Tutorial 6 Solutions

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Solution 1:

A) We can easily show that X( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 4000π. Therefore, the Nyquist rate for this signal is
|ωn | = 2(4000π) = 8000π

B) We know that, X( jω) is rectangular pulse for which X( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 4000π. Therefore, the
Nyquist rate for this signal is |ωn | = 2(4000π) = 8000π

C) We know that X( jω) is the convolution of two rectangular pulse each of which is zero for |ω| > 4000π,
Therefore, X( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 8000π. the Nyquist rate for this signal is |ωn | = 2(8000π) = 16000π

Solution 2:
If the signal x(t) has a nyquist rate of ω0 then its Fourie transform X( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 2 .
y(t) = x(t) + x(t − 1) ↔ Y ( jω) = X( jω) + e− jωl X( jω).
Clearly, we can only guarantee that Y ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > ω20 .Therefor, the Nyquist rate for y(t) is also
ω0 .
y(t) = ↔ Y ( jω) = jωX( jω).
Clearly, we can only guarantee that Y ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > ω20 .Therefor, the Nyquist rate for y(t) is also
ω0 .
y(t) = x2 (t) ↔ Y ( jω) =[X( jω).X( jω)].

Clearly, we can only guarantee that Y ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > ω0 .Therefor, the Nyquist rate for y(t) is
also 2ω0 .
y(t) = x(t) cos (ω0t) ↔ Y ( jω) = [X( j(ω − ω0 )) + X( j(ω + ω0 ))].
Clearly, we can only guarantee that Y ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > ω0 + ω20 .Therefor, the Nyquist rate for y(t)
is also 3ω0 .
Solution 3: Let
z(t) = x(t) cos(1000πt)

Fourier transform of z(t) is,

Z (ω) = [x (ω − 1000 π) + x (ω + 1000π)]

sin 1500πt 1, |ω| < 1500π

πt 0, |ω| > 1500π
Maximum frequency of signal y(t),
ωm = 1500π rad/sec or fm = 750 Hz

So, the minimum sampling rate for y(t) is

fmin = 2 fm = 1500 Hz = 1500samples/sec
Solution 4:
Let ∞
y[n] = x[n] ∑ δ[n − 3k]

. Then

1 3
Y (e j ω) = ∑ X(e j(ω−2πk/3))
3 k=0
hsin n i
Note that 3 is the impulse of an ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency π/3 and passband
gain of 3. Therefore, we now require that y[n] when passed through this filter should yield x[n]. Therefore,
the replicas of X(e jω ) contained in Y (e jω ) should not overlap with one another.This is possible only if
X(e jω ) = 0 for π/3 ≤ |ω| ≤ π.
Solution 5:
Let ∞
p[n] = ∑ δ[n − 1 − 4k]

2π ∞ π ∞ − j 2πk
P[(e j ω)] = e− jω ∑ δ[ω − 2πk/4] = ∑ e 4 δ[ω − 2πk/4]
4 k=−∞ 2 k=−∞

Since X(e j ω) = 0 for (π/4) ≤ |ω| ≤ π, G(e j ω) is shown in Figure. Clearly in order to isolate just X(e j ω)

Fig. 1

we need to use an ideal lowpass filter with cutoff freuency π/4 and passband gain of 4. Therefore, in the
range |ω| < π, (
4, |ω| < π/4
H(e j ω) =
0, π/4 ≤ |ω| ≤ π

Solution 6:
A) Using trignometric identities,
ω  ωs ωs
cos t + φ = cos ( t) cos (φ) − sin ( t) sin (φ)
2 2 2

. Therefore,
g(t) = − sin (
t) sin (φ)
B) By replacing ωs with 2π/T and t by nT in the above equation, we get

g(nT ) = − sin ( nT ) sin (φ)
= − sin (nπ) sin (φ)
Clearly, the right-hand side of the above equation is zero for n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .
C) From part A and B we get
∞ ∞
x p (t) = ∑ x(nT )δ[t − nT ] = ∑ δ[t − nT ][cos ( nT ) cos (φ) + g(nT )]
n=−∞ n=−∞ 2

= ∑ δ[t − nT ] cos ( nT ) cos (φ)
n=−∞ 2
When this signal is passed through a lowpass filter, we are in effect performing band-limited inter-
polation. This results in the signal
y(t) = cos ( t) cos (φ)
Solution 7: We plot the signal cos (πn/4).

Fig. 2

the signal g[n] constains every fourth sample of x[n].If the signal x[n] were cos (π(n + 2)/4) (see fig), then
g[n] would be zero for all n. Therefore,there would be no way of recovering x[n] from g[n]. Therefore,
φ0 should never be π/2 in order for the given equation to be true.
Solution 8: After sampling the signal x1 (t) for T=0.25 sec,

Fig. 3

Energy of x1 [n] = E1 = ∑ |x1 (n)|2 = 3.75

Fig. 4

Energy of x2 [n] = E2 = ∑ |x2 (n)|2 = 2.75
E1 > E2

Solution 9:
x(t) = sin (14000πt); fm = 7kHz
fs = 9000 samples/sec = 9kHz
the spectrum of the sampled signal can be given as shown below:

Fig. 5

So, three sinusoids will be there at the output of the LPF and the frequencies of those sinusoids are 2
kHz, 7 kHz and 11 kHz.
Solution 10: Given y[n] = [x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2] + x[n − 4]]/4 The maximum delay in output Y [n] is
due to the x[n − 4] Hence, the maximum time taken for the output to rech the final value after the input
transition will be 4Ts .
Ts = 1/100 = 10msec
maximum delay= 40msec.
Solution 11: (Note: In this problem for the sake of clarity we will use the variable Ω to denote discrete

Taking the fourier transform of both sides of the given difference equation we obtain
Y (e jΩ )
H(e j Ω) =
X(e jΩ )
Given that sampling rate is greater than the Nyquist rate, we have
X(e jΩ ) = Xc ( jΩ/T ), f or − π ≤ Ω ≤ π
jΩ T Xc ( jΩ/T )
Y (e ) =
1 − 12 e− jΩ
f or − π ≤ Ω ≤ π From this we get
jωT T Xc ( jω)
Ỹ ( jω) = Y (e )=
1 − 12 e− jωT
f or − π/T ≤ ω ≤ π/T . In this range Ỹ ( jω) = Yc ( jω).Therefore,
Yc ( jω) T
Hc ( jω) = =
Xc ( jω) 1 − 12 e− jωT

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