Crystallite Size Control and Resulting Electrochemistry of Magnetite, Fe O
Crystallite Size Control and Resulting Electrochemistry of Magnetite, Fe O
Crystallite Size Control and Resulting Electrochemistry of Magnetite, Fe O
As an environmentally benign, superparamagnetic material, magnetite 共Fe3O4兲 has been a topic of interest for applications ranging
from drug delivery to data storage. We report here investigation of magnetite as a lithium-battery material. While Fe3O4 synthesis
has been widely studied, our approach afforded excellent crystallite size control without constraining media or elaborate equip-
ment. Upon electrochemical testing, a strong correlation between performance and crystallite size was observed, resulting in a
⬃30% capacity increase. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of electrochemical effects of Fe3O4 crystallite size
where all nanocrystalline samples were prepared using the same method.
© 2009 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.3078076兴 All rights reserved.
Manuscript submitted December 8, 2008; revised manuscript received January 12, 2009. Published February 9, 2009.
Iron-containing electrode batteries have been studied historically talline Fe3O4 materials were synthesized using the same technique,
as anodes and, more recently, as cathodes for primary and secondary allowing a direct evaluation of crystallite-size impacts on electro-
batteries.1 Due to their low cost and environmentally friendly nature, chemistry without any complicating factors. Upon electrochemical
iron oxides are especially attractive battery-electrode materials. His- testing, a strong correlation between performance and crystallite size
torically, interest in Fe3O4-based electrodes grew out of a desire to was observed, resulting in a significant ⬃30% capacity increase
develop an alternative electrode material to FeS2 for high- across the Fe3O4 crystallite range studied.
temperature batteries.2 In the 1980s, Thackeray and co-workers
completed significant early work associated with the development
and characterization of high-temperature and room-temperature Experimental
Fe3O4-based batteries.2-4
More recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in this A coprecipitation method was used to prepare magnetite
material, with a few electrochemical studies involving nanocrystal- 共Fe3O4兲. Stoichiometric mixtures of iron共III兲 chloride hexahydrate
line Fe3O4. Thin-film nanocrystalline magnetite and magnetite- 共FeCl3·6H2O兲 and iron共II兲 chloride tetrahydrate 共FeCl2·4H2O兲 were
based composites have been investigated.5-7 The capacitance of thin dissolved in varying volumes of degassed water. The resulting solu-
film and powdered nanocrystalline magnetite has been reported.8,9 tion was added dropwise to a roundbottom flask containing a stirred
Sivakumar et al. utilized Fe2O3−x thin films grown by pulsed laser solution of degassed water and triethylamine 关N共CH2CH3兲3兴. The
deposition and commercial Fe3O4 nanoparticles with a mean size of roundbottom flask was submerged in an ice bath throughout the
65 nm vs lithium metal electrodes.10,11 Cells were discharged at cur- synthesis to control the reaction temperature. In addition, the stirring
rent densities of 2–40 A/cm2. Changes in magnetic and X-ray rate and addition rate were held constant for all reactions at
characteristics on discharge were studied, where a smaller decrease 1000 rpm and 2 s/drop, respectively. Samples were isolated using a
in saturation magnetization for thin films vs nanoparticles was at- Eppendorf 5804 Centrifuge, operating at 7000 rpm, and washed
tributed to kinetic effects. Ito and co-workers prepared 20 nm Fe3O4 with deionized water. Powdered samples were dried in vacuo at
particles and tested these in lithium batteries at room temperature 60°C. Samples were ground using a ceramic mortar and pestle and
and at 60°C.12 When discharged at 0.1 mA/cm2 to a terminal volt- passed through a 230 mesh sieve prior to characterization.
age of 1 V, 400 mAh/g was delivered at room temperature, while The material was then characterized by X-ray powder diffraction
⬎500 mAh/g was delivered on 60°C testing. The addition of india 共XRD兲. A Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray powder diffractometer was used
ink or polyvinyl alcohol was found to further improve the battery for XRD analysis. Cu K␣ radiation was utilized with Bragg–
discharge characteristics. When tested as secondary batteries, cycla- Brentano focusing geometry. MDI JADE version 8.5.3 software
bility was maintained through three charge–discharge cycles. Ko- with International Centre for Diffraction Data and National Institute
maba and co-workers recently reported the first investigation of the of Standards and Technology databases was used for search-match
crystallite size effect of nanocrystalline Fe3O4 for rechargeable analysis. Peak Fit software from Seasolve Software, Inc., was used
lithium batteries.13 Fe3O4 powders with average particle sizes of to measure the full width at half-maximum of the 共311兲 peak. Crys-
400, 100, and 10 nm, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface areas of tallite sizes were determined using the Scherrer equation after cor-
6.6, 50, and 155 m2 /g, respectively, were prepared using different recting for instrumental broadening using a LaB6 standard pur-
techniques and utilized as electrode materials vs lithium-metal chased from Gem Dugout.
counter and reference electrodes. Crystallite size had a significant Cyclic voltammetry 共CV兲 data was collected inside an argon-
impact on the first discharge capacity, where the 10 nm sample de- filled glove box using a CHI 604B electrochemical analyzer. The
livered 130 mAh/g to 1.5 V in Li+ electrolyte, while the 400 nm working electrode was constructed using a 2 mm diameter platinum
sample delivered only 7 mAh/g. The nanocrystalline 10 nm sample electrode coated with a thin layer Fe3O4, graphite, and polyacrylic
also showed good performance in Na+ electrolyte, delivering acid mixture. A three electrode assembly was used, with lithium
160 mAh/g to 1.5 V on the first cycle. Good capacity retention was metal reference and counter electrodes, in an electrolyte of 1 M
observed in the nanocrystalline sample over 30 charge/discharge LiAsF6 in 50/50 共v/v兲 propylene carbonate/dimethoxyethane. An
cycles. initial and final voltage of 2.5 V, a lower limit voltage of 0.9 V, and
We report here the investigation of Fe3O4 as a battery electrode scan rates of 2.00, 4.00, or 6.00 ⫻ 10−5 V/s were used.
material for lithium primary batteries. Notably, all of our nanocrys- Cathode pellets were prepared by mixing 40% Fisher 38 graph-
ite, 10% poly共tetrafluoroethane兲 powder and 50% Fe3O4. Cathode
pellets were pressed at 6 tons/cm2. Type 2325 coin cells were fab-
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. ricated within an argon-filled glove box utilizing coin-cell parts and
E-mail: assembly equipment obtained from the National Research Council
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A92 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 12 共4兲 A91-A94 共2009兲
voltage (V)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
x in LixFe3O4
crystallite size (nm)
8 B
y = 55.76x + 6.31
R2 = 0.86
2.45 2.05 1.65 1.25 0.85
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 voltage (V)
Fe2+ concentration (M)
Figure 4. Differential capacity of Li/Fe3O4 batteries as a function of voltage:
Figure 2. Average Fe3O4 crystallite size vs Fe2+ concentration. 共A兲 containing 6.2, 共B兲 8.2, and 共C兲 9.6 nm crystallite-size Fe3O4.
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Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 12 共4兲 A91-A94 共2009兲 A93
2 mA/cm2, 1.50 V
current (A)
5 mA/cm2, 1.50 V
2 mA/cm2, 1.75 V
capacity (mAh/g)
5 mA/cm2, 1.75 V
75 0
y = -5.92x + 126.34 2.45 2.25 2.05 1.85 1.65 1.45 1.25 1.05 0.85
R2 = 0.86 voltage (V)
current (A)
50 y = -5.85x + 110.27 4.0E-07
R2 = 0.85 0
2.45 2.25 2.05 1.85 1.65 1.45 1.25 1.05 0.85
y = -7.03x + 111.63 2.0E-06
current (A)
voltage (V)
R2 = 0.95 1.2E-06
6 7 8 9 10 y = -5.77x + 91.95 4.0E-07
R2 = 0.85 -4.0E-07
crystallite size (nm)
2.45 2.25 2.05 1.85 1.65 1.45 1.25 1.05 0.85
voltage (V)
Figure 5. Capacity of Li/Fe3O4 batteries at different voltages 共during pulse
discharge at 2 and 5 mA/cm2兲 as a function of Fe3O4 crystallite size.
Figure 6. CV of Fe3O4 as a function of scan rate: 共A兲 6.00, 共B兲 4.00, and 共C兲
2.00 ⫻ 10−5 V/s.
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A94 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 12 共4兲 A91-A94 共2009兲
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