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Tziotzios, C., Stefanato, C. M., Fenton, D. A., Simpson, M. A., & McGrath, J. A. (2016). Frontal fibrosing
alopecia: reflections and hypotheses on etiology and pathogenesis. Experimental Dermatology.

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Received Date : 27-Oct-2015
Revised Date : 09-Mar-2016
Accepted Date : 29-Apr-2016
Article type : Viewpoint
Accepted Article
Frontal fibrosing alopecia: reflections and hypotheses
on etiology and pathogenesis

Dr Christos Tziotzios1, Dr Catherine M. Stefanato2, Dr David A Fenton1, Prof Michael A

Simpson3 and Prof John A. McGrath1

St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 9RT
Dermatopathology, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas’ Hospital, London SE1
Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, King’s College London, Guy’s Hospital,
London SE1 9RT

Corresponding author:

Dr Christos Tziotzios, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 9RT,


frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), lichen planopilaris (LPP), cicatricial (scarring) alopecia

Christos Tziotzios, Catherine M. Stefanato, David A. Fenton, Michael A. Simpson and John A. McGrath

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has
not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process,
which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please
cite this article as doi: 10.1111/exd.13071

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Abstract: Since it was first described by Kossard in 1994, frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) has
been something of an enigma. The clinical heterogeneity of FFA, its apparent rarity, and
investigators’ suboptimal access to phenotypically consistent patient cohorts, may all have
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had a negative impact on delineating disease pathogenesis. Moreover, there is a relative
paucity of epidemiologic interventional and basic research studies, and there have been no
advances in translational therapeutics, unlike for other inflammatory dermatoses, such as
alopecia areata (AA). Dermatologists anecdotally describe an increasing incidence in FFA
over the last decade, which has led to the notion that the disorder may be induced by
unknown environmental triggers. On the other hand, segregation of FFA in some families
lends support to an unexplored genetic element implicated in disease pathogenesis. We
herein review what is known about the pathobiology of FFA and formulate working
hypotheses to advance insight into this intriguing hair disorder.

Keywords: FFA; frontal fibrosing alopecia; LPP; lichen planopilaris; scarring; cicatricial


Cicatricial or scarring alopecias, whether primary or secondary, are a therapeutically

challenging problem in clinical practice. Primary cicatricial alopecias (PCA) represent a rather
diverse group of inflammatory disorders, where the common denominator, in pathologic
terms, is the irreversible destruction of hair follicles. Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA) is a
recently described, predominantly postmenopausal, primary lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia
(1) that has been thought to be a variant of lichen planopilaris (LPP) (2). Clinically, the
disorder involves the frontotemporal hairline with perifollicular erythema, follicular
hyperkeratosis and scarring with evident hairline recession, although clinical signs of
inflammation are not always evident (3). Eyebrow loss is recorded in 50%-83% of cases (3–5)
but body hair loss has been less commonly reported, as has eyelash volume loss (0%-77%)
(5-7). The histology of FFA (Fig 1) is similar to that of classic (multifocal) LPP, with the early
active stages showing a perifollicular lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate involving the isthmus
and infundibulum; later stages are characterized by perifollicular fibrosis with follicular
dropout and follicular scars replacing the pilosebaceous units (2, 8). The inflammatory focal
point in FFA is the bulge area of the hair follicle (HF) in contrast to alopecia areata (AA),

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where the bulb at the lower third of the HF is at the epicentre (9, 10). The identical
histological appearance accounts for the widespread acceptance of FFA as clinical sub-
variant of (follicular) lichen planus (11).
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Dividing PCAs histologically into lymphocytic, neutrophilic and mixed, has guided clinical
classification but microscopic characterisation may not reflect upstream differences in
pathogenesis. Neither do the histological similarities reflect clinical overlap: the classic
pattern of LPP behaves differently clinically and epidemiologically from its rather distinct
subvariant FFA: the latter has a striking clinical pattern of ear-to-ear scarring hair loss, often
with eyebrow and body hair involvement and much commoner in postmenopausal women
(12, 13). Only rarely does FFA affect men whereas LPP does not show a gender or older age
predilection. Of note, pediatric cases of LPP have also been reported, whereas FFA is
unheard of in the pediatric population (14).

The exact pathogenesis of FFA remains unknown. Its postmenopausal occurrence led to the
speculation of a hormone-related triggering mechanism. Moreover, 5-alpha reductase
inhibitors have been reportedly used with some success, although it has been argued that
the beneficial effect of these may be on any concomitant androgenetic element of hair loss,
while the overall evidence-basis for this claim remains poor (12, 15). There have been
familial cases of FFA reported in the literature (16–19) but robust genetic analysis of the
condition has not been undertaken to date.

The case for a genetic basis underlying FFA and the role of the environment

Genetic exploration has been instrumental in revealing molecular pathways underlying

alopecic variants, such as Marie-Unna hypotrichosis (20) and alopecia areata (AA) (21),
among other cutaneous disorders. It would therefore be prudent to consider the research
question of whether there is genetic basis to be explored and, if so, what method would be
more appropriate to employ in doing so.

The notion that FFA is underlain by a genetic element is supported primarily by evidence of
disease segregation in first-degree relatives. We and others (16–19) have reported familial
cases of FFA, where the observed inheritance is in keeping with an autosomal dominant

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mode with incomplete penetrance, lending support to the hypothesis that the trait in
question may be Mendelian. The exceptionally rare incidence of the disorder would also be
in keeping with the hypothesis that FFA is caused by rare alleles of large effect size. Twin
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studies can be insightful in discerning whether a trait is strongly genetic and we have
undertaken a search in the UK via our network of collaborating clinicians and Twins UK: 3
pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins affected by FFA have been identified, 2 of which are
concordant and 1 discordant (67% concordance vs 33% discordance) in a cohort of just over
12,000 individuals. It should be emphasized that the rare overall incidence of FFA and the
small number of twin pairs identified (N=3) warrant caution in interpreting the above
observation. Moreover, even strongly genetic conditions, such as systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), are characterized by higher discordance among MZ twins (22), thereby
supporting the suggestion that epigenetics may play a profound role in FFA pathogenesis in
addition to genetic predisposition. Nevertheless, case-studying of MZ cases could be
insightful when undertaken with robust research methods.

On the other hand, the apparent recent increase in the overall incidence of FFA has sparked
interest in ‘environmental’ triggers (23). The late onset of FFA could imply lower genetic
causality, although there are plenty of disorders, which are characterized by late life onset
and yet which are known to be genetically predisposed, such as systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) (24) and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) (25). It is worth noting that,
despite the later-life manifestations of the classic frontal fibrosing pattern of hair loss,
individuals affected by FFA report, in our experience, lifelong body hair loss, predating
eyebrow and scalp involvement. This diffuse and perhaps unrecognized long-term hair loss
would also be in keeping with germline predisposition, enhanced by a more complex
interplay of possible hormonal factors postmenopause.

Parallels between FFA and AA

The concept of immune-privileged anatomical sites has been well-established since

Medawar’s experiments, which demonstrated that allogeneic skin grafts are not subjected
to immunological rejection when transplanted into certain sites, such as the eye or brain
(26). Within the skin, the hair follicle (HF) is a site of relative immune privilege (IP), which
serves as a protective strategy against autoimmune injury. Protection is achieved by

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downregulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and β2 microglobulin in
the bulb and bulge of the hair follicle epithelium, besides an augmented expression of a local
immunosuppressive milieu. In physiological terms, the exact role of the HF IP remains
Accepted Article
somewhat unclear, although proposed theories have included the possibility of the crucial
evolutionary benefit of ensuring mammals such as polar bears maintained their hair (27–33).
Relative IP loss in anagen hair follicular epithelium is postulated to underlie the organ-
specific auto-immune disorder AA, where loss of relative IP leads to ectopic MHC class I
expression and, as yet elusive, autoantigens trigger a CD8+T cell-mediated inflammatory
process, microscopically seen as the classic peribulbar ‘swarm of bees’ (Fig 2) (34–36).

The IP-privileged HF bulge is home to epithelial hair follicle stem cells (37). The crucial role of
epithelial hair follicle stem cells (eHFSC) in the pathobiology of PCA is well established:
destruction of the bulge is detrimental to the HF’s regenerative ability and is seen in
permanent, scarring types of alopecia (38, 39). Harries et al. studied how proinflammatory
events influence eHFSC integrity and postulated that LPP (and variant FFA) represents a T-
cell dependent autoimmune disorder, underlain by IFNγ–Induced IP collapse at the level of
the bulge (40). IP collapse was evidenced by reduced expression of the IP guardians TGFβ2
and CD200 and enhanced expression of the normally locally down-regulated presence of
MHC class I/II and β2 microglobulin, which are thought to limit autoantigen presentation
(41). In other words, LPP and variant FFA were postulated to mirror the autoimmune
process underlying AA with the difference that IP in AA is centred at the deeper but less
catastrophic potential bulb, as opposed to the critical stem cell niche and anatomically more
superficial bulge. The observed features were only found to characterise lesional areas of
scalp skin in individuals affected by LPP, whereas the previously proposed crucial role of
defective PPARγ signalling, which Karnik and colleagues (42) found to underlie both lesional
and non-lesional scalp skin, could not satisfactorily explain the pattern of patchy
involvement in LPP. On the other hand, as Harries et al. pointed out, that study did not allow
one to conclude whether IFNγ production preceded CD8+ T cell infiltration at the bulge level
or whether elusive factors attract T cells, which would subsequently secrete IFNγ, thereby
causing IP collapse (41).

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Genetic determinants in the pathogenesis of AA were revealed with the help of the genome-
wide association study led by Christiano and colleagues: a region of strong association within
the novel ULBP gene cluster on chromosome 6q25.1 was identified, which encodes
Accepted Article
activating ligands of the natural killer cell receptor NKG2D (21). When probed, it was
demonstrated that ULBP3 was expressed in lesional scalp and upregulated in the HF dermal
sheath during active disease stages (21). If we consider LPP and variant FFA to be
immunologically analogous to a bulge-affecting AA-like process, it might be anticipated that
the causative weak link in LPP and variant FFA could be reminiscent to ULBP3: an
overexpressed ‘danger signal’ or a defective ‘gate-keeper’ at the level of the bulge,
responsive to stressors that might impose a breach of the integrity of the follicular unit. Such
a locus could be explored using an investigational genomic approach.

Can we get clues about FFA from other fibrotic disorders?

Fibrotic disorders comprise a multitude of clinical entities, ranging from widespread

systemic sclerosis (43, 44), multifocal fibrosclerosis (45, 46), sclerodermatous graft-
versus-host disease (47) and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (48, 49) to more organ-
specific disorders such as cutaneous, pulmonary, hepatic, and renal fibrosis (7, 50–
52). Whether reactive or reparative, these fibrotic disorders are defined by excessive
fibrous connective tissue and aberrant and excessive deposition of extracellular
matrix (ECM) in involved tissues. Enhanced expression of genes encoding matrix
proteins is a common finding in many of these conditions, where the resulting
fibrosis disrupts normal architecture, ultimately leading to organ dysfunction and
failure (53–55). A common feature is a dense population of activated fibroblasts or
myofibroblasts, which are largely responsible for the hyper-fibrotic response by
promoting the production of fibrillar type I and type III collagens and reducing
expression of genes encoding extracellular matrix (ECM)–degradative enzymes (56–
59). Although the exact origins of the mesenchymal cells leading the aberrant
collagen and ECM protein production has not been entirely elucidated, resident
fibroblasts, bone-marrow derived fibrocytes, as well as endothelial and epithelial
cells undergoing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are important players in
the process (60).

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One immunohistochemical marker of EMT is Snail1 (61) which is expressed in the
fibrotic dermis of individuals affected by FFA (62), indicating that profibrotic cells
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may be derived at least in part by of EMT, where molecules such as TGFβ could be
key. This makes one consider targeting such molecular regulators (or EMT-related
miRNA) to arrest or reverse the fibrotic process, whether in skin, liver, lungs or

Hormones and trauma: true culprits or mere helpers and enemies?

FFA is known to almost exclusively affect women of postmenopausal age (1, 2). Of the 150
cases that currently are under our care, the vast majority developed the disorder after
menopause, whereas the few younger female patients had iatrogenic, syndromic or
biochemical estrogen decline prior to developing FFA (namely ovarectomy, Turner’s
syndrome or early menopause). Of course, disease chronicity is known to be associated with
excessive fibrous tissue deposition, altered tissue architecture, and organ dysfunction and
fibrosis per se increases in all organs with aging (63, 64). Estrogen has been found to exert
antifibrotic effects in vivo (65) and act as potent immunomodulator by suppressing central,
innate and adaptive immunity in certain cell types (66), although its effects are known to be
variable (67). Does menopause simply coincide with the profibrotic processes of aging or
does the menopausal estrogen decline cause unfavourable immunomodulation, thereby
allowing a lifelong condition to declare itself and come to the fore? The latter may be in
keeping with our observation that other body regions in people with FFA are hairless from a
much younger age, thus predating the more intense manifestations of the disorder that
occur much later. Male FFA may also be consistent with the above hypothesis: serum
testosterone levels are known to decrease with ageing, as does its aromatase-induced
conversion to estrogen (68, 69). In either scenario, hormone replacement following
realisation of disease activity would not possibly be capable to reverse the underlying
process of immune privilege collapse and autoantigen driven lymphocytic attack.

The observation that hair transplantation and face-lift surgery re-activates the disease
process (70–72) may also be in keeping with the above hypothesis: the disordered immune-
mediated collapse of the hair-follicle’s privileged integrity may well leave local factors, such
as memory T-cells in skin stroma. In line with this, when apparently normal autologous hair
follicles are transplanted to a region previously involved with FFA, subjects can develop the

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histological hallmarks of the disease (73, 74). Any traumatic or inflammatory insult or merely
implanting more antigens by transplanting hairs in that stroma would be germane to
stepping into an active but quiet minefield before the ensuing catastrophe becomes
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macroscopically and clinically noticeable.

Are there potential diagnostic markers or disease biomarkers for FFA?

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are relatively recently discovered small, endogenous, non-coding

ribonucleic acid molecules (RNAs) that affect various cellular processes underlying health
and disease by exerting target gene expression regulatory functions (75, 76). Recent years
have seen miRNAs emerging as key determinants of organ phenotypes and potential
candidates of prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic interest in numerous disease processes
(77–81). Aberrant expression or function of miRNAs has been implicated in a broad
spectrum of human disorders, such as several types of malignancy, neurodegenerative,
infectious, metabolic, chronic inflammatory, fibrotic and autoimmune diseases (82–89) and
this has led to widespread attention to miRNAomics.

It has recently been discovered that miRNAs can be detected in plasma and serum, where
they circulate in a stable form (90–92) mostly because of their encapsulation in serum
microvesicles or exosomes (93). There is relative paucity of microRNAomic investigations in
cutaneous pathophysiology with the notable exception of psoriasis (94) rendering the
prospect of exploring their potential usefulness in FFA and other related alopecic disorders a
very attractive one and we are pursuing.

Proposed strategies for advancing insights into FFA

In order to dissect the molecular etiopathogenesis of FFA, a genomic investigation would

need to explore if there is a genetic component underlying any observed heritability (Table
1). Whether rare coding alleles of large effect size determine FFA would best be addressed
via deep sequencing affected familial cases. By studying related, highly clinically consistent
individuals it is anticipated that the shared phenotype is caused by shared genetic variation,
an approach that circumnavigates the problem of heterogeneity. Nevertheless, the vast
majority of cases are sporadic and it would be important to explore whether common
genetic variation or more complex pathways predispose to disease: a genome-wide

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

association study may be the best research tool in delineating underlying pathways, while
also examining gene-environment interactions, an approach we are currently recruiting for.
The overall rare incidence argues against an environmental etiology as the sole pathogenic
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determinant, although carefully designed observational studies could examine this notion,
ideally followed by epigenetic exploration.

Identifying a refined genetic or protein micro-entity as a biomarker would be indispensable

to disease prognostication and could help optimise therapeutic strategies: circulating
microRNA and metabolomic profiling may also be an appropriate approach but may be
challenging to validate, given the slowly progressive nature of FFA requiring a prolonged and
carefully controlled study.

Appreciation of the normal scalp cutaneous cell demographics and architecture and regional
gene expression differences could potentially help understand the pattern of disease:
appropriate transcriptomic analysis and suitable functional organ and in vivo models would
be essential and complementary to genomic investigation. Sine qua non to molecular
delineation is the necessity for deep phenotyping and understanding the clinical character of
FFA. To this end, is it time for Cicatricial Alopecia Registry UK (CAR-UK) or, why not, CAR-EU?
We have set the foundation stone by establishing a UK-wide research network via the NIHR
UK Rare Disease Research Consortium Agreement and look forward to gaining new
momentum in the important but thus far understudied area of rare alopecic, scarring and
lichenoid dermatoses.

The authors wish to thank Twins UK, the NIHR UK Rare Genetic Disease Research
Consortium and the Department of Health for allowing access to their database;
their help with establishing a UK-wide network of participating NHS sites for patient
recruitment; and for funding this initiative, respectively.

Author contributions

CT, DAF, CMS, MAS and JAM take full responsibility of the contents of the
manuscript. CT and JAM wrote the paper. CMS contributed to Fig 1 and Fig 2. CT,
DAF, CMS, MAS and JAM provided critical revision of the manuscript.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Author contributions
Jimenez, Poblet and Izeta take full responsibility of the contents of the manuscript.
Jimenez and Izeta wrote the paper. Poblet provided Fig. 1 and Izeta provided Fig. 2.
Accepted Article
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Jimenez, Poblet
and Izeta. Administrative support: Jimenez.

Funding sources
CT holds a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Fellowship and an honorary
contract with the National Health Service (NHS). DAF and CMS are employed by the NHS.
MAS and JAM are employed by King's College London and JAM also holds an honorary NHS
contract with the host organization (Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust).

Conflicts of interest
None declared


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Table 1. A summary of research questions and potential strategies for working and alternate

Hypothesis Proposed Experimental Strategy

1. Familial FFA is determined by rare, large Whole-exome sequencing
effect size, coding alleles
2. Sporadic FFA is due to common genetic Genome-wide association study (GWAS)
3. Sporadic FFA is due to environmental Observational/cross-sectional study;
factors Epigenome-wide association study (EWAS)
4. FFA is a complex trait attributed to Gene-environment interaction across the
interplay between genetic and environmental genome via GWAS and multiple testing
contribution correction for each interaction

5. The pattern of FFA may be explained by Characterization of normal skin for

regional differences conferring immune cutaneous cell populations
privilege advantage for follicular units in immunohistochemically and for gene and
certain areas of the scalp protein expression via RNA sequencing and
proteomic analysis

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Figure 1: Frontal fibrosing alopecia: Scalp with frontal hairline recession involving the
temporal areas bilaterally (A), as well as the eyebrows (B). Histopathology shows
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perifollicular fibrosis with a moderately dense perifollicular lymphoid cell infiltrate involving
several hair follicles X40, (C). Detail showing the different phases of the scarring process in
different hair follicles leading to hair loss, 100X (D).

Figure 2: Alopecia areata: Retroauricular scalp with a patch of non-scarring alopecia with
exclamation hairs (A), which are best appreciated with trichoscopy (B). Histopathology
shows an increased number of telogen hair follicles with peribulbar lymphoid cell infiltrate
X40(C). Detail of the peribulbar lymphoid cell infiltrate ‘swarm of bees’ X400 (D).

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