Tradesman - Electronics TED - 1

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(Cat.No. : 427/2023)
(Total Marks – 100)

Module 1
Basics of AC , AC & DC measurements and Active and Passive Components
(20 marks)

a) Basic terms :- Electric charges, Potential difference, Voltage, Current,

Resistance. Basics of AC & DC. Various terms such as +ve cycle, -ve cycle,
Frequency, Time period, RMS, Peak, Instantaneous value. Single phase and
Three phase supply. Terms like Line and Phase voltage/ currents.
b) Insulators, conductors and semiconductor properties.
c) Introduction to electrical measuring instruments:- Importance and
classification of meters. MC and MI meters. Range extension, need of
calibration.. Multi meter, use of meters in different circuits. Use of CRO, , LCR
d) Active and Passive Components:- Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s Law. Resistors;
types of resistors, their construction & specific use, color-coding, power
rating. Equivalent Resistance of series parallel circuits. Distribution of V & I in
series parallel circuits. Principles of induction, inductive reactance. Types of
inductors, applications and energy storage concept. Self and Mutual
induction. Series and parallel combination, Q factor. Capacitance and
Capacitive Reactance, Impedance. Types of capacitors, Dielectric constant.
Series parallel connection of capacitors. Capacitor behaviour with AC and DC.
Concept of Time constant of a RC circuit. Concept of Resonance and its
application in RC, RL & RLC series and parallel circuit.
e) Working principle of a Transformer, construction, Specifications and types of
cores used. Step-up, Step down and isolation transformers with applications.
Losses in Transformers. Phase angle, phase relations, active and reactive
power, power factor and its importance

Module 2
Semiconductor materials, components(22 marks)

a) Diodes:-PN Junction, Forward and Reverse biasing of diodes. Interpretation

of diode specifications. Forward current and Reverse voltage. Packing
styles of diodes. Different diodes, Rectifiers, , Filters. and their role in
reducing ripple. Working principles of Zener diode, varactor diode, their
specifications and applications.

b) Transistor:-Construction, working of a PNP and NPN Transistors, purpose of

E, B & C Terminals. Significance of α, β and relationship of a Transistor.
Need for Biasing of Transistor. VBE, VCB, VCE, IC, IB, Junction
Temperature, junction capacitance, frequency of operation. Transistor
applications as switch and amplifier. Transistor input and output
characteristics. Transistor power ratings & packaging styles and use of
different heat sinks.

c) Power Electronic Components:- Construction of FET & JFET, difference with

BJT. Purpose of Gate, Drain and source terminals and voltage /current
relations between them and Impedances between various termin als.
Working of different power electronic components such as SCR, TRIAC,
DIAC and UJT. MOSFET, Power MOSFET and IGBT, their types,
characteristics, switching speed, power ratings and protection.
Differentiate FET with MOSFET.

Module 3
Amplifiers & Oscillators (08 marks)

a) Amplifiers:- Transistor biasing circuits and stabilization Techniques.

Classification of amplifiers according to frequency, mode of operation and
methods of coupling. Voltage amplifiers - voltage gain, loading effect.
Single stage CE amplifier and CC amplifier. Emitter follower circuit and its
advantages. RC coupled amplifier, Distinguish between voltage and power
amplifier, Feedback and its types.
b) Oscillators:- Introduction to positive feedback and requisites of an
oscillator. Study of Colpitts, Hartley, Crystal and RC oscillators. Types of
multi vibrators and study of circuit diagrams.
c) Op – Amp & Timer 555:- Non-inverting voltage amplifier, inverting voltage
amplifier, summing amplifier, Comparator, zero cross detector,
differentiator, integrator and instrumentation amplifier .
d) Wave shaping circuits:- Clippers and clampers.

Module 4
Introduction to Digital Electronics. (15 marks)

a) Logic gates:-Difference between analog and digital signals. Logic

families and their comparison, logic levels of TTL and CMOS. Number
systems (Decimal, binary, octal, Hexadecimal). BCD code, ASCII code
and code conversions. Various Logic Gates and their truth tables.
b) Combinational logic circuits:- Half Adder, Full adder, Parallel Binary
adders, 2-bit
and four bit full adders. Magnitude comparators. Half adder, full adder ICs
and their applications for implementing arithmetic operations. Concept of
encoder and decoder. Basic Binary Decoder and four bit binary decoders.
Need for multiplexing of data. 1:4 line Multiplexer / De multiplexer
c) Introduction to Flip-Flop:- S-R Latch, Gated S-R Latch, DLatch. Flip-Flop:
Basic RS Flip Flop, edge triggered D Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, T Flip Flop
d) Counters & shift Registers:- Basics of Counters, Basics of Register,
types and application of Registers.

Module 5
Computer Hardware & Networking (05 marks)

a) Basic blocks of a computer, Components of desktop and

motherboard. Hardware and software, I/O devices, and their
working. Different types of printers, HDD, DVD. Various ports in the
b) Concept of word processing:- MS word – Menu bar, standard tool
bar, editing, formatting, printing of document etc. Excel –
Worksheet basics, data entry and formulae. Moving data in
worksheet using tool bars and menu bars, Formatting and
calculations, printing worksheet, creating multiple work sheets,
creating charts.
c) Computer Networking:- Network features - Network medias Network
topologies, protocols- TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, models and types.
Specification and standards, types of cables, UTP, STP, Coaxial
cables. Network components .

Electrical protective devices and control circuits (05 marks)

a) Fuse:-Necessity of fuse, fuse ratings, types of fuses, fuse bases

b) Fundamentals of single phase Induction motors, synchronous
speed, slip, rotor frequency.

Module 7
Communication Electronics (10 marks)

a) Radio Wave Propagation – principle, fading. Need for Modulation,

types of modulation and demodulation. Fundamentals of
Antenna, various parameters, types of Antennas & application.
Introduction to AM, FM & PM
b) SSB-SC & DSB-SC. FM Generation & Detection. Digital
modulation and demodulation techniques, sampling,
quantization & encoding. Concept of multiplexing and de
multiplexing of AM/ FM/ PAM/ PPM /PWM signals.
c) Fiber optic communication:- Introduction to optical fiber, optical
connection and various types optical amplifier, its advantages,
properties of optic fiber, testing, losses, types of fiber optic
cables and specifications.
Module 8
Microcontroller (8051) (05 marks)

a) Introduction Microprocessor & 8051Microcontrolle:-

architecture, pin details & the bus system. Function of
different ICs used in the Microcontroller Kit. Differentiate
microcontroller with microprocessor.
b) Interfacing of memory to the microcontroller. Internal
hardware resources of microcontroller. I/O port pin
configuration. Different variants of 8051 & their resources.

Module 9
Sensors, Transducers and Applications (05 marks)

a) Basics of passive and active transducers:- Role, selection

and characteristics. Sensor voltage and current formats.
b) Thermistors/ Thermocouples - Basic principle, salient
features, operating range, composition, advantages and
c) Strain gauges/ Load cell – principle, gauge factor, types of
strain gauges.

Module 10
SMPS, Inverter, ups & Solar Power (Renewable Energy
System) (05 marks)

a) SMPS;-Switch mode power supplies and their working

principles. Various types of chopper circuits
b) Inverter; principle of operation, , power rating, change
over period.
c) UPS:- Concept of Uninterrupted power supply. Types of
UPS : Off line UPS, On line UPS, Line interactive UPS &
their comparison UPS specifications.
d) Solar Power:- Need for renewable energy sources, Solar
energy as a renewable resource. Materials used for solar
cells. Principles of conversion of solar light into electricity.
Basics of photovoltaic’s cell. Module, panel and Arrays.
Factors that influence the output of a PV module.

NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions
from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may
also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.

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