National School Duterte: Types of Disasters: Definition of
National School Duterte: Types of Disasters: Definition of
National School Duterte: Types of Disasters: Definition of
B. Performance relate various types of hazard with a specific area for one’s preparedness.
C. Learning The learners are able to: 2.Give examples of the types of hazards (DRR11/12-Ie-15)
Competencies/ I. Define hazards (DRR11/12-Ie-14) 3. Explain the impacts of various hazards of different exposed
Objectives elements ( DRR11/12-le16)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Review this activity Review: Review
lesson or presenting 1. Recall a recent or historical
the new lesson. 1. Warm up the learners’
Natural Processes disastrous event. Ask the learners
knowledge on natural
processes by asking them to tell the class what they know
about processes that shape about it.
and change our environment.
B. Establishing a 1. Emphasize how the Philippines is 1. Introduce the basic definition of
purpose for the one of the most hazardous Hazard and Disaster. Cold call
lesson. countries in the world, having more learners to highlight the
than 20 tropical cyclones in a year, differences between the two
earthquakes everyday, and more terms:
than 20 active volcanoes found all
over the country.
C. Presenting Help the students recall the Give emphasis on disasters arising Have them define their own
examples/ instances natural processes. from natural hazards, so it is words what is HAZARD and
of the new lesson. important that the learners what is DISASTER?
understand how natural hazards
are part of the natural cycle.
D. Discussing new Pre- activity Discuss on the specific types of Give a brief explanation on the
concepts and connection of each hazard to the
practicing new skills List down these hazards on the hazards. solid earth, atmospheric, and
#1. board. Explain anything that some hydrologic processes, and man-
learners might not recall. made sources.
G. Finding practical Activity 2: Identifying Impacts of The learners think independently and Cite map of locations and suggested
applications of Hazards their quick analysis on theimpacts of scenarios.
concepts and skills Role Play certain hazards according to specific
in daily living. locations.
H. Making Ask. Differenciate hazard and Ask. Can hazard lead to disaster? Ask. How to avoid disaster?
generalizations and disaster.
abstractions about
the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning Essay Essay Essay
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Do the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?