Macbeth Et Al-2016-British Journal of Dermatology

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Treatment of Alopecia Areata: The Alopecia Areata Priority Setting Partnership.

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Version: Accepted Version

Macbeth, A.E., Tomlinson, J., Messenger, A.G. et al. (12 more authors) (2017) Establishing
and Prioritising Research Questions for the Treatment of Alopecia Areata: The Alopecia
Areata Priority Setting Partnership. British Journal of Dermatology, 176 (5). pp. 1316-1320.
ISSN 0007-0963

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Macbeth, A.E. et al (2016),
Establishing and Prioritising Research Questions for the Treatment of Alopecia Areata: The
Alopecia Areata Priority Setting Partnership. Br J Dermatol., which has been published in
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Received Date : 31-Jan-2016
Revised Date : 29-Aug-2016
Accepted Date : 23-Sep-2016
Accepted Article
Article type : Original Article

Establishing and Prioritising Research Questions for the Treatment of Alopecia Areata:
The Alopecia Areata Priority Setting Partnership

A.E. Macbeth1, J. Tomlinson2, A.G. Messenger3, K. Moore-Millar4, C. Michaelides5, A.R.

Shipman6, J.M. Kassim7, J.R. Brockley8, W. Szczecinska9, P. Farrant10, R. Robinson11, J.
Rodgers12, J. Chambers2, S. Upadhyaya13 and M. Harries14.

Department of Dermatology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UY, UK
Trustee, Alopecia UK, PO BOX 341, Baildon, Shipley, BD18 9EH, UK
Dermatology, University of Sheffield, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road,
Sheffield, S10 2JF, UK
Design, Manufacturing and Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 75 Montrose Street,
Glasgow, G1 1XJ, UK
Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic, 54 Green Street, London, W1K 6RU, UK
Warwick Hospital, Lakin Road, Warwick, CV34 5BW, UK
Dermatology Centre, St Mary’s Hospital, Milton Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6AD, UK
Cannock Chase Hospital, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Brunswick Road,
Cannock, WS11 5XY, UK
Dermatology Department, Solihull Hospital, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Lode
Lane, Solihull, B91 2JL, UK
Department of Dermatology, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust, 177 Preston
Road, Brighton, BN1 6AG, UK
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, Lancaster Park Road, Harrogate, North
Yorkshire, HG2 7SX
Patient Representative, Birmingham, UK
The James Lind Alliance, Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way, Oxford, OX2 7LD, UK.

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/bjd.15099
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The Dermatology Centre, University of Manchester, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,
Salford, Greater Manchester, M6 8HD, UK.
Accepted Article
Correspondence to:
Dr A E Macbeth
Department of Dermatology
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Colney Lane

Key words: Alopecia, treatment, research, uncertainties, DUETs

Funding source: This publication presents independent research supported by the British
Hair and Nail Society (BHNS) and the James Lind Alliance (JLA), and is funded by Alopecia
Conflicts of interest: None declared.

What’s already known about the topic?

• Many uncertainties exist around the management and treatment of alopecia areata
What does the study add?
• We present the top 10 uncertainties in alopecia areata management and treatment that are
important to service users (people with hair loss, their carers and relatives) and healthcare
• These prioritized research uncertainties can be used to guide researchers and funding
bodies when deciding to invest in alopecia areata research studies

Alopecia areata is a common hair loss disorder that results in patchy to complete hair loss.
Many uncertainties exist around the most effective treatments for this condition.
To identify uncertainties in alopecia areata management and treatment that are important to
both service users (people with hair loss, carers and relatives) and healthcare professionals.

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An alopecia areata priority setting partnership was established between patients, their carers
and relatives, and healthcare professionals to identify the most important uncertainties in
Accepted Article
alopecia areata. The methodology of the James Lind Alliance was followed to ensure a
balanced, inclusive and transparent process.
In total 2747 treatment uncertainties were submitted by 912 participants, of which 1012
uncertainties relating to alopecia areata (and variants) were analyzed. Questions were
combined into “indicative uncertainties” following a structured format. A series of ranking
exercises further reduced this list to a top 25 that were taken to a final prioritization workshop
where the top 10 priorities were agreed.
We present the top 10 research priorities for alopecia areata to guide researchers and funding
bodies to support studies important to both patients and clinicians.

Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune hair loss disorder with a reported lifetime risk of
1.7% 1 that typically presents as patchy areas of hair loss that may involve any scalp or body
site 2. The extent of hair loss can vary from a small coin-sized patch to complete scalp
(alopecia totalis) or scalp and body hair loss (alopecia universalis). The skin itself shows no
evidence of inflammation or scarring. Hair loss in AA is frequently associated with
psychological distress and may present with symptoms of anxiety, depression or reduction in
quality of life 3. National guidelines reflect the many uncertainties that exist about optimal
therapy in AA with the latest Cochrane systematic review published in 2008 concluding
“there is no good trial evidence that any treatment provides long-term benefit to patients with
alopecia areata” 5.

The James Lind Alliance (JLA) is a project funded by the National Institute of Health
Research (NIHR) with support from the Medical Research Council. The aim of the JLA is to
provide infrastructure and support to patients and clinicians working together to identify the
most important treatment uncertainties affecting their particular interest, in order to stimulate
and prioritize future research in that area. The Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) presented
here was proposed by the British Hair and Nail Society (BHNS) to address treatment
uncertainties highlighted by systematic reviews, treatment guidelines and clinical experience

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for alopecia areata (including alopecia totalis / universalis). Working with the JLA and
funded by the hair loss charity Alopecia UK, this PSP presents priorities for UK hair research
in a bid to raise the profile of alopecia areata and to open research funding streams to address
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these important uncertainties.

The objectives of the Alopecia Areata PSP were (1) to work with people with AA, their
partners / parents / carers and healthcare providers to identify uncertainties about AA
treatment and management, (2) survey the research literature to identify uncertainties and
research recommendations, (3) agree by consensus a prioritized list of those uncertainties, (4)
translate these prioritized uncertainties into research questions that can be tested, (5)
publicize the results of the PSP and process of obtaining them, and (6) take the results to
research commissioning bodies to be considered for funding. All identified uncertainties from
this process will be added to the UK Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of
Treatments (UK-DUETs) (

Initially, the plan was to explore uncertainties relating to AA as part of a larger “Hair Loss
PSP” addressing all types of hair loss within the same process. However, analysis of the
initial survey revealed that over half of the responses specifically related to alopecia areata
(including alopecia totalis / universalis). Therefore, the Steering Group (SG) felt it was
appropriate to separate the analysis at this point into two separate PSP processes that would
run in parallel yet remain under supervision of the same SG membership. The rationale for
this change was to prevent one condition dominating the process whilst maximizing
identification of important uncertainties across all conditions studied. The Hair Loss PSP
(excluding AA) is reported separately [ref to be inserted].

Following the principles and guidelines set by the JLA, the Alopecia Areata PSP adhered to a
pre-determined protocol to ensure transparency and inclusivity of all parties within the
process ( The SG was established
in March 2014 by the initial Co-champions (AEM, MH) according to the guidelines of the
JLA to attempt to ensure balance of all stakeholder groups. The SG comprised four people
with hair loss representing various patient support groups (JT, JC, KMM, JR), four
Dermatologists (AEM, MH and 2 further individuals to represent the British Hair and Nail
Society(PF) and the European Hair Research Society(AGM)), an Academic Psychologist, a

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registered Trichologist (CM) and a General Practitioner (GP)(RR). A JLA representative
(SU) provided independent oversight of the PSP and chaired the SG to ensure that members
adhered to the principles of the James Lind Alliance and that no individuals unduly
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influenced the process. All potential conflicts of interest were declared prospectively. The
academic psychologist was unable to continue with the process but submissions represented
this area well and a psychologist was invited to take part in the final workshop to ensure
The five stages of the PSP process are outlined below and summarized in Figure 1.

Stage 1 – Identification and invitation of potential partners

Key stakeholders were identified through a process of consultation and peer knowledge,
building on SG members’ networks and existing JLA’s affiliates. A broad range of
stakeholder groups were approached and invited to become partners in the PSP process. In
addition to the BHNS, JLA and Alopecia UK, the following partners engaged in the Alopecia
Areata PSP: The British Association of Dermatologists (, UK Dermatology
Clinical Trials Network (UK-DCTN) (, The Institute of Trichologists
(, British Dermatology Nursing Group (, Skin
Conditions Campaign Scotland (, Alopecia Help
and Advice (Scotland) (, Scottish Alopecia Support Group, My New
Hair (, British Association of Skin Camouflage (, Changing Faces (, European Hair Research
Society ( and ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ (

Stage 2 – Invitation to submit uncertainties

Survey 1 took place from 8th September 2014 – 31st October 2014 and was open to any one
residing in the UK The initial invitation to submit uncertainties involved an online survey
(Survey Monkey™) accessed through the Alopecia UK website
( In addition, paper surveys were available on request and were
also distributed at key events. Through engagement with the various partner organizations,
local advertisement and via social media, a range of people with different hair loss
conditions, their carers and relatives, and healthcare professions were targeted.

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Uncertainties were invited by asking the following question: “Do you have questions about
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of hair loss that need to be answered by research?”.
Participants were permitted to submit as many or as few questions as they wished, and these
Accepted Article
could relate to one or more hair loss conditions. The survey contained a participant
information sheet to provide background to the process and survey text was designed to be
easy to understand and provide all the relevant information for self-completion. Submitting
the completed survey was considered as consent to participate in the PSP process and publish
the (anonymized) uncertainties generated on UK-DUETs.

Stage 3 - Collation
The aim of this stage was to review all the submitted questions, exclude questions outside the
remit of the PSP and generate “indicative uncertainties” (i.e. a collation of similar questions
into one clear, understandable question presented in a standard format). Non-questions (e.g.
statements or comments without questions within) and questions not directly relating to a hair
loss disorder were excluded. Questions that could be resolved with reference to existing
research evidence (so called "unknown knowns") were identified from existing sources of
information, in particular systematic reviews, evidence based guidelines and prospective trial
registries. Exclusion of questions or comments outside of the remit of the Alopecia Areata
PSP were made by consensus within the SG. Uncertainties which were not adequately
addressed by previous research were collated and will be entered into a hair loss section
within UK DUETs (

Stage 4 – Ranking of treatment uncertainties

The aim of this stage was to generate a short-list of indicative uncertainties deemed by both
people with AA and healthcare professionals to be important. To reduce the large number of
indicative uncertainties generated in stage 3 to a reasonable number for ranking, an “interim
list” was created using criteria agreed by the SG. These criteria were designed to identify
which questions were asked most frequently, with weight given to questions asked by more
than one person and questions asked by both patients and healthcare professionals
independently. This process generated a list of 51 questions to go forward to the second

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The second online ranking survey was completed by previous participants, by invitation, to
further refine the interim list into a short-list of 25 uncertainties to take to the final workshop.
500 participants from the initial survey had provided contact details and were invited to
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participate in the interim ranking. 87 participants (17.4%) returned responses for the second
survey. Participants were invited to choose up to ten uncertainties from the interim list that
they considered to be most important but were not asked to prioritise them. The responses
obtained were used to rank the uncertainties by number of votes. The priorities of the
different groups of responders were listed separately and compared.

Stage 5- Final workshop

The final workshop took place on 6th November 2015 at Willan House in London. The aim of
this stage was to prioritize, through consensus, the most popular uncertainties relating to the
management of AA from the 25 uncertainties generated by the interim process. Attendance at
the final workshops was designed to represent a balanced distribution of interested parties
and ensuring a good representation from patients (7/19) and healthcare professionals (5
Dermatologists, 3 Trichologists, 3 GPs and a Psychologist). Those attending the priority
setting workshop were asked to complete a declaration of interests, including disclosure of
relationships with for-profit organizations. The final workshop was facilitated by three
independent JLA facilitators to ensure fairness, transparency and accountability and to ensure
no unfair influence by any individual. Using nominal group technique, 100% consensus was
achieved through ranking and plenary sessions, eventually generating the top ten research
priorities. During breakout groups, the uncertainties were ranked and allocated a numerical
position. The ‘scores’, as the sum of the numerical positions in each break out group, were
used to rank the questions for the whole group plenary discussion. 3 breakout sessions and 3
whole group plenaries were required to achieve consensus.

The initial survey was completed by 912 participants generating 2747 responses, 83% from
patients, carers and relatives and 13% healthcare professionals (Figure 2). After removal of
non-questions and those deemed “out of scope” (e.g. non-questions / statements / not directly
relating to hair loss, etc.) 1823 uncertainties remained of which 1015 related to alopecia

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Twenty of the 1015 submitted uncertainties could be answered from available evidence and
so were excluded. Indicative uncertainties were generated by combining similar questions
and standardized using “PICO” (Population Intervention Comparator Outcome) formatting.
Accepted Article
This process generated an interim list of 170 uncertainties that was further reduced by
ranking questions based on the number of submissions, with priority given to those questions
posed by both patients and healthcare professionals. The top 51 uncertainties were taken
forward to the second ranking survey that ran from 22nd September 2015 to 4th October 2015.
The top 25 uncertainties were taken to the final workshop on 6th November 2015 to select the
“Top 10” research uncertainties by consensus (Table 1).

Here we present an overview of this PSP that has demonstrated a number of uncertainties
relating to the management and treatment of AA. By adhering to the JLA ethos of inclusivity
and transparency, and using a combination of online surveys and face-to-face workshops, we
can feel confident that the outcomes generated here accurately reflects the consensus view of
both service users (people with AA, carers and relatives) and healthcare professionals in
determining future priorities for AA research.

Feedback from participants in the final workshop revealed that the opportunity to discuss the
questions allowed different viewpoints to be aired, identified positions that they had not
previously considered and gave rise to a more balanced appraisal of the priorities. Thus, the
final top 10 did not exactly reflect the ranking (performed independently) from the second
survey. Discussion on position of ranking was frequently influenced by the other questions
presented, with certain questions relegated in priority if they were deemed to be covered by
other uncertainties more highly ranked in the process. Although deliverability of the research
was considered in appraising each question, it was acknowledged that the questions broadly
represented a theme for research that would require refinement before being developed into a
completed research question. A workshop has been planned to further progress these research
uncertainties to fully formed research questions and to develop vignettes.

Interestingly, a significant proportion of the originally submitted questions did not represent
an uncertainty at all, but reflected a lack of information around treatment options and service
provision. Recurring themes included availability of services, treatment strategies, wig
provision and the low priority given to hair loss in the NHS. Striking was the frequency of

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comments relating to experiences of patients accessing medical services, particularly seeing
GPs, with many describing a perceived lack of knowledge, reluctance to refer and in some
cases a lack of compassion when dealing with their distressing problem. Thus, a greater
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awareness and education of GPs / healthcare professionals around hair loss was suggested to
highlight and address the (openly acknowledged) inadequate dermatology training currently
received in the UK by many medical students and GP trainees in the field of hair loss.

Some problems were encountered during the process mainly around data handling and the
large number of uncertainties originally submitted (2747 questions). By necessity a “Data
team” was set up to process these results. However, some inconsistency in taxonomy
allocation to categorize questions occurred that may have been overcome by just one or two
people only handling the results, although this would have significantly prolonged the
process in time and costs. Another area of difficulty was around engagement of key
stakeholders. In general smaller and specialized organizations were keen to become partners
in the process. However, some larger organizations were reluctant to commit to partnership
but agreed to advertise the PSP to their members, whereas other groups refused to engage
completely. These decisions appeared to relate to the inability of such large organizations to
commit to these types of projects for which they are frequently approached to support. As the
number of PSPs in all fields are likely to increase, with many groups anticipated to want
engagement with similar stakeholders each time it was felt by the SG that the JLA should
consider setting up a higher level agreement with the main stakeholder groups (particularly
the Royal Colleges and Specialist Associations) to provide a minimum level of commitment
for all future JLA-supported PSP processes.

We present an overview of the alopecia areata PSP process, including pitfalls encountered
along the way. By presenting the top 10 uncertainties in AA identified as important by both
patients and clinicians we hope to raise awareness of this disorder and influence research
priorities in the future. These outcomes will be put forward to researchers and funding bodies
with the ultimate aim of securing meaningful research funds to address these important

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The Priority Setting Partnership was made possible by the enthusiasm and support of all those
who submitted uncertainties to the hair loss PSP and those who attended the final workshop,
Accepted Article
including those with hair loss, their carers and relatives, health care professionals and
stakeholder groups. Partners included the British Association of Dermatologists, UK
Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK-DCTN), The Institute of Trichologists, British
Dermatology Nursing Group, Skin Conditions Campaign Scotland, Alopecia Help and
Advice (Scotland), Scottish Alopecia Support Group, My New Hair, British Association of
Skin Camouflage, Changing Faces, European Hair Research Society and “Look Good, Feel
Better”. We thank Leanne Metcalf and Richard Morley from the JLA for their expert
facilitation during the final workshop and members of the UK-DCTN team, in particular
Carron Layfield and Maggie McPhee, for advice and PSP expertise.


1 Safavi KH, Muller SA, Suman VJ et al. Incidence of alopecia areata in Olmsted
County, Minnesota, 1975 through 1989. Mayo Clin Proc 1995; 70: 628-33.
2 Harries MJ, Sun J, Paus R et al. Management of alopecia areata. BMJ 2010; 341:
3 Hunt N, McHale S. The psychological impact of alopecia. BMJ 2005; 331: 951-3.
4 Messenger AG, McKillop J, Farrant P et al. British Association of Dermatologists'
guidelines for the management of alopecia areata 2012. Br J Dermatol 2012; 166:
5 Delamere FM, Sladden MM, Dobbins HM et al. Interventions for alopecia areata.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008: CD004413.

Figure legends

Figure 1- Overview of the Alopecia Areata Priority Setting Partnership process

Figure 2- Division of participants of initial survey by category (n= 912)

Table 1- Top 10 research uncertainties for alopecia areata prioritized by consensus.

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Table 1- Top 10 research uncertainties for alopecia areata prioritized by consensus.
Accepted Article
Rank Uncertainty

1 What are the causes of alopecia areata? For example- medications, medical problems,
lifestyle, vaccinations.

2 Are immunosuppressant therapies (for example- methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil)

better than placebo in the treatment of alopecia areata?

3 In alopecia areata, are biological therapies (including janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors and
anti-cytokine therapies) more effective than placebo in causing hair regrowth?

4 Are psychological interventions helpful in alopecia areata?

5 Can progression of alopecia areata be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment?

6 Do certain foods, vitamins or nutritional supplements improve hair re-growth in

alopecia areata?
7 What can be learnt about alopecia areata from other autoimmune conditions?

8 In whom does alopecia areata hair loss progress and why?

9 Do any treatments have a long-term therapeutic benefit in alopecia areata?

10 How effective are alternative therapies in alopecia areata?

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Stage 1: Identification and Invitation of Potential Partners
Accepted Article
Stage 2: Invitation to Submit Uncertainties (Initial survey)
912 responders with 2747 responses

Stage 3: Collation
1015 uncertainties for alopecia areata

Stage 4: Ranking of Treatment Uncertainties

87 responders

Stage 5: Final Workshop

19 participants

Figure 2- Division of participants in initial survey by category (n= 912)

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