Effectiveness of The Operation.: Audits
Effectiveness of The Operation.: Audits
Effectiveness of The Operation.: Audits
Operations auditing is most likely
conducted by the Internal
Operational audits:
Auditors of an organization and
appropriateness of organizational
this is also part of the
performance audit which is
poor structure does not
conducted by the government
flow accurately and have
auditors in their respective
an impact in achieving the
goals and objectives of the
Commission on Audit (COA) -
purpose of operational auditing is
performance audit whether it is a
to improve the profitability of
process, projects, programs and
the organization and the
attainment of organizational
Operational Auditing is a future-
The organizational objectives of
oriented, systematic, and
the organization can be achieved
independent evaluation of
by defining the goals of the
organizational activities
management, setting
organizational objective is
appropriate strategies, and
the primary source of
having enough and competent
evidence rather than the
staff in the organization.
financial data
assessment of procedures
Internal auditing (IIA) is defined
and methodologies in
as an independent, objective
conformity with the
assurance and consulting activity
department’s instructions,
designed to add value and
regulations or documents
improve an organization's
and performed by the
operations. It helps an
specialized auditors
organization accomplish its
review of key processes,
objectives by bringing a
procedures, system, as
systematic, disciplined approach
well as internal control and
to evaluate and improve the
the main objective is to
effectiveness of risk
improve productivity, as
well as efficiency and
management, control, and to attain the business goals
governance processes and objectives.
KEY WORDS AND TERMS Designed to add value –by
Independence – recommending changes in
Independence is the various process that may
freedom from conditions hamper the operations as
that threaten the ability of well as achieving the goals
the internal audit activity and objectives of the
to carry out internal audit organizations
responsibilities in an Improve an organization’s
unbiased manner. operations – Internal
Objectivity - Objectivity is Auditing is focused more
an unbiased mental on improving operations to
attitude that allows enhance efficiency,
internal auditors to effectiveness and
perform engagements in economy.
such a manner that they
believe in their work future threats and vulnerabilities
product and that no Operational - maintaining
quality compromises are operational capacity, cycle
made time, human resources
Assurance – it refers to the management, such as
ability of the internal employee motivation and
auditor’s to give knowledge transfer as well
confidence and have an as system development,
impact regarding the and implementation
condition of matters within Technological- such as
the organization and it hacking, obsolescence,
referred to “compliance” systems development and
which is the traditional business continuity due to
focus of internal auditors. personnel turnover.
Consulting - means giving Strategic – refers to
advice to management and mergers and acquisitions,
conducting an activity that customer loyalty,
helps organizations in customer and vendor
resolving business issues relations and outsourcing
of some services. ”changed
the fundamentals” that THE SKILLS REQUIRED FOR
drive overall social and/or EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL AUDITS
operating objectives,
strategies and, in the
a. Communication skills
extreme, result in failure of
the operations. b. Problem identification skills
Environmental –
c. Accounting framework, tools and
compliance with
environmental laws and
regulations prescribed by d. Industry, regulatory and standards
the authorities. changes
e. IT/CT Framework, tools and
Benefits of the Organizational techniques
The Individual can f. Organizational Skills
continuously improve their g. Ability to promote value of internal
ability to apply knowledge audit
and skills to deliver the
intended results. h. Conflict resolution/negotiation skills
The End User or Consumer i. Cultural fluency and foreign language
receives a more cost skills
efficient and high-quality
products or services j. Staff training and development
The World benefits from a k. Change management skills
better, more sustainable
three common core
FIVE PRIMARY GOALS OR MAIN competencies identified in the
ADVANTAGES report are communication skills,
Influence Positive Change problem identification and solving
Review Internal Controls skills,
Understand Risks keeping up to date with industry
Identify Improvement and regulatory changes and
Opportunities professional standards results
Inform Senior highlight the importance of
Management individual and team
competencies and the role they
play in team effectiveness