Tradesman - Electronics TED - 1
Tradesman - Electronics TED - 1
Tradesman - Electronics TED - 1
(Cat.No. : 427/2023)
(Total Marks – 100)
Module 1
Basics of AC , AC & DC measurements and Active and Passive Components
(20 marks)
Module 2
Semiconductor materials, components(22 marks)
Module 3
Amplifiers & Oscillators (08 marks)
Module 4
Introduction to Digital Electronics. (15 marks)
Module 5
Computer Hardware & Networking (05 marks)
Electrical protective devices and control circuits (05 marks)
Module 7
Communication Electronics (10 marks)
Module 9
Sensors, Transducers and Applications (05 marks)
Module 10
SMPS, Inverter, ups & Solar Power (Renewable Energy
System) (05 marks)
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions
from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may
also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.