Chapter 18

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TKM 2302 / 3 SKS

Dr. Indraswari Kusumaningtyas

Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada
5 Kinetika Benda Tegar
Kerja dan Energi
 The principle of work and energy will be used to solve problems
involving displacements and velocities of rigid bodies in plane

 This method eliminates the necessity for determining the

acceleration and integrating it over the time interval to obtain
the velocity change.

 The principle of conservation of energy will be applied to the

solution of a variety of engineering problems.

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Principle of Work and Energy

Assume that the rigid body is made of a large number n of particles

of mass Δmi each moving with velocity vi .

T1, T2 = initial and final values of total kinetic energy of particles

forming the rigid body
U12 = work of all forces acting on various particles of the body

The total kinetic energy:

 positive scalar quantity

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Principle of Work and Energy

U12 = work of all forces (internal

and external) acting on
various particles of body

 Internal forces between particles A and B are equal and opposite.

 In general, small displacements of the particles A and B are not
equal but the components of the displacements along AB are equal.
 Therefore, the net work of internal forces is zero and U12 reduces
only to the work of external forces.

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Work of a Force
The work of a force during a displacement of its point of application:

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Work of a Force
The work of a weight only counts for vertical displacement:

- Upward displacement:
negative work
- Downward displacement:
positive work

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Work of a Force
The work of a spring :

The work is always negative

since the force is always
opposite to the displacement.

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Work of a Force

A number of forces do no work:

 forces applied to fixed points
 forces acting in a direction perpendicular to the displacement of
their point of application
 the reaction at a frictionless pin when the body supported
rotates about the pin
 the reaction at a frictionless surface when the body in
contact moves along the surface
 the weight of a body when its center of gravity moves
 the friction force at the point of contact, when a rigid body rolls
without sliding on a fixed surface

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Work of a Couple Moment

Consider two forces F and –F forming a couple of moment M and

acting on a rigid body.

Any small displacement bringing A

and B, respectively, to A’ and B”
can be divided into:
 A and B undergo equal
displacement dr1
 A’ remains fixed while B’ moves
to B” through a displacement dr2
of magnitude ds2 = r dθ.

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Work of a Couple Moment

The work of the forces can be

calculated by:

The work is positive when the moment and the displacement have the
same sense of direction and negative if they are in the opposite sense.

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Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body
Consider a rigid body of mass m in
general plane motion. The kinetic energy
of the system of particles forming the
rigid body is:

KE of mass KE of particle in
centre of body Gx’y’ frame

The relative velocity v’i = r’i ω, so:

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Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body

KE associated with KE associated with

the motion of the the rotation of the
mass center G body about G

If pure centroidal If pure translation

rotation = ZERO = ZERO

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Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body
Non-Centroidal Rotation

Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis

through O. The total kinetic energy is:

, where v’i = r’i ω

 only for non-centroidal rotation

Note that IO = IG + m∙rG2  accounts for both translational and rotational KE

of the body
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Systems of Rigid Body
For problems which involve several rigid bodies, we can either:
 Consider each rigid body can separately, or
 Consider the entire system together.

The work-energy method is useful in solving problems involving

pin-connected members, blocks and pulleys connected by
inextensible cords, and meshed gears:
 the internal forces occur by pairs of equal and opposite forces,
 the points of application of the forces in each pair move through equal
distances during a small displacement of the system,
 So the work of the internal forces is zero and U12 reduces to the work
of the forces external to the system

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Conservation of Energy

Expressing the work of conservative forces as a change in potential

energy, the principle of work and energy becomes:

When a rigid body or a system of rigid bodies, moves under the

action of conservative forces, the sum of the kinetic energy and the
potential energy of the system remains constant.
The kinetic energy of the body should include both the translational
and rotational terms.

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Potential Energy

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