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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M.

Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

DANIJELA BARIĆ, Ph.D. Education in Traffic

E-mail: Preliminary Communication
GORAN ZOVAK, Ph.D. Accepted: Mar. 13, 2013
E-mail: Approved: May 23, 2013
MARKO PERIŠA, Ph.D. Candidate
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia



ABSTRACT The first White Paper, as the basic European strategy

for the sustainable development, suggested some 60
Sustainable mobility is the basic and long-term goal of measures oriented to the development of the European
the traffic policy. Eco-driving represents one of 40 measures
traffic system capable of shifting the balance between
that should by 2050 contribute to 60% of traffic-generated
emission reduction. The paper presents the significance of the transport modes, railway revitalization, promotion
educating the drivers about eco-driving as well as eco-drive of transport on sea and internal waterways and con-
training with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and CO2 trol of the increase in air traffic [1]. The currently valid
emission. During research the drivers were tested in three cy- White Paper has suggested 40 new measures with
cles, prior to education, immediately following the education the aims that by the year 2050 should contribute to
and eco-training and three months after the eco-training. Ac- a 60% reduction of traffic-generated emissions [2]. By
cording to the measurement results in this research, after analyzing the research and projects, especially at the
education and the first eco-drive training the fuel consump-
European Union level, one may conclude that, apart
tion as well as CO2 emission were reduced by about 32%.
The analysis of the results shows that driving according to from other activities, high significance in the frame
eco rules allows fast and efficient reduction of fuel consump- of sustainable mobility belongs to eco-driving which
tion and CO2 emissions, which means at the same time also significantly contributes to environmental protection
the need to systemically and periodically educate the driv- and reduction of harmful emissions. The education of
ers about the eco-driving at specialized educational centres drivers, especially younger ones, can significantly af-
which is for the moment absent in the Republic of Croatia. fect the traffic flow safety, and also it could contribute
to environmental protection and reduction of external
costs [3, 4]. In order to reduce the negative influence
eco-driving, fuel consumption, CO2 emission, sustainable de- of traffic on the environment, a Program which has sig-
velopment, education nificantly influenced the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions of road vehicles of categories N2, N3 and
M3 has been successfully implemented in the Repub-
1. INTRODUCTION lic of Croatia [5].
Apart from its positive dimension, traffic has its In the Republic of Croatia the Regulations on the
negative dimension as well. Constant growth of mobil- starting and periodical education of drivers has been
ity sets the traffic systems under high pressure. This in force, stipulating the program, performance of the
results in the traffic congestion, especially in case of program, conditions and method of testing in order to
road traffic, which reduces the economic efficiency, in- acquire the initial qualifications and periodical educa-
creases fuel consumption and pollution. Since today’s tion of drivers of certain categories of road vehicles for
traffic regime and growth rates are unsustainable, the the transport of goods and passengers [6]. However,
mobility is threatened by congestions, delays, and pol- systemic and periodical education at specialized edu-
lutions, so that a change is needed that will eventu- cational centres about eco-driving is still non-existent.
ally contribute to sustainable development. The traf- Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to indicate the
fic policy has been designed to achieve precisely this. justification of continuous education of drivers about

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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

eco-driving with a long-term objective of sustainable the roll friction by 10%, including the fuel consump-
mobility and development, in compliance with the tion by 2%;
White Paper. 6. remove unnecessary load from the vehicle – every
Eco-driving can be characterized as a smarter and 10 kg of additional mass cause additional con-
more efficient driving style which uses in the best way sumption of 0.1 litre of fuel per 100 kilometres
the benefits of modern technologies in traffic and at (100 kg of additional mass causes consumption of
the same time increases its safety. The basic objec- 1 litre of fuel per 100 kilometres).
tive of eco-driving in relation to conventional method
is the reduction of average fuel consumption without
reducing the average vehicle speeds, which signifi- 2. PREVIOUS RESEARCH
cantly contributes to the environmental protection and
reduction of harmful emissions, and it is in compliance Eco-driving programs have been implemented in
with the objectives for sustainable mobility. In practice, numerous countries and they have proven extremely
eco-driving is a technique which in practice reduces efficient both from the ecological and from the finan-
the fuel consumption and increases the safety, as well cial aspect. The examples of implemented programs
as the economy and comfort of driving. of eco-driving are numerous, as well as the achieved
The advantages of eco-driving are multiple, and results (Figure 1) [8]. The efficiency of eco-driving in or-
they refer especially to [7]: der to reduce CO2 emissions cannot be obtained in a
1. Safety simple percentage amount based on universal meth-
a. increases safety in road traffic, odology. It is, therefore, necessary to determine an ap-
b. improves driving capabilities; proximate amount based on the results of a number
2. Environment of studies recognizing the practical experiences and
a. reduces greenhouse emissions (CO2), scientific research.
b. reduces local harmful emissions, Table 1 shows the range of savings in fuel consump-
c. reduces noise; tion obtained from the research done in 25 studies. De-
3. Driving economy pending on the type of vehicle the savings in fuel con-
a. reduces fuel consumption (5-15% in long-term sumption can be even up to 30%. Thus, for instance,
perspective), eleven months after having carried out the eco-driving
b. reduces the maintenance costs, education in the German company Hamburger Was-
c. reduces the costs due to traffic accidents; serwerke, the fuel consumption was reduced by 5.8%,
4. Social responsibility and this method of driving had impact on the reduc-
a. contributes to more responsible driving, tion in the number of traffic accidents and the related
b. reduces stress during driving, costs by more than 25%. The results of the carried out
c. increases comfort in driving for drivers and pas- eco-driving program in the Netherlands have indicated
sengers. savings of about 5 euro per ton of CO2 emission in the
Apart from a number of the already mentioned ad- time period of 10 years. The eco-driving program has
vantages, eco-driving reduces noise pollution, as well been implemented in Switzerland as well on a sample
as local air pollution. The noise of the engine of one car of 350 car service drivers, who after eco-driving edu-
running at 4,000 rpm is equal to engine noise of 32 cation reduced fuel consumption by 6.1%, thus real-
cars running at 2,000 rpm. This means that eco-driving izing 22% more kilometres and the total number of
reduces one of the basic problems of traffic in urban ar- traffic accidents was reduced by 35% [9].
eas. Safer driving results from the forecasting of traffic There are various approaches to eco-driving meth-
situation, maintenance of constant speed, lower driv- od training which are mainly based on the theoretical
ing speeds, fewer overtaking and less aggressiveness education and practical training in a vehicle. Table 2
in drivers (less stress). In compliance with this, the ba- describes three different approaches to eco-driving
sic rules of eco-driving have been defined [7]: education. The first two methods include one-day ed-
1. shift up as early as possible – shift to between ucation with theoretical teaching and practical train-
2,000 and 2,500 rpm; ing in the vehicle. In the first method of education the
2. maintain a steady speed – drive in highest possible drivers with eco-training (with at least one year experi-
gear at low rpm; ence) have been compared to novice drivers without
3. anticipate traffic flows – identify on time the traffic eco-training. Another way of education includes driv-
situations and consequently adapt the driving; ers with eco-drive training (tested drivers have at least
4. brake on time – when it is necessary to decelerate six months of experience) and the drivers without any
or stop, brake smoothly by releasing the accelera- eco-training. The third comparison represents the
tor pedal on time and by letting the engine in gear; comparison of novice drivers with passed eco-training
5. check tyre pressures frequently - 25% lower pres- and novice drivers who had no such eco-training. The
sure than the nominal one in pneumatics increases education includes 2x2 hours of theoretical part and

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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

Tools Feedback Changes in Behaviors Results Outcomes

Real-Time Driving Behaviors

Indicator – Shift gear sooner Smoother
Instantaneous – Maintain steady speed drive; less
fuel economy – Accelerate softly unneces-
or engine – Decelerate smoothly sary idling
power – Turn off engine
Reduced fuel
usage; reduced
GHG and other
Advice &
reduced #
of accidents
Trip End Travel Behaviors
Summary – Trip degeneration Reduced #
Total fuel, – Trip chaining of trips;
CO2, and – Alternative destinations reduced
other costs – Mode shift VMT
of driving – Alternative routes

Figure 1 – Reduction of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as result of eco-driving
Source: Co Eco-Driving: Pilot Evaluation of Driving Behavior Changes among U.S. Drivers,
University of California Transportation Center UCTC-FR-2010-20, August 2010, p. 4

Table 1 – Savings in fuel consumption obtained in the major eco-driving studies

Study/project Savings in fuel consumption
Barth and Boriboonsomsin (2009) 10–20%
TNO (2006) 7% (for petrol), 8% to 10% (for diesel)
Fiat eco:Drive 6% (top 10% of participants saved 16% or more)
ECMT/IEA (2005) 5% (for OECD regions, based on literature review)
Wåhlberg (2007) 2%
Zarkadoula et al. (2007) 4.35%
Beusen et al. (2009) From 12% savings to a 3% worsening
Rowson and Young (2011) 20% (peak savings of 45%)
Greene (1985) 10% or more
Mississippi State Energy Ofice 10–15%
Caltrans 15%
Maryland High School driver education 10%
WBCSD – VW and Naturschutzbund
13% (peak savings of 25%)
Mele (2008) 35%
Bragg/ (2009) 5.23%
Beusen and Denys (2008) From 7.3% savings to 1.7% worsening
Taniguchi (2007) 20%
Onoda (2009) 5–15%
Saynor (Ford Motor Company) (2008) 24%
Henning (Ford of Europe) (2008) 20.65– 26.1%
Quality Alliance Eco-Drive 11.7–21%
SAFED, DfT 2–12%
Driving Standards Agency, UK 8.5%
Hamburger Wasserwerke, Germany 5.8%
Dutch Consumer Organisation 7%
Source: Wengraf I.: Easy on The Gas, The effeciteveness of ecodriving, RAC Foundation, London, 2012, pp.16-17 [11]

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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

practical explanation in a vehicle. It should be noted eco-driving that will be implemented in the commercial
that there have been no significant differences in fuel curricula of all the driving schools in Europe both in the
consumption [10]. training and in the testing part.
In order to popularize eco-driving, as one of the
most acceptable measure to implement energy effi- 3. METHODOLOGY
ciency policy in traffic, as part of the program Intelli-
gent Energy in Europe – IEE, the ECOWILL project has Based on international experiences and results of
been started – mass implementation of the eco-driving research of numerous studies, there is a whole series
standard into the educational program of driver can- of key methods of stimulating eco-driving that have
didates and implementation of the campaign among been divided into four basic categories [11]:
licensed drivers (Eco-driving – Widespread Implemen- –– information campaigns;
tation for Learners and Licensed Drivers). This project
–– driver training;
is an extension of the previous European projects such
–– in-vehicle technology; and
as TREATISE, FLEAT, and finally the ECODRIVEN Proj-
ect. The aim of the ECOWILL project is to increase the –– gamification: the use of competitions and learning
number of Ecodriving training programmes in Europe with a social dimension.
to contribute to the reduction of emissions of green- The research carried out in the Republic of Croatia
house gases and other harmful gases, as contribu- included all four mentioned categories. In the initial
tion to fulfilling the obligations of the national and EU phase the drivers had one-day theoretical education,
governments according to the Kyoto Protocol, through and then practical training onboard a vehicle. The
widespread implementation of a standardized eco- theoretical education of drivers and the practical driv-
driving school in the program of training candidate ing were organized in cooperation between the Faculty
drivers, as well as the implementation of short, so- of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb and ORYX
called “snack” trainings for the already licensed driv- Centre for safe driving in Mićevec. In testing eco-driv-
ers. Between 2010 and 2013, ECOWILL intends to ing the driving method of each driver was analyzed, as
conduct Ecodriving training programmes for licensed well as the fuel consumption. The indicated parame-
drivers in 13 European countries including Croatia. In ters were measured in case of every driver three times:
Croatia since 2010 the ECOWILL project has been suc- –– before ECO-drive training (drive 1);
cessfully carried out especially in the education of eco- –– after ECO-drive training (drive 2);
driving for B category of motor vehicles. The project in –– three months after having passed the training
general will develop the standardized applications of (drive 3).
Table 2 – Summary of results obtained by studying the influence of different ECO drive educations on reduction in fuel
One-day training. Theoretical One-day training. Theo- Theoretical explanation
explanation of factors affecting retical explanation of factors of eco-driving 2x2 hours.
Type of training fuel consumption. Practical train- affecting fuel consump- Theoretical explanation of
ing with vehicle in real conditions. tion. Practical training with principles in the vehicle.
vehicle in real conditions.
Data obtained
Simulator Vehicle Simulator
on / from
Drivers with ECO-drive education Drivers who completed Novice drivers with ECO-
Attendees of eco- and with 1-2 years of practical ECO-drive education (tested drive training, n=19
education program, experience in driving, n=20 drivers completed the train-
number of attendees n ing approx. 6 months to 4
years prior to testing), n=75
Group for comparison, Novice drivers without ECO- Random selection of drivers Novice drivers without
number of attendees n drive training, n=22 without ECO training, n=75 ECO-drive course, n=18
Consumption: drivers with Consumption: Drivers Consumption: No signifi-
ECO-drive training: 12% lower with ECO-Drive training: cant difference between
consumption after 8 months, 12% lower consumption novice drivers with and
Mid-/long-term effects
21% lower consumption after 17 compared to drivers with- without ECO-drive training
months in comparison to new out ECO-drive training
drivers without ECO-drive training
Source: Summary of Eco-Drive Training Courses, Quality Alliance Eco-Drive and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE), 2004

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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions


4.1 Test vehicle

For eco-drive test, the testing and measuring of the

defined indicators was performed on the light commer-
cial vehicle MAN 10.180.

4.2 Measurement system

The measurement was carried out by means of

the Key Driving Training System (KDTS) which allows
objective measurements and analysis of the driver’s Figure 2 – Key Driving Training System (real time)
behaviour during the driving and its influence on the
fuel consumption and CO2 emission (Figure 2). KDTS total mass of the vehicle did not change. To ensure ap-
is connected to the vehicle electronics by means of proximately similar traffic conditions for all the tests,
an FMS interface. The following indicators have been the test drives were always made on Thursday morning
measured: fuel consumption, current vehicle speed, at 10:30 after the peak hour. The first test after train-
current gear, current number of RPMs, number of ing was made on 14th of June 2012 and the second
pressing the brake pedal, as well as all the other rel- one on 13th of September 2012.
evant parameters that affect fuel consumption [12].
4.4 Measurement results
4.3 Test route
The measurement results and the analysis of the
Test route was in the urban area (city of Zagreb). results of testing (fuel consumption and other param-
Every time the vehicle travelled the same route in the eters) before training, after training and three months
urban area of 26 km (Figure 3), in order to avoid devia- after training are presented in Tables 3 and 4 [13].
tions in consumptions due to different travelling dis-
tances. Likewise, all the parameters that affect fuel
consumption were approximately the same in case of 4.5 Economic justification of eco-driving
every measurement (load, pressure in pneumatics,
etc.). Past research has shown that in comparison with
All studies were carried out under the same con- other traffic measures, eco-driving brings very fast, ef-
ditions, i.e. during all the three measurements the ficient eco-savings which at the same time results also
drivers used the same vehicle, with approximately the in the saving of costs for the society as a whole. Ac-
same quantity of fuel in the tank, travelled the same cording to the measurement results in this research,
distance, and transported the same load mass, i.e. the after education and the first eco-drive training the fuel

Figure 3 – Testing route

Promet – Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 25, 2013, No. 3, 265-272 269

D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

Table 3 – Measuring of drivers A before training, after training, and three months after training
Difference Difference
Parameter Unit DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 [%] [%]
V2-V1 V3-V2
Total time mm:ss 0:41:23 0:42:11 0:43:10 0:00:48 1.93 0:00:59 2.33
Total distance [km] 25.71 25.77 25.68 0.06 0.23 -0.09 -0.35
Average speed [km/h] 37.27 36.66 35.70 -0.61 -1.64 -0.96 -2.62
Fuel consumption - stationary [l] 0.09 0.07 0.11 -0.02 -22.22 0.04 57.14
Fuel consumption - on the move [l] 5.29 3.58 3.48 -1.71 -32.33 -0.10 -2.79
Total fuel consumed [l] 5.37 3.65 3.60 -1.72 -32.03 -0.05 -1.37
Average fuel consumption [l/100km] 20.90 14.20 14.00 -6.70 -32.06 -0.20 -1.41
Average CO2 emission [kg/100km] 55.60 37.70 37.30 -17.90 -32.19 -0.40 -1.06

Table 4 – Analysis of measurement results of the tested driver before training, after training, and three months after
Difference Difference
Parameter Unit DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 [%] [%]
V2-V1 V3-V2
Average position of gas pedal [%] 36 28 28 -8 -22.22 0 0.00
Maximum position of gas pedal [%] 89 90 91 1 1.12 1 1.11
Moving time – driv-
[mm:ss] 6:20 11:10 10:18 4:50 76.32 -0:52 -7.76
ing without throttle
Time – usage of brakes [mm:ss] 7:01 3:59 2:58 -3:02 -43.23 -1:01 -25.52
Total distance – driv-
[km] 4.06 7.32 6.62 3.26 80.30 -0.7 -9.56
ing without throttle
Total distance – usage of brakes [km] 2.81 1.22 1.25 -1.59 -56.58 0.03 2.46
Number of braking #  69 45 46 -24 -34.78 1 2.22
Number of stopping #  9 8 8 -1 -11.11 0 0.00
Time of idling [mm:ss] 3:44 3:20 4:57 0:24 10.71 1:37 48.50
Number of shifting gears  # 238 274 261 36 15.13 -13 -4.74

consumption as well as CO2 emissions were reduced 5. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS

by about 32%.
In accordance with the obtained measurement re- Within this study, several results have been
sults a simulation of savings has been carried out for achieved. After ECO-drive training a reduction in the to-
one vehicle and for a fleet of 1,500 vehicles which ac- tal fuel consumption was achieved, and the elements
count for about 10% of the licensed commercial road affecting reduction include:
vehicles in the Republic of Croatia [14]. Research has –– driving at lower RPMs,
shown that drivers can adjust their driving behaviours –– less frequent usage of brakes (engine braking),
accordingly to save fuel and reduce CO2. Therefore, –– longer travelled distance without using the accel-
the parameters which are significant to calculate the erator,
savings in reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emis- –– use of cruise control,
sions are selected (Table 5). The simulation of savings
–– shifting to higher gear as soon as possible.
is shown in Table 6.
The comparison of the obtained results of the car-
Table 5 – Input parameters to simulate savings ried out study of driving before training, driving after
Input parameter Value training and driving three months after the training
show significant improvements. Thus, for instance,
Total number of vehicles in the fleet 1,500
the use of brakes was reduced, so that the number
Fuel consumption per 100km 20 [l]
of braking in driving was reduced after the training by
Number of travelled km per year 100,000 [km] about 41%, and the result of a lower number of brak-
Price of one litre of fuel 1.40 [euro] ing is the reduction of the number of travelled kilome-
Average cost of damages / vehicle / year 750 [euro] tres during braking by about 62%. After the performed
Savings in cost of damage after training 14 [%] training and application of the acquired knowledge,
the tests have shown that the tested driver, during the

270 Promet – Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 25, 2013, No. 3, 265-272

D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

Table 6 – Results of saving calculations (financial effects of eco-training)

1 vehicle Fleet
Parameter Cumulative Cumulative
1 year 1 year
5 years 5 years
Energy costs/year [€] 28,000 2,800,000 42,000,000 210,000,000
Savings in fuel consumption/vehicle/year [€] 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400
Savings in fuel consumption/year (fleet) [€] 1,400 7,000 2,100,000 10,500,000
CO2 savings for fleet [kg] 3,612 18,060 5,418,000 27,090,000
Annual cost of damages [€] 750 3,750 1,125,000 5,625,000
Savings in cost of damages/vehicle [€] 105 105 105 105
Annual savings in cost of damages (fleet) [€] 105 525 157,500 787,500
Savings after training/vehicle/year [€] 1,505 1,505 1,505 1,505
Annual savings after training (fleet) [€] 1,505 7,525 2,257,500 11,287,500

total testing time of about 42 minutes, time of driv- ers and the application of the learned can significantly
ing without the use of accelerator before the training affect fuel consumption, i.e. environmental pollution.
amounted to 6:20 min., and after training to 11:10 These have shown that there is significant difference
minutes and the travelled distance without the use in the results achieved in case of beginner drivers and
of accelerator increased from 4.06km to 7.32km i.e. drivers with a certain driving experience, as well as in
by 80%. The number of gear shifting to higher gears case of drivers educated as part of the driving school
during driving after training increased by about 19% curriculum and the drivers educated for this at a quali-
in comparison with the number of gear shifting before fied educational centres. The obtained results show
the carried out training. The average fuel consumption that ECO-driving in relation to other traffic measures
of the tested driver on the given route before training does not only represent efficient driving from the as-
amounted to 20.9 l/100km, and after training 14.2 pect of economical efficiency but rather allows large
l/100km which means that the average fuel consump- savings for the society as a whole, which emerges from
tion on the same route under approximately the same the results of numerous analyzed studies, as well as
conditions was reduced by 32.27%. Consequently, the the simulation shown in the paper.
average CO2 emission in tested drivers was reduced by Regarding the analysis of different eco-drive proj-
about 32% in relation to the emission before the train- ects in the world, as well as the experiences of eco-
ing. The measuring of fuel consumption three months driving of the carried out analysis in the Republic of
after, in case of the tested drivers proved that there are Croatia, it may be concluded that investment into eco-
no major deviations in fuel consumption in compari- driving, efficient method of reducing environmental
son to the measurement immediately after the train- pollution, is justified. Therefore, the next phase should
ing. It should be mentioned that the average speed include the defining of a long-term model of systemic
of vehicles during the testing before the training and education of drivers about eco-driving at specialized
testing after the training remained almost unchanged educational centres and the obligation of eco-drive
(about 1% difference). In comparison with results of training especially for young drivers.
savings in fuel consumption obtained in the analyzed Dr. sc. DANIJELA BARIĆ
eco-driving studies (Table 1) it can be conclude that E-mail:
these approach is justified and successful. All the ana- Dr. sc. GORAN ZOVAK
lyzed parameters undoubtedly indicate the earlier set E-mail:
postulates of eco-driving, i.e. defined elements. MARKO PERIŠA, doktorand
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet prometnih znanosti
6. CONCLUSION Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska

The mere replacement of the fleet by vehicles of SAŽETAK

more advanced technology does not bring optimal im-
provement regarding pollution reduction. Therefore, UČINCI EDUKACIJE O EKO-VOŽNJI NA SMANJENJE
investing solely in advanced technology has no sig- POTROŠNJE GORIVA I EMISIJE CO2
nificant effect if this process does not include also the Održiva mobilnost temeljni je i dugoročni cilj prometne
drivers’ education. The carried out analysis of the Eu- politike. Eko-vožnja predstavlja jednu od 40 mjera koje tre-
ropean experiences in the area of different methods of baju do 2050. godine doprinijeti 60% smanjenju emisija iz
education indicate the fact that the education of driv- prometa. U radu je prikazan značaj edukacije vozača o eko

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D. Barić, G. Zovak, M. Periša: Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

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