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Quinao V People Case Digest

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Quinao v People

(GR No. 139603)


Emergency Recit: Accused conspired, confederated and helped one another, with intent to gain, with the
use of force and intimidation, did, then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously usurped and occupied a
real property owned by FRANCISCO F. DEL MONTE, and gathered 12,000 coconuts and converted it into
copra and sold the same, to the damage and prejudice to Del Monte. RTC & CA convicted the accused of
usurpation or real rights on property. SC affirmed.

Doctrine: The requisites of usurpation are that the accused took possession of another’s real property or
usurped real rights in another’s property; that the possession or usurpation was committed with violence or
intimidation and that the accused had animo lucrandi. In order to sustain a conviction for “usurpacion de
derecho reales”the proof must show that the real property occupied or usurped belongs, not to the occupant
or usurper, but to some third person, and that the possession of the usurper was obtained by means of
intimidation or violence done to the person ousted of possession of the property.

 The Accused and private complainant are claiming ownership over the land in question. Private
complainant Francisco Delmonte submitted and offered in evidence a Tax Declaration (TD) in the
name of Petre Delmonte, the predecessor-in-interest of complainant. This TD shows that the land
is the same land litigated and awarded to the complainant in a former civil case.
 The accused presented another TD in the name of Lorenzo Cases Leoniso. He alleged that the
land being claimed by the complainant in the present criminal case is different from the land
litigated in Civil Case and that the land subject of civil case which came from Angel Pelison is now
in the possession of the complainant.
 Complainant Bienvenido, co-owner of Francisco, declared that on 9am of February 2, 1993 while
he was busy working in the agricultural land, accused Salvador Cases and Conchita Quinao and
with their other relatives appeared and with the use of force, violence and intimidation, usurped and
took possession of their landholding.
 Accused claimed that the land is their inheritance and immediately gathered coconuts and made
them into copra. Complainant was forcibly driven out by the accused from their landholding and
was threatened that if he will try to return to the land in question, something will happen to him.
Complainant was thus forced to seek assistance from the Lapinig Philippine National Police.
 RTC: Accused guilty of the crime of Usurpation of Real Rights in Property.
 CA: Affirmed RTC.

Issue: Whether or not the alleged force and intimidation which took place subsequent to the alleged entry
into the property will suffice to convict the accused-petitioner of the crime of usurpation of real property

Held: YES.
 SC affirmed RTC and CA decision. The evidence on record sufficiently refuted petitioners claim of
 The requisites of usurpation are that the accused took possession of anothers real property or
usurped real rights in anothers property; that the possession or usurpation was committed with
violence or intimidation and that the accused had animo lucrandi. In order to sustain a conviction
for "usurpacion de derecho reales," the proof must show that the real property occupied or usurped
belongs, not to the occupant or usurper, but to some third person, and that the possession of the
usurper was obtained by means of intimidation or violence done to the person ousted of
possession of the property.
 To simplify, the elements of usurpation are (1) occupation of anothers real property or usurpation of
a real right belonging to another person; (2) violence or intimidation should be employed in
possessing the real property or in usurping the real right, and (3) the accused should be animated
by the intent to gain.
 1st requisite was present because the accused has no right over the property because it was
already decided in the civil case. The 2 nd and 3rd requisites were also present as provided by the

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