A Simplified Approach For Prediction of Concrete Resistivity: Experimental Study and Mathematic Model

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Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-021-01688-9 (0123456789().,-volV)
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A simplified approach for prediction of concrete resistivity:

experimental study and mathematic model
Qiang Zhang . Pei-Yuan Lun . Xiao Li

Received: 8 July 2020 / Accepted: 21 March 2021 / Published online: 9 July 2021
Ó RILEM 2021

Abstract Corrosion of reinforcing rebar is one of the mathematical model for predicting concrete resistivity
major causes to the premature deterioration of RC from major corrosion parameters was developed, such
structures. However, there are many factors affecting as cement type, cement content, W/C ratio, corrosion
corrosion of reinforcing rebar. In terms of the nature of temperature, relative humidity, chloride content, and
reinforcing bar corrosion, concrete resistivity is a corrosion time. The uncertainty and probability char-
durability parameter affecting corrosion of reinforcing acteristics of this models are also investigated.
bar. This study was carried out to conduct further
experimental verification and investigation of corro- Keywords Corrosion  Concrete resistivity 
sion risk of reinforcing rebar in concrete based on Prediction model  Corrosion parameters
concrete resistivity. First, the influences of major
factors including W/C ratio, chloride content, ambient
temperature, and relative humidity on concrete resis-
qcon Concrete resistivity, kX  cm
tivity were investigated. Second, a total of 290
qo The initial concrete resistivity, kX  cm
experimental data on concrete resistivity from previ-
T Ambient temperature, K
ous literature were collected. Some of the empirical
RH Relative humidity, –
models for predicting concrete resistivity were
Cl Chloride content, %
reviewed and compared. Finally, a simplified
C Content of binder, kg/m3
W/C The water cement ratio, –
t Testing time, days
Q. Zhang  P.-Y. Lun (&) CE The cement content, kg/m3
School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University of Science FA The fly ash, % by cement mass
and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, People’s Republic of FS The blast furnace slag, % by cement mass
e-mail: peiyuanlun@tom.com SF The silica fume, % by cement mass
e Porosity, % volume
P.-Y. Lun Volpaste The volume of paste, m3
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Volconcrete The volume of concrete, m3
Marine Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen 518060, China m Concrete resistivity of the aqueous phase,

P.-Y. Lun  X. Li S Concrete pore water saturation, –
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University,
Changsha 410000, China
155 Page 2 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

DUD The activation energy of the arrhenius of the temperature, relative humidity, and cement type
relationship, kJ/mole [9, 10].
R The universal gas constant, J/(mole  K) Over the past several decades, concrete resistivity
Sr The degree of concrete saturation, % has been widely investigated, and various prediction
t0 Standard curing time, days models, including theoretical models, empirical mod-
th The hydration time, year els, and probabilistic models, have proposed in
icorr Corrosion rate, lA/cm2 previous literature [3, 5, 11–18]. This study focuses
on the empirical models of concrete resistivity devel-
oped from field data and experimental results, which
are generally based on the assumed direct relation-
1 Introduction ships between the concrete resistivity and basic
material parameters (e.g., W/C ratio, cement type,
The corrosion of the reinforcing bar embedded in and cement content) and environmental parameters
concrete has been recognized as one of the major (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, and chloride
problems that have caused several structural failures content). Currently, there are several empirical pre-
during the past centuries [1]. It is, therefore, of great diction models for predicting the concrete resistivity
interest to evaluate corrosion process thoroughly not [3, 5, 11–13, 15–18], and these models show good
only for existing structures but also for the design of agreements with some experimental results, especially
new structures. The corrosion of the reinforcing bar with the test results used for their model develop-
embedded in concrete can normally be considered to ments. However, there are still some uncertainties
be an electrochemical process [2, 3]. Therefore, the about whether they can enable accurate predictions in
electrochemical properties of concrete, such as the other different situations.
concrete resistivity, provide information about this It is widely accepted that the concrete resistivity
degradation process. Thus, the concrete resistivity has can be more easily measured, especially in the actual
also been used as one of the most important indexes field, than other parameters in corrosion science, such
that can help to evaluate the durability of reinforced as the corrosion rate [19], which was widely recog-
concrete (RC) structures [4–6]. Besides, long-term nized as a durability parameter for concrete cover
data validation is also necessary for corrosion risk of cracking. Therefore, the determination of the relation-
steel reinforcement. The relationship between corro- ship between the concrete resistivity and corrosion
sion rate and resistivity (referred to as the ‘‘C–R rate would allow the assessment of the corrosion stage
relationship’’) is need to be investigated further. in an efficient and economical manner. Over the last
Electrical resistivity is fundamentally related to the decades, researchers have focused on the C–R rela-
permeability of fluids and diffusivity of ions through tionship as the main topic for intensive research
porous materials such as concrete. It is the product of [20–26]. Based on these observations, the versatility of
the ratio of the applied voltage to the resulting current, these resistivity models requires further verification by
and a cell constant; it is thus a geometry independent comparison of the models results with the experimen-
property [7]. Therefore, the electrical resistivity also tal data. The establishment of a more suitable concrete
can be used as an indirect measure of the ability of resistivity model is also necessary. Further, the
concrete to prevent the penetration of chloride salt relationship between concrete resistivity and corrosion
solutions that may cause corrosion of the reinforcing rate needs further research.
bar. For concrete, the range of concrete resistivity To provide further experimental validation and
varies between 105 kX  cm for oven-dried samples to enhance the understanding of the electrical resistivity
1kX  cm for saturated concrete [8]. The electrical of concrete, electrical resistivity test campaigns were
resistivity in concrete is ascribed to the microstructure conducted in this study. Then a large number of test
properties such as the porosity and pore structure and data on concrete resistivity were collected. The
pore solution characteristics, which are greatly existing calculation models were reviewed and com-
affected by factors such as the degree of saturation pared. A simplified model to predicting the concrete
resistivity is proposed. The uncertainty and probability
characteristics of this models are also considered. To
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 3 of 22 155

verify the accuracy and reliability of the developed specimen’s size was based on the Gowers and Millard
simplified model, these collected test data are [27] recommendations, which take into account the
employed as an exact criterion for comparison. minimum required dimensions for the lines of the
current inside the concrete to close themselves,
therefore not causing changes on the resistivity values.
2 Experimental program A total of 40 samples which were divided into 10
groups with different mix proportions were prepared.
2.1 Materials They were unmolded after 48 h of being cast and
cured at underwater conditions for 28 days. After the
Several types of concrete with different W/C ratio, curing period, concrete specimens were kept at an
chloride content, and cover depth were designed to uncontrolled temperature and relative humidity in
cover a broad range of real-world conditions. The outdoor environment. The temperature ranged
proportions of concrete mixes are shown in Table 1. between 273 and 310 K. The relative humidity ranged
The compressive strength results for each batch at between 45 and 95%. Three identical specimens of
28 days are also summarized. Different mixture each concrete mix batch were prepared and their
proportions of concrete were used, including two electrical resistivity was tested. Averaging results
water/cement ratios (W/C = 0.45, 0.55), three chlo- from three electrical resistivity test was obtained.
ride content (1% by cement in concrete, 10% and 15%
by solution) and two concrete cover thickness (e.g., 2.2 Measurement method
C = 30 mm and 50 mm). No chemical additives were
used on the concrete samples in order to not affect the Concrete resistivity tests were carried out based on
electrical resistivity of the specimens. All concrete UNE 83988-2 code [28]. The four-point method
specimens were selected as a prism with dimensions of (Wenner’s method or WM) is applied to test the
250 mm 9 250 mm 9 200 mm. The selection of the electrical resistivity of concrete laboratory and on the

Table 1 Concrete mixture properties

Composition 100% PC

Material W/C ratio (kg/m3) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.55
I-1 I-2 II-1 II-2 III-3 III-4
Portland cement (32.5) 360 360 360 360 360 360 420 420 420 420
Fine aggregate 588 588 588 588 588 588 539 539 539 539
Coarse aggregate 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1220 1220 1220 1220
Water 162 162 162 162 162 162 231 231 231 231
Air content, % 3.5 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Chloride (% by cement) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NaCl content (solution)/% 10 15 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15
Slump, mm 120 120 110 110 110 110 100 100 100 100
Cover depth, mm 30 30 30 50 30 50 30 50 30 50
Str. @28d, Mean value/MPa 31.8 32.1 35.8 35.6 34.2 34.4 30.2 30.4 31.4 31.4
Standard deviation 0.698 0.432 0.748 0.732 0.374 0.381 0.535 0.527 0.432 0.427
The properties of cement
Lime Silica C3A MgO Iron Calcium Sulfur Alkaline Fly Slag
oxide sulfate trioxide ash
Cement/% 60 17 5 1 0.8 0.25 2.2 0.8 12.45 0.5
In Portland cement (32.5), the number ‘‘32.5’’ represents the strength grade of cement
155 Page 4 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

field. This technique consists of using equipment that tests were carried out on a universal testing machine
has 4 electrodes spaced by equal distance (= 5 cm) which has 1000 KN load capacity.
and the equipment calibration was always checked
before tests. As shown in Fig. 1, the concrete
resistivity is measured using four electrodes. The 3 Existing model
two external electrodes are employed to apply an AC
current, while the inner electrodes are used to measure Nine existing empirical models [3, 5, 11–13, 15–18]
the electrical potential. In each specimen, two resis- for predicting concrete resistivity were chosen to
tivity measurements were made, rotated by 90° angles check the accuracy and reliability because these
on the same plane. This means that for each condition, models clearly define the relationship between con-
a total of 6 measurements were taken. The size of the crete resistivity and the input parameters. For the
specimens used is large enough to be considered as a comparison between them, a brief review of these
semi-infinite medium, homogeneous and isotropic, as empirical models is presented as follows.
well as that electrodes have zero surface contact area.
Thus, it was observed that there no need to apply a 3.1 The DuraCrete model [15]
shape factor for the size of the specimens used, and the
concrete resistivity (q) can be computed as: The DuraCrete [15] proposed an empirical expression
V of concrete resistivity of the ordinary Portland cement
q ¼ 2pa ¼ 2paR ð1Þ concrete with the consideration of influencing factors
of the test method, curing method, temperature,
where q is concrete resistivity tested by the WM (X  relative humidity and chloride content by fitting the
cm); a is distance between electrodes (cm); V is the experimental data as follows:
applied voltage between two potential measurement  gr
electrodes (V); I is the electrical current (A); R is the th
qcon ¼ q0  Kt  Kc  KT  KRH  KCl ð2Þ
measured resistance (X). The WM resistivity testing t0
(SR-4000 Concrete Resistivity Tester) was performed where q0 is resistivity of concrete made with Ordinary
at 28, 150, 415, 757 days. In order to ensure good Portland Cement under the standard conditions (e.g.,
contact between the electrode and concrete surface, W/C ratio = 0.5, t0 = 28d); th is the hydration time,
concrete surfaces were polished using a grinding th = 1 year; gr is the age factor, for the Ordinary
machine before electrodes were instrumented. The Portland cement gr = 0.23; Kt, Kc, KT, KRH, and KCl
compressive strength test was executed based on GB/T are influencing factors of the test method, curing
50081-2019 [29] at 28 days, in the same test speci- method, temperature, relative humidity and chloride
mens of concrete resistivity. The compressive strength content respectively. The influence of relative humid-
ity on concrete resistivity can be expressed by:
KRH ¼ ð3Þ
1:3059  RH 2 þ 3:6050  RH  1:3270
where RH is relative humidity (50–100%).
This model is considered as the first empirical
model for predicting concrete resistivity, which pro-
vides ideas for other researchers to establish the
empirical models through different empirical param-
eters. However, the influence of admixture and W/C
ratio on concrete resistivity is not considered, and the
value of Kt, Kc is also difficult to be determined.

Fig. 1 Illustration of the four-point electrode technique

Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 5 of 22 155

3.2 Gong’s et al. model [16] relative humidity and environmental coefficient. The
prediction model of concrete resistivity is expressed as
Based on the experimental data provided by Gong  
qcon ¼ 2:22  104 C2  0:18848C þ 48:3516  fq;e
et al. [16]. The prediction model of concrete resistiv-
 fMa  fW=C  fCl  fT
ity, considering the parameters of water cement ratio,
chloride content and relative humidity in the model, is ð7Þ
expressed as where C is content of binder (kg/m3); fq;e , fMa, fw/c, fCl,
qcon ¼ kðCl  1:8Þ þ 100ðRH  1Þ þ40 2
ð4Þ fT are influencing factors of environmental condition,
mineral admixtures, water-to-cement ratio, chloride
where Cl is chloride content (% by cement); RH is content and temperature respectively, and the value of
relative humidity (40% * 100%); k is fitting coeffi- every factors is determined in references [11].
cient, and is expressed as Both the internal factors (W/C, cement content,
 cement type) and external factors (temperature, rela-
11:1; W=C ¼ 0:3  0:4
k¼ ð5Þ tive humidity, chloride content) are taken into in this
5:6; W=C ¼ 0:5  0:6
model, which is the most considered parameters
Some key factors (e.g., W/C, Cl and RH) are among the nine models, and improves the application
considered in this model, which shows good agree- scope of the model in engineering. However, solving
ments with experimental results provided by Ref. coefficients in the model is more complicated, and the
[16, 17]. However, the influence of admixture and setting range of the parameter is limited.
temperature on concrete resistivity is not considered,
and the versatility of the model needs to be further 3.5 Pour-Ghaz’s et al. model [18]
Based on the available experimental data [29] and
3.3 Geng’s et al. model [17] aasumed equilibrium conditions, Pour-Ghaz et al. [18]
considers the relationship between the degree of
Based on Gong et al. model [16], the influence of saturation and relative humidity using the adsorption
temperature on concrete resistivity is considered in the isotherm, the concrete resistivity under a certain
model, and the revised prediction model of concrete ambient temperature (T) is calculated by
resistivity developed by Geng [17] is expressed as
h i R
1 1
T T 0
qcon ¼ q0 e ð8Þ
qcon ¼ kðCt  1:8Þ þ 100ðRH  1Þ2 þ40
   ð6Þ in which
1 1
 exp 3000 
T 298 26:753349
DUq ¼ ð9Þ
where T is ambient temperature (K). 1  4:3362256  expð5:2488Sr Þ
This model is considered more comprehensively on where R is around 8.314 J/(mole  K) is the universal
the basis of Gong et al. model (2005), which improves gas constant; q0 is the resistivity at the reference
the prediction accuracy of the model to a certain temperature, T0 = 293 K is the reference temperature;
extent. However, the versatility of the model also and DUD (kJ/mole) is the activation energy of the
needs to be further verified. arrhenius relationship; Sr is the degree of concrete
saturation. Base on the experimental data obtained by
3.4 Yang’s et al. model [11] Gjørv et al. [29], the relationship between concrete
resistivity at temperature of 293 K and W/C ratio,
Based on the experimental data, Yang et al. [11] concrete saturation is calculated as shown in Table 2.
proposed a nonlinear regression model, in which This practical model was established based on
concrete resistivity varies with cement content, semi-empirical and semi-theory, which have certain
cement type, ambient temperature, chloride content, theoretical significance and engineering application.
155 Page 6 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

Table 2 Concrete resistivity as a function of W/C ratio at different degree of saturation

Saturation (Sr) W/C from 0.4 to 0.48

40% q¼  1:366  107 ðw=cÞ3 þ2:419  107 ðw=cÞ2 1:415  107 ðw=cÞ þ 2:737  106
60% q ¼  2:197  105 ðw=cÞ3 þ3:936  105 ðw=cÞ2 2:335  105 ðw=cÞ þ 4:612  104
80% q ¼  1:728  104 ðw=cÞ3 þ3:078  104 ðw=cÞ2 1:819  104 ðw=cÞ þ 3:640  103
100% q ¼  3:145  103 ðw=cÞ3 þ5:643  103 ðw=cÞ2 3:382  103 ðw=cÞ þ 7:110  102
Saturation (Sr) W/C from 0.48 to 0.7
40% q ¼  16500 þ 112500ðw=cÞ  125000ðw=cÞ2
60% q ¼ 1837:72  4197:72ðw=cÞþ2613:63ðw=cÞ2
80% q ¼ 156:55  149:55ðw=cÞþ22:73ðw=cÞ2
100% q ¼ 77:10  99:10ðw=cÞþ45:45ðw=cÞ2

However, the adaptability of the model needs to be The effect of W/C ratio and high chloride content
verified in this section. on the concrete resistivity under different concrete
saturations is mainly considered, which provides
3.6 Jiang’s et al. model [12] experimental data for studying the influence of high
chloride content on concrete resistivity. However, the
Based on the experimental data, Jiang et al. [12] influence of admixture on concrete resistivity is also
proposed an empirical model, in which concrete not considered.
resistivity varies with W/C ratio, chloride content,
ambient temperature and concrete saturation, and the 3.7 Yu’s et al. model [3]
model is given as:
Based on the DuraCrete model [15], and the revised
qcon ¼ ð750605  W=C  106228Þ
   prediction model of concrete resistivity developed by
1 1 ð10Þ
 exp 0:4417Cl  7:7213Sr þ 2889  Yu et al. [3] is expressed as
T 303
where W/C is water cement ratio (0.3–0.6); Cl is qcon ¼ q0 Kt  Kc  KT  KRH  KCt  KW=C
chloride content (% by cement); Sr is the degree of t0
saturation, which is given by ð13Þ

k1  RH where Kt, Kc, KT, KRH, and KCl are determined in

Sr ¼ ð11Þ reference [15]; KW/C is W/C ratio influence coefficient,
ð1  k2  RH Þð1 þ k3  RH Þ
which can be expressed by
The relevant formula is given as
k1 ¼ ð2:9142W=C  2:5849Þ  103 ðT  273Þ KW=C ¼ ð14Þ
0:0450 þ 1:8041  W=C
 0:1994W=C þ 0:1647
 This model considers the influence of W/C ratio on
k2 ¼ 2:907W=C  1:1446  103 ðT  273Þ concrete resistivity on the basis of other models, which
þ1:5594  105 ðT  273Þ3 þ 4:4465  103 effectively improves the prediction accuracy of the
model. However, the influence of admixture on
k3 ¼ ð2:158W=C  3:2774Þ  103 ðT  273Þ concrete resistivity is also not considered, and the
 0:3272W=C þ 0:3154 value of Kt, Kc is also difficult to be determined.
where T is ambient temperature (K).
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 7 of 22 155

3.8 Yu’s et al. model [5] porosity and tortuosity of concrete pores, which can
be expressed as
Based on the experimental data reported by reference
qcon ¼ qo  em ð17Þ
[11, 30, 31], Yu et al. [5] analyzed the influence of the
four major influential factors of W/C ratio, tempera- where qcon is concrete resistivity (kX  cm); qo ¼ 0:05
ture, relative humidity and chloride content on con- (kX  cm) is concrete resistivity of the aqueous phase
crete resistivity, and proposed the non-linear [33, 34]; m is parameter related to tortuosity of
regression expression of concrete resistivity by using concrete pores (between 1 and 2, according to [35]); e
the Taylor series expansion method. is porosity (% volume), which is given by
qcon ¼ v1  f1 þ v2  f1  Cl þ v3  f1  Cl2 þ v4  f2 100ððw=cÞ  0:36aÞ Volpaste
e ¼ ep  c ¼  ð18Þ
þ v5  f2  Cl þ v6  f2  Cl2 ðw=cÞ þ 0:32 Volconctrete
a¼  1:0 ð19Þ
where Cl is chloride content (% by concrete); ðw=cÞ þ 0:194
v1 ; v2 ; v3 ; v4 ; v5 ; v6 is model parameters of con-
crete resistivity, which are determined in Table 3; f1, f2 where Volpaste is the volume of paste; Volconcrete is the
is a combined coefficient related to temperature, volume of concrete.
relative humidity and W/C ratio, which can be This practical model is established based on pore
expressed by theory, which truly reflects the influence of the size of
the pores in the concrete on the concrete resistivity,
f1 ¼ W=C  expððT  273Þ=25Þ  expðRH=75Þ having great theoretical significance. However, the
f2 ¼ expððT  273Þ=25Þ  expðRH=75Þ parameter of a can be affected by time, w/c ratio,
fineness of cement and temperature. This model
focused mainly on the effect of w/c ratio and ignored
where W/C is water cement ratio; T is ambient the influence of time, fineness and curing temperature.
temperature (K); RH is relative humidity (%). In engineering practice, the concrete mixing param-
The mathematical model of concrete resistivity is eters (e.g., w/c ratio, admixture) are difficult to
established based on the Taylor series expansion, accurately define according to the predetermined
which provides new ideas for the establishment of the design. The value of Volpaste/Volconcrete may not be
concrete resistivity model. Both material parameters as accurate as expected.
(e.g., W/C ratio and chloride content) and environ- Through the analysis of the above models, each has
mental conditions (e.g., ambient temperature and its own scope and shortcoming. For example, admix-
relative humidity) is considered in this model. How- tures and time have a relatively large impact on
ever, the influence of admixture on concrete resistivity concrete resistivity. In order to improve the applica-
is also not considered. bility of the model, it needs to be considered simul-
taneously. Moreover, it should be noted that there are
3.9 Mendes’s et al. model [13] several units for calculating concrete resistivity,
including X  m, kX  cm, X  cm. To compare the
Based on Archie and Power’s laws [32], Mendes et al. different analysis results, the data of the different
[13] establishes a model for estimating the concrete concrete resistivity models were normalized, such as
resistivity, considering the influence of concrete the concrete resistivity, kX  cm, time, and so on.

Table 3 Model parameters

Parameter v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6

Value - 4393.78 44389.12 - 108,362.76 3225.46 3225.46 - 25543.62

155 Page 8 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

4 Results and discussion time is presented in Fig. 3a–b. Besides, the relation-
ship between the compressive strength and concrete
4.1 Concrete resistivity resistivity at 28 days and 150 days of curing time is
presented in Fig. 3c.
The results of concrete resistivity of outdoor concrete Concrete strength for chloride-induced PC I spec-
specimens at 28, 150, 415 and 757 days, respectively, imen with 0.45 W/C ratio was expectedly lower than
as shown in Fig. 2. The result shows that concrete for concrete specimens without chloride content (e.g.,
resistivity of these specimens is the smallest at 28 days PC II). The statistical analysis shows that the average
by comparing different days, due to high water content concrete strength for the specimen with 0.55 W/C
inside concrete and relative humidity during curing. ratio was also lower than for basic specimen with a
Concrete resistivity gradually increases with the 0.45 W/C ratio. The result show that the W/C ratio
increase of time, the growth rate of concrete resistivity will affects concrete strength—with decreasing W/C
varies between 65.79% and 120.99%, 102.10% and leading to increased concrete strength but to an extent
163.04%, 7.66% and 48.41% from 28 to 150 days, dependent on combined effect of chloride content,
150 days to 415 days, 415 days to 757 days, respec- concrete cover and resistivity. For concrete resistivity,
tively. This is because the cement hydration and the resistivity depends on the pore volumes, which
pozzolanic activity promotes an increase of concrete changes with W/C ratio. According to Fig. 3b–c, the
resistivity and reduce the conductivity of the concrete. reduction in W/C ratio leads to an improvement of
As expected, during the curing of concrete specimens, microstructure in concrete, which can cause an
the increase of cement content and W/C ratio leads to a increase in compressive strength, and an increase in
decrease of concrete resistivity. Simultaneously, the resistivity of the concrete. The same behaviour was
because of the steel rebar will disturb the electrical also found by other researchers [13]. This is because
current flow and a great decrease in the recorded the improvement of the strength and microstructure of
apparent resistivity is observed. the concrete resulting from the hydration activity.

4.2 Relationship between compressive strength 4.3 The previous experimental data
and concrete resistivity
A total of 290 experimental tests of concrete resistivity
The compressive strength of concrete at 28 days and published in the literature are collected in this study.
150 days of age, for different concrete specimens, is Table 4 illustrates the specimen types, dimensions,
tested in this study. The relationship between W/C cement types, cement content, W/C ratio, chloride
ratio and compressive strength at 28 days of curing content (% by concrete), specimen numbers and test

Fig. 2 Concrete resistivity at different times

Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 9 of 22 155

(a) (b)

Fig. 3 Influence of concrete parameters on concrete resistivity

approach (Two-electrode method and Wenner’s concrete resistivity tested by TEM or WM can be
method) provided by these reference converted as
[10–13, 30, 31, 36–39], which can be used to provide
qTEM ¼ 0:68qWM  1:20 ð20Þ
more effective data for model comparison. Moreover,
Hope et al. [10], Polder [36], Yoon and Nam [31],
Medeiros-Junior and Lima [38] consider the influence 4.4 Comparison of different concrete resistivity
of time on concrete resistivity in data analysis, the models
ambient temperature and relative humidity are also
mentioned in these reference. The ratio (qexp/qcal) of the experimental results and the
Due to differences in test principles, different test calculated results of the different models for 330
approaches (TEM, WM) have slightly different con- experimental tests are depicted in Fig. 4. The mean
crete resistivities even if the material parameters and (M), standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation
environmental conditions are the same [28]. In order (CV), maximum, minimum, and the difference
to provide a comprehensive comparison, the value of
155 Page 10 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

Table 4 Experimental information

Nos. Specimen Cement Mineral admixture/ W/C ratio Number Chloride Test References
% content approach
Type Size (mm) Type %

1 Prism 100 9 100 9 150 OPC – 0.37–0.57 16 0 TEM [10]

2 Prism 100 9 100 9 50 OPC (SF, SF-5%; FA-10% 0.43 16 0–0.05 TEM [36]
3 Prism 100 9 100 9 200 OPC – 0.45–0.55 45 0–0.34 WM [31]
4 Prism 300 9 250 9 250 OPC (SF, SF-5%, 8%, 10%; 0.30–0.50 36 0 WM [11]
FA, GS) FA-30%, 40%,
50%; GS-50%,
5 Prism 300 9 250 9 250 OPC (SF, SF-5%, 10%; FA- 0.30–0.50 60 0.11–0.23 WM [30]
FA, GS) 10%, 30%, 50%;
GS-30%, 50%
6 Prism 40 9 40 9 160 OPC – 0.48–0.62 27 0.67–1.33 TEM [12]
7 Cube 250 9 250 9 250 OPC (GS) GS-60% 0.40–0.60 27 0 WM [38]
8 Prism 120 9 130 9 OPC FA-30%; GS-50% 0.40, 0.55 20 0.25–0.4 WM [37]
375 (FA,GS)
9 Cylinder u150 9 300 OPC – 0.40 10 0 TEM [39]
10 Cylinder u100 9 200 OPC SF-10%; FA-14%, 0.32–0.72 33 0 WM [13]
(SF,FA) 50%

between maximum and minimum of the ratios for the sensitivity of concrete resistivity is very strong. Each
different models are listed in Table 5. empirical model is combined with several critical
It can be seen from Fig. 4 and Table 5 that for the parameters. The relative humidity is a critical param-
empirical models that include the same parameters, eter on concrete resistivity, and the concrete resistivity
such as the models proposed by Gong et al. and Geng, predicted by the above model range from 105kX  cm
Jiang and Yu et al. (2014), the predicted concrete for oven-dried samples to 1kX  cm for saturated
resistivity values are almost the same between 1 and concrete. It is very important to establish the relation-
290. Moreover, all the predictions models have large ship between concrete resistivity and relativity humid-
differences between the calculated results and the ity. The quality of concrete has a significant influence
experimental results. The mean ratio ranged from on the concrete resistivity for all test results. If the
0.351 (Jiang) to 1.231 (Mendes et al.), the standard concrete quality is poor, the experimental results
deviation of the ratio ranged from 0.309 (Jiang) to exhibit great variability and fluctuation.
0.665 (Pour-Ghaz et al.) and the coefficient of Moreover, Gong et al. proposed a nonlinear
variation of the ratio ranged from 0.349 (Mendes regression model in which the concrete resistivity
et al.) to 1.206 Gong et al.), which shows that the Gong varies with W/C ratio, chloride content and relative
et al. model has a large deviation in predicting the humidity, this model gives calculated results that are
concrete resistivity. The predicted results are much higher than the experimental results with a mean of the
higher than the test results, except for the models of ratios of 0.355 and coefficient of variation of the ratio
Yang, Pour-Ghaz et al., Yu et al. (2017), and Mendes of 1.206. As a revised model based on the model of
et al., which shows different comparison results. This Gong et al., the model proposed by Geng provides
is because there are many factors that affect the similar results of the mean ratio of 0.36 and coefficient
concrete resistivity, including the test instrument, of variation of the ratio of 1.194, which shows that the
curing time, chloride content, W/C ratio, cement type, structure of the revised model is not substantially
ambient temperature, and relative humidity. Since the different. Similarly, Yu et al. (2014) proposed a
range of concrete resistivity is very large, the revised model based on the model of DuraCrete, and
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 11 of 22 155

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
155 Page 12 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

b Fig. 4 Comparison of experimental results with results 5 Newly model

predicted by the existing models and the new proposal
Although several existing methods (e.g., WM and
TEM) can be applied to test the concrete resistivity,
the results of the modified model show trend similar to field measurements of concrete resistivity are usually
those of the results of the original model. affected by many factors such as surface contact,
In addition, Jiang proposed a nonlinear regression concrete non-homogeneity, presence of rebar and
model that predicts results higher than the experimen- ambient conditions [41–43]. These factors may cause
tal results, with a mean and coefficient of variation of significant deviation from the experimental data under
the ratio of 0.351 and 0.881, respectively. This is the real conditions. Hence, it is necessary to develop a
mainly because the parameter formula is similar to simplified model for concrete resistivity based on the
those of the other models. Pour-Ghaz et al. considered experimental data.
the adsorption isotherm and gave better results with a
mean ratio of 1.172 but with a lower coefficient of 5.1 Prediction model of concrete resistivity
variation of the ratio of 0.665; in addition, half of the
predicted results are much lower than the test data. The above comparison results show that existing
The above-mentioned details, show that some models do not properly predict concrete resistivity
models generally show good agreements with the from 29 to 840 days, and a model that better predicts
experimental data, such as the model of Mendes et al. concrete resistivity is needed. This new model should
and Yu et al. (2017); some models generally show use readily available information to estimate time-
good agreement with the experimental results pro- variant activity. Because concrete resistivity is
vided by Yoon et al. [31] and Yang et al. [11], but strongly affected by the concrete characteristics and
cannot predict precise results for the other test the environmental conditions, these should be
specimen. In general, the results of all the above included. An accurate and effective theoretical model
models are unlikely to show good agreements with all should be a function of the material characteristics and
experimental results. Thus, the comparison of the the service condition in which the concrete is placed.
previous predicting models, indicates that it is neces- A general expression can be given as
sary to develop an accurate and effective analytical qðtÞ ¼ fce  fW=C  fCl  fAm  fT  fRH  ft ð21Þ
concrete-resistivity-prediction model, which consid-
ers the influence of not only relative humidity but also

Table 5 Comparisons of the concrete resistivity obtained from experiments and the predictions of existing predicting models and the
new proposal
References The ratios of test results to the predictions of existing models and the new proposal
M SD CV Max Min Max–Min

DuraCrete [15] 0.637 0.472 0.741 2.951 0.077 2.874

Gong et al. [16] 0.355 0.428 1.206 3.272 0.004 3.268
Geng [17] 0.360 0.430 1.194 2.661 0.004 2.657
Yang [11] 0.924 0.614 0.664 3.584 0.029 3.555
Pour-Ghaz et al. [18] 1.172 0.665 0.568 2.883 0.140 2.744
Jiang [12] 0.351 0.309 0.881 1.712 0.006 1.706
Yu et al. [3] 0.572 0.419 0.731 2.423 0.086 2.336
Yu et al. [5] 1.150 0.557 0.484 3.578 0.186 3.392
Mendes et al. [13] 1.231 0.430 0.349 2.776 0.379 2.397
This model 0.957 0.330 0.346 2.265 0.330 1.936
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 13 of 22 155

(g) (h)


Fig. 4 continued

where fce, fw/c, fCl, fAm, fRH, fT, and ft = factors that ratio at a temperature of 298 K and a relative humidity
consider the influence of cement content, W/C ratio, of 95% can be expressed by
chloride content, cement type, relative humidity, fce  fW=C ¼ 1:65
temperature, the hydration time, respectively. þ 115 exp½0:259ðCE=100 þ 18:4W=CÞ
Cement content and W/C ratio are one of the most ð22Þ
important material parameters, which can affect the
porosity and water content inside the concrete. Base where CE is cement content (267–656 kg/m3); the
on the experimental data reported by reference applicable range of W/C ratio is 0.30–0.72.
[11, 13, 37], the relationship between concrete resis- Ambient temperature (T) is one important environ-
tivity and the combination of cement content and W/C mental parameter that can affect the moving speed of
ions and water content in concrete, which will affect
155 Page 14 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

concrete resistivity. With a certain range (e.g., 288– where FA, FS, SF is Fly ash (% by cement mass,
313 K), the higher the temperature, the lower concrete 10–50%), Blast furnace slag (% by cement mass,
resistivity. Based on the research results reported by 30–70%), Silica fume (% by cement mass, 5–10%),
reference [10, 44], the relationship between concrete respectively.
resistivity and T can be expressed by Due to cement hydration in concrete and the
1 1 changed temperature, relative humidity with time,
fT ¼ exp 3000  ð23Þ concrete resistivity will increase rapidly after curing
T 298
and gradually stabilize. Based on the experimental
Relative humidity (RH) is another important envi- data reported by reference [36, 38], the relationship
ronmental parameter that effects concrete resistivity. between concrete resistivity and time can be estimated
Water saturation of concrete increases with the as
increment of RH, which strengthen the ion channel
and as a result decrease the concrete resistivity. Based ft ¼ ðt=28Þ0:3 ð27Þ
on the experimental data reported by reference [9, 12].
where t is time (days).
The relationship between concrete resistivity and RH
Comparison between calculated and tested value is
can be written as
given in Fig. 5. The 45° line can be assumed as the
fRH ¼ k1  RH 3:68 ð24Þ exact value. As shown in Fig. 6, almost calculated data
are situated within in the part between ? 20%—line
where RH is relative humidity (0.5–1); k1 is the and - 20%—line, which represents that the accuracy
adjustment. of the calculation models provided by Eqs. (21) to (24)
Chloride content (Cl) is another important material is acceptable.
parameter that affects the concrete resistivity. On the Substituting Eqs. (22)–(27) into Eq. (21) can then
one hand, concrete resistivity will decrease with the be used to estimate concrete resistivity as follows:
increase of Cl when concrete chloride content is with a
certain range. On the other hand, concrete chloride qðtÞ ¼ k1 k2 fAm f1:65 þ 115 exp½0:259ðCE=100
content has little effect on concrete resistivity when þ18:4W=CÞgRH3:68 ðt=28Þ0:3
concrete chloride content exceeds a certain range.
exp½1:36Cl þ 3000ð1=T  1=298Þ
Based on the experimental data reported by reference
[11, 31], the relationship between concrete resistivity ð28Þ
and Cl can be expressed by Based on the previous 330 experimental tests, concrete
fCl ¼ k2  expð1:36ClÞ ð25Þ resistivity finally can be obtained as by a regression
where Cl is chloride content (0–0.5% by concrete),
when concrete chloride content is greater than 0.5%, qðtÞ ¼ RH 3:68 ðt=28Þ0:3 fAm f1:65 þ 115
fCl is equal to 1. exp½0:259ðCE=100 þ 18:4W=CÞg ð29Þ
It can be seen from the relevant literature that
exp½1:36Cl þ 3000ð1=T  1=298Þ
different admixtures in cement will also affect
concrete resistivity [8, 11, 36–38]. Based on the
experimental data reported by reference [11], a 5.2 Verification of new empirical models
simplified model is proposed, not considering the
influence of concrete chloride content on the admix- Further, to further verify the versatility of the new
ture. The relationship between concrete resistivity and model, based on the experimental data provided in
the different admixtures can be defined as Sect. 4 and existed data, the ratio (qexp/qcal) of the
8 experimental results and the calculated results of the
> 1 for Portland Cement
< new model are depicted in Fig. 6, and the mean value,
1:21  FA þ 1:25 for Fly ash
fAm ¼
> 1:3FS2 þ 2:45FS þ 1
> for Blast furnace slag standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and max-
27:1SF þ 1 for Silica fume imum and minimum of the ratios are listed in Table 5.
ð26Þ From Table 5, it can be observed that the new model
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 15 of 22 155


(a) (b)

12 11
38 31

(c) (d)

Fig. 5 Error quantification for predictive model

gives the excellent results with a mean ratio of 0.957 results of the sensitivity analysis of concrete resistiv-
and a coefficient of variation of the ratio of 0.346. The ity. It should be noted that the concrete resistivity
mean ratio ranges from 0.331 to 2.265, which has predicted by the developed model is most sensitive to
relatively small fluctuations compared with the fluc- ambient temperature, followed by relative humidity
tuations in most other models. Thus, the results of the and W/C ratio, and the model is least sensitive to time.
new model are in fairly good agreement with the
experimental results in terms of the concrete 5.3 Modelling error of the empirical models
A sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate In order to further investigate the uncertainties of the
the parameters considered in the new model that empirical models above mentioned and the new
influence concrete resistivity. Figure 7 illustrates the
155 Page 16 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

Lognormal and Weibull distribution fit the histogram

better than the Normal and Gumbel distributions.
Results of Chi-square analysis considering the devel-
oped model are given in Table 6, in which the
goodness-of-fitting tests were simulated by following
formula [45]
ð O i  Ei Þ 2
Tg ¼ i¼1 ð31Þ
where Oi is the observed frequencies; Ei is the
theoretical frequencies; k is the number of intervals
used; and Tg is the respective goodness-of-fit.
The lower the value of the goodness of fit statistic is
better. It is found in Table 6, the result shows that the
Gumbel distribution has the best fitting with Tg of
Fig. 6 Comparison of experimental results with results
predicted by the new proposal 12.41 among these four distributions for the new
proposal. Besides, the Chi-square test results for the
existing model are given in Table 7. Modeling
uncertainty parameters like mean, standard deviation,
and probability distribution of these ten empirical
models are summarized and compared in Table 8.
The goodness-of-fitting results of DuraCrete, Jiang,
Yu et al. (2014) and Mendes et al. demonstrate that the
lognormal distribution has the best fitting with Tg of
14.20, 9.96, 31.20 and 5.23, respectively. The good-
ness-of-fitting results of Gong et al., Geng, Pour-Ghaz
et al. and Yu et al. (2017) show that the Weibull
distribution has the best fitting with 8.29, 20.91, 15.14,
8.77, respectively. Moreover, the goodness-of-fitting
tests of Yang exhibit that the Gumbel distribution has
the best fitting with 27.11.

Fig. 7 Sensitivity of concrete resistivity to variables 5.4 Relationship between concrete resistivity
and corrosion rate
proposed model, a model error (ME) variable is
introduced: In the past few decades, a lot of experimental tests
qexp were conducted to investigate the relations between
ME ¼ ð30Þ concrete resistivity and corrosion rate of steel bars
embedded in concrete structure, which had been
To further study the uncertainties of above-men- summarized by several scholars, e.g., Rodriguez
tioned theoretical models and the proposed new [24], and Feliú [46]. Based on the experimental data
model, the model error method proposed by Elling- provided by the author and the previous researchers, a
wood and Galambos is adopted [40]. The statistics simplified model for predicting the corrosion rate of
moments and the histograms of the modelling uncer- steel reinforcement is developed. The correspondence
tainty parameter of the 10 models are given in Fig. 8. relationship between concrete resistivity and corrosion
Four probability distributions are applied to fit the rate of steel rebar is shown in Fig. 9. Regression
statistical data. The probability density functions analysis gives a simple equation for corrosion rate
(PDFs) of these distributions for each simulation icorr.
model are presented in Fig. 8. It is found that the
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 17 of 22 155

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
155 Page 18 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

b Fig. 8 Histogram and statistical moments of model error

variables and fitting results where k is fitted parameter to describe the the
relationship between concrete resistivity and corrosion
rate of reinforcing bar, which can be determined by the
regression analysis of the experimental data (e.g.
It can be seen from Fig. 9 that the corrosion rate is k = 9.92 lA/cm2 kX  cm). Andrade and Arteaga [47]
inversely proportional to the concrete resistivity and established a similar relationship between concrete
their relationship can be written as resistivity and corrosion rate of reinforcing bar, and
k k is equal to 10.53 lA/cm2 kX  cm. Comparing the
icorr ¼ ð32Þ
q value of k, it is clear that the predicted results of the
above two models agree well with each other.

(g) (h)

(i) (j)

Fig. 8 continued
Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155 Page 19 of 22 155

Table 6 Chi-square test results for qexp qcal

Intervals Frequency Predicted frequency Goodness of fit

Normal Lognormal Gumbel Weibull Normal Lognormal Gumbel Weibull

\ 0.4 6 15.25 2.51 3.11 14.30 14.26 2.03 1.39 11.49

0.4–0.6 35 31.08 34.14 32.61 34.56 0.44 0.02 0.16 0.01
0.6–0.8 75 58.49 81.34 82.06 59.70 3.63 0.54 0.66 3.12
0.8–1.0 78 77.23 85.77 87.54 74.55 0.55 3.07 3.85 0.18
1.0–1.2 69 71.57 60.20 59.94 68.92 5.72 0.71 0.65 4.12
1.2–1.4 35 46.54 34.08 33.23 46.56 21.18 4.24 3.55 21.21
1.4–1.6 18 21.24 17.16 16.68 22.32 7.11 2.22 1.83 8.87
1.6–1.8 8 6.80 8.10 8.00 7.30 0.01 0.17 0.14 0.01
[ 1.8 6 1.79 6.70 6.99 1.79 2.95 0.08 0.16 2.96
SUM 330 330 330 330 330 55.84 13.07 12.41 51.97

Table 7 Chi-square test results for qexp qcal (the existing empirical models)

Model Sum Predicted frequency Goodness of fit

Normal Lognormal Gumbel Weibull Normal Lognormal Gumbel Weibull

DuraCrete 325 325 325 325 325 97.08 14.20 52.95 48.05
Gong et al 330 330 330 330 330 110.60 23.84 40.85 8.29
Geng 330 330 330 330 330 124.91 57.91 59.08 20.91
Yang 330 330 330 330 330 57.68 46.30 27.11 30.09
Pour-Ghaz et al 304 304 304 304 304 38.44 50.00 24.30 15.14
Jiang 330 330 330 330 330 110.98 9.96 42.30 24.44
Yu et al. (2014) 325 325 325 325 325 75.79 31.20 43.60 34.61
Yu et al. (2017) 227 227 227 227 227 9.13 30.25 15.66 8.77
Mendes et al 290 290 290 290 290 26.22 5.23 6.62 26.42

Table 8 Probability Model uncertainty parameters Distribution Mean Standard deviation

characteristics of modelling
uncertainty parameters DuraCrete Lognormal 0.637 0.472
Gong et al Weibull 0.355 0.428
Geng Weibull 0.360 0.430
Yang Gumbel 0.924 0.614
Pour-Ghaz et al Weibull 1.172 0.665
Jiang Lognormal 0.351 0.309
Yu et al. (2014) Lognormal 0.572 0.419
Yu et al. (2017) Weibull 1.150 0.557
Mendes et al Lognormal 1.231 0.430
New proposed Gumbel 0.957 0.330
155 Page 20 of 22 Materials and Structures (2021) 54:155

and Mendes et al. can be assumed as Weibull

random variables. The uncertainty model can
Reference [46]
evaluate the risk of rebar corrosion, which could
Reference [24]
avoid the misjudgement of the corrosion stage of
steel rebar under different risk levels.
4. Based on the experimental data, the relationship
between concrete resistivity and corrosion rate is
proposed, which provided theoretical support to
evaluate corrosion risk of reinforcing bar in RC

Funding The study is supported by the National Natural

Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51878413, 51908009)
and the Science and Technology Plan Project of Shenzhen
(Grant No. JCYJ20190808112019066).
Fig. 9 The relationship between concrete resistivity and
corrosion rate Declarations

6 Conclusions Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no

conflict of interest.

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