Taxes: Corporate: Sio ZSC
Taxes: Corporate: Sio ZSC
Taxes: Corporate: Sio ZSC
ized basis, or (3) 100% of the tax shown on the corporation's C.2.a. Corporate Tax Rates
return for the preceding year. However, the preceding
year's tax liability cannot 'be used to determine estimated 20. (b) The requirement is to determine Kisco's income
payments if no tax liability existed in the preceding year or a tax before credits given $70,000 of taxable income before a
short-period tax return was filed for the preceding year. dividends received deduction that included a $10,000 divi-
dend from a 15%-owned taxable domestic corporation.
15. (b) The requirement is to determine which state- Since the $10,000 dividend would be eligible for a 70%
ments are correct in regard to the reopening of a tax year dividends received deduction, Kisco's taxable income would
after the statute of limitations have expired. The statute of be reduced by $7,000, resulting in taxable income of
limitations stipulate a time limit for the government's as- $63,000. The computation of tax would be
sessment of tax or a taxpayer's claim for refund. The nor-
mal period for the statute of limitations is the later of three $50,000 x 15% $ 7,500
years after a return is filed, or three years after the due date $l3,000 x 25% 3250
of the return. A six-year statute of limitations will apply if
the gross income omitted from the return exceeds 25% of the C.2.e. Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
gross income reported on the return. If a taxpayer's return
21. (b) The requirement is to determine the adjustment
was false or fraudulent with the intent to evade tax, or the
for adjusted current earnings (ACE) that will be used in the
taxpayer engaged in a willful attempt to evade tax, there is
computation of Green Corp.'s alternative minimum tax for
no statute of limitations. If a tax return has a 50% non-
2009. The ACE adjustment is equal to 75% of the differ-
fraudulent orriission from gross income, there would be a
ence between ACE and pre-ACE alternative minimum tax-
six-year statute of limitations. However, once the six-year
able income (AMTI). The ACE adjustment can be positive
period expired, the year could not be reopened. In contrast,
or negative, but a negative ACE adjustment is limited in
a closed year can be reopened if a corporation prevails in a
amount to prior years' net positive ACE adjustments. For
determination allowing a deduction in an open year that the
2008, Green had a positive ACE adjustment of ($400,000 -
taxpayer erroneously had taken in a closed tax year. This
$300,000) x 75% = $75,000. For 2009, Green's ACE is less
special rule for the reopening of a tax year is intended to
than its pre-Af.E AMTI leading to a negative ACE adjust-
prevent the double inclusion of an item of income, or the
ment of ($100,000 - $300,000) x 75% = $150,000. How-
double allowance of a deduction or credit that would other-
ever, this negative ACE adjustment is allowed only to the
wise occur.
extent of $75,000, the amount of Green's net positive ad-
16. (a) Even though a corporation's penalty for under- justment for prior years.
paying federal estimated taxes is in the nature of interest, it
22. (a) The requirement is to determine Eastern's al-
is treated as an addition to tax, and as such, the penalty is not
ternative minimum taxable income before the adjusted cur-
rent earnings (ACE) adjustment. The starting point for
17. (c) The requirement is to determine which methods computing a corporation's alternative minimum taxable
of estimated tax payment can be used by Blink Corp. to .income (AMTI) is its regular taxable income, which is then
avoid the penalty for underpayment of federal estimated increased by tax preferences, and increased or decreased by
taxes. Generally, to avoid a penalty for the underpayment of specified adjustments. One tax preference that must be
estimated taxes a corporation's quarterly estimated payments added to a corporation's regular taxable income is the
must be at least equal to the least of (1) 100'% of the tax amount of tax-exempt interest from private activity bonds.
shown on the current year's tax return, (2) 100% of the tax One adjustment that must be made to convert regular taxable
that would be due by placing income for specified monthly income to AMTI is the adjustment for depreciation on per-
periods on an annualized basis, or (3) 100% of the tax shown sonal business property placed in service after 1986. For
on the corporation's return for the preceding year, provided regular tax purposes, Eastern utilized the general MACRS
the preceding year showed a positive tax liability and con- depreciation system and would have used the 200% declin-
sisted of twelve months. In this case, Blink cannot base its ing balance method for computing regular tax depreciation
estimated payments on its preceding year because Blink had on the five-year property placed in service during 2009.
a net operating loss for 2008. However, for AMT purposes, depreciation on five-year
property must be computed using the 150% declining bal-
18. (d) The requirement is to indicate whether corporate ance method. In this case, it means that Eastern's regular
tax credits and the alternative minimum tax must be taken tax depreciation exceeded its allowable AMT depreciation
into account for purposes of computing a corporation's esti- by $1,000, and this amount must be added back to regular
mated income tax payments. A corporation must make es- taxable income to arrive at AMTI. Thus, Eastern's AMTI
timated tax payments unless its tax liability can reasonably (before ACE adjustment) is its regular taxable income of
be expected to be less than $500. A corporation's estimated $300,000, plus its $5,000 of tax-exempt interest from private
. tax is its expected tax liability (including the alternative activity bonds and $1;000 of depreciation adjustment, or
minimum tax) less its allowable tax credits. $306,000.
19. (c) The requirement is to determine the minimum 23. (c) The requirement is to determine the correct
estimated tax payments that must be made by Finbury Cor- statement regarding the amount of excess of a corporation's
poration to avoid the estimated tax underpayment penalty for tentative minimum tax over its regular tax. If a corpora-
2009. Since Finbury is a large corporation (i.e., a corpora- tion's tentative minimum tax exceeds its regular tax, the
tion with taxable income of $1,000,000 or more in any of its excess represents the corporation's alternative minimum tax
three preceding tax years), its estimated tax payments must and is payable in addition to its regular tax.
be at least equal to 100% of its 2009 tax liability.
Tax sio.zsc