Nyloflex FTF en
Nyloflex FTF en
Nyloflex FTF en
High Quality
• Even ink laydown and increased solid ink density • Significant improvement of the typical
without the need for surface screening trail edge void effect
• High print resolution – precise reproduction of fine • Smooth, homogenous solids, uniform
elements (e.g. first stable tonal value 1.6 % at 60 l/cm) vignettes and soft fade-outs
Processing parameters 2
Back exposure (s) 20-30 30-50
Main exposure (min) 8 –10 8 –10
Washout speed (mm/min) 250 180 – 200
Drying time at 60°C / 140°F (h) 2.0 2.0
Post exposure UV-A (min) 8 8
Light finishing UV-C (min) 3 1–2 1–2
Laser intensity (J/cm2) 3.8 J/cm2 3.8 J/cm2
UV A bulb output 4
≥ 17 mW/cm 2
≥ 17 mW/cm2
Suitable equipment The nyloflex® FTF Digital can be processed with nyloflex® processing equipment and all similar
devices and can be used with all laser systems suitable for imaging flexo printing plates.
Printing inks The nyloflex® FTF Digital is suitable for all alcohol based printing inks and conditionally suitable for water
based and UV inks.5 (ethyl acetate content preferably below 15%, ketone content preferably below 5 %).
Washout solvents Especially good results are achieved with nylosolv® washout solvents.
nylosolv® can be distilled and reused.
Processing information A detailed description of the individual plate making steps, as well as detailed information about
processing and storing, can be found in the nyloflex® User Guide.
High quality standard nyloflex® printing plates are manufactured according to DIN ISO 9001 and DIN ISO 14001
standards and requirements. This process guarantees our customers consistent high quality
products and services.
Standard thicknesses currently available – subject to change.
All processing parameters depend on, among other things, the processing equipment, lamp age and the type of washout solvent. The above mentioned processing times were established
under optimum conditions on nyloflex® processing equipment and using nylosolv® washout solvents. Under other conditions the processing times can differ from these; therefore, the above
mentioned values are only to be used as a guide.
Depending on longevity of the tubes.
Minimum exposure intensity of ≥ 17 mW/cm2. For exposure intensities higher than 20 mW/cm2 finest vignettes, down to zero, can be easily reproduced.
Suitability with UV inks is dependant on the ink type and temperature – these factors could affect the performance of the plate and consistency of the print.
You are welcome to contact us for further information. The aim of our technical documents is to inform and advise our customers. The
information provided herein is correct to the best of Flint Group's knowledge. No liability
for any errors, facts or opinions is accepted. Customers must satisfy themselves as to
Flint Group Flexographic Products T +49 711 9816-541 the suitability of this product for their application. No responsibility for any loss as a result
Sieglestrasse 25 F +49 711 9816-801 of any person placing reliance on any material contained herein will be accepted. Product
70469 Stuttgart info.flexo@flintgrp.com names followed by ® are trademarks registered by Flint Group (represented by
Germany www.flintgrp.com Flint Group US LLC or Flint Group Germany GmbH).