Lecture 1 Energy Engineering
Lecture 1 Energy Engineering
Lecture 1 Energy Engineering
However two major energy problems are looming. The first is depletion. About 90% of the
world's energy comes from the fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) which are finite. It seems likely that
oil and gas will be virtually exhausted within one human lifetime from now. Coal could last
much longer, perhaps several hundred years, but that brings us to the second major problem. As
a result of burning carbon based fossil fuels we are forcing global climatic changes at an
unprecedented rate. It is possible that we may have to leave most of the remaining fossil fuels in
the ground.
The only alternatives to fossil fuels appear to be nuclear power and the renewable energy
sources such as solar and wind power. Nuclear already supplies about 10% of world electricity
but seems to have slowed down, with increasing concern about costs and environmental impact,
in particular the question of how to deal with the growing accumulation of nuclear waste
material. Renewable look promising and some are making rapid progress. For example, wind
power is now the fastest growing energy technology in the world, with an annual growth rate of
about 30%. However they still have a long way to go to match the contribution of the fossil fuels.
With the world population still growing and demand for energy still rising we could be facing a
real energy crisis. This is where energy engineering comes in.
Energy Engineering
Some of the most interesting and productive developments in engineering have taken place at the
interfaces between conventional engineering disciplines, for example bio-engineering which
crosses the boundaries between medicine and engineering.
Another good example is Energy Engineering. This is usually taken to mean the application of a
mix of engineering disciplines, such as mechanical and electrical engineering, to solving the
problems of extracting, collecting and utilizing energy resources to satisfy human needs without
destroying the environment.
Energy Engineering is a broad field of engineering that encapsulates energy management, energy
efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental maintenance. Not only must energy engineers
be familiar with renewable energy, they must also know about oil and natural-gas energies.
Energy engineering is an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of our energy technologies.
Energy minimization is the purpose of this growing discipline. Often applied to building design,
heavy consideration is given to HVAC, lighting, refrigeration, to both reduce energy loads and
increase efficiency of current systems. Energy engineering is increasingly seen as a major step
forward in meeting carbon reduction targets. Since buildings and houses consume over 40% of
the United States energy, the services an energy engineer performs are in demand
There are lots of needed programming skills to optimize energy efficiency and system design.
Some examples of tasks an energy engineer would accomplish are: design commercial PV with
AutoCAD, create PV layouts with PVsys, use Excel modeling with VBA capabilities (for project
finance roles), and use Python or Python+R for energy optimization problems. Energy
Engineering is about learning tools such as these and continuously learning about current energy
technologies to improve our application of energy.
There is a huge potential in all of these tools, and current trends are about energy harvesting and
programmable logic controllers to efficiently power all of our devices. Technologies such as
these will help us answer questions such as…
The main application of energy engineering today is to improve buildings and manufacturing
processes which are the greatest users of energy. As we create new systems in our society,
energy engineering will hopefully have greater influence in creation rather than in mitigation.
Another growing area of employment for energy engineering is in the environmental aspects of
energy utilization. The collection and utilization of energy can have a huge environmental impact
and both industrialists and environmental regulators have a growing need for professionals who
understand and can deal with these problems.
An interesting new growth area for Energy and Environmental Engineering is in the emerging
and rapidly expanding renewable energy industries in World. As mentioned before, wind power
is leading the race to expand but some of the others, for example solar electricity from
photovoltaic, are not far behind. We now have engineers working in wind, wave, hydro and solar
energy. The challenges here are enormous but so are the potential rewards that can be gained by
employing sufficient skills and flexibility to cross the disciplinary boundaries of these new
energy technologies.
Energy Management
Energy Management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy
consumption units. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings,
while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is connected closely to
environmental management, production management, logistics and other established business
functions. Some key benefits of good energy management are
The energy management planning starts with a baseline assessment of energy needs: identifying
energy demanding zones, timings and patterns of demand, and what will impact energy usage
(seasonal, time of day). After identifying needs, an energy budget determining production and
distribution requirements must be created for energy usage. Once the requirements are
determined, the resources necessary to fulfill the production and distribution needs must be
identified. It is at this point the opportunities to determine the feasibility of alternative energy
sources and configurations should be analyzed. During this analysis, factors to be considered
should include: capacity, feasibility of using renewable resources, and logistics footprint. The
plan should also include integration of sensors and a routine monitoring process.
• Energy use profile (baseline assessment of energy needs): where, how much, timing
• Responsible personnel
Use natural lighting as Establish micro grids for Plan and establish
much as possible load balance and off peak alternative, renewable
power use (thus energy resources and
Choose energy- minimizing fuel needs) waste-to-energy converters.
efficient appliances
where possible (e.g., Plan and establish Use newest techniques for
fluorescent lights) thermally insulated efficient air-conditioning
buildings only, where (i.e. heat-pumps).
Develop personnel possible, with eco-
awareness about efficient materiel (i.e., Establish a benefit system
energy saving cellulose insulation) for successful
energy/resources saving.
Plan and establish
resource-saving Consider waste-to-energy
installations conversion systems
Another important element of the plan is to raise awareness among all concerned to help shape
their behavior and familiarize them with standard operating procedures to reduce energy
demand. Training for personnel directly involved with operation, maintenance and monitoring of
equipment must be established and must include safety procedures and protocols.
The plan should be implemented and monitored to determine any areas of concern, opportunities
for improvement, or any changes. Documentation must be maintained; this is especially
important because of changeovers in staff.
Responsibility for energy use management and energy best management practices may evolve as
the plan matures from initial to sustained operations.
LED lightening
Micro-grids for integrated power sources
• Energy conservation
Seal leaks
Use natural lighting
Directional siting of structures
• Behavioral change
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is seen two ways. The first view is that more work is done from the same
amount of energy used. The other perception is that the same amount of work is accomplished
with less energy used in the system. Some ways to get more work out of less energy is to
"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" the materials used in daily life. The advancement of technology
has led to other uses of waste such as waste-to-energy facilities which convert solid wastes
through the process of gasification or pyrolysis to liquid fuels to be burned. The Environmental
Protection Agency stated that the advanced countries produced on average 250 million tons of
municipal waste in 2010. Of that 250 million tons roughly 54% gets thrown in land fills, 33% is
recycled, and 13% goes to energy recovery plants. In European countries who pay more for fuel,
have more fully developed waste-to energy facilities.[8] In 2010 Denmark sent 7% of waste to
landfills, 69% was recycled, and 24% was sent to waste-to-energy facilities. There are several
other developed Western European countries that also have taken energy engineering into
consideration.[7] Germany's "Energiewende", a policy which set the goal by 2050 to meet 80% of
electrical needs from renewable energy sources.
• Solar for thermal and electrical use, insulated hot water systems, water-efficient systems
When using LED lighting, it is often recommended to not use occupancy sensors. Occupancy
sensors may draw more power than the LED lights.
Energy efficient light bulbs include halogen incandescent, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs),
and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Such lights typically use about 25%-80% less energy than
traditional bulbs and last 3-25 times longer. LED lighting is preferred over the other types due to
lower energy requirements, smaller size, greater longevity, and fewer disposal concerns.
Heat transfer technologies include using excess heating or cooling for space climate control,
water, etc.