8 Principles of Complicated Exodontia
8 Principles of Complicated Exodontia
8 Principles of Complicated Exodontia
PRINCIPLES OF FLAP DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, Technique for Open Extraction of Single-Rooted
Design Parameters for Soft Tissue Flaps Types of Technique for Surgical Removal of Multirooted
Mucoperiosteal Flaps Technique for Developing a Teeth Removal of Small Root Fragments and Root
Mucoperiosteal Flap Principles of Suturing Tips Policy for Leaving Root Fragments
EXTRACTION Treatment Planning
Indications for Surgical Extraction Extraction Sequencing
Technique for Multiple Extractions
FIG. 8-1 A, Flap must have base that is broader than free gingival margin. B, If flap is too narrow at
base, blood supply may be inadequate, which may lead to flap necrosis.
FIG. 8-2 A, to have sufficient access to root of second premolar, envelope flap should extend
anteriorly, mesial to canine, and posteriorly, distal to first molar. B, If releasing incision (i.e., three-
cornered flap) is used, flap extends mesial to first premolar.
member that several parameters exist when designing a incision should extend one tooth anterior and one
flap for a specific situation. tooth posterior to the area of surgery (Fig. 8-2, 6).
When the flap is outlined, the base of the flap must usually The flap should be a full-thickness
be broader than the free margin to preserve an adequate blood mucoperiosteal flap. This means that the flap
supply. This means that all areas of the flap must have a includes the surface mucosa, submucosa, and
source of uninterrupted vasculature to prevent ischemic periosteum. Because the goal of the surgery is to
necrosis of the entire flap or portions of it (Fig. 8-1). remove or reshape the bone, all overlying tissue must
The flap must be of adequate size for several reasons. be reflected from it. In addition, full-thickness flaps
Sufficient soft tissue reflection is required to provide nec- are necessary because the periosteum is the primary
essary visualization of the area. Adequate access also must tissue responsible for bone healing, and replacement
exist for the insertion of instruments required to perform of the periosteum in its original position hastens that
the surgery. In addition, the flap must be held out of the healing process. In addition, torn, split, and macerated
operative field by a retractor that must rest on intact bone. tissue heals more slowly than a cleanly reflected, full-
There must be enough flap reflection to permit the retractor thickness flap.
to hold the flap without tension. Furthermore, soft tissue The incisions that outline the flap must be made
heals across the incision, not along the length of the over intact bone that will be present after the surgical
incision, and sharp incisions heal more rapidly than torn procedure is complete. If the pathologic condition has
tissue. Therefore a long, straight incision with adequate eroded the buccocortical plate, the incision must be at
flap reflection heals more rapidly than a short, torn inci- least 6 or 8 mm away from it. In addition, if bone is to
sion, which heals slowly by secondary intention. For an be removed over a particular tooth, the incision must
envelope flap to be of adequate size, the length of the flap be sufficiently distant from it so that after the bone is
the anteroposterior dimension usually extends two teeth removed, the incision is 6 to 8 mm away from the bony
anterior and one tooth posterior to the area of surgery defect created by surgery. If the incision line is
(Fig. 8-2, A). If a relaxing incision is to be made, the unsupported by sound bone,
FIG. 8-3 A, When designing flap, it is necessary to anticipate how much bone will be removed so
that after surgery is complete, incision rests over sound bone. In this situation, vertical release was one
tooth anterior to bone removal and left an adequate margin of sound bone. B, When releasing inci-
sion is made too close to bone removal, delayed healing results.
It tends to collapse into the bony defect, which results Releasing incisions are used only when necessary and
in wound dehiscence and delayed healing (Fig. 8-3). not routinely. Envelope incisions usually provide the
The flap should be designed to avoid injury to local adequate visualization required for tooth extraction in
vital structures in the area of the surgery. The two most areas. When vertical-releasing incisions are
most important structures that can be damaged are necessary, only a single vertical incision is used, which
both located in the mandible; these are the lingual is usually at the anterior end of the envelope component.
nerve and the mental nerve. When making incisions in The vertical-releasing incision is not a straight vertical
the posterior mandible, especially in the region of the incision but is oblique, to allow the base of the flap to be
third molar, incisions should be well away from the broader than the free gingival margin. A vertical-releasing
lingual aspect of the mandible. In this area the lingual incision is made so that it does not cross bony
nerve may be closely adherent to the lingual aspect of prominences, such as the canine eminence. To do so would
the mandible, and incisions in this area may result in increase the likelihood of tension in the suture line, which
the severing of that nerve, with consequent prolonged would result in wound dehiscence.
temporary or permanent anesthesia of the tongue. In Vertical-releasing incisions should cross the free
the same way, surgery in the apical area of the gingival margin at the line angle of a tooth and should not
mandibular premolar teeth should be carefully be directly on the facial aspect of the tooth nor directly in
planned and executed to avoid injury to the mental the papilla (Fig. 8-4). Incisions that cross the free margin
nerve. Envelope incisions should be used if at all of the gin-giva directly over the facial aspect of the tooth
possible, and releasing incisions should be well do not heal properly because of tension; the result is a
anterior or posterior to the area of the mental nerve. defect in the attached gingiva. Because the facial bone is
Flaps in the maxilla rarely endanger any vital frequently quite thin, such incisions will also result in
structures. On the facial aspect of the maxillary vertical clefting of the bone. Incisions that cross the
alveolar process, no nerves or arteries exist that are gingival papilla damage the papilla unnecessarily and
likely to be damaged. When reflecting a palatal flap, increase the chances for localized periodontal problems;
the dentist must remember that the major blood such incisions should be avoided.
supply to the palatal soft tissue comes through the
greater palatine artery, which emerges from the
Types of Mucoperiosteal Flaps
greater palatine foramen at the posterior lateral aspect
of the hard palate. This artery courses forward and A variety of intraoral tissue flaps can be used. The most
has an anastomosis with the nasopalatine artery. The common incision is the envelope, or sulcular, incision,
nasopalatine nerves and arteries exit the incisive which produces the envelope flap. In the dentulous
foramen to supply the anterior palatal gingiva. If the patient the incision is made in the gingival sulcus to the
anterior palatal tissue must be reflected, both the crestal bone, through the periosteum, and the full-
artery and the nerve can be incised at the level of the thickness mucoperiosteal flap is apically reflected (see Fig.
foramen without much risk. The likelihood of 8-2, A). This usually provides sufficient access to perform
bothersome bleeding is small, and the nerve the necessary surgery.
regenerates quickly. The temporary numbness usually If the patient is edentulous, the envelope incision is
does not bother the patient. However, vertical- made along the scar at the crest of the ridge. No vital
releasing incisions in the posterior aspect of the structures are found in this area, and the envelope inci-
palate should be avoided, because they usually sever sion can be as long as is required to provide adequate
the greater palatine artery within the tissue, which access. The tissue can be reflected buccally or lingually as
results in bleeding that may be difficult to control. necessary for the removal of a mandibular torus.
FIG. 8-4 A, Correct position for end of vertical-releasing incision is at line angle (mesiobuccal angle in
this figure) of tooth. Likewise, incision does not cross canine eminence. Crossing such bony promi-
nences results in increased chance for wound dehiscence. B, These two incisions are made incorrectly:
(1) incision crosses prominence over canine tooth, which increases risk of delayed healing; incision
through papilla results in unnecessary damage; (2) incision crosses attached gingiva directly over facial
aspect of tooth, which is likely to result in soft tissue defect and periodontal deformity.
Principles of Suturing
Once the surgical procedure is completed and the
wound properly irrigated and debrided, the surgeon
must return the flap to its original position or, if
necessary, arrange it in a new position; the flap should
be held in place with sutures. Sutures perform multiple FIG. 8-12 Reflection of flap is begun by using sharp end
functions. The most obvious and important function of periosteal elevator to pry away interdental papilla.
that sutures perform is to coapt wound margins; that is,
to hold the flap in position and approximate the two
wound edges. The sharper the incision and the less a generally oozing area, such as a tooth socket.
trauma inflicted on the wound margin, the more Overlying tissue should never be sutured tightly in an
probable is healing by primary intention. If the space attempt to gain hemostasis in a bleeding tooth socket.
between the two wound edges is minimal, wound Sutures help hold a soft tissue flap over bone. This
healing will be rapid and complete. If tears or is an extremely important function, because bone
excessive trauma to the wound edges occur, wound that is not covered with soft tissue becomes
healing will be by secondary intention. nonvital and requires an excessively long time to
Sutures also aid in hemostasis. If the underlying heal. When muco-periosteal flaps are reflected from
tissue is bleeding, the surface mucosa or skin should alveolar bone, it is important that the extent of the
not be closed, because the bleeding in the underlying bone be recovered with the soft tissue flaps. Unless
tissues may continue and result in the formation of a appropriate suture techniques are used, the flap may
hematoma. Sur-face sutures aid in hemostasis but only retract away from the bone, which exposes it and
as a tamponade in results in delayed healing.
FIG. 8-13 When three-cornered flap is used, only anterior papilla FIG. 8-15 A, Figure-eight stitch, occasionally placed over top of
is reflected with sharp end of elevator. Broad end is then used with socket to aid in hemostasis. B, This stitch is usually performed to
push stroke to elevate posterosuperiorly. help maintain piece of oxidized cellulose in tooth socket.
minimize wound inflammation, such as any facial lacer- are difficult to learn. The following discussion
ation, nylon is usually the cutaneous suture of choice. presents the technique used in suturing; practice is
Sutures are available in various sizes that range from the necessary before suturing can be performed with skill
largest diameter, 7, down to the smallest extremely fine and finesse.
suture size, 11-0. The increasing number of 0's correlates When the envelope flap is repositioned into its
with decreasing suture diameter and strength. For exam- correct location, it is held in place with sutures that
ple, size 1-0 suture is larger in diameter than size 2-0, size are placed through the papillae only. Sutures are not
3-0 is larger than 7-0, etc. Because suture material is foreign placed across the empty tooth socket, because the
to the human body, the smallest diameter of suture suffi- edges of the wound would not be supported over
cient to keeping a wound closed properly should be used. sound bone (Fig. 8-18). When reapproximating the
Generally the size of the suture is chosen to correlate with flap, the suture is passed first through the mobile
the tensile strength of the tissue being sutured. Most oral (usually facial) tissue; the needle is regrasped with the
and maxillofadal surgeons use 3-0 or 4-0 suture. needle holder and passed through the attached tissue
The technique used for suturing is deceptively diffi- of the lingual papilla. If the two margins of the wound
cult. The use of the needle holder and the technique that are close together, the experienced surgeon may be
is necessary to pass the curved needle through the tissue able to insert the needle through both sides of the
wound in a single pass. However, it is best to use two
passes in most situations (Fig. 8-19).
FIG. 8-17 Needle used in oral surgery is 3/8-circle cutting needle. FIG. 8-18 A, Flap held in place with sutures in papillae. B, Cross-
Middle needle is FS-2, and tower needle is X-1. sectional view of suture.
When passing the needle through the tissue, the nee- If a three-cornered flap is used, the vertical end of the
dle should enter the surface of the mucosa at a right incision must be closed separately. Two sutures usually
angle, to make the smallest possible hole in the mucosal are required to close the vertical end properly. Before the
flap (Fig. 8-20). If the needle passes through the tissue sutures are inserted, the Woodson periosteal elevator
obliquely, the suture will tear through the surface layers should be used to elevate slightly the nonflap side of the
of the flap when the suture knot is tied, which results in incision, freeing the margin to facilitate passage of the
greater injury to the soft tissue. needle through the tissue (Fig. 8-22). The first suture is
When passing the needle through the flap, the sur- placed across the papilla, where the vertical release inci-
geon must ensure that an adequate bite of tissue is taken, sion was made. This is a known, easily identifiable land-
to prevent the suture from pulling through the soft tissue mark that is most important when repositioning a three-
flap. Because the flap that is being sutured is a muco- cornered flap. The remainder of the envelope portion of
periosteal flap and should not be tied tightly, a relatively the incision is then closed, after which the vertical com-
small amount of tissue is necessary. The minimal amount ponent is closed. The slight reflection of the nonflap side
of tissue between the suture and the edge of the flap of the incision greatly eases the placing of sutures.
should be 3 mm. Once the sutures are passed through The sutures are left in place for approximately 5 to 7
both the mobile flap and the immobile lingual tissue, days. After this time they play no useful role and, in fact,
they are tied with an instrument tie (Fig. 8-21). probably increase the contamination of the underlying sub-
The surgeon must remember that the purpose of the mucosa. When sutures are removed, the surface debris that
stitch is merely to reapproximate the tissue, and therefore has collected on them should be cleaned off with a cotton-
the suture should not be tied too tightly. Sutures that are tipped applicator stick soaked in peroxide, chlorhexidine,
too tight cause ischemia of the flap margin and result in iodophor, or other antiseptic solution. The suture is cut
tissue necrosis, with tearing of the suture through the tis- with sharp, pointed suture scissors and removed by pulling
sue. Thus sutures that are too tightly tied result in wound it toward the incision line (not away from the suture line).
dehiscence more frequently than sutures that are loosely Sutures may be configured in several different ways.
tied. As a clinical guideline, there should be no blanching The simple interrupted suture is the one most commonly
or obvious ischemia of the wound edges. If this occurs the used in the oral cavity. This suture simply goes through
suture should be removed and replaced. The knot should one side of the wound, comes up through the other side
be positioned so that it does not fall over the incision of the wound, and is tied in a knot at the top. These
line, because this causes additional pressure on the inci- sutures can be placed relatively quickly, and the tension
sion. Therefore the knot should be positioned to the side on each suture can be adjusted individually. If one suture
of the incision. is lost, the remaining sutures stay in position.
FIG. 8-19 When mucosal flap is back in position, suture is passed through two sides of socket in separate passes
of needle. A, Needle is held by needle holder and passed through papilla, usually of mobile tissue first. B, Needle
holder is then released from needle; it regrasps needle on underside of tissue and is turned through flap. C,
Needle is then passed through opposite side of soft tissue papilla in similar fashion. D, Finally, needle holder
graspsneedle on opposite side to complete passing of suture through both sides of mucosa.
FIG. 8-20 A, When passing through soft tissue of mucosa, needle should enter surface of
tissue at right angle. B, Needle holder should be turned so that needle passes easily through
tissue at right angles. C, If needle enters soft tissue at acute angle and is pushed (rather than
turned) through tissue, tearing of mucosa with needle or with suture is likely to occur (D).
FIG. 8-21 Most intraoral sutures are tied with instrument tie. A, Suture is pulled through tissue
until short tail of suture (approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches long) remains. Needle holder is held
horizontally by right hand in preparation for knot-tying procedure. B, Left hand then wraps
long end of suture around needle holder twice in clockwise direction to make two loops of
suture around needle holder. C, Surgeon then opens needle holder and grasps short end of
suture near its end. D, Ends of suture are then pulled to tighten knot. Needle holder should
not pull at all until knot is nearly tied, to avoid lengthening that portion of suture. E, End of first
step of surgeon's knot. The double wrap has resulted in double overhand knot. This increases
friction in knot and will keep wound edges together until second portion of knot is tied. F,
Needle holder is then released from short end of suture and held in same position as when
knot-tying procedure began. Left hand then makes single wrap in counter-clockwise direction.
FIG. 8-21—cont'd G, Needle holder then grasps short end of suture at its end. H, This portion of knot is completed by
pulling this loop firmly down against previous portion of knot. I, This completes surgeon's knot. Double loop of first pass
holds tissue together until second portion of square knot can be tied. J, Most surgeons add third throw to their instrument
tie. Needle holder is repositioned in original position, and one wrap is placed around needle holder in original clockwise
direction. Short end of suture is grasped and tightened down firmly to form second square knot. Final throw of three
knots is tightened firmly.
A suture technique that is useful for suturing two closed extraction. Forceps extraction techniques that
papillae with a single stitch is the horizontal mattress require great force may result not only in removal of
suture (Fig. 8-23). A slight variation of that suture is the the tooth but also of large amounts of associated bone
figure-eight suture, which holds the two papilla in posi- and occasionally the floor of the maxillary sinus (Fig.
tion and puts a cross over the top of the socket so that 8-25). The bone loss may be less if a soft tissue flap is
may help hold the blood clot in position (see Fig. 8- reflected and a proper amount of bone removed; it may
15). also be less if the tooth is sectioned- The morbidity of
If the incision is long, continuous sutures can be fragments of bone that are literally torn from the jaw
used efficiently. When using this technique, a knot by the conservative closed technique exceeds by far
does not have to be made for each stitch, which makes it the morbidity of controlled surgical extraction.
quicker to suture a long-span incision. The continuous
simple suture can be either locking or nonlocking (Fig. 8-
24). The horizontal mattress suture also can be used in a Indications for Surgical Extraction
running fashion. A disadvantage of the continuous It is prudent for the surgeon to evaluate carefully
suture is that if one suture pulls through, the entire each patient and each tooth to be removed for the
suture line becomes loose. possibility of an open extraction. Although the vast
majority of decisions will be to perform a closed
PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES extraction, the surgeon must be aware continually that
FOR SURGICAL EXTRACTION open extraction may be the less morbid of the two.
Surgical extraction of an erupted tooth is a technique As a general guideline, surgeons should consider
that should not be reserved for the extreme situation. A performing an elective surgical extraction when they
prudently used open extraction technique may be more perceive a possible need for excessive force to extract a
conservative and cause less operative morbidity than a tooth.
FIG. 8-23 A, Horizontal mattress suture is sometimes used to close
soft tissue wounds. Use of this suture decreases number of individ-
ual sutures that have to be placed; however, more importantly, it
FIG. 8-22 A, To make the suturing of three-cornered flap easier, compresses wound together slightly and everts wound
Woodson elevator is used to elevate small amount of fixed tissue edges. B, Single horizontal mattress suture can be placed across
so that suture can be passed through entire thickness of both papillae of tooth socket and serves as two individual sutures.
mucoperios-teum. B, When three-cornered flap is repositioned,
first suture is placed at occlusal end of vertical-releasing incision.
Papillae are then sutured sequentially, and finally, if necessary, it is likely that the teeth are surrounded by dense, heavy
superior aspect of releasing incision is sutured.
bone with strong periodontal ligament attachment (Fig.
8-26). The surgeon should exercise extreme caution if
The term excessive means that the force will probably removal of such teeth is attempted with a closed tech-
result in a fracture of bone, a tooth root, or both. In nique. An open technique usually results in a quicker,
any case the excessive bone loss, the need for easier extraction.
additional surgery to retrieve the root, or both can Careful review of the preoperative radiographs may
cause undue morbidity. The following are examples of reveal tooth roots that are likely to cause difficulty if the
situations in which closed extraction may require tooth is extracted by the standard forceps technique.
excessive force.
The dentist should strongly consider performing an One condition commonly seen among older patients is
open extraction after initial attempts at forceps hyper-cementosis. In this situation, cementum has
extraction have failed. Instead of applying continued to be deposited on the tooth and has formed a
unnecessarily great amounts of force that may not be large bulbous root that is difficult to remove through the
controlled, the surgeon should simply reflect a soft available tooth socket opening. Great force used to
tissue flap, section the tooth, remove some bone, and expand the bone may result in fracture of the root or
extract the tooth in sections. In these situations the buccocortical bone and in a more difficult extraction
philosophy of "divide and conquer" results in the procedure (Fig. 8-27).
most efficient extraction. Roots that are widely divergent, especially the
If the preoperative assessment reveals that the maxillary first molar roots (Fig. 8-28) or roots that have
patient has heavy or especially dense bone, severe dilaceration or hooks, also are difficult to remove
particularly on the buccocortical plate, surgical without fracturing one or more of the roots (Fig. 8-29).
extraction should be considered. The extraction of By reflecting a soft tissue flap and dividing the roots
most teeth depends on the expansion of the prospectively with a bur, a more controlled and planned
buccocortical plate. If this bone is especially heavy, extraction can be performed and will result in less
then adequate expansion is less likely to occur and morbidity overall.
fracture of the root is more likely. Dense bone in the If the maxillary sinus has expanded to include the
older patient warrants even more caution. roots of the maxillary molars, extraction may result in
removal of a portion of the sinus floor along with the
Whereas young patients have bone that is more
tooth. If the roots are divergent, then such a situation is
elastic and more likely to expand with controlled
even more likely to occur (Fig. 8-30).
force, older patients usually have denser, more highly
Teeth that have crowns with extensive caries,
calcified bone that is less likely to provide adequate
especially root caries, or that have large amalgam
expansion during luxation of the tooth.
restorations are candidates for open extraction (Fig. 8-
Occasionally, the dentist treats a patient who has
31). Although the root primarily grasps the tooth, a
very short clinical crowns with evidence of severe
portion of the force is applied to the crown. Such
attrition. If such attrition is the result of bruxism (a
pressures can crush and shat-
grinding habit),
FIG. 8-24 When multiple sutures are to be placed, incision can be closed with running or continuous
suture. A, First papilla is closed and knot tied in usual way. Long end of suture is held, and adjacent
papilla is sutured, without knot being tied but just with suture being pulled firmly through tissue. B,
Succeeding papillae are then sutured until final one is sutured and final knot is tied. Final appearance is
with suture going across each empty socket. C, Continuous locking stitch can be made by passing long
end of suture underneath loop before it is pulled through tissue. D, This puts suture on both deep
periosteal and mucosal surfaces directly across papilla and may aid in more direct apposition of tissues.
FIG. 8-30 Maxillary molar teeth "in" floor of maxillary sinus increase
chance of fracture of sinus floor, with resulting sinus perforation.
tooth may use either the bur or the chisel. If the bone is
thin, a chisel is convenient and frequently requires
hand pressure only. However, most surgeons currently
prefer a bur to remove the bone. The width of buccal
bone that is removed is essentially the same width as
the tooth in a mesiodistal direction (Fig. 8-35). In a
vertical dimension, bone should be removed
approximately one-half to two-thirds the length of the
tooth root (Fig. 8-36). This amount of bone removal
sufficiently reduces the amount of force necessary to
displace the tooth and makes removal relatively easy.
Either a small straight elevator (Fig. 8-37) or a forceps
can be used to remove the tooth (Fig. 8-38).
If the tooth is still difficult to extract after removal of
bone, a purchase point can be made in the root with the
bur at the most apical portion of the area of bone
removal (Fig. 8-39). This hole should be about 3 mm in
diameter and depth to allow the insertion of an
instrument. A heavy elevator, such as a Crane pick, can
be used to elevate or lever the tooth from its socket (Fig.
8-40, A). The soft tissue is repositioned and sutured (Fig.
8-40, B).
The bone edges should be checked; if sharp, they
should be smoothed with a bone file. By replacing the FIG. 8-33 If root is fractured at level of bone, buccal beak of
forceps can be used to remove small portion of bone at same
soft tissue flap and gently palpating it with a finger, the
time that it grasps root.
clinician can check edge sharpness. Removal of
FIG. 8-34 Small straight elevator can be used as shoehorn to lux- FIG. 8-37 Once appropriate amount of buccal bone has been
ate broken root. When straight elevator is used in this position, hand removed, shoehorn elevator can be used down palatal aspect of
must be securely supported on adjacent teeth to prevent inadver- tooth to displace tooth root in buccal direction. It is important to
tent slippage of instrument from tooth and subsequent injury to remember that when elevator is used in this direction, surgeon's
adjacent tissue. hand must be firmly supported on adjacent teeth to prevent slip-
page of instrument and injury to adjacent soft tissues.
After the tooth and all the root fragments have been prudently by dividing the root into several sections.
removed, the flap is repositioned and the surgical area This three-rooted tooth must be divided in a pattern
palpated for sharp bony edges. If any are present, they different from that of the two-rooted mandibular
are smoothed with a bone file. The wound is molar. If the crown of the tooth is intact, the two buccal
thoroughly irrigated and debrided of loose fragments of roots are sectioned from the tooth and the crown is
tooth, bone, calculus, and other debris. The flap is removed along with the palatal root.
repositioned again and sutured in the usual fashion The standard envelope flap is reflected, and a small
(Fig. 8-42, G). portion of crestal bone is removed to expose the trifurca-
An alternative method for removing the lower first tion area. The bur is used to section off the mesiobuccal
molar is to reflect the soft tissue flap and remove and distobuccal roots (Fig. 8-45, A). With gentle but firm
sufficient buccal bone to expose the bifurcation. Then bucco-occlusal pressure, the upper molar forceps delivers
the bur is used to section the mesial root from the tooth the crown and palatal root along the long axis of the
and convert the molar into a single-rooted tooth (Fig. root (Fig. 8-45, B). No palatal force should be delivered
8-43). The crown with the mesial root intact is with the forceps to the crown portion, because this
extracted with no. 17 lower molar forceps. The results in fracture of the palatal root. The entire
remaining mesial root is elevated from the socket with a delivery force should be in the buccal direction. A
Cryer elevator. The elevator is inserted into the empty small straight elevator is then used to luxate the buccal
tooth socket and rotated, using the wheel-and-axle roots (Fig. 8-45, C), which can then be delivered either
principle. The sharp tip of the elevator engages the with a Cryer elevator used in the usual fashion (Fig. 8-
cementum of the remaining root, which is elevated 45, D) or with a straight elevator. If straight elevators are
occlusally from the socket. If the interradicular bone is used, the surgeon should remember that the maxillary
heavy, the first rotation or two of the Cryer elevator sinus might be very close to these roots, so apically
removes the bone, which allows the elevator to engage directed forces must be kept to a minimum and
the cementum of the tooth on the second or third carefully controlled. The entire force of the straight
rotation. elevator should be in a mesiodistal direction, and slight
If the crown of the mandibular molar has been pressure should be applied apically.
lost, the procedure again begins with the reflection of If the crown of the maxillary molar is missing or frac-
an envelope flap and removal of a small amount of tured, the roots should be divided into two buccal roots
crestal bone. The bur is used to section the two roots and a palatal root. The same general approach as before is
into mesial and distal components (Fig. 8-44, A). The used. An envelope flap is reflected and retracted with a
small straight elevator is used to mobilize and luxate periosteal elevator. A moderate amount of buccal bone
the mesial root, which is delivered from its socket by is removed to expose the tooth for sectioning (Fig. 8-46,
insertion of the Cryer elevator into the slot prepared A). The roots are sectioned into the two buccal roots
by the dental bur (Fig. 8-44, B). The Cryer elevator is and a single palatal root. Next the roots are luxated
rotated in the wheel-and-axle manner, and the mesial with a straight elevator and delivered with Cryer
root is delivered occlusally from the tooth socket. The elevators, according to the preference of the surgeon
opposite member of the paired Cryer instruments is (Fig. 8-46, B and C). Occasionally, enough access to the
inserted into the empty root socket and rotated roots exists so that a maxillary root forceps or upper
through the interradicular bone to engage and deliver universal forceps can be used to deliver the roots
the remaining root (Fig. 8-44, C). independently (Fig. 8-46, D). Finally, the palatal root is
Extraction of maxillary molars with widely delivered after the two buc-cal roots have been
divergent buccal and palatal roots that require removed. Often much of the inter-
excessive force to extract can be removed more
FIG. 8-42 A, This primary second molar cannot be removed by
closed technique because of tipping of adjacent teeth into
occlusal path of withdrawal and of high likelihood of ankylosis. B,
Envelope incision is made, extending two teeth anteriorly and one
tooth posteriorly. C, Small amount of crestal bone is removed, and
tooth is sectioned into two portions with bur. D, Small straight
elevator is used to luxate and deliver mesial portion of crown and
mesial root. E, Distal portion is luxated with small straight
elevator. F, No. 1 51 forceps is used to deliver remaining portion of
tooth. G, Wound is irrigated and flap approximated with gut
sutures in papillae.
radicular bone is lost by this time; therefore the small Removal of Small Root Fragments and Root Tips
straight elevator can be used efficiently. The elevator is If fracture of the apical one third (3 to 4 mm) of the
forced down the periodontal ligament space on the root occurs during a closed extraction, an orderly
palatal aspect with gentle, controlled wiggling motions, procedure should be used to remove the root tip from
which causes displacement of the tooth in the buccooc- the socket. Initial attempts should be made to extract
clusal direction (Fig. 8-46, E). the root fragment by a closed technique, but the
surgeon should
FIG. 8-43 A, Alternative method of sectioning is to use bur to remove mesial root from first molar.
B, No. 178 forceps is then used to grasp crown of tooth and remove the crown and distal root.
C, Cryer elevator is then used to remove mesial root. Its point is inserted into empty socket of distal
root and turned in wheel-and-axle fashion, with sharp point engaging interseptal
bone and root and elevating mesial root from its socket.
FIG. 8-44 A, When crown of lower molar is lost because of fracture or caries, small envelope flap is reflected and small amount of
crestal bone is removed. Bur is then used to section tooth into two individual roots. B, After small straight elevator has been used to
mobilize roots, Cryer elevator is used to elevate distal root. Tip of elevator is placed into slot prepared by bur, and elevator is turned to
deliver the root. C, Opposite member of paired Cryer elevators is then used to deliver remaining tooth root with same type of
rotational movement.
FIG. 8-45 A, When intact maxillary molar must be divided for judicious removal (as when extreme
divergence of roots is found), small envelope incision is made and small amount of crestal bone is
removed. This allows bur to be used to section buccal roots from crown portion of tooth. B, Upper
molar forceps is then used to remove crown portion of tooth along with palatal root. Tooth is deliv-
ered in buccoocclusal direction, and no palatal pressure is used, because it would probably cause frac-
ture of palatal root from crown portion. C, Straight elevator is then used to mobilize buccal roots and
can occasionally be used to deliver these roots. D, Cryer elevator can be used in usual fashion by plac-
ing tip of elevator into empty socket and rotating it to deliver remaining root.
begin a surgical technique if the closed technique is not the root tip fractured. If sufficient luxation occurred
immediately successful. Whichever technique is chosen, before the fracture, the root tip often is mobile and
two requirements for extraction are critically important: can be removed with the closed technique. However,
excellent light and excellent suction, preferably with a if the tooth was not well mobilized before the
suction tip of small diameter. It is impossible to remove a fracture, the closed technique is less likely to be
small root tip fragment unless the surgeon can clearly successful. The closed technique is also less likely to be
visualize it. It is also important that an irrigation syringe successful if the clinician finds a bulbous
be available to irrigate blood and debris from around the hypercementosed root with bony interferences that
root tip so that it can be clearly seen. prevent extraction of the root tip fragment. In addition,
The closed technique for root tip retrieval is defined as severe dilaceration of the root end may prevent the use
any technique that does not require reflection of soft of the closed technique.
tissue flaps and removal of bone. Closed techniques are Once the fracture has occurred, the patient should
most useful when the tooth was well luxated and be repositioned so that adequate visualization (with
mobile before proper lighting), irrigation, and suction are achieved.
The tooth
FIG. 8-46 A, If crown of upper molar has been lost to caries or has been fractured from roots, small
envelope incision is reflected and small amount of crestal bone is removed. Bur is then used to section
three roots into independent portions. B, After roots have been luxated with small straight elevator,
mesiobuccal root is delivered with Cryer elevator placed into slot prepared by bur. C, Once mesiobuc-
cal root has been removed, Cryer elevator is again used to deliver distal buccal root. Tip of Cryer ele-
vator is placed into empty socket of mesiobuccal root and turned in usual fashion to deliver tooth root.
D, Maxillary root forceps can be occasionally used to grasp and deliver remaining root. Palatal root can
then be delivered either with straight elevator or with Cryer elevator. If straight elevator is used, it is
placed between root and palatal bone and gently wiggled in effort to displace palatal root in buc-
coocclusal direction. E, Small straight elevator can be used to elevate and displace remaining root of
maxillary third molar in buccoocclusal direction with gentle wiggling pressures.
socket should be irrigated vigorously and suctioned as the maxillary sinus. Excessive lateral force could result
with a small suction tip, because the loose tooth in the bending or fracture of the end of the root tip pick.
fragment occasionally can be irrigated from the socket. The root tip also can be removed with the small straight
Once irrigation and suction are completed, the elevator used as a shoehorn. This technique is indicated
surgeon should inspect the tooth socket carefully to more often for the removal of larger root fragments than
assess whether the root has been removed from the for small root tips. The technique is similar to that of the
socket. root tip pick, because the small straight elevator is forced
If the irrigation-suction technique is unsuccessful, into the periodontal ligament space, where it acts like a
the next step is to tease the loose root apex from the wedge to deliver the tooth fragment toward the occlusal
socket with a root tip pick. A root tip pick is a delicate plane (Fig. 8-48). Strong apical pressure should be avoided,
instrument and cannot be used as the Cryer elevator because it may force the root into the underlying tissues.
can to remove bone and elevate entire roots. The root This is more likely to occur in the maxillary premolar
tip pick is inserted into the periodontal ligament and molar areas, where tooth roots can be displaced into
space, and the root is teased out of the socket {Fig. 8- the maxillary sinus. When the straight elevator is used in
47). Neither excessive apical or lateral force should be this fashion, the surgeon's hand must always be supported
applied to the root tip pick. Excessive apical force on an adjacent tooth or a solid bony prominence. This
could result in displacement of the root tip into other
anatomic locations, such
FIG. 8-47 A, When small (2 to 4 mm) portion of root apex is frac-
tured from tooth, root tip pick can be used to retrieve it. B, Root tip
pick is teased into periodontal ligament space and used to luxate
root tip gently from its socket.
moved first for several reasons. First of all, an infiltration interfere with visualization during mandibular surgery.
anesthetic has a more rapid onset and also disappears Hemorrhage is usually not a major problem, because
more rapidly. This means that the surgeon can begin the hemostasis should be achieved in one area before the sur-
surgical procedure sooner after the injections have been geon turns his or their attention to another area of sur-
given; in addition, surgery should not be delayed because gery, and the surgical assistant should be able to keep the
profound anesthesia is lost more quickly in the maxilla. surgical field free from blood with adequate suction.
In addition, maxillary teeth should be removed first, Extraction usually begins with extraction of the most
because during the extraction process debris such as por- posterior teeth first. This allows for the more effective use
tions of amalgams, fractured crowns, and bone chips may of dental elevators to luxate and mobilize teeth before the
fall into the empty sockets of the lower teeth if the lower forceps is used to extract the tooth. The two teeth that are
surgery is performed first. In addition, maxillary teeth are the most difficult to remove, the molar and canine,
removed with a major component of buccal force. Little should be extracted last. Removal of the teeth on either
or no vertical traction force is used in removal of these side weakens the bony socket on the mesial and distal
teeth, as is commonly required with mandibular teeth. side of these teeth, and their subsequent extraction is
Therefore mandibular extractions that follow maxillary made easier.
extractions are usually easier to perform. A single minor In summary, if a maxillary and mandibular left quad-
disadvantage for extracting maxillary teeth first is that if rant is to be extracted, the following order is recom-
hemorrhage is not controlled in the maxilla before mended: (1) maxillary posterior teeth, leaving the first
mandibular teeth are extracted, the hemorrhage may molar; (2) maxillary anterior teeth, leaving the canine;
FIG. 8-51 A, This patient's remaining teeth are to be extracted.
The broad zone of attached gingiva is demonstrated in adequate
vestibular depth. B, After adequate anesthesia is achieved, soft tis-
sue attachment to teeth is incised with no. 15 blade. Incision is car-
ried around necks of teeth and through interdental papilla. C,
Woodson elevator is used to reflect labial soft tissue just to crest of
labioalveolar bone. D, Small straight elevator is used to luxate
teeth before forceps is used. Surgeon's opposite hand is reflecting
soft tissue and stabilizing mandible. E, Teeth adjacent to mandibu-
lar canine are extracted first, which makes extraction of remaining
canine tooth easier to accomplish.
(3) maxillary molar; (4) maxillary canine; (5) mandibular the straight elevator (Fig. 8-51, D) and delivered with forceps
posterior teeth, leaving the first molar; (6) mandibular in the usual fashion (Fig. 8-51, E). If removing any of the
anterior teeth, leaving the canine; (7) mandibular molar; teeth is likely to require excessive force, the surgeon should
and (8) mandibular canine. remove a small amount of buccal bone to prevent fracture
and bone loss.
Technique for Multiple Extractions After the extractions are completed, the buccolingual
plates are pressed into their preexisting position with
The surgical procedure for removing multiple adjacent firm pressure (Fig. 8-51, F). The soft tissue is repositioned,
teeth is modified slightly. The first step in removing a and the surgeon palpates the ridge to determine if any
single tooth is to loosen the soft tissue attachment areas of sharp bony spicules or obvious undercuts can be
from around the tooth (Fig. 8-51, A and B). When found. If any exist, the bone rongeur is used to remove the
performing multiple extractions, the soft tissue larger areas of interference, and the bone file is used to
reflection is extended slightly to form a small envelope smooth any sharp spicules (Fig. 8-51, G). The area is
flap to expose the cre-stal bone only (Fig. 8-51, C). irrigated thoroughly with sterile saline. The soft tissue is
The teeth are luxated with
FIG. 8-51—cont'd F, Alveolar plates are compressed firmly
together to reestablish presurgical buccolingual width of alveolar
process. Because of mild periodontal disease, excess soft tissue is
found, which will be trimmed to prevent excess flabby tissue on
crest of ridge. G, Rongeur forceps is used to remove only bone that
is sharp and protrudes above reapproximated soft tissue. H, After
soft tissue has been trimmed and sharp bony projections removed,
tissue is checked one final time for completeness of soft tissue sur-
gery. I, Tissue is closed with interrupted black silk sutures across
papilla. This approximates soft tissue at papilla but leaves tooth sock-
et open. Soft tissue is not mobilized to achieve primary closure,
because this would tend to reduce vestibular height. J, Patient
returns for suture removal 1 week later. Normal healing has
occurred, and sutures are ready for removal. The broad band of
attached tissue remains on ridge, similar to what existed in preoper-
ative situation (see A).
inspected for the presence of excess granulation tissue. If and J). Interrupted or continuous sutures are used,
any is present it should be removed, because it may pro- depending on the preference of the surgeon.
long postoperative hemorrhage. The soft tissue is then In some patients a more extensive alveoloplasty after
reapproximated and inspected for excess gingiva. If the multiple extractions is necessary. Chapter 13 has an in-
teeth are being removed because of severe periodontitis depth discussion of this technique.
with bone loss, it is not uncommon for the soft tissue
flaps to overlap and cause redundant tissue. If this is the BIBLIOGRAPHY
situation, the gingiva should be trimmed so that no over-
lap occurs when the soft tissue is apposed (Fig. 8-51, H). Berman SA: Basic principles of dentoalveolar surgery. In LJ
Peterson, editor: Principles of oral and maxiltofacial surgery,
However, if no redundant tissue exists, the surgeon must Philadelphia, 1992, JB Lippincott.
not try to gain primary closure over the extraction sock- Brown RP: Knotting technique and suture materials, Br J Surg
ets. If this is done the depth of the vestibule decreases, 79:399, 1992.
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Finally, the papillae are sutured into position (Fig. 8-51,I 23:351, 1978.