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Defining and developing an energy retrofitting approach

Article  in  Journal of Green Building · June 2014

DOI: 10.3992/1943-4618-9.3.151

10 2,941

2 authors:

Mark Luther Priyadarsini Rajagopalan

Deakin University RMIT University


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Advancing Integral Sustainable Design Theory to Improve Architectural Design Practice View project

Retrofitting of buildings: Implications and Evaluation View project

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Mark B. Luther1 and Priyadarsini Rajagopalan

This paper identifies the dilemma faced by the stakeholders of existing buildings in
regards to a decision making process for energy retrofitting. This paper also identifies
the missing stage viewed as the “integrity audit “which can lead to substantial savings
in the area of building operation. The methodology is centered on identifying energy
waste first, reducing the overall peak electrical demand and then retrofitting for
energy-efficiency. A proposed “integrity audit” leads to the classification of three main
energy culprits: the identification of waste, missed opportunities, and rescheduling the
operation of equipment use. A case study indicating the financial advantages of
applying this methodology for a commercial building are presented. The energy
retrofitting strategy is divided into two main categories, namely building control
improvements and building component implementation. The payback periods are
often within months if not immediate.

energy retrofitting, energy auditing, energy diagnostics, building performance,
sub-metering, payback period

The building sector has exhibited great potential for reducing CO2 emissions (IPCC, 2007). It
has been stated globally, that buildings account for up to 40% of our energy end use (WBCSD,
2009). It is estimated that about 27% of building sector emissions come from offices alone
(AGO, 1999). With the exponentially increasing forecast of CO2 emissions: 2.3 Gt in 2004,
8.6 Gt in 2007, to an estimated 15.6 Gt in 2030 (Levine et al., 2007; Urge-Vorsatz et al.,
2007), it is interesting to consider the methodologies and pathways towards mitigating this
CO2 increase in our buildings.
The McKinsey report (2008) indicates that the building sector could contribute to a
reduction of 49 MtCO2 emissions by 2020 and 60 MtCO2 by 2030. This implies a saving
of $125 and $130 per tonne of CO2 reduction respectively, generating a substantial financial
benefit to the economy over the life-cycle of the abatement. Furthermore, a carbon tax and
energy mandates in Australia have left building owners in immediate need of solutions requir-
ing a pre-retrofitting assessment for decision-making (Luther, 2013).

School of Architecture and Building, 1 Gherignhap Street, Deakin University, Australia, luther@deakin.edu.au,
0437 005 918mb

Volume 9, Number 3 151

The potential for energy savings in the existing building sector is large. In North America,
under the aggressive policies scenario, in 2025, overall existing commercial buildings energy
use would be 21% less than the current business as usual forecast (Waide et al, 2007). In a
report by the Australian Greenhouse Office, it was claimed that over $4.3 billion was spent on
operating commercial and industrial buildings (GBCA, 2002). Since this report, a doubling
in energy costs has occurred, increasing this amount to over $8 billion. No doubt, systematic
energy management techniques are required if we are going to target this problem to achieve
significant results. The pathway to identifying and implementing energy solutions for all build-
ings will help transform the way energy resources are utilized, through a better understanding
of human and environmental systems end use and new technologies (Luther, 2013).

2.1 Benefits and Challenges
There is a large body of research on building retrofits available in the public domain. However,
existing buildings continue to be upgraded at a very low rate. For instance, existing com-
mercial building stock is currently being retrofitted at a rate of approximately 2.2% per year
(Olygyay and Seluto, 2010). A reasonable level of retrofitting would be in the order of 10%
of building stock (Deloitt , 2009). Studies suggest that the reasons for this are risks of failure,
overestimation of energy savings, increased payback period, and interruptions to operations.
Different retrofit measures may have different impacts on associated building sub-systems due
to various interactions; hence, the selection of the retrofit technologies becomes very complex
(Ma et al., 2012). Nevertheless, there are claims of benefits to the economy, where energy
retrofitting is viewed as a huge business boom to job security. In the Melbourne CBD alone
there is an estimate of $1.2 billion dollars of business related to energy retrofitting over a 5–7
year period (Deloitt, 2009). The benefits to infrastructure also need to be realized if energy
retrofitting is to occur on a larger scale. Peak electrical demand has been rising over the past
ten years while actual energy consumption remains relatively steady. Peak demand represents
the maximum load on a section of network or generation plant over a defined time period
e.g. maximum demand may occur between 3pm and 6pm in a specific location. An analysis
of peak electricity demand in a sample of Sydney office buildings (both base and tenant loads)
by Sinclair et al.(2010) found that HVAC accounted for 57% of peak demand, while lighting,
office equipment and lifts contributed 19%, 12% and 8% respectively of peak demand. It is
clear that HVAC energy consumption is the most significant determinant of a building’s peak
load. The overall peak demand load reduction with respect to a building’s energy bill, as well
as its reduction to the infrastructure (supply) load to the region, needs to be considered.

2.2 The Problem—Retrofitting Strategy Culprits

Presently, there are a great number of energy retrofit technologies readily available in the
market. However, the real energy problem is often concealed through sales representation of
products offering a panacea to energy management and reduction, thus misleading property
managers and owners. While it is not disputed that such products are in fact needed and can
be of benefit, they are often installed and provided at the wrong stage in a structured retro-
fitting strategy. Furthermore, as innovative technologies and energy efficiency measures for
buildings are well known, the main issue is to identify those that will prove to be the most

152 Journal of Green Building

effective and reliable in the long term (Asadi et al., 2012). Often, there are too many strategies
available and that can make the decision-making process confusing.
Reviews of actual savings in real buildings show a wide discrepancy in delivered savings,
with many projects delivering savings well under 10% of pre existing energy costs, far short of
predicted savings and barely discernible within the noise of utility bills, while other projects
successfully deliver savings of 40% and more (Shapiro, 2011). Common problems include
neglecting certain improvements which mean weak improvement scope, non life cycle cost,
lack of consideration of the latest retrofit strategies etc.
This paper considers existing strategies for retrofitting commercial buildings and applied
this methodology to the retrofitting of several Australian buildings. However, the approach
may not be limited to Australia only, and it is possible to apply this methodology elsewhere.
The objective is to furnish facility managers with cost effective, staged, and practical retrofit
technologies in order to continuously improve their building stock for long-term performance.

3.1 Tools developed for energy retrofitting
Many researchers have proposed different methodologies for energy assessment. Some of the
studies focus on energy savings whereas others look at overall retrofitting for the whole build-
ing site. Junghans (2013) proposed a Facilities Energy Efficiency (FEE) model for a strategic
approach for energy efficiency for a municipality’s entire building stock. In the “analysis of
building” stage, a wide range of parameters like location, procedures for operation, and usage,
as well as the building conditions and its current technical standard are covered. Rey (2004)
developed a structured multi-criteria assessment methodology for renovating office build-
ings which simultaneously takes into account environmental (energy consumption), socio-
cultural (thermal and visual comfort) and economic (cost) criteria. Xu et al. (2012) analysed
key performance indicators for the sustainability assessment of building energy retrofitting in
hotel buildings in China. The KPIs can help decision-makers to identify an optimal solution
between alternatives, which presents the maximum sustainability performance.
Few studies have proposed methodologies for pre-retrofitting of commercial buildings.
Jones and Bogus (2010) propose a ‘decision process’ for energy-efficient retrofits. Here a quali-
tative analytical approach is considered, patterns and relationships of energy use are iden-
tified. Flourentzou et al. (2002) developed a user friendly building diagnosis and decision
making tool, TOBUS for office buildings. The tool uses a structured diagnosis scheme to deal
with the entire complex process of office building refurbishment or retrofit with respect to
deterioration, functional obsolescence of building services, energy consumption and indoor
environmental quality. Kaklauskas et al. (2005) developed a method of multi-variant design
and multiple criteria of a building refurbishment’s analysis. This methodology enables analysts
to form up to 100,000 alternative versions to determine the strongest and weakest points
of each building’s refurbishment project and its constituent parts. Juan et al. (2010) devel-
oped an integrated decision support system to assess existing office building conditions and to
recommend an optimal set of sustainable renovation actions, considering trade-offs between
renovation cost, improved building quality, and environmental impacts. Most of these tools
focus on one particular item, neglecting others. An auditing survey is rarely mentioned and
as a result, a staged approach, discussing before and after the usage of the application tool

Volume 9, Number 3 153

is missed. In most of the studies, energy performance is calculated from the building input
parameters. However, the problems in equipment operations cannot be identified without
a detailed assessment of how the equipment operates for a representative period of time. In
addition, it is very important to analyse the load profiles and compare them with outside
weather in order to identify the baseline. On the other hand, Doukas et al. (2009) devel-
oped an intelligent decision support model based on the systematic incorporation of Building
Energy Management System (BEMS) data such as loads, demands and user requirements. The
authors mention that the BEMS operational data of a building are in many cases just recorded
without being further processed and analysed in terms of assisting the selection of possible
energy saving measures. The decision support unit which is the core of the model, performs
a sequence of evaluation processes on the proposals via experience data through BEMS and
external parameters. This is a comprehensive tool, but relies on the accuracy of the BEMS
data, hence flaws in the operations cannot be identified without actual monitoring of the
equipment. Moser (2013) states that when some systems fail they can go unnoticed for years
just like a malfunctioned economizer system which is typically an ‘invisible’ issue. It is to be
noted that appropriate design and construction is only part of delivering energy efficient per-
formance. Ongoing maintenance is another, if not more important component.

3.2 Retrofitting Methodologies

The client needs a pathway to energy management, provided by an independent (non-prod-
uct) based team. Furthermore, it has been proven time and again that this is a process, requir-
ing continuous analysis and feedback to management. Energy management is not satisfied by
a one-off fix-it-all approach and requires client participation and commitment.
3.2.1 A Staged Approach to Energy Retrofitting
Several organizations are attempting to provide pathways and a staged approach to energy ret-
rofitting in Australia. Table 1 shows two key approaches. In particular, it is useful to consider
these criteria, their definitions, as well as suggested order. Origin Energy and Low Carbon
Australia have produced the staged approach (Origin Energy, 2011). On a similar scale, the
University of Wollongong (Ma et al., 2012) has put together their strategy towards energy
retrofitting, suggesting five stages (see Figure 1). The intent in both of these staged methods is
similar, however detail is lacking as to how these investigative processes take place.

TABLE 1. Key phases to energy retrofitting.

Origin energy, 2011 Ma et al., 2012
Stage 1 Understand the business case objectives Defining the scope of work, setting targets
and qualify its suitability and a pre-retrofit survey
Stage 2 Perform on-site assessment of selected Energy auditing, selecting performance
buildings or sites indicators, and building performance
assessment & diagnostics
Stage 3 Provide detailed energy-saving reports— Identifying options: saving estimates,
quantifying savings of kWh and CO2 with economic and risk analysis
cost estimates
Stage 4 Implement guaranteed Energy Saving Implementation and commissioning
Measures (within +/– 20% of target)
Stage 5 Deliver a complete Measurement & Validation and verification
Verification Report: verifying savings

154 Journal of Green Building

FIGURE 1. Key Phases in a Sustainable Building Retrofit Programme (source: Ma et. al., 2012).

3.2.2 Energy Management Process & Performance Improvement

Somewhat in contrast to the above methods, the American Society of Heating Refrigeration
and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE, 2011) suggest a feedback loop in their energy
management approach (see Figure 2). The diagram illustrates ASHRAE’s view on energy
management, which is not to be confused with others who are defining a retrofitting process.
What is important to notice between the two (retrofitting and energy management) is that
energy management requires a feedback or cyclical process under continuous review of the
implemented strategy. This concept does not appear to be present in most energy retrofitting
projects where the before and after effects are closely evaluated. More recently, this continu-
ous loop process has been recognized by other organizations endorsing energy retrofitting and

FIGURE 2. Energy Use

and Management
(source: ASHRAE, 2011).

Volume 9, Number 3 155

environmental processes for build- FIGURE 3. Environmental Building Performance
ings, such as by Sustainability Vic- Improvement Process (Davis Langdon for Sustainability
toria, Australia as shown in Figure 3. Victoria, 2013).
Again, an overview process is indi-
cated with minimal detail on what
occurs within each stage.
There is some common ground
among the previous retrofitting and
energy management methodologies.
In summary, most seem to advocate
the following:
• An initial commitment
to the scope of work and
understanding of the
business case.
• Understanding the baseline
through initial analysis and
through an auditing process,
resulting in benchmarking
the performance against
similar projects.
• Developing an action plan
with strategies, realizing energy retrofitting potential savings, prioritizing strategies
and risk recognition.
• Implementation of a strategy followed by monitoring and validation.
• Setting new goals: results of a feedback loop.


A pre-retrofitting methodology is proposed in this paper into four sections (Figure 4) and
involves a “building integrity audit” which is elaborated on in the following sections:
1. Development of a building performance retrofitting management plan and its
2. A “Building Integrity Audit”: comprising a comprehensive overview of building ser-
vices, energy systems and building fabric, mechanical and occupant schedule, control
and then identifying energy waste.
3. Pre-retrofitting Energy Management: understanding the, scheduling, control, and
energy use through sub-metering:
4. Implementing a staged and ranked approach to retrofitting the building services, sys-
tems and fabric.

4.1 Development of a building performance retrofitting management plan

Jones and Bogus (2010) indicate the importance of a ‘decision process’ for energy-efficient
retrofits. This initial stage engages the client in planning a schedule of ongoing energy man-
agement and retrofitting. The key is to obtain client commitment and consent to a suitable

156 Journal of Green Building

staged process and procedure for the proposed FIGURE 4. A Proposed Methodology to
project. Timelines need to be drafted and Energy Retrofitting.
approved; induction and access to the premises
need to be granted for the next stages. In addi-
tion, an alliance needs to be formed between the
building management and the energy manage-
ment team. Furthermore, the processes, meth-
odologies and business case need to be explained
to all stakeholders. Although this may appear to
be a minor step in the overall process of energy
management and retrofitting, it is probably the
most significant stage. It is essential that the
whole management team is engaged in the deci-
sion-making process to establish a program that
is not a one-off project.

4.2 A Building Integrity Audit

The primary purpose of this audit is to iden-
tify areas of energy waste. This stage is com-
parable to an AS 3598 (2000) Level 2 audit.
Note that this auditing system is identical to the
ASHRAE: Procedures for Commercial Building
Energy Audits (2011). A Level 2 Audit involves
more than a walk-through and review of energy
bills and can be inclusive of some sub-metering
and equipment inspection. We identify this as
the ‘integrity audit’ and indicate that several
measures contribute to this stage resulting in
defining the ‘building control diagnostics’ forth-
coming outcomes (Figure 5). Analysis of the
existing metered data is an integral part of this stage but should occur after an inspection of
the integrity of the services. This is followed by an inspection of the existing building services
in order to assess the need for further investigation of the building integrity: air leakage rates,
duct connection leakage, damper actuators, chiller, pump and fan technology and control
implementation, etc. It formulates an understanding of the building zones, their scheduling
and operational equipment as well as their commissioning requirement.
In support of the analytical outcome of the existing energy-metered data, an energy-
efficiency simulation for the existing building condition can be performed. Energy simulation
results in a ranking of energy-efficient strategies in relation to specific building improvements.
Simulation of energy-efficient strategy ranking has been found to only partially identify par-
ticular building components, since it assumes a flawlessly controlled (no equipment, opera-
tional or scheduling discrepancies) building. An additional energy ranking of the building
on a national level may also be identified through national benchmarking system such as
NABERS (2010) before any retrofitting occurs. A follow-up of these simulations and ratings
may occur systematically at various stages throughout the energy management program.

Volume 9, Number 3 157

FIGURE 5. The Building Integrity Audit Leading Towards Building Control Improvement.

The concept of this ‘integrity audit’, an audit which needs to take place before the imple-
mentation of any retrofit, is apparently not common. This can be considered as an initial step
towards any retrofitting in order to establish the building base case. In conjunction with this
stage, a sub-metering strategy should be developed. Together these investigative processes will
result in revealing three distinctive (often low cost) retrofitting opportunities as listed below:
• Identification of waste: where unnecessary equipment is operating when it is
absolutely not required. (example: HVAC systems running throughout the night, or
pumps circulating water unnecessarily)
• Missed opportunities: realization of energy saving measures that could be
implemented through simple sensor control and operational programming (example:
bathroom lighting and ventilation responding to passive infrared (PIR) sensors, or
the implementation of an economizer cycle)
• Scheduling and Operation: review and check if systems are running when not
necessary (example. the operation of a chiller 2 to 4 hours before an air handling unit
(AHU) is operated; lecture theatres shutting down their HVAC and lighting systems
3–4 hours after their last use).
The recognition and categorization of energy losses as identified above can help in decision-
making in the pre-retrofitting stage of projects.

4.3 Pre-retrofitting Energy Management

This next stage investigates building energy use and control, based on sub-metering of specific
equipment and areas. It is comparative with a Level 3 AS 3598: 2000 Energy Audit, CIBSE
TM-22 and ASHRAE Energy Audits.
Here, a process of specific equipment sub-metering selection is identified. It is unjus-
tifiable, from an economic standpoint, to measure every component. The metering results
are partitioned into building operational schedules. Peak loads (kW) and energy waste are
also identified. Statistical and analytical algorithms are often tailored and applied to this data
to explain anomalies in energy use. Discrepancies in operation, perhaps leading to equip-
ment failures, scheduling, and lack of control are targeted. Once again, the primary aim is to
identify and remedy operational energy waste before the building capital retrofitting process

158 Journal of Green Building

begins. The rationale for installing energy meters is twofold: to control energy consumption/
costs and to improve equipment energy use and reliability. Intelligent metering systems enable
building owners to take advantage of demand management opportunities and to calculate
needs based on historical record (Plourdi, 2012).

4.4 Implementing a staged and ranked approach to retrofitting

The integrity audit usually requires minimal capital. If there was, it is generally not noticed by
the occupants and occurs in a plant room or building management system. The implementa-
tion of a systematic approach to fixing, tuning, replacing and/or improving the services and/
or building components requires the undertaking of a cost benefit analysis including payback
periods as discussed in the next section.

4.5 Strategies and payback period

Figure 6 illustrates evidence of prioritizing specific items in retrofitting for a commercial
building selected as a case study. Other projects would take on a similar format. This chart
was constructed based on a year of metered data of two main electrical outputs: HVAC with
Lifts and Lighting with Power Points. The hourly kilowatt usage over a 24 hour period was
studied as well as shutdown periods of the building. These studies together with on-site inves-
tigation determined several of the results shown as ‘building control diagnostics’ (left side) of
Figure 6. Studies indicated that auxiliary and mechanical equipment were running 24 hours
a day. Alongside these findings, a building energy simulation, utilizing the ENERGY-10 soft-
ware (Balcolm, 1998) provided a ranking of energy-efficient building improvement strate-
gies. These results comprise the ‘building improvements’ on the right hand side of the chart.
The left hand side of the chart indicates savings from building control diagnostics that were

FIGURE 6. A Series of Energy-Efficient Strategies and their Payback Periods.

Volume 9, Number 3 159

not identifiable through the software program but through analytical inspection of metering
results. This includes power factor corrections, BMS and chiller control as well as an energy
sub-metering study. The right hand side shows savings from retrofitting strategies such as
building weatherization (air leakage), HVAC optimisation, lighting and glazing retrofitting.
Together, both provide realistic parameters of energy savings vs. simple payback to be consid-
ered in a retrofitting decision-making process.
It should be noticed that the first four items, namely power factor, BMS, chiller control
and sub-metering, belong to a category of ‘building control diagnostics’ which is not con-
ventionally embedded into energy simulation software. The remaining four strategies, to the
right, are in fact outcomes of energy simulation. HVAC control generally implies a range of
factors such as scheduled use, high C.O.P. equipment, efficient variable speed drive (VSD)
fans, and the implementation of economy cycles.
The payback period remains the single most significant factor among any retrofitting
approval or implemented strategy (Ma et al., 2012). It should be noted that Figure 6 repre-
sents a combination of two separate investigations one ‘building control diagnostics’ the other
‘building improvements’. A simple payback period was applied to both. The adaptation of this
simple payback methodology to eight different retrofitting categories is perhaps the limitation
of this case study. A payback that is solely based on energy savings alone is misleading and is
often not completely correct. For instance, the glazing strategy indicates a 30 year payback,
which has several flaws regarding its payback evaluation. It does not take into account other
benefits such as comfort, spatial (floor area) gains, and operational time reduction in achiev-
ing HVAC set-point temperatures as well as infiltration reduction, all of which affect the pro-
ductivity levels of the users and improved performance of the space. Furthermore, a glazing
retrofit is a noticeable capital improvement on the property and undoubtedly will increase the
energy performance rating of the building as well as the asset itself. If the building undertakes
an energy benchmarking improvement and achieves a higher rating, it may very well display a
shorter payback period (value-adding) than indicated by a simple payback method.
Note that the ‘building control diagnostics’ section in Figure 6 are entities almost solely
related to direct energy payback. They are not items that the users of the building come in
contact with or can experience directly, such as a new lighting system. Yet, these are the cat-
egories which are often overlooked by enthusiastic energy auditors who suggest product retro-
fitting solutions first (Shapiro, 2009). In fact, it is the reporting of the service system, or lack
of it, which often highly influences peak demand occurrences.
Therefore, with respect to responding to the building operation, improved mechanisms
of measurement and reporting are needed. It is essential that the salient energy consuming
devices be individually monitored, associated with ‘fault finding’ measures, and effectively
reported. Meters also eliminate guesswork and save time by quickly pinpointing problems
(Plourde, 2011).

Amongst the significant literature published in the area of energy management, auditing and
retrofitting, a comprehensive and rigorous methodology appears to be missing in many Austra-
lian Buildings. Several existing pathways, listed at the beginning of this paper, require further
detailed development. It is acknowledged that there are rigorous methods to conduct energy
metering analysis alone and they have not been discussed here as this is an introductory paper,

160 Journal of Green Building

giving an overall view on the energy retrofitting approach. The methodology proposed in this
paper establishes the need for an ‘integrity audit’ involving identification of waste, missed
opportunities and scheduling as well as reports on the state of the building service equipment.
The evaluation process is centered on identifying energy waste first, reducing the overall peak
electrical demand load and then retrofitting for energy-efficiency. The financial advantages
of targeting this for a commercial building have been presented, yet, further improvements
are required in this area. The pathways to accomplishing this energy reduction may be of
interest to building owners and facility managers who may not want to implement all of the
strategies proposed, but rely on a decision-making process related to energy-savings, payback
periods and value for money. Furthermore, on a regional and individual building level, these
energy improvements have the potential to reduce peak demand load, placing less strain on
the power supply infrastructure. This methodology has limitations with respect to an overall
life-cycle-costing, incorporating improved comfort and value adding to the building.
There are many existing tools and software that can aid in the continuing process of
energy retrofitting and assessment. Though these tools can offer a significant role in the
process of retrofitting, they are not the definitive replacement for ‘integrity auditing’ and sub-
metering analysis.

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