Module 33 Taxes: I Dividual: I F e R C A
Module 33 Taxes: I Dividual: I F e R C A
Module 33 Taxes: I Dividual: I F e R C A
payers below a certain income level from the limitations the quarter in which placed in service. Since the furniture
imposed by the passive activity rules. and fixtures were placed in service in November, the amount
of allowable MACRS depreciation is limited to $56,000 x
77. (d) The requirement is to determine the correct 217 x 118 = $2,000.
statement regarding an individual taxpayer's passive losses
relating to rental real estate activities that cannot be cur- 81. (b) The requirement is to determine Sullivan's
rently deducted. Generally. losses from passive activities MACRS deduction for the apartment building in 2009. The
can only be used to offset income from passive activities. If MACRS deduction for residential real property placed in
there is insufficient passive activity income to absorb pas- service during 2009 must be determined using the mid-
sive activity losses, the unused losses are carried forward month convention (i.e., property is treated as placed in ser-
indefinitely or until the property is disposed of in a taxable vice at the midpoint of the month placed in service) and the
I1lmsaction. Answers (a) and (c) are incorrect because un- straight-line method of depreciation over a 27.5-year recov-
used passive losses are never carried back to prior taxable ery period. Here, the $360,00D cost must first be reduced by
years. Answer (b) is incorrect because there is no maximum the $30,000 allocated to the land, to arrive at a basis for de-
carryforward period. preciation of $330,000. Since the building was placed in
service on June 29, the mid-month convention results in 6.5
I.F. Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization
months of depreciation for 2009. The MACRS deduction
78. (a) The requirement is to determine the maximum for 2009 is [$330,000 x (6.5 months)/(27.5 x 12 months)] =
amount of Sec. 179 expense election that Aviation Corp. $6,500.
will be allowed to deduct for 2009, and the maximum 82. (c) The requirement is to determine the depreciation
amount of expense election that it can carry over to 2010. convention that must be used when a calendar-year tax-
Sec. 179 permits a taxpayer to elect to treat up to $250,000 payer's only acquisition of equipment during the year occurs
(for 2009) of the cost of qualifying depreciable personal during November. Generally, a half-year convention applies
property as an expense rather than as a capital expenditure. to depreciable personal property, and a mid-month conven-
However, the $250,000 maximum is reduced dollar-for- tion applies to depreciable real property. Under the half-
dollar by the cost of qualifying property placed in service year convention, a half-year of depreciation is allowed for
during the taxable year that exceeds $800,000. Here, the the year in which property is placed in service, regardless of
maximum amount that can be expensed is $250,000 - when the property is placed in service during'the year, and a
($820,000 - $800,000) = $230,000 for 2009. However, this half-year of depreciation is allowed for the year in which the
amount is further limited as a deduction for 2009 to A via- property is disposed of. However, a taxpayer must instead
tion's taxable income of $195,000 before the Sec. 179 ex- use a midquarter convention if more than 40% of all depre-
pense deduction. The remainder ($230,000 - $195,000 = ciable personal property acquired during the year is placed
$35,000) that is not currently deductible because of the tax- in service during the last quarter of the taxable year. Under
able income limitation can be carried over and will be de- this convention, property is treated as placed in service (or
ductible subject to the taxable income limitation in 2010. disposed of) in the middle of the quarter in which placed in
79. (c) The requirement is to determine which condi- , service (or disposed of). Since Data Corp. is a calendar-year
tions must be satisfied to enable a taxpayer to expense the taxpayer and its only acquisition of depreciable personal
cost of new or used tangible depreciable personal property property was placed in service during October (i.e., the last
under Sec. 179. Taxpayers may elect to expense up to quarter of its taxable year), it must use the midquarter
$250,000 of the cost of new or used tangibledepreciable convention, and will only be allowed a half-quarter of de-
personal property placed in service during the taxable year. preciation of its office equipment for 2009.
To qualify, the property must be acquired by purchase from 83. (b) The requirement is to determine the correct
an unrelated party for use in the taxpayer's active trade or statement regarding the modified accelerated cost recovery
business. The maximum cost that can be expensed of system (MACRS) of depreciation for property placed in
$250,000 is reduced dollar-for-dollar by the cost of service after 1986. Under MACRS, salvage value is com-
qualifying property that is placed in service during the year pletely ignored for purposes of computing the depreciation
that exceeds $800,000. Additionally, the amount that can be deduction, which results in the recovery of the entire cost of
expensed is further limited to the aggregate taxable income depreciable property. Answer (a) is incorrect because used
derived from the active conduct of.any trade or business of tangible depreciable property is depreciated under MACRS.
the taxpayer. Answer (c) is incorrect because the cost of some depreciable
80. (a) The requirement is to determine the MACRS realty must be depreciated using the straight-line method.
deduction for the furniture and fixtures placed in service Answer (d) is incorrect because the cost of some depreciable
during 2009. The furniture and fixtures qualify as seven- realty is included in the ten-year (e.g., single purpose agri-
year property and under MACRS will be depreciated using cultural and horticultural structures) and twenty-year (e.g.,
the 200% declining balance method. Normally, a half-year farm buildings) classes.
convention applies to the year of acquisition. However, the 84. (a) The requirement is to determine the correct
rnidquarter convention must be used if more than 40% of all statement regarding the half-year convention under the gen-
personal property is placed in service during the last quarter eral MACRS method. Under the half-year convention that
of the taxpayer's taxable year. Since this was Krol's only generally applies to depreciable personal property, one-half
acquisition of personal property and the property was placed of the first year's depreciation is allowed in the year in
in service during the last quarter of Krol' s calendar year, the which the property is placed in service, regardless of when
midquarter convention must be used. Under this convention, the property is placed in service during the year, and a half-
property is treated as placed in service during the middle of year's depreciation is allowed for the year in which the