Tecnica Vocal para Musica Renacimiento Fisher PDF
Tecnica Vocal para Musica Renacimiento Fisher PDF
Tecnica Vocal para Musica Renacimiento Fisher PDF
achieved through the slightly forward arise, so that coherence and the P. o. Box 16954-AZ I
positioning of the jaw. Since the goal system of all the imitations can Jacksonville, FL 32245
(904) 725-7977
is articulate sound, the tongue must be heard. 27
be free to manipulate the vowels and
consonants. The slightly forward
movement of the jaw will allow the
proper tension of the vocal cords to NEW ISSUES for 1988
gain proper resonance and higher MARK FOSTER MUSIC CO.
pitch without significant increase in
volume. 24 This sort of demand on the
BOX 4012, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820
G,f'u.. . muSIC COmPAOY
singer requires a much lighter pro- We Sing With Joy, Marvin Curtis, SATB, 85¢ ...J MF 2003
duction than we are accustomed to Seek the Lord, Rene Clausen, SATB, 1.10 MF 2009
Amazing Grace, arr. Richard Wienhorst, SATB, 85¢ MF 2010
using. The clear and resonant A Message for Today, Curtis, SATB, 1.10
laryngeal timbre is still vital, but MF 2012
Clap Your Hands, Clausen, SATB, 1.30 MF 2013
without the deeper lowering of the Give Ear, a Lord, Handel/Hal Hopson, SAB, 85¢ MF 2014
larynx. Come, Holy Spirit, Ron Caviani, SATB, 85¢ MF 2015
A light and flexible vocal produc- Cantate Domino, Z. Randall Stroope, SATB, 1.10 MF 2016
tion is necessary not only as a result Glory to God, Robert Harris, SATB, 85¢ MF 2017
of the acoustic demands of the Three Seasons of Love, Kenneth Rumery, SATB, 1.30 MF 3016
rooms, but the demands of the music Old King Cole, arr. Donald Moore, SATB, 85¢ MF 3018
as well. Sixteenth-century music with Over the River, arr. Moore, SATB, 85¢ MF 3019
its thick, polyphonic scoring requires The Star-Spangled Banner, arr. McKelvy, SATB, 60¢ MF 3021
a clarity of sound so that the overall The Questions Asked, Roderick Nimtz, SATB, 1.10 MF 452
texture is not muddied by competing Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Bob Burroughs, SATB, 85¢ MF 557
voices or vast spaces of a resonant Now Let Us All Right Merry Be, Allen Gibbs, SATB, 85¢ MF 558
room. Added to the difficulty of a Away in a Manger, arr. Jerome Wright, SA, 60¢ MF 814
thick, imitative scoring is the prob- o Thou in Whose Presence, arr. Harold Moyer, TTBB 60¢ MF 1015
Heaven, Andre Thomas, TTBB, 1.10 ' MF 1016
lem of the agility and speed required
to manipulate florid passaggi. 25
August 1988 Page 19
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HB-25 25 note chromatic $549.00 duty travel case. Range plete with heavy duty travel case. Range G3 to
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with heavy duty travel Use to expand range of HB-25 and HBJ2A to four octaves or with any
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Phone _
Mail to: Dr. W J Julian, 601 Westborough Rd., Knoxville, TN 37909 Be sure to notify the Editor at:
P.O. Box 6310, Lawton, OK 73506
Taverner: "Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas." Gimell 20 Mauro Uberti, "Vocal Techniques in Italy
CDGIM 004: both directed by Peter Phillips. in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century," National Convention Receptions
Toronto Consort. "La Chanson Early Music 9 (October 1981): 487-88.
Francaise." Collegium. Records, 1985. 21 Uberti, 488.
22 Peter Phillips, "The Golden Age Re·
Any college, university, alumni
Bibliography gained, part 2," Early Music 8 (April 1980): group, industry or affiliated ACDA
181. organization wishing to host any type
Brown, Howard Mayer. Embellishing 23 Uberti, 487. of meeting or reception at the 1989
Sixteenth· Century Music: Oxford University 24 Uberti,487.
ACDA National Convention in
Press, 1976. 25 Uberti, 494.5.
Dart, Thurston. "How They Sang in Jena in 26 Leuchtmann, 175.
Louisville is asked to contact Mark
1598." Musical Times, v. 108, no. 1490 (April 27 MacClintock, 63. Lehmann, Assistant Convention
1967): 316-317. 28 Georg Quitscheiber, De Canendi . . . Chair, 121 Wilshire Circle, Hampton,
Galliver, David. "'Cantare Con La Gorga studiosis necessaria (manuscript in Belgian Iowa 50441. Phone: Home (515)
The Coloratura Technique of the Renaissance Royal Library, written in September, 1598).
Quoted in Thurston Dart, "How They Sang in
456-5347 or Work (515) 456-4893.
Singer." Studies in Music, VIII7 (1973): 10-18.
Leuchtmann, Horst. Die Miinchnar Jena in 1598," Musical Times 108(ApriI1967): Requests are due December 1,
Fiirstenhochseit Von 1568 Massimo Troiano:· 317. 1988.
Dialoge (italienischl deutsch). Miinchen·
Salzburg: Emil Katzbichler Verlag, 1980.
MacClintock, Carol. Readings in the History
of Music in Performance. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1979.
Phillips, Peter. "The Golden Age Regained,
part 2." Early Music, 8/2 (April 1980): 178-198.
Uberti, Mauro. "Vocal Techniques in Italy in
the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century."
Early Music, 9/4 (October 1981): 486-495.
Vernard, William. Singing the Mechanism NEW SWEDEN
and the Technic. New York: Carl Fischer, 1967.
T HESwedish
NEW SWEDEN Jubilee '88 marks the arrival in the USA of the first
colonists, 350 years ago - in 1638. The Swedes founded the
colony of New Sweden (Delaware) and have been a part of American
I Delle lettere del So, Gio. Camillo Maffei society ever since.
da Solofra, Libri Due ... Napoli, 1562, Letter I, Jubilee Year 1988 is packed with fixtures of various kinds all over
as printed in N. Bridgeman, "Giovanni Camillo
Maffei et sa lettre sur Ie chant," Revue de
the USA. One excellent way in which musicians - both groups and
Musicologie, (July 1956): 10-34. Quoted in soloists - can celebrate the occasion is by including a Swedish compo-
Carol MacClintock, Readings in the History of sition in their repertoires for the year.
Music in Performance (Bloomington: Indiana If you do not know how to get hold of Swedish music in the USA,
University Press, 1979), 44.
just say the word and we will be delighted to assist you. We will also
2 David Galliver, "Cantare Con La Gorga:
The Coloratura Technique of the Renaissance appreciate it if you can let us know that you have taken part.
Singer." Studies in Music 7 (1973): 10-14. See
also Howard Mayer Brown, Embellishing SVENSK MUSIK ,
Sandhamnsgatan 79. PO Box 27327
S-102 54 Stockholm, Sweden.
Sixteenth-Century Music (Oxford: University
Press, 1976). Gorga appears to be a dialectical Swedish Music Information Center' Telephone: int +46 (0)8 783 88 00.
spelling of gorgia. Telex 15591 STIM S.
3 MacClintock,46.47.
4 MacClintock, 45.
5 MacClintock, 45.
6 MacClintock, 45.
7 MacClintock, 44.
8 MacClintock, 43.
9 Brown, Embellishing Sixteenth-Century
Music, 1.
10 MacClintock, 43.