Unit 11: Strategic Quality and Systems Management

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Unit 11: Strategic Quality and Systems


Unit code: H/602/2327

Level 7: BTEC Professional
Credit value: 10
Guided learning hours: 30

Unit aim
This unit provides the learner with an understanding of the importance of effective
quality and systems management to enable achievement of organisational
objectives. It also provides the learner with the skills to be able to implement a
strategic quality change in an organisation.

Unit introduction
This unit gives learners the appropriate knowledge and understanding to enable
them to make an effective contribution to the implementation of policies in order to
achieve a strategic quality change which will improve customer focus and develop
continuous improvement. Contributions will be developed in respect of the
operational, functional and strategic management of quality. Learners will gain an
understanding of the principles, concepts, processes and procedures associated with
quality management.
This unit will help learners to make a significant contribution to implementing
strategies for achieving excellence. They will gain knowledge and understanding of
a broad range of modern theory and techniques covering the operational, functional
and strategic management of quality. Critical thinking and self-directed study are
important aspects of working at this level.
Learners will look at the philosophies and practices that provide the theoretical
knowledge for planning and implementing a quality programme and then consider
the methods available to introduce a strategic quality change programme

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment
needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The
assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner should:

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

1 Understand the role of operations 1.1 explain the importance of

management in an organisation effective operations management
in achieving organisational
1.2 evaluate the success of existing
operations management
processes in meeting an
organisation’s overall strategic
management objectives
2 Understand the importance of 2.1 explain the importance of
managing quality in an organisation effective quality management in
achieving organisational
2.2 evaluate the success of existing
quality management processes in
meeting an organisation’s overall
strategic management objectives
3 Be able to plan a strategic quality 3.1 plan a strategic quality change to
change in an organisation improve organisational
3.2 define resources, tools and
systems to support business
processes in a strategic quality
3.3 evaluate the wider implications of
planned strategic quality change
in an organisation
3.4 design systems to monitor the
implementation of a strategic
quality change in an organisation
4 Be able to implement a strategic 4.1 implement a strategic quality
quality change in an organisation change in an organisation
4.2 embed a quality culture in an
organisation to ensure continuous
monitoring and development
4.3 monitor the implementation of a
strategic quality change in an

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

5 Be able to evaluate the outcomes of 5.1 evaluate the outcomes of a

a strategic quality change in an strategic quality change in an
organisation organisation
5.2 recommend areas for
improvement to a strategic
quality change that align with
organisational objectives

Unit content

1 Understand the role of operations management in an organisation

Operations management: design, management, and improvement of the

systems that create an organisation's goods or services; production of goods
and services; resource procurement, conversion into outputs, distribution to
Strategic objectives: the importance of effective operations management; role
of operations; operations strategy; quality; timing; reliability; flexibility; cost;
strategic decisions
Performance management: benchmarking; targets; performance indicators; use
of environmental research; the balanced scorecard; profit; growth;
competitiveness; value for money

2 Understand the importance of managing quality in an organisation

Quality: definitions; quality gurus; evolution of quality; product quality and

service quality, 5 gaps model; benchmarking; best practice; self-assessment;
vision; continuous improvement
Quality models: development eg Japanese, USA, European, Deming, Baldridge,
European Foundation of Quality Management, Six Sigma; current focus, future
Monitoring organisational performance: principles of models underpin
organisational performance; types of performance measures and how to
determine and set them; cost-benefit analysis; risk analysis; the value of a
customer-focused culture; the importance of prevention rather than correction;
importance of developing a continual improvement culture and how to involve
others; planning, proposing, implementing and evaluating change; identifying
wider implications of change within an organisation; Business Process
Re-engineering (BPR)

3 Be able to plan a strategic quality change in an organisation

Planning for a strategic quality change: gap analysis; degree of change; change
strategies – creating a climate of change, workforce participation,
communication, stakeholder participation, action planning, timescale, agreeing
roles, ensuring resources, final feasibility review; purpose; aims/objectives;
resources; targets
Designing systems: process, objectives, systems and operations; layout and
flow of processes; the impact of technology on operations and systems; Total
Quality Management (TQM) philosophy, principles, methods and techniques

Resources, tools and monitoring systems: facilities; workforce; machinery;

transportation; technology; quality systems; quality circles; ISO 9000/
EN 29000; TQM; managing and monitoring quality
Wider implications: improved business performance, corporate image,
reputation, standing; competitor response; impact on other functions and

4 Be able to implement a strategic quality change in an organisation

Implementation of strategic quality change: timing; resource planning; staff

training; communication; action planning; monitoring and evaluation criteria
Quality culture: self-managed teams and quality circles; matrix structures;
senior management commitment; workforce commitment; workforce
empowerment; partnerships with suppliers; external auditing; customer service
policies; Kaizen, continuous improvement

5 Be able to evaluate the outcomes of a strategic quality change in an


Evaluation of strategic quality change: monitoring and evaluation techniques;

action learning; change agents; catalysts; empowerment; performance
measuring; developing communication channels; task and role realignment;
piloting; ice-breaking; business performance indicators; customer feedback;
effect on sales and profit

Essential guidance for tutors

For learning outcome 1, learners could explore the role of operations management
in an organisation. Tutors could encourage learners to use their experiences from
their own organisations to stimulate debate and discussion. Learners need to
understand how operations management impacts on the achievement of
organisational objectives and, through individual and group work, they could reflect
and evaluate whether their own and other organisations’ operations management
has been successful or not. When delivering this learning outcome, use of case
studies demonstrating the importance of operations management can enhance the
learning experience.
For learning outcome 2, learners need to understand the importance of managing
quality in an organisation. Learners could assess quality management in their own
organisations and appropriate guest speakers can give learners useful information
on how other organisations manage quality.
For learning outcome 3, learners will need to understand the importance of planning
a strategic quality change and that the change-planning process is key to achieving
success. Learners need to be made aware of the importance of communicating
clearly with those who will be affected by change, including encouraging employee
participation in the process of change. Learners may be able to draw on their
experiences of this process in their own organisations, which could provide useful
topics for debate and discussion. Case studies and visiting speakers can be used to
help learners understand the importance of systems in the quality change process,
and group discussions on the wider implications of planned strategic quality change
can also be beneficial.
For learning outcome 4, learners need to understand the implementation process
for a planned strategic quality change. They could consider how to embed a quality,
continuous improvement culture into an organisation. Case studies can be used to
demonstrate the importance of culture in developing Total Quality Management
(TQM) in an organisation. Learners could also examine how a strategic quality
change can be monitored during its implementation.
For learning outcome 5, learners need to understand how to evaluate the outcomes
of a strategic quality change. Tutors could encourage learners to use their
experiences and knowledge gained in their own organisations where strategic
quality changes may have been introduced. They also need to know about the
various evaluation methods and how they can be put in place to measure success.

Outline guidance
learning plan for tutors
The outline learning plan has been included in this unit as guidance and can be
used in conjunction with the programme of suggested assignments.
The outline learning plan demonstrates one way in planning the delivery and
assessment of this unit.

Topic and suggested assignments/activities and/assessment

Introduction to unit and the programme of assignments

Tutor-led discussion on the role of operations management – group work and
Tutor-led discussion on the importance of managing quality in an organisation –
group work and exercises
Guest speaker – Total Quality Management
Group discussion
Tutor-led discussion on managing performance in an organisation – group work
and exercises
Visit to a local organisation who is about to introduce Six Sigma – talk given by
senior personnel on planning its implementation
Tutor-led discussion on systems to support business processes – group work and
Group work – case study exercises covering the wider implications of a strategic
quality change
Tutor-led discussion on the implementation of a planned quality change using
case studies on organisations that have successfully implemented quality change
Guest speaker – evaluation methods for quality change programmes
Group discussion
Assignment: Implementing Strategic Quality Change in an Organisation
(covering all assessment criteria)
Review of unit and assignment guidance

Learners need to research information on quality management in an organisation
and produce a report discussing their findings and making recommendations for
strategic quality changes.
For AC 1.1 and 1.2, learners need to explain the importance of effective operations
management in achieving organisational objectives clearly, indicating how this
takes effect in their own organisations or the organisation they have chosen to base
their assessment evidence on. They then need to evaluate the success of operations
management in meeting their chosen organisation’s strategic management
For AC 2.1 and 2.2, learners need to explain the importance of effective quality
management in achieving their chosen organisation’s objectives. Following this
explanation, they need to evaluate the success of existing quality management
processes in meeting their chosen organisation’s strategic management objectives.
For AC 3.1 and 3.2, learners need to plan a strategic quality change that aims to
improve organisational performance in their chosen organisation. The plan needs to
be action orientated, detailed, and include SMART targets. It should clearly define
the resources, tools and systems that will support the business processes involved in
the quality change process.
For AC3.3, learners need to evaluate the wider implications of their planned
strategic quality change. They could assess how the organisation will be perceived
from outside, as well as discussing the knock-on effects of the change to systems,
people and functions, and their performance within the organisation.
For AC3.4, learners need to design systems that will monitor the implementation of
their planned strategic quality change. These could be associated with the layout
and flow of processes, or other aspects of monitoring using IT systems.
For AC 4.1 and 4.3, learners need to implement and monitor their planned strategic
quality change.
For AC4.2, learners need to provide evidence to demonstrate how they embedded a
quality culture into their chosen organisation. For example, they could describe the
senior management commitment to the culture change and perhaps how self-
managing teams have been introduced.
For AC 5.1 and 5.2, learners need to evaluate the outcomes of the implementation
of their strategic quality change and make recommendations on how further
improvements can be made. The improvements recommended need to clearly align
with organisational objectives.

Programme of suggested assignments

The table below shows a programme of suggested assignments that cover the
criteria in the assessment grid. This is for guidance only and it is recommended that
centres either write their own assignments or adapt Pearson assignments to meet
local needs and resources.

Assessment criteria Assignment title Scenario Assessment method


All assessment Implementing The learner is Report

criteria Strategic Quality acting as an
Change in an internal quality
Organisation consultant for an
organisation of
their choice. They
are required to
look at the existing
within the
organisation, and
implement a
strategic quality
change, ensuring
the necessary
evaluation systems
are in place and
evaluating the
outcomes of the

Essential resources
There are no essential resources required for this unit.

Indicative resource materials

Bank J – The Essence of Total Quality Management, 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall,
1999) ISBN 0135731143
Beckford J – Quality: A Critical Introduction, 3rd Edition (Routledge, 2009)
ISBN 041599635X
Bicheno J – The Quality 75: Towards Six Sigma Performance in Service and
Manufacturing (PICSIE Books, 2002) ISBN 0954124405
Brue G – Six Sigma for Managers: 24 Lessons to Understand and Apply Six Sigma
Principles in any Organization (McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005) ISBN 0071455485

Burnes B – Managing Change, 5th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall,

2009) ISBN 0273711741
Johnston R, Chambers S, Slack N, Harrison A and Harland C – Cases in Operations
Management, 3rd Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN 0273655310
Naylor J – Introduction to Operations Management, 2nd Edition (Financial
Times/Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN 0273655787
Oakland J S – TQM: Text with Cases, 3rd Edition (Butterworth-Heinemann,
2003) ISBN 0750657405
Pike J and Barnes R – TQM in Action, 2nd Edition (Springer,
1995) ISBN 0412715309
Slack N, Chambers S and Johnston R – Operations Management, 4th Edition
(Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN 0273679066
Covey S M R – The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
(Simon & Schuster Ltd, 2006) ISBN 0743295609


Many professional institutes and academic institutions publish journals

relevant to this unit. Examples are:
Production, Planning and Control (Taylor and Francis)
The TQM Magazine (Emerald)
A good daily broadsheet, eg The Times, The Guardian or The Financial Times

www.businesscases.org/newInterface Business case studies
www.efqm.org EFQM – helping European organisations
learn from each other and improve
www.hbsworkingknowledge.hbs.edu Harvard Business School Working
Knowledge – management practice
www.hse.gov.uk Health and Safety Executive
www.hsl.gov.uk Health and Safety Laboratory
www.iso9000.org International Quality Systems Directory
www.managerwise.com Business management information and
www.praxiom.com ISO quality standards translated into
understandable language
www.quality.co.uk Quality Network – a guide to subject of
quality management

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