Writing Resumes For Scholarship/Admission Applications: Below

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Writing Resumes for Scholarship/Admission Applications

This information will get you started.

Produce a draft, then get an advisor's help.

What is a Resume?
A resume is a data sheet that markets your credentials. It outlines your skills and qualifications and prompts potential
employers to talk to you further about the opportunities they offer. A resume gets you in the door, but it doesn’t get
you the job. You’ll get a job offer as a result of successful interviews.

Create a Master List

The first step is to recall and list every experience you can think of including volunteer/community service,
internships, paid jobs, and major research projects. You should also list campus activities, student organizations, and
all of your educational experiences. Don’t worry about the format yet. This master list will provide you with all the
information you need to create your resume and cover letter and prepare for interviewing.

Elaborate On Your List

Next, write descriptions of the items on your list. Include information about your specific responsibilities, skills used,
and outcomes you obtained. Use action verbs in your descriptions ( see the Action Verb list below ). Remember
to tailor the descriptions to the types of jobs and employers you’re targeting. Think about the skills you used in each
of your positions that will be of interest to potential employers. You’re trying to convince an employer that your skills
transfer to the type of position for which you’re applying.

Organize Your Resume

After you have written descriptions for your positions, you’ll need to decide how to organize your experiences, and
what to include in the resume. You do not need to include every experience in your list. Be strategic. Focus on those
experiences that will be of most interest to your prospective employer.

There are a few sections that are common to most resumes:

It’s a good idea to include both your current school address and a permanent address. Be sure that
your phone numbers are correct, and always include an email address. You only need to list one
email address, but be sure you check it frequently. If you use an email address other than your
Oberlin one, be sure to use a professional sounding address. Do not include your social security
number or date of birth.

This is optional. If you choose to include one, make it a concise declaration of the position you seek
in a specified area, department, or industry i.e. a summer internship in a public relations firm. You
will elaborate on this more fully in your cover letter, so if you can better use the space on your
resume to list relevant experiences and skills, skip the objective.

This section gives details about your college, degree, graduation date, and majors. An overall GPA
and a Major GPA are optional. Typically, include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher and add your Major
GPA if it is higher than your overall GPA. Include study abroad or additional educational institutions
if appropriate. Generally, you will not include high school, unless your high school is well known or
is relevant to the employer (it is assumed you graduated from high school to get into college).

This is the main part of your resume. Use the descriptions you wrote while compiling your list,
being sure to begin them with action verbs. Strive to be concise. You should not use full sentences
or try to write eloquent prose. Illustrate descriptions with specifics about numbers, outcomes, and
goals you met. Omit all personal pronouns.

Try not to be redundant with your job title. For example, if you were a staff writer for The Review,
don’t just say you “wrote articles for The Review”. That is implied by your title. Instead try to
indicate how many articles, about what, whether you conducted interviews, etc.

Write the description of your experiences either using bullets or in a paragraph style. Again, make
sure it is easy to read. Bulleted statements can contain more than one sentence and be more than
one line if needed. Don’t use bullets if you choose a paragraph style.
Other sections will depend upon your background and what will be of interest to the prospective employer.
You may include some of the following:

List your computer, language, and other relevant skills.

If not already included in the Experience section, use this section to describe activities you’ve
participated in, especially if you played a leadership role. This section is especially useful for
students and recent grads who do not yet have a great deal of work experience.

Particularly useful for academic resumes, this section allows you to elaborate on relevant academic
work you’ve done.

FIELDS OF INTEREST (major/minor; or possible fields of interest)



Format Your Resume

After you have determined what information you would like to include in your resume, you must choose a format in
which to present it.

We recommend that you do not use a template

Create your own format

Most students and recent grads use some variation of a chronological format where experiences are listed in reverse
chronological order (most recent first). You can list either your employer or your job title first – typically you will start
with whichever is stronger and be consistent.

You should emphasize experiences that are relevant to your objective or experiences that demonstrate specific
transferable skills that would be needed. If these relevant experiences are not necessarily your most recent or are
volunteer or extracurricular, you can still feature them first by using a Relevant Experience section. Give a good
amount of detail and be specific in your descriptions. Other experiences can be listed under an Additional Experience
section with much less description.

Other formatting options include functional and combination resumes. In these types of resumes you describe
experiences under specific skill headings (see Sample for Mary X Student).

Your resume should be one page long. Two-page resumes are acceptable only under certain circumstances.
Remember that employers spend very little time scanning your resume. Good information on the second page might
never be seen. It’s best to keep the resume succinct and leave out unrelated experience. If you must use a two-page
resume, make sure your name is at the top of the second page.

There are many creative ways to design a resume. You want it to be easy to read, so have a good balance of text and
white space. Don’t try to be too creative. Stick to something that can be read quickly and easily.

One-inch is standard, but you can use slightly smaller margins if needed. Make sure your resume is centered on the

Font Size/Style:
An 11-inch font size is standard. Times and Times New Roman are two professional looking styles. Use only one font
style in your resume.
Finalize a Draft
Print your resume on the same paper you will use for your cover letters. Do not use standard photocopy paper.
Choose a conservative color: white, ivory, off-white, light gray or eggshell.

Proofread, proofread, proofread! Even if you use spell-check and grammar-check, proofread carefully and have
your resume critiqued by at least one other person. The best way to proof your resume is to read it out loud to
another person who has a copy of it.

If your resume is for a specialized or technical field (science, theater or computer science for example), be sure to
have a faculty member in your department look it over.
Action Verbs To Use When Describing Work Experiences:

accumulated enhanced performed

adapted established persuaded
administered estimated planned
advised evaluated prepared
analyzed examined presented
appraised facilitated prioritized
approved financed produced
assembled founded programmed
audited generated promoted
authored governed proposed
broadcast guided proved
budgeted heightened provided
built identified publicized
calculated illustrated published
catalogued implemented purchased
clarified increased questioned
communicated inspected recommended
compared installed reduced
compiled integrated regulated
composed interpreted reorganized
computed interviewed researched
conducted introduced reviewed
constructed invented rewrote
consulted investigated scheduled
controlled launched screened
coordinated lectured served
correlated maintained simplified
corresponded managed solved
created marketed strengthened
delegated mastered succeeded
demonstrated measured supervised
derived mediated systematized
designed modeled taught
developed moderated traded
devised monitored trained
directed motivated translated
discovered negotiated upgraded
earned organized verified
eliminated originated wrote
Sample resume for college visits or college/scholarship applications; this is an example; include information
that highlight YOUR STRENGTHS! This is only one format. You may find several example templates you may
choose from.

Phone #
Email – if Available

College Major/ Career Goal: G.P.A. (only if good)

(include this only if you have one) ACT: same
SAT: same
Rogers Senior High School Rogers, Arkansas
Graduation date: May 2008
Weighted GPA:
AP courses taken:
College courses taken:

Honors and Awards

· National Merit Semi-Finalist, (11)
· Lamp of Learning Academic Achievement Award (9, 10, 11)
· Missouri All State Choir, (10,11)

High School Activities

· Pioneer Yearbook Staff (10, 11, 12)
-Editor in Chief (12)
· KHS Swim Team (10, 11, 12)
-Varsity Team Captain (12)
· KHS Choir (9, 10, 11, 12)
· Spanish Club (9, 10, 11)

Community/Volunteer Activities
· Meals on Wheels Volunteer (Summers, 2003-Present)
- Deliver 3-5 meals to senior citizens every Saturday throughout the year.
· Church Youth Group (9, 10, 11, 12)
- Coordinated over 100 youth members for a 2-week mission trip.

National Merit Finalist
Who’s Who Among American High School Students
Chamber of Commerce
Rotary Youth Leadership
Work Experience
· Kirkwood YMCA Summer Gymnastics Camp Instructor (2003-Present)
- 20 hours per week during the school year and 45 hours per week in the
· Kirkwood Library (2000-02)
- Approximately 10 hours per week during the school year.

· Diving – Greenbriar Pool Dive Team (6 years)
· Dancing – Ballet, tap, jazz (10 years)
( “In our file room there’s a saying that’s sort of mean, but also true: the thicker the file, the thicker the kid. If
you’re padding your application with letters or with copies of every little prize you won since junior high school
we’re going to wonder if you’re a weak applicant.”)
Rachel Toor
Former Duke Admissions Officer
Author of Admissions Confidential

NOTE: Each university/scholarship will provide the information it

requires on a resume.
ALWAYS use that list and put the information in the same
order/format as listed.

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