RadiolocationMethods PDF
RadiolocationMethods PDF
RadiolocationMethods PDF
Enrico Tarantino
Location-Based Services (LBS)
Services that take advantage of the user's location information
Location Services (LCS)
Set of network elements needed to determine the
location, functionality of the elements, interfaces
and communication messages
Method (or technique) localization
- Algorithm which is based on the estimated
- Is typically system-independent
Location technology
- Defines the realization’ s algorithm chosen
Government application
◦ Emergency calls
◦ Electronic surveillance
Commercial applicationd
◦ Applicazioni consumer (per il consumatore/utente generico)
Traffic information & navigation
Enhanced Roadside Assistance (vehicle breakdown recovery)
Directory/information services (pagine gialle)
Family & lone worker safety
Asset tracking (rintracciare beni, mezzi mobili, ecc.)
◦ Applicazioni business (per l’azienda)
Workforce, asset & fleet management
Emergency service for field employees
Telecommunication operators’
operators’ applications
◦ Location based billing (tariffazione differenziata)
◦ Network/RF optimization
◦ Fraud detection (supporto alla gestione frodi)
Cla of radiolocation systems
The localization methods are usually divided into 3 main
Dead -reckoning Systems: from a known starting position,
the mobile, by means of suitable sensors. periodically
calculates speed and direction of movement, allowing
them to calculate his position;
Systems: periodically determine what is the
2. Proximity Systems
Reference Station (RS) closest to the mobile, and this
information is sufficient to estimate the location (for
example, we consider the position of the RS or the
same small area around it), it is necessary that the RS
are suitably "dense" to limit the location error
3. Radiolocation Systems:
Systems are based on the measurement of radio
signals between the MS and a number of RS (terrestrial or
satellite) : from the values measured, properly processed, it
is estimated the position of the mobile terminal
- Radiolocation systems require the measurement of one
(or more) variables (location parameters) whose value is
tied to the position of the cabinet, so that the measured
value is possible to estimate the position of the
- Each measured value allows you to find a curve in the
plane (line of position) on which the cabinet may be
considered with respect to the RS. The intersection of
the various lines of position for different pairs MS-RS
allows you to pinpoint the location of the cabinet.
- Any tracking algorithm can be divided into two phases:
1. Estimation of location parameters
2. Localization algorithm, which estimates the position
of the terminal from the measured values of the location
Description 2D (position 2 identified by coordinates - for example,
xM, yM);
- Location theory assumes conditions LOS (Line Of Sight) to be
located between the terminal and the reference station (RS);
- Reference points at known positions
- Satellites of the GPS system
- Base Stations (BS) of a cellular network
- Adequate visibility radio (at least) a certain minimum number of
reference points (hearability)
- Types of measures for the positioning:
-- Cell Identification (Cell ID)
-- Power Measurements
-- timing measurements
-- Measurements of the direction of arrival
-- Measurements of the characteristics of the received multipath
- Inaccuracies and malfunction detection systems due to:
-- NLOS situations
-- multiple paths
- Hearability reduction due to:
- Geometric Diluition of Precision (GDOP)
Cell ID Signal Strenght AOA TOA TDOA Multipath Hybrid
Based Analysis Analysys Techniques
To obtain a reliable estimate of the distance should be
considered only P (r), we need to mediate on a length L
r0 + L
PRX = ∫ PRX (r ) dr
r0 − L
- L can not be too large because otherwise the average can not
be regarded as representing a single point;
- L can not even be too small to avoid to mediate, filter only the
fast fading;
=> need compromise on the value of L =>error in estimating
- when PRx has been measured, to evaluate the position you
need to know the law of propagation => spatial filtering
Location parameters: direction of arrival
(minimum) number of RS: 2
Adaptive arrays are used,
that "look" the direction
from which the signal
emitted from the terminal
y 2 − y1 − x 2 ⋅ tan φ 2 + x1 ⋅ tan φ1
xM =
tan φ1 − tan φ 2
y M = x M ⋅ tan φ1 + ( y1 − x1 ⋅ tan φ1 )
Location parameters: propagation delay ⇒ distance
between terminal and RS
(minimum) number of RS: 3
synchronizetion between the terminals and the knowledge
of the instant transmission
Known the propagation delay ti with respect to BSi, terminal could
stay on CFR of equation:
ti ⋅ c = (x i − x M )2 + (y i − y M )2 i = 1,2,3
(x 2 − x1)⋅ C3 − (x 2 − x 3 )⋅ C1
yM =
[ ]
2⋅ (y 2 − y 3 )⋅ (x 2 − x1 ) − (y 2 − y1 )⋅ (x 2 − x 3 )
C1 = x 2 2 + y 2 2 − x12 − y12 + R 12 − R 2 2
C3 = x 2 2 + y 2 2 − x 3 2 − y 32 + R 32 − R 2 2
The delay times are typically calculated using correlations (see spread-
spectrum, CDMA).What we need is to solve the segment. massimizzation
M ⋅Tc
max ∫ p ' (t − τ ) ⋅ p (t )dt
a(t) s(t)=a(t) p(t) s(t)=a(t) p(t) a(t)
p(t) p’(t-τ)
( )
ρij = c ⋅ t i − t j = (x i − x M )2 + (y i − y M )2 − (x j − x M )2 + (y j − y M )2
That is the equation of a hyperbola with the fires in RS i and j
Ax 2M + Bx M + C = 0
⇒ (x M , y M )
y M = mx M + b
r1 ( t ) = s( t )
r2 ( t ) = As( t − τ)
The multipath’s 'signature‘ is given
by amplitude, and / or delays and / or
angles of arrival of different path
(gradi) Each scenario has a position
Delay(us) within the "spectrum"
characteristic delays and
arrival directions => these
wide band features can be
associated with the position
0 and then used for
-180 0 180 localization
Many systems are time-based radiolocation (TOA or TDOA) => is important
to characterize each system in terms of resolution power that is the
minimum change detectable time perceptible;
2π r
∆φ = β ⋅ r = ⋅ r = 2πf ⋅ = ω ⋅ τ
λ c
st(t) = A⋅cos(2πf)st(t) = A⋅cos(2πf-∆φ) ω
- Up to 6 distinct points of
I6 (xˆ, yˆ ) thatMINIMIZE d = d1 + d 2 + d 3
I3 I1
the use of a number of redundant lines of position (> 3) may in some cases
increase the accuracy
Gradient Descent Method (1/5)
(x, y) : mobile effective position (unknown);
D i = dist (x i , y i , x , y ) : effective geometric distance between (x̂, ŷ )
and RS ima;
D̂ i = dist (x i , y i , x̂ , ŷ ) : stimated mobile position (to be calculated and
D̂ i
T̂i = : propagation delay between estimated position and RS
Gradient Descent Method (2/5)
r t1 − T̂1
Error function: r r
E = t − T̂ = t 2 − T̂2
t − T̂
3 3
Cost function: 2
( )2 2
( )
2 2
Σ = α1 ⋅ t1 − T̂1 + α2 ⋅ t 2 − T̂2 + α3 ⋅ t 3 − T̂3
ˆ ˆ ˆ )2
So just look for the position corresponding to values that cancel the
function Σ to be sure that the position estimated as the same as that
actually occupied
T̂i = D̂i / c
So we can write:
Σ = Σ(x̂ , ŷ ) Updated estimate Current estimate
rnew = (x̂ new , ŷ new ) = rc + ∇Σ c rc = (x̂ c , ŷ c ) = rnew
r r r r
Σc≤ ε ?
(x̂ 0 , ŷ0 )
(x̂ 2 , ŷ2 ) (x̂1, ŷ1 )
(x̂, ŷ ) = (x̂ c , ŷ c )
Example (1/4)
- urban circolar scenario (R = 5km)
“Manhattan like”
At the same built-up area, the estimation error increases with the number
of buildings
<e> ≈ 15 m, σe ≈ 50 m
<e> ≈ 50 m, σe ≈ 65 m
Using the statistical approach, the results are slightly (10%) best (which
shows the meaningfulness of the proposed heuristic methods), but at a
price of more computation time (2-3 orders of magnitude)
Hearability Reduction: GDOP (1/2)
Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDoP)
The estimate of the position requires that the mobile is visible (at least)
a certain minimum number of RSs.
In practice, not only the number but also the actual arrangement of RSs
has seen a significant impact on accuracy.
σtot = GDoP ⋅ σm
Hearability reduction: GDOP (2/2)
RSs distributed in a very large volume (large solid angle) =>low
GDoP => favorable situation
RSs distributed in a small volume (small solid angle) =>GDoP high
=>not favorable situation
cell 0
cell 1
Idle Period Down Link (IPDL): The signals transmitted by the BSS (other than
those necessary for positioning) are interrupted for short intervals of
time, thus reducing the level of interference thus allowing more accurate
measurements to mobile
Time Aligned IPDL: the idle periods are introduced in the transmission line
of BSS (BSS transmit all the idle periods in only the pilot signals for
positioning) =>increase hearibility and then precision
There are several possibilities to implement the chosen method:
- Solutions or self-positioning-based handsets: measures of
estimated parameters and locations of position made by the
mobile (higher cost of the terminal, more accurately)
- Solutions Remote-or network-based positioning: measures of
the estimated parameters and locations of position made by the
network (lower cost of the terminal, but less accurately)
- Hybrid (hybrid solutions):
-Handset-based solutions, network-assisted: the mobile
network can help in the localization process, sending signals
auxiliary coordinates of reference points, timing information, ...
- Network-based solutions, handset-assisted: the mobile
performs measurements and sends them to the network that will
calculate the position
r r
Location error:
error: e p = Pstimata − Preale
per il GSM
E-OTD: Enhanced-
Enhanced-Observed Time Difference
The position of the cabinet is
essentially derived from
knowledge of the identifier of the
BS / serving area and the extent
of the propagation time between
mobile and BS / sector.
1) MOT (Observed Time at the MS) → {MOT1, MOT2}.
2) LOT (Observed Time at the LMU) → {LOT1, LOT2}.
3) OTD (Observed Time Difference): difference between the times
of arrival measured:
NOTE: The OTD is not the actual propagation time difference,
because the transmission times of TX1 and TX2 2 BSS are in
general different
4) RTD (Real Time Difference): difference between the instants of
transmission of the BSS 2 (transmit offset):RTD
RTD = tx1 – tx2.
5) GTD (Geometric Time Difference): difference between the actual
propagation time (and 'the parameter is then calculated as a
function of the estimated position).
In practice the only difference between the two versions (hyperolic
and circular) and is the relations that exists between the
measurement errors and the uncertainty region, due to the
different technique used.
Technology is based on the TDOA method, version uplink: Position
is the estimate of the network (network based) using the
measurements of the differences of the moments of arrival of the
signal transmitted from the well known MS and received at least 3
The estimated ToA LMUs are sent by SMC, which calculates the
differences in pairs to eliminate the dependence on the unknown clock
When 4 or more satellites are in line of sight, the receiver can calculate its
position by applying the technique ToA (It requires at least 4 measurements
because the variables are xMS, yMS, zMS and the offset of the internal clock of
the mobile than the absolute time reference to the GPS).
2 versions available:
Stand-alone GPS receiver is integrated in the MS full GPS. The
position calculation is carried out completely from the mobile
terminal (handset based).
Assisted GPS: the estimate made by the MS position is aided and
accelerated by a 'proper GPS reference network that transmits to
the mobile data service that can improve the performance of the
GPS receiver (not fully) integrated (handset-based, network
assisted ).
Advantages / disadvantages of choosing GPS
☺ LOS usual conditions
☺ contains rare multipath situations.
the integration of a GPS receiver on MSs present significant
problems of cost, size and Power Consumption
drastically reduced accuracy in rare situations even NLOS /
Comparison of various technologies GSM
Precisione del Disponibilità Controllo Velocità Costo dell’ Costo dell’
sistema commerciale della di upgrade di upgrade del
Privacy risposta rete terminale
Medio Basso
(LMU per RTD (modifiche
E-OTD 15 - 75m 2000 Possibile 2-5 s SW)
[1:2/4siti] e nuovi
elementi di rete)
150 m – 30km Minimo
Cell ID (Raggio 1999 3s (Interfaccia MSC) Nullo
Cell ID Non
150 m– 1km 1999 5s Minimo Nullo
+ TA possibile
<50m in zona Medio Elevato (anche
Assisted - non urbana 5s- (nuovi elementi di +40%; impatto
Fine 2001 Possibile
GPS densa 1min rete) su dimensioni e
Difficilmente Non Alto
<125m Non definite possibile <10 s (LMU per TOA e Nullo
RTD [~1:1siti])
AOA Difficilmente Non Alto
Non definite <10 s Nullo
based <125m possibile (Smart antennas)
per 3G
In the version of the UMTS FDD, the BSS are synchronized => such
as GSM is necessary to create a network of LMUs in the territory in
order to evaluate the RTDs.
OTDOA: Observed TDOA
– IPDL: Idle Period DownLink
• TA-
TA-IPDL: Time Aligned-
– RNBP: Reference Node-Based Positioning
– PE: Positioning Elements
Ultra Wideband Radio location
Ultra Wideband Systems
Definition: is defined as Ultra Wideband (UWB) radio
communication system that has an absolute bandwidth
(-10 dB) at least 500 MHz, a relative bandwidth> to
In fact, UWB systems are usually allocated in the band [3.1 - 10.6]
GHz, where, however, the value becomes the maximum allowed
EIRP (-41.3 dBm, is still quite low)
Transmit power and spectral characteristics (2/ 2)
Tp t f
Waveforms for the Elementary pulse
2. Gaussian pulses:
s( t ) = Ke τ
Gaussian pulse and its
(to reduce continued)
There is also a peculiar mode of access for UWB systems, called Time
Hopping (TH) and often associated with PPM modulation (TH-PPM):
Tb the bit time is divided into frames and each frame is further divided
into chips;
each user is assigned a unique chip for each frame;
chips are placed within the assigned pulses differently depending on the
information (bits) to be transmitted;
the assignment of the chips is by means of an appropriate code (known of
course to the transmitter and receiver)
We need synchronism between the terminals
Example TH-
User 1
code [1002]
The assignment of
appropriate codes
allow us to retrieve
the relevant
UWB advantages and disvantages (1/3)
☺ Low complexity (and therefore lower costs) of the devices;
☺ Low power consumption (<100 mW) by the devices;
☺ Potential immunity to multipath (potentially "solvable" because the very
short pulse duration implies a low pulse-on-pulse probability);
☺ High capacity due to the bandwidth
C = B ⋅ log 2 1 + teorema di Shannon
B ⋅ N0
Under optimal conditions, you can reach and exceed 100 Mb / s over
distances of less than 10 m
UWB advantages and disvantages (2/3)
☺ Potential good ability to penetrate materials
3. Ubisense (
UWB (ultrawideband) technology is used because it combines a high level
of accuracy with low infrastructure investment. Once installed, Ubisense
typically can deliver up to 30cm 3D accuracy in real-time with the ability
to monitor thousands of people and assets…
2. Aether Wire and Location (
3. Uraxs (