541 39 Solutions-Instructor-manual Chapter 2

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The key takeaways are about sampling theory concepts like Nyquist rate, interpolation, decimation, and recovering original signals from sampled versions.

The Nyquist rate, also known as the minimum sampling frequency, is twice the highest frequency present in the signal. It is calculated by taking twice the maximum frequency. Sampling below the Nyquist rate causes aliasing.

Signals can be interpolated by inserting zeros between samples or using step interpolation. They can be decimated by keeping every nth sample. These operations change the sample rate.

Chapter 2

Sampling and Quantization

2.1 Find the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for each of the following signals:
1. x1 (t) = 3 cos(50πt) + 5 sin(300πt)

2. x2 (t) = 1 + 2 cos(20πt) + 3 sin(30πt)

3. x3 (t) = sinc2 (50πt)
4. x4 (t) = sinc(200πt)sin(150πt)

Solution 2.1 (1) Given that

x1 (t) = 3 cos(50πt) + 5 sin(300πt)
Comparing with
x1 (t) = A1 cos(Ω1 t) + A2 sin(Ω2 t)
we have
Ω1 = 50π and Ω2 = 300π

Maximum frequency present in the signal x(t) is

Ωmax = Ω2 = 300π or fmax = 150

Therefore, the Nyquist rate is given by

Ωs = 2Ωmax = 600π or fs = 2fmax = 300 Hz

The Nyquist interval is given by

1 1
Ts = = sec.
fs 300
(2) Given that
x2 (t) = 1 + 2 cos(20πt) + 3 sin(30πt)

Comparing with
x2 (t) = A0 + A1 cos(Ω1 t) + A2 sin(Ω2 t)

we have
Ω1 = 20π and Ω2 = 30π

Maximum frequency present in the signal x(t) is

Ωmax = Ω2 = 30π or fmax = 15

Therefore, the Nyquist rate is given by

Ωs = 2Ωmax = 60π or fs = 2fmax = 30 Hz

2 Digital Signal Processing

The Nyquist interval is given by

1 1
Ts = = sec.
fs 30
(3) Given that
sin2 (50πt)
x3 (t) = sinc2 (50t) =
1 1
x(t) = − cos(100πt)
2(50πt)2 2(50πt)2
Comparing with
x(t) = A0 − A1 cos(Ω1 t)
we have
Ω1 = 100π or f1 = 50
Therefore, the Nyquist rate is given by
Ωs = 2Ω1 = 200π or fs = 2f1 = 100 Hz
The Nyquist interval is given by
1 1
Ts = = sec.
fs 100
(4) Given that
x4 (t) = sinc(200t)sin(150πt)
= sin(150πt)
1 1
= cos(50πt) − cos(350πt)
2(200πt) 2(200πt)
Comparing with
x4 (t) = A1 cos(Ω1 t) − A2 cos(Ω2 t)
we have
Ω1 = 50π and Ω2 = 350π
Maximum frequency present in the signal x(t) is
Ωmax = Ω2 = 350π or fmax = 175
Therefore, the Nyquist rate is given by
Ωs = 2Ωmax = 700π or fs = 2fmax = 350 Hz
The Nyquist interval is given by
1 1
Ts = = sec.
fs 350

2.2 The signal z(t) is generated by convolving two band-limited signals x1 (t) and x2 (t), that is,
z(t) = x1 (t) ∗ x2 (t)

X1 (Ω) = 0 for |Ω| > 1000π
X2 (Ω) = 0 for |Ω| > 2000π
Impulse-train sampling is performed on z(t) to obtain

zs (t) = z(t)δ(t − nTs )
Digital Signal Processing 3

Specify the range of values for the sampling period Ts which ensures that z(t) is recoverable from
zs (t).

Solution 2.2 If
x1 (t) ←→ X1 (Ω)
x2 (t) ←→ X2 (Ω)
z(t) = x1 (t) ∗ x2 (t) ←→ Z(Ω) = X1 (Ω)X2 (Ω) = 0 for |Ω| > 1000π

Therefore, the maximum frequency present in the signal z(t) = x1 (t) ∗ x2 (t) is

Ωmax = 1000π

Thus, the Nyquist rate (minimum sampling frequency) is Ωs = 2Ωmax = 2000π, and hence,
2π 2π 1
Ts = = = sec.
Ωs 2000π 1000

2.3 Let x(n) = {4, 0, 2, −1, −3}. Find and sketch the following signals.

1. The decimated signal xd (n) = x(2n).


2. The zero-interpolated signal y(n) = x 2 .

3. The step-interpolated signal y(n) = x 2 .

Solution 2.3 Given that

x(n) = {4, 0, 2, −1, −3}

(1) The decimated signal xd (n) is given by

xd (n) = x(2n) = {4, 2, −3}

(2) The zero-interpolated signal is given by

y(n) = x = {4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, −1, 0, −3}
2 ↑

(3) The step-interpolated signal is given by

y(n) = x = {4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 2, −1, −1, −3, −3}
2 ↑

2.4 (a) Describe the sequence of operations required to generate

(b) Let x(n) = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13}. Sketch x(n) and x n − 32 . Use step interpolation where


(c) Generalize the results of part (a) to generate x n − L from x(n). Is there any restriction
on M and L

Solution 2.4 (a)

interpolate by 3  n  delay by 2 n−2 decimate by 3 3n − 2 2
x(n) −→ x −→ x −→ x =x n−
n → n/3 3 n→n−2 3 n → 3n 3 3
4 Digital Signal Processing

(b) x(n) = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13}

y(n) = x = {1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 13, 13, 13}
3 ↑
w(n) = y(n − 2) = x = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 13, 13, 13}
3 ↑
3n − 2 2
z(n) = w(3n) = x =x n− = {0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13}
3 3 ↑
interpolate by N  n  delay by M n−M decimate by N Nn − M
x(n) −→ x −→ x −→ x
n → n/N N n→n−M N n → Nn N
=x n−

2.5 Each of the following sinusoids is sampled at fs = 100 Hz. Determine if aliasing has occurred
and set up an expression for each sampled signal using a digital frequency in the principal range
|f | < 12 .
1. x1 (t) = cos(320πt)
2. x2 (t) = cos(140πt)
3. x3 (t) = sin(60πt)

Solution 2.5 (1)

x1 (t) = cos(320πt) = cos(2πfm t)
Nyquist rate = 2fm = 320
Since fs < 2fm , aliasing will occur. If the signal is sampled at fs = 100 Hz, its equivalent discrete-
time signal is given by
x1 (t)|t=nTs = x1 (nTs ) = x1 (n) = cos(320πnTs )
= cos n
x(n) = cos n

= cos 4nπ − n

x(n) = cos n
The frequency of the discrete-time signal x(n) is fd = 5 cycles/sample.

x2 (t) = cos(140πt) = cos(2πfm t)

Nyquist rate = 2fm = 140
Since fs < 2fm , aliasing will occur. If the signal is sampled at fs = 100 Hz, its equivalent discrete-
time signal is given by
x2 (t)|t=nTs = x2 (nTs ) = x2 (n) = cos(140πnTs )
= cos n

x(n) = cos n

= cos 2nπ − n

x(n) = cos n
Digital Signal Processing 5

The frequency of the discrete-time signal x(n) is fd = 10 cycles/sample.
x3 (t) = cos(60πt) = cos(2πfm t)
Nyquist rate = 2fm = 60

Since fs > 2fm , aliasing will not occur. If the signal is sampled at fs = 100 Hz, its equivalent
discrete-time signal is given by

x3 (t)|t=nTs = x3 (nTs ) = x3 (n) = cos(60πnTs )

= cos n

x(n) = cos n
The frequency of the discrete-time signal x(n) is fd = 10 cycles/sample.

2.6 Suppose that a discrete-time sequence x(n) is bandlimited so that

X(ejω ) = 0 0.3π < |ω| < π

This sequence is then sampled to form the sequence

y(n) = x(nN )

where N is an integer. Find the largest value for N for which x(n) may be uniquely recovered
from x(n).

Solution 2.6 (See Section 2.12) Define a discrete-time sampled signal xs (n) which is equal to the
multiplication of the original signal x(n) with a sampling signal (an impulse train) s(n), i.e.,

xs (n) = x(n)s(n)

s(n) = δ(n − kN )
Therefore, we have

xs (n) = x(n)s(n) = x(n) δ(n − kN )

xs (n) = x(kN )δ(n − kN )

Using the multiplication property, we obtain

jω jω 1jω
Xs (e ) = X(e ) ∗ S(e ) = X(ejθ )S(ej(ω−θ) )dθ
2π 2π

The DTFT of the sampling signal s(n) (an impulse train) is

2π X
S(ejω ) = δ(ω − kωs )
6 Digital Signal Processing

where ωs = N is the sampling frequency. Therefore,
Z ∞
1 2π X
Xs (ejω ) = X(ejθ ) δ(ω − θ − kωs )dθ
2π 2π N
N −1 Z
1 X
= X(ejθ )δ(ω − θ − kωs )dθ
N 2π
N −1
1 X
Xs (ejω ) = X(ejθ )

N θ=ω−kωs
N −1
1 X  j(ω−kωs ) 
Xs (ejω ) = X e

Now consider the decimated or down sampled signal (See Section 2.12.1) y(n) = xs (nN ) =
x(nN ). The DTFT of the decimated signal y(n) is given by

Y (ejω ) = y(n)e−jωn
= xs (nN )e−jωn
Let m = nN , or equivalently n = N, we can write

Y (ejω ) = xs (m)e−jω N
N −1
ω 1 X  j (ω−2πk) 
Y (ejω ) = Xs (ej N ) = X e N

Y (e ) is periodic with period 2π. It is evident that we can recover X(ejω ) from Y (ejω ) if

ωo N ≤ (2π − ωo N )

2.7 Find two different continuous-time signals that will produce the sequence
x(n) = cos(0.15πn)
when sampled with a sampling frequency of 8 KHz.

Solution 2.7 Given that x(n) = cos(0.15πn) = cos 2π 0.15

2 n = cos(2πfd n) and fs = 8KHz.

fd =
f0 = fd fs
f0 = 8 = 6KHz
The aliased frequency components of frequency f0 sampled at fs is given by
fk = f0 + kfs , k = ±1, ±2, · · ·
f1 = 6 + 8 = 14KHz fork = 1
Digital Signal Processing 7

Therefore the two different continuous-time signals that will produce the sequence

x(n) = cos(0.15πn)

when sampled with a sampling frequency of 8 KHz are given by

x1 (t) = cos(2πf0 t) = cos(12πt)

x2 (t) = cos(2πf1 t) = cos(28πt)
2.8 An analog signal
x(t) = sin(480πt) + 3 sin(720πt)
is sampled 600 times per second.
(a) Determine the Nyquist sampling rate for x(t).
(b) Determine the folding frequency.
(c) What are the frequencies, in radians, in the resulting discrete-time signal x(n)?

Solution 2.8 (a) Given that

x(t) = sin(480πt) + 3 sin(720πt)
Comparing with

x(t) = A1 sin(Ω1 t) + A2 sin(Ω2 t)

we have

Ω1 = 480π and Ω2 = 720π

Maximum frequency present in the signal x(t) is

Ωmax = Ω2 = 720π or fmax = 360

Therefore, the Nyquist rate is given by

Ωs = 2Ωmax = 1440π or fs = 2fmax = 720 Hz

(b) The folding frequency is given by

fs 720
ffold = = = 360 Hz
2 2
(c) Given that fs = 600. The resulting discrete-time signal is given by

x(n) = x(t)|t=nTs = x(nTs ) = sin(480πnTs ) + 3sin(720πnTs )

480π 720π
= sin n + 3sin n
600 600
4π 6π
x(n) = sin n + 3sin n
5 5
4π 4π
= sin n + 3sin 2nπ − n
5 5
4π 4π 4π
x(n) = sin n − 3sin n = −2sin n
5 5 5

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