PK Reverse Power Flow Protection of Generator Paper

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Prashanat S. khandekar

Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, MPCE Bhilewada, Bhandara, 441904

Bhavesh k. kshirsagar

Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, MPCE Bhilewada, Bhandara, 441904

Tushar J. Behalpade

Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, MPCE Bhilewada, Bhandara, 441904

Hiteshwari k. kawde

Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, MPCE Bhilewada, Bhandara, 441904

Pravin M. Sakharwade

Head of Department in Electrical Engineering, MPCE Bhilewada, Bhandara, 441904

Abstract- The point of convergence of this paper on

reverse power flow protection for generator. The I. INTRODUCTION
unprejudiced of this interpretation is to examine of reverse
power provisos of the of the power plant generator. This Today’s complex power scenario demand uninterrupted

paper for sooth presents modeling of reverse power. Now supply for consumer. Therefore generator is the ultimate

the fast serviceable differential relay is expedient source of life and its function is of heart of power system.

particularly for such type of fault which lead to system back Hence its needs the maximum protection from the occurring

out. When more than one units are operating at a same time faults. The generator used is a synchronous machine which

at that time if suddenly fault is occur due to same region ex.- can either run as generator or motor depending upon the

over current, over voltage or fault in turbine ,because of this form of input energy. These generators are synchronized

region the generator get faulty due to reverse power. The with the bus-bar that is the grid. These are number of faults

reverse power is the power from common bus bar. When which may cause heavy damage to generator and

one unit becomes abnormal condition but at a same time simultaneously to the economic situation.

another units are continuously in working condition. So the

When numbers of units on operating in parallel an failure of
normal units are continuously supplying the power this
one unit may result in feeding Power to the suffered unit
power is reverse power for abnormal unit, but our
from healthy units. When one of the unit from all connected
fundamental need is to protect the generator so the relay
parallel units is over loaded and its consequence would be
system is used.
reduced speed due to reduction of speed, frequency
decreases and ultimately emf generated goes on decreasing
Keywords: Differential relay, motoring protection.
and finally a critical stage is reached where is machine
(alternator) is driven as motor. When load is suddenly
thrown off, terminal voltage of bus-bar increases instantly.
If this condition is not detected properly again alternator
will run as synchronous motor.

the parameter rescue it’s predefined or specified

value. Using this system, we are monitoring the various
parameters of the devices and the values of this parameter
will continuously send to the predefined number of
servicemen or electricity board by the SMS using GSM
technology. The system priority’s is to protect the using
microcontroller. Various electrical problems occur in tree
phase supply like over voltage, under voltage, single
phasing, earth fault etc. The load connected across these (a)
three phase supply cannot operate properly because of these
faults. So to protect the device or load we are introducing
the system which will give the information about the fault
occurs in which phase exactly. So that we can save men
work and time also.


A reverse power relay is a directional relay that is used to
monitor the power flow from generator (running in parallel
with another generator or the utility) and in case of
abnormal condition take appropriate action. Under abnormal
condition, the direction of power changes from the bus bar (b)

into the generator. This condition normally occurs when

“Fig. 1 (a) Phasor Representation (b) Block Representation
prime mover fails. The real power drawn from the grid is
of Current and Voltages under Reverse Power Flow”
quite small compared with the generator rating. However
stator current undergoes 180" phase shift normally referred
III.. Block Diagram
as Maximum Torque Angle (MTA) as shown in Fig. 1. This
suggests that if we use a directional relay with MTA of 180"
(using generator phase angle conventions) then it could
detect the loss of prime mover as the current phasor would
reverse and enter the trip region. However the magnitude of
this reversed current phasor is quite small compared to the
forward current as the generator draws just enough real
power to meet the losses and drive the turbine. Hence, the
directional relay for detecting the loss of prime mover needs “Fig. 2 Reverse power flow protection of generator”
to have a high degree of sensitivity compared to directional
relays used for over-current application .
IV. WORKING The command register stores the command
instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction
The main criterion principle of our mechanism is to make
given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it,
the synchronous generator to dead state. When its prime
clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling
mover faults that is when start running as the synchronous
display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed
motor drawing power from bus-bar. Now under these
on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to
condition we know that synchronous generator and the bus-
be displayed on the LCD. Click to learn more about internal
bar are synchronized in all aspects. All the parameter of the
structure of a LCD.
synchronous generator as well as the bus-bar are in phase.
In a normal state the magnetic flux created by pressure coil V. ADVANTAGE
and current coil of transformer one of the subtractive and
that of transformer to are additive so that the secondary side  It is used in low and high power instrument.

output voltage of transformer one will be less than  It is reliable in size

transformer two secondary.  This instrument protect the generator

 The efficiency of plant increases.
 The overall cost per unit decreased.
 The regulation of bus- bar increase.

A. LCD Display  The KW capacity of the prime mover is better

 This increases the kilowatt capacity of the


In future by using suitable programming on microcontroller
we can detect the fault in generator.

“Fig. 3 LCD Display” VII. RESULTS

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an CASE 1. Normal Operation of Main Reverse Power Relay
electronic display module and find a wide range of In this case, the normal working operation of the main
applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and Reverse power relay is considered. It can be seen from
is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. Figures and 13 that the generator trip controls
These modules are preferred over seven segments and other Logic subsystem functions accurately and securely for all
multi segment LCDs. The reasons being: LCDs are Mechanical power input variations and isolates the
economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of
displaying special & even custom character (unlike in seven
segments), animation and so on. A 16x2 LCD means it can
display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In
this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix.
This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and Data
synchronous turbo generator from the power system 1 terms of the time-domain characteristics the reactive
power follows the current characteristics related to
time. It means that there is a correlation between the
current and reactive power relation.

As a future work, these collected signals can be

explained in frequency domain and hence their
fundamental properties can be extracted in the
frequency domain and some special conditions of the
CASE 2. Failure of Main Reverse Power Relay:
reverse power phenomenon can be determined.
In this particular consequence, malfunctioning of the main
Reverse power relay is considered. For that purpose, here
in the present case the main reverse power relay is
Intentionally made to malfunction or work as abnormal in
order to simulate and check the designed motoring
protection model by making the output of the main reverse
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