Propose Disertation Topics
Propose Disertation Topics
Propose Disertation Topics
Resources: 25 Examples
It is very substantial to have a deeper understanding of HR issue, within the extent of the chosen path,
Apart from this, having insight and understanding of the appropriate HR models as well as theories
connected to the objectives of the analysis. It is worthy to note that having the ability to crucially
assess, examine and determine HR theories, incorporate and synthesize an array of data sources and
come up with provable hypotheses OR; proposals or advice linked to issues or case studies in HR
More than all of these, it is also critical to have effective use of your relevant analysis, efficient
written communication skills and of course clear proof of applied independent research.
Here is a list of great written discourses about HR which you can consider when writing:
8. Can unsatisfactory selection procedures be straightened out through effective training and
9. The benefits of human resource
14. What are the challenges encountered by managers when employee motivation levels become a
15. The primary causes of employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction among workers
18. Approaches for carrying out varying theories of human resource management in real-world
organizational environments
19. Probing the linkage between reward and motivation among workers
21. An evaluation of the factors or components which have an impact on workers’ personal decision
to leave employment
22. What are the crucial motivational challenges faced by senior management?
24. Delving into the extent to which employee performance can be managed effectively
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Managers have a great influence on their staff. They can have an influence on the
commitment of employees to achieve the business objectives. Earlier research points
out that HRM investments provide a good job experience and thus commitment of the
employees (Steijn, 2003). Not only HRM managers, but also other managers must
ensure the commitment of the employees.
Avolio et al. (2004) argued that leaders can have a positive influence on organizational
issues. They also argued that this study is not completed yet. “Future research also
needs to collect ratings of leadership, empowerment, and outcomes from multiple
sources over time to adequately test the mediating effects of psychological
empowerment on the relationship between transformational leadership and
organizational commitment.” (Avolio et al., 2004 p. 964)
A lot of research has been done about commitment and leadership, but which way of
leadership is the best way to create commitment among employees? And what are the
effects of these different styles?
This reason makes this field a very interesting field of research. This literature review
focalizes on different leadership styles and their influence on commitment. This will be
examined in this paper, by means of a literature review.
An answer on the problem statement will be given by the following sub questions:
What are the different leadership’s styles and what are the characteristics of these
What is commitment and how can commitment be measured?
How can leaders improve the commitment of their employees?
1.3 Methodology
This literature review will be an exploratory research. This is done on a descriptive basis.
The typical approach for this thesis will be to rely on available literature: existing theses
and studies from well-known scientists. (Sekaran and Bougie, 2009)
For this research it is necessary to investigate the following variables: commitment and
the different leadership styles and his characteristics.
The results of this research will be the basis for further literature research. Further
literature research will consist about the link between the variables commitment and
1.4 Structure
To give an answer to the main question of this thesis, how does leadership influence the
commitment of employees, it is necessary to find an answer on the two sub questions.
To give an answer on the sub questions, it is necessary to investigate the variables
leadership and commitment.
Regarding commitment it is important to know all the factors that may have an
influence on the organizational commitment of employees.
Leadership will be examined using two different styles. Namely transactional and
transformational leadership. Also LMX-leadership will be explained because of the fact
that it is important for the results later on in the paper.
After that it is possible to connect leadership with commitment. This will be the last
chapter of the thesis and will give an answer on the main question.