The Royal Veterinary College: Institutional Audit

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The Royal

Veterinary College

Institutional audit
Published by
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
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© Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2003
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The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (the Agency) exists to safeguard the public interest in sound standards
of higher education (HE) qualifications and to encourage continuous improvement in the management of the quality of HE.
To do this the Agency carries out reviews of individual HE institutions (universities and colleges of HE). In England and
Northern Ireland this process is known as institutional audit. The Agency operates similar but separate processes in
Scotland and Wales.
The purpose of institutional audit
The aims of institutional audit are to meet the public interest in knowing that universities and colleges are:
z providing HE, awards and qualifications of an acceptable quality and an appropriate academic standard; and
z exercising their legal powers to award degrees in a proper manner.
Institutional audit results in judgements about the institutions being reviewed. Judgements are made about:
z the confidence that can reasonably be placed in the soundness of the institution's present and likely future
management of the quality of its programmes and the academic standards of its awards;
z the reliance that can reasonably be placed on the accuracy, integrity, completeness and frankness of the information
that the institution publishes, and about the quality of its programmes and the standards of its awards.
These judgements are expressed as either broad confidence, limited confidence or no confidence and are
accompanied by examples of good practice and recommendations for improvement.
Nationally agreed standards
Institutional audit uses a set of nationally agreed reference points, known as the 'academic infrastructure', to consider an
institution's standards and quality. These are published by the Agency and consist of:
z The framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ), which include
descriptions of different HE qualifications;
z The Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education;
z subject benchmark statements, which describe the characteristics of degrees in different subjects;
z guidelines for preparing programme specifications, which are descriptions of the what is on offer to students in
individual programmes of study. They outline the intended knowledge, skills, understanding and attributes of a
student completing that programme. They also give details of teaching and assessment methods and link the
programme to the FHEQ.
The audit process
Institutional audits are carried out by teams of academics who review the way in which institutions oversee their
academic quality and standards. Because they are evaluating their equals, the process is called 'peer review'.
The main elements of institutional audit are:
z a preliminary visit by the Agency to the institution nine months before the audit visit;
z a self-evaluation document submitted by the institution four months before the audit visit;
z a written submission by the student representative body, if they have chosen to do so, four months before the
audit visit;
z a detailed briefing visit to the institution by the audit team five weeks before the audit visit;
z the audit visit, which lasts five days;
z the publication of a report on the audit team's judgements and findings 20 weeks after the audit visit.
The evidence for the audit
In order to obtain the evidence for its judgement, the audit team carries out a number of activities, including:
z reviewing the institution's own internal procedures and documents, such as regulations, policy statements, codes of
practice, recruitment publications and minutes of relevant meetings, as well as the self-evaluation document itself;
z reviewing the written submission from students;
z asking questions of relevant staff;
z talking to students about their experiences;
z exploring how the institution uses the academic infrastructure.
The audit team also gathers evidence by focusing on examples of the institution's internal quality assurance processes at
work using 'audit trails'. These trails may focus on a particular programme or programmes offered at that institution,
when they are known as a 'discipline audit trail'. In addition, the audit team may focus on a particular theme that runs
throughout the institution's management of its standards and quality. This is known as a 'thematic enquiry'.
From 2004, institutions will be required to publish information about the quality and standards of their programmes and
awards in a format recommended in document 02/15 Information on quality and standards in higher education published by
the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The audit team reviews progress towards meeting this requirement.

Summary 1 The institution's intentions for the enhancement

Introduction 1 of quality and standards 13
Outcome of the audit 1 Internal approval, monitoring and review processes 14
Features of good practice 1 External participation in internal review processes 15
Recommendations for action 1 External examiners and their reports 16
BvetMed 1 External reference points 17
National reference points 1 Programme-level review and accreditation
by external agencies 18
Findings 3 Student representation at operational and
The effectiveness of institutional procedures institutional level 18
for assuring the quality of programmes 3 Feedback from students, graduates and employers 19
The effectiveness of institutional procedures Progression and completion statistics 19
for securing the standards of awards 4
Assurance of the quality of teaching staff,
The effectiveness of institutional procedures appointment, appraisal and reward 20
for supporting learning 5
Assurance of the quality of teaching through
Outcomes of discipline audit trails 6 staff support and development 20
The institution's use of the academic infrastructure 6 Assurance of the quality of teaching delivered
The utility of the SED as an illustration of the through distributed and distance methods 21
institution's capacity to reflect upon its own Learning support resources 21
strengths and limitations, and to act on these
Academic guidance, support and supervision 22
to enhance quality and standards 6
Personal support and guidance 22
Commentary on the institution's intentions for the
enhancement of quality and standards 7 Collaborative provision 23
Reliability of information 7 Section 3: the audit investigations: discipline
Features of good practice 7 audit trails and thematic enquiries 23
Recommendations for action 7 Discipline audit trails 23
Thematic enquiries 24
Main report 8
Section 4: the audit investigations:
Section 1: introduction: published information 27
The Royal Veterinary College 8
The students' experience of published information
The institution and its mission 8 and other information available to them 27
Mission statement 9 Reliability, accuracy and completeness of
Collaborative provision 9 published information 27
Background information 9
Appendix 28
The audit process 9
Statement of actions taken in response to the
Developments since the previous report of the Agency's institutional audit of the
academic quality audit 10 College, February 2003 28
Section 2: the audit investigations:
institutional processes 11
The institution's view as expressed in the SED 11
The institution's framework for managing quality
and standards, including collaborative provision 11
Institutional Audit Report: summary

Summary Recommendations for action

The College has also been recommended to take
Introduction further action in a number of areas to ensure that
A team of auditors from the Quality Assurance the academic quality and standards of the awards it
Agency (the Agency) visited The Royal Veterinary offers are maintained. The Agency has advised the
College (the College) from 10 to13 February 2003 College to consider:
to carry out an institutional audit. The purpose of
z whether its current arrangements and the
the audit was to provide information on the quality
procedures for collaborative provision as set out
of the opportunities available to students and on the
in its Quality Assurance Manual are both
academic standards of the awards. The College is
consistent with the Code of practice for the
authorised to award degrees of the University
assurance of academic quality and standards in
of London.
higher education (Code of practice) published by
To arrive at its conclusions the audit team read a the Agency and sufficiently robust to support an
wide range of documents relating to the way the expanding portfolio in this area;
College manages the academic aspects of its z developing the use of statistical information at
provision. Members of the team also met members programme level in evaluating quality and
of staff and current students throughout the College. standards.
The words academic standards are used to describe
the level of achievement that a student has to reach
to gain an award (for example, a degree). It should To arrive at these conclusions, the audit team spoke
be at a broadly comparable level for a similar award to staff and students, and was given information
across the UK. about the College as a whole. The team also looked
Academic quality is a way of describing how well in detail at two strands of the BVetMed degree
the learning opportunities available to students help programme (Reproduction, and Cardiovascular and
them to achieve their award. It is about making sure Respiratory Systems) to find out how well the
that appropriate and effective teaching, support, College's systems and procedures were working at
assessment and learning opportunities are provided that level. The College provided the team with
for them. documents, including student work and, here too,
the team spoke to staff and students. As well as
In institutional audit both academic standards and supporting the overall confidence statements given
academic quality are reviewed. above, the team considered that the standard of
student achievement in these two strands of the
Outcome of the audit BVetMed was appropriate to the title of the award
As a result of the audit team's investigations the and its place in The framework for higher education
Agency judges that: qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
(FHEQ). The team considered that the quality of
z broad confidence can be placed in the learning opportunities available to students was
soundness of the College's current and likely suitable for a programme of study leading to the
future management of the quality of its award of BVetMed.
academic programmes and the academic
standards of its awards. National reference points
Features of good practice To provide further evidence to support its findings,
the audit team also investigated the use made by
The audit team identified the following areas as
the College of the academic infrastructure which the
being good practice at the College:
Agency has developed on behalf of the whole of UK
z the approach to developing e-learning and higher education. The academic infrastructure is a
distance-learning, and the supporting set of nationally agreed reference points that help to
infrastructure that has been established; define both good practice and academic standards.
z the College's systems for recognising, The findings of the audit suggest that the College is
developing and rewarding the quality of making effective use of the FHEQ and the subject
teaching; benchmark statement (both elements of the
z the Professional Studies module that the College Infrastructure), but its work on programme
has developed within the BVetMed curriculum, specifications is not yet complete. The College has
as preparation for professional practice. responded appropriately to the Code of practice for

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The Royal Veterinary College

quality assurance, although it has not yet completed

its consideration of the two sections of the Code
relating to career education, information and
guidance, and recruitment and admissions, and has
yet to achieve full implementation of the section
relating to collaborative provision.
From 2004, the Agency's audit teams will comment
on the reliability of the information about academic
quality and standards that institutions will be
required to publish in a standard format. At the time
of the audit, the College was moving towards
meeting this requirement, and the published
information that was seen by the team about the
quality of its programmes and the standards of its
awards was reliable.

page 2
Institutional Audit Report: findings

Findings 4 The College assures the quality of its

programmes through a formal approval process, the
1 An institutional audit of the Royal Veterinary
annual monitoring of modules and courses, and
College (the College) was undertaken during the
periodic review on a quinquennial basis. Each
week commencing 10 February 2003. The purpose
process is detailed in the Manual. The procedures
of the audit was to provide public information on
for programme approval were introduced in 1996
the quality of the College's programmes of study
following the delegation of responsibilities by the
and on the discharge of its responsibility for
University of London. The process is undertaken in
conferring degrees of the University of London.
two stages, the first of which focuses on resource,
As part of the audit process, according to protocols
market and strategic matters and the second on
agreed with the Higher Education Funding Council
content and delivery. Initial consideration of
for England (HEFCE), the Standing Conference of
proposals is the responsibility of TLC or, for taught
Principals (SCOP) and Universities UK (UUK), one
postgraduate programmes, the Graduate School
discipline audit trail (DAT) was conducted. This
Committee (GSC), with authority for final approval
section of the report summarises the findings of the
resting with Academic Board. In a recent
audit. It concludes by identifying features of good
development designed to relieve the pressure of
practice that emerged during the audit, and making
business on TLC and GSC, separate meetings of
recommendations to the College for enhancing
both have been convened to consider new
current practice.
proposals. The audit team found the College's
confidence in the effectiveness of the programme
The effectiveness of institutional procedures approval process to be justified, particularly in
for assuring the quality of programmes respect of the first stage. This conclusion was
2 Under the terms of Ordinances approved by qualified by the team's observation that the record
the University of London in 1995, the College is of GSC's consideration of one proposal might lack
authorised to confer degrees of the University and the detail that would enable Academic Board to fulfil
is responsible for all processes relating to its responsibilities for final approval.
undergraduate and taught postgraduate 5 At undergraduate level, annual monitoring
programmes. One of the perceived benefits of the reports are required for modules and BSc
greater independence it now enjoys is the programmes; at postgraduate level, they are
opportunity to be more responsive to the external required for programmes. Module review reports
market and professional agendas in pursuit of its and programme reports are considered by the
mission. The College acknowledges, however, that relevant committees at programme level and, as
its character as a small and single discipline appropriate, by either TLC and GSC. The College
institution 'carries the threat of insularity and the values its monitoring procedures as a means of
development of an inward-looking culture'. It has promoting self-reflection and stimulating staff
sought to address this difficulty partly by interest in curricular and delivery matters. It was
expanding and diversifying its provision, and apparent to the audit team that the combined
partly by developing its quality management operation of the College's formal annual monitoring
arrangements. The latter has entailed some procedure and the continuous monitoring of
significant changes to management and feedback from students, employers and external
organisational structures in order to exert greater examiners was effective. The College may wish to
central control over quality and standards. give further consideration to the use made in its
3 In its self-evaluation document (SED) prepared module reviews of external examiners' comments
for the audit, the College stated that its goal was 'to and progression data, and to the possibility of
provide the best possible courses, and to maintain extending the programme annual review procedure
unimpeachable standards in its awards'. Its quality to the BVetMed, in order to generate a more holistic
management procedures are detailed in a Quality perspective on the quality and standards of all
Assurance Manual (the Manual). At institutional undergraduate programmes.
level, responsibility for quality assurance rests with 6 The quinquennial review procedure was
the Teaching Quality Subcommittee (TQSC), a introduced in 2000-01, and responsibility for this
committee of the Teaching and Learning Committee aspect of the College's quality management system
(TLC). The latter reports to Academic Board. is assigned to TQSC. Panel reports are also
considered by Academic Board. Unlike the course
approval procedure, quinquennial review is

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The Royal Veterinary College

undertaken by specially convened panels, the staff and student involvement in the quality
constitution of which provides for the inclusion of management system. The College recognises,
two external members. Although the evidence however, the costs for a small institution of
relating to the effectiveness of the quinquennial developing and implementing formal quality
review procedure is necessarily limited, the audit assurance arrangements, and that the expansion
team was able to confirm the College's judgement and diversification of its provision presents a
that the process to date has been effective in continuing challenge to the effectiveness of those
enabling panels 'to penetrate beneath the surface arrangements. The audit team concurred with this
of (a) course'. assessment and concluded that the College has
acted appropriately to maximise the benefits and
7 The College's approach to managing its flexible
manage the risks of expansion and diversification.
learning (particularly e-learning and distance-
Key to its strategy has been the increased emphasis
learning) and its collaborative provision was the
placed on external participation in internal
subject of a thematic enquiry during the audit.
processes, and careful consideration of external
While its involvement in both types of provision is
reference points and the reports of external bodies.
currently limited, the College regards both as
It was clear to the team that the College places a
strategically significant in the context of its
high value on external endorsement, but does so
commitment to diversification and expansion. The
in a manner that is consistent with its own
thematic enquiry sought to establish whether staff
responsibilities for determining the quality and
at all levels appreciated the quality and standards
standards of its provision.
issues that might be posed by the development of
flexible learning and collaborative provision, and to 9 The committee structure through which the
test the effectiveness of the College's quality College exercises its quality management
assurance arrangements. The audit team concluded responsibilities is relatively complex for a small
that the College had established effective institution, with somewhat attenuated reporting lines
arrangements for ensuring the quality of e-learning between Academic Board and committees at
and distance-learning materials. The team noted, programme level. The audit team found that the
however, that the College had no immediate plans business of the academic committees tended to
for the coordination and support of collaborative focus on operational matters, and the extent to
programmes, in spite of its appreciation of the risks which they addressed strategic issues was more
presented by this area of activity. The team was also limited. It was clear, however, that TQSC and the
unable to give full support to the College's committees that reported to it were operating
judgement that its current arrangements for effectively; success due in part to the key roles played
collaborative provision were consistent with the by their chairs and to the fact that key individuals
relevant section of the Code of practice for the were members of several committees and had more
assurance of academic quality and standards in higher informal lines of communication. The team shared
education (Code of practice) published by the Quality the College's concern that TQSC could become over-
Assurance Agency (The Agency). These comments burdened by the volume and range of its business,
notwithstanding, the team noted the enthusiasm of and observed that the College might wish to use the
the students enrolled on the programmes within the opportunity provided by a forthcoming review of the
scope of the enquiry and the many strengths that role of that body to consider its overall position
they had identified. While there is no suggestion within the committee structure.
that the quality and standards of the College's
10 The findings of the audit confirm that broad
collaborative provision are at risk, the College is
confidence can be placed in the soundness of the
advised to consider whether its current
College's current and likely future management of
arrangements and the procedures set out in the
the quality of its programmes. Aspects of the
Manual are sufficiently robust to support an
College's management of its collaborative provision
expanding portfolio.
might be strengthened.
8 The College has grown considerably since the
last institutional audit in 1993, but believes that it The effectiveness of institutional procedures
derives continuing benefit from its relatively small for securing the standards of awards
size and flat structure. In its SED, the factors
identified as strengths included the possession of a 11 In the light of the College's goal 'to maintain
'quality culture', the visibility throughout the College unimpeachable standards in its awards', the SED
of quality and standards matters, and high levels of described the procedures by which the College
established confidence in, and evaluated the

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Institutional Audit Report: findings

effectiveness of, its management of standards. The effectiveness of institutional procedures

These include the process of course design and for supporting learning
approval; effective assessment schemes that test
students' learning and achievement; the work of 15 As student numbers have increased, the College
boards of examiners; and external examiners and has invested substantially in its learning resources.
their reports that confirm that appropriate standards Appropriate strategies have been developed in line
are being set and achieved. with the Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Strategy, and care has been taken to tackle the
12 The College makes extensive use of external challenges posed by the need to develop parallel
examiners to monitor levels of student achievement resources on the Camden and Hawkshead
and ensure that the academic and professional Campuses. The SED indicated that provision had
standards of awards are upheld. External examiners' 'largely kept pace with demands' but that the
reports are widely circulated and appropriate existing strategies were currently under review, in
responses are made, with the Chair of TQSC reading recognition of the need for 'constant vigilance' in
all reports and requesting immediate responses this area. In their discussions with the audit team,
where necessary. An overview of all reports is staff and students reported general satisfaction with
provided for Academic Board, through TLC and learning resources. The team concluded that the
TQSC, and identifies matters that require College was keeping an appropriate overview of this
consideration at institutional level. The College is aspect of its work and that current improvements in
aware of the risks associated with selecting its library and information technology (IT) facilities on
external examiners from a small pool of similar both campuses would be a significant aid to its
institutions, and has taken steps to ensure that future strategies for teaching and learning. The team
appointments are drawn from as wide a field as considered that the College's approach to
possible. The audit team was satisfied that the developing e-learning materials was a feature of
College was making strong and scrupulous use of good practice.
external examiners in its assurance of standards.
16 The College's arrangements for student support
13 At module and programme level, the annual are managed under the auspices of the Tutors and
review process, supplemented by student Welfare Subcommittee, a committee of TLC.
evaluations of modules and of their tutors, permits Academic support and guidance is provided
local consideration of the health of all courses, primarily through teaching staff; personal support
including their standards, delivery and resources. for both undergraduates and graduates is provided
While the audit team saw evidence that the annual through a tutor system, supplemented by services
review procedure was working effectively, the SED provided through the Students' Union Society (SUS)
acknowledged that monitoring activities at and the University of London. The College's surveys
programme level made only limited use of student of the quality of this provision have revealed no
progression and achievement data. The capacity to significant criticisms, and students are satisfied with
use such data to judge performance and make their access to teaching staff, and with the level of
comparisons across cohorts will be particularly support provided. The audit team was informed that
important as the College diversifies both its the establishment of a Graduate School was helping
academic profile and its student body. The College to create a focus for postgraduate support, the
is advised to consider developing the use of quality of which could be variable according to
statistical information at programme level in students, and that a system of annual appraisal had
evaluating quality and standards. provided a means of increasing the academic
14 On the basis of the evidence available to it, the support available to research students. The team
audit team concluded that the College's was satisfied that these arrangements were
arrangements for securing standards were effective appropriate, and that the College had also
and that, for the BVetMed, due account was taken established effective and reliable systems for
of the requirements of professional accreditation and ensuring that students were able to provide
registration. The findings of the audit confirm that feedback on their learning experience, and to
broad confidence can be placed in the soundness of contribute to quality assurance more generally.
the College's current and likely future management 17 The College's approach to supporting learning
of the academic standards of its awards. is linked to its efforts to recruit high-calibre staff.
In a competitive market, the recruitment of
appropriately-qualified staff, particularly those with a
clinical background, has posed a major challenge as

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The Royal Veterinary College

the College has expanded in size, and it has SED maintained that the College was meeting the
adopted a range of innovative schemes both to expectations of the majority of the sections of the
attract new staff and to retain them. Its staff Code, but had yet to complete its consideration of the
development provision places considerable emphasis two sections relating to career education, information
on teaching and staff are encouraged, partly and guidance, and recruitment and admissions. The
through financial incentives, to seek Institute for audit team saw evidence that the College had
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILT) modified aspects of its quality management
membership. A system of appraisal, currently under arrangements in the light of certain precepts of the
review, is used to identify staff training needs, and Code, and was satisfied its overall response had been
peer observation of teaching takes place through a satisfactory. The College will need to ensure that its
'buddy' scheme, although the latter is not employed formal consideration of the two outstanding sections,
systematically. In the view of the audit team, the particularly that relating to career education,
College's systems for recognising, rewarding and information and guidance, is completed in the near
developing the quality of teaching were a feature of future, not least to ensure that the obvious vocational
good practice. direction of the BVetMed does not obscure the
importance of careers awareness, particularly among
Outcomes of discipline audit trails students on other programmes. It is also advised to
give further attention to the section relating to
Two thematic strands of the BVetMed curriculum
collaborative provision.
18 From its study of students' assessed work, and
from discussions with students and staff, the audit 20 At programme level, the audit team was
team formed the view that the standard of student satisfied that the College had responded
achievement in the two thematic strands of the appropriately to the FHEQ, subject benchmark
BVetMed programme was appropriate to the title of statement and the requirement for programme
the award and its location within The framework for specifications, although its work in relation to the
higher education qualifications in England, Wales and latter is not yet complete.
Northern Ireland (FHEQ). The draft programme
specification sets out appropriate educational aims The utility of the SED as an illustration of the
and learning outcomes, together with the associated institution's capacity to reflect upon its own
teaching and learning methods, support and strengths and limitations, and to act on
assessment that a student can expect to experience. these to enhance quality and standards
Programme outcomes reflect the Subject benchmark
21 The SED prepared for the audit gave a clear
statement for veterinary science and, where
description of the College's procedures for assuring
necessary, make reference to the legal and
the quality of its provision and for securing the
professional context of professional registration,
standards of its awards. Each section set out the
including the 'Day One Competencies' of the Royal
College's own evaluation of the robustness of these
College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). Student
procedures, including reflection on potential
evaluation of the programme was positive,
weaknesses and the impact of recent institutional
particularly in relation to the Professional Studies
changes. The self-evaluative nature of the SED was
module; the curriculum balance between academic,
taken into account by the audit team in determining
clinical and experiential components; the provision
the length and focuses of the audit visit. The
of learning materials on the intranet; and the quality
minutes of TQSC made it clear that the writing of
of pre-enrolment support for international students.
the SED had been viewed as an opportunity to
The audit team concluded that the quality of the
undertake a thorough review of the effectiveness of
learning opportunities available to students was
the quality management framework, and to start the
suitable for a programme of study leading to the
process of addressing any potential weaknesses.
award of BVetMed.
It was also clear to the team that areas identified
within the SED as requiring further consideration
The institution's use of the academic
were already under active discussion and debate.
infrastructure These included the incorporation of best practice
19 The SED stated that as sections of the Code of (as exemplified by the guidance within the Code of
practice had been published, the College had practice) into current procedures, and work with
reviewed the extent to which its practices met external examiners to improve the summative
expectations and had proposed actions to remedy assessment process in the BVetMed.
any deficiencies where this was judged necessary. The

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Institutional Audit Report: findings

Commentary on the institution's intentions Features of good practice: paragraph

for the enhancement of quality and standards references relate to the main report
22 The College has embarked on a challenging 25 The following features of good practice were
agenda for change, and this process is supported by a noted:
commitment to quality enhancement that has been
i institutional systems for recognising, developing
advanced principally through its Teaching, Learning and rewarding the quality of teaching
and Assessment Strategy, staff development and (paragraphs 65 and 105 to 108);
several initiatives that are designed to encourage and
disseminate good practice. The Strategy is a ii the approach to developing e-learning and
comprehensive document that sets out a range of distance-learning, and the supporting
objectives, including the use of innovative approaches infrastructure that has been established
to teaching, learning and assessment. The document (paragraphs 66, 112 and 139);
concludes with the statement that 'all staff must be iii the development of a Professional Studies
properly equipped to deliver (these objectives)'. module within the BVetMed curriculum, as
preparation for professional practice
23 The audit team learnt that the College viewed
(paragraph 131).
staff development and the encouragement and
dissemination of good practice as the principal
Recommendations for action: paragraph
instruments for quality enhancement. The SED
suggested that the College's current enhancement references relate to the main report
mechanisms had the potential to be used more 26 Recommendations for action that are advisable:
creatively and effectively. Given the challenges
i to consider developing the use of statistical
presented by the College's Corporate Plan, the team
information at programme level in evaluating
concurred with this view. It noted that a particular
quality and standards (paragraphs 72 and 100);
strength of the College's provision for quality
enhancement was the support that it provided for ii to consider further whether current
the development of e-learning - a possible model for arrangements and the procedures for
the establishment of comparable arrangements in collaborative provision set out in the Manual are
support of the institution's commitment to both consistent with the Code of practice and
collaborative partnerships. sufficiently robust to support an expanding
portfolio of activities in this area
(paragraphs 138 to 140).
Reliability of information
24 From 2004 the audit process will include a
check on the reliability of the information set
published by institutions in the format
recommended in HEFCE's document 02/15,
Information on quality and standards in higher
education. The SED included an appendix setting
out the College's current position in relation to
both the published information set recommended
in this document and the information to be
available within all higher education institutions
(HEIs). The audit team found that the College was
moving in an appropriate and timely manner to
fulfil its responsibilities in this matter, and that the
information it was publishing currently about the
quality of its programmes and the standards of its
awards was reliable. The majority of the information
to be available within all HEIs is already available
within the College in the form of documents and
reports submitted to relevant committees.

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The Royal Veterinary College

Main report 31 As a constituent of the University of London,

the College operates under the current Ordinances
27 An institutional audit of the College was
of the University adopted in 1995. It is authorised to
undertaken during the week commencing 10
confer degrees of the University and to appoint, and
February 2003. The purpose of the audit was to
confer the titles of Professors, Readers and Teachers
provide public information on the quality of the
of the University. It undertakes the administration of
College's programmes of study and on the discharge
all processes relating to undergraduate and
of its responsibility for conferring degrees of the
postgraduate taught programmes, including the
University of London.
appointment of their external examiners, and its
28 The audit was carried out using a process the Academic Board is responsible for the development
Agency developed in partnership with HEFCE, SCOP and monitoring of College regulations and
and UUK, and has been endorsed by the procedures. It is required to lodge with the University
Department for Education and Skills. For institutions the detailed procedures through which its delegated
in England, it replaces the previous processes of powers are implemented, and to make annual reports
continuation audit, undertaken by the Agency at the on the exercise of those powers. The University
request of UUK and SCOP, and universal subject reserves the right to subject the College's procedures
review, undertaken by the Agency on behalf of to detailed investigation, and also retains responsibility
HEFCE, as part of the latter's statutory responsibility for approving the establishment of joint degrees; for
for assessing the quality of education that it funds. aspects of the quality assurance of, and the awarding
body function for, distance-learning degrees offered
29 The audit checked the effectiveness of the
through the University's External Programme; for
College's procedures for establishing and
research degree examinations; and for disciplinary
maintaining the standards of its academic awards;
procedures related to examination offences.
for reviewing and enhancing the quality of the
programmes of study leading to those awards; 32 The College has had an independent relationship
for publishing reliable information; and for the with HEFCE since 1995 and, as such, receives direct
discharge of its responsibility for conferring degrees funding and has the opportunity to bid for additional
of the University of London. As part of the audit funding under appropriate HEFCE initiatives.
process, according to protocols agreed with HEFCE,
33 Although it is a single discipline institution, the
SCOP and UUK, the audit included consideration of
College is the largest provider of veterinary
an example of institutional processes at work at the
education in the UK. At the time of the audit,
level of the programme, through a DAT, together
around 950 full-time equivalent (FTE) students were
with examples of those processes operating at the
registered on its programmes, with the student
level of the institution as a whole, one of which was
body dominated by the 759 students registered on
identified as a thematic enquiry. The scope of the
the undergraduate BVetMed programme. This
audit encompassed all of the College's provision and
represents 61 per cent of the student headcount,
collaborative arrangements leading to its awards.
but accounts for 86 per cent of the College's
teaching-related income from HEFCE.
Section 1: introduction: The Royal 34 The College is organised into three academic
Veterinary College departments (Veterinary Basic Sciences; Pathology
and Infectious Diseases; and Veterinary Clinical
The institution and its mission Sciences), supported by a Clinical Services Division
and three administrative sections. Its governing
30 The College was founded in 1791 and became
body is the College Council, which receives advice
a constituent college of the University of London in
on all academic matters from Academic Board,
1949. It operates on two campuses - the Camden
chaired by the Principal.
Campus in London and the Hawkshead Campus at
Potters Bar in Hertfordshire. The former incorporates
the Beaumont Animals' Hospital, a first-opinion
veterinary clinic for small animals. The latter houses
the main clinical activity of the College, including
the Sefton Equine Surgery Unit and Queen Mother
Hospital, a Large Animal Practice, and the College's
farm, Boltons Park. Approximately 60 per cent of
staff are based at Hawkshead.

page 8
Institutional Audit Report: main report

Mission statement z the report of a the Agency's subject review of

Veterinary Medicine (January 2000).
35 The College's Mission Statement is expressed in
its Corporate Plan, 2002 to 2005: The College provided the Agency with:

'The Royal Veterinary College will continue to z an institutional SED, which included its Register
of Collaborative Provision;
develop and promote its distinctive role as the
United Kingdom's first, largest and only self- z a discipline self-evaluation document (DSED) for
governing veterinary school. The College will strive the provision selected for a DAT;
for excellence in its undergraduate, postgraduate z its Corporate Plan 2002 to 2005, the College
and other teaching, and in research and scholarship. Calendar 2002-2003, the Manual, and the
The College will pursue these goals through its Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
commitment to the health and welfare of animals, (2002 to 2005).
through its role in influencing public and animal 39 During the briefing and audit visits, the audit
health policy, through provision of clinical and team was given ready access to the College's
scientific services and its strategic alliances with internal documents, many of which were provided
professional, advisory and commercial bodies and on a CD and through the intranet. The documents
government agencies. Through its company the available included the most recent report on the
London BioScience Innovation Centre and other College by RCVS, published in 2001, and the
arrangements, the College will develop accreditation report of the American Veterinary
opportunities for the commercial exploitation of Medicine Association (AVMA), published in 1999.
intellectual property generated within the College They also included examples of student work related
and elsewhere'. to the DAT.
36 The accompanying Vision Statement is 'to be
the premier veterinary school in the United The audit process
Kingdom, and among the best worldwide'. 40 Following a preliminary meeting at the College in
July 2002, the Agency confirmed that one DAT would
Collaborative provision be conducted during the audit visit. The audit team
decided that the DAT would focus on two thematic
37 The College offers two joint degree programmes strands of the BVetMed curriculum: Reproduction;
- a BSc in Veterinary Nursing (with Middlesex and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems.
University) and an MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology
(with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical 41 The Agency received the College's SED and
Medicine). Two further programmes - an MSc in Wild supporting documentation in October 2002, and its
Animal Health and an MSc and Postgraduate Diploma DSED, accompanied by a draft programme
in Veterinary Physiotherapy - are run in collaboration specification for the BVetMed, in November 2002.
Both the SED and the DSED were written specifically
with other institutions, although in both cases the
for the purposes of the audit.
College carries full responsibility for quality and
standards. The College also participates in the 42 The audit team visited the College on 17 and
University of London's External Programme through 18 December 2002 for the purpose of exploring
the provision of an MSc and Postgraduate Diploma in with the Principal, senior members of staff and
Livestock Health and Production. The College's student representatives matters relating to the
management of collaborative provision was audited management of quality and standards raised by the
as part of a thematic enquiry undertaken by the audit SED and other documentation provided for the
team (see below, Section 3). team. During this briefing visit, the team signalled a
number of themes for the audit visit, and identified
Background information one area of thematic enquiry at institutional level for
pursuit during the audit visit:
38 The published information available for this
z the College's approach to managing flexible
audit included:
learning and its collaborative provision.
z the information on the College's web site, At the close of the briefing visit a programme of
including its undergraduate and postgraduate meetings for the audit visit was developed by the
prospectuses and its annual report for 2001; team and agreed with the College.
z the report of a quality audit of the College by
the Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) in 43 At the preliminary meeting for the audit, the
1993 (January 1994); students of the College were invited, through their
SUS, to submit a separate document expressing

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The Royal Veterinary College

views on the student experience at the College, current BVetMed students are accompanied by 52
and identifying any matters of concern or other undergraduate students. There are also 113
commendation with respect to the quality of full or part-time postgraduate students on MSc
programmes and the standard of awards. They were programmes, and 47 full-time and 23 part-time
also invited to give their views on the level of research postgraduates.
representation afforded to them, and on the extent
47 This expansion has been accompanied by
to which their views were taken into account.
restructuring of the College's organisation and
In November 2002, documents were submitted to
management, the effect of which has been stronger
the Agency by SUS on behalf of undergraduates and
oversight and direction at institutional level, and the
by the Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS) on
embedding of formal quality assurance practices
behalf of postgraduates. Both societies indicated
throughout the College. The original three clinical
that there were no matters in the documents that
departments have been merged to form a single
would require the audit team to treat them with any
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. A Senior
level of confidentiality greater than that normally
Management Group (SMG) has been established.
applying to the audit process. The team is grateful
Academic Board is now supported by TLC, and
to the students for preparing these two documents
TLC's own TQSC. TQSC has taken a major role in
to support the audit.
the introduction of institution-wide quality
44 The audit visit took place from 11 to 13 monitoring, and reports direct to TLC on all aspects
February 2003 and included further meetings with of course delivery and review. The consequence has
staff and students of the College. The audit team been that there is now a stronger College-based
was Mr J A Hanna, Professor J H Phillips, Professor overview of both teaching and research, with a
J C P Raban and Professor M G Stewart, auditors, reduction of the influence of individual departments.
and Mr R A Platt, audit secretary. The audit was
48 The BVetMed curriculum has also undergone
coordinated for the Agency by Ms S J Clark,
considerable development since 1993, with the key
Assistant Director, Reviews Group.
changes focusing on integration and the
introduction of systems-based courses, together with
Developments since the previous academic
a much stronger central control of their content and
quality audit delivery. Oversight of the main taught elements of
45 At the time of the HEQC audit visit in 1993, the the BVetMed is now the responsibility of two Phase
College had 444 FTE students (of whom 391 were Subcommittees (covering years one and two, and
on the BVetMed course) and 75 full-time lecturing years three and part of four), while the second half
staff. The report of the audit, published in January of year four and year five are overseen by the
1994, noted 'the strength of the informal, collegial Practical Clinical Studies Subcommittee and the
tradition' within the College, the commitment of Electives Subcommittee. All report to TLC.
staff and a range of good practices. The 1993 audit
49 In addition to the substantial increase in
team was surprised, however, that there was no
student numbers on the BVetMed, a major
central body to oversee all aspects of teaching,
innovation has been the introduction of science-
including the reforms then being made to the
based undergraduate courses, including intercalated
BVetMed curriculum, and drew the College's
honours courses (with the BSc in Veterinary
attention to 'the benefits of introducing some more
Pathology) and a new three-year BSc in Veterinary
formal elements among its quality assurance
Sciences (launched in 2002). These courses are
procedures, based upon a simplified committee
overseen by a new BSc Subcommittee of TLC. The
structure appropriate to the needs of a small
College's educational provision has further
institution'. This, it argued, would 'give staff and
diversified with the introduction of a joint BSc in
students a clearer understanding of the lines of
Veterinary Nursing, including a top-up course for
authority and responsibility'.
qualified nurses, launched in 1998 in partnership
46 Since that time, the College's relationship with with Middlesex University, and other collaborations
the University of London and HEFCE has changed (see above, paragraph 37). Currently, 134 students
(see above, paragraph 31). Its strategy has focused are registered with Middlesex University on the BSc
on expansion of staff and student numbers, and in Veterinary Nursing and 17 with the College on
diversification of its educational provision. the top-up course. In 2000, a Graduate School was
In 2002-03, the total staff complement is 487, of established to oversee the taught postgraduate
which 95 are academic and 46 research staff, and courses under the purview of MSc Course
the BVetMed has almost doubled in size. The 759 Management Committees, and research

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

postgraduate training and supervision. The GSC described how the College had strengthened and
reports directly to Academic Board, but has links to refined its arrangements for quality assurance and
TLC. enhancement since the early 1990s, in response to
changes in the local and national context. The
50 One of the implications of doubling the size of
College's quality management procedures are
the BVetMed intake has been the need to expand
detailed in the Manual, published annually.
the College's teaching infrastructure, with an
investment of some £33 million in physical facilities 54 A key role in maintaining and developing the
over the past seven years. In addition, the College's quality assurance procedures is performed
management of the clinical caseload has been by TQSC, accountable through TLC to Academic
brought under the oversight of the Clinical Services Board. According to the SED, 'where feedback
Division, formed in 2001. This development has suggests that there may be a problem, the problem
facilitated the provision of appropriate clinical is defined; potential solutions are identified; their
material for the expanding BVetMed. implementation is monitored; and interested parties,
including students, (are) informed of the action
51 The College's educational provision is subject to
taken'. The primary responsibility 'for ensuring that
accreditation by RCVS which reported most recently
the loop is closed' is taken by TQSC, a role that is
in 2001. In 1999, partly in acknowledgement of the
essential if quality assurance processes are 'to deliver
importance of recruitment of overseas students for its
the benefits of enhancement'. Where possible, TQSC
courses, the College became the first UK veterinary
'has sought to streamline procedures' for the purpose
school to seek and obtain approval (now known as
of securing the expeditious resolution of issues.
accreditation) by AVMA. Both the RCVS and the
AVMA reports approved the content of the training
provided by the College, and matters identified
The institution's framework for managing
within the reports (mainly relating to availability of quality and standards, including
farm animal material and to physical facilities) are collaborative provision
being or have already been addressed. The Agency's 55 Since the new Ordinances of the University of
subject review of January 2000 covered the BVetMed London were introduced in 1995 (see above,
and three MSc programmes, and concluded that all paragraph 31), the College has held delegated
aspects of provision made a full contribution to the responsibility for the undergraduate and taught
attainment of the stated objectives. postgraduate programmes that it offers. The audit
team was told by the Principal that the greater
52 The current audit team concluded that the
independence enjoyed by the College had enabled
changes in structure, monitoring and curriculum
it to be more responsive to the external market and
delivery implemented by the College since 1993
professional agendas, and to pursue its vision of
had been broadly appropriate, and were in
being 'the premier veterinary school in the United
accordance with the overall recommendations of the
Kingdom and among the best worldwide'. The SED
1994 audit report and subsequent reports. Further
drew attention both to the particular challenges
comment on some detailed aspects of the College's confronting a small and single discipline institution
response to the 1994 report are provided below, in respect of quality management, and to some of
paragraphs 56 and 62. the benefits. On the one hand, 'the focus of the
College's academic activities on a single discipline
carries the threat of insularity and the development
Section 2: the audit investigations: of an inward-looking culture' and the maintenance
institutional processes of an effective quality management system may be
costly for a small institution. The team noted that
The institution's view as expressed in the SED these risks might be compounded by the fact that
53 The primary objectives governing the College's the College was working within relatively small and
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Strategy fall possibly cohesive subject and professional
into three broad groups: the delivery of 'high quality communities. On the other hand, the College's 'flat
courses of study' and the assurance of 'the quality structure' and 'quality culture' means that quality
and standards of the degrees conferred by the and standards issues are visible and there is a 'high
level of student and staff involvement'.
College'; meeting the expectations of stakeholders
and satisfying the requirements of external 56 The College has sought to build upon the
accrediting bodies and directives; and ensuring 'the benefits and address the potential difficulties posed
implementation of good practice'. The SED by its size and nature by developing its

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The Royal Veterinary College

arrangements for assuring the quality and standards paragraph 46). These developments have brought
of its provision. Its quality management framework, their own combination of risks and benefits.
structured around the committees described above, Expansion has been important in enabling the
paragraphs 47 to 49, places considerable emphasis College to achieve sufficient critical mass within a
on the use of 'external points of reference' and the range of academic specialisms to maintain and
involvement of persons external to the College in enhance the quality of its provision. Senior staff
the work of those committees and in quality informed the audit team that widening participation
assurance activities. The SED described the various and the diversification of the academic portfolio had
changes to the College's organisational structure encouraged staff to think more widely than the
since the 1993 audit as a means of strengthening its particular course or courses to which they
'ability…to exercise control over quality and contributed. The College recognises the challenge
standards, and to focus management that expansion and diversification presents to the
responsibilities…across the full range of the College's continuing effectiveness of its quality assurance
activities'. The College has transferred responsibility processes, and acknowledges the need to keep the
'for the operational management of quality from roles of its various committees under review as
academic departments to the College centrally' to growth continues. Further comment on the
ensure the collective ownership of courses and the College's framework for managing the quality and
awards to which they lead, and to 'reflect changes in
standards of its collaborative provision is provided
the College's activities and in the external environment'.
below, paragraphs 132 to 140.
57 This transfer has been achieved by a variety of
59 As part of its enquiries into the effectiveness of
means, including the creation of the Graduate
the College's quality management framework, the
School, the establishment of committees with
audit team explored the relationship between
responsibility for the management of taught
executive action and deliberation through the
provision, a reduction in the number of departments
committee structure. The team considered in
(see above, paragraph 47), and the evolution of
particular whether Academic Board and its
SMG. SMG now comprises the Principal, Vice-
committees were effective arenas for robust debate
Principals with responsibility for teaching, research
on institutional strategy and approaches to quality
and strategic development, an Assistant Principal
and standards, and whether there was evidence for
responsible for academic support and development,
the College's claim that 'a quality culture' was one of
the three heads of academic departments, and the
the strengths of its quality management processes.
Director of Clinical Services. The SED stated that 'the
net result of the evolution of SMG has been to 60 The audit team explored two aspects of the
increase substantially its capacity to lead the interaction between the College's executive and
development of the College into an institution deliberative structures. The first was the means by
which is fully engaged with the major issues which resource issues were identified and resolved
confronting a modern HEI'. Within this structure, the within the matrix structure. Included within the
primary responsibilities of heads of department are terms of reference of Course Management
for the management of the academic staff and other Committees is a requirement that they 'advise on
subject-specific teaching resources; course the resources (physical, human and financial)
management responsibilities are vested in the Chairs required by the course', and this is matched by the
of the Phase Subcommittees and Course general responsibility for implementing procedures
Management Committees. The audit team learnt 'for the assurance and enhancement of teaching
that the heads worked within a 'matrix' structure quality for all taught courses'. The team heard that
based on a relationship of parity between when resource issues arose, the Chair of TLC acted
themselves, accountable to the Principal, and the as a 'broker' between heads of department and the
committee chairs, accountable to TLC and ultimately Phase Subcommittee or Course Management
Academic Board. The SED was frank that the transfer Committee chairs. While the team noted the
of responsibility from 'departments to the centre' College's commitment to achieve a closer
was 'still partial' and that tensions remained between articulation of its academic and resource planning
the judgements of heads of department and the mechanisms, the evidence available indicated that
'recommendations' of committees within the the matrix arrangement was working effectively. The
deliberative structure. second aspect explored by the team was the nature
and extent of Academic Board's engagement with
58 The College has also attempted to address the
the strategic development of the College and its
potential difficulties posed by its size and nature
academic portfolio. While the team observed the
through expansion and diversification (see above,

page 12
Institutional Audit Report: main report

way in which both the Corporate Plan 2002 to 2005 the team was assured that these risks were obviated
and the staff that it met addressed key strategic by the informal exchange of information, the fact that
issues, the team felt that the Plan itself had not been TQSC reported direct to both TLC and Academic
subject to detailed development within Academic Board, and by the role performed by the Chair of
Board, as confirmed by the Board's minutes. The TQSC and the Vice-Principal (Teaching) in attending
team heard that the College's strategy was largely meetings of the Phase Subcommittees and in ensuring
driven by SMG, and that the primary role of the that action requirements were met. The team noted
Board was to act as a revising chamber in that the College was conscious of the need to keep
overseeing the more detailed work undertaken by its the remit of TQSC under review; in so doing, it may
subcommittees. This description appeared to be also wish to consider the suggestion, made by that
confirmed by the Board's minutes. committee's external member, that TQSC should have
the same status as TLC within the structure.
61 Academic Board is served by GSC and TLC.
TLC receives reports and minutes from the Phase
The institution's intentions for the
Subcommittees, while the Course Management
Committees send their minutes to the BSc
enhancement of quality and standards
Subcommittee or GSC. The Phase Subcommittees 63 Since the 1993 audit, and following its
are themselves served by Staff/Student Committees authorisation to confer degrees of the University of
(SSLCs). The SED emphasised that TQSC, a London, the College has embarked on a challenging
subcommittee of TLC, played a key role within the agenda for change. In addition to the necessary task
deliberative structure, maintaining the processes of developing its quality management
'governing all major aspects of quality assurance'. arrangements, the College has expanded,
Its terms of reference are extensive, encompassing restructured and diversified its portfolio of courses.
responsibilities for both quality assurance and This process has been supported by a commitment
quality enhancement; the audit team noted from its to quality enhancement that has been largely
papers that it discharged a considerable volume of managed by TQSC, and advanced principally
business and had been the primary forum for policy through the formulation and implementation of its
development in these areas. The documentary Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy, staff
evidence confirmed the diligence of both TQSC and development and several initiatives designed to
its chair in identifying requirements, assigning tasks encourage and disseminate good practice.
and in ensuring that required actions were
64 The College first approved a teaching and
completed. It also demonstrated that TQSC's work
learning strategy in 1998, prior to the production of
was complemented and supported by the active
such a strategy becoming a HEFCE requirement.
engagement of both staff and students in the work
A revised strategy for 2002 to 2005 was submitted
of the programme-level committees and the SSLCs.
to HEFCE in July 2002. This is a comprehensive
Within this context, the team noted that, while the
document which itemises several curricular
membership of TLC was largely ex officio, the objectives; describes the use of innovative
constitutions of both TQSC and the Phase approaches to teaching, learning and assessment for
Subcommittees provided for a higher proportion of the purpose of promoting independent and lifelong
staff representatives. learning; expresses an intention to develop, where
62 Overall, the audit team collected considerable appropriate, the use of e-learning; and also deals
evidence of staff commitment to, and engagement with the need to develop the College's learning
with, the College's strategy for quality assurance. Its environment. The document concludes with a
enquiries confirmed that the College was justified in its section on quality enhancement that makes it clear
confidence in the operational effectiveness of TQSC that 'all staff must be properly equipped to deliver
and the committees that report to it. However, it (the teaching and learning strategy)'.
appeared to the team that the structure within which 65 The audit team learnt from its discussions with
these committees were placed was somewhat staff that the College viewed staff development and
complex for a small institution working within a single the encouragement and dissemination of good
discipline, a matter raised in the 1994 audit report. It practice as the principal instruments for quality
also appeared that TQSC could be over-burdened by enhancement. This perspective has resulted in
the volume of business transacted, and that the long several initiatives: an annual curriculum review away
reporting line between Academic Board and day; a 'buddy' scheme for peer observation of
committees at course level might weaken the ultimate teaching; and the 'Educator Prize' which recognises
accountability of the latter. In discussions with staff, and rewards excellence in teaching and related areas

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The Royal Veterinary College

(see below, paragraphs 104 and 107). These Programme approval

elements, together with the dedication of staff, were 68 Programme approval is undertaken in two
included in the SED's analysis of the strengths of the stages. The criteria governing 'approval in principle'
College's quality management arrangements. The are the consistency of a proposal with the College's
team noted that the inclusion of the Human mission, the demand from potential students and
Resources Manager as a member of TQSC provided employers, and whether the proposed course can be
additional evidence of the importance attached by adequately resourced. Initial approval requires the
the College to staff development, and to the support of TLC or, for postgraduate courses, GSC,
recognition and reward of teaching excellence. and the proposal must be signed off by the Assistant
It was also consistent with the future intention, Principal (Academic Support and Development) and
expressed in the SED, to place 'renewed emphasis the relevant heads of department, before it is
on quality enhancement' in a manner that will recommended for approval by Academic Board. The
'encompass the implementation of the Human second stage requires a submission (which includes
Resource Strategy'. details of the proposed curriculum, draft regulations
66 The SED's evaluation of the effectiveness of the and a description of how generic skills will be
College's approach to quality enhancement stated developed and assessed) to either TLC or GSC. This
that current mechanisms had the potential to be process is completed by a recommendation for
used more effectively. There was a possibility, for approval to Academic Board.
example, of using recipients of the Educator Prize as 69 The SED reported that the course approval
'catalysts for change', and the Teaching, Learning process has been 'revised and made more explicit' in
and Assessment Strategy would benefit from 'a plan the light of a review by TQSC of the relevant section
with clear objectives'. These observations were of the Code of practice. The College's assessment was
reinforced by staff, who expressed the view that the that, while its current arrangements met the
quality enhancement strategy could be more precepts of the Code, increased reference to the
creative and effective in stimulating future subject benchmark statement and the FHEQ was
improvement, rather than simply rewarding past required. The audit team noted that these matters
performance. Given the challenges presented by the had been addressed in the current edition of the
College's Corporate Plan, the audit team concurred Manual.
with this view. On the basis of the evidence available
to it, the team also noted that one of the strengths 70 The SED provided an evaluation of the College's
of the College's provision for quality enhancement procedures for programme approval. This included
was the support it provided for the development of the contestable assertion that the current process
e-learning through the work of a dedicated unit - a could be judged to be effective because none of the
possible model for the establishment of comparable new courses which had been introduced had
arrangements in support of the institution's 'subsequently been proven to have significant "design
commitment to collaborative partnerships (see faults"'. However, on the basis of the evidence
below, paragraph 139). available, the audit team was satisfied that the first
stage of the current procedure was effective. The SED
Internal approval, monitoring and also acknowledged the possibility that the 'rigour of
review processes scrutiny' of new course proposals by TLC and GSC
could be compromised by the pressure exerted by
67 The College assures the quality of its courses the routine business of these committees. It reported
through a formal programme approval process, the that TQSC had recommended the convening of
annual monitoring of modules and programmes of separate meetings of TLC and GSC specifically for the
study, and periodic review on a quinquennial basis. purposes of course approval. This recommendation
The current process of programme approval was had been implemented by the time of the audit visit.
introduced in 1996, following the delegation of The team noted, however, that the record of the
responsibilities by the University of London. The consideration of recent proposals by TLC and GSC
current procedure for module review and the differed in terms of the minuting style and, in the
approval of modifications to programmes was linked case of one MSc programme, might not provide
by staff who met the audit team with the sufficient detail for Academic Board to fulfil its
centralisation of curricular responsibilities. responsibilities for final approval.
Quinquennial review was introduced in 2000-01.
Annual monitoring
The procedures for each process are set out in detail
in the Manual. 71 The SED distinguished between the 'continuous
monitoring of feedback data' provided by students,

page 14
Institutional Audit Report: main report

graduates, external examiners and boards of comprising two members of the College's staff
examiners, and 'systematic monitoring through appointed by TQSC, two external members and
formal reporting procedures'. The former is the Head of Academic Development, who acts as
considered in more detail elsewhere in this report secretary. Panel reports are submitted to Academic
(see below, paragraphs 95 to 98). The latter Board after they have been considered by TQSC.
comprises a module review procedure and annual
74 In view of the recent introduction of
course reports. The module review procedure
quinquennial review, the SED offered only a tentative
applies specifically to undergraduate provision;
evaluation of its effectiveness. Nonetheless, it was
postgraduate and BSc programmes are required to
apparent to the audit team that the procedure as
produce a formal course report. It is through these
described in the Manual was both comprehensive
monitoring procedures that modifications to modules
and rigorous, and made strong and scrupulous use of
and courses are proposed and approved. Module
external persons. This impression was confirmed by
reviews are considered by the relevant Phase
the evident thoroughness with which the first
Subcommittees and by TLC. The latter, together with
quinquennial review had been conducted; the report
GSC, also considers annual course reports.
of that event confirmed the College's judgement that
72 The format for the annual report on masters the process had enabled the panel 'to penetrate
programmes was revised in 2000-01 for the purpose beneath the surface of the course'.
of improving its value as an evaluative tool. The
module review procedure was introduced in External participation in internal
1999-2000, and was described by staff as valuable in review processes
promoting self-reflection and a useful means of
stimulating interest in curriculum and delivery issues. 75 To counteract the 'threat of insularity' posed by
The audit team was informed by students that they the College's status as a small, single-discipline
were fully involved at Phase Subcommittee level in institution, the constitution of TQSC includes a
the module review procedure and in the member external to the College, currently an
academic from another university, who provides
consideration of proposed modifications. Although
'impartial oversight of the College's quality assurance
the SED stated that the 'cycle of delivery-reflection-
procedures' and makes an independent annual
improvement for the core didactic modules…of the
report to Academic Board. The 1999-2000 annual
BVetMed…has still to achieve its maximum effect', it
report commented that there remained 'few external
was apparent to the team that the module review
influences operating in curriculum planning and
procedure was applied with rigour and commitment.
quality assurance, other than the (significant)
The team concluded that the combined operation of
demands of accreditation and the Agency'. By the
the College's continuous and systematic monitoring
time of the audit visit it was apparent that the
procedures was effective, and was one of several
College had acted upon this observation. In addition
respects in which the small size of the institution and to the inclusion of external members on TLC and
the strengths of its informal networks was a source of Course Management Committees, the College's
considerable benefit. As it continues to enhance its programme approval and quinquennial review
arrangements, the College might wish to give further procedures require in each case the participation of
consideration to the use made in its module reviews two external specialists, and the SED detailed other
of external examiners' comments and progression means by which the College had sought to enhance
data (see below, paragraphs 100 and 128), and to external input to its quality assurance arrangements.
the possibility of extending the annual reporting
procedure to all undergraduate programmes, in order 76 While the audit team was impressed with the
to generate a more holistic perspective on quality and College's general approach to externality, it noted
standards than will be generated by a module- that the programme approval procedure did not
focused procedure. require the presence of external specialists at the
meetings of TLC and GSC convened to consider
Periodic review new course proposals. It also noted that the
73 The College introduced a formal process of incorporation of course modifications within the
quinquennial review in 2000-01. The purposes of annual review procedure effectively denied the
the process are to assess the quality of a College the benefit of external expert opinion in
programme, and to confirm that the award to considering proposed modifications, albeit that
which it leads is of an appropriate standard. there was an opportunity for external committee
Responsibility for the conduct of reviews lies with members to offer a opinion (in many cases non-
TQSC. Each review is undertaken by a panel specialist). By contrast, the provision made for the

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involvement of external members in the quinquennial section of the Code of practice. The audit team noted
review process implied a greater degree of rigour. that the programme provided opportunities for
These reservations notwithstanding, the team was discussion of current developments and any matters
satisfied that the College was making appropriate of concern: in 2001, for example, oral examination
use of external participation in the full range of its practice in the BVetMed was discussed, and those
quality assurance procedures. unable to attend the induction received
presentational material and the notes of discussions.
External examiners and their reports In 2002, the programme was enhanced through the
attendance of internal examiners, and an effective
77 The SED emphasised the 'vital role' of external
discussion forum was generated.
examiners and the extent of their duties in assuring
standards - the College 'values their contribution 81 The documentary evidence provided for the
and encourages them to be open and full in their audit team indicated that external examiners
comments'. The SED also expressed the College's commented on assessments and model answers,
confidence in the robustness of its procedures for reviewed student work, participated in oral
securing the appointment of suitably qualified examinations and attended examination boards.
external examiners and for responding to their They report to the College on a form that allows for
reports. It was frank in identifying as an area of comment on the programme and its delivery, cohort
weakness some insufficient briefing of external performance and assessment processes; a checklist
examiners on the College's progressive approach to confirms scrutiny of adequate student work and
curriculum delivery and assessment, a matter that is evidence of appropriate academic standards. They
now being addressed through induction (see below, also make comments at examination boards. Recent
paragraph 80). reports from both postgraduate and undergraduate
programmes indicated that, generally, external
78 All programmes have named external examiners.
examiners made good use of the form to offer critical
There are two external examiners appointed to each
and supportive comment on the College's provision.
BSc and masters award, and more than 30 external
Staff emphasised that external examiners and their
examiners for the various stages of the BVetMed
reports provided a valued index for confirming
programme, including 19 at final level. The College
academic and professional standards, and for
and the University of London have agreed respective
monitoring the educational process and achievement
responsibilities for external examining on the MSc in
of student outcomes. They also observed that, as
Livestock Health and Production, which is part of the
external examiners were often responsible for several
University's External Programme.
modules or electives, they contributed to maintaining
79 The audit team explored the contribution of equivalence and comparability of standards between
external examiners to assuring quality and standards programme components.
through meetings with staff and students, and
82 External examiners' reports are considered by
examination of documents. External examiner
the appropriate chairs of boards of examiners and
nominations are considered by TQSC, where they
module leaders, with TQSC responsible for ensuring
are scrutinised against a clear set of criteria designed
that appropriate action is taken and its Chair
to ensure the independence of those appointed.
intervening directly if necessary. An overview of
Suitable nominations are forwarded to Academic
matters raised and the responses is presented to
Board for endorsement. The appointment of
Academic Board, through TQSC and TLC, together
practitioners contributes to the balance between the
with a commentary drawing attention to matters
academic and practitioner components and enables
that require College-wide consideration. The
professional standards to be considered. External
2001-02 report, for example, commented on a
examiners for postgraduate research degrees are
range of issues, including external examiner
appointed by the Higher Degrees Advisory
appointments, examination organisation, structured
Committee of the University of London.
oral examinations and academic standards. The
80 Following appointment, external examiners are minutes of Academic Board showed actions resulting
provided with a briefing pack containing constructive from this summary. Responses to external examiners'
advice on the extent, restrictions, requirements and comments on masters programmes and feedback
context of their role. They are also invited to attend from PhD examiners are considered by GSC. The
an induction programme on institutional policy and audit team was satisfied that these procedures were
practice, introduced by the College in 2001 after a working effectively.
review of its arrangements in the light of the relevant

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

83 The College is aware of the risks associated with The Code of practice
drawing from a limited pool of potential external 86 The SED stated that one of the primary
examiners in veterinary science, and endeavours to objectives of the College's Quality Assurance and
recruit from a wider base that includes practitioners, Enhancement Strategy was 'to ensure the
academics in other disciplines and from overseas. implementation of good practice' particularly as
This is a strategy that it will no doubt wish to represented by the Code of practice. The audit team
develop further, both to maintain the independent explored the College's approach to the Code and its
role of external examiners and to promote as wide implementation through discussion with staff and
an input of ideas and expertise as is possible. The students, and scrutiny of documents. It heard that
audit team concluded that the College was making the Code was a 'useful reference point' but had 'not
strong and scrupulous use of independent external had a dramatic impact'; the impact of the FHEQ and
examiners, and ensuring that their work contributed subject benchmark statement had been greater. The
to assuring academic standards and the quality of SED described the approach taken towards, and the
the student experience. current position in respect of, each section of the
Code. As sections have been published, the College
External reference points has reviewed the extent to which its practice meets
The FHEQ, subject benchmark statement and
expectations, and has proposed actions to remedy
programme specifications any deficiencies. Subsequent amendments to
current practices have included revisions to the
84 The SED stated that the College had taken a
course approval process to make explicit reference
'positive approach to the two Agency initiatives
to relevant subject benchmark statements and the
most directly concerned with standards of awards,
FHEQ, and changes to external examiner
the introduction of subject benchmarking statements
arrangements. The SED indicated that the College
and the National Qualifications Framework (FHEQ)'.
had yet to complete its consideration of two
Two members of the College's staff were members of
sections of the Code - those relating to career
the benchmarking group for veterinary science, and
education, information and guidance; and
the College was active in discussing and responding
recruitment and admissions.
formally to the draft FHEQ, to ensure that the
BVetMed was properly defined. 87 The audit team noted that, although TQSC had
overall responsibility for the College responses to the
85 The audit team explored how the FHEQ, subject
Code of practice and had responded to some sections
benchmark statement and the requirement for
itself, it had made good use of the committee
programme specifications had impacted on the
structure and other mechanisms to ensure that each
College. Staff indicated that these developments
section was considered by the most appropriate
represented an external framework that had
body. Hence, GSC had considered the section
encouraged reflection and involvement. The criteria
relating to postgraduate research students, and its
for course approval and review have been amended
work had prompted the development of new
to take into account the requirements of the FHEQ
guidelines and training of staff in supervision and
and relevant subject benchmark statement, and a
appraisal. Similarly, the section relating to placement
mechanism for preparing programme specifications
learning had been considered by the Practical
has been established by TQSC. GSC is responsible
Clinical Studies Subcommittee, and the sections
for approving specifications for masters
relating to external examiners, student appeals and
programmes and TLC for undergraduate
student assessment had been considered by the
programmes, with final approval through Academic
Examinations and Regulations Subcommittee, which
Board (although the process has yet to be formally
had made subsequent recommendations relating to
completed). Staff reported not untypical tensions
the induction of external examiners (see above,
associated with drafting documents that were
paragraph 80) and their role in assessment. The
required both to describe academic programmes
team noted, in particular, that the College had
and to enable (potential) students to make selective
linked its response to the section relating to students
judgements; they remained unconvinced of their
with disabilities to funding received under the
benefits. The team was satisfied that, while its work
HEFCE disability initiative.
in this area is not complete, the College was
responding appropriately to the FHEQ, subject 88 The audit team concluded that the College's
benchmark statements and the requirement for response to the Code of practice had been
programme specifications. satisfactory overall. The College will need to ensure
that its formal consideration of the two outstanding

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sections, particularly that relating to career College was alert to these matters. The various
education, information and guidance, is completed reports from external agencies have been given full
in the near future, not least to ensure that the consideration by Academic Board, TLC and TQSC,
obvious vocational direction of the BVetMed does but the team was provided with convincing
not obscure the importance of careers awareness, evidence that the College did not rely on those
particularly among students on other programmes. agencies to determine the academic standards of its
It may also wish to satisfy itself that its current provision. The team noted in particular that the
arrangements for double-marking, which require that College had responded to the detailed text of the
'a minimum of two Internal Examiners must mark the Agency's subject review report, supporting the
questions of any one written paper' but, 'rather than statement in the SED that it 'did not view the
two Internal Examiners marking each question', achievement of 24 points as a cause for
permit the marking of each paper to be 'shared complacency'. The team also noted the ways in
between at least two Internal Examiners', are entirely which the College had widened its external
consistent with the expectations of Precept 8 of the examiner pool beyond veterinary science and the
section of the Code of practice relating to assessment. UK (see above, paragraph 83). The team concluded
that the College had engaged in an appropriate
89 Detailed comment on the College's approach to
and timely fashion with the reports of external
the section of the Code of practice relating to
agencies and that its successful application for
collaborative provision, and the Agency's Distance
AVMA accreditation was evidence of its
learning guidelines, is provided below, Section 3.
commitment to the international benchmarking
of its provision.
Programme-level review and accreditation
by external agencies Student representation at operational and
90 Since the 1993 audit, the College has been institutional level
visited by RCVS, accredited by AVMA and subject
93 The College 'values the role that students play
to an Agency review of veterinary medicine. The
in quality assurance' and provides both formal and
outcomes of these engagements have been positive
informal mechanisms for student representation.
(see above, paragraph 51) and, in each case, the
Formally, students have representation on a wide
relevant reports were considered by Academic Board
range of committees that have a bearing on the
and the relevant subcommittees.
quality of the student experience, including the
91 The SED emphasised the significance for the Council; Academic Board; TLC; TQSC; GSC; the
College of the external endorsement of the quality Examinations and Regulations Subcommittee; the
and standards of its provision. Satisfying the Student Selection and Progress Subcommittee; the
requirements of external accrediting bodies and Tutors and Welfare Subcommittee; and committees
directives is one of the primary objectives of its at programme level, including SSLCs (see above,
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Strategy, and paragraph 61). Training for student representatives
its engagement with external agencies was is provided annually in collaboration with SUS.
interpreted by the audit team as one of several ways
94 The audit team was informed that
in which it was attempting to overcome the threat
undergraduate students were generally willing to
of 'insularity and the development of an inward-
volunteer for election to committees, participated
looking culture'. The team recognised the particular
actively and felt that their input was welcomed.
challenges that might be presented in this respect
SSLCs in particular were well-attended by both staff
by the College's position in relatively small and
and students. In contrast, the team heard that most
possibly cohesive subject and professional
postgraduate students chose not to play an active
communities, and by its leading role in several
role in the management of quality and standards
national initiatives, as part of its aspiration 'to be the
through committees, but that they were satisfied
premier veterinary school in the UK'. The team,
with the level of representation afforded to them,
therefore, sought to establish the extent to which,
and could also make their views known through the
in these circumstances, the College was able to
PGSS Committee. On the basis of its discussions and
demonstrate its capacity for self-determination and
the documentary evidence available to it, the team
its readiness to extend its external points of
was satisfied that these arrangements were
reference to bodies and standards outside the
operating to ensure effective and reliable
immediate field of UK veterinary education.
representation of both undergraduate and
92 It was evident to the audit team that the postgraduate students, and that the College

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

considered student views carefully and responded to graduates. The audit team noted that recent surveys
them constructively. of employers recorded a generally high level of
satisfaction with the College's graduates, and
Feedback from students, graduates suggested that a more practical element in the
and employers curriculum was now evident. This had been
welcomed and was considered to prepare the
95 The SED emphasised that TQSC sought 'to students well for practice.
ensure that comprehensive feedback is obtained on
the full range of…taught provision', an intention Progression and completion statistics
that is also expressed in the Teaching, Learning and
Assessment Strategy. Student feedback on the 99 Progression and completion statistics are
performance of individual members of staff is considered by the Student Selection and Progress
obtained systematically through questionnaires Subcommittee of TLC, and, for the BVetMed, by the
distributed at the end of modules, with scores Phase one and two Subcommittees. BSc and MSc
assigned to detailed aspects of the staff member's statistics are considered by the Course Management
teaching. Evaluation forms are also distributed in Committees and included in annual reports. The
relation to the curriculum content of modules, SED recognised that 'the College could be
rotations and electives. Analyses of scores are made considered to have made limited formal use of
both for individual staff and individual course statistics' in quality assurance. By way of
elements. The scores are available to TQSC, and explanation, it pointed to the College's knowledge
students are provided with summaries. In a recent that its progression and completion rates were
development, individual members of staff with good, and to the fact that its size, limited range of
unsatisfactory scores may receive a letter from the courses and transparency of process enabled it to
Chair of TQSC, requesting information about how address any matters of concern directly.
they will address 'any justified concerns'. More
general student satisfaction surveys are carried out 100 Through the documentary evidence provided,
at the end of phases one and two of the BVetMed. the audit team was able to observe the ways in
The audit team saw evidence to support the SED's which the College considered and responded to
claim that 'the results of these surveys are used to statistics. The Selection and Progress Subcommittee
enhance teaching and learning and are taken into considers applications data and determines selection
account in curriculum development'. criteria and application procedures. It was clear to
the team that, in the words of the DSED, the
96 The SED reported that, while staff encouraged
students to complete feedback forms, low response student profile was 'well-matched to the demanding
rates from students in some areas indicated some nature of the BVetMed' and that this committee was
evidence of survey saturation, and a review in making good use of application statistics to support
1999-2000 had resulted in the introduction of a the effectively-managed selection process. It was less
system of 'lighter touch' evaluation of staff who had clear, however, that it was actively considering the
received positive feedback. related cohort progression statistics. Similarly, while
the BVetMed Phase Subcommittees were presented
97 The audit team was informed that undergraduate with an analysis of student performance in
students felt that their views, as expressed in both examinations, their minutes revealed little evidence
staff and module report forms, were considered of resulting discussions or conclusions. Staff who
seriously and could lead to alterations or additions to
met the team confirmed that, at module level, only
modules. They also felt that there were opportunities
limited use was made of statistical data to analyse
to elaborate on feedback by talking informally to
student performance or review module effectiveness,
relevant members of staff. They indicated that the
and that module reports did not routinely contain
SSLCs and Phase Subcommittees provided regular
opportunities for considering matters raised in information about the numbers of students required
student feedback, and that this process of systematic to resit examinations and their subsequent
consultation gave them a genuine feeling of progression, or mark profiles for relevant
ownership. The team concluded that the College's examination questions. In the view of the team, this
arrangements for securing and responding to student represented a lost opportunity to use performance
feedback were working effectively. data as a means of monitoring equivalence between
programme components and making comparisons
98 The SED made reference to the College's use of between cohorts. As the SED acknowledged, the
formal surveys to collect feedback from new capacity to make such comparisons will be
graduates and those who had left the College three particularly important as the College continues to
to five years ago, and from employers of new

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diversify both its academic profile and its student head of department or another senior member of
body. The College is advised to consider developing staff. Staff who met the audit team offered no
the use of statistical information at programme level criticism of appraisal, and spoke of it positively as
in evaluating quality and standards. allowing for the identification of training needs.
Appraisal can be used to aid promotion should
Assurance of the quality of teaching staff, appraisees agree for it to be so used. The SED
appointment, appraisal and reward reported that the current system was under review
as part of the College's Human Resources Strategy,
101 Academic staff, both clinical and non-clinical, and that a single appraisal scheme for all categories
are appointed by the College following external of staff would be in place by the summer of 2003.
advertisement of posts. There has been an increase
in recruitment as the student intake has expanded. 104 A major element of the College's Human
All staff are subject to a nominal three-year Resources Strategy relates to the means used to
probation period 'during which time they are reward staff for outstanding performance. One
assessed annually on their teaching, research and existing means is the Educator Prize scheme, which
administration'. Probationary lecturers are also recognises and rewards excellence in teaching and
required to attend an introduction to teaching related areas. Six prizes are awarded annually, with
course (see below, paragraph 105). New staff are nominations made by student representatives and
protected against initial heavy teaching loads to staff. Staff who met the audit team drew attention
enable them to develop their research, or are to the scheme, although they observed that it
appointed to predominantly clinical contact tended to reward past performance rather than
positions. The SED reported that induction of stimulating improvement and innovation.
academic staff had 'traditionally been a departmental
responsibility', but that a new three-stage induction Assurance of the quality of teaching through
procedure was introduced in 2001-02. This consists of staff support and development
a one-to-one induction with a member of the Human
105 The College's Staff Development Policy, covering
Resources Office, local departmental induction and a
all categories of staff, was approved in 2001-02. The
corporate induction day.
College encourages all new academic staff to become
102 As the College has expanded in size and the members of ILT, and has organised workshops on ILT
need has arisen for more staff, some difficulty has membership. The Human Resources Strategy
been experienced in recruitment, particularly in identifies ILT membership as an industry standard; as
obtaining suitable clinical staff. This is in part due to a sign of its importance, the College pays the
salary differences between academic posts and processing fee and the first year's subscription of staff
private practice. The College has therefore who wish to join, and also makes an additional
developed more imaginative recruitment campaigns annual payment to staff who are ILT members.
to attract more applicants for vacancies, and has Probationary lecturing staff are required to attend a
taken a proactive approach in contacting likely suitable one-year introduction to teaching course
suitable candidates and encouraging them to apply which results in ILT membership and constitutes the
for positions. It also operates an innovative scheme first year of a three-year programme leading to an
through which clinical academic staff may MA in Academic Practice.
supplement their salary by achieving targets in
106 For new and other staff, the College provides
teaching, research and clinical service. The audit
staff development courses on topics ranging from
team heard that these practices had assisted the
the supervision of research students, project
College in its efforts to attract high quality staff and
supervision for undergraduates, and the conduct of
saw evidence of that success.
oral examinations. The SED described attendance at
103 Once confirmed in post, academic staff such events as 'encouraging', although the College's
continue to be appraised on an annual basis analysis of attendance at workshops in 2001-02
according to 'teaching responsibilities', 'scholastic indicated that attendance could be variable.
progress', 'research grants and contracts applied for
107 The SED stated that the College's 'buddy'
and awarded', 'scope, quantity and value of all
scheme, introduced in 1999, had 'the potential to
professional services provided', 'administrative
make a significant long-term contribution to the
service and other relevant contributions to College, quality of teaching'. The scheme is based upon peer
University, professional bodies and national affairs', observation of teaching and constructive feedback,
and 'private practice'. Appraisal takes the form of an rather than formal assessment, and is designed to
interview, at least once a year, with the relevant

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

help achieve quality enhancement. 'Buddies' are Development Unit, established in 2000 under the
expected to observe at least two teaching sessions Assistant Principal.
each year. Although the scheme is voluntary, all staff
111 In terms of library provision, the SED indicated
are encouraged to participate and those who do not
that the expansion of student numbers on the
are reminded regularly of its potential benefits.
BVetMed and the introduction of other
TQSC reviews periodically the scheme's
undergraduate programmes had stretched resources
development and effectiveness. The SED indicated
that other opportunities for peer feedback occurred and put pressure on reader spaces, which were
'through more informal means', such as staff seeking below the Standing Conference of National
comments on the exercises set for problem-solving University Libraries' norms. The need to develop
classes, and when teaching jointly on clinical rounds. parallel resources in Camden and Hawkshead had
also resulted in considerable duplication in
108 On the basis of its discussions with staff and the requirements for books and some journals. The audit
documentary evidence available to it, the audit team team heard that, in practice, these challenges had
was satisfied that the College gave high priority to presented no difficulties: there was an efficient
staff support and development as a driving factor in system for transfer of resources between Camden
the pursuit of excellence in teaching. Both new and and Hawkshead, with a daily van service operating
established staff expressed support and enthusiasm between the sites. Electronic access for many types
for the available training packages and courses, and of resources, in particular journals, had also eased
membership of ILT appeared to be highly prized, the problems of operating library facilities on two
both for its educational value and the small financial sites. Staff and students welcomed the Hawkshead
reward. The buddy scheme was also viewed development, and reported general satisfaction with
favourably, and the College's own surveys provided access to learning resources, including the system
evidence that participants had found it beneficial, for transfers.
although the team heard that its use was somewhat
haphazard and left largely to individuals rather than 112 The SED reported that a major external review
systematically employed. As such, it could be further of IT provision in 1999-2000 had resulted in several
developed as an aid to quality enhancement. Within developments, including the establishment of an IT
this context, the team noted that the new appraisal Strategy Group, reporting to Academic Board, and
scheme (see above, paragraph 103) would include approval of a new IT Strategy. A range of
an element of peer observation of teaching. Overall, mechanisms is in place for collecting and
the team concluded that the institutional systems for responding to user feedback. The audit team learnt
recognising, developing and rewarding the quality that students had access to essential software and
of teaching (see above, paragraph 65) were a communication facilities, with appropriate induction
feature of good practice. and training sessions provided. Computer terminals
provision had increased as student numbers had
Assurance of the quality of teaching expanded. While there was some perception of
delivered through distributed and variability in the assistance provided by the IT
distance methods Department, no major problems were reported.
The team noted that increasing use of e-learning
109 The College's approach to assuring quality of was being made not only in support of the teaching
teaching delivered through distributed and distance process and for self-study, but also in assessment.
methods was considered as part of the thematic Internet-based materials were accessed through the
enquiry, see below, Section 3. internet and intranet, which is available on 24-hour
basis for students at Hawkshead, and five specialists
Learning support resources were working on the production of multimedia
110 Since the 1993 audit, the College has made materials for both computer-aided learning and also
substantial investment in learning resources. Of for distribution to veterinary practices: a digital
most recent note is the expansion and integration image bank of over 1,000 high quality images had
of library and IT facilities at Camden in 2002, and been created. In the view of the team, the College's
the development of a new learning resources centre approach to developing e-learning materials was a
at Hawkshead, the completion of which is feature of good practice (see below, paragraph 139).
imminent. The College 'aims to match its learning 113 The SED summarised the College's strategies for
resources with its Teaching and Learning Strategy' ensuring that appropriate clinical material was, and
through a Learning Resources Management Team, continued to be, available as student numbers
and the work of the Academic Support and increased. Students have access to clinical material

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The Royal Veterinary College

through rotations in the hospitals associated with 117 The SED reported that students received
the College, and through its other facilities. The feedback on their performance through a range of
farm animal caseload has been enhanced by taking means, including comments on assignments and
on work from several private practices and the placement assessments. An Academic Progress
development of a unique contact-based herd health Review Committee reviews, and arranges support
service. Clinical case material is supplemented with for, undergraduate students whose progress is, for a
images and video, which may be linked to clinical variety of reasons, 'identified as being at risk'.
records. The SED stated that, unlike other learning Research students receive an annual appraisal
resources, clinical caseload was 'not directly under through which their progress is assessed and actions
the College's control', but that its adequacy would for the following year are identified. The audit team
continue to be monitored by TLC. was informed that the establishment of the
Graduate School had helped to create a focus for
114 At the time of the audit, the College's Learning
postgraduate support and that two assessors were
Resources Strategy and the associated information,
appointed at the outset of each research student's
IT and e-learning strategies were under review. The
studies. In addition to conducting the annual
SED emphasised the College's awareness that, while
appraisals, the assessors offer academic support
learning resources provision had 'largely kept pace
beyond that available from the student's supervisor.
with current demands', it was an area that required
'constant vigilance'. The audit team was satisfied 118 The SED stated that student support provision
that the College was keeping an appropriate was included in student satisfaction questionnaires
overview of this aspect of its work, and the and that 'no significant areas of criticism' had
supporting management structures. emerged from the findings. This claim was
supported by the evidence available to the audit
Academic guidance, support and supervision team, including the observations of students,
although there was some perception among
115 The College's student support arrangements are
postgraduate students that the quality of academic
managed under the auspices of the Tutors and
support could be variable, and depended on the
Welfare Subcommittee, a committee of TLC. The
individual supervisor. The team concluded that the
College's aim is to provide 'a framework of support
College was justified in describing the work carried
which helps students to fulfil their personal and
out under the aegis of the Tutors and Welfare
academic potential'. The provision of support begins
Subcommittee as 'relatively effective in delivering an
with induction, when students receive detailed
expanding range of quality support services at a
information about their courses and social life at the
time of rapid growth'. The College is aware that
College. Separate induction courses are held for new
support services have, traditionally, been 'geared
undergraduates and postgraduates and there is a
primarily to the BVetMed students' and will need to
special session for international students.
evolve and adapt accordingly as the College's
116 Academic support for students is available academic provision and student body increases and
primarily through teaching staff, module leaders diversifies. It is also aware of the particular challenge
and course directors. Contact with staff is posed by providing support for students attending
'facilitated by a teaching structure which includes the College only part-time (such as those on the BSc
regular small group learning sessions'. 'Specific in Veterinary Nursing and MSc in Veterinary
formal support' is offered in study skills, and the Physiotherapy), and has taken steps to provide
'further development of generic skills such as IT, dedicated and efficient electronic support for such
presentation and group work is embedded in the students through email and the intranet.
teaching process'. 'Specially tailored training
courses' are arranged for postgraduate students. Personal support and guidance
Students in years three to five of the BVetMed are
119 Personal support for undergraduates is provided
assigned to a Clinical Tutor whose role is to
primarily through a tutor system, managed and
supervise placements and 'monitor students'
monitored by the Tutors and Welfare Subcommittee.
progress in obtaining clinical competency'. Further
The system 'is linked to the Freshers' induction
support is provided by practice mentors and the programme where tutor groups form the focus for
College's Extra Mural Studies (EMS) Coordinator. initial interaction between students'; further 'Tutors
Students on the BSc in Veterinary Sciences are Bars' or lunches take place at regular intervals at
each allocated to a supervisor who conducts Camden. BVetMed students transferring to
weekly tutorials. Hawkshead in year three receive pastoral support

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

from non-clinical tutors (as well as academic support and Respiratory Systems; year two, Reproductive
from a Clinical Tutor). Undergraduate tutors are System; year three, Cardiovascular and Respiratory;
supported in their work by senior pre-clinical and year four, Urogenital; three elements of the Clinical
senior clinical tutors. The remit of the Tutors and Rotation - Farm Animal and Equine Medicine and
Welfare Subcommittee encompasses postgraduates, Surgery, Small Animal Medicine, and Veterinary
and there are also postgraduate tutors in each Reproduction; and the Reproduction elective and
department. The SED indicated that 'financial appropriate elements of the Small Animal and
support and training' were offered to tutors, 'as is Equine electives. The DAT was supported by a
extensive documentation about the scheme and a dedicated DSED prepared for the audit, together
list of contact and referral options'. It reported that with a draft programme specification.
'the majority of tutors have attended voluntary
training sessions, indicating the seriousness with 125 Although the draft programme specification for
which they view this role'. the BVetMed makes no explicit reference to the
FHEQ or the Subject benchmark statement for
120 Other forms of personal support available to veterinary science, the aims and intended outcomes
students include SUS (and the services of the of the programme clearly reflect the intent and
University of London Union), and external counselling substance of both documents. They also reflect the
services. Dedicated support for international students professional, legal and regulatory requirements of
is provided by advisers on both campuses and the
registration, including the 'Day One Competencies'
'Atlantic Bridge' - a recruitment service that seeks to
of RCVS. Comprehensive and well thought-out
find US students for UK veterinary schools, and helps
week-by-week learning objectives are included in
to orientate US students into life at the College and in
each module handbook, leaving no doubt about
the UK. The audit team heard that the latter had
what students are expected to achieve. These
provided useful and accurate pre-enrolment
objectives are considered by both staff and students
information and contacts for students.
to be crucial, but while staff had expectations that
121 The evidence available to the audit team students would use these to prepare for their study,
confirmed the College's analysis of the general students informed the audit team that they found
effectiveness of its arrangements for personal them to be of greatest benefit in providing a
support and guidance. Both undergraduate and summary of the key learning outcomes after the
postgraduate students had favourable views of the relevant sessions, and as a general signpost to
range of services available to them, and of the fundamental requirements and expectations.
quality of the personal support they received.
126 The programme is delivered through lecture,
Collaborative provision seminar, small group directed learning, practical and
clinical rotations, and placement. These are
122 The College's approach to collaborative supported by extensive learning materials and
provision was considered as part of the thematic supplementary resources provided on the intranet,
enquiry, see below, Section 3. with each module having its own site. Much of the
material has been developed in-house. Students
who met the audit team were enthusiastic about the
Section 3: the audit investigations: quality of the print and electronic learning materials
discipline audit trails and thematic provided and believed they were well-served with
enquiries support material, including practice oral and written
examinations. The availability of clinical and other
Discipline audit trails material is not, at present, a limiting factor and staff
123 For the selected DAT, two members of the audit are discriminating in providing a balance of clinical
team met staff and students to discuss the and simulation material. Students enjoyed the
programme, studied a sample of assessed student particular advantages of the two campuses and felt
work, saw examples of learning resource materials, that the split enabled them to make best use of the
and studied annual module and programme reports. respective academic facilities. They also believed
The team's findings are as follows: themselves to be well-supported academically and
personally, both during campus study and placement,
Two thematic strands of the BVetMed curriculum and to have adequate IT and library facilities.
124 The DAT was based on two thematic strands of 127 Student feedback on modules and on staff is
the BVetMed curriculum: Reproduction; and sought through comprehensive formal evaluations
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems. It covered that students see as a means of directly contributing
the following components: year one, Cardiovascular

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The Royal Veterinary College

their views and supplementing representation at oral examination in years one and two. These
meetings. They reported that they were actively changes had not been popular with external
encouraged to complete evaluation forms. Copies of examiners. It was clear that the College had listened
the module evaluations are routinely sent to the SUS to, and engaged in dialogue with them, and had
office and feed into the module review process. It used their reaction to prompt internal debate; as a
was clear to the audit team that the latter offered an result, it had modified its approach by introducing
effective means of reflecting upon module content, structured orals at lower levels and adapting its
delivery, resource needs, assessment; of identifying approach at higher levels.
overlaps in the delivery of related material; and for
130 The audit team reviewed a range of student
determining the need for any modifications. The
work, including elective projects and examination
module review form allows account to be taken of
scripts from all levels. It was satisfied that the nature
student feedback, as provided on the evaluation
of the assessment and standard of student
forms; in addition, the module leader collates
achievement in the modules contributing to the two
opinion from all staff involved. A 'lighter touch' has
thematic strands within the BVetMed met the
been introduced for modules where student
expectations of the Subject benchmark statement for
evaluation and previous review has indicated there
veterinary science and draft programme specification,
is no cause for concern. Module review reports are
and was appropriate to the title of the award and its
considered at the relevant Phase Subcommittee. The
location within the FHEQ.
first quinquennial review of the BVetMed is planned
for 2004-05. 131 Students who met the audit team were satisfied
that the College provided them with comprehensive
128 Staff and students who met the audit team
and accurate information about course structure and
were confident that the module review reports were
administrative matters in a mix of print and
monitored and that any proposed changes to a
electronic forms. They considered that the
module were considered carefully, with particular
curriculum offered an excellent balance between
reference to the consequences for other parts of the
academic and professional components, they
programme. Examples of recent curriculum
experienced clear academic and skills progression
modifications included realigning the time and
through the programme, and they believed that
delivery of modules during year two, and the
they were being well-prepared for professional life.
identification of computer-assisted learning material
The study of electives was considered a bonus
to supplement clinical material. Staff reported that
opportunity for in-depth study. Students were
the module review process had led them (and
particularly appreciative of way in which the year
students) to be more interested holistically in the
four Professional Studies module prepared them
curriculum and its delivery, and had promoted
effectively for dealing with clients by including
self-reflection. The evidence available to the team
matters such as euthanasia and bereavement,
supported this claim, and also the SED's observation
dealing with physically disabled clients, and business
that module review had 'become an established
and communication skills - aspects that were given
element of the cycle of delivery-reflection-
further application during clinical rotations and EMS.
improvement for the core didactic modules in years
Students also believed themselves to be well-
one to four of the BVetMed, but has still to achieve
represented on committees. The team was satisfied
its maximum effect'. The team noted, for example,
that the quality of learning opportunities available to
that module reviews often did not include formal
students was suitable for a programme of study
consideration of external examiners' comments, so
leading to the award of BVetMed.
that the opportunity to set those comments
alongside the views of students and staff was
Thematic enquiries
frequently lost.
132 The objectives contained within the Corporate
129 External examiners are routinely informed of the
Plan 2002 to 2005 include the development of
College's responses to their comments (and those of
'innovative learning and teaching strategies and
their fellow externals), a useful practice given the
assessment methods, utilising e-media and distance-
large range of examiners involved in the BVetMed.
learning solutions where appropriate'. This objective
It was evident to the audit team that the BVetMed
is reflected by the emphasis placed by the Teaching,
staff engaged closely with the external examiners
Learning and Assessment Strategy on developing
and valued their peer comment and judgement. In
'the use of e-learning where this is the most
2001, the College introduced a new structured oral
appropriate delivery mechanism'. The Corporate
examination system for year five, and changes to
Plan also states that the College will 'investigate the

page 24
Institutional Audit Report: main report

possibilities for strategic alliances with other 135 The thematic enquiry focused on the BSc in
organisations with cognate or complementary Veterinary Nursing (a joint degree with Middlesex
interests'. According to the SED, the College University), the MSc in Wild Animal Health (delivered
collaborates with other organisations where this in collaboration with the Institute of Zoology, with
enables it to either 'enhance the quality of its the College wholly responsible for quality and
provision by engaging the assistance of specialist standards), and the Postgraduate Diploma and MSc
expertise which it does not have in-house' or in Livestock Health and Production (a distance-
'provide joint courses which it could not provide learning programme for which the College is the
exclusively from its own resources'. lead institution within the University of London's
External Programme). The audit team met staff and
133 The College's approach to managing its flexible
students associated with all three programmes, and
learning (particularly e-learning and distance-
staff with College-wide responsibilities for widening
learning) and its collaborative provision were
participation, distance-learning and e-media
identified by the audit team as an area for thematic
production. The documentation considered by the
enquiry. The selection of these two related areas was
team included the protocol governing the
prompted initially by the team's interest in the
collaboration between the College and the University
contribution that they could make to the
of London External Programme; the Memorandum
diversification and expansion of the College's
of Cooperation, programme committee minutes, the
provision (see above, paragraphs 46 and 49). Both
annual report and revalidation report for the BSc in
areas present challenges to any system that has
Veterinary Nursing; and the College's own
been designed to assure the quality and standards of
assessment of its current arrangements against the
conventionally taught 'in-house' provision. They
precepts of the section of the Code of practice relating
therefore provided the team with an opportunity to
to collaborative provision.
test the robustness and 'fitness for purpose' of the
College's quality management system, and to 136 The SED emphasised the College's recognition
comment on its capacity to support the intentions that 'collaboration carries risks' and requires
of the Corporate Plan. The team's objectives were to 'especially robust quality assurance procedures'. It is
establish whether staff at all levels appreciated the for this reason that the Manual includes a separate
quality and standards issues that might be posed by chapter on assuring the quality and standards of
the development of flexible learning and courses delivered in partnership with other
collaborative provision, and to test the effectiveness organisations. Although this chapter states that the
of the College's current arrangements for ensuring course management and external examining
the quality and standards of the relevant provision. arrangements for collaborative provision 'should
normally be the same as for non-collaborative
134 The extent of the College's involvement in
provision', it describes the College's particular
collaborative provision and distance-learning is
requirements for the negotiation of partnerships and
limited. Although the number of its collaborative
the drafting and approval of memoranda of
programmes has increased in the past decade, it
collaboration. The position with respect to distance-
does not engage in validation, franchising,
learning and the delivery of programmes by means
accreditation or articulation arrangements. Instead,
of e-learning is different. The Manual does not
the College's small portfolio of collaborative
contain a separate chapter dealing with these forms
provision currently comprises two joint degree
of delivery, and the SED explained that 'as far as
courses, and two College programmes to which
possible' the College assures the quality of its
partner organisations contribute consultancy,
distance-learning provision 'using the same methods
teaching and/or facilities. Its distance-learning
as it does (for) those delivered on-campus'.
provision is offered through the University of
However, it was apparent from both the SED and
London's External Programme. However, staff
the audit team's discussions with staff that these
confirmed the strategic significance of the College's
delivery modes were subject to two special
currently limited involvement in these areas: the
requirements: draft learning materials are approved
development of e-learning and distance-learning are
by external verifiers; and feedback from students is
regarded as crucial to the implementation of the
sought by means of postal surveys. In respect of the
College's strategies for both lifelong learning and
Postgraduate Diploma and MSc in Livestock Health
the delivery of its 'in-house' provision; and the
and Production, the University of London is
negotiation of collaborative partnerships is seen as
responsible for setting the general regulations
making an important contribution to the institution's
governing the degree, and manages student
longer term corporate strategy.
admission, registration and assessment processes.

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The Royal Veterinary College

In 2002, TQSC considered the implications of the indeed experienced some problems with respect to
Agency's Distance learning guidelines and a detailed consistency of assessment practices and to
schedule setting out their respective quality assurance communications between the two partner
responsibilities was agreed between the College and organisations. The College may wish to satisfy itself
the University of London's External Programme. that its current arrangements for the approval of
partnerships would enable it to anticipate problems
137 The SED provided only a limited evaluation of
of this kind (see below, paragraph 140). In general,
the effectiveness of the College's arrangements for
however, the team noted the enthusiasm of students
assuring the quality and standards of its distance-
enrolled on all three courses, and the many
learning programme and collaborative provision.
strengths of the provision that they had identified.
It stated that, because the relevant agreement
between the College and the External Programme was 139 On the basis of the evidence available, the audit
finalised as recently as August 2002, it was too early to team concluded that the College had established
judge the effectiveness of the arrangements governing robust and appropriate procedures for assuring the
the Postgraduate Diploma and MSc in Livestock quality and standards of distance-learning and
Health and Production. The joint degree in Veterinary e-learning materials, and noted in particular the
Nursing draws upon existing modules from within the impressive arrangements for promoting and
modular scheme of Middlesex University and, for this supporting the use of e-media in delivering its own
reason, it was decided that the programme should be courses. It was apparent, however, that the College
subject to the University's assessment regulations. had no immediate plans for the provision of
There are, however, jointly agreed quality assurance equivalent support for the development of its
procedures that are unique to this programme. collaborative provision. The team was not entirely
The SED recognised that this arrangement was convinced that the Manual addressed fully all of the
'administratively challenging', but stated that the precepts of the Code of practice and took account of
resulting opportunity for staff to 'share their different the Distance learning guidelines. It noted, for
practices'…'can be very rewarding'. The College's example, the emphasis placed within the Manual on
evaluation of its collaborative arrangements concluded the 'exchange' of information between the College
with the statement that 'the effectiveness of the more and its prospective partners, rather than on the
thoroughly codified procedures which the College has responsibility of the former to establish the latter's
put in place will be judged if and when the College 'fitness for partnership'; the fact that the Manual did
contemplates new collaborations'. No issues were not prescribe the procedure governing the approval
identified in the College's record of its evaluation of of prospective partners; and an absence of any
current practice against the precepts contained within reference to the arrangements that the College had
the relevant section of the Code of practice. actually established to assure the quality of distance
and e-learning materials.
138 In the course of the enquiry, the audit team
sought to identify the particular 'risks' (see above, 140 In terms of the existing partnerships, the audit
paragraph 136) identified by the College in relation team noted that the Memorandum of Collaboration
to these areas. It heard, for example, that a risk between the College and Middlesex University
associated with the MSc in Wild Animal Health was emphasised throughout the 'joint' responsibilities of
the extent to which delivery was dependent on a the partners - an expression that might be unhelpful
large number of guest lecturers. It also noted that in the event of any uncertainty with respect to their
the 2000-01 annual report for the BSc in Veterinary various responsibilities arising between the two
Nursing highlighted two aspects that might present institutions. It also noted that the College had yet to
a challenge to the College's quality assurance negotiate a memorandum of collaboration with the
arrangements. The first was the intention to develop Institute of Zoology, and was informed that such a
a distance-learning pathway, and the second document would be produced as an outcome of the
concerned matters that had arisen as a consequence forthcoming quinquennial review of the MSc in Wild
of the delivery of the first year of the programme on Animal Health. The team was particularly concerned
three campuses. Staff who met the team recognised at this deficiency, given that some 'unacceptable'
that an additional challenge was posed by the fact clinical facilities at the Institute were one of the very
that the programme was built upon a partnership few areas of concern identified in the Agency's
between two institutions with markedly different subject review report of January 2000. In the view
approaches to curriculum design, student of the team, the College's ability to address this
assessment and quality assurance. The team's concern could have been impaired by the absence
discussion with students revealed that they had of a memorandum of collaboration setting out its

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Institutional Audit Report: main report

expectations of the Institute. It also emerged that how they would access information about appeals
students on this programme had not been provided and complaints, although they emphasised that the
with a course handbook. When these matters were ready accessibility of staff meant that any problems
discussed with both staff and students, the team could be addressed rapidly on an informal basis.
derived some reassurance from the evidence it
143 The College has established mechanisms for
obtained of the effectiveness of the formal and
ensuring the accuracy of its published prospectuses
informal arrangements that had been established by
through consultation with relevant staff. Students
the various course teams in ensuring that student
explained that they had felt well-informed about
issues were registered and addressed. However,
what to expect from their courses before
given the strategic significance of the partnerships
commencing study, and that the material sent to
that it might establish in the future, the College is
them had been accurate and comprehensive. The
advised to consider whether both its current
quality of the information made available to
arrangements and the procedures set out in the
overseas students was particularly highly praised.
Manual are sufficiently robust to support an
The audit team concluded that the SED gave an
expanding portfolio of collaborative provision.
accurate account of materials made available for
students, and that this material was comprehensive
Section 4: the audit investigations: and of high quality.
published information
Reliability, accuracy and completeness of
The students' experience of published published information
information and other information available 144 The SED presented an analysis of the College's
to them approach to the collection of the information sets
outlined in HEFCE's document 02/15. The audit
141 The SED summarised the College's approach to team was able to confirm the accuracy of the
providing information for students and prospective position as outlined, and found that the relevant
students, and for ensuring the accuracy of that information published currently by the College was
information. The audit team discussed access to accurate and complete. The majority of the
course and institution-level information with student information expected to be available within all
representatives through the thematic enquiry (which institutions is already available within the College,
included collaborative provision) and through the mostly in the form of documents and reports
DAT (which focused on areas of the BVetMed). submitted to committees.
As part of the latter, the College provided the team
with printed versions of the syllabuses, learning 145 The audit team noted, in particular, the helpful
objectives and reading lists of all relevant modules, summary of the large number of BVetMed external
together with handbooks and access to internet- examiners' reports for 2001-02. The summary was
based information and teaching materials. accurate and drew out all the major points that had
been made; it had been used to inform discussions
142 All students emphasised the reliance that they in the College at the highest level. Other summary
placed on electronic sources of information, and the documents prepared for internal use - for example,
audit team was able to confirm that this appeared summaries of student feedback - also appeared to
to be readily accessible, accurate and regularly accurately reflect the submissions that had been made.
updated. In respect of the BVetMed, the printed
handbook on electives and clinical rotations also 146 In general, the audit team was satisfied that the
provided clear information about the organisation College was engaging constructively with the
and timetabling of this complex programme. recommendations in HEFCE's document 02/15 and
The team noted in particular the high quality and was well-placed to fulfil its responsibilities in this
comprehensive coverage of the supporting material matter. The team was also satisfied that the
made available to students on the College's intranet. information that the College was publishing
Learning objectives for modules and for individual currently about the quality of its programmes and
lectures were particularly comprehensive and clear, the standards of its awards was reliable.
and both staff and students indicated that these
were an important source of reference on the
curriculum, and for determining the emphasis
placed on individual topics. In addition to the use
they made of this material, students were clear about

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The Royal Veterinary College


Statement of actions taken in response to the report of the Agency's

institutional audit of the College, February 2003

The College welcomes the report of its the Agency's institutional audit. The audit was conducted
courteously and sensitively, and the report demonstrates that the audit team achieved a commendable
understanding of the College and the ways in which we manage the quality of our courses and the
standards of our awards.
We welcome, in particular, the recognition of features of good practice, in particular:
z our approach to supporting e-learning and distance-learning;
z our systems for recognising, developing and rewarding the quality of teaching; and
z the development of the professional studies module in the BVetMed curriculum.
We will continue to build on these strengths, while addressing vigorously areas in which the team
identified scope for improvement as set out in the following paragraphs.
Collaborative provision: we accept the paramount importance of embedding robust and appropriately
supported processes to guarantee the quality and standards of collaborative provision. We have
established a working party to revisit the relevant section of the Code of practice.
Statistical information: our SED recognised the limitations of the College's current approach to using
statistical information to monitor quality and standards. As part of our response to the HEFCE 02/15
proposals on the provision of information about quality and standards, we are already defining the
components of a consistent and comprehensive data set, and in this context we will identify how these
data can most effectively be fed into our course monitoring processes.
The Code of practice: we will, by December 2003, have completed our consideration of the sections of
the Code relating to career education and student recruitment and admissions.
Approval of new courses: we share the concern that there may be instances when the Academic Board or
other senior committees might usefully receive more detailed information concerning new course proposals.
This will be addressed by making a wider range of supporting documentation available electronically. TQSC
will also consider a proposal that it should receive the minutes of TLC and GSC meetings approving new
course proposals, in order more effectively to monitor the thoroughness of the process.
Annual course monitoring: while accepting the reasoning behind the suggestion that the annual course
monitoring process might be extended to the BVetMed course, we are not immediately convinced that
this would yield added-value. TQSC will, however, reconsider the merits of this idea.
External Examiners' comments: while welcoming the audit team's recognition that we make full and
scrupulous use of External Examiners' reports, we accept that their comments could be fed more
effectively into the module review process; in the next year we will pilot a means of doing this.
Double-marking: we accept that it may be timely to review our approach to double-marking, and the
Examinations & Regulations Subcommittee has been asked to do this.
Peer observation of teaching: we accept that, as the audit team notes, the 'buddy' scheme for peer
observation of teaching is applied inconsistently. TQSC will review the scheme's effectiveness this year.

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