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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No.

1 January 2019

Developing Interactive Multimedia Model 4D for Teaching Natural Science Subject

Dwi Lestari Wardani1

I Nyoman Sudana Degeng2
Abd Cholid3

Department of Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana
Surabaya, Indonesia
Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana
Surabaya, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Dwi Lestari Wardani


This study aims to produce interactive multimedia products for teaching natural science subject.
Learning Media has a function to give more understanding and to facilitate educators in delivering
information in the form of subject materials to their students. Model of development of 4D (Define,
Design, Development, Dissemination) developed by Thiagarajan is adopted in this study. This
development product was in the form of CD Rom which consisted of learning materials, evaluation
and discussion of problems by using Microsoft Powerpoint application. This development product
was assessed by three experts, i.e.: learning media, content/material, and natural science teacher.
Questionnaires as tool for data collection which were obtained from content experts, media experts
and teacher as tool for data collection then analysed using Likert-scale. The results of the
assessment by the media expert on the display aspect showed that 92% with excellent qualifications,
on the interactive aspect provided an assessment was 96% with excellent qualifications while on the
usefulness aspect provided a 100% assessment with excellent qualifications. For the overall aspects
of display, interactive and usefulness, the media expert provided an assessment was 96% as
excellent qualifications. While, the content/material expert on the display aspect provided an
ISSN: 2411-5681

assessment was 92% with excellent qualifications remark. Whereas, on the linguistic aspect, the
content/material expert gave an assessment was 88% with good qualification. For the overall
multimedia-based interactive learning media, the content/material expert was 91% assessment with
excellent qualifications. The peers stated that the display aspect was 84% with good qualification.
While in linguistic aspect, they give assessment of 90% with excellent qualification. The overall
assessment results by peers on the interactive multimedia was 86% with good qualifications.

Keywords: learning media, interactive multimedia, natural science subject

1. Introduction
Science and technology that is growing rapidly give influence to almost all aspects of human
life. Such changes can lead to many things. Some is useful to solve the problems arising but some
other can also bring people in the increasingly strict global competition. One of the efforts that
human resources can survive in the era of free competition is to improve the quality of human
resources. Improving the quality of human resources requires a directive plan that is conducted
intensively, effectively and efficiently. The increasing quality of human resources can not be
separated from the quality of education. The quality of education in Indonesia is still low due to the
effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. The learning process runs effectively when
students can learn easily, feel happy and comfortable, have no sense of compulsion and the learning
objectives can be achieved. In order to run effectively then the teachers are required to have the
ability to improve the effectiveness of learning.
From the results of interview with a natural science teacher class VIII semester 1 school year
2017-2018 at MTsN 1 Surabaya and seeing the average result of student's daily test score was 70.5,
while the standard of minimum mastery criteria is 75. It means that it is still less than what expected
by the school. These results indicates that the learning activities of Natural Science have not run
Some efforts made so that the learning activities can run effectively, for instance, is by using
learning media that can improve students to be more easily in learning, students become active and
not easily bored during the learning activities. Learning media intended is an interactive
multimedia-based learning media that have never existed or developed in natural science subjects at
MTsN 1 Surabaya City. Such explanation underlies the development of interactive multimedia
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No. 1 January 2019

learning media in studying the subject materials of natural subject which consists of a combination
of several media such as text, images, audio and video that are expected to attract students and
facilitate them to learn the subject materials.
The identification of the problem in this research is the absence of interactive learning media
used by teachers in learning natural science at class VIII of MTsN 1 Surabaya City.
Based on the identification of the problem above, the goal to be achieved in this research is
to produce interactive multimedia learning media.

2. Research Method
This research used model development 4D model (Define, Design, Development, and
Disseminate). However, due to limited time, researchers limit themselves only to the Development
stage only. Researchers used the 4D model because this development model is arranged
systematically with sequences of activities that can be used for proper problem solving on learning
instruments. The 4D development model can be adapted to the school needs and its student
characteristics so that it can be flexible and conditional.
This study used methods of data collection in the form of interview, documentation and
questionnaires. The data collection was conducted to answer the problems of the quality of the
development result of multimedia interactive learning media. Methods of interview and
documentation were systematically used by researchers for needs analysis as a basis for determining
learning media product that is designed to be developed. Required documents were in the form of
Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Minimum Mastery Criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal/KKM) class
VIII MTsN 1 Surabaya City in the school year 2017-2018.
The next method was a questionnaire method used to determine the feasibility or quality of
interactive multimedia development product. According to Sugiyono (2009: 199), it is explained
that the questionnaire method is a technique of data collection conducted by giving a set of
questions or written statements to respondents to answer it. Data collection in the form of
questionnaires was used to record the validation results from the material/content expert and
design/media expert. It is also used to collect data from students during individual test, small group
test and field test.
This development research used quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.
Qualitative descriptive analysis is a technique to analyze the data obtained in order to get a true
overview of the situation. According to Agung (2012: 67) that qualitative descriptive analysis is a
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way of analyzing or processing data by systematically arranging in the form of sentences or words,
categories of a subject to obtain general conclusion. This qualitative descriptive analysis technique
was used to process the data of validation test from material/content expert, media/design expert,
individual test, small group test or field test.
Qualitative descriptive analysis was done by grouping data in the form of input or response
and criticism and improvement suggestion on the questionnaire. The results of this analysis were
used to make revisions to interactive multimedia development product.
According to Agung (2012: 67) that quantitative descriptive analysis is a way of data
processing by systematically arranging in the form of numbers or percentage, regarding an object
studied so that it is obtained general conclusion. In this study, quantitative descriptive analysis
technique was used to process data in the form of scores obtained through the questionnaire. To
calculate the percentage of each subject in the questionnaire using the formula:
∑( ℎ ℎ )
= 100%
ℎ ℎ
∑ = Sum
n = Total number of questionnaire items
% = Describing expression level

While calculating the percentage of the overall subject used the formula:
Percentage = F: N
F = Total percentage of the overall subjects
N = number subjects

To know the qualification of percentage calculation result, it is used a conversion with scale
level 5 as in table 1 below:
Table 1. Convertion of scale 5 achievement level and qualification:
Achievement level Qualifications Remark
90%-100% Excellent No need to revised
75%-89% Good Revised as necessary
65%-74% Adequate Pretty much revised
55%-64% Deficient Much revised
0-54% Very deficient Totally revised
Source: Tegeh (2014)

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No. 1 January 2019

3. Results and Discussion

In the research result, it is described some important things, those are 1) stages of
designing interactive multimedia learning media, 2) validation test of expert test, 3) revision of
development product, and 4) trial of development product.
This research used 4D development model which consists of 4 stages. Further, it was
described the four stages of interactive multimedia development by using 4D model. The early stage
that is often called needs analysis was used to determine and define requirements in the
development of interactive multimedia. This stage is divided into several steps: initial analysis,
student/learner analysis, task analysis, concept analysis and objective learning analysis. At this
stage, an interview was conducted with a natural science teacher of VIII grade on student learning
report and learning media used so far. Natural Science subject is a life-related subject with the
details of the materials in the form of Biology, Chemistry and Physics which is in a unity of natural
science. The natural science subject, not only memorize but also require real examples in everyday
life so that students do not feel bored and saturated in studying the subject. Learning media used so
far has not been referring to multimedia so it is still less effective and efficient. For those reasons, it
is necessary to develop a learning multimedia on natural science subject so that the learning process
becomes more active and fun. The existence of facilities in MTsN 1 Surabaya City is sufficient for
the use of interactive multimedia. Some classes have been facilitated with permanent LCD Projector
and a number of classes that have not equipped with permanent LCD Projector will be provided a
mobile LCD Projector. In addition, each class is also equipped with a white board and 2 computer
laboratory room that is very supportive to the interactive multimedia development in the learning
process. Next is the student/learner analysis where basically the learning style of students is
different. There are visual, audiotory and kinesthetic styles. The diversity of learning styles also
underlies the development of interactive multimedia learning media because this media combines
many media in the application of both visual and audio. Next is the task analysis related to the
materials in interactive multimedia and can be done in groups or individuals. After that is a concept
analysis that aims to identify the main material in learning and arranging it systematically to be
developed in interactive multimedia. And the last in this stage is the analysis of learning objectives
that have a goal to determine competence and indicators of learning achievement that must be
achieved by students.
In the second stage of the design stage of the researcher to determine the interactive
multimedia design. Researchers determine the use of Microsoft Office Powerpoint as an application
ISSN: 2411-5681

in making interactive multimedia. The design of interactive multimedia learning media consists of
Core Competence and Basic Competence of the presented materials, indicators, materials, practice
questions and evaluation. Then, the researchers chose the right media in presenting the material in
the form of images, text, audio or video that will be displayed in the media as a multimedia
learning. In this stage, the researcher also prepares an instrument of questionnaire to test the
validation of material/content expert and design/media expert.
The third stage after the definition and design stage is the development stage. This stage
begins with the creation of a multimedia product storyboard. Then, it is continued with the
production stage of interactive multimedia development. Further, there is an assessment by media
expert and material expert on instructional media that have been designed. For the trial of product
development is conducted through individual trial, small group trial and field trial. The results of
validation of the experts and development trials used by researchers to make interactive multimedia
revisions to conform to the specifications that have been set.
The fourth or final stage is the distribution stage. And because of the limited time,
researchers do not perform this stage and only perform until the third stage, that is the development
stage of multimedia interactive product.
In the development results of interactive multimedia product, the researchers will present the
validation results of the material/content expert, media/design expert, individual test result, small
group trial result and field trial result. Researchers will describe it in accordance with the sequence
in accordance with the data obtained. The validation was performed by a material/content expert
and one Natural Science teacher in MTsN 1 Surabaya. Assessment instrument that was used was in
the form of questionnaires.
This interactive multimedia in validation test by the content/material expert on display
aspect gave the assessment with 92% percentage with excellent qualifications so that the developed
media need not be revised. As the linguistic aspect of the content/material expert gave an
assessment with a percentage of 88% with good qualification. For overall multimedia-based
interactive learning media, the content/material expert provided 91% assessment with excellent
qualifications. While the assessment by peers stated that on the display aspect showed 84%
percentage and good qualification. While in linguistic aspect gave assessment with percentage of
90% with excelent qualifications. Overall assessment results by peers on interactive multimedia had
the percentage of 86% with good qualifications so that it needed to be revised as necessary only.

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No. 1 January 2019

The results of this interactive multimedia validation by media/design experts obtained the
results of the assessment on the aspect of the display with a percentage of 92% with excellent
qualifications, the Interactive aspect provided an assessment with a percentage of 96% with
excellent qualifications while on the aspect of usefulness provides assessment with 100%
percentage with excellent qualifications. The overall aspects of the display, interactive, and
usefulness, the media expert provided an assessment with a percentage of 96% and excellent
qualifications, so it did not need to be revised.
Furthermore, Individual Trial conducted on three 8th grade students of MTsN 1 Surabaya
City with different abilities that is lower average, average and higher average. From the results of
this test, it was obtained the data for general display aspect assessment of natural science learning
media by using interactive multimedia showed a percentage 93% with excellent qualifications, for
display aspect of visual or images on each slide power point, the percentage was 80% with good
qualifications, for the display aspect of text (Font) on each slide or display on the natural science
Multimedia-based interactive learning media, it was obtained a percentage of 87% with Good
qualifications, the aspect of content assessment presented through this multimedia helped to
improve understanding of what materials to be learned obtained 87% with good qualifications, the
aspect of material clarity assessment on each slide or display on natural science multimedia-based
interactive learning media got the value of 80% with the Good qualification, the aspect of clarity
assessment exercise on the learning media IPA based interactive multimedia obtained value 80%
with good qualification, aspect of clarity assessment of the audio display obtained 87% with good
qualification, the aspect of assessment on the existence of feedback (exercise questions and
answers), whether it helped to improve your understanding in learning materials of this natural
science obtained a percentage of 80% with good qualifications, aspect of assessment on the order of
presentation of natural science materials that was presented through multimedia-based interactive
learning media obtained 87% with good qualifications and aspect of the assessment on the structure
of natural science materials presentation through multimedia-based learning media that was used as
a learning strategy by educators to facilitate in learning obtained a percentage of 87% with good
qualifications. Overall, questionnaire results on individual trial obtained percentage value of 85%
with good qualifications so that researchers needed to revise as necessary.
For the small group trial consisted of nine stuadents of grade 8 E of MTsN 1 Surabaya City
with various capabilities. From the results of this test, it was obtained the data for general display
aspect assessment of natural science learning media by using interactive multimedia showed a
ISSN: 2411-5681

percentage of 76% with Excellent qualifications, for display aspect of visual or images on each slide
power point showed the percentage of 80% with good qualifications, for display aspect of the text
(Font) on each slide or display on the natural science Multimedia-based interactive media learning
obtained percentage of 80% with good qualifications, the aspect of content assessment presented
through this multimedia helps improve understanding of what materials to be learned obtained the
percentage of 86% with good qualifications , the aspect of material clarity assessment on each slide
or display on natural science multimedia-based interactive learning media got the percentage of
76% with the Good qualifications, the aspect of materials clarity assessment on the natural science
multimedia based interactive learning media obtained the value of 80% with good qualifications,
aspect of the assessment on clarity of the audio display obtained 76% with good qualifications, the
aspect of assessment on the existence of feedback (exercise questions and answers), whether it
helped to improve your understanding in learning materials of this natural science obtained value of
86% with good qualifications, aspect of the assessment on the presentation sequence of natural
science materials presented through multimedia-based interactive learning media obtained a value
of 78% with good qualifications and aspect of assessment on the structure of natural science
material presentation through multimedia-based learning media used as a learning strategy by
educators to facilitate in learning obtained the value of 78% with Good qualifications. Overall, the
questionnaire result on small group trial obtained the percentage of 80% with good qualifications so
it needed to be revised as necessary.
While for Field Trial, it was conducted on 8 D grade students of MTsN 1 Surabaya City
with 31 persons who had ability comparable with students in small group trial. From the results of
the test, it was obtained data for the assessment of the general display aspect on natural science
learning media by using interactive multimedia showed a percentage of 90% with excellent
qualifications, for display aspect of visual or images on each slide power point showed the
percentage of 83% with good qualifications, for the display aspect of text (Font) on each slide or
display on the natural science learning media based Multimedia interactive this percentage obtained
79% with good qualifications, aspect of content assessment presented through this multimedia
helped improve understanding of what materials to be learned obtained the value of 86% with good
qualifications , the aspect of material clarity assessment on each slide or display on natural science
learning media based on interactive multimedia got the value of 85% with Good qualifications,
aspect of clarity assessment for the exercise questions on natural science learning media based on
interactive multimedia obtained value of 88% with good qualifications, an assessment of the
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No. 1 January 2019

existence of feedback (exercise questions and answers), whether it helped to improve your
understanding in learning materials of this natural science obtained the value of 85 % with good
qualifications, aspect of the assessment on presentation sequence of natural science materials
presented through multimedia-based interactive learning media obtained the value of 87% with
good qualifications and aspect of assessment on the structure of natural science materials
presentation through multimedia-based learning media used as a learning strategy by educators to
facilitate in learning obtained the value of 82% with good qualifications. Overall, the questionnaire
result on field trial got the percentage value of 85% with good qualifications so it needed to be
revised as necessary.
The revision of interactive multimedia development product was based on the input and
suggestions by material/content expert, design/media expert and trials whether individual trials to
field trials.

4. Conclusion and Suggestion

Based on the identification of the problem, the results of data analysis and discussion in this
study, then the conclusion that can be taken as follows:.
First, that the development of interactive multimedia products is through several stages in
accordance with 4D development model that is the definition stage, the design stage, the
development stage and the dissemination stages. However, due to limited time, researchers only use
the first three stages only. Multimedia is designed in a simple manner that aims to facilitate students
in operating it. The menus used are available consistently at a point so it does not make the students
confused. Selection of media used in accordance with the characteristics of 8th grade students of
MTsN 1 Surabaya City.
Second, interactive multimedia for natural science subject in MTsN 1 Surabaya City has
been produced from the development product in this research and feasible to wear. This is
evidenced by the validation results by the material/content expert and media/design expert. Also,
the results of individual trial, small group trial and field trial.
While the suggestion and input obtained from the Test by Experts and trials in this process is
that the researchers shall make improvements on several things including the following: 1) reducing
the writing with too many sentences without reducing the meaning or cutting the material, 2) audio
media for some for some slides should be redesigned, 3) using more variation in using letters and
fonts, 4) background design on display of the multimedia-based interactive media, 5) evaluation
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questions should be packaged in problem-based form, 6) timing in learning activities with

multimedia-based interactive media, 7) interesting images and 8) more interesting slide display

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