Liguorian Hymn: St. Alphonsus Liguori Integrated School Hymn
Liguorian Hymn: St. Alphonsus Liguori Integrated School Hymn
Liguorian Hymn: St. Alphonsus Liguori Integrated School Hymn
With lo - yal hearts Li - guor - ians ga - ther round These walls let our mu - sic
feel Our spi - rits high, we soar the sky Re - mem - ber - ring those days gone
by. In Ju - bi - lee, we ho - nor thee. Oh, St. Al - phon - sus set us
free Let shine your bea - con light once more O'er dark - ened mo - ments we im -
plore As true child - ren of yours we pride our - selves We daunt - less - ly search for
truth Your cou - rage rings, the strength it brings Will make us whole for - e - ver -
more Oh Al - ma ma - ter we pro - claim Your no - bles hopes and dreams your
name Oh come, Li - guor - ians, let's re - joice! Let's thank and praise her with one voice!