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Other 1088675 PDF
Other 1088675 PDF
structural engineering
r belmore
stage g
stage b
stage d
stage c
stage e
stage h
stage a
s foster
MARCH 2013
stage k
j brown
stage f
: date
stage j
stage l
selwood terrace
structural engineering
document details:
reviewed by:
Member of the
Association of Consulting Engineers
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
proposed drawings
design calculations - sheet 10-44
site investigation report 26185 R01(00), March 2013
typical underpinning construction sequence
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
The following report has been prepared to accompany an application for a new
basement to the residential property at 7 Selwood Terrace, London, SW7 3QN. This
report should be read in conjunction with all relevant information provided by Alan Higgs
In considering the viability of constructing a new basement to the rear of the existing
4 storey property and below the rear 2 storey closet wing we acknowledge that it is a
significantly challenging engineering endeavour and that if poorly planed or executed
could cause damage to the existing property.
We have reviewed and consider the contents of the RBKC Town Planning policy on
Subterranean Development, Phase 1 – Scoping Study, doc ref REP/123002/001/
DRAFT prepared by Arup Geotechnics and have responded to the relevant matters in
developing our structural design.
We have also commissioned a detailed site investigation in order to fully study the
existing foundations, the existing geology and the existing hydrology. In addition
opening up works will be carried out to investigate the existing structure to the floors
• 2 No trial pits to expose the existing foundations to the party wall, rear wall and
internal wall.
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
The existing foundations for the property were encountered between 600mm &
1350mm below existing lower ground floor level, in the natural material. The main rear
wall foundation comprised brick only with no corbelling. The tarden walls and side walls
generally have brick corbelling on a mass concrete strip.
Other than those typically found in urban fill material there are no contamination issues
or gas issues on site.
The site investigation has confirmed that the existing ground conditions are suited to
the construction of the proposed basement with no adverse instability, gas or water
ingress issues.
The proposed basement is located to the rear of the main building liner and below
the existing rear closet wing. The existing rear lower ground floor extension will be
reconfigured with the basement extending below the rear extension from party wall to
party wall.
The proposed basement construction would see foundations and retaining structures
being constructed approximately 4.0m below existing lower ground floor and garden
level. Refer to drawings contained within appendix A. Taking a factor of safety of about
3 against shear failure an allowable net bearing pressure of approximately 200 kN/m2
is recommended. Total and differential settlement is expected to be within acceptable
limits and should not exceed 25mm under the anticipated design loadings and should
generally be substantially complete (80% or 10mm) by the end of the construction
period. The new foundations and retaining walls will be designed and constructed in
accordance with the recommendations contained within the site investigation report
contained in appendix C. Refer to calculations contained in appendix b.
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
The current foundations of the building and the proposed foundations and retaining
walls will be below the zone of influence of the root system of the existing tree located
with the rear garden.
The existing foundation to the rear elevation of the main building, which has been
confirmed as plain, un-corbelled brick located at 600mm below existing ground level,
will be retained and the proposed works will not impact on them.
A mini piled retaining wall will be constructed complete with reinforced concrete
capping beam and internal reinforced concrete liner wall. The piling will be offset from
the rear elevation to provide construction tolerance and the ground beam will be
isolated from the existing foundation using a slip membrane or compressible filler.
The existing foundation to garden wall and adjacent closet wing will be underpinned
to form the new perimeter retaining wall and these works will be carried out in
accordance with normal industry practice, with the pin width limited to 1000mm and
limited number of pins excavated at any given time. This will ensure that ground stability
is maintained and limit the requirement for temporary shoring. For typical details and
sequence of work refer to appendix d.
There are no signs of historic movement within the rear façade or internal walls.
Generally the property and terrace as a whole does not show any signs of long term
movement or structural distress. The walls are suitable robust to allow the works to
progress adjacent to the existing foundations and for underpinning to be carried out
safely and without affecting the integrity of the wall locally or globally. The sections of
existing foundation to garden wall and adjacent closet wing below ground level will
be retained as part of the works, with any projecting brick nibs or corbels removed to
create a flush internal face. The base of the underpin will be integral with the enhanced
base of the retaining wall in order to achieve a bearing stress similar to that created
under the existing foundations.
Although we are changing the depth of the foundations we have designed the
foundation to bear within the same strata, the Kempton Gravels and to have a similar
bearing pressure to the existing foundations. This is proposed to prevent a hard point or
sudden change with the foundation that could lead to hinging and reflected cracking.
The site investigation confirms that the Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete
Classification is AC-1 therefore the buried concrete elements will be designed in
accordance with BRE Special Digest 1 : 2005 for full DS-1 conditions.
Given the nature of the works Party Wall Awards will be required with each adjoining
owner. As part of the party wall process we would seek to carry our structural pre-
condition surveys of the adjoining properties in order to identify any inherent structural
defects prior to commencing site works.
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
Given the nature of the project the construction works would be carried out by a
specialist ground works contractor. A detailed construction methodology will be
developed prior to commencing the works on site. The works are not unusual within
London and there are now a small number of specialist contractors who are practiced
in such works and could undertake this project without affecting the integrity of the
property over, adjacent properties and structures.
The steel box frame to the existing closet wing will be installed prior to commencing
basement excavation in order to reduce the required temporary works and limit
working at height.
The existing brick foundation to rear elevation of main building to be retained with new
concrete works isolated from it and the edge of the foundation should be exposed
by hand digging in order allow the piling to be set out accurately. Piling setting out /
pilling offset from rear wall determined by the minimum nosing distance of the piling rig,
currently assumed to be 250mm to c/l of pile, subject to verification by specialist piling
Mini piles to the specialist piling contractors design will be rotary bored and lined as
required. As the general excavations progress the piles are to be fully propped until
capping beam and liner wall are cast. The piles will be constructed integral with a
new reinforced concrete pile cap / ground beam which is to be isolated from existing
foundations using a slip membrane or 50mm compressible fill. The works to the rear
elevation of the main property will be completed with a new reinforced concrete liner
wall, 150mm thick, to be cast to internal face of piled retaining wall and capping beam,
following which any temporary props can be removed. A detailed method statement
will be developed by the specialist contractor prior to commencing.
• Carefully remove and trim back any projecting brick footing to the brick wall.
• Excavate using hand and compressed air tools removing spoil until the design
depth is reached, and removed to muck away conveyor.
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
• Soils, where unstable in the temporary condition, will be shored. For clays or dense
sands exhibiting effective cohesion, shoring may not be implemented. Shoring
system design will be undertaken by the specialist contractor if required.
• Once the excavation is completed to the design depth and width. The stratum at
the proposed founding depth is confirmed as being appropriate by the engineers.
• The design steel reinforcement will be fixed in the toe section of the underpinning
base. This will be checked by the engineer and building control inspector prior to
• Following construction of the toe section, the design steel reinforcement will then
be fixed in the stem (or wall) section. This will be checked by the engineer and
building control inspector prior to concreting.
• A single sided shutter is then erected, and concrete poured to form the
underpinning base up to a maximum of 75mm below the underside of the existing
• After 24 hours the temporary wall shutters are removed. The void between the
top of the underpin base and underside of the existing foundation will then be dry-
packed with a mixture of sharp sand and cement (Ratio 3:l).
The site investigation has confirmed that the existing ground conditions are suited to
the construction of the proposed basement with no adverse instability, gas or water
ingress issues.
The proposed works will not adversely affect the structural integrity or the stability of the
individual property or terrace as a whole.
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
appendix a
proposed drawings
MARCH 2013
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the architect’s drawings and all other
relevant drawings and specifications.
Temporary works proposals to be submitted for review by the Engineer for all works
prior to proceeding.
3. Typically 400 thick RC35 ground bearing slab. Allow for Cordek void former
to the underside of slab to cater for heave. Slab complete with insulation and
8 waterproofing in accordance with architect’s details.
7. Piling set out / pilling offset from rear wall determined by min nosing distance of
rig, currently assumed to be 250mm to c/l of pile, subject to verification by
3 specialist piling contractor.
6 8. New reinforced concrete pile cap / ground beam to be isolated from existing
foundations using 50mm compressible fill.
2 9. New reinforced concrete liner wall, 150mm thick, to be cast to internal face of
piled retaining wall.
4 3
Underpinning Notes:
A. E.
The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that his operations do not in The concrete for the underpinning is to be poured to 75mm below the soffit of
anyway impair the safety or condition of the existing structure. He shall existing foundations. The concrete is to be fully compacted using a
provide any temporary supports required for this purpose and shall carefully mechanical vibrator. The remaining top 75mm is to be Dry-Packed tight to the
inspect the condition of both before and during the excavation of the works underside of existing footings with a well rammed 1:3 cement & sharp sand
and immediately inform the engineer if he considers that any more stringent mix 24 hours after pouring.
procedure than that specified is necessary.
B. F.
Continuous underpinning where relevant is to be carried out to the Excavation of any section of underpinning shall not commence until at least
satisfaction of the engineer and building inspector in short sections not 48 hours after the completion of any adjacent section of work and when the
exceeding 1000mm. The works are to be carried out in a sequence such that adjacent section concrete strength has reached a strength of 10N/mm2
the unsupported lengths of the existing foundation are equally distributed minimum.
along the wall length being underpinned. The sum of the unsupported lengths G.
are not to exceed one fifth of the total length. In no case is a section to be A detailed method statement indicating sequence of works to be submitted
excavated immediately adjacent to one which has just been completed. by contraction prior to commencing works.
C. H.
The underside of existing footings are to be cleaned and free from any soil or The contractor is to ensure that no excavations undermine adjacent
drawing title: Basement Structure
loose material before underpinning. structures. If adjacent structures may be undermined by any proposed job name: Selwood Terrace
D. excavations the engineer is to be notified immediately job number: 935
The body of the underpinning is to be cast to suit the width of the existing
foundation and depth as shown on relevant sections. As far as practicable scale: 1:50@A3
excavations and concreting of any section of underpinning shall be carried date: 27 March 2013
out on the same day. drawing number: 935/P/510
revision: A
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the architect’s drawings and all other
relevant drawings and specifications.
Temporary works proposals to be submitted for review by the Engineer for all works
prior to proceeding.
3. New timber floor joists with full depth noggins at 1/3 spans and supported
each end on joist hangers. Floor complete with 18mm WBP ply decking, fully
1 screwed to joists.
3 6. New reinforced concrete pile cap / ground beam to be isolated from existing
foundations using 50mm compressible fill.
2 6 5
4 3
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the architect’s drawings and all other
relevant drawings and specifications.
Temporary works proposals to be submitted for review by the Engineer for all works
prior to proceeding.
1. New box frame to support retained side wall of closet wing comprising Beam A
over, columns C1 and Beam B below.
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the architect’s drawings and all other
relevant drawings and specifications.
Temporary works proposals to be submitted for review by the Engineer for all works
prior to proceeding.
3. Typically 400 thick RC35 ground bearing slab. Allow for Cordek void former
to the underside of slab to cater for heave. Slab complete with insulation and
waterproofing in accordance with architect’s details.
4. New box frame to support retained side wall of closet wing comprising Beam A
over, columns C1 and Beam B below.
10. CFA mini piles, assumed 200mm dia. To be fully propped until capping beam
and liner wall are cast. Actual size of piles and detail design by specialist piling
4 contractor.
11. Piling set out / pilling offset from rear wall determined by min nosing distance of
rig, currently assumed to be 250mm to c/l of pile, subject to verification by
specialist piling contractor.
5 12. New reinforced concrete pile cap / ground beam to be isolated from existing
foundations using 50mm compressible fill.
13. New reinforced concrete liner wall, 150mm thick, to be cast to internal face of
piled retaining wall.
selwood terrace
structural engineering
appendix b
design calculations
MARCH 2013
milk structures
Compressive strength, pcx = 242.4 N/mm 2 (Annex C, strut curve b: a = 3.5)
pcy = 159.1 N/mm 2 (Annex C, strut curve c: a = 5.5) ←
Compression resistance, Pc = Ag .pc = 29.2 x 100 x 159.1/1000 = 464.7 kN
LL deflection = 18.63 x 1e8/2 x 205,000 x 2,900 = 1.6 mm (L/2617) OK
TL deflection = 49.43 x 1e8/2 x 205,000 x 2,900 = 4.2 mm (L/986)
Sections to be bolted together with tube spacers or suitable alternative connection at max 0.6m c/s Encase beam to
provide one hour fire resistance as per specification
milk structures
Passive pressure should
only be considered if it
can be guaranteed that
there will be no future
excavation in front of
the wall.
H= 2800 B= 1680 Tw = 415
Hw = 1000 BI = 1200 Tb = 400
Hp = 0 BN = 0 TN = 0
Hn = 0
fcu = 35 N/mm² γm = 1.5 concrete
fy = 460 N/mm² γm = 1.05 steel
cover to tension steel = 50 mm
Max allowable design surface crack width (W) = 0.2 mm (0.2 or 0.3
mm only)
Concrete density = 24 kN/m³
Design angle of int'l friction of retained mat'l (Ø) = 25 degree
Design cohesion of retained mat'l (C ) = 0 kN/m² (Only granular backfil considered, "C" = zero)
Density of retained mat'l (q ) = 18.5 kN/m³
Submerged Density of retained mat'l (qs ) = 12.33 kN/m³ [default=2/3*q (only apply when Hw12.33
>0) ] =
Design angle of int'l friction of base mat'l (Øb) = 25 degree ASSUMPTIONS
Design cohesion of base material (Cb ) = 10 kN/m² a) Wall friction is zero
Density of base material (qb ) = 18.5 kN/m³ b) Minimum active earth pressure = 0.25qH
Allowable gross ground bearing pressure (GBP) = 125 kN/m² c) Granular backfill
d)Does not include check of rotational slide/slope failure
LOADINGS Surcharge load -- live (SQK) = 5 kN/m² e)Does not include effect of seepage of ground
Surcharge load -- dead (SGK) = 0 water beneath the wall.
Line load -- live (LQK) = 0 kN/m f)Does not include deflection check of wall due to
Line load -- dead (LGK) = 0 kN/m lateral earth pressures
Distance of line load from wall (X) = -150 mm h) Design not intended for walls over 3.0 m high
i) Does not include check for temp. or shrinkage effects
LATERAL FORCES (unfactored) Ka = 0.41 [ default ka = (1-SIN Ø)/(1+SIN Ø) ] 0.41=
Kp = 2.46 [ default kp = (1+SIN Øb)/(1-SIN Øb)2.46 ] =
Kpc = 3.14 [ default kpc = 2kp0.5 ] = 3.14
Kac = 1.27 [ 2ka0.5 ]
�P = 38.86
Pp = 0.00 (LP-HN) = 0.00 0.00
� Mo = 35.92
Moments Vertical FORCE (kN) Lever arm (m) Moment (kNm)
additional vert. Wall = 21.41 1.41 30.14
Base = 9.41 0.84 7.90 Warning:
Nib = 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth = 2.65 1.65 4.36 ALLOW BUOYANCY OF BASE
Water = 0.39 1.65 0.64
Surcharge = 0.33 1.65 0.54
Line load = 0.00 1.47 0.00
�V = 34.18 � Mr = 43.58
SLIDING (using overall factor of safety instead of partial safety factor) F.O.S = 1.00
PASSIVE FORCE, Pp x Reduction factor (1) = 0.00 kN Red'n factor for passive force = 1.00
BASE FRICTION ( � V TANØb + B Cb ) = -32.74 kN
additional vert. Vertical FORCES (kN) Lever arm (m) Moment (kNm) BEARING PRESSURE (KN/m²)
0.00 1.68
Wall = 23.90 -0.57 -13.57 0
0 10 20 30 40
Min. As = 540 mm2 Table 3.25
φ= 12 mm
centres = 200 mm < 762 OK
top >
WALL (m)
d = 359 mm
z = 341.05 mm
1.44 As' = 0 mm2
Mres = 84.49 kNm > 33.95 OK
< base
100 As/bd = 0.16%
2.40 vc = 0.39 N/mm2 Table 3.8
Vres = 140.83 kN > 39.96 OK
Ultimate Bending Moment Diagram
CHECK CRACK WIDTH TO BS8110/BS8007 : (Temperature and shrinkage effects not included)
X= 68.49 mm εm = -0.00074 BS8007
Acr = 108.61 mm W= -0.18 mm < 0.20 OK App. B.2
INNER BASE ( per metre length )
V ult = -5.44 kN
M ult = -10.78 kNm (TENSION - TOP FACE)
CHECK CRACK WIDTH to BS8100/ BS8007 : (Temperature and shrinkage effects not included)
X= 68.49 mm εm = -0.00201 BS8007
Acr = 108.61 mm W= -0.48 mm < 0.20 OK App. B.2
appendix c
site investigation report 26185 R01(00), March 2013
MARCH 2013
selwood terrace
structural engineering
appendix d
typical underpinning construction sequence
MARCH 2013
house ground
Stage 0: original wall floor slab
foundation, typical
of houses
Stage 1: exposure
of original foundation
by digging a short
trench along a
section of the wall to
be underpinned
excavation for 2m
casting new
Stage 2b: excavation and concreting of another section, not adjacent to first one
Stage 2c: excavation and concreting of an intermediate section, to form contiguous rows of underpin