1903 10348 PDF
1903 10348 PDF
1903 10348 PDF
Stephen Boughn⋇
The concept of the physical state of a system is ubiquitous in physics
but is usually presented in terms of specific cases. For example, the
state of a point particle of mass m is completely characterized by its
position and momentum. There is a tendency to consider such states as
“real”, i.e., as physical properties of a system. This rarely causes
problems in classical physics but the notion of real quantum states has
contributed mightily to the philosophical conundrums associated with
quantum mechanics. The Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky paradox is a prime
example. In fact, quantum states are not physical properties of a system
but rather subjective descriptions that depend on the information
available to a particular observer. This realization goes a long way
toward resolving such dilemmas as Schrödinger’s cat, wave function
collapse, quantum non-locality, and parallel universes.
The notion of the physical state of a system is a crucial concept in physics as well
as in other disciplines. For macroscopic objects, quantities like temperature, pressure,
composition, etc., are sufficient to characterize a state. Of course, such descriptions leave
out a great deal of information about a system, in particular, the details of the
microscopic constituents of the system. However, if a system is comprised of a single or
of a few particles, both classical and quantum mechanics assume that a proper physical
state includes all possible information about the system. In the case of a quantum system,
Einstein famously concluded that the quantum state (quantum wave function) “does not
provide a complete description of the physical reality”. Bohr, and probably many other
physicists, would disagree. The following is my pragmatic take on the completeness of
such physical states.
† This essay should be considered a companion to “Against ‘Reality’ in Physics” (Boughn 2019)
⋇ sboughn@haverford.edu
where ↑ and ↓ indicate the up and down z components of the spins of particles 1 and 2.
Now suppose that the spin of particle 1 is measured with a Stern-Gerlach apparatus
Then, if the spin of particle 1 is measured with a Stern-Gerlach apparatus oriented in the
𝑥 direction and is determined to be ↑, the spin of particle 2 will be ↓, and the “true” state
of particle 2 becomes Ψ 2 = |2, ↓ ! , a state fundamentally distinct from |2, ↓ ! . The
immediate transition of particle 2 to either the state |2, ↓ ! or |2, ↓ ! , depending on the
measurement performed on the distant particle 1, is the basis for claims of “action at a
distance”. Both Einstein and Bell accepted this picture but while Einstein was abhorred
by such “spooky action at a distance”, Bell embraced it as a demonstration of the “gross
non-locality of nature” (Bell 1975).
Now let’s look at this scenario from the perspective of a subjective description of
“state”. For the entangled singlet state considered above, Einstein would conclude
particle 2 has no unique (real) state. Let me push back on this conclusion. After their
emission, the polarization of neither particle is known. Therefore, the two particles can
be considered as two unpolarized particle beams. For the observer of particle 2, this can
be represented by a 50% mixture of spin up, |2, ↑ , and spin down, |2, ↓ , states (in any
direction), a so-called mixed state. A mixed state cannot be described by a pure quantum
state (e.g., Schrödinger wave function or vector in Hilbert space) but is well described by
its associated density matrix 𝜚,
! !
𝜌 2 = ! |2, ↑ 2,↑ + ! |2, ↓ 2,↓ (2)
with a similar expression for particle 1. This density matrix completely characterizes the
spin measurements of particle 2 with no mention of what measurements are made on the
other particle. For example, Eq. (2) implies that a measurement of the spin component in
any direction will yield ↑ for 50% of the measurements and ↓ for 50% of the
measurements subject to the usual statistical fluctuations. The measurement made on
1 After all, the measurement made on particle 2 could be made in advance of even selecting the type
of measurement to be made on particle 1.
2 This toy model of an entangled classical state may seem a bit contrived; however, there is a well-
defined probabilistic formulation of classical mechanics based on the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism on
configuration space wherein the notion of entangled states and mixtures is completely natural. (Hall
& Reginatto 2016)
entanglement is a much richer phenomenon than classical entanglement and exhibits all
the aspects of quantum interference with which we are familiar.)
Final Remarks
The notion of a physical state as a “complete description” need not encompass all
the information about the system. For example, one might characterize the position and
momentum of an electron with a spatial wave function that neglects any mention of the
spin state of the electron. In this case, the wave function can still be considered to
provide a complete description so long as observations are limited to position and
momentum and there are no magnetic fields that might couple spin with the spatial
trajectory. Similarly, the white ball/black ball classically entangled state presented above
can still be considered complete so long as the plethora of other properties of the balls
(e.g., mass, density, temperature, composition, etc.) are irrelevant to subsequent
observations of the system.
In the abstract I indicated that characterizing physical states as subjective
descriptions “goes a long way toward resolving such dilemmas as Schrödinger’s cat,
wave function collapse, quantum non-locality, and parallel universes”3. Wave function
collapse and quantum non-locality were addressed directly in the paper. It should be
clear how to apply the notion of subjective states in the resolution of other conundrums in
physics, and particularly in quantum mechanics, but I’ll leave this task to the reader.
Thanks to Marcel Reginatto who introduced me to the wonders of ensembles on
configuration space and the associated probabilistic formulation of classical mechanics.
Bell, J., 1964, “On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox”, Physics 1, 195–200.
Bell, J., 1975, “The Theory of Local Beables”, in Speakable and Unspeakable in
Quantum Theory, 2nd edn., by J. Bell (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 2004).
3 I’ve discussed Hugh Everett’s “many worlds interpretation” in detail elsewhere. (Boughn 2018)
Einstein, A., Podolsky, B., and Rosen, N., 1935, “Can quantum–mechanical description
of reality be considered complete?”, Phys. Rev. 47, 777–780.
Hall, M., and Reginatto, M., Ensembles on Configuration Space: Classical, Quantum,
and Beyond (Springer, Berlin 2016).