia
properties correctly defined for masses?

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
2.4.13 Are the values of the stiffness and mass 3-2.4
properties data supported by acceptable
calculations and / or references?
2.4.14 If relevant, has fluid-structure interaction been 3-2,4
accounted for? Has the added mass been
included in the model?
2.4.15 Are the units for the stiffness and mass 3-2.4
properties data consistent with the system of
units for other parts of the analysis?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

2.4 Are the assumptions and data defining stiffness and mass properties acceptable?



. ....
2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom

In dynamic analyses, it is often desirable or necessary to reduce the size of the problem by
reducing the number of dynamic degrees of freedom (dof). Perform these checks to ensure
that the correct procedures have been followed for selecting dynamic degrees of freedom.

If the analysis is not a reduced dynamic analysis, you may proceed directly to Part 2.6.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.5.1 Are dynamic dof defined in enough directions 3-2.5

to model the anticipated dynamic response
behaviour of the structure?

2.5.2 Are the number of dynamic dof at least three 3-2,5

times the highest mode required (eg. if 30
modes required, need at least 90 dof)?

2.5.3 Are the dynamic dof located where the 3-2.5

highest modal displacements are anticipated?

2.5.4 Are the dynamic dof located where the 3-2,5

highest mass-to-stiffness ratios occur for the

2.5.5 Are dynamic dof located at points where 3-2.5

forces or seismic inputs are to be applied for
dynamic response analyses?

2.5.6 Are the number of dynamic dof such that at 3-2.5

least 90% of the structural mass is accounted
for in the reduced model in each direction?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.4 and enter result in Figure 7.0. Result

2.5 Are the assumptions and data defining dynamic degrees of freedom acceptable?


2.6 Loads and Boundary Conditions

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct procedures have been followed for defining
the loads and boundary conditions of the problem.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.6.1 Are all required loadings / load cases 3-2.6

accounted for, and has sufficient justification
been provided for omitting certain loadings?

2.6.2 Are the loading assumptions stated clearly 3-2.6

and are they justified?

2.6.3 Has an assessment been made of the 3-2,6

accuracy and / or conservatism of the loads?

2,6.4 Are the procedures for combining loads / load 3-2.6

cases (eg. superposition) adequately described
and are they justified?

2.6.5 Have the boundary conditions assumptions 3-2.6

been stated clearly and are they justified?

2.6.6 Do the boundary conditions adequately reflect 3-2.6

the anticipated structural behaviour?

2.6,7 Has an assessment been made of the 3-2.6

accuracy of the boundary conditions, and if
they provide a lower or upper bound solution?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.6 and enter result in Figure 7.0. ! Result
I 2.6 Are the assumptions and data defining loads and boundary conditions reasonable? I I





3.1 Element Types

Perform these checks to ensure that the correct types of elements have been used to model the
problem. To assist in this process a checklist is provided in Part 3, Section 3, paragraph 3.1,

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
3.1.1 Are all of the different types of elements 3-3.1
used in the FEA model identified and
referenced in the analysis documentation?
3.1.2 Are the element types available in the FEA 3-3,1
software used appropriate to ship structural

3.1.3 Do the element types support the kind of 3-3.1

analysis, geometry, materials, and loads that
are of importance for this problem?
3.1.4 [f required, do the selected beam element 3-3,1
types include capabilities to model transverse
shear and / or torsional flexibility behaviour?
3.1.5 If required, do the selected beam element 3-3,1
types include capabilities to model tapered,
off-set or unsymmetric section properties?
3.1.6 If required, do the selected beam element 3-3,1
types include capabilities for nodal dof end
releases (eg. to model partial pinned joints)?

3.1.7 If required, do the selected plate element 3-3.1

types include capabilities to model out-of-
plane loads and bending behaviour?
3.1.8 [f required, do the selected plate element 3-3.1
types include capabilities to model transverse
shear behaviour (ie, thick plate behavior)?
3.1.9 If the model is 2-D, are the selected element 3-3.1
types (or options) correct for plane stress or
plane strain (whichever case applies)?

3.1.10 If required, can the selected element types 3-3.1

model curved surfaces or boundaries to an
acceptable level of accuracy?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.1 and enter result in FIqure 1.0. I Result I
I 3.1 Ara the types of elements used in the FEA model acceptable? II

3.2 Mesh Design

As the finite element method is essentially a piece-wise approximation technique, the

accuracy is very largely dependant on the mesh design, Perform the following checks to
ensure that the finite element mesh is acceptable,

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
3.2.1 Does the mesh design adequately reflect the 3-3,2
geometry of the problem (eg. overall
geometry, stiffener locations, details, etc.)?
3.2.2 Does the mesh design adequately reflect the 3-3,2
anticipated structural response (eg, stress
gradients, deflections, mode shapes)?

3.2.3 Are nodes and elements correctly located for 3-3.2

applying loads, support and boundary
constraints, and connections to other parts?

3.2.4 Does the analysis documentation state or 3-3.2

show that there are no “illegal” elements in
the model (ie. no element errors or warnings)?
3.2.5 Are the element shapes in the areas of interest 3-3.2
acceptable for the types element used and
degree of accuracy required?
3.2.6 Are mesh transitions from coarse regions to 3-3.2
areas of refinement acceptably gradual?

3.2.7 Are element aspect ratios acceptable, 3-3.2

particularly near and at the areas of interest?

3.2.8 Are element taper or skew angles acceptable, 3-3,2

particularly near and at the areas of interest?

3.2.9 If flat shell elements are used to model curved 3-3.2

surfaces, are the curve angles < 10° for
stresses, or < 15“ for displacement results?

3.2.10 If flat shell elements are used for double or 3-3.2

tapered curve surfaces, is warping avoided
(eg. small curve angles, use of triangles)?
3.2.11 Is the mesh free of unintentional gaps or 3-3.2
cracks, overlapping or missing elements?

3.2.12 Is proper node continuity maintained between 3-3.2

adjacent elements (also continuity between
beam and plate elements in stiffened panels)?


Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

3.2.13 Are the orientations of the beam element axes 3-3.2

correct for the defined section properties?

3.2.14 Are differences in rotational dof / moment 3-3.2

continuity for different element types
accounted for (eg, beam joining solid)?

3.2.15 Are the outward normals for plate / shell 3-3.2

elements of a surface in the same direction?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.2 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. G

3.2 Is the design of the finite element mesh acceptable? I


3.3 Substructures and Submodelling

Substructuring or submodelling techniques may be employed to reduce the size of the

problem for computing and / or to take advantage of repetitive geometry in the structure.
Perform the following checks to ensure that the acceptable procedures have been followed.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
3.3.1 Is the overall substructure or submodelling 3-3.3
scheme or procedure adequately described in
the analysis documentation?

3.3.2 Are all individual substructure models, global 3-3,3

models and refined submodels identified and
described in the analysis documentation?
3.3,3 Are the master nodes located correctly and are 3-3.3
the freedoms compatible for linking the
3.3.4 Are the master nodes located correctly for 3-3.3
application of loads and boundary conditions
upon assembly of the overall model?

3.3.5 Are loads and boundary conditions applied at 3-3,3

the substructure level consistent with those of
the overall model?
3.3.6 Does the boundary of the refined submodel 3-3.3
match the boundary of coarse elements / nodes
in the global model at the region of interest?

3.3.7 Is the boundary for the submodel at a region of 3-3,3

relatively low stress gradient or sufficiently far
away from the area of primary interest?

3.3,8 Does the refined submodel correctly employ 3-3,3

forces and / or displacements from the coarse
model as boundary conditions?
3.3.9 Does the submodel include all other loads 3-3.3
applied to the global model (eg. surface
pressure, acceleration loads, etc.)?
3.3.10 Have stiffness differences between the coarse 3-3,3
global mesh and refined submodel mesh been
adequately accounted for?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.3 and enter result in Fiqure 1.0. m
I 3.3 Are the substructuring or submodelling procedures acceptable~ II


3.5 Solution Options and Procedures

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct solution options, techniques or
procedures have been used for the finite element model.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

3.5.1 Have any special solution options and 3-3,5

procedures been used and, if so, have they
been documented?

3.5.2 If non-standard options been invoked have 3-3.5

they been documented and the reasons for
their use been explained?

3.5.3 If the problem is a dynamic analysis is the 3-3.5

method for eigenvalue and mode extraction

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.5 and enter result in Fiaure 7.0. G

3.5 Are the solution options and procedures followed for the FEA acceptable? I


3.4 FE Model Loads and Boundary Conditions

Perform the following checks to ensure that correct procedures have been followed for
defining the loads and boundary conditions of the finite element model.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

3.4.1 Are point load forces applied at the correct 3-3.4

node locations on the structure and are they
the correct units, magnitude, and direction?

3.4,2 Are distributed loads applied at the correct 3-3.4

locations on the structure and are they the
correct units, magnitude and direction?

3.4.3 Are surface pressure loads applied at the 3-3,4

correct locations on the structure and are
they the correct units, magnitude and

3.4.4 Are translational accelerations in the correct 3-3.4

units, and do they have the correct
magnitude and direction?

3.4.5 Are rotational accelerations the correct units, 3-3.4

magnitude and direction and about the
correct centre of rotation?

3.4,6 Are prescribed displacements applied at the 3-3.4

correct locations on the structure and are
they the correct units, magnitude and

3.4.7 Are the displacement boundary conditions 3-3.4

applied at the correct node locations?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result
3.4 Are the FE loads and boundary conditions applied correctly? I



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4.1 General Solution Checks

Perform these checks to expose any gross errors. Most programs output values of gross
parameters associated with the solution process, These parameters typically include summed
applied loads and reactions, total mass, position of centre of gravity, etc.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.1.1 Are all error and warning messages issued by 3-4,1

the software reviewed and understood?

4.1.2 Is the magnitude of mass of the finite 3-4,1

element model approximately as expected?

4.1.3 Is the location of centre of gravity of the 3-4.1

model, as calculated by the program,

4.1.4 Are the applied forces in equilibrium with the 3-4.1

applied reactions?

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0.

4.1 Are the general solution parameters acceptable?



‘... .-,,,
4.2 Post Processing Methods

Perform these checks to ensure that the methods, and their limitations, used by the program to
post-process the results are understood.

Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check

IE!!lResu”l Comments

4.2.1 Are the methods for reducing analysis results 3-4.2

described (eg. calculation of safety factors
and other parameters calculated by
manipulating raw output)?

4.2.2 Are the methods for “correcting” FE results 3-4.2

described (@g, correction factors, smoothing

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

4.2 Is the methodology used for post processing the results satisfactory? I



b .-
4.3 Displacement Results

Perform these checks to ensure that the displacement results are consistent with expectations.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline
I Comments

4.3.1 Are the displacement results described and 3-4.3


4.3.2 Are plots of the deformed structure (or mode 3-4.3

shape) presented?

4.3.3 Are the directions of displacements 3-4.3

consistent with the geometry, loading and
boundary conditions?

4.3.4 Do the magnitudes of displacements make 3-4.3


4.3.5 Is the deformed shape (or mode shape) 3-4.3

smooth and continuous in area of interest?

4.3.6 Are unintentional slits or cuts (indicating 3-4.3

elements not connected where they should
be) absent?

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. [ Result —-

4.3 Are displacement results consistent with expectations?



,. .

4.4 Stress Results

Perform these checks to ensure that the stress results are consistent with expectations.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.4.1 Are the stress results described and 3-4.4


4.4.2 Are stress contour plots presented? In the 3-4.4

stress plots are the stress parameters or
components defined (eg. crX,cfY,TXY, We.)?

4.4.3 Is the method of smoothing stress results, or 3-4,4

averaging stress results described (eg.
element stresses vs nodal average stresses)?

4.4.4 Are the units of stress parameters 3-4.4


4.4.5 Are the magnitudes of stresses consistent 3-4.4

with intuition?

4.4.6 In cases where there are adjacent plate 3-4.4

elements with different thicknesses does the
method for averaging stresses account for
the differences?

4.4.7 Are the stress contours smooth and 3-4.4

continuous, particularly in region of primary
interest ?
4.4.8 Are the stress contours at boundaries 3-4.4
consistent with the boundary conditions
applied (eg, stress contours perpendicular to
boundary if symmetry be)?
4.4.9 Are stresses local to the applied loads 3-4.4

4.4.10 Are there areas in which stresses are above 3-4,4

yield (which would invalidate linear elastic

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. [ Result

4.4 Are stress results consistent with expectations? I


4.5 Other Results

Perform these checks to ensure that other types of results from the FEA are consistent with

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.5.1 Are the frequencies expressed in correct 3-4,5


4,5.2 Are the magnitudes of natural frequencies 3-4.5

consistent with the type of structure and
mode number?

4.5.3 Are the mode shapes smooth? 3-4.5

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.5 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result
4.5 Are dynamics results consistent with expectations?


. ..

5.1 FEA Results and Acceptance Criteria

Perform these checks to ensure that the results are in a form suitable for comparison with
specified acceptance criteria,

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.1.1 Are the results summarised in a manner that 3-5.1

allows comparisons with acceptance criteria,
or alternative solutions or data?

5.1.2 Are satisfactory explanations provided where 3“5.1

the results do not meet acceptance criteria,
or where they differ significantly from other
comparable solutions or data?

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result
5.1 Are the results presented in sufficient detail to allow comparison with acceptance
criteria? I


5.2 Load Assessment

Perform these checks and evaluations to ensure that the loads applied in the FEA, and their
accuracy, are understood.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.2.1 Has an assessment been made of the 3-5.2

accuracy or degree of conservatism of the
loads used in the FE model with respect to
the following aspects :

a) types of loads / load cases that were included and


b) basis or theory used to derive loads (eg. linear strip

theory for sea motion loads, base acceleration vs DRS
for shock, drag coefficients for wind loads, etc.)

c) magnitudes of loads

d) loading directions included / excluded

e) load combinations

f) load factors

g) boundary conditions

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

5.2 Are the accuracy and conservatism, or otherwise, of the applied loading modelled



5.3 Strength / Resistance Assessment

Perform these checks and evaluations to ensure that an adequate assessment of the
capability of the structure has been made.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.3.1 Has an assessment been made of the 3-5.3

accuracy or degree of conservatism of the
strength or resistance of the modelled
structure with respect to the following
aspects :
a) failure theory, failure criteria, allowable stresses,
safety factors, etc

b) section properties

c) material properties

d) allowances for imperfection, misalignment,

manufacturing tolerances

e) allowances for corrosion

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. l==

5.3 Has an adequate assessment been made of the capability of the structure?



5.4 Accuracy Assessment

The checks listed below are intended to ensure that an attempt has been made to assess the
accuracy of the FEA.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.4.1 Has an assessment been made of the scale of 3-5.4

FE model and its level of detail and

5.4.2 Have the types of behaviour modelled and not 3-5,4

modelled (eg. membrane only instead of
membrane plus bending) been assessed?

5.4.3 Has the influence of mesh refinement on 3-5.4

accuracy been considered?

5.4,4 Has a comparison with other results (eg. other 3-5.4

solutions, experiment, etc. ) been made?

5.4.5 Based on the above has an overall assessment 3-5.4

of the accuracy of the relevant results been

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.4 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. m
h I I
5.4 Has an adequate assessment of the accuracy of the analysis been made?
I 1


.. ...
, /,
5.5 Overall Assessment

The checks listed below are to ensure that the overall conclusions and recommendations
resulting from the FEA have been presented and are generally satisfactory.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.5.1 Are conclusions from the FEA provided, and 3-5.5

are they consistent with the material

5.5.2 If appropriate has a way ahead or potential 3-5,5

solutions been presented?

5.5.3 Based on consideration of all previous checks 3-5.5

is the overall assessment that the FEA is

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.5 and enter result in Egure 7.0. Result

5.5 Is the finite element analysis assessed generally satisfactory?



The guidelines recommended below are structured to match the Assessment

Methodology described in Part 2, Therefore, the guidelines are grouped under the same
five sections:

1. Preliminary Checks
2. Engineering Model Checks
3. Finite Element Model Checks
4. Finite Element Results Checks
5. Conclusions Checks


This section describes the checks that need to be undertaken to ensure that the finite
element analysis (FEA) satisfies certain basic requirements. The first requirement
before evaluating an FEA is to ensure that there is sufficient documentation provided
with the analysis. This step should ensure the analysis addresses the objectives, scope,
and requirements of the work specification. It is necessary to establish that the tools
the analyst uses in the FEA are adequate and appropriate to the analysis; this applies
particularly to the software used. Finally, the analyst should be appropriately trained
and should have sufficient experience.

1.1 Documentation Requirements

Proper documentation is an essential part of any FEA. The documentation submitted

should be sufficient to allow a through evaluation of the FEA. The complete
documentation package, which can be defined as that required by an independent party
to reproduce the analysis, should be available and submitted if required by the
evaluator. The complete documentation would typically include:

● project data
● scope and objectives of the analysis
● list of reference documentation
● drawings and sketches of the subject structure
9 description of the engineering model
● rationale for using FEA
● software and hardware used in the analysis
● description of the finite element model
● assumptions used in the analysis
● description of the results
● assessment of accuracy of the results
● conclusions and recommendations

The input and output data should be presented in graphical or textual form depending
on what is the most convenient for evaluation purposes.

The documentation requirements listed in Part 2, Section 1- Para 1.1, are the minimum
required. In general, any additional information considered necessary for a complete
evaluation should also be provided.

Plots should be properly annotated to show the location of the subject structure in the
ship (eg,, frame numbers, deck numbers etc.), axes to orient the model, location of
equipment supported by the structure, and the position of major structural features
that define boundaries (eg. bulkheads), All symbols used in the plots should be defined
either on the plots or in the body of the report.

1.2 Job Specification Requirements

The purpose of this check is to ensure that the analysis has been undertaken according
to the requirements of the job specification. This can be done ,only if the
documentation provided addresses every requirement of the job specification. It is not
possible to list all such requirements, but at least the following items should be

● definition of the problem

● scope and objectives of the analysis
● all relevant documentation such as drawings, sketches and reports to completely
define the subject structure and loading
● any previous analyses, service experience and experimental data related to the
subject structure
● acceptance criteria (eg. allowable stress in an analysis in support of a design)

It is expected that the analyst has carefully read the job specifications and followed it
as closely as possible. Deviations from the specifications, if any, should be identified
and justified. All reference documents should be identified.

If the job specification does not specifically call for a FEA, then the analyst should
explain the rationale for using FEA in preference to another method of structural
analysis, or in preference to experiments. h is also expected that the analyst is aware
of any previous related studies and their outcome.

The selection of FEA as the preferred method of structural analysis will depend on many
features of the engineering problem, Features of the problem that should be discussed
include, but are not limited to, the following:

● purpose of analysis;
● complexity of the structural form;
9 redundancy of structural system;
. assessment of expected accuracy;
● accuracy of known input variables such as loads, material properties, etc.; and
● suitability, or otherwise, of hand calculation methods.

1.3 Finite Element Software Requirements

There are many finite element software systems on the market, Most are intended for
general purpose FEAs, while others are specialist in nature. Ship structure FEA is, to a
certain extent, specialized in nature and therefore not all FEA software will perform
adequately. It is essential to establish that the software chosen for the job has the
required capabilities. In addition it is necessary to ensure that the software has been
verified and validated,

Commercial finite element analysis systems are large and complex. Developing and
maintaining such systems require systematic methods to be applied to the design and
development of the code, the testing, the verification and validation of the code, and
the configuration management of the software system. Reputable software vendors
rely on quality systems to ensure that the relevant processes that comprise the
development and maintenance of the software are properly controlled. The evaluation
of FEA software should include an assessment of the vendor’s quality system.

There are several ways in which FEA software can be validated. The methods for
validating FEA software include:

● independent analysis
b experimental results
● service experience

Many finite element software vendors publish verification examples, Generally the
verification examples are based on problems with closed form solutions. The analytical
results are compared with those obtained by exercising the finite element code, While a
comprehensive set of satisfactory verification examples is convincing evidence of good
code it does not constitute proof. Verification examples based on problems based on
closed-form solutions are necessarily simple and the finite elements models are
generally not too demanding on the software. It is necessary, therefore, to employ
additional methods to validate the software.

An additional validation method is to use benchmark problems that, while simple, are
more representative of typical structure, In contrast to the type of verification example
mentioned above, benchmark problems can be designed to use combinations of element
types, element shapes that vary from the ideal, complex boundary conditions, multiple
load cases etc. to test the software, These problems more closely relate to the way in
which the software will be used in practice.

Closed form solutions are generally not available for benchmark problems. However,
results from other well-established FEA software could be regarded as an example of an
independent analysis. If results from several other FEA software systems are
consistent, or where any differences can be rationalized, then these results can be
regarded as benchmarks. Any significant differences between benchmark results and
those obtained from the candidate FEA software system would be an indication of
unsatisfactory performance.

Depending on the size of the organization and the volume of FEA work, it may be useful
to maintain a register of FEA software validated based on satisfactory performance
using the methods outlined above. Alternatively this function could be performed by a
body representative of the industry such as a professional society.

In the absence of such an arrangement at present, benchmark problems typical of ship

structures have been formulated and the results documented in Part 4 of this report.
These benchmark problems could be used to evaluate candidate FEA software. If the
contractor has documented evidence (based on previous applications of the software to
ship structural analysis problems) that the software is capable of performing the
required analysis, this requirement may be waived at the discretion of the evaluator.

Successful performance of the candidate FEA software on the benchmark problems is a

necessary, but not sufficient, condition for approving the software. The software
should also satisfy requirements outlined in the opening paragraphs of this section
particularly in regard to requirements for the vendor’s quality system.

1.4 Reasons for Using A Particular FEA Software Package

It is recognized that the contractor will prefer to use FEA software packages that are
readily available and that the analyst has experience with, However, the contractor
should make an assessment of the suitability of the selected FEA software for the
analysis under consideration. The items that should be discussed include the following:

● availability of required element types ,

. availability of required material types
. availability of required load types
. capability of the software to perform required analysis
. preprocessing and postprocessing capabilities
s support from vendors

1.5 Personnel Competence

The personnel performing and checking the analysis must meet minimum training and
experience requirements. The following aspects of personnel background will need

. formal academic or professional qualifications

● engineering expertise in design and analysis of ship structures
● relevant experience in the modelling and analysis of design problems using the finite
element method
. familiarity with, and appreciation of, the limitations of the particular software

Personnel are grouped in two categories: analyst and checker, The analyst is a person
who undertakes the FEA, The checker performs independent checks of the analyst’s
work, and certifies the quality of the work.


~,.. ...

The contractor should satisfy the client that the analyst and checker meet the
competence requirements, and assure the client that sufficient resources are applied to
allow the FEA to be undertaken proficiently.

1,5.1 Academic and Professional Qualifications

The analyst and the checker should be qualified to first degree level in engineering or
naval architecture, and have taken at least one full course in structural FEA,
Professional Engineer (or equivalent) status is essential for the checker and desirable for
the analyst,

1.5.2 Training and Experience

The analyst and checker should have received training in the application of the finite
element method, Either of the following is acceptable, in principle, as training:

● Training provided by various courses offered by educational establishments and

software vendors. These courses are only acceptable if they are application
. In-house formal or informal training provided by a supervisor capable of satisfying
the requirements of a checker, The content of the training should be at least
equivalent to a one week application oriented training program. The training
course/s should be documented.

The analyst or checker must be familiar with the design requirements, codes of
practice, analysis and design standards relating to ship structures. The checker must
have, and the analyst should preferably have, experience with analyses of comparable
size and complexity as the analysis under assessment,

The checker should be an experienced analyst with substantial experience in the

application of the finite element method, This experience should include working as an
analyst on finite element analyses that are comparable in complexity to the analysis the
checker will be verifying. The documentation should include a brief outline of previous
experiences .

The experience requirements for analysts recommended by NAFEMS (NAFEMS, 1990)

is summarized in Table 3-1,1, The experience required of the analyst depends on the
criticality of the analysis. The criticality category depends on the consequences of
failure of the structure being analyzed.


Analysis Category Engineering FE Modelling and
Experience Problem Solving

Design & Analysis FE Experience After Relevant Jobs

Experience Formal Training for Performed
Each Analysis Type

1. Vital 5 years 6 months 2 x Category 1

-endanger human under supervision
life, or property or or
the environment on a 5 x Category 2
scale of a public properly assessed

2. Important 2 years 2 months 1 x Category 1 or 2

-Category 1 problem under supervision
however analysis is or
not an exclusive part 3 x Category 3
of the integrity properly assessed

3. Advisory 1 year 1 month Prescribed

-All analysis other Benchmarks
than the ones
covered in
Categories 1 and 2

‘ For example, see Part 3 of this report for benchmark problems

TABLE 3-1.1 Minimum Recommended Experience Levels (adapted from NAFEMS, 1990)



L.... ”
. .,


The checks recommended in this section are generic in nature, and form part of any
engineering analysis. The engineering model is a simplified representation of the
physical problem and hence it is crucial that this modelling process is undertaken
correctly since the finite element analysis (FEA) cannot improve on a poor engineering
model. The aspects covered in this section include type of analysis, problem geometry,
material and physical properties, loads, and boundary conditions. The discussion here is
restricted to an understanding of the physical problem, Translating these aspects into a
finite element model, in a format recognized by the software program, is covered in
Section 3.

2.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions

An engineering model is a simplification and idealization of an actual physical structure

or component. The contractor should describe the physical problem, and should
include, as a minimum, discussion of the following topics:

. general description
. purpose of analysis (eg., design, failure investigation, etc.)
● whether the problem is static or dynamic
● appropriateness of linear elastic analysis (nonlinear analysis is not addressed in this
● assumptions and approximations that have to be made and their likely implications
● design criteria if appropriate

The underlying assumptions and decisions made in the formulation of the finite element
(FE) model should also be described. This description should include the rationale for:

● including and excluding parts of the structure

. taking advantage of symmetry, antisymmetry, or axisymmetry
● identification of dominant structural action
● whether the structure can be modelled with line elements, area elements, or volume
elements or a combination of different element types

Ship structures are usually complex in nature, and can only be analyzed after
idealization of the structure, Several simplifying assumptions are made in the
idealization process, In order to do this successfully, it is necessary to have a
\ reasonable qualitative understanding of the expected response. This will allow
reduction of the complex response of the actual structure to its essentials. The
elements that need to be considered in this idealization process are the character of
loading, the primary loading paths, and the parts of the structure that participate in the

The loading will be static or dynamic. Many dynamic loads can be treated quasi-
statically, Where this is not possible, it will be necessary to consider the frequency
range over which there is significant energy in the forcing function. This will determine
the number of modes to be extracted.


Consideration of the likely load paths will help establish the extent of the structure that
should be modelled, and what boundary conditions might be appropriate.

Most real structures are discontinuous and irregular at a local level, For example, it is
likely that there will be brackets attached to the structure, openings, access holes, etc.
The explicit modelling of these features is not practicable, and not necessary if global
response is of interest.

All structures are three-dimensional. Depending on the configuration it is often possible

to reduce the number of dimensions to be considered.

2.2 Geometry Assumptions

One of the first questions to arise during the planning phase of a FEA is how much of
the structure needs to be modelled to yield answers of the required accuracy. This is
best approached by considering what the influence on the results of interest is of
extending or reducing the extent of the model. If the influence is negligible then the
extent of the model can be established in advance. However, performing such an
exercise on complex structures through intuition alone is difficult.

It is recommended that in complex structures the main structural actions should be

identified. Once the main structural actions are identified, it is possible to apply
simplified structural models to guide the analyst in deciding the extent of the structure
to be modelled; Figure 3-2.1 illustrates the concept with simple examples. The
following general principles should be borne in mind when using this approach:

● Drastic changes in stiffness are potential regions to end the model. Figure 3-2.2
presents an example in which the left-hand side of a beam is supported by stiff
structure. The bending stiffness of beams is proportional to l/L3 where I and L are
the second moment of area and the span respectively. In this example a difference
in stiffness of, say, two orders of magnitude would be sufficient to justify the
modelling approach shown in the figure. This general approach can be adapted for
other more complex structures.
● Identification of load paths is a good indicator of which parts of the structure are
best to model,

The actual extent of the finite element model depends on a tradeoff between the
resources available for the analysis and the general requirement that all significant
portions of the structure be model led.

The contractor should describe and justify the extent of the model. The justification
statement should include a discussion of:


3- SPAN BEAM: SPAN - L; W = 1


M = 0.063L

-6 M =0

( 0


,. a




FIGURE 3-2.1 Examples of Simple Models that can Indicate Extent of Structure to be Modelled

{ \ / [:::%%!:N

ill ‘-/
I w-


FIGURE 3-2.2 Large Changes in Stiffness to Indicate Extent of Model

● all significant structural action captured by model.

● requirement to accurately predict stresses and/or deflections.
● region of structure of patlicular interest,
. whether St. Venant’s Principle is satisfied
● obvious changes in structural stiffness that suggest a model boundary
. very local application of the load to a large uniform structure
. for large models, can top-down analysis be used?

If the FEA is concerned primarily with local effects then the concepts underlying St.
Venant’s Principle can be helpful in establishing the extent of model. Essentially this
principle states that the replacement of a load (which could be caused by a restraint) by
a different, but statically equivalent, load causes changes in stress distribution only in
regions close to the change. Figure 3-2.3 illustrates the principle.

2.3 Material Properties

The most common materials used in the construction of ships are metallic. Other
materials also used include GRP and wood. The scope of these guidelines is confined
to isotropic materials working in the elastic range. However, certain important
considerations in modelling material properties of composite materials are discussed in
the paragraphs below.


While Poisson’s ratio for steel is not very sensitive to increases in temperature, Young’s
Modulus does reduce significantly when the temperature starts to get above a few
hundred degrees Centigrade, Nuclear air blast explosions can cause thermal effects of
sufficient magnitude to influence the value of Young’s Modulus. High strain rates can
increase the value of the yield and ultimate stresses of the material. However, these
strain rates have to be very high to have a significant effect, Examples where
structures may be subject to high strain rates include structural response to underwater
explosions and nuclear air blast. As a general guide, the effects of strain rate should be
considered for strain rates over 0,1 S-l i

1 1

t “----- &R;E;s&l;;:mEl--

FIGURE 3-2.3 Illustration of St. Venant’s Principle

2,3.1 Composite Materials

Modelling the behaviour of composite materials is more complex than modelling

isotropic materials such as steel. Composite materials are anisotropic and cannot
always be regarded as a continuum, In cases where global response is of interest, it
may be reasonable to model composite materials using an anisotropic continuum model.
More local analysis requires explicit modelling of the material.

Most general purpose FEA software systems include the capability to compute the
elastic properties of composite materials. This is done by defining the individual layers
that comprise the composite, Alternatively, it is often possible to input the constitutive
matrices that define the relationship between generalized forces and moments to
generalized strains and curvatures,

The failure modes of composite materials are also more complex than those that
typically apply to isotropic materials. To check the adequacy of a structure made from
composite materials, it is necessary to define the failure criteria that must be applied.
Whereas with isotropic materials a single failure criterion (e.g. yield stress) is typically
applied, with composite materials failure criteria are generally different for different
directions and can be applied to strains, stresses and combinations of stresses and

There are other modelling issues that are particular to composite materials. Depending
on the design of the composite, it may not be possible to apply symmetry conditions
even when the loading and the overall geometry are symmetrical about one or more

2.4 Stiffness and Mass Properties

Truss elements are the simplest in form and the only physical property required is cross
sectional area. Beam sections, on the other hand, are considerably more complex.
The various sectional properties needed to define beam elements are discussed in the
following paragraphs.

The basic sectional properties required to define beam elements are cross sectional
area, shear areas in two orthogonal directions normal to the longitudinal axis of the
element, torsional constant, and the second moments of area about two orthogonal
axes, The axes are usually chosen to coincide with any axes of symmetry that may
exist. While this definition of beam properties is complete for the vast majority of
cases, there are circumstances in which additional factors need to be considered.

The torsional stiffness is based on the torsional constant alone and therefore no
account is taken of warping effects. Warping is most relevant for open sections. The
error introduced by ignoring warping is, fotiunately, usually not serious because of the
circumstances in which open sections are generally used in structures. However, in
situations where the main structural force acting on an open-sectioned beam is torsion
this shortcoming should be considered in calculating rotations and torsional stresses.
Structures modelled using standard beam elements in most general purpose FEA
software would yield incorrect results. Some FEA software does offer beam elements
that account for warping effects.

Shear flexibility is important for deep short beams. Ignoring shear effects for this
configuration would result in an overestimate of flexural stiffness.

The input data required for plate and shell members is thickness. Most finite element
computer programs can accommodate nonuniform thickness and have the facility to
input different thicknesses at each node.

2.4.1 Mass for Dynamic Problems

The subject of mass modelling cannot be treated without some preliminary discussion.
The discussion concentrates on two main issues. The first matter is the necessity for
reducing most dynamic problems to a manageable size. The second concerns two
alternative methods for mathematically representing mass. Each is treated in turn.

The main difference between static analyses and dynamics analyses is the far greater
computational effort required for the latter compared with the former, Therefore, it is
usually not practicable to treat dynamic problems in the same way as static problems
except in the most trivial cases. It is usually necessary to reduce the size of the
problem by reducing the number of dynamic degrees of freedom (dof), This may be
done explicitly or implicitly depending on the algorithm used for extracting eigenvalues

and eigenmodes. Certain techniques, such as Subspace Iteration, implicitly reduce the
size of the problem. The degree of reduction depends on the number of modes that
need to be extracted. The reduction process can also be accomplished more directly by
a procedure known as condensation and perhaps the best known such technique is
Guyan reduction. While the condensation process is generally detrimental to accuracy,
the loss of accuracy need not be significant if the appropriate guidelines are followed.

There are two alternative methods for mathematically modelling mass. The simpler of
the two methods is the lumped mass method in which concentrated mass is located at
nodes, The value of the mass represents the mass of the surrounding structure and
equipment. This approach yields mass matrices that are diagonal. Rotational inertias
may also be modelled in this fashion, or can be condensed out, Rotational inertias are
often ignored when this method is used, The alternative approach is called the
consistent mass method. This is a theoretically rigorous method that results in a mass
matrix with off-diagonal terms. The presence of these off-diagonal terms in the mass
matrix is responsible for making dynamic analysis using consistent mass matrices more
computationally demanding than when using lumped mass matrices. For large models
there does not appear to be much difference between the two methods in terms of the
accuracy attained, at least for lower frequencies.

Whatever the technique may be for calculating natural frequencies and modes, the
mass distribution needs to be accurately modelled.

Natural frequencies and modes are calculated for one of the following reasons:

1. to compare natural frequencies and modes of a structure with the frequency/ies of

some source of vibration
2. as the first stage in the calculation of structural response.

In either case it is necessary to anticipate the results to some extent. In the first case
the natural frequencies calculated must bracket the frequency of the vibration source.
In the second case the spectrum of the forcing function, for example harmonic forces
from the propellers or impulse loads from underwater shock, will suggest the range of
natural frequencies of the structure that need to be calculated.

The higher the vibration mode, the more detailed the mass distribution needs to be.
The general principle is illustrated in Figure 3-2.4. In the actual structure the mass is
distributed over the length. Hence, a reasonable number of lumped masses are required
to represent the distributed mass. For higher modes a more detailed representation of
mass is required because the mode shape is more complex. In the example shown in
the figure essentially a single mass is being used to represent the dynamics of one lobe
of the third vibration mode. This is in contrast to the five masses used to represent the
dynamics of the single lobe in the first mode.

2.4,2 The Influence of Surrounding Fluid

Certain problems in ship structures require that the interaction between the structure
and the fluid be considered, The comments made here are limited to cases in which

., .

fluid displacements are small. The most common example is the vibration of plated
structures adjacent to fluid.

For vibrations of plated structure adjacent to fluid, the practice is to account for the
presence of the fluid by adding masses to the structure to represent the fluid. This
mass is usually termed “added mass” and represents the part of the mass of fluid the
structure has to accelerate during vibrations. There are several sources for data on
added mass appropriate to plate vibrations (see ISSC, 1991- Report 11.2 for typical

I-IuII can be treated similarly. Chalmers (1 993) provides guidance on

approximate methods for computing added mass for the hull girder.

The use of added masses to account for fluid-structure effects is generally quite
approximate. More rigorous methods require the finite element modelling of the
surrounding fluid. Many general purpose FEA systems include fluid elements that allow
certain types of acoustics, sloshing and fluid-structure analysis problems to be solved.
This is a specialist area, For guidance the reader is referred to finite element texts and
the user manuals of the FEA system to be used in the analysis.









FIGURE 3-2.4 Mass Distribution Required for Accurate Determination of Natural Frequencies

2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom

Once the frequency range of interest is decided upon, the mode shape for the highest
frequency in this range needs to be estimated. This will indicate the number of dynamic
dof’s required to yield accurate results. Predicting a mode shape in advance is usually
very difficult unless the structure is relatively simple. Therefore, it may be necessary to
follow an iterative process in which the mass distribution is refined at each iteration.

Certain algorithms require any problem size reduction to be undertaken by the analyst.
In this case the analyst selects the number of dynamic dof’s to be used in the analysis.
The selection of the dynamic dof’s to be used in the dynamic analysis requires
considerable skill except for the simplest structures. The selection of dynamic dof’s
can be automated. The principle underlying the Guyan reduction process provides a
guide on how this should be done, if done manually. The most important dynamic dof’s
are those that have the largest mass-to-stiffness ratio. This is because such masses are ‘
responsible for most of the vibration energy at lower modes. The concept underlying
the selection of dynamic dof’s is shown in Figure 3-2.5. Viewing a plot of the mode
shapes will allow an assessment to be made of the reasonableness of the selection of
dynamic dof’s,



t t



FIGURE,3-2.5 Selection of Dynamic dof’s

For most structural dynamics problems translational masses are sufficient to define the
problem. However, when components and equipment with large dimensions are being
modelled it is prudent to model their rotational inertia, If a single mass element is being
used to model the component then three rotational inertias should be input in addition
to translational mass data, Alternatively, several masses can be input that
approximately simulates the mass distribution, The procedures are summarized in

Figure 3-2.6.

A summary of guidelines to be followed in selected in dynamic dof’s is given below:

1, The number of dynamic dof’s should be at least three times the highest mode
required. For example, if thirty modes are required at least ninety dynamic degrees
of freedom should be specified,
2. Dynamic dof’s should be located in regions where the highest modal deflections are
3. Dynamic dof’s should be located where the highest mass-to-stiffness ratios occur
on the structure.
4. If a dynamic response computation is to be eventually performed dynamic dof’s
should be located at points where forces are to be applied,
5. For slender structures, such as masts, only translation dynamic dof’s need to be
6. For stiffened plate structures only dynamic dof’s at right angles to the plane of the
structure need be selected.
7. Enough dynamic doffs should be retained such that the modelled mass does not
differ from the actual mass by more than 10YO,


lx,If+ 12

FIGURE 3-2.6 Modelling Rotational Inertia

2.6 Loads and Boundary Conditions

All loads that need to be considered should be described. The description should
include a brief discussion of the accuracy level of the load.

Loads (compiled by Giannotti & Associates, 1984) typically applied in ship structural
analyses include the following:



.... . .
1. Hull Girder Loads consist of wave induced and still water loads on the hull girder.
This load should be considered for longitudinal structure in the main hull, and for
interaction of a long continuous deckhouse (superstructure).
2, Hydrostatic Loads are pressure loads due to fluids. The pressure could be either
internal or external, Examples of hydrostatic loads are external pressure of the
bottom and sides of shell plating, and internal pressure in tanks and on water tight
3. Hydrodynamic Loads consist of liquid sloshing in tanks, shipping of green water
on the weather deck and impacting on the house front, and wave slap on all
exposed structure and equipment above the waterline, etc.
4. Live Loads consist of uniform deck loading, concentrated loads such as forklift or
aircraft landing and parking loads, support reactions from stanchions and
equipment, cargo container reactions, etc.
5. Dead Loads consist of the weight of the structure.
6. Ship Motion loads consist of inertial forces that act on the entire ship and are
important design loads for masts and topside foundations, such as topside cargo
attachments. The effect of ship motion loads on the hull girder is to produce
vertical and horizontal bending moments and torsion, A lengthy analysis is
required to determine these values for a particular ship and service characteristics.
7. Shock Loads consist of displacements, velocities and accelerations in all three
directions, This load is important for naval ships in the design of vital equipment
and their foundations, and ship structure in the vicinity of these foundations.
8. Missile and Gun Blast Loads consist of a transient pressure and thermal load for all
structure within the blast impingement area, usually a static equivalent pressure is
9. Nuclear Overpressure consists of transient traveling pressure wave from a nearby
nuclear air blast, this is an important consideration in the analysis of deckhouses
10. Vibratory Loads consists of cyclic loading from rotating machinery, especially from
propellers, low frequency full girder response from slamming and springing can
also be significant,
11. Thermal Loads are caused by heat inputs from:
solar radiation
exhaust impingement from stack gases
operation of machinery, especially combustion engines (important to
deckhouses and exhaust ducting), diesel generator foundations and
condenser foundations
12, Environment loads consist of wind, snow and ice loads.

A description of the boundary conditions applied to the model, and the reasons for the
approach adopted, should be described. The description should include, but not be
limited to, a discussion of:

● model symmetry, antisymmetry and axisymmetry

● material property changes at the boundary
● stiffness changes at the boundary
● assessment of influence on results of assumptions made concerning boundary


The subject of this section is the checks that should be performed to ensure that the
physical problem is appropriately translated into the finite element model. Hints are
provided on various aspects of a finite element model such as appropriateness of the
element type/s used, the density of finite element mesh used for plated structures,
substructuring and submodelling used to optimize the problem size, loads and boundary
conditions, and the solution process. There is also a short subsection on graphical
checks using the software’s pre and post processors to scrutinize the finite element
model and results.

Since access to the software is essential to perform many of these checks, it is the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure that these checks are performed. However,
documentation, in the form of plots and graphs, should be available for audit.

Several examples illustrating finite element modelling practice are presented in Appendix
C. The purpose of these examples is to show the effect of varying certain finite
element modelling parameters on the results. The main modelling parameters addressed
in this appendix are element type and mesh density.

3.1 Element Types

To some extent all finite element types are specialized and can only simulate a limited
number of types of response. An important step in the finite element modelling
procedure is choosing the appropriate element/s. The elements best suited to the
particular problem should be selected while being aware of the limitations of the
element type. A good guide to the suitability of an element type is their performance in
other similar situations.

Element performance is generally problem dependent, An element or mesh that works

well in one situation may not work as well in another situation. An understanding is
required of how various elements behave in different situations. The physics of the
problem should be understood well enough to make an intelligent choice of element
type. As a rough guideline, Cook et al. (1 989) consider elements of intermediate
complexity work well for many problems. According to this reference the use of a large
number of simple elements or a small number of very complex elements should be

Linear stress field elements are currently the most commonly used. Almost all finite
element analysis (FEA) software have families of elements that include elements with
linear stress capabilities. For many portions of structures a mesh of linear stress
elements can provide a good description of the stress state. In areas of discontinuitie%
high thermal gradients, fatigue studies, or nonlinear material problems, where there is
an interest of evaluating more than just a linear stress state, linear elements in a
relatively fine mesh can give excellent results.

Elem”ents with quadratic and higher order stress fields require cubic or higher order
displacement functions. These elements have either more nodes per elements and/or
more degrees of freedom per node, This make them more expensive in terms of


L. ,“,
computational effort to form the element stiffness matrices, but fewer of them are
required than a model using simpler elements to attain the same level of accuracy.

Complex structures (eg,, ship deck structure with openings) require relatively fine
meshes to model the geometrical discontinuities adequately. According to Kardestuncer
(1984) higher order elements are practical only when modelling areas of high stress
gradient with a relatively coarse mesh. Even then, the quadratic or higher order fit may
over or underestimate the stresses at the free surfaces. The order of the stress
function must match the gradient properly, The behaviour of linear stress elements is
easy to visualize which is one reason for their popularity. Another limitation higher
order elements suffer is the limited availability of companion elements. Lower order
element families have a complete range of elements, and therefore it is easier to use
these element types when it is necessary to mix different elements (eg,, plates and

3.1.1 Structural Action to be Modelled

When a finite element model of a structure is being planned, it is necessary to have a

clear concept of the main structural actions. Each element type has limitations and is
designed to model a single or limited number of structural actions.

Before modelling a structural problem, it is useful to have a general idea of the

anticipated behaviour of the structure. This knowledge serves as a useful guide in
several modelling decisions that need to be made in building the model, In an ideal
situation the first model will yield adequate results. However, the first model is seldom
adequate. Hence, one or more revisions will usually be necessary.

In triangulated framed structures, if the members are relatively slender, then the main
action is axial with limited bending action. In this case, the use of truss elements would
be justified, and the use of beam elements may introduce an unnecessary complication.
In certain cases a mixed approach may be appropriate. Consider a lattice mast as
shown in Figure 3-3.1. The main legs, which are continuous, should perhaps be
modelled using beam elements whereas the bracing members would be better modelled
using truss elements.

Similarly, deck structure in ships that is subject primarily to in-plane loads, rather than
transverse loads, is better modelled using membrane elements rather than plate/shell
elements, However, if the analysis of deck structure is local in nature and the loading is
transverse, then plate bending elements would be required. In this case transverse
shear effects may be significant. Certain element formulations do not account for
shear. Some FEA software provide plate bending elements in which the ability to model
transverse shear is optional and has to be selected by the analyst.

If through thickness stresses are considered to be important, then the use of solid
elements is prudent.

3.2 Mesh Design

Mesh design, the discretization of a structure into a number of finite elements, is one of
the most critical tasks in finite element modelling and often a difficult one. The
following parameters need to be considered in designing the layout of elements: mesh
density, mesh transitions and the stiffness ratio of adjacent elements. As a general
rule, a finer mesh is required in areas of high stress gradient. It is possible, of course,
to use a fine mesh over the whole model. This is undesirable on two counts: economy
and the greater potential for manipulation errors. Hence, meshes of variable density are
usually used, Care is required in transitioning of mesh density. Abrupt transitioning
introduces errors of a numerical nature. This subsection provides tips on these aspects
of mesh design.

beam elements

truss elements

FIGURE 3-3.1 Typical Lattice Structure

3,2.1 Mesh Density

The density of the mesh depends upon the element type used, distribution of applied
load and purpose of the analysis. The basic rule is that the mesh is refined most in the
regions of steepest stress gradients. Therefore, if such regions can be identified during
mesh design, the probability of developing an economical mesh with sufficient
refinement is high. In this regard experience plays an important role in striking a
balance between economy and adequate mesh density, Analysis of similar structures
under similar loading conditions in the past can help in the identification of stress
concentrations and regions of rapid changes in stress patterns.

In cases where experience of a particular configuration is lacking and where it is
difficult to anticipate the nature of the stress gradients, an iterative approach is
necessary. Where stresses show a sharp variation between adjacent elements, the
mesh should be refined and the analysis rerun. If the primary goal of the analysis is to
assess deflections, and not stresses, then a comparatively coarse mesh may be used.

Mesh density also depends on the type of analysis. A nonlinear or vibration analysis
usually requires a more refined mesh compared to a static stress analysis. Predicting
higher frequency modes usually requires a finer mesh than that required for lower
frequency modes.

Load distribution and load type also have an influence on the mesh density. Nodes at
which loads are applied need to be correctly located, and in this situation can drive the
mesh design, at least locally, In the case of a uniformly distributed load, such as edge
pressures or face pressures, element types that support the particular type of load
should be used.

Finally, if higher order elements are used with quadratic or cubic stress fields, then a
relatively coarse mesh can be used in the areas of high stress gradients, since the order
of the stress function will match the gradient more accurately. For lower order
elements with linear or constant stress fields, proper refinement of the mesh is required
to obtain accurate results.

3.2.2 Element Shape Limitations

The element aspect ratio is the ratio between the longest and shortest element
dimensions as shown in Figure 3-3.2,

A crude rule of thumb that can be used is to limit the aspect ratio of membrane and
bending elements to three for good stress results, and to five for good displacement
results. The ideal shape for quadrilateral elements is square and equilateral for
triangular elements. Hence, the use of ideally shaped elements is particularly desirable
in areas of high stress gradients. In general, higher order elements are less sensitive to
departures from the ideal aspect ratio than’ lower order elements, This observation also
applies to solid elements.

Since an element’s sensitivity to aspect ratio is dependent upon both element

formulation and the nature of the problem, general tests and problem dependent checks
may be justified in cases where element performance is not well known,

Generally the performance of elements degrades as they become more skewed.

Skewing is defined as the deviation of vertex angles from 90E for quadrilaterally shaped
elements, and from 60E for triangularly shaped elements as shown in Figure 3-3,3. For
quadrilateral elements, angles greater than 135E and smaller than 45E are not
recommended. The limiting range recommended for triangular elements is 45E and 90E.
Skewed quadrilateral elements shaped more like parallelograms generally perform better
than more irregularly shaped ones.

● ✎

+3 forsww
J b

~ 5 for displaoamanl

FIGURE 3-3.2 Aspect Ratio of Plane Elements

When element nodes are not in the same plane, the element is warped as shown in
Figure 3-3.3. This is undesirable and the degree to which this impairs the performance
of plate elements depends on the element formulation, Hence, the best guidance in
regard to limiting levels of warping is contained in the particular FEA program’s user
manual. The use of triangular elements is an option where curvature of the structure is

(a) Skewed Elements lb) Warped Element

FIGURE 3-3.3 Element Shape Limitations

3,2,3 Mesh Transitions

If the mesh is graded, rather than uniform, as is usually the case, the grading should be
done in a way that minimizes the difference in size between adjacent elements. Figure
3-3.4 presents several examples of transitions using quadrilateral elements. These
examples attempt to keep within the guidelines for element distention discussed in
Section 3.2,


,“k --
Another way of viewing good transitioning practice is to minimize large differences in
stiffness between adjacent elements. A useful measure of stiffness is the ratio E/Ve,
where E and Ve represent the elastic modulus and the element volume respectively. As a
working rule, the ratios of E/Ve for adjacent elements should not change by more than a
factor of two (Connor and Will, 1969).

Sometimes transitions are more easily achieved using triangular elements. Transitions of
this type are illustrated in Figure 3-3.5. Most FEA programs will allow two nodes of a
quadrilateral element to be defined as a single node in order to collapse the element to a
triangular shape.

(a) (b) (c)


FIGURE 3-3.4 Transitions from Coarse to Fine Meshes



FIGURE 3-3.5 Transitions Using Triangular Elements

In modern FEA installations most analysts rely on preprocessors to develop the finite
element mesh. [n general, automatic mesh generators yield adequate meshes. However,
in very demanding configurations the mesh generator may produce a poor mesh. In such
situations the mesh should be manually improved to meet the guidelines.


In regular rectangular meshes there are two basic types of transition. One is the
change in element density in the direction of the stress gradient, the second is
transverse transitioning, which is used between areas with different element size and
densities across a transverse plane as shown in Figure 3-3.6.


(n) (b)


FIGURE 3-3.6 Mesh Transitions

Many rules of thumb for transitioning of elements are based on element strain energy
and strain-energy density calculations. The ideal finite element model should have a
mesh with constant strain energy in each element. To achieve constant strain energy
of elements the volumes must be relatively small in regions of high stress or strain and
large in regions of low stress or strain, Transverse transition regions should be used
only in areas of low stress gradient and never near regions of maximum stress or

3,2,4 Stiffness Ratio of Adjacent Structure

In modelling complex structural assemblies there is a possibility of constructing models

where adjacent structural elements have very different stiff nesses. These types of
stiffness combinations can cause ill-conditioning of the equilibrium equations which can
seriously degrade results, The transitioning guidance given above avoids this problem in
models that use two or three-dimensional elements, For truss and frame structures a
different approach is required. To prevent large numerical errors in these cases,
stiffness ratios of the order of 104 and more between members making up a model
should be avoided. This is admittedly a conservative number. More realistic guidance
can be obtained by undertaking tests.

The problem of stiffness mismatch is most severe in structures where a relatively rigid
portion of structure is supported on flexible structure. In such cases the deflections in
the rigid portion are due more to rigid-body movement rather than elastic distortion. In
these cases it is suggested that the stiff portion be treated explicitly as a rigid body
using rigid links, rigid regions, constraints, or combinations of these approaches.


3.2.5 Miscellaneous Problems

Improper connections between elements of different types can cause errors. Solid
elements types, for example, have only translational nodal degrees of freedom. If solid
elements are interconnected with beam or plate/shell type elements, which have
rotational degrees of freedom, in addition to translational ones, care must be taken 10
allow for the transfer of moments if that is what is intended, If this is the case then it
is best accomplished with linear constraints or multipoint constraints. In case the
program does not offer such options, the beam (or plate) can be artificially extended
through the solid elements. Figure 3-3,7 illustrates the problem and a solution for a
sample problem.



FIGURE 3-3.7 Connecting Elements with Different Nodal Degrees of Freedom

Most flat plate/shell element formulations do not have a shape function for the
rotational degree of freedom about a normal to the surface of the element. Hence, in-
plane rotational stiffness is not modelled, Some programs provide a nominal rotational
stiffness to prevent free rotation at the node. Other programs use certain formulations
to improve this aspect of performance but at the cost of the presence of spurious
modes. The user should be aware of the possible limitations in the program that is
being used when modelling situations in which moments are to be transferred into the
plane of assemblages of flat plate/shell elements. The problem, and one possible
solution, is illustrated in Figure 3-3.8,



FIGURE 3-3.8 Modelling in-Plane Rotational Stiffness of Membrane Elements

3.3 Substructures and Submodelling

3,3.1 Substructuring

The primary reason for using substructuring is to reduce computational effort in the
solution process, However, this saving has to be traded-off against certain other
computations that substructuring requires which a normal analysis would not entail.
Irons and Ahmed (1 980) identify three circumstances in which substructuring might be

1. The same substructure is used repeatedly in the structure,

2. A relatively small portion of a structure may behave nonlinearly,
3, In a major design effort, different teams may be developing different parts of the
structure. The use of substructuring would allow substructures of different versions
of parts of the structure to be analyzed together. This feature could be very useful
during the exploratory and concept design phases of large structures,

Limited computer core capacity as the reason for substructuring is becoming of less
concern as the cost of computer memory decreases.

The use of substructuring in the FEA of ships is only likely to be attractive for models
involving a substantial portion of the ship. If a general purpose FEA system is used it is
essential to have an understanding of the substructuring technique, Even in the case of
design-oriented FEA programs it is useful to have an appreciation of the technique.

The ease with which substructuring can be undertaken depends on the features
available in the FEA system being used. This section will be confined to a broad
description of the steps necessary to undertake successful FEA using substructuring,
guidelines in using substructuring techniques, and structural configurations where such
techniques might be considered.

The basic steps in FEA using substructuring are:

1. Review of the global model and identification of portions of the structure that
repeat, Sketch of the global model indicating substructure boundaries, Design of
mesh in substructures and determination of boundary nodes,
2. Enter input data. Undertake condensation of substructures and develop
substructure stiffness and load matrices,
3. Generation of global stiffness matrix which, in general, will require combining the
reduced substructure matrices with portions of the structure not modelled as
substructures. At this point all the elements of the system equilibrium equations are
4. Solve the system equilibrium equations. This run will only yield displacements at
substructure boundaries and portions of the model that were modelled in the usual
5. The displacements from the global model can be back substituted into the
substructure equations, as described below, to yield displacements and stresses
within the substructures. This will be repeated for each substructure since, in
general, the boundary displacements for identical substructure models will be

The following guidelines for substructure analysis are adapted from Steele (1 989):

1, Substructures can be generated from individual finite elements, from other

substructures, or both.
2. Master nodes to be retained must be identified and specified as input when the
stiffness matrices for substructures are calculated, Master nodes include boundary
nodes and nodes subject to loads,
3. Nodes on substructure boundaries that will be used to connect the substructure to
the rest of the global model must be retained as master nodes,
4. Nodes constrained in substructures when substructure stiffness matrices are
calculated will be constrained in subsequent stages of the analysis. These
constrained nodes cannot be released in later stages. However, master nodes can
be restrained during analysis of the global model.
5. For a substructure to be cost-effective it should be used at least three times (i.e.,
replicated twice).

The following paragraphs contain a description of static condensation, which is a

technique fundamental to substructuring. Also discussed is the two-stage analysis
technique which has found favour with many analysts. This is followed by a summary
of recommendations.

3.3.2 Static Condensation

In the condensation technique the number of degrees-of-freedom (dof’s) in a portion of

the structure is reduced by condensing out the internal degrees-of-freedom (dof) the
remaining active ones being on the boundary. The process is illustrated in Figure 3-3.9.
This substructure can be regarded as a special type of finite element, and, indeed, is
sometimes referred to as a superelement. The mathematics of the process are
relatively simple,

The equilibrium equations of the substructure with all its dof’s intact is partitioned as

Iuk}=-t} (3.3.1)

in which the subscripts r and c refer to dof’s to be retained and condensed out
respectively, An expression for i5Ccan be extracted from the lower partition, which can
then be substituted in the upper partition to yield:

( [I(J [km][Q’[kw] ){~r}=

{f,} [km][k=]’ {fC} (3.3.2)

or in more compact form:

[m}={%} (3,3,3)

[%]’ [%- [%1[w%]


Fcl’ {fr} [%] [Q’ {f.}

The equilibrium equations given by Equation (3,3.3) can be solved in the usual way, If
required, displacements internal to the substructure can be recovered by static
condensation of Equation (3,3,1) using the Gaussian reduction procedure. Static
condensation amounts to eliminating selected variables using the Gaussian reduction
procedure. It is important to note that no approximation is involved in this process,
The condensed out dof’s are often called slave dof’s and the retained dof’s are called
master dof’s,

3.3.3 Two-Stage Analysis

In cases where local mesh refinement is required a two-stage analysis may be justified
(see Steele, 1989 for practical aspects of two stage analyses). The first stage of this
technique involves the analysis of a coarsely meshed global model. The local area of
particular interest is remeshed using a finer mesh and reanalyses using prescribed
displacements at the boundary of the refined model as boundary conditions, The
prescribed displacements are taken from the global analysis. The process is illustrated
in Figure 3-3.10. The applied loading, i.e., stresses from the global analysis translated
into pressure loading for the refined model, can also be used as boundary conditions.
Howeverr the use of displacements as boundary conditions is a more common practice
since it eliminates the need to provide additional restraints for sufficiently supporting
the model.

dofs TO BE



FIGURE 3-3.9 Schematic lllustrationof The Static Condensation Process

Design-oriented FEA programs such as MAESTRO, which model the whole or a

substantial part of a ship, suit this technique. The displacements from a model’
developed employing such programs can be used as prescribed boundary conditions for
a local fine mesh model.

In general, there will be several nodes on the boundary of the refined mesh model that
are not modelled in the global model, Therefore, prescribed displacement values are
only available for boundary nodes that exist in the global model. The practice is to
assume a linear variation in displacement, interpolated from the displacements from the
global model, for intermediate nodes. This observation is suggestive of where the
appropriate position for the boundary might be, Ideally, boundaries should be placed in
areas where gradients in displacement are small, A comparison of unreflected and
deflected plots of the global model will yield this information.

A finer finite element model is generally more flexible than it’s coarser equivalent.
Hence, there will be a tendency to underpredict the stresses in the refined model when
using displacements generated in the global model. R is possible to correct
approximately for this tendency using a procedure described by Cook et al, (1 989), The
procedure requires the computation of the nodal loads produced by the prescribed
boundary displacements. The nodal loads for the local area in the global model are
given by:


1= ~ ‘



BP /
I 4

FIGURE 3-3.10 Two-Stage Analysis

in which KW 5g, and F~ are the stiffness matrix, displacements, and calculated forces
pertaining to the degrees of freedom associated with the nodes on the boundary of the
local area. The corresponding expression for the refined model is:


The subscript “r” refers to the refined model. Note that only the nodes common to
both, the local area in the global model and refined model, are included in the above

Once the forces for both cases have been derived, the vector norms for these quantities
are calculated. The norm, is a measure of the “size” of vector, or the size of the nodal
loads. There are many types of norms, but for present purposes the following version
is recommended:

II~11= (5I ~,v)%


where Fi refers to the value of nodal load and n is the number of degrees of freedom on
the boundary that are common to both the local area of the global model and the

refined model, The ratio of the norms for both the cases is calculated to yield a factor
as follows:

Factor -~

This factor, which usually exceeds unity, when applied to all stress results from the
refined model, approximately corrects for the overstiffness of the global model results.

The convenience with which this technique can be applied will depend on the FEA
software being used.

3.4 Loads and Boundary Conditions

The task of selecting appropriate boundary conditions for the model is often
challenging. Generally, the support condition assumed for the degree of freedom
concerned is idealized as completely rigid or completely free. In reality the support
condition is usually somewhere in between.

Several techniques are used to minimize the impact on the analysis of the assumptions
made in boundary conditions. The most popular is to develop models large enough
such that the area of interest is sufficiently remote from the boundary, It is also the
practice to make conservative assumptions so that the results will represent upper
bound solutions.

The best guide for determining the extent of structure to model and determining the
locations for boundaries are natural structural restraints or rigid or stiff supports such
as: major structural bulkheads, vertical pillars and columns or other structural
components such as deep fabricated beams and girders.

It is possible to simulate various types of symmetry, antisymmetry and axisymmetry by

applying the appropriate boundary conditions. These and other topics related to
boundary conditions are discussed in greater detail below,

3.4.1. Minimum Support Conditions

For certain models it is necessary to provide the minimum support for the structure. A
good example of this is hull girder modelling in which the structure is, in reality,
supported by the pressure distribution on the hull, In FEA modelling a structure with
self-equilibrating forces, without any supports, is not admissible. Without proper
support the equilibrium equations would be singular and therefore not solvable.

Models in a plane have three degrees of freedom, and hence need to have two
translations and a rotation constrained. Care is needed in avoiding the possibility of
rigid body motion. These principles are illustrated in Figure 3-3,11, Models in three-
dimensional space need three translations and three rotations constrained. Examples to
illustrate minimum support conditions required are provided in Figure 3-3,11.

3,4.2 Boundary Conditions for Simulating Symmetry

Many structures have one or more planes of symmetry, It is possible to take advantage
of this in FEA, and model just one portion of the structure. Through various devices it
is possible to analyze structures with a plane of symmetry but subject to nonsymmetric
loads. Such approaches are used to reduce modelling and computational effort.

In engineering applications, the most commonly encountered types of symmetry are:

reflective symmetry, rotational symmetry and inversion symmetry as shown in Figure 3-

In engineering problems the characterization of symmetry requires not only geometrical

symmetry, but also symmetry with respect to material properties and restraintsi

When only part of a symmetric structure is modelled, the symmetric or antisymmetric

boundary conditions must be applied at artificial boundaries introduced because of
symmetry, If the y-z plane is the plane of symmetry, and Ux, Uy, Uz, and Rx, Ry, Rz
are assumed as the x, y and z components of displacement and rotation respectively,
the following boundary conditions have to be applied to the nodes on the plane of
symmetry or antisymmetry:

Ux = Ry = Rz = O - for symmetry

Rx = Uy = Uz = O - for antisymmetry

In the case of symmetry the points lying in a plane of symmetry can suffer no
translation out of the plane and no rotation about the inplane axes. For antisymmetry
the complementary set of degrees of freedom are constrained.

The above discussion has been devoted exclusively to static problems, but free
vibration problems (eigenvalue problems) can also exploit symmetry. The calculation of
all natural frequencies and mode shapes of a symmetric structure would require one
modal analysis for each unique combination of symmetric and antisymmetric boundary
conditions. When only symmetric boundary conditions are applied to the plane of
symmetry, antisymmetric frequencies and mode shapes are not calculated.

The conditions for static problems discussed above apply equally to linear (time-
dependent) analysis. In addition, if the load is not symmetric or antisymmetric it will be
necessary to decompose the load into symmetric and antisymmetric components and
run the problem twice for each case and combine the results,




t t
W,u = o W.o


2-D problems; 3 independent conditions required

A w

U=v=w = o

plate -

3-D problems: 6 independent conditions required

FIGURE 3-3,11 Minimum Support Conditions for Models




(a) Reflective



(c) Inversion (c) T CENTER OF SYMMMETRY

FIGURE 3-3.12 Different Types of Symmetry

3,4,3 Constraints

Constraints are enforced relationships between the dof’s of several nodes. There are
many situations in which constraints can be useful modelling devices. Various types
are discussed below and illustrated using simple examples. The circumstances in which
they may be applied, and limitations in their application, are also discussed.

The simplest form of constraint is when certain dof’s of different nodes are coupled.
Coupling can be used to enforce symmetry and to release forces and moments. A
simple example is presented in Figure 3-3.13. During analysis, if the independent node
is displaced in the y-direction and/or rotates about the y-axis, the dependent nodes are
automatically displaced by the same magnitude in the same directions.

Releases can be introduced conveniently using coupling. For example, a pin can be
introduced at mid-span in a continuous beam by coupling translational degrees of
freedom of two coincident nodes, In certain circumstances coupling can introduce
apparent violations of equilibrium.

A more powerful and general method for introducing constraints is by using constraint
equations: A constraint equation is a linear equation that relates the displacement or
rotational dof’s of nodes, These are sometimes referred to as multi-point constraints
(MPC). Constraint equations may be used for many purposes such as coupling of nodes
by rigid members, rectifying small geometric discrepancies, and coupling adjacent nodes
representing locally offset supports and attachments. Rigid regions in structure may be
defined using constraint equations, Figure 3-3,14 illustrates the use of constraint
equations using the example shown in Figure 3-3,13. In this case the equation ensures
that there is no relative movement between Nodes 1 and 2 in the x-direction.

3,4,4 Loads - General

Loading in finite element modelling may be applied in a variety of ways, Typical

structural loads are forces, pressure load, gravity, body forces and temperatures applied
at nodes and on elements of the model. The load can be applied to:

1. nodes (eg., nodal forces and body forces);

2. element edges or faces (eg., distributed line loads, pressure)
3. the entire model (eg. gravity loads).

Generally the load types and method of its application to the model are specific to a
particular FEA software package. However, descriptions of typical load types are
provided in the following paragraphs.

3.4,5 Loads - Nodal Force and Prescribed Displacement

A nodal force is the combination of forces applied to the six nodal dof’s. A nodal force
consists of:

1, force magnitude in X, Y and Z direction; and

2, moment magnitude about X, Y and Z axes (for structural elements).


Node 1 is independent

FIGURE 3-3.13 Coupled dof: Nodes 1, 2 and 3 Coupled in the y-Direction and About the y
Nodal forces are usually applied in Nodal Coordinate System as shown in Figure 3-3.15.

Applied nodal loads must be compatible with the element type used. For example, a
model consisting of only solid elements has no rotational degrees of freedom, Any
nodal moment loads would have to be applied in such a case as a force couple with the
forces acting at different nodes,

Also forced or prescribed nonzero displacement may be input directly to nodes as a load
case, This displacement should be prescribed with precision, because small changes
can cause large differences in stress response.

3.4.6 Loads - Nodal Temperature

A nodal temperature is a single temperature value or pair of values applied to a node as

illustrated in Figure 3-3.16, A pair of values may represent the shell top and bottom
surface temperatures. Some programs allow the specification of a pair of values
representing the shell mid-plane temperature and a gradient,

3.4.7 Loads - Face Pressure

A face pressure is a single pressure value applied to selected faces of elements as

shown in Figure 3-3.17. The units of pressure value are force per unit area. The
pressure is applied to each selected element face across the entire face, and acts in a
direction perpendicular to the face. Some FEA programs allow the user to specify
pressure at nodal points. A variation of pressure over an element surface can thus be
defined. A constant pressure is then a special case corresponding to all element nodes
having the same pressure,



MPC: (1)X1-(1)X2 = 0.0

FIGURE3-3.14 Constraint Equation


FIGURE 3-3.15 Definition of Nodal Force



FIGURE 3-3.16 Definition of Nodal Temperature


FIGURE 3-3.17 Definition of Face Pressure

3.4.8 Loads - Edge Loads

An edge load is the combination of the forces and moments that can be applied to the
edge of an element as shown in Figure 3-3.18. The types of edge loading depend on
the type of element, An edge load can be applied to beam elements as:

1. axial force
2. shear force /
3. torque
4. bending moment,

Uniformly distributed loads on beam elements can be handled exactly and no further
subdivision of the beam element is required to improve the representation of the load.

For membrane elements edge loads can be applied as in-plane forces, and for plate
bending elements both in-plane and out-of-plane forces can be applied along with
bending moments.

3,4,9 Loads - Thermal

A beam temperature is the temperature at the centroid of the beam’s cross section and
is applied as temperature, Y axis gradient or Z axis gradient in degrees as shown in
Figure 3-3,19,

Most programs allow for input of thermal loading directly on elements. Others permit,
in addition, specified nodal temperature and temperature-dependent material properties.

FIGURE 3-3.18 Definition of Edge Pressure


I N2


FIGURE 3-3.19 Definition of Beam Temperature

3,4,10 Gravity and Acceleration

Inertial loads are generated as a result of the body accelerating. A special case is the
self weight of a structure, or body, which is generated by the acceleration due to

Inertial loads are generated as a result of one or more of the following:

1. translational acceleration
2. angular velocity
3. angular acceleration

FEA software systems treat weight data in different ways, It is important therefore,
particularly for dynamics problems, to be aware of the way in which the system treats
mass, and gravitational forces.

3.5 Solution Options and Procedures

3,5.1 Static Analysis

Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in
structures due to loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. The
loads and the structure’s response are assumed to vary slowly, if at all, with respect to
time, The primary application of FEA in ship structures is in support of design and this
usually involves static analyses. These may range from global models encompassing the
whole ship, to very detailed local models, Apart from FEA performed in support of
design, static analysis is also used in the investigation of certain types of structural


3.5.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analyses in ship structures are usually performed for the following reasons:

1, To ensure that the natural frequencies of sensitive structures and components do

not coincide with those of the hull girder or with the forcing frequencies associated
with propellers and other mechanical sources of vibration energy.
2. In preparation for dynamic response computations.

Several quasi-static design procedures have been developed for design against dynamic
load conditions, For some of these procedures, for example the Design Response
Spectrum Method used for shock analysis, it is often necessary to compute several tens
of natural frequencies of the subject structure or component. In complex structures
such as masts the natural frequencies and modes can usually only be calculated using

As an alternative to quasi-static procedures, more rigorous dynamic response

calculation may be used. Two methods are available: direct integration of the
equations of motion, or the superimposition of modal responses. For nonlinear
behaviour, such as that associated with large deflections and/or plasticity, only the
former is appropriate.

Transient dynamic response analysis is used primarily for computing response to

suddently applied loads and/or short duration loads. Examples include forces due to
collisions, wave slamming, and shock and blast. In these cases the loading is very
uncertain. Various procedures have been developed to compute loads from these types
of loading. For example procedures are available to model the shock forces generated
as a result of underwater explosions. The procedure models the underwater explosion,
the pressure induced on the hull, and finally the transmission of the dynamic forces
through the hull structure to the structure or component in question, Many transient
dynamic problems involve fluid structure interaction phenomena where the structural
response affects the loading on the structure. Sometimes it is possible to treat such
phenomena very approximately by adding a certain amount of fluid mass to the
elements adjacent to the fluid.

3,5,3 Buckling Analysis

Depending on the structural element, the estimate of buckling load can be very sensitive
to the inevitable presence of discontinuities, imperfections and residual stresses. The
application of FEA techniques to solving buckling problem should be approached with
caution. The results can be very sensitive to assumptions made in regard to deviations
from the ideal, more so than is typical for linear static analysis The usual practice ,in
design situations is to adapt classical solutions to the problem.


The results obtained from a finite element analysis (FEA) should always be verified, and
their validity established. To make sure that the results are devoid of any errors in
modelling or analysis, it is necessary to perform the checks outlined in this section.
These checks ensure that the FEA results are calculated, processed, and presented
consistently with the analysis requirements.

4.1 General Solution Checks

Many of the following checks can be performed using the graphical display features
available with most FEA sollware systems, Where such features are not available,
these checks will have to be performed by examining printed results output.

4.1.1 Errors & Warnings

Well established finite element software systems generally have several built in checks
to identify poor modelling and analysis practices. A warning or an error message is
issued when built in criteria are violated. The correct practice is to resolve any such
messages and take the appropriate remedial action, If the warning/error message is not
applicable to the analysis, proper justification should be provided. An example could be
a warning message for angle between adjacent edges in a quadrilateral shell element.
The generally recommended range is between 45 ‘and 1350. If this rule is not
followed, valid justification could be that the element in consideration is located well
away from the area of interest.

4,1,2 Mass and Centre of Gravity

It is good practice to verify the mass of the model and the location of the model’s
centre of gravity of the model. Several programs provide the mass without the need for
a full analysis, If this option is unavailable, the analysis could be run with a 1 G loading
(with no other applied loads).

4,1.3 Self-Consistency

The results should be checked for ‘self-consistency’, For example, displacements at

fixed supports should indeed have zero displacements, and any symmetries in the model
should be reflected in the stress and deflection results.

4,1.4 Static Balance

This is a fundamental check. The applied loads should be compared with the reactions.
The check should ,include moments where appropriate. This check ensures that the
applied loads and reactions are in balance, and ensures that the user specified loading
definitions are properly interpreted by the program, When the applied loads and
reactions are not in balance this is an indication of a serious error.

Checking the forces and reactions also ensures that the results are actually for the
intended load, In the case of pressure loads, due to possible discrepancies in arriving at
nodal forces from pressures, the actual load level could be different from that intended.

4,1.5 Defaults

All FEA software packages have built-in defaults. For certain input parameters default
values or options are assumed if a value has not been input, or if an option has not
been selected. Hence, checks should be performed to ensure that where defaults have
been used, they are consistent with the assumptions of the analysis.

4.1.6 Checklist

The following is a list of checks to ensure the quality of the FEA, The checklist cover
both prerun and postrun checks.

1. Pre-Run Checks - Graphical:

a. Extremities of model - global dimensions OK

b, Free edges - look for element connectivity
c, Shrunken elements - no missing elements
d. Duplicate nodes
e. Duplicate elements
f, Size of adjacent elements - avoid ill-conditioning
g. Mesh density
h. Mesh transitions
i. Plot material properties by colour
j. Plot physical properties by colour
k, Loads applied to correct elements
1, Direction of loads correct
m. Boundary conditions applied to correct nodes

2. Post-Run Checks:

a, Static balance
b. Comparison
i. classical results
ii, simple finite element model
c. Numerical accuracy
i. residuals
ii. stiffness ratio

4.2 Postprocessing Methods

Methods used for postprocessing of derived quantities from a FEA should be explained.
The derived quantities include parameters such as stresses, design margins, factors of
safety, etc.

The need and justification for applying correction factors for FEA results should be
explained. The need for applying correction factors may arise due to the necessity to
compare FEA results with design codes.

4.3 Displacement Results

In the design of ship structures the primary result parameter of interest is stress. Most
design criteria are expressed as allowable stresses. Although deflection criteria are not
as numerous as stress criteria in design codes and standards, they can be just as
critical, Stiffness requirements for various components of navigation and combat
systems are often quite onerous. Stiffness requirements are often related to dynamic
requirements in which the coincidence of equipment operating frequencies and those of
the equipment-support structure system is to be avoided. As noted elsewhere,
modelling for dynamic analysis is considerably more difficult than modelling for static
analysis. This is particularly true for higher modes of vibration.

In interpreting displacements, it is essential to have an understanding of the accuracy of

the FEA, how they vary for different response parameters, and the influence on
accuracy of modelling decisions made earlier,

In general, displacements are more accurately determined by FEA than stress.

The methods used for plotting the displacements of framed structures and certain
plated structures in many FEA software packages may understate the actual accuracy.
Beams are of-ten plotted as straight lines. In reality the displacement function for beam
elements is a cubic polynomial, The same observation applies to plate bending
elements. ,

In general, displacements in structures composed of beam and truss elements are

accurately predicted within the limitations of the engineering model. In terms of the
finite element model doubling the number of beam elements in, say, a grillage will not
improve the accuracy of the result.

The response of two and three-dimensional structures is much more complex and
hence, in general, displacement results are sensitive to the fineness of the mesh,
Therefore interpreting displacement results in plated and solid models require more care.
Gross errors are generally uncovered by the application of intuition and knowledge of
previous analyses and physical experiments, More subtle errors are more difficult to

4.4 Stress Results

As noted earlier, stresses are more difficult to predict accurately than displacements.
Limitations in the finite element method are such that stresses are not normally
continuous across boundaries between elements. For ease of interpretation of results,
most FEA software averages stresses in some fashion before presenting the results.
These results are presented attractively as stress contours in colour plots, and the
underlying discontinuous nature of the stresses may be obscured as a result of
averaging processes, thus engendering a false sense of confidence in the results.


‘,.,. ,,
These problems can be compounded by misunderstandings in regard to the type of
stress being plotted.

Stress contours provide a good qualitative indication of the adequacy of the density of
the mesh, Smoothly changing contours usually indicates that the mesh is suitably fine.
Alternatively, stresses in adjacent elements can be compared, It is difficult to give firm
qualitative guidance since the accuracy required depends on the nature of the analysis.
A change in stress of more than +/- 20°A would be regarded as unsatisfactory for
design purposes.

4.4.1 Stress Components

The unknowns solved for in FEA are displacements (translations and rotations). These
displacements are then used to calculate strains in the element, and hence the stresses.
For some element types intermediate steps are involved, The nature of inter-element
stress discontinuities depends on the element type concerned.

In one-dimensional elements such as truss and beam elements, there are no

discontinuities because the displacement functions are sufficiently detailed. For
example, the standard beam element is based on cubic displacement and hence can
represent linear variations of bending moment.

Two and three-dimensional lower order elements generally have discontinuities in the
stress field at element boundaries unless they are in a constant stress field. For plane
and solid elements, stresses depend on displacement derivatives, and on curvature for
plate bending elements.

The stress state at a point is defined by several stress components depending on the
element type, These are summarized in Table 3-4-1.


Truss ax
Beam ox, TY, T,
Plane Element % ~Y/ TW
Plate Bending OX, OY, T,, (Top & Bottom)
Solid UX, Ov, ~,, TN, TV,, T=

TABLE 3-4-1 Stresses Represented by Element Type

The state of stress in plated and solid structures is generally quite complex, and has to
be combined in some way for design situations. Many failure theories have been
developed wherein “failure” is said to have occurred when some equivalent stress
exceeds the yield stress. The equivalent stress combines all the stresses acting at a
point in the material. The most popular of these is the Von Mises stress which is given

%= (Oy-q)’+ (w)’} +6 (fy+fz+fi)l’”

The use of the equivalent stress for checking the critical buckling stress is not
appropriate. For buckling checks, normal stress (OX,OY)and shear stress (Txy), as
appropriate, should be used. Generally normal stresses will not be uniform across the
panel, Where this is the case, it will be necessary to approximate the stress by a linear
distribution for which there are standard buckling formulae. In some cases, the stress
state may be biaxial and/or there may be significant shear stresses. To check these
situations, it is usual to calculate the ratios of actual stress and critical stress for
individual stress states, and combine the effects using interaction formulae.

4.4.2 Average and Peak Stresses

Except for the one-dimensional elements, each stress component for each element
meeting at a node will be different, In FEA programs various techniques have been
developed to average stresses, The stresses in four adjacent membrane elements may
look something like the distribution depicted in Figure 3-4.1.

FIGURE 3-4.1 Distribution of Element Stresses

Stresses can be calculated at any point in the element. It has been shown, however,
that depending on the element formulation there are optimal points for computing
stresses. In general, stresses are least accurate at corners, more accurate at mid sides,
and most accurate at certain interior points. For two and three-dimensional elements
based on the isoparametric formulation (by far the most popular) these interior points

are the so-called Gauss points (integration points), One popular method is to
extrapolate the stresses calculated at the Gauss points to the nodes using a more
suitable formula than the actual interpolation functions such as, for example, least
squares, However, in some FEA software, the values at the Gauss points are copied to
the nearest node without extrapolation, unless otherwise instructed, There are yet
other methods for estimating nodal stresses.

Once the nodal stresses have been calculated for all elements contributing to the node,
they can be averaged to yield an average nodal stress. This will be done for all
appropriate stress components, Averaged nodal stresses are much more reliable than
element nodal stresses, although the extent of the stress discontinuity at the nodes
should decrease with mesh refinement.

The different methods used by FEA software systems for extrapolating Gauss point
stresses to the nodes is perhaps the main reason analyses of the identical problem,
using different systems, can yield identical displacement results yet differing stress
results. One technique used to overcome this problem is to employ dummy line
elements in critical regions of structure. In this technique a dummy truss element is
included in the model in the area of interest. An example of such a situation is the
placement of such an element at the edge of an opening. The stress results from the
truss element are directly calculated and are not dependent on extrapolation. The area
of the truss element should be small enough to have negligible influence on response.
An area of t2/1 00, where t is the thickness of the plate, is a reasonable upper bound.
The use of such elements in the interior of plated structure, or indeed any structure,
should be undertaken with caution. Line elements will yield only normal stresses in the
direction of the axis of the element. In general line elements will not be aligned with
the direction of principal stress.

The current popularity of producing smoothed stress fields in stress plots have hidden
dangers, It hides large disparities in stress in adjacent elements, Large disparities
indicate too coarse a mesh, A more revealing plotting technique is stress contours.
These should be smooth and not jagged. It is evident from Figure 3-4.2 that the
contours in the coarse mesh are not smooth, This might be regarded as an
unacceptably coarse mesh. An even more revealing method with modern
postprocessing systems is stress isoband plots. These plots will show a
“checkerboard” type of distribution for unacceptable stress distributions.

The stress results from a FEA undertaken in support of design are often plot-ted in terms
of Von Mises stresses, although principal stresses and component stresses are, also
sometimes plotted. There are two potential pitfalls that should be guarded against in
interpreting stresses:

1. At nodes on boundaries between membrane elements of different thickness

stresses, of course, cannot be simply averaged. A check should be made to ensure
that the software does not perform averaging blindly in such a configuration.

2, Care should be taken in interpreting stresses at nodes where two-dimensional

elements are not in the same plane. Clearly simple averaging is not appropriate.


!, ,’
FIGURE 3-4.2 Stress Contours in Coarse and Fine Meshes

4.5 Other Results

4.5.1 Natural Frequencies and Modes

A feature of the finite element method is that the lower vibration modes are more
accurately determined than higher modes. The curvatures in structures in higher modes
are more severe than at lower modes, and several masses are required to represent the
kinetic energy accurately at higher modes. These features conspire to make the
accurate prediction of higher modes difficult.

In assessing the results from a dynamic analysis, a good starting point is the value of
frequency, As an approximate guide, the following may be used for the first few

1. Hull Girder 1- 5Hz

2. Main Mast 5- IOHZ
3. Superstructure 1O-2OHZ
4. Typical Stiffened Plate Decks 1O-4OHZ

The reliability of higher vibration modes can be assessed by considering the number of
masses represented in the lobe of a mode shape, Figure 3-4.3 illustrates this idea.





FIGURE 3-4.3 Assessing Accuracy of Higher Modes


This section deals with the final phase, conclusions and recommendations, of a finite
element analysis (FEA), It is necessary to perform these checks to ensure that the
loading, strength, and acceptance criteria are considered in arriving at the conclusions.
This is a critical aspect of a finite element analysis since engineering decisions will
typically be based on recommendations contained in this section, The following
sections are grouped into five subsections dealing with various aspects of FEA

5.1 FEA Results and Acceptance Criteria

A statement confirming that all analysis procedure quality assessment checks have
been executed satisfactorily should be included.

Finite element analysis is an approximate solution technique, and, in spite of careful

effort, the results can only be approximations of the real solution, Therefore, the FEA
results should always be validated using an alternative method/s. Alternative methods
include comparison with experimental data, approximate analytical models, text book
and handbook cases, preceding numerical analyses of similar problems, numerical
analysis of a related but simpler problem, and results for the same problem predicted by
a different program (which could be based on a different numerical method). Many
closed-form solutions of structures with simple geometry are available in handbooks and
manuals, which could provide a good means for comparison. Numerical analysis using
FEA of similar but simpler models could also be used for comparison An example could
be the use of a grillage model to check the results of a finite element model of typical
deck structure,

Despite the remarks made in the previous paragraph the results from alternative solution
methods should also be treated cautiously. Analytical models incorporate idealizations,
mistakes may be made in the calculations, textbooks and handbooks may contain
errors, numerical solutions are subject to errors in coding and in data preparation, and
experiments may be improperly performed and the results misinterpreted. Therefore,
when the FEA results do not compare well with alternative methods, the possible
reasons should be investigated.

The results should be presented so that they can be easily compared with the
design/acceptance criteria. Finite element analysis results are identified based on node
numbers and element numbers. These should be translated into the actual physical
problem. For example, in a lattice mast, the members that do not meet the safety
requirements should be highlighted on a figure of the model for easy identification.

When the FEA results do not meet the acceptance criteria, possible reasons should be
explored and documented. In case of large deviations, further justification regarding the
validity of the FEA results should be provided.

The results should be assessed based on the knowledge of the physical problem. For
analyses of high category of importance, an independent assessment should always be
done by a qualified and experienced person.


.’,, ,,
5.2 Load Assessment

In case of discrepancies in the results, the loading applied to the model should be
reviewed as part of the investigation into the source of the problem. The
appropriateness of the types of loads, load cases, magnitudes, directions, load
combinations, load factors, boundary conditions, etc., should be reviewed.

The loads applied to a finite element model are approximations of the actual loads. The
contractor should provide a general description on the method used to approximate the
actual loads, If the load distribution is simplified to a more regular or uniform
distribution, this should be justified to ensure that the simplified load distribution closely
approximates the actual distribution in magnitude and direction. For example, if
concentrated forces, at nodes, are used to approximate a pressure distribution, the
calculations used in assigning the values of nodal forces should be explained. When
concentrated forces are used to duplicate pressure, it is important that the load is
applied such that the resultant acts through the centre of pressure,

Details on load factors used in the analysis should also be provided, The information on
whether the loads are based upon serviceability limit states or ultimate limit states
should also be provided,

Finally, an assessment of the accuracy of the applied loads should be used in describing
the results from the analysis.

5.3 Strength/Resistance Assessment

In design situations using traditional methods the practice is to apply a nominal design
load to the structure and compare the computed stress with some allowable stress.
The latter is usually some fraction of the yield stress or the theoretical buckling stress,

In the modelling process several assumptions are made which may, or may not be,
conservative. An assessment of the conservatism, or otherwise, should be made
particularly in regard to the underlying assumptions implicit in the design criteria that
are being applied. Often design criteria have evolved with design methods based on
hand calculation, Different design criteria may be approrpiate if FEA is used to compute
stresses. This factor should be included as part the strength/resistance assessment.

In making an assessment of the strength/resistance of the structure based on the

results of a FEA, appropriate allowances should also be made for factors that were not
accounted for in the analysis, Some of these factors include geometric and material
imperfections, misalignments, manufacturing tolerance, initial strains, and corrosion.
The design criteria being applied may implicitly include an allowance for some, or all, of
these factors.

5.4 Accuracy Assessment

In assessing the accuracy of FEA results, factors to be considered include: the level of
detail and complexity modelled, type of behaviour modelled, mesh refinements, etc. In
deciding the level of detail the analyst would necessarily have omitted some elements

of the structure. The effect of these on the results should be assessed. The limitations
of the element type/s used should also be assessed with respect to its capacity to
model the required behaviouri For example, the element type used might model only
the membrane actions when both membrane and bending behaviour are significant.
The joints and connections between members might not be properly detailed in the
model, making the model behave in a significantly different way. The effect of the
mesh density used on the results should also be assessed. Simple parametric studies
on smaller models may sometimes be necessary to assess the accuracy of the mesh
used in the model.

Performing checks on the numerical accuracy of an FEA is difficult. Generally reliance

is placed on a combination of following good modelling practice and on parameters
output by the FEA program. Common parameters output include the ratio of the largest
and smallest stiffness found in the stiffness matrix, and the so-called residua/s.
Unfortunately, satisfactory values for these parameters are necessary, but not
sufficient, conditions for satisfactory numerical performance.

The acceptability, or otherwise, of the ratio of the largest to smallest stiffness depends
on the computer hardware and software and it is suggested that the guidance provided
by the warning and error messages issued by the FEA program are heeded.

5.5 Overall Assessment

All of the above described factors should be used in conducting an overall assessment
of the FEA. The results of this overall assessment should be included as part of the
documentation. Deviations, if any, from the actual response should be justified.

Recommendations, if any, for future FEA should be clearly stated, If ‘&here is an

anticipated continuation for the project at a later date, information on all computer files,
documentation, etc. should be documented,



The assessment methodology presented in Part 2 includes a requirement that suitable

FEA sollware be used. The determination of the suitability of a particular FEA code
should involve, among other things, an assessment of its capability to analyze the types
of problems that will be applied. This part describes the development and application of
a series of standard benchmark test problems that can be used to assess the suitability
of new, or significantly modified, FEA software for ship structure analysis,

As a means of qualifying FEA sottware, the benchmarks represent a category of test

between that of large scale validation efforts and that of smaller scale verification
problems. The actual structural behaviour of even the simplest component depends on
such a large number of variables of varying complexity, that isolating the response
modelled by FEA codes is extremely difficult. As such, large scale validation of FEA
software is typically very complex and expensive, of-ten requiring comparison of FEA
predictions with physical test results, Although such validation testing may be a
requirement for certain critical structure applications, it is not a practical approach for
assessing FEA software on a routine basis.

Most FEA software developers perform verification tests as part of their internal quality
assurance procedures. For example, the verification test set for the ANSYS FEA
program consists of over 5500 test cases at revision 5.1, Some software developers
publish and / or make available a subset of the tests in the form of examples or
verification manuals. Other developers include “text book” verification examples in their
marketing media. Verification problems of this sort are usually simple and small-scale
in character and typically have closed-form theoretical solutions. They are generally
designed to test a very specific aspect of the FEA coder such as the numerical
performance of a certain type of element in a certain geometry, loading condition and
type of analysis. However, the verification problems rarely resemble “real life”
engineering problems involving irregular geometries with large numbers of element
types, in various shapes and sizes, combined with several load types and boundary
conditions. Thus, while verification problems of the type described above are a
necessary step in verifying and validating FEA software, they are not sufficient on their

The benchmark problems presented here are intended to represent the next step in
ensuring that the candidate FEA software is appropriate for the FEA of linear elastic
ship structure. The benchmarks are summarized in Table 4.1-1 and cover a range of
typical problems and requirements encountered in “real life” ship structure FEAs. The
problems involve simple configurations of a number of representative ship structures,
but are detailed enough to retain the key characteristics of the structural assembly or
detail. Tha problems typically require that several types of elements, materials, and
loads be used in combination. An attempt has been made to design the benchmarks
such that, collectively, all key features that determine the quality of FEA packages are

addressed. The benchmark problems are described in Part 4, Section 2,0 with complete
details given in Appendix D.

The benchmarks are designed to exercise the FEA software rigorously without making
the evaluation process overly demanding. The problem size has been limited to a
maximum of 200 nodes to ensure that the process of benchmarking new and modified
software is. not onerous, The 200 node limit should also allow, in some cases, for the
user to test demonstration or evaluation versions of FEA software. Such versions are
usually based on the “full” versions of the FEA coder but typically have limits on the
number of nodes and elements that can be modeled. These are usually available from
the FEA software developer at a small nominal fee to allow testing and evaluation prior
to making a larger financial commitment,

The benchmarks do not have closed form theoretical solutions. Instead, the results
from analyzing the benchmark problems using three well known FEA software programs
are used to establish the reference benchmark results, The three programs used were
ANSYS, MSC / NASTRAN, and ALGOR and are described in Part 4, Section 3.0.
Presentation and discussion of the benchmark results is included in Appendix D.

Care has been taken to ensure that the test models for the benchmark problems are
sufficiently detailed or refined that the results approach a converged solution, Element
formulations, stress averaging / extrapolation algorithms, and other aspects of FEA
‘software performance tend to be optimized for ideal configurations. Testing different
FEA software of an ideal configuration (e.g. a rectangular plate with uniform rectangular
elements) will tend to give virtually identical results, However once the FEA model
deviates from an ideal configuration, as is the case for the benchmarks, differences in
the results manifest themselves, In these circumstances the rate of convergence of
results from different FEA programs may differ, Ensuring that the results obtained by
the test models are near a converged solution should minimize any discrepancies that
can be attributed to poor mesh design of the benchmark test models.

New, or significantly modified, FEA software can be evaluated by exercising the

software with the benchmark problems and comparing the results obtained with the
reference benchmark results. The process by which this should be accomplished is
presented in Part 4, Section 4,0,


The benchmark problems and associated FEA models presented in this document are
intended for the express purpose of evaluating FEA software for ship structural analysis
applications. While attempts have been made to ensure that the FBI models follow good
modelling practice, they should not necessarily be regarded as appropriate for any other
purpose than that for which they are intended.

Benchmark Problem

Features BM-I BM-2 BM-3 BM-4 BM-5

Reinforced Stiffened Isolation Mast Bracket
Opening Panel System Detail

2D ●

3D ● ● ● ●
Analysis Types
Static ● ● ● ●

Modal ● ● ●

Mass ● ●

Spring ●

Truss / Spar ● ●

Element Types Beam ● ●

Membrane ●

Shell ● ●


Force ● ●

Pressure ●
Acceleration ●

Displacement ●

Boundary Displacement ● ● ● ● ●
Conditions Symmetry ● ●

Displacement ● ● ● ●

Reactions ● ●
Stress ● ● ● ●

Frequency ● ● ●

TABLE 4.1-1 Summary of Ship Structure FEA Benchmark Problems


The ship structure FEA benchmarks include the following problems :

1 - Reinforced Deck Opening

2- Stiffened Panel
3- Vibration Isolation System
4- Mast
5- Bracket Detail

Table 4.1-1 summarizes the main modelling and analysis features that the benchmarks
are intended to test. The following sections provide a summary description of the
benchmark test problems. Complete details of the benchmark problems are presented
in Appendix D.

2.1 BM-I Reinforced Deck Opening

Openings and penetrations are among the most commonly encountered sources of high
stress levels in surface ship structures. In most cases, the openings are reinforced by
coamings or insert plates to attenuate the resultant stress concentrations. FEA may be
required to evaluate the stress levels and the effectiveness of the reinforcement
technique. This benchmark tests the capability of FEA packages to analyze this
category of ship structure problem and is shown in Figure 4.2-1. The benchmark tests
the FEA programs capability to analyze a plane stress concentration problem using
either 4-node or 8-node shell elements. However, it goes beyond the classical hole-in-a-
plate problem by including two plate thicknesses for the deck and the reinforcement
insert plate, and by including stiffeners in the plane of the deck.

FIGURE 4.2-1 Benchmark Problem BM-1 : Reinforced Deck Opening


2.2 BM-2 Stiffened Panel

Stiffened panels are the most common structural component in ships. This benchmark
tests the capability of FEA packages to analyze this type of structure using various plate
and stiffener element modelling techniques. These include :

a) 4-node shell elements for plate and in-plane beam elements for stiffeners.

b) 4-node shell elements for plate and off-set beam elements for stiffeners;

c) 4-node shell elements for plate and stiffeners; and

d) 8-node shell elements for plate and stiffeners;

Both static and modal analyses are conducted for each model. The static analysis
involves surface pressure loading causing out-of-plane panel bending under symmetric
boundary conditions (i.e. quarter model). The modal analysis tests the programs
capability for calculating natural frequencies and mode shapes under symmetric and
antisymmetric boundary conditions.

FIGURE 4.2-2 Benchmark Problem BM-2 : Stiffened Panel

, .

2.3 BM-3 Vibration Isolation System

Vibration isolation systems are often required for ships equipment and machinery, FEA
analyses may be used to optimize the isolation system and ensure that vibration and
shock design criteria are achieved. This benchmark considers a 12 degree of freedom
system consisting of a generator which is mounted and isolated on a raft structure
which is, in turn, isolated from the foundation structure. The problem is summarized in
Figure 4.2-3. Some of the key testing features include of this benchmark include :

. Modal analysis;
. Point mass including rotational inertia terms (to model generator)
● Spring elements with stiffness in three directions; and
9 “Rigid” beam elements connecting generator mass and isolator springs to raft.

,- —--— -- —-- —..—. -— --— -. —.._ ,


lm=1800kg $
: lam= 90 kg m2
ilW=350 kg@
,l~=370kgm2 I

M In l;ll Ml
#n nII
7 d

Rigid Links \

[ 1 Bsams (Saction PfOPnflY 2)

FIGURE 4.2-3 Benchmark Problem BM-3 : Vibration Isolation System

2.4 BM-4 Mast Structure

Mast structures on ships must be designed to withstand environmental loads (wind and
ship motions). Masts on naval ships usually have additional requirements for resisting
shock and blast loading. The mast benchmark problem is summarized in Figure 4.2-4
and the key modelling and testing features include :

● Beam elements (with axial and bending stiffness) for main legs and polemast;
● Axial line elements (spar, truss, rod) for braces;
● Point mass elements for equipment “payloads”;
● Inertial loading in three directions combined with nodal force loading;

Two materials (steel and aluminum);

Modal analysis.

While the benchmark problem is that of a lattice mast structure, it can be used to
assess the FEA programs capabilities for modelling similar frame or truss like structures
such as booms and derricks, especially where beam and spar elements are used in

FIGURE 4.2-4 Benchmark Problem BM-4 : Mast Structure

2.5 BM-5 Bracket Connection Detail

Welded connection details on ships are subject to fatigue loading. Poorly designed or
constructed details can lead to premature fatigue failure. Finite element methods are
frequently used to calculate fatigue stresses and to aid in the development of improved
detail geometry and configurations. This benchmark problem is summarized in Figure
4.2-5, Some of the key modelling and testing features of this benchmark include :

● 3-D geometry with shell elements of varying thicknesses;

Axial line elements for bulkheads, deck and flange of bracket;
. Transition from coarse to fine mesh at the bracket weld;
● Prescribed non-zero nodal displacement boundary conditions.

The latter feature was included since in many cases the boundary conditions for a detail
FEA are obtained from displacements and loads derived from a global FEA.

This particular bracket detail problem is complicated by the existence of a stress

singularity at the end corner or toe of the bracket. In a linear elastic analysis, the stress
at this point is theoretically infinite. Refining the finite element mesh gives
progressively higher stresses which are meaningless. One method which is commonly
used to get around this problem is to use the so called “hot spot” stress, In calculating
the hot spot stress no account is taken of the weld geometry, and in an idealised finite
element representation (ignoring the weld) the stress is equal to the value at about one
plate thickness from the corner (Chalmers, 1993).

FIGURE 4.2-5 Benchmark Problem BM-5 : Bracket Detail


‘, [

As previously mentioned, the benchmark problems do not have readily obtainable

theoretical solutions. Instead, the results from analyzing the benchmark problems using
three well known FEA software programs are used to establish the reference
benchmark results. The three programs used were ANSYS, MSC / NASTRAN, and

The ANSYS FEA program is developed~and marketed by ANSYS Inc. of Houstan, PA.
ANSYS is a mature, general purpose FEA program that has been commercially available
on various computer platforms since 1970. It includes extensive analysis capabilities, a
larger comprehensive library of elements, and extensive pre- and post-processing
capabilities, The ANSYS Version 5,1 program was run on a DEC 3000 workstation for
the benchmark test cases,

The MSC / NASTRAN FEA program is developed and marketed by The MacNeal-
Schwendler Corporation, Los Angeles, CA. Traditionally it has been most widely used
by the aerospace industry, having evolved from the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). MSC / NASTRAN is a very comprehensive and mature FEA
program that has been commercially available for several decades. It is to some extent
regarded, along with ANSYS, as the industry standard. MSC / NASTRAN For Windows
1,0 on an IBM 486 PC was used for the benchmarks,

The ALGOR FEA program is developed and marketed by ALGOR Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. It
was one of the first FEA programs to be developed especially for the personal
computer, and has become one of the most popular FEA programs for PC applications,
The program features a relatively wide range of modelling and analysis capabilities.


The intended application of the benchmarks is to provide a methodology for assessing

FEA software, This assessment consists of modelling and analyzing the benchmark
problem with the FEA software and comparing the results with those obtained by the
reference FEA programs as presented in Appendix D. The data files for the benchmark
problems in ANSYS, NASTRAN and ALGOR formats may be obtained by contacting the
Ship Structure Committee,

As was discovered in the benchmark results of the three reference FEA programs, there
are liable to be differences between the results obtained by different FEA software
packages. The differences may arise from a multitude of factors ranging from the
numerical accuracy of the hardware and software platforms, to different element
formulations, solution algorithms, and results presentation techniques, to actual errors
or limitations in the FEA software. The question that arises is how much variation or
deviation from the reference results is acceptable.

The authors suggest the following approach be used to judge the acceptability or
otherwise of the benchmark results for any FEA software :

1. Result differences less than 2’%0 with respect to the reference FEA software
results for displacements, reaction forces, and lower mode natural frequencies
are considered acceptable. The 2% limit is generally within what would
normally be the required engineering accuracy for these types of problems.

2, Result differences between 2% and 5% are probably acceptable for beam and
plate element stress results and higher mode natural frequencies. However the
user should endeavour to ensure that there are plausible explanations when
differences get much past 2’%0, This may involve further testing of the problem
by, for example, refining the FEA mesh or switching the analysis options to /
from the defaults used by The FEA program.

3. Result differences greater than 5 YO should be considered as abnormal and

require an explanation, If a reason cannot be found, the developer of the FEA
software should be contacted and requested to investigate the difference.
Where no explanation exists, the FEA software should probably be viewed as
suspect for the particular type of analysis covered by the benchmark problem.

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the proper loads and boundary
conditions have been applied, and that the stress contours, deformed shape or mode
shapes (depending on what is applicable) are consistent with the reference results.
The user should also be sure of the default analysis assumptions and solution
techniques used by the software. These can be especially impofiant for problems
where transverse shear effects need to be considered, or when performing modal
analyses. The user should also be aware of how the FEA software extrapolates and I or
averages plate element stress results at nodes,

The benchmarks are a necessary but by no means complete method of validating an

FEA program, The benchmarks primarily check that a particular FEA code will perform
and produce results that are consistent with the three reference FEA codes. However,
it is strongly recommended that users of new or significantly modified FEA software
become fully aware of all features and limitations of that program for the particular
applications involved. This should include testing the software on simplified versions of
the main problems of interest in order to build confidence in the modelling approach,
choice of elements, mesh densities, etc. as discussed in Part 3, Section 1,3.


.. . ,

From a historical perspective the use of finite element analysis (FEA) as a technique for
ship structural analysis is relatively new. In contrast to traditional ship structural
analysis and design practice, the application of finite element technology to ship
structural analysis is not as well established. As a result the body of experience in the
application of this technology is limited. In common with most new technologies FEA is
relatively unregulated in terms of the tools that are used in its practice, and the
qualifications of organizations and individuals who perform the analysis. This presents
a special problem for those that are required to evaluate finite element models and

The work presented in this report seeks to provide guidance to those that are faced
with the problem of evaluating the FEA work performed by other parties. As an aid to
the evaluation process a comprehensive and systematic assessment methodology is
presented in this report. It is designed to be flexible in terms of the level of skill
expected of the evaluator, and in terms of the size and complexity of the FEA that the
methodology can be applied to.

The methodology is structured in three levels, The first level is essentially an overview
checklist of features of a FEA that need to be evaluated. A more detailed checklist,
based on the first level, is presented in the second level of the methodology. The third
level provides guidance in narrative and illustrative form, and is structured to match the
first and second level checklists. Further guidance is provided through a series of
illustrative examples which show the influence of varying finite element modelling
practice on FEA results. These are intended to help the evaluator in assessing the
levels of accuracy that might be attained in the FEA that is being evaluated.

The proliferation of FEA software on the market presents a particular problem for the
evaluator, and hence quality of the FEA software is considered to be a key element of
the evaluation, While well established FEA software houses follow rigorous
comprehensive quality procedures their tests tend to concentrate on small problems,
particularly those for which closed-form solutions are available. Benchmark problems of
the type presented in this report can be regarded as a further level of qualification.
These benchmark problems are intended to test the ability of software to provide
accurate solutions for structural assemblies typical of ship structures. Unlike the typical
verification problem used by software houses benchmark problems consider non-ideal
configurations, multiple element types, several load cases etc.

FEA codes are large and complex and hence can never be guaranteed to be free of
errors. However, it is suggested that FEA software that has been thoroughly tested by
the vendor at the verification example level, will, by successfully yielding solutions for
the benchmark problems, provide another level of assurance that the software is fit for
performing ship structure FEA.


‘ “._,...’
Several recommendations are presented below for consideration:

1. The assessment methodology as presented is entirely new and can certainly be

refined. This is best done by seeking feedback from evaluators of FEAs who
have used the methodology.
2, The scope could be broadened to include dynamic response computation, non-
linear behaviour, and composite materials.
3. The benchmarks presented in this report might be considered as a starting point
for building a library of benchmark problems, These problems could also include
high quality well documented experiments on ship structure assemblies.
4. On a broader front consideration should be given to the important question of
design criteria for structure analyzed using FEA. Traditional structural design
methods have evolved over many decades of use, and the design criteria used
implicitly allow for, among other things, uncertainties associated with the
structural analysis and design method used, Compared with traditional
structural analysis and design methods the finite element method has quite
different capabilities, and limitations. The subject of structural design criteria
when the analysis is based on FEA should be the subject of investigation and


CHALMERS, D, W,, Design of Ships’ Structures, HMSO, London, 1993.

CON NOR, J.J. and WILL, G .T.,Computer-Aided Teaching of Finite Element Displacement
Method, MIT Report 69, Feb. 1969,

COOK, R. D., MALKUS, D. S., and PLESHA, M. A,, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element
Ana/ysis, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989.

GIANNOTTI & ASSOCIATES, IN C., Structura/ Guidelines for A/umerica/ Ana/ysis, report
prepared for the Department of the Navy, NAVSEA, Washington, DC., USA, 1984.

IRONS, B., and AHMAD, S., Techniques ot Finite E/ements, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester,
UK, 1980.

ISSC, 1991, Report of Committee 11.2: Dynamic Load Effects, Proceedings of the 11th
International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress held in Jiangsu, People’s Republic of
China, 16-20 September 1991, Volume 1, edited by P.H, Hsu and Y.S. Wu, Elsevier Applied
Science, London, UK and New York, 1991.

KARDESTUNCER, H. (Editor in Chief), Finite E/ement Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Companyr

New York, 1987,

NAFEMS, Quality System Supplement to ISO 9001 Relating to Finite Element Analysis in The
Design and Validation of Engineering Products, Ref: ROO13, National Agency for Finite Element
Methods and Standards, East Kilbride, Glasgow, UK, 1990.

STEELE, J. E., Applied Finite Element Modelling, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1989.


<.,, ..

Appendix A

Evaluation Forms for Assessment of

Finite Element Models and Results

1- Prellmlnary Cheeks Result
1.1 Doaumentatlon
Perform these ohecks to ensurethatthe Preliminarytieoks

analysisdocumentation, job 1.2 Job Spaclflcetlon acceptable?
spetication, FEA smlware, and
contractor/ analystqualification 1.3 Finks Element Anaiyais Software Yes No
requirementshave beanaddressed.
1.4 Contmctor / Analyst Quallfloatlona

2- Engineering Model Checks Rasult
2.1 Analysl$ Type& Assumptions
2.2 Geometry
PerFarm thesechecksto ensurethat Engineeringmodel
the assumptionsusedto developtha 2,3 Material Properties is a~ptable ?
engineeringmodelof the problemare 2.4 Stiffness & Mass PmperUes Yes No
reasonable. 2.6 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom
2.6 Loade & Boundmy Conditions


3. Finite Element Modal Checks Result
3.1 Elamerd Types
3.2 Me$h Doslgn Finitaelementmodel
Performthesechecksto ensurethat is acceptable?
the finiteelementmodelis an adequate 3.3 SUhtructuras ●nd Submodela
interpretationof the engineeringmodel. Yas No
3.4 FE Load=& Boundary Condiflone
3.6 FE Solution Optlona & Procedures


4- Flnita Elemant Analyale Reeulta Checks Reauit
4.1 Ganeml Solution Cheeks
Performthesechacksto ensurethat Finiteelement
4.2 Post Proceealng Mathoda resultsare
the finiteelementresultsare
calculated,prooessedand presentedin 4.3 DisplacementReauhs
a mannerconsistentwiththe analysis
4.4 Strea8 Reaulls
4.5 Other Resul&


S - Conclusions Chacks i Raautt i

Performthesechecksto ensurethat “ Conclusions of

adequateconsideration of the loads, the analysisare
strength,acceptsnmcriteria,FE aoosptable?
model,and resultsamxracy are
Yes No
includedin arrivingat the ~nclusions .
fromthe finite elementanalysis.
5.5 Overall Aeaea8msmt I u

Overall Evaluation Methodology Chart

Project No. Project 77tle:

Contractor Name: Date:

Analvst: ~ Checker:

1.1 Documentation Requirements

Refer to
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.1.1 Has the following information been 3-1.1

provided in the FEA documentation?
a) Objectives and scope of the analysis,

b) Analysis requirements and acceptance criteria.

c) FEA software used.

d) Description of physical problem.

e) Description of engineering model,

f) Type of analysis.

9) System of units,
h) Coordinate axis systems.

i) Description of FEA model,

j) Plots of full FEA model and local details.

k) Element types and degrees of freedom per node.

1) Material properties.
m) Element properties (stiffness & mass properties).

n) FE loads and boundary conditions.

o) Description and presentation of the FEA results.

P) Assessment of accuracy of the FEA results.

q) Conclusions of the analysis,
r) List of references.

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

1.1 Is the level of documentation sufficient to perform an assessment of the FEA?


1.2 Job Specification Requirements

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
1.2.1 Is the job specification identified and F
referenced in the analysis documentation?

1.2.2 Are the objectives and scope of the analysis 3-1.2

clearly stated and are they consistent with
those of the iob specification?
1.2.3 Are the analysis requirements clearly stated 3-1.2
and are they consistent with those of the job
1.2.4 If certain requirements of the job specification 3-1.2
have not been addressed (such as certain load
cases), has adequate justification been given?
1.2.5 Are the design / acceptance criteria clearly 3-1.2
stated and are they consistent with those of
the job specification?
1.2.6 Is there reasonable justification for using FEA 3-1.2
for this problem?

1.2.7 Has advantage been taken of any previous 3-1.2

experimental, analytical, or numerical works
that are relevant to this problem?

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result

1,2 Does the analysis address the job specification requirements? I


1.3 Finite Element Analysis Software Requirements

Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check

I Comments

1.3.1 Is the FEA software on the list of approved 3-1.3

programs for ship structural analysis

If the answer to Check 1.3.1 is “Y”, you may skip Checks 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.

1.3.2 Are the capabilities and limitations of the FEA 3-1.4

software used to perform the required analysis
stated in the analysis documentation?

1.3.3 Is evidence of this capability documented and 3-1.3

available for review (eg. verification manual,
results of ship structure FEA benchmark tests,
wevious amxoved FEA of similar moblems)?

1.3.4 Does the vendor of the FEA software have a

quality system to ensure that appropriate
standards are maintained in software
develoDmen’t and maintenance,

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.3 and enter result in Figure 7.0. I Result

1.3 Is the FEA software qualified to perform the required analysis? I


NOTE: Part 4 of this report presents benchmark problems for the purpose of assessing the quality
and suitability of FEA software for performing ship structural analysis. On its own, successful
performance of the candidate FEA software in exercising the benchmark problems is not sufficient
evidence of the quality and suitability of the software. The assessor should, in addition, be able to
answer the other questions in the table above affirmatively.


1.4 Contractor / Personnel Qualification Requirements

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.4.1 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

academic training and experience qualifications
to perform finite element analysis?

1.4.2 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

engineering experience qualifications for
performing ship structural design or analysis?

1.4.3 Do the contractor and contractor personnel 3-1.5

have adequate professional certification

1.4.4 Does the contractor have a working system of 3-1,5

Quality Assurance (QA) procedures and checks
that are satisfactory for the requirement? t-

1.4.5 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

experience with the FEA software used for the

Based on the above checks answer Question 7.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. m
1.4 Is the contractor adequately qualified for performing ship structure FEA? I



Project No. I F701ect17tie:

Contractor Name: Date :

Analyst: Checker: <

2.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline
I Comments

2.1.1 Does the engineering model employ enough 3-2.1

dimensions and freedoms to describe the
structural behaviour (egt 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D)?
2.1.2 Does the engineering model address the 3-2.1
appropriate scale of response for the problem
(egi global, intermediate, or local response)?
2.1.3 Is the type of analysis appropriate for the type 3-2.1
of response and loading of interest (eg. linear,
static, dynamic, buckling analysis)?
2.1.4 Does the engineering model address all the 3-2.1
required results parameters (eg. stress,
displacement, frequency, buckling load)?
2.1.5 Are all assumptions affecting the choice of 3-2.1
engineering model and analysis type justified
(watch for non-standard assumptions)?
2.1.6 Is the level of detail, accuracy or conservatism 3-2.1
of the engineering model appropriate for the
criticality of the analysis and type of problem?
2.1.7 Does the analysis employ a consistent set of 3-2.1

2.1.8 Does the analysis employ a consistent global 3-2,1

coordinate axis system?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.1 and enter result in Figure 7.0. -
2.1 Are the assumptions of the type of analysis and engineering model acceptable? I


~,.; ““
\ -.,.‘“
2.2 Geometry Assumptions

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.2.1 Does the extent of the model geometry 3-2.2

capture the main structural actions, load
paths, and response parameters of interest?

2.2.2 Are correct assumptions used to reduce the 3-2.2

extent of model geometry (eg. symmetry,
boundary conditions at changes in stiffness)?

2.2.3 Will the unmodelled structure (ie. outside the 3-2.2

boundaries of the engineering model) have an
acceptably small influence on the results?

2.2.4 Are the effects of geometric simplifications 3-2.2

(such as omitting local details, cut-outs, etc. )
on the accuracy of the analysis acceptable ?

2.2.5 For local detail models, have the aims of St. 3-2.2
Venant’s principle been satisfied?

2.2.6 Do the dimensions defining the engineering 3-2.2

model geometry adequately correspond to the
dimensions of the structure?

2.2.7 For buckling analysis, does the geometry 3-2,2

adequately account for discontinuities and
imperfections affecting buckling capacity?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

2.2 Are the geometry assumptions in the engineering model acceptable?



.. . .

2.3 Material Properties

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.3.1 Are all materials of structural importance to 3-2.3

the problem accounted for in the engineering

2.3.2 Are the assumed behaviors valid for each 3-2,3

material (eg. linear elastic, isotropic,
anisotropic, orthotropic)?

2.3.3 Are the required material parameters defined 3-2.3

for the type of analysis (eg, E, v, etc.)?

2.3.4 Are orthotropic and / or layered properties 3-2,3

defined correctly for non-isotropic materials
such as wood and composites?

2.3.5 Are orthotropic properties defined correctly 3-2.3

where material orthotropy is used to simulate
structural orthotropy (eg. stiffened panels)?

2.3.6 If strain rate effects are expected to be 3-2.3

significant for this problem, are they
accounted for in the material properties data?

2.3.7 Are the values of the materials properties data 3-2.3

traceable to an acceptable source or reference
(eg. handbook, mill certificate, coupon tests)?

2.3.8 Are the units for the materials properties data 3-2.3
consistent with the system of units adopted
for other Darts of the analvsis?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.3 and enter result in Fi!qure 7.0.

2.3 Are the assumptions and data defining the material properties acceptable?



2.4 Stiffness and Mass Properties

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.4.1 Are all components that have significant 3-2.4

effect on the stiffness of the structure
accounted for in the engineering model ?

2.4.2 Are the assumed stiffness behaviors valid for 3-2.4

each structural component (eg. linear,
membrane, bending, shear, torsion, etc.)?
2.4.3 Are the required stiffness parameters defined 3-2,4
for each component, eg. :
Truss members - A
Beams, bars - A, IYY,1,,, other
Plates, shells - t (uniform or varying)
Springs - K (axial or rotational)
2.4.4 Do the section properties of stiffeners (where 3-2,4
modelled with beams) include correct
allowances for the effective plate widths?
2.4.5 If torsion flexibility is expected to be 3-2.4
important, are torsion flexibility parameters
correctly defined for beam sections?

2.4.6 If shear flexibility is expected to be important, 3-2,4

are shear flexibility parameters correctly
defined for beam and/or plate elements?
If mass or inertial effects are not applicableto this problem,
proceed to Check 2.4.13 on the following page.
2,4.8 Are all components that have significant 3-2.4
effect on the mass of the structure accounted
for in the engineering model?

2.4.9 Have material properties data for density been 3-2,4

defined (see also Check 2,3,3)?

2,4.10 Has the added mass of entrained water been 3-2.4

adequately accounted for with structure
partially or totally submerged under water?
2.4.11 Are lumped mass representations of structural 3-2.4
mass and / or equipment correctly
consolidated and located?
2.4.12 If rotational inertia is expected to be 3-2.4
important, are mass moments of inertia
properties correctly defined for masses?

Refer To
finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.4.13 Are the values of the stiffness and mass 3-2.4

properties data supported by acceptable
calculations and / or references?
2.4.14 If relevant, has fluid-structure interaction been 3-2.4
accounted for? Has the added mass been
included in the model?
2,4.15 Are the units for the stiffness and mass 3-2,4
properties data consistent with the system of
units for other parts of the analysis?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

2.4 Are the assumptions and data defining stiffness and mass properties acceptable?


A-1 1
2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom

If the analysis is not a reduced dynamic analysis, you may proceed directly to Part 2.6.

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.5.1 Are dynamic dof defined in enough directions 3-2,5

to model the anticipated dynamic response
behaviour of the structure?

2.5.2 Are the number of dynamic dof at least three 3-2,5

times the highest mode required (eg. if 30
modes required, need at least 90 dof)?

2.5.3 Are the dynamic dof located where the 3-2.5

highest modal displacements are anticipated?

2.5.4 Are the dynamic dof located where the 3-2.5

highest mass-to-stiffness ratios occur for the

2.5.5 Are dynamic dof located at points where 3-2.5

forces or seismic inputs are to be applied for
dynamic response analyses?

2.5.6 Are the number of dynamic dof such that at 3-2.5

least 90% of the structural mass is accounted
for in the reduced model in each direction?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

2.5 Are the assumptions and data defining dynamic degrees of freedom acceptable?


2.6 Loads and Boundary Conditions

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.6.1 Are all required loadings / load cases 3-2.6

accounted for, and has sufficient justification
been provided for omitting certain loadings?

2.6.2 Are the loading assumptions stated clearly 3-2,6

and are they justified?

2.6.3 Has an assessment been made of the 3-2.6

accuracy and / or conservatism of the loads?

2.6.4 Are the procedures for combining loads / load 3-2.6

cases (eg. superposition) adequately described
and are they justified?

2.6.5 Have the boundary conditions assumptions 3-2.6

been stated clearly and are they justified?

2.6.6 Do the boundary conditions adequately reflect 3-2.6

the anticipated structural behaviour?

2.6.7 Has an assessment been made of the 3-2,6

accuracy of the boundary conditions, and if
thev movide a lower or urmer bound solution?

Based on the above checks answer Question 2.6 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result
2.6 Are the assumptions and data defining loads and boundary conditions reasonable? I




Project No. ~ F!rojectTitle :

Contractor Name: Date :

Analyst: I Checker:

3.1 Element Types

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guidaline Result Comments
3.1.1 Are all of the different types of elements used in 3-3.1
the FEA model identified and referenced in the
analysis documentation?

3.1,2 Are tha element types available in the FEA software 3-3.1
used appropriate to ship structural analysis?

3.1.3 Do tha element types support the kind of analysis, 3-3,1

geometry, materials, and loads that are of
importance for this problem?

3.1,4 If required, do the selected beam element types 3-3.1

include capabilities to model transverse shear and /
or torsional flexibility behaviour?

3.1.5 If required, do the selected beam element types 3-3.1

include capabilities to model tapered, off-set or
unsymmetric section properties?
3.1.6 If required, do the selected beam element types 3-3.1
include capabilities for nodal dof end releases (eg.
to model partial pinned joints)?

3.1.7 If required, do the selected plate element types 3-3.1

include capabilities to model out-of-plane loads and
bending behaviour?

3.1,8 If required, do the selected plate element types 3-3.1

include capabilities to model transverse shear
behaviour (ie, thick plate behavior)?

3.1.9 If the model is 2-D, are the selected element types 3-3.1
(or options) correct for plane stress or plane strain
(whichever case applies)?
3.1.10 If required, can the selected element types model 3-3.1
curved surfaces or boundaries to an acceptable
level of accuracv?

Basedon theabovechecksanswerQuestion3.1 and enterresultin Egure 1.0. ! Result

3.1 Are the types of elements used in the FEA model acceptable?

3.2 Mesh Design

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
3.2.1 Does the mesh design adequately reflect the 3-3,2
geometry of the problem (eg. overall
geometry, stiffener locations, details, etc.)?

3.2.2 Does the mesh design adequately reflect the 3-3.2

anticipated structural response (eg. stress
gradients, deflections, mode shapes)?

3.2.3 Are nodes and elements correctly located for 3-3,2

applying loads, support and boundary
constraints, and connections to other parts?

3.2.4 Does the analysis documentation state or 3-3.2

show that there are no “illegal” elements in
the model (ie, no element errors or warnings)?

3.2.5 Are the element shapes in the areas of interest 3-3.2

acceptable for the types element used and
degree of accuracy required?
3.2.6 Are mesh transitions from coarse regions to 3-3.2
areas of refinement acceptably gradual?

3.2.7 Are element aspect ratios acceptable, 3-3.2

particularly near and at the areas of interest?

3.2.8 Are element taper or skew angles acceptable, 3-3.2

particularly near and at the areas of interest?

3.2.9 If flat shell elements are used to model curved 3-3.2

surfaces, are the curve angles < 10° for
stresses, or < 15“ for displacement results?

3.2.10 If flat shell elements are used for double or 3-3.2

tapered curve surfaces, is warping avoided
(egq small curve angles, use of triangles)?
3.2.11 Is the mesh free of unintentional gaps or 3-3.2
cracks, overlapping or missing elements?

3.2.12 Is proper node continuity maintained between 3-3.2

adjacent elements (also continuity between
beam and plate elements in stiffened panels)?
3.2.13 Are the orientations of the beam element axes 3-3.2
correct for the defined section properties?

A-1 5

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check I Guideline Result Comments

3.2.14 Are differences in rotational dof / moment 3-3.2

continuity for different element types
accounted for (eg. beam joining solid)?
3.2.15 Are the outward normals for plate / shell 3-3.2
elements of a surface in the same direction?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result

3.2 Is the design of the finite element mesh acceptable? I




3.3 Substructures and Submodelling

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

3.3.1 Is the overall substructure or submodelling 3-3.3 I I

scheme or procedure adequately described in
the analysis documentation?

3.3.2 Are all individual substructure models, global 3-3,3

models and refined submodels identified and
described in the analysis documentation?

3.3.3 Are the master nodes located correctly and are 3-3.3
the freedoms compatible for linking the

3.3.4 Are the master nodes located correctly for 3-3.3 I I

application of loads and boundary conditions
upon assembly of the overall model?

3.3.5 Are loads and boundary conditions applied at 3-3.3

the substructure level consistent with those of
the overall model?

3.3.6 Does the boundary of the refined submodel 3-3,3

match tha boundary of coarse elements / nodes
in the global model at the region of interest?

3.3.7 Is the boundary for the submodel at a region of 3-3.3

relatively low stress gradient or sufficiently far
away from the area of primary interest?

3.3.8 Does the refined submodel correctly employ

forces and / or displacements from the coarse
model as boundary conditions?

3.3.9 Does the submodel include all other loads 3-3.3

applied to the global model (egi surface
pressure, acceleration loads, etc.)?

3,3.10 Have stiffness differences between the coarse 3-3.3

global mesh and refined submodel mesh been
adeauatelv accounted for?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. G

3.3 Are the substructuring or submodelling procedures acceptable? I



3.4 FE Model Loads and Boundary Conditions

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

3.4.1 Are point load forces applied at the correct 3-3.4

node locations on the structure and are they
the correct units, magnitude, and direction?

3.4.2 Are distributed loads applied at the correct 3-3,4

locations on the structure and are they the
correct units, magnitude and direction?

3.4.3 Are surface pressure loads applied at the 3-3.4

correct locations on the structure and are
they the corract units, magnitude and

3.4.4 Are translational accelerations in the correct 3-3.4

units, and do they have the correct
magnitude and direction?

3.4.5 Are rotational accelerations the correct units, 3-3.4

magnitude and direction and about the
correct centre of rotation?

3.4.6 Are prescribed displacements applied at the 3-3,4

correct locations on the structure and are
they the correct units, magnitude and

3.4.7 Are the displacement boundary conditions 3-3.4

applied at the correct node locations?

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. E

3.4 Are the FE loads and boundary conditions applied correctly? I




3.5 Solution Options and Procedures

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline

3.5.1 Have any special solution options and 3-3.5

procedures been used and, if so, have they
been documented?

3.5.2 If non-standard options been invoked have 3-3.5

they been documented and the reasons for
their use been explained?

3.5.3 If the problem is a dynamic analysis is the 3-3.5

method for eigenvalue and mode extraction

Based on the above checks answer Question 3.5 and enter result in Figure 1.0. [ Result

3.5 Are the solution o~tions and rwocedures followed for the FEA acceptable? I


Project No. Project Title:

Contractor Name: Date:

Analvst: Checker:

4.1 GeneraI Solution Checks

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline
I Comments

4.1.1 Are all error and warning messages issued by 3-4.1

the software reviewed and understood?

4.1.2 Is the magnitude of mass of the finite 3-4.1

element model approximately as expected?

4.1.3 Is the location of centre of gravity of the 3-4.1

model, as calculated by the program,

4.1.4 Are the applied forces in equilibrium with the 3-4.1

applied reactions?

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0.
4.1 Are the general solution parameters acceptable? I



L>, ,,
4.2 Post Processing Methods

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.2.1 Are the methods for reducing analysis results 3-4.2

described (eg. calculation of safety factors
and other parameters calculated by
manipulating raw output)?

4.2.2 Are the methods for “correcting” FE results 3-4.2

described (eg. correction factors, smoothing
factors) ?

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. l==

4.2 Is the methodology used for post processing the results satisfactory? I


4.3 Displacement Results

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.3.1 Are the displacement results described and 3-4.3


4,3.2 Are plots of the deformed structure (or mode 3-4.3

shape) presented?

4.3.3 Are the directions of displacements 3-4.3

consistent with the geometry, loading and
boundary conditions?

4.3.4 Do the. magnitudes of displacements make 3-4.3


4.3.5 Is the deformed shape (or mode shape) 3-4.3

smooth and continuous in area of interest?

4.3.6 Are unintentional slits or cuts (indicating 3-4.3

elements not connected where they should
be) absent?

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. l==

4,3 Are displacement results consistent with expectations? I


4.4 Stress Results

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

4.4.1 Are the stress results described and 3-4.4


4.4.2 Are stress contour plots presented? In the 3-4.4

stress plots are the stress parameters or
components defined (eg. u,, OY,Txy, etc.)?

4.4.3 Is the method of smoothing stress results, or 3-4.4

averaging stress results described (eg.
element stresses vs nodal average stresses)?
4.4.4 Are the units of stress parameters 3-4.4

4.4.5 Are the magnitudes of stresses consistent 3-4.4

with intuition?

4.4,6 In cases where there are adjacent plate 3-4.4

elements with different thicknesses does the
method for averaging stresses account for
the differences?
4.4.7 Are the stress contours smooth and 3-4.4
continuous, particularly in region of primary
interest ?

4.4.8 Are the stress contours at boundaries 3-4.4

consistent with the boundary conditions
applied (eg. stress contours perpendicular to
boundary if symmetry be)?

4.4.9 Are stresses local to the applied loads 3-4.4


4.4.10 Are there areas in which stresses are above 3-4.4

yield (which would invalidate linear elastic

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result

4.4 Are stress results consistent with expectations?


4.5 Other Results

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline
I Comments

4.5.1 Are the frequencies expressed in correct 3-4,5


4.5.2 Are the magnitudes of natural frequencies 3-4.5

consistent with the type of structure and
mode number?

4.5.3 Are the mode shapes smooth? 3-4.5

Based on the above checks answer Question 4.5 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result

4.5 Are dynamics results consistent with expectations?



Project No. Project Title :

Contractor Name: Date :

Analvst: Checker:

5.1 FEA Results and Acceptance Criteria

Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check

Refer To
Guideline I Result I Comments

5.1.1 Are the results summarised in a manner that

allows comparisons with acceptance criteria,
or alternative solutions or data?

5.1.2 Are satisfactory explanations provided where

the results do not meet acceptance criteria,
or where they differ significantly from other
com~arable solutions or data?

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.1 and enter result in Figure 1.0. E

5.1 Are the results presented in sufficient detail to allow comparison with acceptance
criteria? I



.,, .“
k-.. “’
5.2 Load Assessment

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.2.1 Has an assessment been made of the

accuracy or degree of conservatism of the
loads used in the FE model with respect to
the following aspects :

a) types of loads / load cases that were included and


b) basis or theory used to derive loads (eg. linear strip

theory for sea motion loads, base acceleration vs DRS
for shock, drag coefficients for wind loads, etc.)

c) magnitudes of loads

d) loading directions included / excluded

e) load combinations

f) load factors

g) boundary conditions

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.2 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. G

5.2 Are the accuracy and conservatism, or otherwise, of the applied loading modelled
understood? I


5.3 Strength / Resistance Assessment

Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check

Refer To
Guideline I Result I Comments

5.3.1 Has an assessment been made of the

accuracy or degree of conservatism of the
strength or resistance of the modelled
structure with respect to the following
aspects :

a) failure theory, failure criteria, allowable stresses,

safety factors, etc

b) section properties

c) material properties

d) allowances for imperfection, misalignment,

manufacturing tolerances

e) allowances for corrosion

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.3 and enter result in Figure 1.0. E
5.3 Has an adequate assessment been made of the capability of the structure?

5.4 Accuracy Assessment

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.4.1 Has an assessment been made of the scale of 3-5.4

FE model and its level of detail and

5.4.2 Have the types of behaviour modelled and not 3-5.4

modelled (egi membrane only instead of
membrane plus bending) been assessed?

5,4.3 Has the influence of mesh refinement on 3-5.4

accuracy been considered?

5.4.4 Has a comparison with other results (eg. other 3-5,4

solutions, experiment, etc.) been made?

5.4.5 Based on the above has an overall assessment 3-5.4

of the accuracy of the relevant results been

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.4 and enter result in Figure 7.0. Result
I 5.4 Has an adequate assessment of the accuracy of the analysis been made? I I


5.5 Overall Assessment

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

5.5.1 Are conclusions from the FEA provided, and 3-5,5

are they consistent with the material

5.5.2 If appropriate has a way ahead or potential 3-5.5

solutions been presented?

5.5.3 Based on consideration of all previous checks 3-5.5

is the overall assessment that the FEA is
accemable? i

Based on the above checks answer Question 5.5 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result
5.5 Is the finite element analysis assessed generally satisfactory? I



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Appendix B

Example Application of
Assessment Methodology



The purpose of this Appendix is to illustrate the application of the FEA assessment
methodology and the guidelines presented in Parts 2 and 3 of this document,

An example finite element analysis (FEA) of a web frame from an Arctic-going tanker
design subject to ice loads is used for this purpose, The approach used to illustrate the
assessment methodology and guidelines includes :

● a sample report of the Arctic tanker web frame FEA, annotated with references to
relevent sections of the FEA assessment methodology and guidelines; and
● completed checklists as required by the assessment methodology.

The annotated report and the completed checklists are presented in Annexes B-1 and
B-4 respectively.


The example FEA is adapted from an analysis for an actual designl of an icebreaking
tanker. The tanker is double hulled. Transverse strength is provided by a series of
closely spaced web frames, and the longitudinal load transfer is achieved through
several longitudinal stringers. The design requirements are based on current Canadian

The primary interest for this analysis is the behaviour of a typical web frame in response
to ice loads, Other loads are ignored as negligible compared with the ice loads. The
analysis was performed to ensure that the side structure that directly resists the ice
loads responds in the manner expected by the designers, and that the structure is as
optimized as possible.

This example illustrates several aspects of finite element modelling common in ship
structures including:

● behaviour of stiffened plate structures

. openings in structures
● discontinuities often found in ship structures
● integrated nature of typical ship structures
● use of most types of elements commonly used in the FEA of ship structures.

For reasons explained in Annex B-1 it was necessary to make modifications to the
original analysis, particularly in regard to the level of ice load, to make it suitable for the
purposes of the present work.

1 The design was undertaken by Canarctic Shipping Co, Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada under contract
to the Transportation Development Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada




Annex B-1 presents a sample report of the Arctic tanker web frame FEA that has been
prepared by a contractor (“BB Engineering”) and has been subjected to the assessment
methodology. For illustrative purposes the report has been annotated with short
descriptions identifying the relevant part of the assessment methodology presented in
Parts 2 and 3 of this document. Except for the annotations the report is meant to be
typical of the documentation that an evaluator of FEA might recieve,


A sample of completed FEA evaluation checklists for the report in Annex B-1 are
presented in Annex B-4.


The finite element analysis described in the following pages is adapted from an analysis
performed by MIL Systems Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario for Canarctic Shipping Ltd.,
Ottawa, Ontario under a contract awarded by the Transportation Development Centre,
Montreal, Quebec.


This example is presented solely for the purpose of illustrating the assessment
methodology described in Part 2. As such it is not necessarily complete in all details.
particularly in regard to parameters such as number of loading types. design criteria,
and number of structural responses considered. Furthermore this example should not
be construed as representative of the requirements for a finite element analysis of other
marine structures.


,,-+. . “
Annex B-1

Finite Analysis of

Arctic Tanker Web Frame

BB Engineering Ltd.
13-1300 Finite Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
xxx xxx

May 1995


.,. .-,

1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i. .. B. 6-6

2.0 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-6

281 Job Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-6
2.2 Rationale for using Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
2.3 FEA Software..,,,,,,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-7
2,4 Contractor and Analyst Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-7

3.0 ENGINEERING MODEL.,,,,,. ,,, ,,, , . .,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-7

3.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-7
3,2 Global Geometry of50000DWT Tanker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-8
3.3 Frame Selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-8
3.4 Extent of Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-9
3.5 Material Properties ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-9
3,6 interaction with Adjacent Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-10
3.7 Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6-11
3.8 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,, ,,, ... . ..B-12

4.0 FINITE ELEMENTMODEL ...,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,, ,,, . . . .. B.12I2

4.1 General information, ,,.., . ., .,, , . .,, .,, ,,, . . . . ,,, . . . . . . . . . ..B-I2
4.2 Element Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-12
4.3 Mesh Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-13
4.4 Finite Element Attributes and Spring Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . B-14
4.5 FE Model Loadsand Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-16
4.6 FE Model Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-17
4.7 FE Solution Option and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-18

5.0 ANALYSIS RESLILTS ii,,,,,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . .. B.18 B-18

5.1 General Solution Checks ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-..,,., ,,, ,, . . . . .. B..B-18
5.2 Postprocessing Methods,,. . ...,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,. . . . . . . .. B.. .B-18
5,3 Structural Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-19

6.0 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-20

7.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-20

Annex B-2 Company and Personnel Qualifications . . . . , , , , , , ,., i i . . . . , , . , , . . , . . . B-35

B-2.1 Contractor Qualifications,,, , .,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,, . . . . . . ..AB-35
B-2.2 Personnel Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-35

Annex B-3 FEA Results Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ,,, ,., .,, ,.. .B. .B-36

Annex B-4 Sample Completed Assessment Methodology Forms , . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . B-37


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AA Shipping Company Limited has developed a design for a

50000 DWT Arctic tanker. The focus of the work has been to
design cost optimized midbody and bow structures,

The BE Engineering Co Ltd. (BBE) has been tasked to undertake a

finite element analysis (FEA) of a typical midbody web (diaphragm)
frame. The purpose of the FEA reported in this report is to assess
the response of the midship structure to ice loads.

Section 2 of this report provides a summary of the requirements

for the analysis, and data on the software and the resources
applied to the problem. The engineering model is described in
Section 3, This section includes a discussion of the subject
structure and the assumptions made in developing the engineering
model. Section 4 describes the finite element model, and Section
5 presents the results of the analysis,


2.1 Job Specification

Job Specification
The job specification calls for a static, linear elastic, FEA of a web
Para. 1.2 in the
frame from the midbody section of the 50000 DWT tanker at a
design ice load of 4435 kN,

The finite element model is based on the drawings provided in

Arctic Tanker Structural Evaluation - Midship Sections, Bow
Sections and Repair Drawings (Ref. 2).

Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria for the analysis are as follows:
Para 1.2.5

1. maximum stress not to exceed the material yield stress

except as noted in item 2,
2. very localized stresses in excess of yield stress are
considered acceptable

2.2 Rationale for using Finite Element Method

The structure under investigation is too complex to be analyzed by Justification for using
hand calculation particularly in regions of high stress FEA
concentrations. Para. 1.2.6

2.3 FEA Software

ANSYS finite element software (Version 5.1), developed and FEA Sotlware
supported by ANSYS Inc. of Houston, PA, was used for the finite Para. 1.3.1
element work performed and presented here. ANSYS is a well
established FEA package has a proven track record in analyzing
structures of the type under consideration, BBE currently has a
maintenance and technical support contract with ANSYS, Inc.
The software updates and error reports received from ANSYS are
reviewed by all BBE staff involved in FEA, and filed along with
other ANSYS documents. ANSYS’S shell and beam elements have
been validated by BBE for use in ship structural analysis. ANSYS
has been evaluated against benchmarks designed to test the
capability of the software to perform ship structural FEA.

2.4 Contractor and Analyst Qualifications

Information on qualifications of the contractor, the analysts, and Contractor /Personnel

the supervisor, to perform the required FEA is provided in Annex Qualification
B-2 of this document, Para. 1.4


3.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions

Since the stresses are limited to the yield stress the material Analysis Type &
behaviour is assumed to be linear. Similarly because large Assumptions
deflections are not expected geometric behaviour is assumed to be Para. 2.1
linear as well,

The load is assumed to be static and interest is centred on the

strength of the frame. Hence, the dynamic behaviour of the frame
is not within the scope of this analysis. Instability behaviour is
also not considered in this analysis. However, it should be
considered as part of the design process.

The overall strength of the frame is the primary focus of this
analysis, and therefore the analysis is not optimized to examine
stress concentrations at structural discontinuities such as those
that will exist around openings for example. Again these should
be addressed as pati of the normal design process.

3.2 Global Geometry of 50000 DWT Tanker

The 50000 DWT tanker has a waterline length of 242 metres, a Geometry
breadth of 34.6 metres and a depth of 18,1 metres. The vessel Assumptions
has seven cargo tanks. In the cargo tank region of the vessel the Para. 2.2
distance between transverse bulkheads is 19.2 metres, Each
cargo tank has approximate dimensions of 18 m x 30.6 m x

The vessel is double hulled, The distance between the inner and
outer hulls is 2000 mm. The bottom structure wraps around the
turn of the bilge and connects to the side shell structure at a point
4.0 metres above baseline. The side shell structure connects with
the deck structure at a point 15,0 metres above baseline.
Thereforer the side shell structure vertically spans a distance of
11.0 metres. The structure is transversely framed by web frames
(diaphragms) spaced at 1000 mm intervals. Longitudinal framing
is provided by several stringers spanning between bulkheads,

The midship section is shown in Figurel 3,1

3.3 Frame Selected

The ice load for the 50000 DWT tanker is approximately 22 Extent of Model
metres in length and therefore, if centrally positioned, spans Para. 2.2.1
across a pair of bulkheads. The ice load applied to side structure
is resisted by the transverse frames (each acting essentially as a
ring), the deck structure, the bottom structure and by the
transverse bulkheads.

Any transverse loads applied to the side structure are distributed

vertically to the bottom and deck structures by transverse frames,
‘ and longitudinally to bulkheads through stringers,

The most severe loading case for a web frame is from ice load

1 Figures are presented at the end of this document

applied to the frame midway between bulkheads and centrally
disposed with respect to the frame. The characteristics of the
load are discussed in Section 3.7.

3.4 Extent of Model

The structure of the vessel, between transverse bulkheads, is a Extent of Model

series of ring frames comprising inner and outer hull plating with a Para. 2.2.1
stiffened plate diaphragm connecting them. These frames are
connected by all longitudinally oriented structure (framing An alternative method
members and plating). to account for the
influence of the
It is sufficient to model a single transverse ring frame if the correct surrounding structure
boundary conditions are applied as discussed in Section 3.6, Due would be to model
to the symmetry (structure and load) that exists along the vessel adjacent web frames
centreline it is also sufficient to model one half of the ring frame. and stringers
This ring frame extends from the bottom of the ship at centreline
around to the vessel centreline at the deck, The width of the
model needs to be the frame spacing (1 000 mm) and will include
the inner and outer shell plating and the stiffened plate diaphragm.

Figure 3.1 illustrates the midbody frame that was analyzed. Figure
3.2 shows the outer dimensions for the frame.

3.5 Material Properties

Figure 3.2 indicates that the vessel material in the outer shell Material Properties
plating is Grade EH50 and that the inner shell and framing Para. 2.3
components are Grades DH36 and EH36. Table 3.1 lists the
relevant material properties as taken from Reference 3 for these
steel grades.

The Young’s Modulus was taken as 208,700 MPa for all steel
types. Parameters such as initial imperfections and residual
strains were not included in the analysis, and no allowance is
made for corrosion. These assumptions are consistent with the
design criteria,


TABLE 3.1: Steel Mechanical Properties


Yield Stress (min.) (MPa) 500 355

Tensile Stress (MPa) 610-770 490-620

Elongation YO 16 21

I Young’s Modulus (MPa) I 208700 I 208700 I

Poisson’s Ratio
I 0,3 I 0.3

3.6 Interaction with Adjacent Structure

The midbody web frame is part of an integrated structural system Influence of

comprising the inner and outer shells, the transverse frames and unmodelled structure
longitudinal girders. However, for the reasons discussed above, it Para. 2.2.3
k reasonable to isolate a single web frame for analysis provided
that the interaction with adjacent structure is accounted for.

The primary interaction with adjacent structure (for the load

pattern of interest to this analysis) is through load transfer via
longitudinal structure. A reasonable approximation for this
configuration is to account for the support provided by the
longitudinal structure by using springs representing the stiffness of
this structure.

M.lith reference to Figure 3,1, springs are required at the following


1. Centreline of Main Deck to account for the deck

centreline longitudinal girder (vertically);
2. On Main Deck to account for the inboard side girder
3. On Main Deck to account for the outboard side girder
(vertical and horizontal components);
4. On side shell to account for the upper stringer

5. On side shell to account for the lower stringer at the
top of the turn of the bilge (horizontal);
6. Bottom structure to account for the girders (3 locations
- vertically);
7. Centreline of bottom structure to account for the
centreline girder (vertically); and
8. Bottom structure to account for the bottom shell
Iongitudinals (vertically),

Spring constants for the above items have been calculated as the
inverse of the deflection at the midspan of the longitudinal
member being evaluated (list above) due to a unit point load
placed at each of the points of intersection with a midbody web
frame along its length, The ends of the longitudinal member(s)
have been conservatively assumed as pinned. If a fixed end
condition had been assumed, the stiffness of the longitudinal
structure would have been overestimated resulting in a greater
load transfer from the midbody web frame than would be the case
in reality,

Spring constants calculated and used in the FE model are listed in

Section B4.4 Beam Section Properties,

3.7 Loads

The ice load2 is a function of vessel displacement, power of the Loads

vessel, the region of the ship, and the Arctic Class. Taking Para. 2.6
account of the various factors associated with ship parameters the Para. 3.4
total load applied to the web frame is 4435 kN. This is applied as
a uniform pressure of 1 metre width (which equals the web frame Influence of
spacing) and 2.85 metre height. This translates to a pressure of Extent of Model
1.556 MPa. As required by the standard the pressure patch is Para. 2.2.1
positioned such that 10’+ZOof its height is above the waterline.

The load applied is illustrated in Figure 3,3.

2 The ice loads are adapted from Ref. 1. The structural design philosoph y of
this standard is based on plastic design. Hence design loads calculated from
this standard will, for a well designed structure, result in extensive yielding.
For the purposes of this example FEA, which assumes linear elastic
behaviour, the load applied has been arbitrarily halved to ensure the structure
remains elastic.

B-1 1
3.8 Boundary Conditions

Symmetry is assumed about a vertical plane through the Boundary Conditions

longitudinal axis of the ship. Therefore, symmetry boundary Para. 2.6
conditions are applied to all nodes along the outer (longitudinal) Para. 3.4
edges of the plates. This provides translational restraint along the
longitudinal axis of the vessel, and rotational restraint about the
other two axes,

Symmetrical boundary conditions are applied to the bottom

structure and the deck structure intersecting the vertical plane
through the longitudinal axis of the ship. In addition, the bottom
shell plating along the centre line is fixed in the vertical translation
to avoid rigid body motion


4.1 General Information

S1 units were used throughout the finite element model. Units

Therefore, the units of length, area, moment of inertia, Young’s Para. 2.1.7
Modulus, and pressure were mm, mmz, mm4, MPa, and MPa

The global coordinate system for the problem is as follows: Global axes system
Para. 2.1.8
Global X axis : athwartship
Global Y axis : vertical
Global Z axis : parallel to ship CL

4.2 Element Selection

The elastic shell element (SHELL63) of ANSYS was selected and Element Types
used for modelling the web frame, and stiffeners from the bottom Para. 3.1
stringer of the side shell structure at the top of the turn of the
bilge to the start of the sloped section on the outboard edge of the
main deck. The stiffeners in other areas were modelled using 3-D
“elastic beam elements (BEAM44) of ANSYS, The stiffness of
longitudinal girders were modelled using linear spring elements

The SHELL63 element is well suited for modelling linear behaviour

of flat or warped, thin to moderately thick, shell structures, The

element has six degrees of freedom at each node: translations in
the nodal x, y, and z directions and rotations about the element x,
y, and z axes. The deformation shape is linear in the two in-plane
directions. The out-of-plane motion is predicted using a mixed
interpolation of tensorial components, The element is defined by
four corner nodes, four thicknesses, and the orthotropic material
properties (if required). A triangular shaped element may be
formed by defining the same node numbers for the third and fourth
nodes. Pressure load may be applied as surface loads on the

The stiffeners in the deck and bottom structure of the mid-body

section have been modelled using 3-D elastic offset beam
elements (BEAM44). BEAM44 is an uniaxial element with tension,
compression, torsion, and bending capabilities. This element also
has six degrees of freedom per node. The stiffeners in the side
structure diaphragms were modelled using shell elements

To simulate the overall stiffness of the rest of the structure, as

discussed in Section 2,4, the connection points of the frame to
other structure were modelled with linear springs (COMBIN 14)
elements. COMBIN14 elements are uniaxial tension-compression
elements with up to three degrees of freedom at each node:
translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. Two sets of
elements, one for springs in the horizontal direction and the other
for springs in the vertical direction, were defined.

4.3 Mesh Design

The response of the side shell structure is of primary interest Mesh Design
particularly in the vicinity of the loading. Thereforer the frame Para. 3.2
structure has been modelled with a fine mesh of shell elements in
the following areas:

1. side shell structure between the turn of the bilge and the
side shell upper stringer; and
2. outer edge of the deck structure between the side shell
upper stringer and the deck angled outboard girder,

The remainder of the frame has been modelled using a coarse

mesh of shell and beam elements. This ensures that the stiffness
of this part of the structure is reasonably modelled in an

economical manner.

The mesh, consisting of beam and shell elements, used for the
frame analysis is shown in Figure 4.1. The mesh design is
consistent with the results expected from the finite element
model, that is, a fine mesh is provided in the regions where a high
stress grdierl~
is expected with a coarse mesh provided
elsewhere. The mesh is most dense around openings which are
sources of stress concentrations. Since the primary interest is in
establishing overall adequacy of the structure, the mesh density
adopted is designed to yield stresses that are accurate for this
purpose. Based on preliminary analyses the mesh around these
openings should allow the prediction of peak stresses with an
accuracy of roughly A 5Y0.

The finite element model contains 3758 elements, 3578 nodes,

and 18131 total active degrees of freedom.

4.4 Finite Element Attributes and Spring Constants

The attributes of the elements used in the model are listed in Table Stiffness and Mass
4,1, The spring constants calculated based on the stiffness Propetiies
properties of the adjacent structure are listed in Table 4.2. Para. 2.4

To avoid ill conditioning in the stiffness matrix ANSYS prints a

warning if the ratio of largest to smallest stiffness value is greater
than 1.0e08. The largest stiffness in the stiffness matrix being
4.1 79e + 11, the smallest stiffness allowed is 4179 N/mm.
Therefore, springs with stiffness less than 4179 N/mm were not
used. Because of their relatively low stiffness values, these
springs will have a negligible effect on the overall behaviour of the
web frame.

TABLE 4.1: Finite Element Attributes

Element Thickness
Mat. 122 Iyy
Item Type Real or TKZTI TKYTI
Description Type X106 XI03
No. & Cons. No Area mm mm
& No. mm4 mma
No. mmlmmz

1 Diaphragms / Web Plating Shel143 EH36 101 16

I 2 Floors - Web Plating

I u

I ,, I 102
I 26
3 Deck Transverses - Web 1500xI 2 “ ,,
103 12

4 Deck Plating Shel143 EH36 104 14

5 Outer Shell Plating EH50 105 36

6 Bottom Shell Plating ,, AH36 106 29

7 Deck Transverses - Flange Shal[43 EH36 107 19

8 Inner Deck Plating . ,,

108 14

9 Innar Shall Plating ,, ,,

108 16.5

10 ,, !,
Inner Shell Plating - Bilge 110 17

11 Tank Top Plating ,, ,,

111 13

12 Transverse Stiffeners - Diaphragms Shel143 EI-136 112 16

13 Stringera ,, “
113 16

74 Transverse Stiffeners - Tank Top Beam44 AH36 114 5700 38.58 190.0 10 142.5

15 Girders - Tank Top Shel143 AH36 115 15

16 Deck Transverse Stiffeners Beam44 EH36 116 1575 2.95 14.47 5.25 75

17 Side Girdera Shel143 EH36 117 14

18 Deck Plating (with openings) Shel143 EH36 118 9.34

19 Beam Elements for stiffeners at Beam44 EH36 119 6576 92.56 140.3 8 205.5

20 Beam Elements for the bilge and Beam44 EH36 120 6676 92.e6 140.e4 8 205.5

21 Vertical Springs - to account for Combinl 4 - see Table 4.2 for spring atiffneas

22 Horizontal Springs - to account for Combin14 - see Table 4.2 for spring stiffness

TABLE 4.2 Spring Stiffness Calculated Based on Stiffness of Adjacent Structure

Real Spring
Spring Element
Description Constant Stiffness
Direction Type
No. N/mm

Deck Centreline Girder Vertical 5 121 231

Inboard Side Girder Vertical 5 122 3785

Outboard Side Girder Vertical 5 123 3012

Outboard Side Girder Horizontal 6 124 56

Upper & Centre Stringer Horizontal 6 125 7151

Lower Stringers Horizontal 6 126 7151

Bottom Girder -
Vertical 5 127 6508

Bottom Girders Vertical 5 128 5913

Bottom Centre Line

Vertical 5 129 3631

4.5 FE Model Loads and Boundary Conditions

General information on the applied load is provided in Section 3.7. Loads and Boundary
The design ice load was applied as a pressure of 1.556 MPa. Conditions
Para. 2.6
The finite element model boundary conditions are as explained in Para. 3.4
Section 3.8. Referring to the global co-ordinate system described
in Section 4.1, all nodes with Z - co-ordinate of + 500 or -500 mm
have symmetry boundary conditions along the Z axis. This
provides translation restraint in the Z - axis, and rotational
restraints in the X and Y axes. All nodes along the bottom centre
line have symmetry boundary conditions along the X - axes, i.e.,
translations restrained in the X and rotations restrained in the Y &
Z axes. The nodes along the bottom centre line for the bottom
shell plating were also restrained in the Y direction. For the top
centre line, all nodes have symmetry boundary conditions along
the X - axis,

B-1 6
4.6 FE Model Checks

Before the finite element model was run, the following prerun Finite Element Model
checks were performed on the FE model : Checks
Paraa 3.0
. consistent units
coordinate system
element attributes and real constants
boundary conditions and loads

The following prerun checks were conducted using the graphical

user interface provided by ANSYS. ANSYS provides a listing of
requested information for specifically selected entities. Also,
symbols can be turned on/off to view various aspects, such as
boundary conditions, loads, element connectivity, etc., of the

nodal coordinates of extremities of model

free edge plots to check for structural discontinuities
element shape; aspect ratio, taper, skew, orientation
. shrink plots and element edge plots to check element
. checks for property assignment to elements - using colour
coding based on element type, material type, physical
property type, etc.
. element plot showing element coordinate system to check
for element orientation
. true scale 3D plot of beam elements to ensure correct
beam size, orientation, and offsets
boundary conditions - using model plots with boundary
condition symbols
pressure load magnitude and direction (using arrows)

The following prerun checks are built into ANSYS, and are
performed during the data checking process. Warning or error
messages are issued when the model fails to pass the check, The
output from such a data check run were reviewed for warning
and/or error messages.

nodes not connected to structure

. elements not connected to structure
missing material properties
missing physical properties

element aspect ratio
element warping
. element skewness

4.7 FE Solution Option and Procedures

The following solution options and procedures used were: Solution Options and
. New Analysis Para. 3.5
Static Analysis
No Stress Stiffening
Small Deflections
Store all results for all load steps
Print all output to a listing file


5.1 General Solution Checks

The following post-run checks were perfornied: General Solution

. comparison with simple hand calculations to ensure that Para. 4.1

the results are reasonable (these calculation are included as

Annex B-3)
equilibrium between the applied load and the reactions
inspection of the displaced shape of the structure to ensure
that there were no discontinuities in the model
inspection of stress contours to ensure the adequacy of the
mesh used

All error and warning messages output by the program were

investigated and resolved,

The total applied load in the X direction is 4434.9 kN. No forces

are applied in the Y and Z directions. The summed reactions in
the X, Y and Z directions are 4434.9 kN, O kN, and O kN

5.2 Post Processing Methods

The ANSYS graphical post-processor was extensively used to Post-processing

review stress and displacement results. Listings were reviewed to Methods

obtain specific magnitudes for various quantities. In all of the Para. 4.2
stress contour plots nodal averaging was used. For the shell Para. 4.3
element used in the model, the nodal values are calculated by Para. 4.4
extrapolating from the values at the integration points.

5.3 Structural Response

The deflected shape of the structure is shown in Figure 5.1, where FEA Results and
the displacements are scaled up by a factor of 20, The maximum Acceptance Criteria
vertical displacement at the top centre line of the vessel is 124 Para. 5.7
mm. The maximum horizontal displacement is 51,08 mm and
occurred on the inner shell in the vicinity of the load application.
The out of plane displacement, which was relatively small at 1.96
mm, occurred in the diaphragm between the side shell and the
opening, also in the area of load application. ” This displacement
occurred between two stiffeners indicating a possible location for
shear buckling. This possibility should be checked using classical

The Von Mises stress plot for the area of interest is shown in
Figure 5.2, The contours are arranged such that colour orange
indicated stresses past yield (355 MPa) in all areas except the
outer shell. Dark red shading is used to indicate stresses past
yield (500 MPa) in the outer shell. It is clear from the figure that
at the applied load the overall structure remains elastic, except for
a small area around the openings where the stresses are past-
yield. The maximum stress recorded here is 573 MPa.

Figure 5.3 shows contours of bending stress, Sy. The outer shell
is in compression with a maximum compressive stress of 307
MPa. The inner shell has a maximum tensile stress of 330 MPa.
High bending stresses, past yield stress, were again observed
around openings. Clearly the bending stresses in the outer and the
inner shells are below the yield stress.

A contour plot of shear stresses in the diaphragm is shown in

Figure 5.4. The maximum and minimum stresses recorded were
188 and 164 MPa respectively. The yield stress in shear being
205 MPa, the structure remains elastic at the applied load. Figure
5.5 contains an enlarged view of shear stresses around the
opening which is directly under the load. The stress
concentrations around the opening are clearly visible in the figure.

The smoothness of the contours suggests that the mesh density is
probably adequate for the purposes of this study.


The midbody framing section of the 50000 DWT tanker as Overall Assessment
designed and analyzed meets the acceptance criteria. At the Para. 5.5
applied load, the structure remains predominantly elastic except
in a very localized region around openings. The tendency towards
an out-of-plane displacement in the diaphragm, between two
stiffeners in the area of an opening, could result in instability at
higher loads. This needs further investigation.



Safety, (AMNB) Canadian Coast Guard - Northern; Dated
March 1993.

2. Arctic Tanker Structural Requirement Evaluation MIDSHIP

Shipping Company Limited; Dated June 1994,


January 1993

50,000 CDWT Midship Section
(5D0 MPa Sh.lt PIotino with 355 UP. Fromlno)
:CK PLAllNG 14mm GR. EH36
:CK LONGL’S 200.(2 F.B. I&Q. EH36
5P‘ACEO 750mm MAK.
:CK tRANSVERSES 1500*t2mm !4’EB/S50.l 9mm F.F.

A ! I 1 t 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 h nFCK PLATING 14mm GR. FHS6
o 0
pl t

INNER SKIN L-% 2SO*14 mm GE!. EH36 i SHEU PLATE 36 mm ~AOE FH5J3


000.600 CUTOUTS
SnFFENERS 411 ●16mm F.E. GR. H436


mlfioo CUTC421S

Iml [ 1S.5 mm PLATE —

CR. 0H36
snFFEtJERS 261.16mm F.B. cR. HU6


—iv ,
TMK TOP LO+JGL”S325.19mm F.B. CR. AHS6
5PACE0 750 mm
— slRtNGERS SPACEO 5500 mm

IHIHIHIH ::;::l:;;
:;1:::::[ w 16 mm PLATE CR. 0H36
STIFFENERS 261.16mm F.B. G% 0H36






.—.—.—.—-- —.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.- “u-L

l---+ I I w

FIGURE 3.2 Outer Dimensions of Web Frame

—.-. . ————
. .,.. .. .,...

i I I


Lctad Footprint 2850 X 1000

Pressura 1.556 MPa

F lE 00

15 34

E 9502


t .

FIGURE 3.3 Characteristics of Load

FIGURE 4.1 Finite Element Model of Web Frame


‘-, . . . .. .

FIGURE 5.1 Deflected Shape of Web Frame



18, .
,, ,,
,., , ,

,. .’.


L’.. —,.,,,
. . ,.

Annex B-2

Company and Personnel Qualifications


B-2. 1 Contractor Qualifications

66 Engineering (BBE) is an ISO 9001 compliant company with a firm commitment to quality. [t is
also certified by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario. BBE’s primary business is Ship
Design and Analysis. It has several qualified professional structural engineers and naval architects on
its staff.

BBE performs all its finite element analysis on either a DecStation 5000, running on Ultrix operating
system, or on a 60 MHz, 486 PC. For the current analysis the DecStation 5000 was used. The
finite element software used is called “ANSYS”. ANSYS is a well established finite element software
with a large user base. [t has been successfully used by BBE in several of its ship structure finite
element analyses. ANSYS provides all the required features for the current task and hence deemed

B-2.2 Personnel Qualifications

Mr. J. S. is the finite element analyst assigned to this task, He has a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering,
and is registered as a Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario. He has taken two courses in
finite element analysis at the graduate level, and has eight years experience in using finite element
method as an analysis tool. JS has a total of five years experience in using ANSYS, out of which
three years are ship structure specific, Information on specific finite element analysis problems that
JS has worked on in the past is available on request.

Ms. J, B, is the project engineer for this project, and holds the responsibility of checking the finite
element analysis, JB has a Masters’ Degree in Structural Engineering, and is registered as a
Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario. She has taken one graduate level course in finite
element analysis, and has six years experience in finite element analysis. JB has gained ten years
experience in the design and analysis of ship structures, and has supervised several finite element
analysis projects. JB has three years experience in using ANSYS. Information on projects that JB
has worked in the past is available on request.


“.. ”-,
Annex B-3

FEA Results Verification


The FEA results were compared with hand calculations, Two Accuracy Assessment
analyses have been performed as follows: Para. 5.4

1. An elastic beam analysis of the frame with a span of

11000 millimetres, ends fixed, openings ignored, subjected
to a uniformly distributed load of length 2850 millimetres
equal to 3.112 MN/m (9.373*0.8*0.5*0,83), for a total
load of 8869 kN,

The structure has a bending stress of 550 MPa at the top

support in the inner hull plating. Shear stresses in the
portion of structure above the load are 195 MPa.

This structure reached first yield (in bending) at a load of

approximately 5700 kN.

2. An elastic frame analysis of the structure was FE modelled,

except that the inner shell and bottom structure was
analyzed with a flange width equal to 40 times the plate
thickness and the frame was assumed to be fixed on
centreline at the deck and at the bottom, In this analysis
side sway of the frame was ignored. The bending
moments calculated were within a few percent of those
found in the first analysis.

By comparison the FEA predicts first yield, of the inner hull

plating at the top of the 11000 mm portion of the side
shell framing at a load of approximately 4835 kN, This
comparison suggests that the FEA results are broadly
consistent with the results from the approximate simplified

Annex B-4

Sample Completed
Assessment Methodology Forms


Project #: Xxxx

Project Title: Finite Element Analvsis o f Arctic Tamker Web Frame

Description: Linear. stat ic analvsis o f web frame t~ ensure adeauacv o f frame

tce load

Contractor: BB Enaineerina Ltd.

Result of
Evaluation: Generallv satisfactory. Final a~wo val subiect to the sumlv of data

on some d etails of the model

Evaluator: John Doe

Date: Mav 7995


1- Prellmlnarv Checks 1 R9sult

1.1 Documentation

Perform these checks toeneurathat the Preliminarychecks
analysisdocumentation.job 1.2 JobSpacifititicm are acceptable?
specification,FEA software,and
wnkactor 1analystqualification 1.3 Fin Its Element Analysis Sofwara Yes No
requirementshave been addressed.
1.4 Contractor/ Analyst Qualifications /

Ye*~ LN.—
2. Engineering Model Chacks Result
2.1 Analysis Type & Assumptions
2.2 Geometry Engineeringmodel
Perlormthese checksto ensurethat
the assumptionsused to developthe 2.3 Material Propemes / is acceptable?
engineetirtgmodel of the problemare 2.4 Stiffness & Mass Properties
reasonable. 2.5 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom /
2.6 Loads & Boundary Conditions

Yes~ ‘f40—

3. Finite Element Model ChOcka Result
3.1 Element Typaa /
Finiteelement model
9.2 Meah Design /
PetiiTn these checks to ensure that is a~ptable ?
the flnlteelement model is an adequate 9,3 Subetructums ●nd Submodels /
interpretationof the engineeringmodel.
3.4 FE Loads& Boundary Conditions /
3.5 FE Solutton Options & Pmceduras /

4- Flnits Element Analysis Results Checks Result
4.1 Gonerel Solution Chaaks /“
Periorrnmesecheckstoenaurathat Finiteelement
4.2 PostPmwaalng Methods resultsare
calculated.Promssadandprasenlnd in 4.3 DIaplacemantResults 5
a mannerconsistent withtheanalysis
4.4 StraasRaaults ‘1[ r “-- ‘ “-- 1

yes~ -No—

5- Concluelona Checks Rasuit
5.1 FE Results& Acceptsncs Criteria /
Performmese checksto ensurethat Conclusionsof
adequate mnsideraUonof the loads. 6.2 Loada Aa=aaamont / Itw analysisare
strength,accaptanaeciiterla, FE
&3 Strength/ Resistance Assaasmnnt /
model,and rasultsaccumy are
includedin amivingal the conclusions 5.4 Accuracy Assessment /
from the finiteelement analysis.
5.5 Overall Assessment /

Yes- Lt.Jo—


‘,.,, ..--’

Project No. XXXX Project Title : FEA of Arctic Tanker Web Frame

Contractor Name: BB Engineering Ltd Date : hlay 1995

Analyst : JS Checker : JB

1.1 Documentation Requirements

Refer to

Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check

Has the following information been

Result Comments
provided in the FEA documentation?

a) Objectives and scope of the analysis. d

b) Analysis requirements and acceptance criteria. d
c) FEA software used. d
d) Description of physical problem. #
e) Description of engineering model. d
f) Type of analysis, d

g) System of units. d
h) Coordinate axis systems. d
i) Description of FEA model, d
j) Plots of full FEA model and local details. d Some detail missing *
k) Element types and degrees of freedom ~er node. V
1) Material properties, d
m) Element properties (stiffness & mass properties). #
n) FE loads and boundary conditions, #
o) Description and presentation of the FEA results, d

P) Assessment of accuracy of the FEA results. d

q) Conclusions of the analysis. d
r) List of references. #

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.1 and enter result in Fiaure 1.0. ~

1.1 Is the level of documentation sufficient to perform an assessment of the FEA?” I K


*Request additional detail on stiffener/web connection

1.2 Job Specification Requirements

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments
1.2.1 Is the job specification identified and z
referenced in the analysis documentation?

1.2.2 Are the objectives ‘and scope of the analysis 3-1.2

clearly stated and are they consistent with
those of the job specification?
1.2.3 Are the analysis requirements clearly stated 3-1,2
and are they consistent with those of the d
job specification?
1.2.4 If certain requirements of the job -3-1.2
specification have not been addressed (such
as certain load cases), has adequate
justification been given?
1.2.5 Are the design / acceptance criteria clearly 3-1.2
stated and are they consistent with those -of
the job specification?
1.2.6 Is there reasonable justification for using 3-1.2
FEA for this problem?

1.2.7 Has advantage been taken of any previous 3-1,2

experimental, analytical, or numerical works N/A
that are relevant to this moblem?

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.2 and enter result in Figure 1.0. I Result

1.2 Does the analysis address the job specification requirements? I d


1.3 Finite Element Analysis Software Requirements

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.3.1 Is the FEA software on the list of approved 3-1.3

programs for ship structural analysis V

If the answer to Check 1.3,1 is “Y”, you may skip Checks 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.

1.3.2 Are the capabilities and limitations of the FEA 3-1.4

software used to perform the required analysis d
stated in the analysis documentation?

1.3.3 Is evidence of this capability documented and 3-1.3

available for review (eg, verification manual,
results of ship structure FEA benchmark tests,
previous approved FEA of similar problems)?

1.3.4 Does the vendor of the FEA software have a

quality system to ensure that appropriate
standards are maintained in software
development and maintenance.

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.3 and enter result in F[qure 1.0. G

1.3 Is the FEA software qualified to perform the required analysis?


1.4 Contractor / Personnel Qualification Requirements

Refer To
Finite Element Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

1.4.1 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

academic training and experience qualifications
to perform finite element analysis?

1.4.2 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1.5

engineering experience qualifications for
performing ship structural design or analysis?

1.4.3 Do the contractor and contractor personnel 3-1.5

have adequate professional certification

1.4.4 Does the contractor have a working system of 3-1.5 Not documented but
Quality Assurance (QA) procedures and checks x using well established
that are satisfactory for the requirement? software

1.4.5 Do the contractor personnel have adequate 3-1,5

experience with the FEA software used for the

Based on the above checks answer Question 1.4 and enter result in Figure 1.0. Result
1.4 Is the contractor adequately qualified for performing ship structure FEA? Id



,, .
Project No. XXXX Project Title : F&4 of Arctic Tanker Web Frame

Contractor Name: 66 EngineeringLtd Date : May 1995

Analyst : JS I Checker: J/3

2.1 Analysis Type and Assumptions

Refer To
Finite Element Analysis Assessment Check Guideline Result Comments

2.1.1 Does the engineering model employ enough 3-2,1

dimensions and freedoms to describe the
structural behaviour (eg. 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D)?
2,1.2 Does the engineering model address the 3-2.1
appropriate scale of response for the problem (eg.
global, intermediate, or local response)?

2.1.3 Is the type of analysis appropriate for the type of 3-2.1

response and loading of interest (eg. linear,
static, dynamic, buckling analysis)?
2.1.4 Does the engineering model address all the 3-2.1
required results parameters (eg. stress,
displacement, frequency, buckling load)?

2.1.5 Are all assumptions affecting the choice of 3-2.1

engineering model and analysis type justified
(watch for non-standard assumptions)?

2.1.6 Is the level of detail, accuracy or conservatism of 3-2.1 Appears marginal - may
the engineering model appropriate for the require more data on
criticality of the analysis and type of problem? results to complete

2.1.7 Does the analysis employ a consistent set of 3-2.1


2.1.8 Does the analysis employ a consistent global 3-2.1

coordinate axis system?

Basedon the above checksanswerQuestion2.1 and enterresultin Figure 1.0. I Result

2,1 Are the assumptions of the type of analysis and engineering model acceptable?


See above


Appendix C

Examples of Variations in
FEA Modelling Practices and Results

EusnQ!E IM Paw
cl Stiffened Panel c-3
C2 Multiple Deck Openings C-17
C3 Mast C-25


The purpose of this Appendix is to illustrate the effect of varying certain FEA modelling
parameters on the results using typical ship structure example problems.

Three typical ship structure examples are used. The first example, presented in Section Cl,
concerns the modelling of stiffened panels. Four different approaches for modelling stiffened
panels are considered and the results presented. In the second example, presented in Section
C2, the modelling of stress concentrations arising from openings in a deck structure is
considered. In the third example, presented in Section C3, variations in the approach to
modelling a truss type mast structure are illustrated, A brief introduction is provided for each
problem, followed by a pictorial overview of the FEA model and results, A brief discussion of
the results is provided at the end of each example.

It is not the intention of this Appendix to endorse any particular modelling method, Rather, it
represents an effort to illustrate various modelling practices and present the variations in
results. This should provide some insight into the consequences of adopting a particular
modelling approach. The choice of the appropriate method, for a given problem, depends on
the purpose and objectives of the FEA.

In all cases the ANSYS program was used, The following element types were used:

. four-node membrane shell elements

. four-node shell elements with bending capabilities
● eight-node shell elements with bending capabilities
● two-node 3-D beam elements
. two-node 3-D truss elements
. mass elements

In certain cases converged solutions are referred to. These solutions result from very fine
mesh models which are known to have converged (by comparison with less fine mesh models).


The majority of the structural weight in conventional ship structures is stiffened panels that
comprise the shell, decks, bulkheads and superstructure. The panels are stiffened with
structural sections that are usually spaced in a regular fashion. The appropriate modelling
approach for stiffened panels depends on both the scale of the response (ie, local or global
response) and the main structural actions of interest. Two main structural actions typically
modelled are 1 ) bending action due to loading normal to the panel surface, and 2) membrane
action due to loading in the plane of the panel, The first part of this section deals with bending
action and hence focusses on stiffened plate subjected to transverse loading. Membrane
action in a stiffened plate as a result of in-plane loads is briefly examined in the second part.


FEA Example No. 1 Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Problem Description:

There are various techniques available for modelling stiffened panels. The choice of a
particular technique depends on the purpose of the analysis. Using a simple stiffened panel
structure, the differences in the accuracy of stress and deflection results for some of these
techniques are examined.

Engineering Model :


Stiffeners: FB 150x 10.5 T


Plate: t=l Omm


Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

E = 207xIOS MPa Plate t=lomm PZ = 15000 Pa

v = 0.3 Stiffeners 150 x 10.5 FB

Modelling Features : Four modelling approaches are considered:

1. Modelling stiffeners with off-set beams (beam properties defined at beam centroid
which is rigidly off-set from plane of plate);
2. Modelling stiffeners with in-plane beams (beam properties includes an effective width of
plating and are defined at beam centroid which is in the plane of the plate);
3. Explicit modelling of stiffeners using shell elements; and
4. Modelling the plate with orthotropic material properties (in-plane loads / membrane
action only)

FEA Example No. 1 Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Finite Element Models :

A total of 12 FE models, grouped into four sets, were studied. Each set contained three
models representing the three modelling techniques. The mesh and element types are as
follows :
Set 1 4x4 element mesh; 4 noded elements
Set 2 8x8 element mesh; 4 noded elements
Set 3 16x1 6 element mesh; 4 noded elements
Set 4 16x1 6 element mesh; 8 noded elements

All models are fully fixed along the four edges. A uniform transverse pressure load of 15
kN/m2 is applied.

For the in-plane beam models the effective width of plating was assumed to be 40t, where t
IS the thickness of the plate. The inertia propetiies of the beam were calculated based on
stiffener and an effective width of plating. However, for the area, the area of the stiffener
alone was input.

Elements QE91!M
of freedom

25 28 150

Example 1 a - Offset Beams

81 486

Example 1 b - Offset Beams

FEA Example No. 1
I Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Finite Element Models :

M!L!Es Elements Dearees

of freedom

289 304 1734

Example 1c - Offset Beams

833 352 4230

Example 1d - Offset Beams

28 150

Examtde 1e - In-rdane Beams

81 486

Example 1f - In-plane Beams



.. .,” -
FEA Example No. 1
I Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Finite Element Models :

N!2r!Es Elements Dearees
of freedom,

289 304 1734

Example 1g - In-plane Beams

833 352 4230

=xample 1 h - In-plane Beams

40 28 240

=xample 1 i - All plate elements


Sxample lj - All plate elements

FEA Example No. 1
Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Finite Element Models :

b!@2S EhlM!tS Dearees
of freedom

391 352 2346

Example 1 k - All plate elements

1133 352 5886

Example 1 I - All plate elements

FEA Example No. 1 Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading


Key results are summarized in Table Cl, 1, The maximum vertical deflection is at the centre of
the panel (see Figure Cl. 1). The peak stresses reported in the table are at the ends of the
central stiffener (at supports) , The three mode shapes associated with the three frequencies are
shown in Figure Cl .2. Figure Cl.3 shows the longitudinal stress contours for the plate and the

Figure Cl,4 summarizes the deflection results for all’ twelve models. From Figure Cl,4 it is
evident that the deflection solution starts to converge for an 8x8 mesh. Figure Cl,4 also shows
the stress results in the stiffener. Some general observations for the three modelling types are :

In-Plane Beams: Despite the approximation of 40t as the effective width of plating this method
seems to provide the most economical solution for deflection prediction. The
same is true even for stress prediction.

Offset Beams: Deflection decreases with mesh refinement contrary to the expectation that
displacement-based FEA model becomes more flexible with more elements.
This is probably due to the presence of a spurious moment generated at the
ends of the stiffener as a result of two axial forces {in the plate and in the
beam) being offset, Howeverr with mesh refinement this effect tends to
diminish resulting in reasonable predictions of deflections.

All PI- In this case the performance approaches that of the in-plane beam models with
Elem ents: an 8x8 mesh,

All three techniques predict natural frequencies and mode shapes fairly well.

In modelling stiffeners as in-plane beams, the greatest uncertainty is the choice for the effective
breadth of plating. The most important parameter which determines effective breadth of plating
is the ratio of actual flange width to the length between points of zero bending moment. The
effective breadth of plating can be estimated from charts (see, for example, Hughesl). Another
important aspect to note with this technique is that the effective breadth thus used is only
effective at the location of maximum ,bending moment. However, for design purposes the
stresses at the section of maximum bending moment is of most importance.

In conclusion, the approach recommended will depend on the nature of the analysis, [f the
plate-stiffener combination is subjected to transverse loading, modelling stiffeners with in-plane
beams provides the most economical approach in terms of overall stiffness, and stresses in the
stiffener at the location of maximum bending moment. When more detailed stress information is
required then the explicit modelling of the stiffener with plate elements appears most
appropriate, The use of the offset beam is attractive since there is no approximation required
for effective breadth, With a reasonable mesh density (at least 3 elements between stiffeners)
this technique should provide reasonable prediction of the overall stiffness of the structure.

1 Owen F. Hughes, “Ship Structural Design - A Rationally-Based, Computer-Aided,

Optimization Approach”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.


.. ,.
TABLE Cl. 1 Stiffened Panel FEA - Results

Modelling of stiffener Offset beams In-plane beams Plate elements

SETI: 4x4 Mesh la Ie Ii

Max, Vertical Deflection (mm) 9,51 5.95 4,48

Max. stress in plate (MPa) 32,87 45.20 16.11

Max. bending stress in stiffener -379,90 -246,40 -98.31

at ends (MPa) 289,30 45,20 5,59

24,94 30.89 30.02

First three natural frequencies
29.12 34.00 33.93
38.34 43.54 35.24
SET2: 8x8 Mesh lb If Ij

Max. Vertical Deflection (mm) 7.70 6,86 6.64

Max, stress in plate (MPa) 33.87 47.69 24,12

Max. bending stress in stiffener -339.20 -259.95 -175,58

at ends (MPa) 181.80 47.69 15,81

28.11 29,71 30,50

First three natural frequencies
31.89 32.40 33.93
43.33 43.96 45.60
SET3: 16x16 Mesh lC lg lk

Max. Vertical Deflection (mm) 6.90 6,69 6.80

Max, stress in plate (MPa) 38.96 48.22 33.15

Max. bending stress in stiffener -307.50 -262.88 -226.17

I 1

at ends (MP~) I
112.98 I
26.02 I
29.59 29.87 29.84
First three natural frequencies
33.31 32.60 33.51
45,29 44.64 45,55
SET 4: 16 x 16 Mesh (8 node) Id Ih 11

Max. Vertical Deflection (mm) 6.70 6,65 6.88

Max. stress in plate (MPa) 47.26 48.47 50.55

Max. bending stress in stiffener -289,67 -264.25 -287.29

at ends (MPa) 75,37 48.47 41.42
1 I 1

30.02 29.94 29,58

First three natural frequencies
33,73 32,70 33.35
45.95 44.93 45.53

FEA Example No. 1
I Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

Figure Cl.1 Deflected Shape

c-1 1
FEA Example No. 1
I Title : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / I
? / 1
/ / I

1 /

Mode 1

Mode 2

Mode 3

Figure Cl.2 Mode Shapes


FEA Example No. 1
ITitle : Stiffened Panel - Transverse Loading

...— ..—


4 J
4X4 8X8 16X16 8 Noded
Mesh Density

I Maximum Stress in Stiffener I



4X4 8x8 16X16 8 Noded
Mesh Density
—. —

Figure Cl.4 Summary of Deflection and Stress Results


‘.. —
FEA Example No. 1 Title : Stiffened Panel - In-Plane Loading

In-Plane Loading :

The second part to this example considers the same stiffened panel subjected to in-plane
loading. The problem was modelled in two ways :

Using ordinary membrane elements but with orthotropic material properties; and
4; Explicit modelling of stiffeners using 4 node membrane elements as per Example lj.

Description :

To model membrane action of stiffened plate structure advantage can be taken ,of the facility,
available in most general purpose FEA packages, to model material orthotropy. Using an
approach presented below (adapted from Hughes, see Reference on page C-g)[ it is Possible to
simulate structural orthotropy by material orthotropy. The appropriate expressions are:
EX=r E —.-—— .._— ____ —___ ____ .

.-- —- ____ _____ _______ .
EY = r E / [r - v2(r-1)1
—— -_ _____ _____ ____ . - *
Gxy=G=E/[2(l+v)l *- I
—--—— ____ -_. — ____ __

.- —— - -— ___ _____ ____

, ~x

The value of “r” is defined in the figure above, With this approach the stiffened plate structure
is modelled using ordinary membrane elements but with orthotropic material properties. The
expressions given above assume that the stiffeners are aligned in the “x” direction. The
expressions can be altered to reflect stiffener alignment in the “y” direction. Care must be taken
to ensure that the local coordinate system for the element corresponds with that assumed for
defining the material properties, A further assumption implicit in the approach is that the
stiffeners are assumed to have identical properties and to be equally spaced.

Results :

Table Cl.2 presents the results for the two cases investigated under in-plane loading. The case
with orthotropic material properties predicts plate stresses and displacement reasonably
accurately. It is important to bear in mind that the plate stresses obtained directly from the FEA
for the orthotropic plate are incorrect, However, the actual stress can be derived from the
predicted stress by factoring it by 1/r,

TABLE Cl.2 Comparison of Finite Element Model Results

Stiffeners modelled
Orthotropic material
Description explicitly with plate
Stress in plate (MPa) 346.00’ 350.00
Ux -1.50 -1.51
Displacements u, 7.51 7.52
LIZ 0.00 -0.08
* Obtained by dividing the predicted FEA stress by the factor r

C-1 6

... ...

C2.O Multiple Deck Openings

A deck with multiple openings is used as an example to illustrate the influence of mesh density
and the element type on deflection and stress results. The mesh density is gradually increased
from coarse to fine, Two types of elements, 4-node membrane elements and and 8-node shell
elements, were used. The example also illustrates the effect of varying element aspect ratio.

The results obtained from the various trials are tabulated and compared with the converged

c-1 7
?EA Example No. 2 Title : Multiple Deck Openings

Problsm Description:

& deck with multiple openings is used to illustrate the influence of mesh density, element
aspect ratio, and type of element on deflection and stress results. The density of the mesh is
qradually increased from coarse to fine. The use of two types of elements, four node linear and
sight node quadratic shells, are illustrated. In addition, dummy line elements with very small
wea are used along the edge of the opening to extract maximum principle stresses. The latter
may be used to overcome errors resulting from extrapolation of stresses from the shell element
ntegration points to the nodes along the edge of the opening.

Engineering Model :

~~ ,

‘T ~
50 ~ 750

A ~
450 x MPa
750 600 45a
50 R 300R
-a %


+ —
t 750

~ C.L.
L– 1 —.— .—— I —
x+ - – shipAxis

Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

E = 207x103 MPa Deck Plate t = 6.35 mm Uniform Tension =50

v = 0,3 Long. Stiff, 152x 102 Tee M Pa
Trans. Stiff. 127x 102 Tee
Major Access Symmetry BC on +/- Y
Coaming 50 x 6.35 mm Boundaries

Modelling Features :

● modelling around stress concentrations

● selection of element type
● effect of varying the mesh density
● use of higher order elements
● effect of aspect ratio in the area of stress concentrations



FEA Ex;mple
I Title : Multiple Deck Openings

Finite Element Models :

Nodes Qe~r=s
Qf freedom

2a : 4-noded membrane shall elements 214 235 642

2e : 8-noded shell elements 995 465 5970

2b : 4-noded membrane shell elements 351 379 1053

2f : 8-noded shell alements 3044 1256 18264
lllllllr T1lll[
I i I I I
1 1 1 1

I I 1 I I

I I I I I I 1
2C : 4-noded membrane shell elements 1213 1104 3639
2g : 8-noded shell elements 4842 1924 29052

2d : 4-noded membrane shell elements 3186 3272 9558

2h : 8-noded shell elements 9368 3540 56208

c-1 9
FEA Ex;mple
I Title: Multiple Deck Openings


The analyses revealed peak stresses at the lower left corner of the smaller opening as
shown in Figure C2, 1 (the top figure shows stress contours for the full model and the
bottom figure provides a close-up view of stress contours around the smaller opening). The
stress concentration near the larger opening was relatively insignificant due to the presence
of the coaming.

When the mesh density around the openings was increased, with the aspect ratio held
constant, the results indicate a progressive increase in the magnitude of peak stress. The
results listed in Table C2. 1 indicate a converging trend in the magnitude of peak stress with
mesh refinement. Although the peak stress always occurs at the same corner, it should be
noted that the precise location of the peak stress varies slightly with the refinement of the
mesh (number of nodes around the corner radius). Some of the differences in the results
may also be due to different mesh transitioning (from areas of coarse mesh density away
from the openings to areas of high mesh density at the openings) in the different models.

The results in Table C2. 1 indicates the rate of convergencence of the stress results is
greater for the line elements (truss or spar elements with only one degree of freedom per
node placed along the edge of the openings) than it is for the plate elements. The use of
line elements for obtaining stresses also overcomes stress extrapolation errors that arise in
shell elements. Note that the stress results for shell elements must be extrapolated from the
element integration points to the node locations at the edge of the opening.

Parametric studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of aspect ratio in predicting stress
concentrations. The mesh density of Example 2d was used as the basis for this
investigation, The aspect ratio of elements around the smaller opening was varied from 1,05
to 3.00. The results, Table C2,2, indicate that the best values for stress concentrations are
obtained when the aspect ratio is close to one. The difference in the stress results when the
aspect ratio is changed from 1,05 to 3.00 is about 8Y0.


,.. .
.,- 1 .

\._ ,..,

TABLE C2. 1 FE Results of Mesh Density Parametric Studies

Peak Stress
pa:;: Shell
No. Description Disp.
Elem. Line Elem.
(MPa) (Mpa)

–four noded
–one element around the radius
1.29 1.8 300 399

–four noded
2b –two elements around the 1.38 1,8 369 453

–four noded
2C –four elements around the 1.37 1.8 502 556

–four noded
2d –eight elements around the 1,37 1.9 572 593

–eight noded
2e 1.38 1,9 543 557
–one element around the radius

-eight noded
2f –two elements around the 1.37 1,9 570 606

-eight noded
2g –four elemr~d~saround the 1.36 1.9 583 607

-eight noded
2h –eight elements around the 1.37 1.9 591 609

* Aspect ratio of elements near stress concentration (see figure on following page)


...,., .

TABLE C2.2 Results from Aspect Ratio Parametric Studies

Peak Stress
in Plate Relative **
Trial No. Aspect Ratio* Elem. Peak Stress

1 3,00 537 0.92

2 1.98 561 0,96

3 1.37 572 0.98

4 1.05 585 1.00

* Aspect ratio of elements near stress concentration

* * Ratio of peak stress to that for trial No. 4 (plate element aspect ratio of 1.05, i.e. 585 MPa)


A major factor in modelling of lattice masts is the modelling of the connection details,
Depending on the type of connection, the joints can be modelled with fully rigidity at the joint,
or some or all members can be modeiled as pinned (hinged) joints. A simple truss-type mast
structure is used to illustrate both these options. In the case of rigid jointed structure, the
mesh density (i. e., the number of elements per member of the mast) was varied to investigate
the influence on the results. Both static and dynamic analyses were performed on all these

FEA Example No. 3 Title : Mast

Problem Description:

The truss-type mast structure shown below, consisting of steel pipe sections, is to be
analyzed for shock accelerations loading and to calculate frequencies and mode shapes.

Engineering Model :

01 Deck Level

1 Deck Level

Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

Base Accelerations:
;= 207x1 03 MPa see Table C3.1 8g inX
J = 0.3 18g inY
8g inZ

Modelling Features :

● pinned and rigid connections

● model refinement
● static and dynamic analyses


I Title : Mast

Finite Element Models :

The finite element models of the mast are as shown below.

Example 3a is modelled with all joints pinned. However, if the member is continuous and
has nodes between the two ends (viz. two or more elements per member) then rotations are
restrained at such nodes to simulate the continuity of the member. The following is a list of
members that are treated continuous:
- Main legs
- Horizontal members
- One out of the two cross braces at every level
- Principal members of the spur frame

Examples 3b and 3C are modelled with all rigid joints.

The three-dimensional beam element (BEAM44) of ANSYS is used in modelling mast

members, This element has six degrees of freedom per node, and has the option of
suppressing rotational degrees of freedom at nodes to simulate pinned connections. The
various payloads and other dead loads were represented by mass elements (MASS21 ). The
coordinate system used in the finite element model is as follows (also shown in the figures

X - Athwartship (positive in pott direction)

Y - Vertical (positive upwards)
Z - Longitudinal (positive in forward direction)

The boundary conditions applied to the mast are as follows:

Main Legs: UX=UY=UZ=O at 1 deck level

Ux = Uz=o at 01 deck level

The static analysis consisted of three load cases of base accelerations in the X, Y, and Z
directions. The accelerations applied are as follows:

Case i. 8 g Athwartship Shock (m/s2): > : :8.48 aY = 9.81 a,=O

18 g Vertical Shock (m/s2]: — av = 186.39 a, = O
Case ii
Case iii 8 g Longitudinal Shock (m/s2): a~=O aY = 9.81 a, = 78.48

For the dynamic load case, translational master degrees of freedom are selected at the
corner nodes of each level and the first 5 natural frequencies and the corresponding mode
shapes are extracted.

. .-.

FEA Example No. 3

I Title : Mast

65 Nodes
217 Elements

370 Degrees of Freedom

“. x

=xample 3a - Pinned Joints; Typically one element per member

65 Nodes

217 Elements

370 Degrees of Freedom

A x

:xample ,3b - Rigid Joints; Typically one element per member


FEA Example No. 3 Title : Mast

200 Nodes

352 Elements

1180 Degrees of Freedom


Example 3C - Rigid Joints; Typically two elements per member


‘L. ....
FEA Example No. 3 Title : Mast


The displacements for the three static load cases are summarized in Table C3.2, When the
two modelling approaches (pinned joint versus rigid joint models) are compared, the model
with pinned joints predicts the most flexible structure with the most displacements for every
load case. Also, in some cases, the maximum displacement is predicted at a location
different from the one predicted by the rigid joint model. In the second load case (Vertical
shock) the displacement in Y direction, although at the same location for all three models, is
excessively overpredicted by the pinned joint model. The maximum vertical deflections
occur at the centre of the horizontal cross braces. Under vertical shock loading, these
members act similar to beams subject to a unform distributed load (ie, inertial loading) for
which the maximum deflection in the simply supported case (ie. pinned ends) is five times
that for the fixed ends case.

Table C3.3 lists peak stresses, As expected, the axial stresses are approximately the same
for the two approaches. However, the bending stresses at mid-span of horizontal members
and cross braces are significantly more in the pinned joint model. This is again due to the
different end conditions in the two modelling methods. The model with simply supported
end conditions naturally predicts higher moments at mid-span.

Among the two models with fully rigid connections, the predicted maximum stresses are
similar. The probable disadvantage with the one element per member model is that the
stress at the centre of the member will not be calculated. It is possible that some members
might have peak stresses at the centre as opposed to the ends if the members are also
subject to local transverse loads (eg, wind loads, high inertial loads, equipment support

The natural frequencies and mode shapes for the two approaches are similar (see Table
C3.4). Figure C3i 1 shows the first five mode shapes obtained from example 3b.

The variations in deflection and some stress results between the pin jointed and rigid jointed
models are significant. Hence, extreme care and proper judgement is needed in deciding on
the right modelling approach for the problem.

FEA Example No. 3 Title : Mast

1 2 Lx 3

Figure C3. 1 The first five mode shapes

c-3 1
Table C3. I: Geometry Properties

Real Real Constants

Constant Member or Component Cross Section or Size
Set No. Description Area i Iw TKZBI TKYBI
(10* m2) I10izm4] [10-6 m4) (10-3 m) (10-3 m]

T Main Legs -1 Deck to 02 Deck 7.25” OD X 6.0” ID 8392.0 29.9700 29.9700 92.10 92.10
2 Main Legs -02 Deck to Level B 7.1” OD X 6.25” ID 5750.0 20.7400 20.7400 90.13 90.13
3 Main Legs - Level B to Level D 7.0” OD X 6.375” ID 4236.0 15.3100 15.3100 88.90 88.90
4 Main Legs - Level D to Level F 5.0” OD X 4.25” ID 3520.0 6.1000 6.1000 63.50 63.50
5 Main Legs - Level F to Top 4.875” OD X 4.375” ID 2344.() 4.0540 4.0540 61.91 61.91
6 “V” Breces -02 Deck to Level D 4.875” OD X 4.5” ID 1780.0 3.1600 3.1600 61.91 61.91
7 “V” Braces - Level D to Level G 3.625” OD X 3.25” iD 1306.0 1.2490 1.2490 46.00 46.00
8 “V’r Braces - Level G to Top 4.0”013 X 0.226” t 1730.0 1.9900 1.9900 50.80 50.80
9 Horizontals - Level A to Level D 4.0” OD X 3.625” ID 1450.0 1.7000 1.7000 50.80 50.80
10 Horizontals - Level E to Level G 3.0” OD X 2.635” ID 1069.0 0.6840 0.6840 38.10 38.10
11 Horizontals - Level MG 2.875” OD X 0.203” t 1100.0 0,6370 0.6370 36.51 36.51
12 Horizontals - Level MG 4.0” OD X 0.226” t 1730.0 1.9900 1.9900 50.80 50.80
13 “X” Braces - Level A to Level D 3.625” OD X 3.25” ID 1306.0 1.2490 1.2490 46.00 46.00

14 “X” Braces - Level E to Level G 3.0” OD X 2.635” ID 1069.0 0.6840 0.6840 38.10 38.10
15 “X” Braces - Level MG 2.875” OD X 0.203 t 1100.0 0.6370 0.6370 36.51 36.51
16 Platform 2.375” OD X 0.154” t 693.0 0.2771 0.2771 30.20 30.20
TABLE C3.2 Comparison of displacements for the Mast finite element analyses

Max. Displacement Imrn]

Example 3b Example 3C
Description Location
Example 3a -rigid joints with -rigid joints with 2
-pinned joints 1 element per elements per
member member

6X -15.13’ -15.07 -15.07 outer tip of spur frame
6, -1.602 -1.59 -1.60 outer tip of spur frame
6, 1.42 1.40 1.41 spur frame at main leg junction

Vertical (Yl
n ax -3.46 -0.76 -0.76 middle of horizontal member - level 2
LJ 6, -74.24 -16.59 -16.75 centre of X brace - level 2
5= 3.093 3.07 3.08 horizontal member at mid span (top of mast)

6, -0.37 -0.37 -0.374 outer tip of spur frame
6, 3.94 3.93 3.94 outer tip of spur frame .
13z -27.74 -14.56 -14.56 spur frame at main horizontal at mid span

1 The maximum is -26.7 at the middle of horizontal member - level 2

2 The maximum is -3.91 at the centre of cross brace member - level 2

3 The maximum is -3.67 at the middle of horizontal member - level 4

4 The maximum is 0.76 at the middle of V-brace - level 2

TABLE C3.3 Comparison of stresses for the Mast finite element analyses

Stress (iUIPa}

Example 3b Example 3C
Description Location
Example 3a –rigid joints with -rigid joints with
–pinned joints 1 element per 2 elements per
member member

AthwartshiD (21
Axial stress (OX) *lt35 *104 *104 Lower V braces
Bending stress (@ A36f *39 *39 Lower V braces at main ieg junction
Bending stress (a~z) A~58 *6 I *58 Horizontal members at mid-span

Vertical (Y} shock

Axial stress (OX)
-81,+41 -81, +40 -81,+40 Main legs, spur frame diagonals
Bending stress (a~Y) X braces at main leg junction
+ 2452 A163 A163
Bending stress lab.) Spur frame at main lag junction
* 343 *41 *4 I

Longitudinal (2[
*g8 *88 &87 Lower V braces
Axial stress (uJ
*174 *31 +31 Spur frame at main leg junction
Bending stress (oJ
Bending stress (o~,) +193 A 60 *58
Horizontal members at mid-span

1 Main Legs at level 1

2 Cross Braces at mid-span

3 Main Legs at mid-span

4 Main Legs at mid-span

TABLE C3.4 Comparison of frequencies for the Mast finite element analyses

Frequency (Hz)

Mode Example 3b Example 3C Mode Shape

Example 3a
-rigid joints with 1 -rigid joints with 2
-pinned joints
element per member elements per member

13.30 13.31 13.30 I Bending about Z- axis (1st mode)

21 13.76 I 13.77 13.76 I Bending about X-axis (Ist mode)

3 21.56 21.53 21.53 Twisting about Y-axis

4 34.51 34.39 34.41 Bending about X-axis (2nd mode)

5 38.33 38.13 38.16 Bending about Z- axis (2nd model

Appendix D

Ship Structure Benchmarks

for Assessing FEA Software

Benchmark TilJg ME

BM-I -a Opening With Insert Plate (4-Node Plate Elements) D-2

BM-1-b Opening With Insert Plate (8-Node Plate Elements) D-7
BM-2-a Stiffened Panel (in-Plane Beam Elements with 4-Node Plate Elements) D-9
BM-2-b Stiffened Panel (Off-Set Beam Elements with 4-Node Plate Elements) D-15
BM-2-C Stiffened Panel (4-Node Plate Elements) D-17
BM-2-d Stiffened Panel (8-Node Plate Elements) D-19
BM-3 Vibration Isolation System D-21
BM-4 Mast Structure D-24
BM-5 Bracket Detail D-29


The benchmark problems and associated FEA models presented in this document are
intended for the express purpose of evaluating FEA software for ship structural analysis
applications. While attempts have been made to ensure that the FEA models folio w good
modelling practice, they should not necessarily be regarded as appropriate for any other
purpose than that for which they are intended.


3enchmark No. : BM-1 -a Benchmark Title : Opening with Insert Plate

Nnalysis Type : 2D Static Element Type(s) : 4-Node Plane Stress

2-Node Line (Axial Stress)

zroblem Description:

14rectangular deck opening with rounded corners is reinforced with insert plates at each corner.
3etermine the maximum von Mises stress in the 20 mm insert plate and the 10 mm deck pIate.

Sketch of Benchmark Problem :


a) Deck Opening Wtih Insert Plate

DeckPlate T
Stiffeners 400 b

lz-looo-q ~ —&+
T o
300 Insert Plate 0
t=20mm T
600 1200 —;-b
300 R
I “
600 1
4004 b


k’ -4
“ L
b) Detail of Shaded Region of Deck Opening

Material Properties : Geometric Propenies : Loading :

E = 207000 N/mm2 Deck Plate t=l Omm P. = 100 N/mmz

v = 0.3 Insert Plate t=20mm (Applied as nodal force
Stiffeners A = 1575 mm2 loading)
Line Elements A = 1 mm2

3enchmark No. : BM-1-a Benchmark Title : Opening with Insert Plate

Analysis Assumptions :

2ue to symmetry, only one-quarter of the opening is modeled. The deck stiffeners are modelled
~sing axial stress line elements since only in-plane loading is considered.

Finite Element Model :

el #12


node #l 37

No. of Nodes : 200

No. of Elements : 212

1. Deck Plate 120 4-Node Plate Elements t= 10 mm

2, Insert Plate 48 4-Node Plate Elements t= 20 mm
3, Stiffeners 25 2-Node Line Elements A= 1575 mm2
4, Line Elements 19 2-Node Line Elements A= 1 mm2 (for stresses at free edge)

Boundarv Conditions :

Ux = Oat X=O
Uy=Oat Y= Oand Y= 1600
Uz = O at (X= O;Y= O), (X=O;Y= 1600), (X= 2600; Y= O), and (X=2600,Y= 1600)


Benchmark No. : BM-1-a Benchmark Title : Opening with Insert Plate

MSC I Converged
Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN Solution 4
5.1 3.14
W!ndows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)

FEA Software Element Tv~es : SHELL63 CQUAD4 TYPE 6 SHELL93


Maximum Str esses (MPa)

1, Deck Plate ue~v 1 (node # 10) 192.8 193,5 192.3 196.9

2. Insert Plate u,~v 1 (node #1 63) 198.3 189.2 199,3 206.3

3, Stiffeners u, 2 (el # 129) 139,8 139.8 139.8 140.3

4. Edge Elements u, 3 (el # 205) 204.4 203.3 204.4 209,0

Maximum Deflections (mm)

Ux (node ,#1 37) 1,496. 1.496 1.496 1.506

Uy (node’ # 1) 0.1:57 ““”’ 0,157 “0.157 0.157

Comments on Benchmark Results :

1. a,qv is the maximum von Mise$ m equivalent slress reported for the plate elements (section
properties 1 and 2) .“The values”-presented are the nodal averaae d stresses within each group
of elements of the ‘same section propertyi The. nodal averaged stresses are obtained by
extrapolating stresses at the element integration points to the node locations, and then averaging
the values at each notle. Different FEA”software may use different ‘extrapolation and averaging
methods which can lead to slight differences in the nodal stress results,

2, a, is the maximum axial or direct stress inthe line elements.

3. The benchmark FE model includes line elements of small arbitrary area (section property 4 with
A = 1 mm2) which ,are used .to obtain stresses around the free edge of the opening. The
maximum axial stress ‘reported in the line elements corresponds approximately to the maximum
principal and von Mises stress at the edge of the opening, irrespective of the stress extrapolation
method used for the plate elements.

4, The “converged solution” for this benchmark was obtained using a more refined model of the
same problem consisting of 8 node shell elements with ANSYS 5,1. The stress contour plot for
the converged solution is shown on the following page. Note that the plot shows element
stresses, ~ nodal averaged stresses, so as to permit presentation of the results for the two
plate thicknesses cm the same plot. Although the plot shows slight discontinuities in the stress
contours, these are mainly away from the areas of interest. The difference between the
maximum element stresses and the nodal averaged stresses is minimal at the two locations
reported in the above table. There is a real stress discontinuity at the border between the insert
plate and the deck plate due to the abrupt change in plate thickness. The stress contour values
are in units of MPa. The “MX” on the plot signifies the location of maximum stress.


Benchmark No. : BM-1-b Benchmark Title : Opening with Insert Plate

Analysis Type : 2D Static Element Type(s) : 8-Node Plane Stress

2-Node Line (Axial Stress)

Problem Description:

Repeat Benchmark 1-a using a coarser mesh with 8-node elements in place of 4-node elements.

Finite Element Model :

el # 42

node # 19

el # 93

node #149
~~ : 200

No. of Elements : 103

1. Deck Plate 41 8-Node Plate Elements t =10 mm

2. Insert Plate 18 8-Node Plate Elements t =20 mm
3. Stiffeners 22 2-Node Line Elements A= 1575 mm2
4. Line Elements 22 2-Node Line Elements A= 1 mm2 (for stresses at free edge)

Boundarv Conditions :

As defined for BM- l-a,

Loadinq :

As defined for Benchmark 1-a,


3enchmark No. : BM-1-b Benchmark Title : Opening with Insert Plate

MSC I Converged
Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN ALGOR Solution4
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)



M!All (MPa)

1i Deck Plate u,~v 1 (node # 30 ) 195.6 195.6 196.9

2. Insert Plate a.~vl (node #1 72) 207,8 204.5 206.3

3. Stiffeners 0,2 (el # 42) 140,3 140.3 140.3

4, Edge Elements us (@l# 93) 207.8 207,8 209,0

Maximum Deflections (mm)

Ux (node #149) 1,505 1,505 1,506

Uy (node # 19) 0.157 0.157 . 0.157

Comments on Benchmark Results :

*ALGOR does not include 8-node plate elements for stress analysis.

1. u,,” is the maximum von Mises or equivalent stress reported for the plate elements
(section properties 1 and 2). The values presented are the nodal averaaed stresses within
each group of elements of the same section property. The nodal averaged stresses are
obtained by extrapolating stresses at the element integration points to the node locations,
and then averaging the values at each node, Different FEA software may use different
extrapolation and averaging methods which can lead to slight differences in the nodal
stress results.

2. o~ is the maximum axial or direct stress in the line elements.

3. The benchmark FE model includes line elements of small arbitrary area (section property 4
with A = 1 mm2) which are used to obtain stresses around the free edge of the opening.
The maximum axial stress reported in the line elements corresponds approximately to the
maximum principal and von Mises stress at the edge of the opening, irrespective of the
stress extrapolation method used for the plate elements.

4. The “converged solution” for this benchmark was obtained using a more refined model of
the same problem consisting of 8 node shell elements with ANSYS 5.1. The stress
contour plot for the converged solution is shown on Page D-5. Refer to the BM-1 -a
results for further discussion of the converged solution.



‘% .,.
3enchmark No. : BM-2-a Benchmark Title : Stiffened Panel

Analysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 4-Node Shell

3D Modal 2-Node Beam (In plane of plate)

Jrob[em Description:

A rectangular stiffened paneI is subject to a uniform pressure load applied to its surface,
3etermine the maximum deflection, stresses and natural frequencies for the panel.

Sketch of Benchmark Problem :

Benchmark Problem 2: Stiffened Panel

Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

E = 207x109 N/m2 Plate t=l Omm P= = 9810 Pa

v = 0.3 Stiffeners 15 OX1O.5FB
p = 7850 kg/m3


Benchmark No. : BM-2-a Benchmark Title : Stiffened Panel

Finite Element Model :


No. of Nodes : 143 Y

\ nod,# 2
No. of Ele ments : 144

1. Panel 120 4-Node 3-D Plate Elements t=l Omm

2, Stiffeners 24 2-Node 3-D Beam Elements

A= 0,001575 m2 Y! = 0,1352 m
l,, = 53.35 x 10-E m4 ** Y~ = 0.0148 m
IYY= 10.19 x10-8m4 Z; = 0.00525 m
IX, = 0.0553 x 108 m4 (Torsion) Z~ = 0.00525 m

* * In-Plane Beam elements l,, includes 40 t effective plate width.

Boundarv Conditions :

1.- tic Analvsis - All nodes fixed at edges along x=O and along y=O,
. Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
Symmetry about X2 plane along edge y = 1.500 m

2. Modal Analvsi5* - All nodes fixed at edges along x= O and along y= 0,

Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2,250 m
Antisymmetry about X2 plane along edge y = 1,500 m

* This benchmark test only requires calculation of the first four natural frequencies
for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions, In order to capture all modes
of vibration, the modal analysis of the quarter model would also have to consider
symmetry / symmetry, antisymmetry / symmetry, and antisymmetry /
antisymmetry boundary conditions.


3enchmark No. : 13M-2-a Benchmark Title : Stiffened Plate

MSC I ALGOR Converged

Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN 3,14 Solution’
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)

~lement Tvms : Plate SHELL63 CQUAD4 TYPE 6 SHELL93

Stiffeners BEAM4 CBAR TYPE 2 SHELL93

ylll u tresses (MPa)

I. Plate a,~v 2 (node # 2) 39.3 38.2 36,5 42.1

2. Stiffeners 0, 3 (MPa)
Tension (node #1 33) 69.0 69.0 69.0 61.3
Compression (node #1 44) -135.8 -135.8 -135.0 -126.5

blaximum Deflections (mm)

Uz 4 (node W 18) 3,30 3,29 3.29 3.50

Natural Frequencies 5:
1‘t Mode (Hz) 36,5 36,5 36.6 35.9
2n~ Mode (Hz) 60.9 61,1 61.2 61,0
3’~ Mode (Hz) 100.1 100.4 102.4 96,5
4’h Mode (Hz) 110.2 111.4 111.9 106.5

1. The “converged solution” results were obtained using a refined mesh model with 8-node shell
elements on ANSYS 5,1, The von Mises Stress contours for the converged model are shown
on Page D-13. The stress contours are in units of Pa (N/m2).

2. The maximum stress in the plate occurs at the middle of the long fixed edges (node 2).
Reported are the maximum nodal averaged von Misas stress of the top or bottom surface of
the plate elements. Note that different FEA programs may use different conventions for
defining the top and bottom surfaces of plate elements, Also, different FEA programs use
different extrapolation and averaging techniques for computing plate / shell element stresses
which may lead to slight differences (refer to BM-1 -a for discussion).

3. Reported are the maximum stresses in the beam elements (axial stress + bending stress).
The maximum tensile stress occurs at the centre of the middle stiffeners (node 133). The
maximum compressive stress occurs at the fixed ends of the middle stiffeners (node 144).

% The maximum out-of-plane deflection (Uz) occurs at the centre of the panel (noda 11 8).
Differences in deflection and stress results relative to the converged model are due mainly to
the simplifying assumption of 40 t effective plate width used in defining the beam properties.

5. The frequencies and mode shapes for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions from the
converged model are shown on Page D-12. The mode shapes predicted by the BM-2-a FEA
models are the same as those for the converged model. The frequencies predicted by the
BM-2-a model deviate slightly from those predicted by the converged model, particularity for
the 3rd and 4th modes. These are more complex modas involving torsion of the stiffeners for
which the beam + plate element model is probably too simplified. However, the plate +
beam model gives very good predictions for the first two modes.

D-1 1
Benchmark No. : BM-2-a
Benchmark Title : Stiffened Plate

lS’ Mode :35.9 Hz 2nd Mode :61.0

Modal Analysis Results of Converged Model for EM-2 (ANSYS 5.1)




( .. .

Benchmark No. : BM-2-b Benchmark Title : Stiffened Panel

Analysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 4-Node Shell I

3D Modal 2-Node Offset Beam

Problem Description:

Repeat BM-2-a using 2-node offset beams in place of in-plane beam elements.

Finite Element Model :

nod. #1

noti #ha

nada #133

No. of Nodes : 143

No. of Elements : 144 A

1. Panel 120 4-Node 3-D Plate Elements t = O.OIOm

2. Stiffeners 24 2-Node 3-D Beam Elements**

A = 0,001575 mz Y, = 0.075 m
IZz = 0.0145 x 10-E m4 Y~ = 0.075 m
Iw = 2.95 x 10E m4 Zt = 0.00525 m
Ixx = 0,0553 x 10-6 m4 (Torsion) Z~ = 0.00525 m

* * Beam element centroid off-set 0.075 m in global Z direction.

Bounda rv Conditions :

1. Static A nalvw - All nodes fixed at edges along x=0 and along y= O.
- Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
- Symmetry about X2 plane along edge y = 1.500 m

2. Modal Ana Ivsis * - All nodes fixed at edges along x= O and along y = O.
- Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
- Antisymmetry about X2 plane along edge y = 1.500 m

* This benchmark test only requires calculation of the first four natural frequencies
for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions.

Brmchmark No. : BM-2-b Benchmark Title : Stiffened Plate

MSC / Converged
Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN Solution 1
5.1 3.14
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)
Element TvDes : Plate SHELL63 CQUAD4 TYPE 6 SHELL93
Stiffeners BEAM44 CBEAM TYPE 2 SHELL93

Maximu m Stresses (MPa)

1. Plate O,qv 2 (node # 2) 42,1 38.2 34.4 42.1

2, Stiffeners UX 3 (MPa)
Tension (node #1 33) 70,3 70.4 70.3 61,3
Compression (node #144) -153.7 -154.0 -153.7 -126.5

Maximum Deflections (mm)

Uz 4 (node #1 18) 3.42 3,41 3.41 3.50

Natur I Fr
1” Mode (Hz) 36.3 36,3 36.5 35.9
2nd Mode (Hz) 61.1 61,2 61.7 61.0
3rd Mode (Hz) 97.0 95.7 101.9 96.5
4th Mode (Hz) 107,0 106.8 111.9 106.5

1. The “converged solution” results were obtained using a refined mesh model with 8-node shell
elements on ANSYS 5.1. The von Mises Stress contours for the converged model are shown
on Page D-13.

2. The maximum stress in the pIate occurs at the middle of the long fixed edges (node 2).
Reported are the maximum nodal averaged von Mises stress of the top or bottom surface of
the plate elements. Note that different FEA programs may use different conventions for
defining the top and bottom surfaces of plate elements. Also, different FEA programs use
different extrapolation and averaging techniques for computing plate / shell element stresses
which may lead to slight discrepancies (refer to EM-1-a for discussion).

3. Reported are the maximum stresses in the beam elements (axial stress + bending stress).
The maximum tensile stress occurs at the centre of the middle stiffeners (node 133). The
maximum compressive stress occurs at the fixed ends of the middle stiffeners (node 144).
The off-set beam element introduces an artificial moment into the problem which results in
over prediction of the stresses and under prediction of deflections. This effect also influences
stress results for the plate elements, Refer to Example 1, Appendix C for further discussion
of this effect.

4. The maximum out-of-plane deflection (Uz) occurs at the centre of the panel (node 11 8).

5. The frequencies and mode shapes for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions from the
converged model are shown on Page D-12, The mode shapes predicted by the BM-2-b FEA
models are the same as those for the converged model.

3enchmark No. : BM-2-C Benchmark Title : Stiffened Panel

rhalysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 4-Node Plate

3D Modal

Problem Description:

depeat BM-2-a using 4-node plate elements to model the stiffeners and plate explicitly.

Finite Element Model :

nodn #

❑de 9118


No. of Nodes :

No. of Elements :
nod. # 2

Panel 120 4-Node 3-D Plate Elements t=l Omm

Stiffeners 48 4-Node 3-D Plate Elements t = 10.5 mm

3oundarv Conditions :

1. Static Analvsis - All nodes fixed at edges along x=O and along Y=O.
- Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
. Symmetry about X2 plane along edge y = 1,500 m

2. Modal Analvsis’ - All nodes fixed at edges along x=0 and along y = O.
- Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
- Antisymmetry about XZ plane along edge Y = 1.500 m

‘x. This benchmark test only requires calculation of the first four natural frequencies
for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions.


L.. “-
Benchmark No. : BM-2-C Benchmark Title : Stiffened Plate

MSC I ALGOR Converged

Firrite Element Software Results NASTRAN 3.14 Solution 1
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)

Element TvDes : Plate SHELL63 CQUAD4 TYPE 6 SHELL93

Stiffeners SHELL63 CQUAD4 TYPE 6 SHELL93

Maximum Stresses (MPa)

1. Plate u,~v 2 (node # 2) 42,3 41,3 39.3 42.1

2, Stiffeners 0, 3 (MPa)
Tension (node #172) 68,9 69,0 68.2 61.3
Compression (node #170) -126.0 -126,0 -124.0 -126.5

Maximum Deflections (mm)

Uz 4 (node #1 18) 3.47 3.43 3.42 3.50

Natural Frequencies 6:

1‘t Mode (Hz) 36.1 36.2 36.1 35.9

2“d Mode (Hz) 60,8 61.1 61.2 61.0
3rd Mode (Hz) 95.0 94.9 97.4 96.5
4th Mode (Hz) 104.9 105.8 106.3 106.5

1. The “converged solution” results were obtained using a refined mesh model with 8-node shell
elements on ANSYS 5.1. The von Mises Stress contours for the converged model are shown
on Page D-13.

2. The maximum stress in the plate occurs at the middle of the long fixed edges (node 2).
Reported are the maximum nodal averaged von Mises stress of the top or bottom surface of
the plate elements. Note that different FEA programs may use different conventions for
defining the top and bottom surfaces of plate elements. Also, different FEA programs use
different extrapolation and averaging techniques for computing plate / shell element stresses
which may lead to slight discrepancies (refer to EM-1-a for discussion),

3. Repor-ted are the maximum nodal averaged stresses, crX, in the stiffener plate elements
(maximum of top or bottom surface stress), The maximum tensile stress occurs at the centre
of the middle stiffeners (node 172), The maximum compressive stress occurs at the fixed
ends of the middle stiffeners (node 170),

4. The maximum out-of-plane deflection (Uz) occurs at the centre of the panel (node 11 8).

5. The frequencies and mode shapes for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions from the
converged model are shown on Page D-12. The frequencies and mode shapes predicted by
the EM-2-c FEA models are very similar to those from the converged model,


‘.,\-_ ,,.,
lenchmark No. : BM-2-d Benchmark Title : Stiffened Panel

inalysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 8-Node Plate

3D Modal

)roblem Description:

Iepeat BM-2-a using 8-node plate elements to model the stiffeners and plate explicitly.

finite Element Model :

node #174

L >
node # 176

No. of Nodes : 199

Vo. of Elements : 56

Panel 40 8-Node 3-D Plate Elements t=l Omm

Stiffeners 16 8-Node 3-D Plate Elements t = 10.5mm

Boundarv Co nditions :

1. Static Analwk - All nodes fixed at edges along x=O and along Y=O.
- Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
- Symmetry about XZ plane along edge y = 1.500 m

2. Modal Analvsis* - All nodes fixed at edges along x= O and along y = O.

. Symmetry about YZ plane along edge at x = 2.250 m
- Antisymmetry about XZ plane along edge y = 1.500 m

* This benchmark test only requires calculation of the first four natural frequencies
for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions.

D-1 9


“j .
Benchmark No. : BM-2-d Benchmark Title : Stiffened Plate

MSC I Converged
Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN Solution 1
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)

Element Tv~es : Plate SHELL93 CQUAD8 NA* SHELL93

Stiffeners SHELL93 CQUAD8 SHELL93

Maximum Stresses (MPa)

1. Plate o,~v 2 (node # 2) 41.7 41.7 . 42.1

2. Stiffeners cq 3 (MPa)
Tension (node #1 76) 69.9 69.9 . 61.3
Compression (node #1 74) -143.0 -143.0 -126.5

Maximum Defle ctionq (mm)

Uz 4 (node #1 22) 3,49 3,49 3,50

Natural Frequencies 5:

I’t Mode (Hz) 36,0 36,0 35,9

2nd Mode (Hz) 61.0 61,0 61,0
3rd Mode (Hz) 96.6 96.1 96.5
4’h Mode (Hz) 105.9 105.6 . 106.5

*ALGOR does not include 8-node plate elements for stress analysis.

1, The “converged solution” results were obtained using a refined mesh model with 8-node shell
elements on ANSYS 5.1. The von Mises Stress contours for the converged model are shown
on Page D-13.

2. The maximum stress in the plate occurs at the middle of the long fixed edges (node 2).
Reported are the maximum nodal averaged von Mises stress of the top or bottom surface of
the plate elements. Note that different FEA programs may use different conventions for
defining the top and bottom surfaces of plate elements. Also, different FEA programs use
different extrapolation and averaging techniques for computing plate / shell element stresses
which may lead to slight discrepancies (refer to EM- I -a for discussion),

3. Reported are the maximum nodal averaged stresses, u,, in the stiffener plate elements
(maximum of top or bottom surface stress). The maximum tensile stress occurs at the centre
of the middle stiffeners (node 176). The maximum compressive stress occurs at the fixed
ends of the middle stiffeners (node 174).

4. The maximum out-of-plane deflection (Uz) occurs at the centre of the panel (node 122).

5, The frequencies and mode shapes for symmetry / antisymmetry boundary conditions from the
converged model are shown on Page D-12. The frequencies and mode shapes predicted by
the BM-2-d FEA models are very similar to those from the converged model, despite the
relative coarseness of the mesh of the former,

Benchmark No. : BM-3 Benchmark Title : Machinery Vibration Isolation System

Analysis Type : 3D Modal Element Type(s) : 3D Beams

1 DOF Springs (in X, Y, Z directions)
Mass (with Rotational Inertia)

Problem Description:

Determine the natural frequencies for this generator vibration isolation system.

Sketch of Benchmark Problem :


1$= 350 kN/m

++.+05+.5+ I-$ = 350 kN/m
&= 800 kN/m
a) Generator VibrationIsolationSeat

@~= O.015m’
❑7.5x 10sm4
1~~❑ IOX 10-5m4
❑ 17,5x1O-sm4

. 0.7
ln2 = 12.5 x 10-sm4

1 ~earn~
Z (Verlical)

b) Plan VW of Seat Frame ~ .... .. y


Material Properties : Gaomatric Propetiies : Loading :

1. Steel E = 207x103 MPa Refer to above sketch, Not Applicable.

v = 0.3
p = 7850 kg/m3 Generator modelled as rigid link
elements and point mass at
2, “Rigid” E = 207x104MPa centroid.
Links v = 0,3
p = O kg/m3

Benchmark No. : EM-3 Benchmark Title : Machinery Vibration Isolation System

Finite Element Model :

Rigid Links \,

\ 1

i B8~ms (Section Property 21
Beams (Section Property 1)

L x

No. of Nodes : 81

Nrj 90

14 Beams (Section Property 1)

5 Beams (Section Property 2)
14 Springs (X-Direction)
14 Springs (Y-Direction)
14 Springs (Z-Direction)
1 Mass
51 Rigid Links

Boundarv Conditions :

Isolator springs fixed at deck seating level.


... .
‘!.> ,,
Benchmark No. : EM-3 Benchmark Title : Machinery Vibration Isolation System

Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN
5.1 3.14
Windows 1

FEA Software Element Tv~eq : BEAM4 CBAR TYPE 2


Total Mass and C of G Location :

Total Mass (kg) 2545.7 2!545,7 2545.7

Cof G x (m) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Y (m) 0.3500 0,3500 0.3500
z (m) 0.4066 0.4066 0.4065

Modes and Frequencies (Hz~

1 Translation in Y direction (1 $’) 2,85 2,85 2.80

2 Translation in X direction (1 “) 3.60 3,60 3.66
3 Translation in Z direction (1 ‘t) 6.30 6.30 6.30
4 Rotation about Z axis (1 ‘t) 6.62 6.62 6.98
5 Rotation about Y axis (1 “) 9.61 9.61 10.04
6 Rotation about X axis (1 “) 11.12 11,12 11,45
7 Translation in X direction (2””) 14.76 14,76 ~4.a9
8 Rotation about Z axis (2””) 15.28 15,28 16.61
9 Translation in Y direction (2nd) 16.92 16.92 16.79
10 Translation in Z direction (2nd) 21.51 21.51 21.51
11 Rotation about Y axis (2””) 22.86 22,86 23.60
12 Rotation about X axis (2””) 23.12 23.12 24.44

Comments on Benchmark Results :

Modes 1 to 6 involve vibration modes with the generator and raft masses moving in phase, while
the two masses are out-of phase for modes 7 to 12,

Benchmark No. : BM-4 Benchmark Title : Mast Structure

Analysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 3D Beam

3D Modal 3D Spar

Problem Description:

Determine the stresses, displacements, natural frequencies and modes under the specified
loading conditions for the mast structure shown in the sketch below.

Sketch of Benchmark Problem :

.. ......... .

S* $ ~ n “’f

Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

1, Steel E = 207xI OgN/m2 Refer to table of section Accelerations a, = 5 m/s2

v = 0.3 properties. aY = 5 m/s2
p = 7850 kg / m3 aZ = 15 m/s2

2. Aluminum E = 70x10g N/mz Nodal Forces FX =3000 N

(pole mast) v = 0.3 (Applied on all nodes)
p = 2900 kg / m3

Benchmark No. : BM-4
IBenchmark Title : Mast Structure

Member Section Properties

Section Description O. Dia. Area 122 & lyy lxx Element No,
No. (m) (xl 03 m2) (xl OG m4 (xl O-Em4) Type Elems

1 Main Legs 0.12700 3,520 6,100 12.2 Beam 32

2 Pole Mast Support 0.09200 1,306 1.249 2.50 Beam 8
3 Vertical Braces 0.09200 1,306 Spar 32
4 Main Horizontals 0,07620 1.069 0.684 1.37 Beam 32
5 Pole Mast (Aluminum) 0.24130 4,887 33.70 67.4 Beam 5
8 Horizontal Braces 0.07302 1.100 Spar 16
9 Platform Braces 0.06040 0.693 Spar 10
10 Platform Chords 0.06040 0,693 0.2771 0.554 Beam 12

Finite Element Model :

The main legs, polemast, main horizontals and platform frame chords are modelled as continuous
beams (ie. with full continuity), while the various brace members are modelled as spars with
pinned ends,

~: 67

No. Of Elements : 150

mu ndarv Condition s : UX, UY, & UZ translations of node at base of each leg restrained.

Static An alvsh Loads : Nodal force of 3000 N in X direction (Fx) at every node,
Accelerations a, = 5 m/s2, aY = 5 m/s2, a, = 15 m/s2.


,, ,.
Benchmark No. : BM-4
IBenchmark Title : Mast Structure

Plot of Finite Element Model Showing Critical Element Numbers :



Benchmark No. : EM-4 Benchmark Title : Mast Structure

Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN
5.1 3.14
Windows 1

FEA Software Element Tv~es : BEAM4 CBAR TYPE 2


Total Mass : (kg) m 1415.8 1415.8 1418.7

Centre of Gravitv: (m) x 0.0336 0.0336 0.0335

Y 0.0003 0.0003 0,0003
z 2.3797 2.3797 2,3841

~ I‘ (mm) UX (node #63) 12.00 12.00 12.65
Uy (node #63) -0.36 -0.37 -0.41
LIZ (node #56) -0,62 -0.62 -0.65

Total Reactio n Forces : (N) FX -190920 -190921 NA*

F, 7079 7079
FZ 21236 21237
Stresses (MPd
1. Main Leas Max. Tensile (el #1) 33.70 33.67 33.72
Max. Compressive (el #5) -36,09 -36.11 -31.35

z pole Mast SUDDort Maxi Tensile (el #143) 99.42 99.41 95,85
Max. Compressive (el #1 42) -108.96 -108.95 -97.76

3. Ve rtical Braces Maxi Tensile (el #45) 34.94 34,94 38.15

Max. Compressive (el #61) -35.54 -35,54 -37.78

4. Main Horizontals Maxi Tensile (el #74) 48.41 48.40 47.81

Max. Compressive (el #68) -38.11 -38.09 -39.61

5. Pole Mast Max. Tensile (ei #1 36) 53.53 53.54 49.98

Max. Compressive (el #1 36) -53.88 -53.86 -50801

5. Horizontal Braces Max. Tensile (el#lll) 10.77 10.77 10897

Max. Compressive (el #1 09) -4.32 -4.32 -4,29

3~ Max, Tensile (el #130) 4.60 4.61 4.73

Max, Compressive (el #1 22) -15.64 -15.64 -16.40

] O. Platform Chor~ Max. Tensile (el #1 16) 71,90 71.92 75.97

Max. Compressive (el #1 27) -73,43 -73.41 -74.85


‘..-. ,,,
Benchmark No. : EM-4
Benchmark Title : Mast Structure

Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN
5.1 3.14
Windows 1

Modes a nd Freauenc!e s : 3 (Hz)

1 Pole Mast Cantilever Bending 20,75 20.76 20,72

2 Pole Mast Cantilever Bending 20.79 20.80 20.76
3 Local Bending of Main Horizontals 41.13 41.13 41.13
4 Platforms Bending in X Direction 47.46 47.46 47.45

Comments on Benchmark Results :

1. The maximum deflections in the X and Y directions occur at the top of the polemast. The
maximum vertical deflection occurs at the starboard spur frame.

2. The stresses listed are the maximum combined (axial + bending) stress in the beam
elements. Note that the maximum combined stresses are calculated assuming -that the
beam element section is rectangular, although the members in this particular problem are
actually of circular cross section, This is a limitation of most FEA programs, although
some programs may allow calculation of element stresses assuming a circular cross
section. The simplified assumption of a square or rectangular cross section is

3. The first two vibration modes involve cantilever bending of the polemast in the X and Y
directions (they are in fact identical modes due to the symmetry of the polemast), The
third mode involves local bending of the main horizontal members of the mast. The
fourth mode involves bending of the two platforms at the top of the mast in the X

4. The ALGOR program requires a separate module to output reaction forces which is not
included with the basic solution module and, as such, reaction results were not available.
In addition, the ALGOR program does not include mass elements for linear static analysis.
Insteadr the inertia loads due to the payload masses were modelled by applying nodal
forces at the appropriate locations. The difference in modelling approach and the inability
to confirm the total applied loads may explain, in part, the differences in the ALGOR
results com~ared to those obtained bv ANSYS and NASTRAN.


3enchmark No. : BM-5 Benchmark Title : Bracket Detail

4nalysis Type : 3D Static Element Type(s) : 4-Node Thick Shell

(With Transverse Shear)

%oblem Description:

3etermine the maximum stress for the VLCC Top Bracket detail shown in the sketch below.

Sketch of Benchmark Problem :

,n,cr.b~~~ ,
End “B”
r; / Ux=l.Omm
300 2.3
Uy, Uz, Rx, Ry, Rz = o

100 Deck Longitudinal

u 300xIo0 T
13 mm Web
2A $,00

E - ‘gmm’’ange

[: ~~’ K I%+ ‘ ‘
UY jj
N u
w m

L End ‘“c”
Ux ❑ -0.5 mm


Material Properties : Geometric Properties : Loading :

E = 207x103 MPa As defined in above sketch. Applied displacement

v = 0.3 constraints.

Ierrchmark No. : BM-5 Benchmark Title : Bracket Detail

‘inite Element Model :

‘hick shell / plate elements with transverse shear flexibility are used to model the bracket, deck
mgitudinal, and the web of the bulkhead stiffener, The transverse bulkhead, and upper deck
Ire modelled using line elements of 40 t2 section area (9000 mmz for deck, 4850 mm2 for
iulkhead). The flange of the bulkhead stiffener is modelled with line elements using the 2250
nm2 area of the flange. The areas of the flange line elements taper down to 923 mm2 at the
md of the bracket, Line elements of a small arbitrary area (0.01 mm2) are included at the toe of
he bracket for obtaining stresses.

~: 199

No. of FI ements : 227

m “C”

Boundarv Conditions :

Translation in Z direction restrained at nodes representing main deck and transverse


At end “A” of the model, all nodal degrees of freedom are fixed.

At end “B” of the model, a 1 mm displacement is applied in the positive X direction and
all other nodal degrees of freedom are fixed.

At end “C” of the model, a 0,5 mm displacement is applied in the negative X direction
and the vertical displacement in the Y direction is constrained to zero.


‘,, -,.!.
Benchmark No. : BM-5 Benchmark Title : Bracket Detail

Plot showing Critical Element Locations at Toe of Bracket :

el #15a




Benchmark No. : BM-5 Benchmark Title : Bracket Detail

MSC I Converged
Finite Element Software Results NASTRAN ALGOR Solution 1
Windows 1 (ANSYS 5.1)

Element TvDes : SHELL43 CQUAD4 * NA SHELL93


Plate Element Str esses a,~v 2 (M Pa)

1. Bracket (el # 71) 209.3 209.6 203.5

2, Deck Long, Web (el # 105) 248,9 247,6 243.4

~ o, (MPa)

1. Bracket (et # 158) 119.8 121.5 133,0

2. Deck Long. Web (et # 211) 235.5 236.0 240.1

~M xim (mm)
Ux (node # 86) 1.000 1.000 - 1.000
Uy (node #1 85) -0.339 -0,336 - -0.348
Uz (node #106) -0,366 -0.354 - -0.388

Rea ction Forces at A : (N)

Fx -1194400 -1194700 - -1191800
Fy -28343 -28302 - -26414
Fz 5967 6019 “ -5064

* ALGOR does not” provide a thick shell element with transverse shear,

1, The “converged solution” results were obtained using a refined mesh model with 8-node shell
elements on ANSYS 5,1. The von Mises Stress contours of the toe of the bracket for the
converged model are shown on Page D-31. The stress contours are in units of MPa (N/mm2).

2. This particular bracket detail problem is complicated by the existence of a stress

singularity at the end corner or toe of the bracket, In a linear elastic analysis, the stress
at this point is theoretically infinite. Refining the finite element mesh gives progressively
higher stresses which are meaningless. One method which is commonly used to get
around this problem is to use the so called “hot spot” stress. In calculating the hot spot
stress no account is taken of the weld geometry, and in an idealised finite element
representation (ignoring the weld), the stress is equal to the value at about one plate
thickness from the corner (Chalmers, 1993). In this benchmark, the hot spot stress is
calculated two ways :

a) Using element centroidal von Mises stresses at the elements 10 mm from the corner
(elements 71 and 105, see figure on Page D-29); and
b) Using line element stresses at 10 mm from the corner (elements 158 and 211).

The advantage of these methods are that they do not rely on the techniques used to
extrapolate stresses to the node points which may vary for different FEA programs.


,.,..”, ,,,:!.4 .:

; ,.

ProjectTechnicalCommittee Members

The following persons were members of the committee that represented the Ship Structure
Committee to the Contractor as resident subject matter experts. As such they performed
technical review of the initial proposals to select the contractor, advised the contractor in
cognizant matters pertaining to the contract of which the agencies were aware, and performed
technical review of the work in progress and edited the final report.

LCDR Stephm Gibson National CANADA

Mr. RickardAnderson Military Sealift Command
Mr. RichardSonnenschein Maritime Administration
LT PatLittle U.S. Coast Guard
Mr. James White U.S. Coast Guard
Mr. NataleNappi Naval Sea Systems Command
Mr. JohnAdamchek Carderock Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Mr. Gary Horn American Bureau of Shipping
Mr. Tom Ingram American Bureau of Shipping
StephenYang Defence Research Establishment Atlantic
Mr. William Siekierka Naval Sea Systems Command,
Contracting Officer’s
Techical Representative
Dr.Robert Sielski National Academy of Science,
Marine Board Liaison
CDR Steve Sharpe U.S. Coast Guard, Executive Director
Ship Structure Committee

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