Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Sciencedirect
Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Sciencedirect
Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The non-uniform shrinkage caused by moisture gradient in concrete provides self-restraint, which
Concrete cracking has a significant effect on the assessment of cracking potential of concrete through the restrained
Crack propagation shrinkage ring test. Furthermore, moisture gradient in concrete would be also affected by con-
Elliptical ring test crete strength because concretes designed for different strength grades usually have different
Moisture gradient
water to cement ratio. In this paper, three series of circular and elliptical concrete rings with a
Shrinkage cracking
37.5 mm thick wall and three distinguished concrete strength grades of C30, C50 and C80 were
tested to investigate the effect of the moisture gradient on crack initiation and propagation in
restrained concrete rings. An integrative model based on the nonlinear diffusion theory is in-
troduced to calculate the moisture distributions in concrete rings, and the fictitious temperature
fields are derived for the simulation of the shrinkage effect in concrete. Meanwhile, a fracture
mechanics-based numerical method is proposed to analyze the crack initiation and propagation
in a concrete ring in the restrained ring test. The effects of ring geometry, concrete strength and
uniform/non-uniform shrinkage assumption on the cracking initiation and propagation process
are elaborated. The results indicate that the non-uniform shrinkage in concrete provides driving
energy for concrete cracking, which is approximately 40% of the total driving energy.
Accordingly, it significantly affects the crack initiation position and propagation direction, oc-
curring at the outer surface and propagating toward the inner surface of the concrete ring. With
the increase of concrete strength, the cracking potential of restrained concrete ring increases and
the proportion of the self-restraint caused by the non-uniform shrinkage in the total restraint
decreases because of the reduced moisture distribution.
1. Introduction
The durability of many concrete structures with a large and exposed surface area-to-volume (A/V) ratio such as paving/floor
slabs, bridge decks etc. are often threatened by shrinkage cracking at early ages. Cracks in concrete structures provide a transmission
path for water and other chemical agents to intrude inside, leading to the corrosion of reinforcing steel and deterioration of the
concrete [1]. Faced with the risk of early-age shrinkage cracking, many efforts have been made to reduce the cracking sensitivity of
concrete including the application of fibre reinforcement [2], the addition of shrinkage reducing admixtures [3] and internal curing
[4]. Simultaneously, several test methods have been developed to assess the cracking sensitivity of concrete and other cement-based
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (W. Dong), (X. Zhao), (X. Zhou), (W. Yuan).
Received 18 July 2018; Received in revised form 29 October 2018; Accepted 7 January 2019
Available online 14 January 2019
0013-7944/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
materials under restrained shrinkage [5]. Due to its simplicity and versatility, the restrained ring test has been widely adopted by
researchers for assessing the cracking potential of concrete and other cement-based materials for several decades [6]. This has led to
the investigation of its parameters on the fracture mechanism of concrete, including the effects of ring geometry, both circular [7,8]
and elliptical [9,10], and drying directions from the top and bottom surfaces [11,12] and outer circumference [13,14].
To standardize the restrained ring test, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (i.e. AASHTO
PP34-99: Standard Practice for Cracking Tendency using a Ring Specimen) and American Society for Testing and Materials (i.e. the
ASTM C1581/C1581M-09a: Standard Test Method for Determining Age at Cracking and Induced Tensile Stress Characteristics of
Mortar and Concrete under Restrained Shrinkage) recommended a thick (75 mm) and a thin (37.5 mm) concrete ring, respectively, as
the normative sizes of concrete rings. Both organizations suggested the drying of the concrete rings from the outer circumference by
sealing top and bottom surfaces. During drying, the moisture near the drying surface evaporates into the environment quicker, with
the interior moisture moving toward the drying surface along the radial direction. Due to differential drying, the region near the
drying surface shrinks faster than the inner area, causing higher tensile stress to develop at the surface even if the restraint from the
inner steel ring is not there [14–16]. Therefore, the non-uniform shrinkage caused by the moisture gradient provides the self-restraint
to drive concrete cracking, together with the external restraint provided by the inner steel ring. In the case of a thick concrete ring, it
has been proven that the self-restraint plays a leading role in driving the concrete crack to initiate and propagate [14,17]. To reduce
the self-restraint effect, drying from the top and bottom surfaces were employed by many researchers in the restrained ring tests
[12,13,18–20]. Furthermore, in the case of a thin concrete ring, the moisture gradient and thus non-uniform shrinkage become
insignificant due to the relatively short moisture diffusion distance. On this account, some researchers [21–27] assumed that the
moisture reduction caused by the moisture diffusion was coincident along the radial direction, and the induced shrinkage strain was
uniform within the whole cross-section of a concrete ring. Based on the uniform shrinkage assumption, the analytical method was
used to analyze the stress distribution in the concrete rings [7,18] and the formation process of shrinkage cracks. The results indicated
that, upon the uniform shrinkage assumption, the cracks in a restrained concrete ring would initiate at inner surface of a concrete ring
and propagate towards its outer surface) [11,27].
It should be noted that, under the uniform shrinkage assumption, the self-restraint caused by non-uniform shrinkage is completely
neglected, resulting in the external restraint provided by a steel ring being overrated. In fact, according to the diffusion theory
[28,29], the moisture distribution within early-age concrete is highly nonlinear especially near the drying surface even for a thin
concrete element. It is not certain whether the moisture gradient induced non-uniform shrinkage influences shrinkage cracking
formation as well as how the fracture mechanism in the ring test works with respect to concrete having different moisture gradients.
In addition, the elliptical geometry has been verified to be effective for accelerating the shrinkage cracking in a 37.5 mm-thick
concrete ring, i.e. a thin ring. Due to its particular geometry, stress concentration exists at the inner surface of major radius and the
degree of restraint to a specimen increases significantly compared with the traditional circular geometries recommended by ASTM
[10,27]. However, these characteristics of an elliptical ring were analyzed under the uniform shrinkage assumption [10,27]. When
the non-uniform shrinkage along the radial direction was taken into consideration, the induced self-restraint results in much higher
tensile stress near the outer surface of a concrete ring, weakening the restraint effect provided by the elliptical geometry. It is not
clear whether the restrained elliptical ring has the aforementioned advantage under the combined effects of external restraint and
self-restraint. Thus, it is significant to investigate the composition of restraint effects for various moisture gradients to comprehen-
sively assess the cracking resistance of concrete using the ring test.
To investigate the effect of the moisture gradient on the early-age cracking potential of concrete requires an accurate assessment
of the moisture distribution when considering non-uniform shrinkage along the radial direction. There exist two types of approaches,
i.e. experiment-based approach and analysis-based approach, which have been commonly utilized to determine the moisture dis-
tribution within the concrete. In the experiment-based approach, humidity sensors are placed at different drying depths to measure
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
the relative humidity, and obtain the moisture distribution by curve fitting the experimental data [30,31]. The derived data in the test
can objectively reflect the moisture field, and the fitted expression of moisture distribution is also easily used in the numerical
simulation. However, it is impossible to extend the fitted expression to concrete of different mixtures. In the analysis-based approach,
the diffusion theory [28,29] based on the second Fick’s law is introduced to calculate the moisture diffusion process within the
concrete. Using the linear diffusion approach, Moon and co-workers [14] calculated the moisture distribution caused by water
diffusion along the radial direction of a concrete ring. It has been proven that the moisture diffusion coefficient is highly nonlinear
with respect to relative humidity [32]. The linear diffusion approach may be reasonable only for the short-term drying condition. In
addition, the moisture reduction caused by cement hydration, which affects the moisture diffusion process, has not been considered
in the published literature [33]. Recently, Zhang et al. [34,35] proposed an integrative model to calculate the moisture distribution
within the concrete, in which interaction between cement hydration and moisture diffusion was taken into account, allowing for the
moisture diffusion coefficient to be derived based on the nonlinear diffusion equation. The model has been validated by comparison
of experimental and theoretical results, hence why it was adopted to calculate the moisture distribution in a concrete ring in this
The moisture distribution, which affects the crack formation process and the composition of restraint effects in a restrained
shrinkage concrete ring, is simultaneously affected by the water-to-cement (W/C) ratio of concrete. In general, for concrete with a
low W/C ratio, the cement hydration and consequent self-desiccation are strong, resulting in a higher tensile strength and elastic
modulus, free shrinkage and reduced moisture distribution [36]. Meanwhile, the influence of the W/C ratio on the fracture me-
chanism of the restrained concrete ring is complex. On the one hand, for a concrete with a low W/C ratio, the high tensile strength
increases the concrete’s capacity to resist the tensile stress, while large free shrinkage increases the cracking potential of restrained
shrinkage concrete ring. On the other hand, a large elastic modulus reduces the degree of restraint of the restrained concrete ring [8],
while the slight moisture gradient increases the ratio of a steel ring’s restraint to the total restraint effects in the crack formation
process. For a qualitative assessment of the cracking potential of different strength grade concretes, the proposal of an effective
fracture mechanics-based method is required to investigate the fracture mechanism of restrained concrete rings with different W/C
In summary, both the self-restraint caused by the non-uniform shrinkage of concrete and the external restraint from the inner steel
ring contribute to the driving force, enabling crack initiation and subsequent propagation in the restrained concrete ring. The uniform
shrinkage assumption is not appropriate for thin rings with a 37.5 mm-thick concrete ring wall because, under this assumption, crack
initiation would be solely caused by external restraint (i.e. from the central restraining steel ring). Meanwhile, the moisture dis-
tribution equation, fitted from experimental data from only normal strength concrete, does not necessarily apply to other grades of
concrete. In addition, the moisture distribution equation cannot explicitly take into account the effects of some significant parameters
such as the W/C ratio, cement hydration, moisture diffusion etc. In line with this, the objective of this paper is to investigate the
fracture mechanism of restrained concrete rings of different strength grades, reveal the influence of the moisture gradient induced
non-uniform shrinkage and clarify the composition of restraint effects in the crack formation process. A numerical approach was
developed to analyze the crack initiation and propagation process of the restrained shrinkage concrete rings with respect to two
geometries (circular and elliptical) and three distinguished concrete strength grades (C30, C50 and C80). Firstly, the moisture dis-
tribution in a concrete ring was determined by the integrative model proposed by Zhang et al. [33–35]. A fictitious temperature field,
which corresponds to the moisture field, was derived to simulate the mechanical effect of shrinkage of concrete. Furthermore, by
introducing the fictitious crack model [37] and the crack propagation criterion [38,39], the crack initiation and propagation process
of restrained concrete rings were simulated, and the composition of the restraint effects in the crack formation process with respect to
concrete strength was discussed.
The concrete of three distinguished strength grades, i.e. C30, C50 and C80, was tested in this study. The same materials and mix
proportions of concrete investigated by Zhang et al. [35,36] were used in the tests so that the moisture distributions could be
calculated based on the same parameters. The concrete mixtures were made with Grade R42.5 Portland cement. Natural sand and
crushed limestone with a maximum particle size of 5 mm and 15 mm were used as fine and coarse aggregates, respectively. The
concrete mixture proportions of three strength grades are listed in Table 1. The uniaxial compressive strengths for the C30, C50 and
C80 concrete are 32.5 MPa, 49.3 MPa and 86.1 MPa, respectively.
The basic mechanical properties, fracture properties, free shrinkage and restrained circular/elliptical ring tests were conducted in
this study on C30, C50 and C80 grade concrete. After curing in the sealed moulds for 24 h, all the specimens were demoulded and
moved into an environmental chamber maintained at 23˚C and 50% relative humidity (RH) for continued curing until the designated
Table 1
Mixture proportions of concretes with three strength grades (kg/m3).
Concrete W/C Cement Water Sand Stone Silica fume Fly ash
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
age of testing.
Mechanical and fracture properties of the concretes, including elastic modulus E, splitting tensile strength ft, fracture energy Gf,
and initial fracture toughness KIC , were measured at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 days, respectively. The methods recommended in [40] and [41]
were used in this study to calculated fracture energy Gf, and initial fracture toughness KIC , respectively. Experiment data were then
fitted to a continuous curve by a specified function of Eq. (1).
y = a + b × ln(t ) (1)
where t is the age (unit: day) of concrete, and a and b are the fitted coefficients. By substituting the parameters a and b listed in
Table 2 into the expression, the mechanical and fracture properties of the concretes of the three distinguished strength grades from 1
to 28 days can be obtained. The experimental data and fitted curves are illustrated in Fig. 1.
The restrained circular/elliptical concrete ring tests were conducted to measure the shrinkage cracking of C30, C50 and C80 grade
concrete. Two specimens were prepared for every configuration and a total of 12 specimens were tested in this study. The geometries
of the circular and elliptical ring specimens are shown in Fig. 2. The inner radius of the circular concrete ring is denoted as R0, and the
major and minor inner radii of the elliptical concrete ring are denoted as R1 and R2, respectively. For the ring specimens tested in this
study, R0 and R1 were chosen as 150 mm, and R2 was chosen as 75 mm (i.e. R0 = R1 = 2R2 = 150 mm, R1/R2 = 2). The elliptical ring
with a ratio of major to minor radius between 2 and 3 has been proven to be more effective to enable a concrete ring crack earlier
[26]. The specimen height was 75 mm, and the thicknesses of the concrete and steel rings were set as 37.5 mm and 12.5 mm,
respectively, which are recommended by ASTM.
After demolding, the circular and elliptical concrete rings were sealed with a double-layer aluminium tape on their top and
bottom surfaces immediately to allow drying from their outer circumferences only. Four strain gauges were attached on the inner
surface of the steel ring to record its strains, as shown in Fig. 3(a). Then, the ring specimens were moved into a standard curing
chamber with 23℃ and 50% relative humidity (RH), as shown in Fig. 3(b). The ages corresponding to the first crack occurrence in
concrete (see Table 3) can be determined by the sudden drops of the recorded strains of the steel ring. Because the measured strains of
steel rings show the similar tendency for the C30, C50 and C80 concrete ring specimens, only the strain curves of the steel ring for
C30 ring specimens, as examples, is presented in Fig. 4.
It can be seen from Table 3 that strength grade has a significant effect on the cracking age of a restrained shrinkage concrete ring.
For both circular and elliptical geometries, the C30 concrete rings cracked 5–6 days after the C50 concrete rings and 8–10 days after
the C80 concrete ones. This indicates that, with the increase of concrete strength, the restrained concrete ring is more sensitive to the
restrained shrinkage cracking, which is coincident with Ref. [42]. In addition, the ring geometry also has significant effects on the
cracking age as well as cracking positions of a restrained concrete ring [17]. The elliptical rings cracked earlier than the circular ones
for all C30, C50 and C80 concrete, which proved that the elliptical geometry could enable the concrete ring to crack earlier for
normal strength, middle strength and high strength concretes. Also, the shrinkage cracks would occur near the major radius of an
elliptical ring rather than randomly along the circumference of a circular ring, as shown in Fig. 5.
To reflect the shrinkage characteristics of the concrete used in this study, free shrinkage prismatic specimens with the same
sectional dimensions and drying conditions as the ring specimens were tested. The cross-section of the prism specimens was the same
as the ring specimen, i.e. 75 mm × 37.5 mm, and the length of prism specimen was chosen as 300 mm according to the standard (ISO
1920-8, Testing of concrete - Part 8: Determination of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete for Samples Prepared in the Field or in the
Laboratory. 2009). Only a 300 mm × 75 mm surface exposed to the environment for drying while all other surfaces were sealed using
a double-layer aluminium tape. The magnitudes of free shrinkage were measured by mechanical dial gauges (see Fig. 6(a)) with the
deformations being recorded twice a day. By fitting the measured data, free shrinkage strains of the C30, C50 and C80 concrete at any
age between 0 and 28 days can be derived, as shown in Fig. 6(b).
Table 2
Values for the fitted coefficients of a and b.
Concrete grade E (GPa) ft (MPa) Gf (N/m) ini
KIC (Mpa·m1/2)
a b a b a b a b
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
42 6
Data_C30 Fitting curve_C30
35 5 Data_C50 Fitting curve_C50
Data_C80 Fitting curve_C80
28 4
E (GPa)
ft (MPa)
21 3
14 2
Data_C30 Fitting curve_C30
7 Data_C50 Fitting curve_C50 1
Data_C80 Fitting curve_C80
0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days) Age (days)
(a) Elastic modulus (b) Splitting tensile strength
Gf (N/m)
3. Numerical simulations
The numerical simulations were carried out using ANSYS FE code to investigate the fracture mechanism of the restrained
shrinkage ring tests on the concrete rings with three distinguished strength grades. Because the ANSYS code does not directly support
shrinkage loading neither does it allow a direct entry for shrinkage as a material property, the shrinkage of concrete is assumed to be
caused by a fictitious temperature drop applied to it which causes the same value of strain as that induced by shrinkage. According to
Zhang et al. [43], the interior humidity can serve as the driving force for both autogenous shrinkage and drying shrinkage of concrete.
Thus, a fictitious temperature field was derived for concrete rings based on moisture distribution and free shrinkage strain of
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
Table 3
Average cracking ages (in days) of grade C30, C50 and C80 concrete rings.
Ring type Concrete strength grade
Circular 21 16 11
Elliptical 17 11 9
0 0
Strain (
Strain (
-150 -200
0 6 12 18 24 30 0 5 10 15 20
Age (days) Age (days)
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
C30 concrete
C50 concrete
C80 concrete
Shrinkage strain (
0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days)
concrete. In the numerical analyses, the derived fictitious temperature field was applied to the concrete rings to simulate the me-
chanical effect of shrinkage of concrete. As for the behaviour of the restrained concrete ring, this can be obtained by a combined
thermal and structural analysis. By introducing the fictitious crack model [37], a fracture mechanics-based method was utilized to
investigate the complete crack initiation and propagation of concrete in the restrained shrinkage ring tests. Considering the vis-
coelasticity of concrete, the elastic modulus of concrete at early ages (from 1 to 28 days) was reduced to 60% to take into account the
creep effect of concrete in the structural analysis [8,12,44].
To consider the effect of the moisture gradient on the fracture process in the restrained shrinkage ring test, it is significant to
obtain an accurate moisture distribution in concrete. In this study, an integrative model proposed by Zhang et al. [33–35] was
introduced to calculate the moisture distribution in the concrete rings with three distinguished strength grades under drying from the
outer circumferential surface. The model was briefly described as follows.
The interior moisture (H) in early-age concrete is consumed by cement hydration (Hc) and moisture diffusion (Hd) synchronously
so that the cement hydration and moisture diffusion can be regarded as occurring successively during a short duration dt. In each time
step dt, the cement hydration occurs primarily and results in the moisture reduction ΔHc. Accordingly, the remaining moisture
H − ΔHc (denoted as Hd here) is regarded as the initial humidity to analyze the moisture diffusion process during the same time
increment dt. After the moisture diffusion analysis, the result is the relative humidity taking both cement hydration and moisture
diffusion into account during the time duration dt. For the restrained shrinkage concrete ring under outer circumference drying, the
movement of interior moisture is only along the radial direction. According to Fick’s second law of diffusion, the balance of relative
humidity in one-dimensional moisture diffusion (x) can be established in Eq. (2).
∂ (Hd ) ∂ ⎛ ∂ (Hd ) ⎞
= D
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ (2)
where D is the moisture diffusion coefficient depending on the pore humidity and the mix proportion of concrete.
To derive the moisture distribution, it is necessary to determine the parameters ΔHc and D. According to Zhang et al. [33–35], the
hydration degree-based model [45] was employed to calculate the moisture reduction (ΔHc) caused by cement hydration. In this
model, the degree of hydration (α) and the corresponding relative humidity (Hc) were measured by conducting an adiabatic test of
concrete, allowing for the relationship between α and Hc to be obtained from Eq. (3). Under drying conditions, the effect of relative
humidity on cement hydration should be considered, so that the relationship between relative humidity and the rate of hydration
reaction can be formulated by Eq. (4).
⎧ 1 for α ⩽ α c
Hc = α − αc β
⎨ (1 − Hc,u )
( )
αu − α c
for α > α c
dα ⎛ B α B ⎞
= α c· ⎛ln ⎛ u ⎞ ⎞ − P (RH )n + P
dt ⎜ A ⎝ ⎝ α ⎠⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ (4)
The cement hydration degrees αt and αt+dt at times t and t + dt can be calculated by integrating Eq. (3) from 0 to t and t + dt,
respectively. Then, the moisture reduction caused by cement hydration (ΔHc) during dt can be calculated using Eq. (3). In addition,
the humidity-dependent moisture diffusion coefficient D can be determined based on the combination of experimental measurement
and nonlinear diffusion analysis [32]. To match the parameters from the experiment, concrete with the same mixture proportions as
those investigated by Zhang et al. [35,36] were prepared and tested in this study. The humidity dependent moisture diffusion
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
coefficients (D) for concretes used in this study are presented in Fig. 7. The diagram to calculate the moisture distribution is shown in
Fig. 8, and the calculation process is described as follows.
1. At the beginning drying age t0, initial degree of hydration α0 = αc, initial moisture RH0 = 100% for Points 1, 2, 3, 4…m.
2. During a time increment from t0 to t1, the hydration reaction ratio dα/dt based on RH0 can be calculated using Eq. (4), and the
hydration degree α1 can be derived by integrating dα/dt from t0 to t1. Thereafter, the moisture reduction caused by cement
hydration ΔHc can be determined using Eq. (3).
3. Calculate the moisture diffusion coefficient D0 based on the RH0 according to Fig. 7. Let Hd = RH0 − ΔHc as the initial moisture to
analyze the moisture diffusion from t0 to t1. The moisture RH1 for Points 5, 6, 7, 8…n can be determined by solving Eq. (2).
4. Repeat steps 1–3 for times t1, t2 until the 28 days.
Based on the integrative model, the moisture distribution in the concrete rings with three strength grades can be determined by a
step-by-step integration process with respect to time, with the results presented in Fig. 9. More details for the humidity calculation
and the model verification can be found in the work by Zhang et al. [33–35].
According to Moon et al. [14], the relationship between moisture distribution and shrinkage strain has been verified as being
linear in the case of high relative humidity, i.e. RH > 50%. Thus, a fictitious temperature field, proportional to the moisture dis-
tribution, was applied to the prismatic specimens to calculate the shrinkage strain. By comparing with the shrinkage strains measured
in the free shrinkage tests, the fictitious temperature field can be determined which is then applied to the concrete rings. The derived
fictitious temperature fields applied in the numerical model at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 days for the three grades of concrete are illustrated
in Fig. 10. The fictitious temperature fields at other ages can be determined through linear interpolation.
Numerical analyses were conducted on the restrained shrinkage concrete rings with two geometries, i.e. circular and elliptical,
and three strength grades, i.e. C30, C50 and C80. Firstly, a thermal analysis was carried out to calculate the fictitious temperature
distribution in concrete rings under the derived fictitious temperature field presented in Fig. 10. Taking the circular and elliptical
rings of grade C30 concrete as examples, the fictitious temperature distributions of circular and elliptical rings at 14 days are shown
in Fig. 11(a) and (b), respectively.
After that, a fracture mechanics-based structural analysis was conducted to investigate the crack initiation and propagation in a
concrete ring under restrained shrinkage. Because the shrinkage of a concrete ring under drying is restrained by the inner steel ring,
tensile stress will occur in concrete. Therefore, a structural analysis was firstly carried out to calculate the tensile stress distribution in
a circular/elliptical concrete ring, and then an initial crack was set in the numerical model of the restrained ring test. In the research
of Ouyang and Shah [46], the initial crack length was chosen as 2 mm for concrete elements in fracture analysis. Their study indicated
that, as long as this value remains reasonably small, the overall fracture analysis results on the same concrete elements but with
different initial crack lengths were very close. Therefore, to reduce the effects of the arbitrariness of a0 on fracture analysis results of
an actually un-cracked concrete ring specimen, a0 should be as reasonably small as possible, which was chosen as 2 mm in this study
for both the circular and the elliptical concrete rings. For the elliptical ring, the initial crack was set where the maximum tensile stress
occurs. However, for the circular ring, the maximum tensile stress is the same on the outer circumferential surface of the circular ring.
Therefore, in this case, the initial crack was set randomly at the outer circumferential surface of the concrete ring. Meanwhile, to
eliminate the effect of the initial crack on analytical results, the cohesive stress acts along the initial crack length in the following
numerical simulation step of crack propagation. According to the fictitious crack model proposed by Hillerborg et al. [38], there
exists a fracture process zone (FPZ) ahead of the microcracks, which characterises the strain softening and localisation behaviour
through the relationship of the cohesive stress (σ) with the crack opening displacement (w). In this study, a bilinear tension-softening
relationship between σ and w was introduced to describe the nonlinear characteristics of concrete in FPZ, which is illustrated in
20 C30
D (10-9m2/s)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
RH (%)
Fig. 7. Variations of humidity dependent moisture diffusion coefficient D.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
m n
4 8
37.5 mm
3 7
2 6
1 5
o t0 t1 t2 t3 28 d t
Fig. 8. Diagram to calculate the moisture distribution.
100 100
90 90
80 80
RH (%)
RH (%)
70 70
60 60
RH (%)
Fig. 12.
According to Peterson’s research [47], σs, ws and w0 can be determined as follows:
σs = ft /3 (5)
ws = 0.8Gf / ft (6)
w0 = 3.6Gf / ft (7)
where w0 is the stress-free crack opening displacement, and ws and σs are the displacement and the stress corresponding to the break
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
0 0
Fictitious temperature field (
Fictitious temperature field (
-10 -15
-20 -30
-60 1 day 3 days 7 days 1 day 3 days 7 days
14 days 21 days 28 days -90 14 days 21 days 28 days
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Distance from drying surface (mm) Distance from drying surface (mm)
Fictitious temperature field (
1 day 3 days 7 days
-105 14 days 21 days 28 days
0 8 16 24 32 40
Distance from drying surface (mm)
point in the bilinear σ-w relationship, respectively. The σ-w relationship can be determined by giving fracture energy Gf and tensile
strength ft of concrete, which can be derived from the fitted curves in Fig. 1.
In the fracture analysis, a singular element was used to calculate SIF at the crack tip. Because high-stress gradients exist in the
region around crack tip, special attention should be paid in that region. Therefore, a circle was set at the tip of the crack, in which the
crack tip is the centre of the circle and the radius of the circle is 2 mm. The first row of elements around the crack tip have a radius of
1/2 mm, and their mid-side nodes were placed at the quarter points, i.e. had a radius of 1/8 mm. Before and after applying the
cohesive force on the fictitious crack, the SIFs caused by shrinkage effect (KIS ) and the combined effect of shrinkage and cohesive
force (KIS -KIσ ) were calculated by displacement extrapolation method. In addition, a concrete crack propagation criterion [38,39]
based on the initial fracture toughness of concrete was utilized to determine the crack propagation of a concrete ring under restrained
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
ws w0 w
Fig. 12. Bilinear σ-w softening curve for concrete.
shrinkage condition. This criterion can be described as follows: a crack begins to propagate when the difference between the stress
intensity factor (SIF) caused by the shrinkage effect KIS , and by the cohesive stress, KIσ , exceeds the initial fracture toughness of
concrete, KIC . The criterion can be described as follows:
The flow chart of numerical simulation is illustrated in Fig. 13, and the iteration process can be summarized as follows:
Therefore, the crack initiation time and crack propagation process can be obtained by repeating the above exercise. Taking grade
C30 concrete rings as examples, Fig. 14 illustrates the deformation contours of the restrained concrete circular and elliptical rings
when the initial crack propagates to 20 mm long at the crack initiation age.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
In fracture analysis, the initial crack should be set on the position where the maximum tensile stress occurs in a concrete ring. For
the circular rings, the values of tensile stress along their circumference are the same, while for the elliptical rings, the stress values
will reach their maximum at the vertex along the major axis [25,26]. Fig. 15 illustrates the distributions of the age-dependent tensile
stress in circular/elliptical concrete rings along their radial direction. The random and major radical cross-sections were selected for
the circular and elliptical concrete rings, respectively. It should be noted that the calculated tensile stresses in Fig. 15 are un-
reasonably high due to the effect of the non-uniform shrinkage along the radial direction of a concrete ring. This can be considered as
the initiation of the micro-cracks when the maximum tensile stress is much higher than the concrete tensile strength, rather than the
initiation of the macro-cracks. In fact, the tensile stress distributions calculated by elastic analyses were used to determine the
position of the maximum tensile stress, i.e. the potential cracking position. And then, the age of the initiation of macro-crack was
determined using the fracture mechanics-based method mentioned in this study. Based on the elastic analysis of the tensile stress
distribution, the position where the maximum tensile stress occurs, and the shrinkage crack initials can be determined. For the
circular rings, the tensile stress at the inner surface is always less than its counterpart at the outer surface from 1 to 28 days (except for
the circular ring made of grade C80 concrete at 28 days). This means that the restrained shrinkage cracks in circular rings will initiate
at their outer surface and propagate towards their inner surface. However, the scenario is different for the elliptical rings since he
tensile stress at the inner surface is greater than that at the outer surface at later ages for the concretes with three strength grades.
With the increase of concrete strength, the difference between the outer and inner surfaces of a concrete ring becomes more sig-
nificant. According to the results in Fig. 15, for the elliptical rings made of grade C30, C50 and C80 concrete, the critical ages when
the tensile stress at the inner surface exceeds that of the outer surface are 23, 16 and 12 days, respectively. Therefore, in the case of an
elliptical geometry, a 2 mm-long initial crack was firstly set at the outer surface of the elliptical concrete ring. If the predicted
cracking age was less than the corresponding critical age, the shrinkage crack in the concrete ring would initiate at its outer surface.
Otherwise, the initial crack should be set at inner surface of the concrete ring in fracture analysis. In addition, according to the
comparisons of stress distributions between the circular and elliptical rings, it can be concluded that the elliptical ring can provide
higher restraint to the concrete under drying shrinkage and cause higher tensile stress in concrete. Particularly, the maximum tensile
stress occurs at the inner surface of the concrete ring, indicating that the fracture of concrete is dominated by the restraint from the
inner steel ring.
After determining the position of the initial crack, the crack propagation can be judged by taking a comparison between KIS − KIσ
and KICini
. Fig. 16 illustrates the variations of KIS − KIσ and KICini
with the increase of age for the concretes with three strength grades. It
can be seen that the values of KIS − KIσ and KIC ini
increase with the increase of age. However, at the same age, the values of KIS − KIσ in
the elliptical rings are greater than the ones in the circular rings. This indicates that, compared with the circular geometry, the
elliptical one can provide a much larger restraint for the outer concrete. For the circular rings, the values of KIS − KIσ reach KIC ini
at 18,
15 and 10 days for C30, C50 and C80 concretes, respectively. In contrast, for the elliptical ring, the corresponding ages are 14, 12 and
7 days, which are 3–4 days earlier. It should be noted that according to the results presented in Fig. 15, the ages for the initial crack
propagation in the elliptical rings are less than the critical ages, i.e. the age when the tensile stress at the inner surface becomes
greater than the one at the outer surface. Therefore, for the concretes investigated in this study, the crack will initiate at the outer
surfaces of the concrete rings.
Once the initial crack begins to propagate, what is of concern is how the crack propagates throughout the cross-section of a
concrete ring. Fig. 17 illustrates the relationship of KIS − KIσ and KIC ini
with the crack length corresponding to the age of initial crack
propagation. It can be seen that KIS − KIσ keeps increasing with the increase of crack length, indicating that the crack will propagate
throughout the whole cross-section of a concrete ring once it initiates. The cracking ages from experiment and numerical simulation
are listed in Table 4, which show good agreement, suggesting that the proposed numerical method is appropriate and accurate.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
7 8
1 day 1 day
6 3 days 3 days
1 day 1 day
3 days 12 3 days
Tensile stress (MPa)
15 24
1 day 1 day
3 days 20 3 days
Tensile stress (MPa)
7 days 7 days
11 days 11 days
9 14 days 14 days
21 days 21 days
28 days 12 28 days
3 4
0 0
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
Distance from inner steel ring (mm) Distance from inner steel ring (mm)
(e) Circular ring of grade C80 concrete (f) Elliptical ring of grade C80 concrete
Fig. 15. Stress distributions along the radial direction of the concrete ring for different concrete grades.
4.2. Composition of restraint effect: self-restraint vs. external restraint (i.e. steel ring restraint)
In the ring tests, the restraint effects on a concrete ring consist of two parts, i.e. the self-restraint caused by the non-uniform
shrinkage and the external restraint from the steel ring. For a 75 mm-thick ring specimen under outer circumference drying, it has
been proven that the crack initiation and propagation is mainly driven by the self-restraint rather than by the external restraint from
the steel ring due to the significant non-uniform shrinkage along the radial direction [17]. However, the main purpose of the
restrained ring test was to assess the cracking resistance of concrete under external restraint. To reduce the self-restraint caused by
non-uniform shrinkage, drying from the top and bottom surfaces was employed by many researchers in the restrained ring tests
[13,18–20]. In addition, the thinner concrete ring, i.e. with the ring wall thickness of 37.5 mm, was adopted. However, in this case,
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
0.6 0.8
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
Kini Kini
0.2 IC
Circualr ring Circualr ring
Elliptical ring Elliptical ring
0.0 0.0
0 6 12 18 24 30 0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days) Age (days)
(a) Grade C30 concrete rings (b) Grade C50 concrete rings
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
the effect of the moisture gradient is still significant for the ring specimen due to the highly nonlinear moisture distribution in
concrete. In addition, different moisture distributions exist in the concrete with various strength grades, resulting in the changes of
the composition of restraint effect in the ring tests. Therefore, it is significant to quantify the effect of self-restraint and external
restraint on the crack propagation process in the restrained concrete ring with various strength grades.
It has been verified that the crack will propagate throughout the cross-section from outer to inner surfaces after its initiation. To
calculate the SIFs under self-restraint during the crack propagation process, the finite element model of the concrete ring without
inner steel ring was established. By applying the fictitious temperature field at the age of crack initiation, the SIFs only caused by self-
restraint, KISself , can be calculated by thermal and structural analyses. Meanwhile, the SIFs caused by steel ring restraint, KISsteel , can be
obtained from the difference between the total restraint effects, KIS ,and self-restraint effect, KISself , i.e. KISsteel = KIS − KISself . Fig. 18
illustrates the variations of the stress intensity factors (SIFs) caused by self-restraint and external restraint with respect to different
crack lengths at the cracking age. It can be seen that, for all the concrete rings examined in this study, the crack initiations are caused
by a combination of self-restraint and external restraint from the central steel ring. Meanwhile, the proportion of external restraint is
greater than self-restraint. As crack propagates, the effect of external restraint increases sharply, while the effect of self-restraint
increases slowly, and even decreases when the crack is close to the inner surface of the concrete ring.
To quantify the proportion of the restraint effect, Fig. 19 illustrates the SIF ratios of KISsteel to KIS for the concretes with three
strength grades. Here, KISsteel is the SIF caused by external restraint (i.e. by the central steel ring), and KIS is the SIF caused by the total
restraint including self-restraint and external restraint. It can be seen that, for all the concrete rings investigated in this study, the
ratios of KISsteel to KIS are all greater than 0.6 when the initial cracks begin to propagate and the ratios increase significantly during the
crack propagation processes. The results indicate that, in the case of 37.5 mm-thick concrete ring specimens, the steel ring restraint
plays the leading role for driving the crack initiation and propagation, which is different from the case of 75 mm-thick concrete rings.
Meanwhile, for both circular and elliptical rings, the ratios of KISsteel to KIS increase with the increase of the concrete strength grades.
This is because the moisture distribution along the radial direction becomes insignificant with the increase of concrete strength so
that the restraint caused by the non-uniform shrinkage decreases. In addition, the ratios of KISsteel to KIS for elliptical rings are greater
than those for the circular ones, resulted from the contribution of the elliptical geometry.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
4 4
Age of the 18th day Age of the 14th day
3 3
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(a) Circular rings of C30 concrete (b) Elliptical rings of C30 concrete
5 6.0
Age of the 15th day Age of the 12th day
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
0 0.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(c) Circular rings of C50 concrete (d) Elliptical rings of C50 concrete
6.0 6.0
Age of the 10th day Age of the 7th day
4.5 Kini
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
3.0 3.0
1.5 1.5
0.0 0.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(e) Circular rings of C80 concrete (f) Elliptical rings of C80 concrete
Fig. 17. Variations of KIS − KIσ and ini
KIC with crack lengths.
It has been verified that the moisture gradient (consequently caused non-uniform shrinkage) along the radial direction of a
concrete ring should be considered when analyzing the fracture mechanism of a restrained shrinkage concrete ring under outer
circumference drying. However, the moisture gradient becomes more insignificant with the increase of concrete strength. In this case,
for the purpose of computational simplification, the uniform shrinkage assumption along the radial direction was adopted in the
crack propagation analysis [21–27]. However, it is not clear whether the assumption is appropriate for the investigation of fracture
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
Table 4
Comparison of cracking ages (in days) from experiment and numerical simulation.
Cracking ages C30 concrete C50 concrete C80 concrete
Circular 21 18 16 15 11 10
Elliptical 17 14 11 12 9 7
mechanism in the ring test. Meanwhile, there are no studies on the comparison of the fracture behaviour in the ring specimens when
the uniform and non-uniform shrinkage assumptions are adopted in literature. Therefore, both the uniform and non-uniform
shrinkage assumptions were employed in this study to compare the shrinkage cracking of the restrained concrete rings with three
distinguished strength grades.
Under the uniform shrinkage assumption, the fictitious temperature field used to simulate the concrete shrinkage can be obtained
by dividing the free shrinkage strain of the prismatic specimens by the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete (in this case the
value 10 × 10−6/℃ is taken). Fig. 20 illustrates the fictitious temperature drops for ring specimens with the three strength grades
from 1 to 28 days.
According to previous studies [25,27], for a ring specimen subject to uniform shrinkage, the first crack initiates at the inner
surface of a concrete ring and propagates towards its outer surface. Therefore, a 2 mm-long initial crack was set at the inner surface of
the cross-section of a concrete ring, randomly along the circumference of the circular ring and along the major axis of the elliptical
ring. Based on the thermal and structural analyses, the values of KIS − KIσ and KIC ini
were derived with the increase of age for the
concrete circular/elliptical rings with three strength grades, with the results presented in Fig. 21. It can be seen that the values of
KIS − KIσ and KICini
increase with the increase of age. However, at the same age, the values of KIS − KIσ in the elliptical rings are greater
than those in the circular rings. In some cases, e.g. the circular rings of C30 and C50 concrete, the values of KIS − KIσ do not exceed the
KIC until the age of 28 days, which means that shrinkage cracking does not occur. The cracking ages for all ring specimens under
uniform and non-uniform shrinkage assumptions are listed in Table 5. Num1. and Num2. denote the predicted cracking ages under
the non-uniform and uniform shrinkage assumptions, respectively. In addition, the relative errors of cracking ages between the
experiment and numerical simulations are listed in the brackets of Table 5.
It can be seen that the cracking ages calculated under the two assumptions exhibit great differences. Under uniform shrinkage
assumption, the predicted cracking ages are significantly larger than the experimental results (≥33.3%). In contrast, based on the
non-uniform shrinkage assumption, the relative errors of cracking ages between the experimental and numerical range from 9.1% to
22.2%. As aforementioned, in the ring test, the restraint driving the crack initiation and propagation includes that from the inner steel
(i.e. external restraint) as well as that due to the non-uniform shrinkage of the cross-section (i.e. internal restraint) of a concrete ring.
According to the results shown in Fig. 19, the ratios of steel ring restraint to total restraint corresponding to crack initiation, are
60.5%, 63.5%, 65.6% with respect to C30, C50, C80 concrete circular rings, respectively. Meanwhile, in the case of C30, C50, C80
concrete elliptical rings, the ratios are 65.6%, 67.8%, 70.6%, respectively. Under the uniform shrinkage assumption, the restraint
effect to drive the crack initiation and propagation will be provided only from steel ring restraint in numerical analyses and the self-
restraint caused by non-uniform shrinkage was totally neglected, resulting in underestimation of the driving force. Therefore, there
are obvious differences of the cracking ages and restraint effects between the experiment and numerical simulation under uniform
shrinkage assumption, suggesting that uniform shrinkage assumption is not appropriate.
As a summary, there are two significant differences on the predicted results using the uniform and non-uniform shrinkage as-
sumptions, respectively, which are the crack initiation position and the component of the restraint. Under the uniform shrinkage
assumption, the crack will initiate at the inner surface of the concrete ring and propagate towards its outer surface. The external
restraint from the inner steel ring provides the only driving force to trigger the cracking in the concrete ring. In contrast, under the
non-uniform shrinkage assumption, the crack will initiate at the outer surface of the concrete ring and propagates towards its inner
surface. Both the external restraint from the inner steel ring and the internal restraint due to non-uniform shrinkage of concrete
contribute to the cracking initiation and propagation in the concrete ring. Therefore, from the point of view of having a deeper
understanding of the fracture mechanism of the restraint shrinkage ring tests, it is more appropriate to consider the effect of the non-
uniform shrinkage caused by the moisture gradient in concrete.
5. Conclusions
To investigate the effect of the moisture gradient of concrete on the fracture process in the restrained concrete ring, three series of
circular and elliptical concrete rings with three distinguished strength grades of C30, C50 and C80 were tested under restrained
shrinkage until cracking occurred. By introducing an integrative model to calculate the moisture distribution, the fictitious tem-
perature field was derived to simulate the shrinkage effect of concrete. A numerical approach based on fracture mechanics was
developed to analyze the crack initiation and propagation process. Based on the experimental and numerical studies, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
(1) A fracture mechanics-based numerical method was employed in this study to simulate the whole fracture process shrinkage in
restrained shrinkage ring tests. The nonlinear property of concrete was taken into consideration and the fracture process,
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
3.2 3.2
Steel ring restraint Steel ring restraint
2.4 Self-restraint 2.4 Self-restraint
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
1.6 1.6
0.8 0.8
0.0 0.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(a) Circular rings of C30 concrete (b) Elliptical rings of C30 concrete
4.8 6.0
Steel ring restraint Steel ring restraint
3.6 Self-restraint 4.5 Self-restraint
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
2.4 3.0
1.2 1.5
0.0 0.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(c) Circular rings of C50 concrete (d) Elliptical rings of C50 concrete
6.0 6.0
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
3.0 3.0
1.5 1.5
0.0 0.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(e) Circular rings of C80 concrete (f) Elliptical rings of C80 concrete
Fig. 18. SIFs caused by self-restraint and external restraint during crack propagation.
including crack initiation and propagation was analysed. The numerical method was verified by taking a comparison of the
cracking ages between the numerical and experimental results, which shows a reasonably good agreement.
(2) Based on the experimental and numerical analyses, it can be found that the moisture gradient-induced non-uniform shrinkage
along the radial direction has significant effects on the cracking potential of 37.5 mm-thick ring specimens. As for all circular and
elliptical concrete rings with strength grades of C30, C50 and C80, the cracks initiate at the outer surfaces of the concrete rings
and propagate towards their inner surfaces. In addition, the crack would propagate throughout the whole cross-section of the
concrete ring once it initiates.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
1.0 1.0
C30 C30
0.9 C50 0.9 C50
C80 C80
KSIsteel / KSI 0.8 0.8
KSIsteel / KSI
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
Crack length (mm) Crack length (mm)
(a) Circular rings (b) Elliptical rings
Fig. 19. Ratios of KISsteel to KIS in crack propagation process.
Fictitious temperature drop (
-20 C50
0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days)
Fig. 20. Fictitious temperature field under the assumption of uniform shrinkage.
(3) With the increase of concrete strength, the restrained concrete ring cracked earlier, indicating that the high strength concrete is
more sensitive to shrinkage cracking in the ring test. In addition, numerical analyses revealed that the elliptical ring can provide
more restraint to the shrinkage of the concrete ring and accordingly increase the tensile stress level, resulting in earlier cracking
in elliptical concrete rings. However, the increasing restraint effects are more obvious at the inner surface of the concrete ring,
which may cause the crack initiate on the inner surface of the ring.
(4) Under outer circumference drying, the driving force for crack propagation was provided by both the self-restraint caused by non-
uniform shrinkage of concrete and the external restraint caused by the inner steel ring with the external restraint playing the
leading role (greater than 60%) to drive the fracture process. With the increase of concrete strength, the proportion of the
external restraint in the total restraint increases because of the insignificant moisture distribution in the concrete ring.
(5) If adopting the uniform shrinkage assumption to investigate the cracking potential in restrained shrinkage ring test, the self-
restraint effect could not be taken into account, so that the steel ring restraint would be overestimated accordingly. In addition,
the crack will initiate at the inner surface of the concrete ring and propagate to its outer surface, which contradicts the findings by
considering the realistic non-uniform shrinkage in concrete. Therefore, from the point of the view of having deeper understanding
on the fracture mechanism of the restraint shrinkage ring test, the non-uniform shrinkage in a restrained concrete ring should not
be simplified as the uniform one in numerical analyses.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the grants of
NSFC 51478083 and NSFC 51421064, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under the grant of EP/I031952/1,
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China under the grants of DUT17LK06 and the National Basic Research
Program of China (the 973 Program) under the grant of 2015CB057703.
W. Dong et al. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 208 (2019) 189–208
0.5 0.8
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
Circular ring 0.2 Circular ring
0.1 Elliptical ring Elliptical ring
IC Kini
0.0 0.0
0 6 12 18 24 30 0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days) Age (days)
(a) Grade C30 concrete ring (b) Grade C50 concrete ring
SIF (MPa·m1/2)
Circular ring
0.2 Elliptical ring
0 6 12 18 24 30
Age (days)
Table 5
Cracking ages (days) and relatively errors under uniform and non-uniform shrinkage assumptions1.
Cracking ages (Relative errors) C30 concrete C50 concrete C80 concrete
“–” means no simulated crack initiation up to 28 days.
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