1assignment SMSS5203

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IDENTITY CARD NO. : 870530-56-5025
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E-MAIL : harris_ai87@yahoo.com
SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA




QUESTION 1(a) Answer:

• Project:
Design Portable Can Crusher with Eco and Ergonomic friendly Design which targeted
market for household, commercial applications with ability of crushes a can to
approximately one quarter of its length.
• Business Case:
The main objective is to come out with design of portable can crusher which consist of with
Eco and Ergonomic friendly Design. This portable need to be revolutionizes, semiautomatic,
robust and paddle-operated in other means of advance features compare to current can
crusher available at markets. It to be crashed out approximately 1600 or 3500 grams
vertically at one time. Automatic feed and drop mechanism will be a main complimentary
available technology features with storages up to 8 cans. Price to be competitive with current
markets in average of RM50 to RM100 with safety features are in between medium and
high durability. The acceptant need to be flexible sizes with weight of lighter then 20kg for
automatic and less than 2kg for manual handling.

• Opportunity Statement:
Study all availability of the current products at markets which including the available of the
technologies for more efficient and organized design to build cheap and portable can
crusher. Ensure it reached all the voice of customers (VOC) needs of household and
commercial applicants. Segregation of recycle materials such as cans be done easily and
more convenient to recycle company to collect and recycled it more efficiency.

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

• Goal Statement:
Metric Current Markets Goal Target End Date
Design Can • Price was RM70 (automatic can crusher • Portable Cab 18/09/2019
Crusher cost the higher end). Crusher Price
• Safety features were provided with Range of RM50
medium to high durability. to RM100.
• Measure size approximately 0.5 x 0.25 m.
• Most of them had no rack to store the • Household
cans. commercial
• Automatic can crusher weighted around applications with
20kg while the manual ones were around ability of crushes
2-4 kg. a can to
• Most were wall mounted with average approximately
aesthetics. one quarter of its
• An automatic disposal system was present length.
in most of them.
• They all accepted only a fixed can size.

• Project Scope:
Milestone Start Date End Date
Define 18/11/2018 30/12/2018
Measure 1/1/2019 15/3/2019
Analyse 20/3/2019 31/5/2019
Improve 30/6/2019 31/7/2019
Control 1/8/2019 18/9/2019

• Team Members:
Champion: Director of Design and Implementation.
Process Owner: Harithas
Black Belt: Director of Marketing
Members: Engineers, Safety Processing Team, System Design team

• Project Scope:
Process: Analyze, Develop, Implementation Plans
Start Point: Identify VOC (Voice of Customers) at markets
End Point: Improve in Design Process.

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

(1) Project Charter:

Project: Design Portable Can Crusher with Eco and Ergonomic friendly.
Business Case: Opportunity Statement:
The main objective is to come out with design of Study all availability of the current
portable can crusher which consist of with Eco products at markets which including
and Ergonomic friendly Design. This portable the available of the technologies for
need to be revolutionizes, semiautomatic, robust more efficient and organized design to
and paddle-operated in other means of advance build cheap and portable can crusher.
features compare to current can crusher available Ensure it reached all the voice of
at markets. It to be crashed out approximately customers (VOC) needs of household
1600 or 3500 grams vertically at one time. and commercial applicants.
Automatic feed and drop mechanism will be a Segregation of recycle materials such
main complimentary available technology as cans be done easily and more
features with storages up to 8 cans. Price to be convenient to recycle company to
competitive with current markets in average of collect and recycled it more efficiency.
RM50 to RM100 with safety features are in
between medium and high durability. The
acceptant need to be flexible sizes with weight of
lighter then 20kg for automatic and less than 2kg
for manual handling.
Project Scope:

Process: Analyze, Define, Develop,

Implementation, Validate.

Start Point: Identify VOC (Voice of

Customers) at markets

Project Scope: Team

End Members:
Point: Improve and Validate
Milestone Start Date End Date Champion: Director of Design and
Identify 18/11/2018 30/12/2018 Implementation.

Define 1/1/2019 15/3/2019 Process Owner: Harithas

Design 20/3/2019 31/5/2019
Black Belt: Director of Marketing
Improve 30/6/2019 31/7/2019
Validate 1/8/2019 18/9/2019 Members: Engineers, Safety Team,
System Design team.

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

(2) Brief Project Plan:



Gate 1-Identify
This phase to develop the Project Charter, Criteria
Analysis, Create Plan Project
Checklist: Project Charter, Criteria definition and analysis, Plan Project

Gate 2—Define
Research on current market requirement, SWOT analysis, customer
requirements voice of customer (VOC).
To ensure prioritized household and commercial market need.
Checklist: Metric Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Market Technology Segment, Industrials and
Household Survey, Quality function deployment (QFD).
• Forecast Markets Demand
• Benchmarking/SWOT of availability in markets
• Get info on voice of customer.
• Do metrics benchmarking.
• Prioritize current requirements
• Quality and Safety needs to be adopted in design

Gate 3-Design
Design conceptual with customer needs and requirements and identify most practical
selection to be included in design.
Checklist: Conceptual Selection, Design Mode Sketch, Design and Reassembly Flow chart.
• Evaluate practicable and with needs latest technology
• Feasibility studies on the chosen concepts
• Improvisation/added value need to this design

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

• Sketch/Design Pilot Plant conceptual.

Gate 4-Improve
Reviewed and selected best conceptual design to identify the possibilities of effects and flaws
to this design. Find solution and reduced it to lowest as possible and reasonable (ALARP
Concept). Compare the design with one another to come out with ultimate agreed design.
Checklist: Design failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA), computer aided
engineering (CAE) analysis
• Find and isolate noise and control factors
• minimized highly occurrences defects
• Identify factors that contribute each other
• Identify solution based on DFMEA
• Performing improvement with finalized solution.

Gate 5- Validate
Validate this finalized design and parameters, come out with prototypes.
Checklist: Pilot Plant/ Prototype survey
• Meets customer needs.
• Initial Demands estimation
• Costing estimation overall
• Max performance prototype guidelines

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

QUESTION 2(a) Answer:

Six Sigma is a generally utilized, information driven, quality enhancement process. This
procedure has helped various imaginative associations in accumulating gigantic efficiencies
in their tasks and getting to be nimbler in item and process developments.

Six Sigma Framework

Six Sigma is a blend of the best of these two procedures. It consolidates the utilization
of information to drive enhancement and in addition streamline inside procedures and
methodology to augment productivity. It is sensitive to the need to give great, fast
conveyance at negligible expense. The client center component considers speed and quality
its columns; the inside procedures component depends on stream and variety control; and the
general population component requires collaboration and also developments and learning.
This outcomes in a 360-degree joining and arrangement of an association's frameworks and
assets. Organizations require the innovativeness of representatives, taking a shot at the inside
procedures with information and comprehension, to make arrangements that will please
clients by meeting, as well as surpassing, their desires.

Safety Evolution
Safety customarily is receptive in its stance, driven by misfortune measurements and
concentrated on the specialist to collect enhancement. Harking back to the 1920s, Heinrich
completed an examination that put 88 percent of the explanations behind mishaps on the
hazardous activities of specialists. This in the long run put the focal point of security
mediations on the laborer. Conventional wellbeing uses programs, work rules, preparing,
gatherings, boards, signage, conduct adjustment, outcome administration, instructing and, at
last, discipline to deal with the laborer into safe practices and activities. This tends to a
constrained piece of the entirety. The representative is a piece of the more prominent
hierarchical framework. It takes the specialist, gear, forms, methodology, arranging (both
strategic and vital), supervision and administration, authority, vision and qualities to deliver
the item or administration. This at that point nourishes into a bigger arrangement of clients,
rivalry, correspondence, back and saving money, to give some examples different substances
which affect and are affected by laborer safety.

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

Six Sigma and Safety.

Applying Six Sigma thinking to wellbeing has gigantic probability and potential. Six
Sigma gives a system to coordinating security into tasks. In Six Sigma tasks, wellbeing is
tended to in strategic and additionally key arranging. The hierarchical frameworks that drive
productivity and quality are connected to the security procedure. Wellbeing objectives are
lined up with business targets, along these lines making a linkage between asset needs and
allotment. Six Sigma tends to the requirements of all the hierarchical partners and makes a
comprehensive and coordinated way to deal with overseeing wellbeing. The outcome is that
the procedure makes imaginative arrangements that meet as well as surpass the hierarchical
and business desires.

QUESTION 2(b) Answer:

Construction or development is a high-risk industry because of its intricate nature. In
the Malaysia., the industry every now and again encounters the most elevated number of
lethal work wounds. In spite of the fact that development represents under 5% of the
investigate. Workforce, about 20% of word related lethal wounds happen in this industry.
Keeping up damage free work environment in development is difficult because of the natural
vulnerability of the constructed condition. In any case, site administration can diminish
episodes if main drivers are legitimately identified and disposed of. Site staff can distinguish
main drivers by leading compelling and intensive episode examinations that are both review
and planned in that exercises gained from occurrences are fused into persistent enhancement
endeavors. Behm and Powell (2014) define episode examination as "a reported and
discoverable investigation of how an association explains OSH issues originating from
occurrences and close misses." The fundamental point is to recognize the underlying drivers
that prompted undesired results with the goal that administration can execute proper
restorative and preventive activities. Numerous OSH experts concur that enhancing the nature
of occurrence examination reports can prompt enhanced security execution. This article
proposes a development occurrence examination structure that depends on the six sigma
DMAIC (define, measure, investigate, enhance, control) cycle. Six sigma is a factual quality
enhancement framework.

Organizations executing these methodologies report enhanced generation, shorter task

plans and lessened costs (Kara-khan, 2011). Six sigma procedures likewise allegedly enhance
SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

wellbeing execution. For instance, Honeywell International, DuPont, General Electric and
Bechtel Jacobs have utilized six sigma to enhance OSH (ReVelle, 2004). Nonetheless, the
development business has not comprehensively connected this methodology. The present
aggressive development condition has little edge for mistake. Wellbeing execution influences
laborer confidence, profitability, venture timetable and cost. The six sigma DMAIC cycle is a
critical thinking structure that a development business can use to define, measure, break
down, enhance and control deserts, including work environment dangers. Applying the
DMAIC cycle to occurrence examinations additionally makes a synergistic domain, elevates
a group way to deal with security and supports persistent enhancement.

QUESTION 2(c) Answer:

Safety must be a basic piece of all periods of arranging, supervision, and control.
Safety in straightforward means opportunity from event or danger of damage or misfortune.
The achievement of the security program lays principally on how well representatives and
directors pursue and conform to wellbeing principles and controls. The investigation
uncovers that the association is submitted towards taking up the security preparing program.
Yet at the same time there is a critical requirement for the association to investigate different
coordinated methodology in regards to the current wellbeing preparing. The basic variables
and risky exercises identified with wounds at the work destinations in the organization have
been recognized. From the ceaseless enhancement techniques layout in the Six Sigma
procedure, we distinguished these basic variables and persistent commitment with
administrators that enhancement can be made in decreasing damage rates in the working
environment (locales). Singular assurance of enhancing cost discovered that there was an
expense since the beginning of the task.
The concerned were unmistakably determined. The expense was step by step
expanded again all through the enhance organize as there were a ton of analyses done. Amid
the enhancement, the nonconforming deformity was slowly decreased. This was the point at
which the advantage of the enhancement could be distinguished as this work has checked the
advantage assurance from the decrease of the quantity of nonconforming. As process has
been enhanced to the controlled stage, some action could be lessened. When every single
appropriate condition found toward the finish of the enhance organize, the expense was
surprisingly dropped and stayed for process checking affirming to the control issue. This was
because of a collection of expense from the beginning of venture. Then again, it was
important while considering inside its own period If the advantage cost proportion has not
SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

been high as target required, the enhancement could be proposed by considering the phase
that has high venture, for example, in immediate and aberrant expense in safety enfoldments’.
For instance, similar to Improvement of surface covering in development give more effect
than the procedure ability enhancement dependent on quality despite the fact that it is the
most critical quality for client require. The surface covering enhancement had higher
advantage cost proportion than in general task since there was higher extra interest in process
capacity of solidarity enhancement than the surface covering enhancement. This was from a
lack of common sense and trusted that the quality undertaking was more troublesome and
need more process master than the covering. This ought to be an alert for the following
enhancement. The venture inside enhance arrange is important for the two cases yet the
surface covering enhancement gives more advantage cost proportion or have more significant
speculation than the procedure capacity enhancement. This may be because of lower
deformity dependent on quality than surface covering at the underlying and hence, the arrival
is low as the advantage is ascertained cost of lessened imperfection.
For the quality case, it is set up to fulfill the client needs. It will influence to the trust
of clients. They may build a request number which would be a major advantage and give
higher advantage cost proportion later. Amid the enhance organize, the expense of surface
covering enhancement is higher than that of procedure ability of solidarity. By considering
the expense and advantage cost proportion of comparative movement amid the six-sigma
venture, a few choices on the other task can be made as the undertaking of process capacity
enhancement dependent on the quality could spare more cost than surface covering venture.
Thusly, by and large advantage cost proportion of six sigma is expanded.

SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA

Answer: -
Respirator Mask 56 40 44 48 54 51 46 59
Total Cost 795 658 664 682 770 747 692 806

1. Determine which of the two variables is the explanatory variable and which is the response
variable. Do you expect a positive or negative relationship between these two variables?
• Respirator Mask= Independent variable X and Total Cost= Dependent variable Y
• It will be POSITIVE relationship.

2. Find the least-square regression line.

Linear Regression Graph have least-square regression line 0.926r2.
3. Interpret the meaning of the values of a and b calculated in part (b)
Interpretation of a and b
• Interpretation of a-
a is the y-intercept of the regression line, that is the value of yˆ when x = 0
• Interpretation of b-
b is the slope of the regression line. The value of b in a regression line gives the
change in y due to a change of one unit in x.

4. Plot the scatter plot, the regression line, and the residual plot. Is a linear relationship
appropriate for representing these dates? Explain why?

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5. Calculate r and R2 and briefly explain what they mean.

• Linear Regression Graph having 0.926r2 with standard derivative 16.2787 and Quadratic
Regression Graph having 0.927r2 with standard derivative 16.2260.
It’s called correlation coefficient which give how closely the dependent variable is related
to independent variable.
• Those having higher value on r2 means that linear regression is the best fit model.

6. Predict the total cost of production for 49,000 respirator masks.

Total Cost = 701.3-8.28(49000) + 0.1741(490002) =417609081.30
7. Compute the standard deviation errors.

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SMSS5203/SEPT 2018/A_AFA





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