Pesticide Residues in Foods

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Pesticide Residues in Foods


 What Is a Pesticide?
 Pesticides in the Food Chain
 Regulations
 Insecticides DDT
 Chlorinated Cyclodiene Insecticides
 Organophosphate Insecticides
 Carbamate Insecticides Herbicides
 Chlorophenoxy Acid Esters
 Naturally Occurring Pesticides


A pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances used for preventing, controlling, or lessening the
damage caused by a pest. A pesticide may be a chemical substance (synthetic or naturally
occurring), biological agent (such as a virus or bacteria), antimicrobial, disinfectant, or any other
device used against any pest, including insects, plant pathogens, weeds, mollusks, birds, mammals,
fish, nematodes (roundworms), and microbes. Therefore, pesticides are divided into several groups
depending on the purpose for which it is used:

 Insecticides for the control of insects; these can be ovicides (substances that kill eggs),
larvicides (substances that kill larvae), or adulticides (substances that kill adult insects).
 Herbicides for the control of weeds.
 Fungicides for control of fungi and oomycetes
 Rodenticides for control of rodents
 Bactericides for the control of bacteria
 Miticides or acaricides for the control of mites
 Molluscicides for the control of slugs and snails
 Virucides for the control of viruses
 Nematicides for the control of nematodes

Insecticides are used to kill noxious insects such as mosquitoes, bees, wasps, and ants, which cause
diseases in animals and humans. Herbicides are used to prevent growth of weeds in many
commodities. They also are applied in parks and wilderness areas to kill invasive weeds and to
protect the environment. Fungicides are used to protect agricultural crops from various fungi.


Pesticides have been used in many different ways during the production of food pre- and post-
harvest. Pesticides used on animals may also be found in foods in trace levels. Unfortunately, some
pesticides, such as DDT, persist and remain in the environment and are consequently found in
various foods grown on contaminated soil, or in the fish that live in contaminated waters. In recent
years, contamination of surface and groundwater by pesticides has been recognized as a serious and
growing problem in agricultural regions. Whereas many pesticides degrade rapidly in the
environment, bind tightly to soil, or are simply too insoluble or nonvolatile to move throughout the
environment, others are both persistent and mobile. Certain pesticide application methods,
particularly aerial spraying, are notoriously inefficient in delivering the pesticide to the target. Large
amounts enter the environment directly, where runoff from agricultural fields may contaminate both
surface and groundwater. Livestock that drink the contaminated water may have detectable
pesticide residues in their meat or milk. In some areas, non-agricultural applications of pesticides
may also be a source of environmental and water contamination. Home use of pesticides, which
constitutes a significant percentage of the total use of pesticides, is subject to the same laws and
regulations as agricultural uses. However, although home use involves the least hazardous
pesticides, the possibility of misuse by homeowners is significant. Not only can contamination of
home-grown produce occur, but accidental poisoning due to improper storage and disposal occurs
frequently. Another example of nonagricultural application of pesticides is forest management,
which often involves large quantities of herbicides and insecticides. Maintenance of golf courses
and other large expanses of turf is pesticide-intensive and often involves fungicides that pose a
significant risk to mammals. Also, in many areas, commercial and recreational fishing is restricted
because of environmental contamination by persistent pesticides. To the extent that contaminated
water is used in the processing or preparation of food, pesticides may enter the food supply through
this medium. Human exposure to contaminated water through drinking or washing also has an
indirect effect on issues of pesticide residues in foods since it may comprise a significant portion of
pesticide contamination within the exposed population. Thousands of samples of food are examined
by the FDA each year to determine compliance with established pesticide tolerances on raw
agricultural products. Residues of pesticide chemicals are found in about half of the samples, and
generally about 3% of the samples contain residues in excess of, or not authorized by, legal


Commencement: 19th May, 1983

An Act of Parliament to regulate the importation, exportation, manufacture, distribution
and use of products used for the control of pests and of the organic function of plants
and animals and for connected purposes.

Before any pest control product is registered for use in Kenya, the Board considers the product's
safety, efficacy, quality and economic value in line with the Pest Control Products Registration
Regulations LN 46 and 109 of 1984. The Board also ensures that the technical information is
summarized on the label in conformity to the Pest Control Products, Labeling, Advertising and
Packaging Regulations. Every person desiring to register a pest control product is requested to

Mission: To ensure access to safe, quality and efficacious pest control products for animal,
plant and human health while safeguarding their health and the environmental protection.



Although DDT [1, 1-(2, 2, 2-trichloroethylidene) bis (4-chlorobenzene)] has been banned in the
United States since 1972, it remains one of the best-known synthetic pesticides. Because DDT is a
very nonpolar molecule, it has high lipid solubility. Since DDT is also extremely stable, it
accumulates in animal tissues and in the food chain. DDT is still one of the most abundant
pesticide residues in food. During the 40 years following DDT’s commercial introduction in
the1940s, more than 4 billion pounds were used to control insect-borne diseases. Until 1972, DDT
was widely used in the United States, mostly on cotton, peanuts, and soybeans. As a result of its
use, DDT residues are now ubiquitous in the environment, and at the present time, some level can
be detected in almost all biological and environmental samples. In addition, due to its high lipid
solubility, DDT concentrates in milk. When DDT was widely used, levels in human milk and
adipose tissue were found to be higher than concentrations permitted in meat and dairy products.
However, since its use has been prohibited, storage levels of DDT in human tissue have declined
significantly.DDT is, however, still in use in other countries, largely to control insect-borne diseases
that pose a substantial threat to public health.


The possible clinical effects of many repeated doses of DDT were first explored in 1945 when a
scientist conducted a test, lasting a total of 11.5 months, where he daily inhaled 100 mg of pure
DDT and drank water dusted at the rate of 3240 mg/m2. Much of the inhaled dust must have been
deposited in the upper respiratory tract and swallowed. Later, for one month he consumed food that
had been sprayed with DDT at a rate of 2160 mg/m2. No ill effect of any kind was observed in
either case.

Later studies of DDT in volunteers were designed to explore the details of storage and excretion of
the compounds in people and to search for possible effects of doses considered to be safe. In initial
studies, each man was given 0, 3.5, and 35 mg DDT/day. These administered dosages, plus DDT
measured in the men’s food, resulted in dosage levels of 2.1, 3.4, 38, 63, and 610 mg DDT/kg body

In Vivo Metabolism

In a study using Swiss mice and Syrian golden hamsters, DDT was metabolized to base-labile
glucuronide of 4-chloro-a-(4-chlorophenyl) benzene acetic acid (DDA) and excreted in urine. The
more stable glycine and alanine conjugates of DDA also were found. DDT metabolic intermediate
1,10-(2-chloroethenylidene)bis(4-chlorobenzene) (DDMU) is partially metabolized in vivo by mice
to 4-chloro-a-(4-chlorophenyl)-a-hydroxylbenzene acetic acid (OHDDA) and other metabolites that
are excreted in urine.

Metabolic detoxification sequence of DDT conversion in rats was shown to be:


Oral doses of DDT (5, 10, 20 mg/day) administered to human volunteers, in part, were excreted as
DDA. Ingested DDA is promptly and efficiently excreted in the urine, undergoing virtually no
tissue storage during ingestion. These results suggest that measurement of urinary DDA excretion
offers a useful method of monitoring DDT exposure. Methoxychlor is a DDT analogue that has
replaced DDT in many applications.

Enzymes in both mammals and soil organisms are able to catalyze the demethylation of the
methoxy oxygen atoms, producing a more polar degradation product that may be conjugated and
excreted. Thus, methoxychlor does not accumulate in animal tissues and does not persist in the
environment. Mammalian

LD50 values for methoxychlor range from 5,000 to 6,000 mg/kg, 40 to 60 times higher than for
DDT. However, methoxychlor also shows less toxicity to its target organisms than does DDT.

Chlorinated Cyclodiene Insecticides

Cyclodiene insecticides are an important group of chlorohydrocarbons, most of which are

synthesized by the principle of the Diels–Alder reaction. This reaction is named in honor of Otto
Paul Hermann Diels and Kurt Alder, who first documented this novel reaction in 1928 and thusly
were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950. Cyclodiene insecticides, with the addition of
endrin, in rats.

Mode of Toxic Action

Like DDT, cyclodiene compounds are neurotoxic. However, as a class they are much more toxic to
mammals than DDT and tend to produce more severe symptoms, for example, convulsions. The
mechanism of neurotoxic action is not understood but is thought to involve disruption of nerve
impulse transmission by interfering with control of Ca2þ and Cl_ concentrations. A number of
human poisonings and fatalities have resulted from accidental exposure to endrin and dieldrin.
Chronic feeding studies in a variety of mammalian species have shown that increased liver weight
and histological changes in the liver similar to those caused by DDT are produced by doses of
endrin ranging from 5 to 150 ppm, depending on the species. Some reproductive toxicity has been
reported, but only at doses high enough to cause histological changes in the maternal liver. Many
studies of the carcinogenicity of these compounds have been made. Most have been inconclusive;
however, there is sufficient evidence overall to consider many of these compounds as probable
animal carcinogens. Like DDT, cyclodiene compounds are highly lipid soluble and quite stable.
Hence, they accumulate in animal tissues and bioconcentrate in the blood chain. As a result, the
production and use of cyclodiene compounds have been sharply reduced, and many have been
banned entirely, including chlordane and dieldrin.

Organophosphate Insecticides

Organophosphate insecticides (OPs) are among the oldest of the synthetic pesticides and are
currently the most widely used class of insecticides. Although French chemist, Jean Louis
Lassaigne, first synthesized OPs from the reaction of phosphoric acid and alcohol in 1820, it was
not until the 1930s that Gerhard Schrader, a German chemist, discovered their insecticidal
properties. At this time, the agricultural industry was rapidly expanding and eagerly used synthetic
insecticides in addition to such natural insecticides as nicotine, rotenone, and pyrethrum. There are
many OPs whose structures are chemically modified.

In Vivo Metabolism

The OPs do not accumulate in the body because they are rapidly metabolized and excreted. They
also undergo a number of metabolic reactions in mammals. Malathion, for instance, is quite
susceptible to hydrolysis by esterases and so has very low mammalian toxicity. Parathion, on the
other hand, contains an aromatic phosphate ester group that is more resistant to enzymatic
hydrolysis. Activation to parathion’s toxic analogue, paraoxon, can thus proceed to a greater extent,
resulting in a much higher mammalian toxicity. Thus, Malathion is registered for use by home
gardeners, whereas the use of parathion is restricted to trained applicators. It must be noted that
oxidation of Malathion can also occur upon exposure to air. In addition, improper or extended
storage can give rise to contamination with the quite toxic malaoxon.

Mode of Toxic Action

OPs inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which is a neurotransmitter in mammals.

Normally, acetylcholine (ACh) is rapidly broken down following its release by a group of enzymes
known as cholinesterase.OPs, or their metabolites, can compete with acetylcholine for its receptor
site on these enzymes, thus blocking the breakdown of ACh. The extent of inhibition of the enzyme
depends strongly on steric factors; that is, on how well the inhibitor “fits” on the enzyme, as well as
on the nature of the organic groups present. Aromatic groups with electron-withdrawing
substituents, as are present in parathion and related compounds, enhance binding to AChE and thus
increase toxicity. The resulting accumulation of ACh at smooth muscular junctions causes
continued stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, producing such symptoms as
tightness of the chest, increased salvation, lacrimation, increased sweating, peristalsis (which may
lead to nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea), bradycardia, and a characteristic constriction of the
pupils of the eye. Although OPs are a significant occupational hazard to agricultural workers,
residues on food products normally do not result in exposures sufficient to lead to toxic symptoms
in humans.

Carbamate Insecticides

These compounds are synthetic analogues of the toxic alkaloid physostigmine found in calabar
beans. This compound is the toxic principle upon which the “trial-by-poison” of certain West
African tribes was based.

Related compounds have clinical use in the treatment of glaucoma and other diseases. The
carbamate insecticides are active against a relatively narrower range of target organisms than the
organophosphates, but they are highly toxic to such beneficial insects as honeybees. In general,
these compounds are quite toxic to mammals via oral exposure, although in most cases their dermal
toxicity is low. Carbamate insecticides have been involved in a large number of human poisoning
incidents, both as a result of occupational exposure and as contamination of food products. For
example, the carbamate aldicarb was the cause of 281 people in California becoming ill in 1985 as a
result of contaminated watermelons. Because aldicarb is quite water soluble, it can accumulate to
dangerous levels in foods possessing high water content. Accordingly, aldicarb is not registered for
such applications. However, because it is widely used on other crops, the possibility of
contamination exists, as shown by the watermelon incident.

Mode of Toxic Action

Like the organophosphates, the carbamate insecticides are AChE inhibitors in mammals.
Carbamates are direct-acting inhibitors of AChE; however,they are not able to “age” the neurotoxic
esterase. Therefore, they are not associated with the delayed neuropathy syndrome. The symptoms
of poisoning are typically cholinergic with lacrimation, salivation, miosis, convulsions, and death.


The value of harvest losses by pests, diseases, and weeds is estimated worldwide to be about 35%
of the potential total harvest. About 9–10% of the reduced yield is caused by weeds. Numerous
chemicals have been used as herbicides to prevent weed growth. Consequently, trace amounts of
herbicides are present in final food products.

Chlorophenoxy Acid Esters

Chlorophenoxy acid esters and their salts are widely used as herbicides. They mimic the plant
hormone indole acetic acid and are able to disrupt the growth of broad-leaf weeds and woody
plants. Familiar compounds in this class include 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T .These compounds gained
considerable notoriety because they are active ingredients in the defoliant Agent Orange used
during the Vietnam War. However, this class of compound has relatively low acute toxicity toward
mammals. The acute oral toxicities (LD50) of 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T in rats are 375 and 500 mg/kg,

Mode of Toxic Action and Toxicity

The mechanisms of mammalian toxicity of chlorophenoxy herbicides are not clear. Sub lethal doses
cause nonspecific muscle weakness. Higher doses lead progressively to stiffness of the limbs,
ataxia, paralysis, and coma. The chlorophenoxy esters are readily hydrolyzed to the acid form. The
acids are in some cases sufficiently soluble in water to be excreted directly in urine. In other cases,
easily excreted conjugates are formed. Because of the rapid elimination of the acids and conjugates,
accumulation in mammalian systems does not occur and chronic effects resulting from low-level
exposures are not generally seen. Formulated chlorophenoxy herbicides have been found to be
teratogenic in many animal species. This effect is now thought to be due to a contaminant, TCDD,
often referred to as “dioxin” in the popular press.


Naturally occurring pesticides have been used in agriculture for a long time. It was recognized early
in the nineteenth century that crushed flowers (pyrethrum powders) from plants in the
chrysanthemum family could control insects. By 1851, pyrethrum powders were used worldwide. It
is now known that at least six active esters are present in pyrethrum, and various synthetic
pyrethroids modeled on these natural esters are currently in widespread use. Natural as well as
synthetic pyrethroids have very low toxicity to mammals.

Nicotine, another natural insecticide, is produced by plants in the tobacco family and was used as an
insecticide at least as early as 1763. It is a potent insecticide, with an LD50 between 10 and 60
mg/kg for various target species; it also has very high mammalian toxicity by both oral and dermal
exposure. Many other plants (walnut trees, for example) secrete chemicals that prevent the growth
of competitive plants within their root zone, and thus provide their own pesticide. Finally, the use of
various herbs to control particular pests is a recognized part of gardening history, indicating that
farmers have accumulated much knowledge regarding the use of chemicals in agriculture.

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